World of Warcraft or Oldschool Runescape

Judging by current retail standards - which game is better?

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a pile of dog shit is better


Yeah, I know.

But I want to get hooked on an MMO for the month of September and both of these games have always been comfy.

Just play a single player grinding simulator.
OSRS is cucked beyond belief and WoW is WoW.


The one you liked more. If you liked WoW in the past, then there's no way to convince you that RS is better even if you claim to have an open mind.

The best way to have fun with OSRS is to play an iron man character, you won't be able to abuse the fucked up economy to solve all your problems, and you have to do very different kind of things since you have to obtain everything yourself.

Play FFXIV or buy a pistol and a single bullet because those are the only options you have left.

What is the difference between oldschool and newschool runescape?

Oldschool Runescape is Runescape where 12 year olds vote what features get in.

Runescape 3 is Runescape if it was made by people who hate Runescape and have WoW posters on their bedroom wall.

The first half a year of OSRS in 2013 was great.

It felt like RS2 in 2007.

Now because of the player voting, it feels like RS2 getting messed up all over again just in a different timeline.

Pretty much.
I'm probably going back to WoW.

OSRS is the one where they have gay pride parade events
RS3 is a gay pride parade 24/7

why not just do drugs?

Winners don't do drugs.

WoW Legion is for braindeads and hyper casual gamers. There are very little raiding guilds that play more than 6-9 hours a week. And the ones that play more have stupidly high requirements. PvP is near dead, and just not fun they really screwed up pvp in legion and wod it's absolutely horrid.

Idk playing 8 hours a week or less isn't very appealing for a game that has a subscription cost of 13 euro a month on top of needing to buy the game (and a new expansion).

Now onto runescape: OSRS is quite decent from what I heard of it but come on its runescape a game with graphics that are 20 years old and has no real gameplay except clicking trees.

Pick one.

Wow dude.

Runescape before Jagex got bought out was infinitely better WoW. WoW is a piece of shit that permanently ruined the entire MMO genre. OSRS was cool, but I haven't played since they added the GE. Adding the GE was fucking stupid.


Play as an ironman. It bans you from the using the GE.

Runescape 2 up until 2005 was great.
In 2006 they started in with the shitty updates.

First it was Pest Control to test the grounds to see how they could push the graphics.
The mini-game itself was alright but the graphic change in the enemy NPC models looked horrible.

The positive feedback on Pest Control led them to remodeling a lot of the NPC models.
They thought this is what the players wanted, when in reality this was simply killing future nostalgia.

Construction came out in May 2006 and was the only good major update that year, this should have been the final skill added.

Hunter came out in November 2006 and while a lot of people enjoy Hunter it should have never been added.
If they were going to add any skills after Construction, it should have been sailing to supplement the lack of mounts/fast travel.
Sailing could have been another money sink skill - which is always great for the economy.

In November 2007, the GE removed the need for bank stand merchanting or going on the forums to sell, buy and trade items.
Then finally in December 2007, as an early Christmas gift, they killed PKing.
The 10th anniversary of Runescape 2's death approaches.

Runescape 2

Oldschool Runescape (Frankenstein Monster of RS2)

RuneScape Historical Timeline 1998 - 2015

and if it wasn't for construction getting added, we would have never had the falador massacre of 6/6/06. such a great day.

also, grand exchange did nothing wrong, fuck you. the best days were when people still stood in banks trading, and when people didn't have the shit you needed, or couldn't get a good deal, you could rely on the GE as a good backup. more or less, this is still the case, only they all hoard around the GE itself, and banks are literally only used for banking.

I played in 2006 and there was hardly any Pk'ing. There is a shit ton of Pk'ing nowadays as it's actually profitable if you do it well.

Back then you just did it for sport.

>replacing geniune player interaction with a casual as fuck ATM machine


What's even there to trade?

Actually nevermind, I forgot mith equipment and up were a thing.

Pick one.

This is one of those questions that, when asked if you had a gun to your head, which would you choose, you should answer that they pull the trigger.

Stop exaggerating you fucking retard

I started playing RS2 during beta, the GE felt out of place.
The game wasn't about saving time and maxing out until the GE got put in.

Well, you're full of shit.

Community? Warcraft.
Everything else? Runescape.

Been playing Elysium and I am firm in my assertion that old RS actually tops WoW entirely. Wow is alright, but I watched a video on the problems with vanilla and they're correct, respawn, quest distribution, and grinding aren't all that fun as you'd want them to be.

I'd rather play with the people on OSRS.

hey if some nigga party's up with you to achive a common goal, communicates with emotes and isn't a futafuckfag he's fine in my book.

I've no idea what to make of those huge guild congregations though, look like swarms of locusts.

You are pathetic, please don't stain comfy OSRS with your need for addiction.

All of the good MMOs are dead, user. Everquest is fucking dead. Dark Age of Camelot is fucking dead. Ultima Online is fucking dead. Everything that was once good is fucking dead and has been replaced by shit.

I resubbed to WoW but I'm listening to OSRS podcasts.

And I will be staining OSRS for the last time when the mobile version comes out.

Looking forward to the Al Kharid Duel Arena.

UO PVP was great, I caught the tale end of that game.

While there was definitely changes I didn't like, I thought the updates were still overall good up until around 2010. That's when it felt like it really started going downhill.

Nigga what? Teleport spells/tabs, enchanted jewelry, and fairy rings are all fast travel.

I enjoyed trade worlds, it was one of my favorite parts of the game. Even then there was plenty of other things you could do. There was the OS Buddy market that worked just fine, but needed actual interaction with people. You could use the forums, too. The GE is cancer.

Who the fuck played F2P Runescape? That's literally just a demo of the game.