Cancelled Games

How impressive does this look for 1995?

Looks good.

Those animations are smooth as fuck.

It's very solid! It's hard to believe it's from 95 since this graphics was mostly arround in the early 2000's.

Some people from this team founded Starbreeze Studios (Enclave, Chronicles of Riddick, The Darkness).

I'd play it.

Looks like the Crysis of '95

That demo group sounds familiar but I don't remember where from.

It's a scripted tech demo, of course it's going to have good animations fam.

user… this was from 2001.

Bungie originally wanted the first Halo to almost be an open world game where you could traverse most of the Halo. Unfortunately their purchase by Microsoft scrapped that.

I'm pretty sure 99/2001 was peak ps1.

PS2 came out 2000, gaylord.

Looks pretty nice. Better than Quake, which came out a year later.
Or bout the same

pls stop spamming

fuck off


I'll be honest, OP, I have a hard time believing you. That looks easily 2002.

I am grateful that one wasn't released.

it's the same plot as shadow of mordor, so yeah it was released

Well they are a good studio.

This… is the power… of the PC…

It looks way better than Quake.

