• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later; • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags; • Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.html
Make sure you strengthened everything, user. Be safe.
Blake Mitchell
#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news: In the process of organizing and adding more info Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence
News: >Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge >Tokyo Game Show this month!!! (Aug.21-24.17)
Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add more) >Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 ) ~~
SPREAD THIS: pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer. nyaa.pantsu.cat/ sukebei.pantsu.cat/
We're not getting anything done anymore, the whole board makes fun of our thread, why do we even go on, we lost, it's time to #CloseTheGate
Joseph Price
I don't think there really is a 'consensus' here other than DACA was unconstitutional and Liberals are delusional about it.
In my opinion, it's unquestionable that you can't constitutionally enact DACA as an executive order. But since it is already in effect, that makes the question of revoking it trickier than simply removing it right away. The ideal option would be that the president would revoke the executive order in conjunction with Congress agreeing to a legislative solution. This isn't going to happen. The reason is there is bitter disagreement about what immigration reform should entail and what other immigration issues should come first. Democrats aren't helping us get anywhere either, since they tend to argue every point with an epithet of some kind.
So, once the "ideal option" is removed from the table then – surprise surprise – the next best option (just revoke DACA outright) isn't perfect. It does make legislative action more likely, but I think the probability of getting a fair solution is still very low with the way Democrats see the world.
To explain, there is very bad history on this subject that makes the compassionate proposals ("enact something nice now to address dreamers, worry about broader issue later") far weaker to me: the government has tried giving amnesty to illegals before as part of a compromise to secure the border, enforce the laws as written and prevent a mess like this from happening again. This happened in the 80s, but the illegals were granted amnesty and the border+enforcement problem was never fixed. It would be stupid to allow this to happen again.
So DACA recipients could very possibly go back to being subject to deportation when their work permits expire. Their parents are largely to blame if it does happen, not the government. You wouldn't fault a landlord for evicting a child when the parents don't pay the rent. Illegals aren't deported with any real urgency anyway (AFAIK), there's just so many of them and our culture looks the other way… if your brother's friend doesn't commit major crimes then he has a far higher chance of staying than the world perhaps 'owes' him.
ok but I just made pic related from couldn't match the text but it's close enough
Juan Nguyen
Hi Nami. Bye Nami. Get the fuck outta here!
Evan Thomas
Jeremiah Ramirez
Joshua Foster
Are there any declassified papers(translated to English of course) to corroborate those claims?! If that have some empirical evidences, we could rewrite the history for what it is really about!
So Hitler didn't even plan on exterminating the jews? Just throwing them in prison/labor camps but ultimately had no choice once he had to put the needs of the German people first?
Julian Morgan
I hate kikes.
Isaiah Foster
Me too, user. Me too.
Sebastian Cruz
Hitler wanted to teach the jews hard labor and then kick them out out of Germany completely. There was never a genocide at all.
William Williams
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
David Ross
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse ☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2" ☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm ☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone ☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games ☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him ☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny ☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis ☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook ☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community ☑ Became Linkedredchannitin ☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs ☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file ☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done ☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons ☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible ☑ Revealed international culinary secrets ☑ Convinced an user into becoming a trap ☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA ☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot ☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough ☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness ☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by ☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards" ☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB ☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu ☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system ☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan' ☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it ☑ Having a girl fetish ☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb ☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality ☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5 ☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist ☑ Created Gamergate America ☑ Became starmen ☑ Brought misogyny into E3 ☑ Turned Mario Mexican ☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles ☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid ☑ Blowing everything up
Wyatt Ross
Sounds a lot more believable than the jewish bullcrap I was fed as a kid over the years. But I would like more facts to back that up though.
Jaxon Thompson
Closest thing I have is this.
Zachary Lopez
Sure, Hitler's War is a good place to start. Hoax of 20th Century is a good start on the holocaust lie, as is the Leuchter Report.
Jacob Thompson
Great job, user. Hope people can make more of these! This can be used as a weapon to shame these feminists who are bent in redefining the meaning of beauty. Video game equivalent of this OC will be awesome too!
Ayden Baker
I've been gone for a week, is there any progress on the memeteor?
Also, I made this post on HQ. GG Moving Forward: It's no lie to say GG became focused on journalism. While that is good, they are the symptom of a bigger problem- a crooked industry (made by a crooked society, but one step at a time). As Journo reputations are now trash- is now the time to focus on anti-Consumer practices (like Mania hammering in Denuvo and giving out a game to prevent refunds, or the smartphone-tier jewery of chests in the new shadow of mordor game)? Journos bad rep means they can't defend it as easily. OR, do we keep focusing on Journos, so that we can encourage more good journos to join in the fight against the industry itself later? OR- everyone do their own thing?
Pro: Shows our enemies as mad when they complain about it. Con: Why do we need to focus on PR? Why do we need to focus on any non-industry related thing? Also, we need money to keep 8ch, Archive.is and the like alive.
Josiah Wilson
A friend of mine that posts on 4chan has a girlfriend that also posts on 4chan. He's literally dating a femanon. Kinda cute too. We get about 130 unique IDs per thread, are any of you femanons? Do we have any ara aras?
I have another question but I'll wait till the end of the thread, if I'm still awake.
Asher Ward
Will add it on my currently bread template. Thanks, user!
Here's a video of Alex Jones interviewing Candace Owens about her experiences with Zoe Quinn and the hypocrisy of YouTube and other sites censorship policies.
Asher Bailey
Not even surprised. Ignore 5682f6 and 866ad9 unless they're on topic. And Focus
Samuel Wright
Are you not bored with that blackpill yet?
On end of war, majority of roads and bridges were destroyed so supply was sparse. Also Germany didn't have much oil left.
No, but there is hurricane in Puerto Rico and it's going to Florida. There were few fires in US too.
Robert Thomas
Well I wonder why someone would feed people and let them do hard labor for cash so that they can buy stuff at said camps and then gas them and then burn them (the most ineffective way of getting rid someone by the way) instead of letting them work to death and burry the corpses. I also wonder why it is illegal in 16 countries in Europe to question said holocaust. I also wonder why it is basically the only thing kids get taught in school when it comes to history.
Thanks man. You should also emphasize never to copy directly. When I did it, I rearranged the list, and spoke about the Verge first for example. I linked to my own pastebin with all the evidence, you may be better off reporting 1 or 2 of the offending articles (as the form has a character limit of 5000 IIRC).
Joseph Rodriguez
Im a girl
Kayden Richardson
Hmmm…maybe Marche is a girl…
Parker Reed
Even if Marche is a girl, it is still a furry.
Sebastian Gonzalez
I wouldn't date a femanon. Does anyone have part 2 that played out on /argentina/?
This doesn't really surprise me but it's very welcoming news confirming what I've believed for years now. Fuck this whole thing is ridiculously fucked. Even the jews hate the jews for being corrupted liberal fuckwads that spread lies and communism. I really felt like I grew more today with information like this. Holla Forums is still a pretty ridiculously retarded place though. Even if they share my belief that the jewish people are evil liars that corrupt themselves, their religion, and other religions of the world.
Supposedly a wildfire in Oregon was started by a 15 year old. Hope the bastard gets caught and jailed. Unpreventable acts of nature are a tragedy. But when it's something directly caused by a person's actions then it's unforgivably horrid.
Jordan Bailey
Being white pilled is a lot more fun. This time last year I was drowning in depression and self defeat. But I've let go of a lot of my concerns, totally checked out of twitter, rarely check facebook. An user here made a post a long time ago about being able to laugh, to live well to defeat your enemies or some such shit. I've taken that to heart. I'm a lot happier now.
I also wonder why Churchill and other big people never spoke about the holocaust in their memoirs. I also wonder why the holocaust story started to form during the years when TV became a big thing. I also wonder why people where never allowed to dig on sites where millions upon millions of bodies are said to be dumped. I also wonder why they used zyklon-b a substance that can't even kill someone after 12 hours in a properly made gas chamber. I also wonder why I was taught at school that 6 millions jews where gassed, then 4 million and even 20 million once. I always wonder why Hitler would spend resources on importing jews from all over the world because Europe only had around 4~ million jews. I also wonder why the Germans wouldn't just kill them right away to save cash and time because the German people themselves managed to build up Germany quite well when the camps weren't a thing. I also wonder why jews could leave Germany in the first place even when Hitler was in power. I also wonder why 150K soldiers in Hitlers Army where know to be from jewish origin.
We all are on the internet.
Sure I browse Holla Forums quite a lot but I don't agree with everything. I'm just there to dig my way through the lies about WW2 and to learn some stuff about the esoteric side of things and especially about Hitler, he's quite a genius figure. Plus I think Holla Forums can be funny as fuck in a good way. But I started to hate jews because of all the dealings and contacts I had to make with jews for business, what Hitler said about them in Mein Kampf turned out to be a 100% true to me.
It is my believe that Hitler was way too kind towards his enemies. He waited out too long when Brittian was bombing them, way too kind when Poland was killing Germans and way to kind against the jews.
Nolan Baker
This is why i avoid weebs, even though im a massive one myself.
Nathan Rivera
Mombot often lurks the threads, and there were a few times last month where she made post screencaps / revealed she was here. It made sense in-context to do so, IIRC.
Benjamin Martin
do you think mombot is creeped out by all the ara posting?
Gavin Fisher
It gets her wetter than a jewish that sees a bar of gold.
Austin Parker
Jesus Christ, how dumb people are? there has never even been 20 gorillion jews alive
Landon Sanders
Before I checked out of twitter it had come out that 9volt has a foot fetish. He was DMing with mombot and accused her of posting fake vacation photos. She reveled that last year she posted photos from the same place or something, but her feet were in the photos and she got a lot of foot fetish shit because of it. 9volt went nuts over her feet. Shit was funny.
David Miller
There were before Hitler personally gassed them all.
Adam Clark
That was fake and if you faggots believe the "I am mombot" posts in here you are retarded as well
Alexander James
Day by day I start thinking Hitler was a beautiful soul who just wanted to do what was best for his people. But the world and history itself will paint him as heartless monster. While turning the german people into selfhating pussies that would allow their own government to replace them with barbarians that want to slaughter them all.
I hope Mombot has a good day.
Luke Richardson
Cooper Howard
Some of you guys are alright, don't log on Twitter tomorrow archive.is/BWbLo
Samuel Myers
The term "re-education" horrifies me.
Christopher Baker
I want to link John Cena's "babyface" theme song here to reply on this screencap, but I won't.
Charles Taylor
The genocide crusade begins here
William Nguyen
Anita got away with insulting someone live on stage, those wankers can get away with everything.
David Nelson
Prove it was fake.
Joshua Barnes
The jew lie so much that it can't have a proper basis. They make their lies on completely nonsense.
You should read the books Leon Degrelle wrote about Hitler. That will give you a good idea of who Hitler was. The Enigma of Adolf Hitler is also a good introduction to his works. Hitler loved Germany and the European people, it is that simple.
Lincoln Cruz
She did post screencaps on twitter though. If I remember it right she had a (You).
To be struck down by my meteor.
No shit. It means you have self-preservation instinct still working.
Not for very long.
Colton Edwards
well they have to create a buzz to later say "buy my book"
John Perez
I need help finding a new nickname/online alias. My previous one I used is now linked with my real name. Preferably something short (4-5 letters) that doesn't mean anything. Does anyone know some good (short) nickname generator?
Luis Harris
Use "OwO"
Nathan Peterson
And then later on mombot revealed she faked it all to prove some point, I accidentally replied to the faggot trying to derail. Dont fall for his shit
>I also wonder why I was taught at school that 6 millions jews where gassed, then 4 million and even 20 million once They have started talking now about the majority was not gassed (because the number of confirmed dead in camps keep shrinking) and now they were just shot and buried in the woods in eastern europe.
Ian Hughes
Nevermind it, then.
Joseph Campbell
That's a thing? I thought that was just a South Park gag.
Robert Smith
Just name yourself after some random disease, injury or condition. That works decently enough.
>Then how do they know how many were killed? It's always six million. You can't disprove what you can't find :^) It's also illegal to try and disprove it :^)**
Connor Flores
Nicholas Wright
My niece who is a bit redpilled and way younger than me told she was taught that 25 different groups of people where selectively killed or some shit but she didn't get told all the groups, she got only taught about jews and faggots according to her. When I was in school it was kikes, blacks (good luck finding those in Germany at the time), gays and cripples.
Also Gee I wonder why.
Sadly, yes.
No no goy, searching for those corpses would be really disrespectful.
Cooper Cruz
very good
Jose Johnson
Hope you fucking die along with other summerchatfags.
Colton Taylor
My dad's in Florida.
Is he going to die?
James Howard
A fair few good people in history get painted as villains or fools. That or they get fucked over because they do something that is actually smart or clever, but historians twist it because they hate them.
I wish I had a cap of the New York Times article prior to WWII accusing Hitler of killing six million Jews.
Julian Price
They don't know at all. For over 5 years, I just assumed they are just lying.
Hunter Jackson
If he's near the cost make sure he has an evacuation plan.
He went down to the coast because a relative died.
He's wheelchair-bound.
I gotta make a call.
Thomas Hernandez
Remember to report Microsoft+Brad Smith ( archive.is/H4hUa ) and Apple+Tim Cook ( archive.is/O1bDf ) to ICE for knowingly hiring illegal aliens and social security fraud (either not paying employer match or knowingly allowing use of stolen numbers).
why did user divided? why kia, voat, revolt, gghq, twitter, facebook, youtube, livestream?
Brody Wilson
Aoba belongs to Holla Forums
Benjamin Walker
Judging by that pic she belongs to everyone.
Make sure he get's out before the storm hits.
Jaxson Morales
Elijah Ward
We should have listened to Shia ;_;
Noah Evans
Jason Perry
Is there a proper archive of all these lists? If not, you should make one kind user.
Cooper Rodriguez
Parker Walker
KiA aren't anons, they are ledditors. Voat are normalfags, but better kind than redditors. Revolt are bunch of autistic screeching sjw-lites/goons on Cancerchan. GGHQ was main board before revolt became a thing. Twitter is main base of sjw faggots. Facebook main normalfag website. Full of alphabet soup agents everywhere. Youtube and livestream. Bunch of e-celebs that no user should give a crap about, unless they say something smart or go drink socjus kool-aid.
That looks like great weather to go skinny dipping in. May the Lord help those anons caught in the storm.
I think we're past that point now.
Oliver Peterson
Wew, it's gonna happen!
Aaron Lopez
If they really were illegals who enrolled themselves under DACA, then they would have had work permits.
Leo Thompson
Charles Wright
cultural appropriation needs to die
Hudson Powell
Probably not, but why don't you fucking call him and tell him you're worried about him and hope he stays safe? He'll appreciate it and you'll never forgive yourself if he does die.
Lincoln Wood
Zachary Bailey
oh wait the guy isn't a dev he's another venturebeat journo
Isaac Peterson
Why are people bullying those poor, fragile, helpless journos just because they're lying cunts who suck at their jobs? Have you no heart user?
Josiah Cooper
this shit is fantastic, it's just Dean and his lackey talking non-stop
Trips confirm, the dev doesn't even need to be there, it's just some PR shit to show how cool and close Dean is to the Cokehead devs.
Ryan Morris
(checked) I love all the little ways they find to avoid mentioning us by name.
Cooper Perry
also: >>>/polarchive/7
Owen Ross
Who could they be talking about?
Jose Martin
Poor resolution. But whatever.
Aaron Long
Are the cuphead devs in it? Are they cucks?
Ian Taylor
Jordan White
it's one guy only and he's basically answering yes and no when they directly question him about his game while Dean's friend suck his dick and tell what great journo he is
Eli Thomas
That's from steins gate, the blood is an edit. She is actually a very sweet girl
William Murphy
WE ALL KNOW IT WAS FAKE YOU DINGBATS Share it with others, and focus on GG in this thread!
Jayden Perry
They're really going to tear Team Meat a new one over their unfathomably difficult tutorial levels! I can't wait for those shitlords to learn the importance of immersion and story over forcing the player to do stupid things like press two buttons at the same time or to move while attacking. It's clearly more important that the player experience your game than actually play it.
Jaxson Green
I want to compile a "big binder of holocaust fun" that contains documents, sources, and articles disproving all the evidence that the holocaust happened. I could make copies and distribute them so people could have something to use when arguing against a jew.
Mason Brown
But do they have socials?
Leo Peterson
So they are going to dumb it down?
Jose Diaz
So can they apply to become legal immigrants/for citizenship in the meantime until March next year?
Daniel Williams
Pretty much.
Dylan Smith
What. Anyway, that makes her look like a lich or the King of Rohan when he was under the influence of Saruman.
Kayden Howard
She looks like ayy lmao on that image.
Jaxon Thomas
Yes, when a DACA student attains their I-766, they can also apply for a SSN. The shit is fucking criminal
Carson Evans
As far as I understand it, part of our process to become a legal immigrant requires going back to your home country, and waiting for the bureaucracy. That's why most don't do it.
Bentley Smith
Those training are primarily for young dindus for dodging community services. They pack a dozen dindus in a class and they can talk to cops. That's it. The whole blogpost is pure disinfo anyway. The decree is about non-public places. They are defined as workplace and school. It's not your private conversations. There is nothing about informants either.
Cooper Kelly
These same people would lose their shit if they got the wrong order and mcdonalds.
Alexander Roberts
You're not even wrong about that.
Chase Turner
I was thinking it made her look like Cruella de Vil.
Camden Adams
They keep saying people should be employed as game journalists even if they can't do their jobs and mock people for saying you have to be competent, but the second someone is bad at their jobs at Mcdonalds of all places, they lose their shit. Hell, that lady was doing her job well, you cant give out refills at a drive through because people will take out cups from the garbage and get free drinks that way.
Carson Adams
Is it just me or does that "metaphor" make no fucking sense? It's seems totally nonsensical to me. And blob is hilarious, he ridicules people that are better than him at videogames. That's what he's saying. It's that simple. God he's such a fucking lolcow
Colton Allen
Exactly, it's McDonalds policy. She did exactly what she's supposed to do. I'm imagining a fucking punk in a suit and slicked hair shoving his phone in her face harassing her, while making a scene. Fucking journalist are the worst scum of humanity I swear.
Ryan Morales
It makes sense to him, apparently. If there's one thing I noticed on twatter, is that liberals don't value strength and skill while conservatives do.
Liam Adams
What really gets me is that a lot of these people, that asshole and Blob included, actually believe that the Blue Checkmark actually puts them in a higher class than the rest of the rabble.
Carter Myers
Movieblob everybody.
Justin Peterson
But Super Mario Bros 3 was the pinnacle of video games and no other game can ever top it!
Justin Williams
I'm trying to figure it out. It's something about games being like a magic trick, where if you know how it's done (e.g. learn to play and little tips how to do well), it ceases to be amazing. Then again, knowing how it's done and being able to pull it off (games and magic tricks) are completely at odds, since magicians need to not blow the trick.
Lincoln Lopez
It almost bothers me how there are walking breathing personifications of stereotypes.
Luke Peterson
What a Jew.
John Smith
I'm noticing the names in that pic. Arthur "It end tonight!" Chu, Graham Linehan, and the MovieBlob. It really is just a giant circlejerk of goons that all jerk each other off over how much they hate gamers. Which considering how diverse the videogame community is, means they hate diversity by extension, right?
Michael Thomas
Yeah, that's what gets me, crying to Corporate to get someone fired over 99 cents.
Ryan Walker
99 cents? How is two dollars not a noticeable amount of money? He should immediatly get refund on his ten bucks, and sue for thousands if he doesn't get his twenty dollars.
Brayden Flores
You just noticed it now?
Xavier Moore
I beat that game when I was 10. The only reason I played the SMB3 and World is because of the flying abilities (And, the frog suit). I always thought the Sonic games were a lot more fun.
Nathaniel Lopez
I know you're being facetious but >Comparing a 3D Action RPG to a 2D platformer It's not so much apples and oranges so much as it is steak and watermelon.
If I were to guess, he's whoever he's quoting is trying to diminish the value of being able to beat a game like Dark Souls as compared to whatever schlock he consumes by comparing the feat to a magic track, implying that only people who can do it are doing it by sleight of hand rather than by actually being good at the game, and by some degree of extension, video games in general.
Caleb Gutierrez
Does Antifa single out black people that disagree with them in the crowd? Of course they do, diversity of opinion is a cardinal sin.
Noah Baker
did he earn some backlash for that? What a fucking dickface. Also, why would you eat at McDonalds if you have a decent job? I don't even remember the last time I was at MC, probably 5 months ago or something like that. Spending thousands of dollars… what a faggot.
Hunter Collins
Someone should tell blob that SMB3 is the dark souls of super mario games.
Isaac King
Yeah, pretty much everyone called him a gigantic fucking faggot, and he pretty much responded with "well, you trolls don't have a Blue Checkmark."
I wonder if it would be the same if it was some woman posting it. She probably would get some backlash too considering people also made fun of that tire woman, but I assume a shitload of libtards would also support her.
Xavier Robinson
Thursday is my only real day off and I just found out I have to work it.
Charles Ward
user has job
Jaxson Watson
Remember; don't be fascists you stupid gamers!
Christian Thompson
What kind of a shit job do you have? I don't mind doing a little extra.
Andrew Price
too late
Owen Wilson
This is unironically exactly what happened to me except for the last couple of steps
He sounds like a cool dude to have a username like that.
Ryder Stewart
Good job publishers, you'll get others sued in place of her. I bet it was worth it.
John Morris
With that username he sounded like asian closet homo.
Michael Baker
Adam Butler
True, but I like to give myself inflammatory user names just for fun.
I'm not a fag, I just think it's funny.
Jeremiah Bailey
I don't know if you guys have been watching American Horror Story: trump season, but it's unintentionally hilarious.
A lesbian voted for Jill Stein and her girlfriend chewed her out for not voting for hillary, It's like TB all over again.
I don't recommend paying to watch it though, it's obviously antitrump propaganda, but It's like watching that law and order episode.
Easton Gomez
can't really virtue signal over LW anymore, now that she a litmus test for corruption for a company
Easton Cruz
How the hell are people selling new books for less than she is? Did they bought it just to virtue signal, didn't even touched it and are now reselling to minimize losses?
Interesting how so few mainstream sites (wired and the verge only) shilled for her, if we take in consideration the amount of support she seems to have
I couldnt even make it halfway through the 1st season and you're telling me this shit is in season 7 right now?
Andrew Sanchez
you know who is cute? This attached girl, forgot her name, but out of all the SJW's I saw, she is the cutest. ZQ is just a fat and ugly troll.
Thomas Perry
Why does the liberal own a gun? I thought the hated guns?
Xavier Brown
Now I know this is a joke.
To be fair, many people in the united states get labelled as sex offenders unjustly.
Probably all over the world too.
Jeremiah Bell
something something plastic surgery
Colton Perry
It's a neccesary evil because they live in trumps america now
Kevin Scott
Silly Trump suporter.
Only lesbian liberals should have guns. Didn't you learn anything from Life is Strange?
Carson Williams
A team of writers and editors and producers and actors had to greenlight this 8 fucking years my dudes, 8 fucking years The saddest part is people really were that fucking stressed out on election night over Trump. All because the media told them for months he was the next Adolf Hitler. The media needs to be fucking destroyed
Aiden Rogers
idk if she had plastic surgery done to her, but not even all the plastic surgery in the world could save her.
never played that game, is it as bad as I think it is?
Connor Thompson
Actions that can get you on the sexual offenders list range from raping children, to being arrested for peeing in public. The registry will make no distinction between these acts once you're on it.
Ryder Bell
Hi! Zoe's plastic surgeon and fit coach here; Thank you!
Jackson Turner
Owen Cooper
You poor poor soul has no idea
Sebastian Adams
Main character has to either save her town from a tornado or save the dumb cunt she's in a Stockholm syndrome relationship with. So, yes. It's as bad as you can imagine.
Asher Carter
Neither I did, but you probably saw the webm, right?
Not the necrophiliac one.
Exactly. How many lives were ruined for stupid lists like that? that is the only thing I might really slightly agree with stupid liberals, even if they are full pedophiles.
Samuel Cook
dunno, this seems to be more along the lines of the "every1 is dum except me" than being anti-trump propaganda. The protagonist is literally a dyke that screamed when trump won the election, and the villain is a guy that humped his tv.
Even that clip does the same thing: the clerk says cheesy cliches about finally having a leader in the white house and the woman is a condescending bitch.
the book is DOA, user. No one, and I mean no one, gives a fuck about LW. The only people buying it will be beta lords looking to virtue signal by posting a picture of it next to their harry potter and Neil degrasse tyson books. The best case scenario for her is that someone big shills it but beyond a class in some pozz'd college making required reading for a semester, it contains nothing of value or interest outside of proving that chelsea is not only a relentless attention-whore, but an untalented and dull one too.
Anthony Carter
Someone needs to do a fade out with a dark souls "you died" like that one other video
Jackson Martin
Its the hella amaze-balls game of the century
Matthew Martinez
My favorite part is how the "Evil trump Supporter" does everything AntiFA does, just against "the Good guys". Throws piss balloons at immigrants, for example.
Joshua Green
Oh… I thought it was a joke, but once again just just projecting into others their own shit.
John Ross
They genuinely watered down Trump winning to a bunch of halfchan users getting their opinions validated
This is real fucking life. Naw fuck all of Americas job issues in non liberal shitholes those rednecks don't matter right? Everyone who was against warlord Hillary winning for all the wrong reasons is just a halfchanner right?
My only hope is this was made by some old jews disconnected from reality who are close to retirement or will die soon and give way for people with common sense to take over
Oliver Rodriguez
I'm an overnight manager. I don't want to blogpost so I'll keep it short. I hate the job, but love my crew. I work with a trump supporter (the friend that uses 4chan and dates a femanon I mentioned earlier) and a really cute girl that plays vidya, but is dating a marine deployed overseas.
Ryder Johnson
Well, it was more anti-hillary than i expected. the trump supporter is a violent psychopath, while the hillary supporter is a whiny psychopath, but it seems more anti-trump than anything.
I love how he has blue hair and everything. He's literally a right leaning version of antifa. Even while trying to slam trump supporters they inadvertently out themselves as terrible people.
Mason Phillips
No, worse.
Logan Green
Julian Sanchez
For fuck's sake, I don't know if I should laugh of just be upset. This is projection 101, and any guy in a place of power humilliates a citizen doesn't deserve to be in power.
These are by far my least favorite memes. To imply or outright state that political opinions are a "slope" like that is not only wrong, it's stupid. Also I hate the bullshit term "Anti-SJW" nearly as much as I hate "Alt-Left". Being "Anti-SJW" just makes you a rational person, it's not an affiliation, anyone who isn't a retard is "Anti-SJW". Also it is entirely possible to be a White Nationalist, a Libertarian Atheist, and say "The Holocaust didn't happen, But I wish it did." All while not being a fascist, I should add.
Wyatt Jackson
Please stop its starting to hurt
Brandon Flores
This is just utterly ridiculous. It's sad that people are this brainwashed that an elective official like Donald Trump is somehow the scariest thing to happen in their lives to the point that they wanna make it a plot point in a horror show of witches and other supernatural darkness. Is this all just an effect of (((them))) being so scared of the idea of people waking up to the truth of the world that they have to quadruple down on the propaganda on all fronts?
I should be laughing too, but I'm getting upset for this shit because I can't really get what they were really trying to say.
Hudson Nguyen
it's so on-the-nose I don't even know what to say anymore but considering how ham-fistedly irreverent AHS always tried to be who knows man
Cooper Torres
David Wright
>but is dating a marine deployed overseas. It's his fault for dating women while deployed.
Carter Walker
Thats some great satire.
Aaron Cox
Anthony Ward
guess this guy mistook em for tumblr
Julian Rivera
It's a documentary
Luke Jackson
Its easy to say that laws must be enforced, but these are kids and young adults we're talking about here; its not so easy when you know good people who are going to devastated once it happens. I want there to be a better solution, blaming the parents doesn't do jack shit for me. They did wrong, and they should have been deported. Deporting DACA kids though…I dunno how I feel about that. Again its easy to say that things would likely be better for it, its just too hard when you know someone who's been affected by it. I can't bring myself to fully support the solution of "deport every illegal". Most, maybe, but I can't say "all" in good conscience, as for many of them, especially the ones who crossed or were smuggled over the border as children, or were born in the US from an illegal family, its punishing the sons an daughters for the sins of the fathers and mothers. That's not right, in my opinion.
I'm the exact opposite, I want to see more of this. Fuck, I'd love it if Holla Forums streams this.
Adrian Garcia
Okay, now I'm starting to think this shit's nothing but copy-pasting PR releases.
Ethan Edwards
Grayson Diaz
holy shit what is this?
Cameron Green
They either lack self-awareness at an alarming level or this is one of the greatest parodies of all time Don't get pregnant Naw this is a parody, there's no way this isn't
Luis Evans
Hudson Perry
Ayden Barnes
Canadian Comedy Allegory
John Diaz
it should be titled "this is what a Canadian actually believes"
Blake Sullivan
It's just so bad that it's difficult to tell if it's parody or not. Not even hyperbole here. I just don't know what to think of this. I really want to see more though
Kevin Gonzalez
For real though, Check out the new season of American Horror Story, it's just…. brilliant.
Luis Robinson
is she supposed to be canadian? or the person she's speaking with?
Evan Green
I've got to watch this, because it really seems like it might just turn around at the end and shit on liberals. Even if it doesn't, it looks so retarded it'll still be worth it
Michael Powell
isn't that series for 20-something to middle-age housewives?
Camden Martin
Where I live piracy is completely legal if I dont start selling it :^)
Juan Jenkins
Thomas Myers
I just found a player in a game I play one shall go unnamed He's one of the longest players in the game and founded the original star trek area and groups and everything. I haven't seen him in many years. I've had dealings with him in the past since I was into the star trek scene myself.
He's in a bunch of antifa groups and Hillary groups. His title says "fight facisim." It's so sad. If he can't see how antifa flies directly in the face of the fantasy world he's so obsessed with he must be a fool. It's amazing to me just how many supposedly principled people have fallen for that bullshit.
John Carter
Noah Murphy
This is an interesting interview. The guy seems to appreciate that games are not movies, and that game mechanics and game play are much more important than anything else. But he also likes playing shit like Dear Esther and other low effort 'games' seemingly because they're simple and anyone can 'play' them. Maybe he spends so much time working on games that the games he actually plays are so simple he can turn his brain off? Regardless of his shit, the points he makes about what makes Japanese games and culture so good are interesting.
Xavier Martin
Fuck the illegals. They could have had a chance to build up their lives in a country they were legal in, but they didnt. Its all their fault and i want them all gone. SERIOUSLY FUCK THE ILLEGAL BEANERS I HATE THEM ALL
Ryan Rivera
But nothing. Your other option is to leave the children to grow up without their parents in a foreign country which is far worse than shipping them back with their family to their home country, regardless of how shit that home country is. If you really must justify like the cuck you are, you can think of it this way: it must be done swiftly and completely and protections must be put in place to make it impossible to illegally immigrate or there will be more "horrors" like having to enforce the law again and again unending.
man this election was great.
Brayden Ross
this is hilarious
Caleb Morris
Holy shit this is perfect
Christian Kelly
Funny how delusive these people are. How was fear part of Trumps campaign? He was against war, he wanted to focus on rebuilding america, how is that in any way related to fear?
Michael Stewart
I guess you could say that they were Horrified.
Cameron Robinson
But how will you get an abortion now if you get pregnant?
Isaiah Stewart
Only thing that could have made it better.
Kayden Martin
Isaiah Cook
Okay after seeing this I'm even more convinced the show runners are trying to be "Ever1 is dum but me 'neutral'" because both sides are heavily stereotypical. The woman refusing to believe it until "Rachel Madow says it" or "do you need to do your cookie breathing?" Obviously blue haired guy is supposed to be "us" proving they don't get it at all but the Hilldog supporters are almost as big of cartoons themselves.
Can ICE just monitor all this virtue signalling on twitter and narrow down where to go to apprehend the illegals there?
Jace Cook
Oh user, thank you.
Cameron Robinson
Because they were told to fear and were conditioned to never question.
They don't think, they feel. None of these people's lives will be effected by the election or even any of the politics, hell, things might even improve for them.
But some, 50 percent possibly an undershoot, will not notice and will be convinced that this loss means bad things for everyone.
My family said there would be Nazi camps for jews and gays. That hasn't happened and obviously will not happen. And no matter how this plays out they'll still be idiots til the day they die. There's no medical cure for terminal stupidity.
Evan White
lel, how can people defend this? Even in this Archer show, which is imo rather left leaning, they were against illegal immigrants.
Jason Lee
Gotta protect those tax loopholes, huh?
Jack Smith
how is halfchan taking the show? Is there ane rare pepe onscreen?
Hunter Foster
Congratulations, you found a way to make Carlos even more insufferable.
Their kid is Chuckie from Rugrats?
Gabriel Cox
Asher Reyes
Holy shit I need to watch this!
Zachary Fisher
At the end of trumps presidency they will be patting themselves on the back for resisting and fighting trump and think they prevented the camps from happening.
Henry Gonzalez
Funny how they unironically said that. How can they not realize how retarded that shit is? I bet they know how stupid it is, they probably just try to subliminally give their viewers ideas.
Jayden Butler
And here I thought it was the whites that get to be the nazis.
Justin Foster
As I said here I'n not entirely sure that's the case. Trump is clearly being made to look worse, but the liberals are cartoons too.
Xavier Ramirez
i see what you did there, but that sums up the past 5 years, honestly.
Because the useful idiots wrote the show and not their handlers. Every clip is just acting out leftist memes and talking points with no subtlety whatsoever.
Jayden Green
So, Cthulu is riding the storm? Hell train?
Ryder Gutierrez
Isnt that just the storm alarm? Those can sound spooky as fuck
Seriously, it's been 3 fucking years. Who even gives a shit about her anymore?
Easton Thompson
It happened hours ago, user. All it did was fuck with radios for a while. Don't get your hopes up.
Jaxon Parker
Looks like the solar eclipse really did signal The End
Andrew Howard
I've often heard that the sound of a tornado is similar to a train (or a truck that's stuck in mud spinning its tires), so I assume that's what it is.
Brandon Ortiz
Jason Jackson
Guess those decades of subversion are gone too the wind now. Oh well.
Ayden Lee
all these people
why must you hurt me like this, user
Charles Powell
I don't wanna be alone in my sorrowful life.
Colton Parker
I just honestly am numb to it. It's always the same. Her book is promoted and reviewed by her close friends (who neglect to point out that they're friends with her and financially promoted and profit from sales), a bunch of her close friends put out articles neglecting to mention their relationship, and a bunch of other journalists pick up on it and push it, and a bunch of people who don't give a shit about video games complain for a bit and then forget while the people heavily invested in it complain and remember but ultimately don't change their minds. It's been 3 years of the exact same thing every single time she does anything public.
Christian Cruz
Holy shit.
Camden Brooks
those feels
Christian Barnes
y-you too
Samuel Ross
How many of these fucks were implicated in round one?
Leo Wood
The only one I ever heard from is Colin Campbell. Does anybody knows if he supports/supported her on Patreon? We can add the lack of disclosure to the FTC campaign
Josiah Butler
Don't you mean, the Beginning?
Ayden Green
Is there a "free" version of LW's book released somewhere ?
Oliver Ward
It's in this pic if you mean piracy I dont know.
Brandon Allen
>ubishit has a official account on funnyjunk
Logan Davis
only a very early draft which we are not 100% sure it's real archive.fo/YFft5
Carson Jackson
That would require someone to actually buy it, user.
Lincoln Russell
Where's your proof? I used to go on FJ. If this is true then it just proves that the site is falling harder and harder than it was when I was there.
Isaac Martin
Cooper Sullivan
>area >his title < a game I play *shall go unnamed*
This has to be Second Life, right?
Colton Rodriguez
I am already aware.
Sebastian Gutierrez
Still better than ledditors and goons. I used to go on FJ too.
Anthony Johnson
Can anyone recommend me a good Android video camera app? The default one I have shits out huge file sizes for mere seconds of video.
Xavier Morris
FunnyJunk isn't too bad for a cancerous me-me site tbh
Nicholas Ward
I'm beginning to think college was a mistake If only I was actually disabled enough to get disability.
Zachary Phillips
Shhhhh I haven't played it in over a year, but I've been dabbling with it. I was going to make a Vivian avatar but was told mentioning it would attract a lolcow. I'm seeing so much antifa and resistance shit, it's just sad. It seems everywhere has been corrupted.
Jack Cook
Oh, and they adjusted my mouse sensitivity but forgot to change it back. I'm not sure if it's worth bringing up, because then I have to acknowledge all the degenerate shit they saw.
Liam Myers
There arent any elevators?
William Rodriguez
I couldn't find them. That place is a maze. I found one in the basement, and I wanted to use it to go to my next class (on the top floor) but it didn't have a call button. I'm not good with complicated layouts. I'm like a lost puppy.
Isaac Richardson
Despite making tons of money from students, donations and book sales, Colleges rarely update their old as fuck buildings. You're lucky if you air conditioning.
Liam Ward
Password your shit nigger.
Easton Ward
Even as a kid I never acted like this. What an overgrown spoiled fucking brat. Goddamn just seeing this fucking ruined my good mood.
Jason Brown
That sucks but you could always ask someone, if you keep forcing shit with a bad knee it will only get worse.
Where I live all colleges have elevators, I think its mandatory actually. We still have the same overpriced books by pearson though Having to learn from english books and then doing a test with the questions and terms used in my language was annoying as fuck
Jaxon Butler
It is passworded. So's the Dropbox, with a different password. I'm not sure if they got in through the account end or if I just accidentally hit the sensitivity button on my mouse before bed last night, and my computer password was successfully guessed while I was out. So I changed both.
Carter Phillips
Honestly, after US election everyone not immune to propaganda and MSM crap just went kinda crazy.
Just avoid socjus cancer and limit access to people infected with socjus aids. Why the fuck Chinese and Pajeets are in your college anyway?
Daniel Lewis
Wow, they must be absolutely shocked to lose probably 0.00000001% of their annual revenue.
Gabriel Edwards
I've updated the OP on the GG wiki, putting the Polygon shit at the top, because frankly it's time sensitive and incredibly important.
Other than that, how have the last couple of threads been? Personal shit has really gotten in the way recently and I haven't been in here much. I am still working on the CON Leaks, albeit still very slowly.
Anthony Lopez
I can barely find my way in and out of that building. I looped into the cafeteria 3 times trying to find the front exit today. Finding elevators is beyond my pay grade. And I don't like talking to people.
I have no idea. Given how poorly most of them speak (but how expensive their clothes, laptops, and such look) I would guess they're from rich families sent overseas to study in Canada. The Chinese guy in front of me in line to get lunch was telling his Chinese friend, in broken English, about how he worked up a $4000 bar tab the night before. At least he actually spoke English, though. Most of them don't even bother. Have you ever seen a heavily-accented Pakistani woman and a heavily-accented Indian man try to communicate the answer to a math question between them? It happened in my last class and it took 5 minutes. The answer was 227.
Caleb Reed
It's for the hurricane btwfams
Jayden Hill
Luke Phillips
I don't browse Holla Forums a lot anymore but it seems like it's being raided and spammed by some out of touch leftists/bummers who think that calling someone "virgin" on an imageboard counts as successful trolling.
Adrian Ramirez
I like 3d girls
Eli Nguyen
Holla Forums is always being raided
Grayson Powell
Now it makes sense
Benjamin Johnson
That's why your schools are filled with pajeets and chinese. I'm a leaf too and jesus fuck those first two years in uni were filled with nothing but chinese tfw your school is $41 million in debt and are shutting down actual classes in the sciences left and right due to cost yet they build a $17 million "aboriginal studemt center" to cater to the 3% of students who are natives
Suzaki Aya is my only exception to the rule of not falling in love with 3d people, she is a cute woman.
Jordan Gutierrez
Who of you fuckers played around with meme magic again?
Ethan Fisher
2D is way better though I admit some are actually ok.
Asher Roberts
It's weird. My elective was mostly white people, but in the halls you see mostly pajeets and chinese and sikhs and muslim girls. And they all stick to their own kind. Then the rest of my classes are almost entirely just pajeets with a few chinese here and there. The only groups that don't seem to stick to just their own race are the whites, the blacks, and the westernized asians. I guess the jews too, if you don't count them as white.
Jaxon Brown
My contrarian mememagic can cause this but I don't remember putting her out of control lately.
Hunter Sanders
i heard fringe is being spammed too, but dunno really
Brandon Howard
Holla Forums is almost always being raided and "trolled hard" everyday.
Easton Thomas
Once I got out of those 100 and 200 level classes with 300+ students in them I only saw one or two non white kids. But those initial math 110s and 210s and the shitty humanities you're forced to take for a fucking biochemistry degree, the classes were like 35% chinese.
Though one of my first chemistry lab instructors was a tiny Chinese girl with who was adorable and barely intellegible
Leo James
That may seem like it would be the case until you realise 95% of the memes on Holla Forums are based on actual quotes and events
Sebastian Garcia
So basically by the people who did this
Easton Stewart
Bullshit. Holla Forums for the most part is just busy calling each other jews and shills whenever any two Holla Forumsacks disagree on any given subject (favorite topic: North Korea dindu nuffin).
That being said, Holla Forums definitely is being raided today, and rather obviously so.
Aaron Adams
Canada. Now I am not too surprised. Kick out Asian jews and Poo in loo already. No, I live in East Europe. Seeing someone with another skin color is rare, but there are more anime rainbow hairs than I remember. It's a little distressing.
I don't even remember, when they WEREN'T raided anymore.
Where they went on third year?
Fuck, my aim is way off. I can't hit Commieformia at all.
Lucas Moore
Maybe they're just extremely paranoid of each other and will turn on one another the second someone doesn't line up with their views. But there's definitely a lot of shitposting over there from Holla Forums and other shit boards.
Henry Young
I honestly have no clue where they went from third year on, I'm guessing buisness or math? I'm a biochem major and apparently they don't care for that
Austin Nguyen
Nolan Howard
It has come to just release us from our flesh and blood. We shall become beings of pure mana.
Easton Cox
Chase Sullivan
These are by far my least favorite memes. To imply or outright state that political opinions are a "slope" like that is not only wrong, it's stupid. Also I hate the bullshit term "Antifa" nearly as much as I hate "Alt-Right". Being "Anti-fascist" just makes you a rational person, it's not an affiliation, anyone who isn't a retard is "Anti-fascist". ;^)
Julian Perez
More like pure manure, considering where humanity is going.
Jonathan Lee
It's generally only to do with either newfags calling others shills for not agreeing or posters that don't really care if the person they are accusing is new or if they really are one. The vast majority of the time people that complain about the board being paranoid (it is in fact paranoid but the shit about how everyone simply points fingers at each other is retarded) are retards that couldn't be bothered to lurk so they got butthurt when they got called out.
Brandon Phillips
Aaron Rogers
Practice, practice and some more practice. Look at the bright side, the magnitude is slowly approaching the desired SanFranSlam levels. As long as it gets wiped off the earth, a few Tunguska Events off target are acceptable collateral damage. Still, meme responsibly.
Tyler Morgan
But I wanted the memeteor!
Xavier Bell
Kek has spoken, meme irresponsibly.
John Kelly
I never said everyone will be mana raptured.
Justin Hall
you want humanity gone because gaming sucks lately?
Ayden Carter
Owen Phillips
Don't you want to be an immortal being of magical energy?
Jason Wilson
Adrian Collins
Do you have the "by azura!" pics saved?
Liam Foster
No. Just because everything is/slowly becomes garbage.
It will come soonish. Don't ask me when tho.
I still feel sorry that my spell just went haywire.
Justin Clark
It can wait. I am earning decent money and there is still a shitload of things I want to buy, or experience. Death can wait.
James Reyes
Well, I once wanted humanity to ascend into a newer plane of existence and claim the universe with its newfound godlike power, but since politicians, multicolored hairs, faggots, terrorists, criminals, bankers, game journalists, pedophiles, dictators, and some other people I forgot always ruin everything, I guess it's not an option.
At least we might get to be reincarnated as friends or something.
Aiden Richardson
Great, now I know tfw no Japari Park With A Vengeance. Or Japari Park: Operation Genesis
I actually want a Kemono S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I think the only difference between Kemono Friends and S.T.A.L.K.E.R is that one of them is a child-friendly anime, and the other a FPS.
Brody Morales
And of course he got fired and apologized. Obsidian has really gone to shit
Elijah Butler
The internet is weird.
Kayden Young
Not even four years ago, I wanted them to get the Fallout and TES licenses so Pete Hines stops shitting on those. Now I don't know what to say.
Adam Kelly
upside down black penis
Ryan Cooper
If you see black cocks everywhere, you should probably stop watching interracial porn.
Jayden Williams
Yea problem with most companies now is that they go through employees rapidly, same name but entirely different people and it shows in their products. SJWs suck the fun out of everything and that created the most boring game of all time.
Eli Murphy
Are you serious?
Carter Hughes
Andromeda? I had fun watching how much of a failure it was, commercially and artistically.
Tyler Garcia
Andromeda was bioware. Obsidian did something else.
Jacob Nguyen
Owen Jenkins
No I meant obsidian and pillars of eternity.
I wouldnt call the show anything political but the people behind it sure are. I liked the show but the last season just sucked ass, I wonder if they got other writers or something
Logan Myers
Cooper Garcia
there it is
Ah yes, PoE too, though both of them are prime examples of SJWs ruining the game.
Isaac Hughes
I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas
Asher Reyes
why would you want a tumblr feminist for christmas?
Nathaniel Morgan
Offtopic. My college: >Roughly the same racial makeup as proportionate to the local population >Most everyone speaks English save for a few outliers that don't mingle with others often >Major in sciences, very few girls >Group of people I fell in with at the math & computer science department reflects those proportions >Our Chinese guy appears to be quite literally autistic. I never asked for specifics. It's okay. Soft sciences and lit are cucked to varying degrees ranging from "not at all" to "Literally a Jew teaching you propaganda" depending on what professors you get though. Good thing it's free.
Adam Jackson
That's pretty badass of you considering how dangerous those things actually are. And yeah Hippopotamus in Kemono Friends is pretty hot.
John Scott
this is more common than I would like to admit at my uni at least I think it is t. UMN, Twin Cities
Juan Jenkins
That's probably why they killed it. They were running out of ideas.
Jayden Diaz
They really killed it? Shame, I even liked vice but shows rarely get better after going to shit.
Camden Johnson
That first one was painful to read.
Jaxon Morgan
Jose Green
Charles Smith
Leo King
Well done, baka. Now who actually got it?
Wyatt Brown
What the fuck are these posts
Oliver Bennett
kys tbh fam smh bix nood
Connor Morris
You need to keep getting bullied
Easton Clark
I don't mind too much, more shekels for me.
Ayden Wilson
That image isn't for ants though.
Ian Parker
Carter Collins
It's okay. I didn't need anything good to happen to me today or anything.
Ian Robinson
Did anyone post a pdf of the shilled book? Has anyone taken a dive through it yet?
Jose Flores
Almost as embarassing as my failed attempt.
Justin Perry
Not in its entirety, but from what people have posted, it's nothing but libel and outright fabrications, as expected.
Christopher Hughes
Oh of course it was going to be. But I'd love to be able to pick it up and see how many times it contradicts the prior narrative.
Samuel Cox
I wouldn't say contradicts, but there's definitely indications of doubling down on claims and making them seem more extreme than what Chelsea initially said, which were obvious lies to begin with.
Jace Gray
Well we do have a CME inbound.
Jeremiah Martin
My biggest class is 60 people, and that's the elective. One other class was expected to be full but there's only about twenty people in it because apparently a lot of students "had problems getting their visas".
I'm very glad I haven't seen anything like that so far. Just a fuckload of Indians and a teacher who puts "Diversity is Strength" at the end of every announcement through the website.
Kayden Lopez
James Miller
had another look at the amazon page. it's now listed as first on computer/tech, biographies and political/social sciences with a overall place of around #750. lots of review shilling as well.
Mason Cook
They refuse to. Despite government agencies, consumer watchdogs, and even the SPJ telling them they fucked up, they refuse to admit that they did anything wrong.
Kevin Johnson
Fucking nothing, then. Especially when you take into account how few people actually buy books nowadays. A podcast I follow showed off that sort of thing when they put out a joke "album" and it topped a bunch of comedy charts. With about 500 sales total. One of the charts it topped means that an album of Christmas-themed songs calling their former friend a cuck is now archived for its "cultural significance" or something.
Alright, I can't stay mad now, Jayne's on the case.
Jonathan Myers
Oh but they did.
Luke Harris
Is this legitimate? It seems honest. Though calling Cuphead "legit difficult" smells slightly of them trying to somewhat defend his poor play. As far as I know nobody else at VentureBeat acted retarded but Dean, which is the natural reaction of a lolcow getting publicly on the internet humiliated. The various articles published by other journos is them doing as usual, trying to at once say gamers are selfentitled whiny manbaby elitists while at the same time acting like morally superior elitists themselves. They always forget the "self" part because they're fucking illiterate, and that's why they couldn't be real writers or journalists about anything but games. I'd say there a chance we have a genuine "It was a prank bro" here.
Nicholas Collins
That is the child's name.
Someone willingly named their child Zoe Quinn.
Daniel Sullivan
One possible idea or solution I thought up would be something along the lines of ensuring they end up patriotic and loyal to this country. Offer them a chance for amnesty, but have it be wrought with challenge and rigor; something like a super-advanced constitution test and a "super" pledge of Allegiance. Make those who have taken drugs, alcohol or committed any crime greater than a nonviolent misdemeanor ineligible for it, Make it very tough, but not impossible. I know its not this simple unfortunately. I feel the majority of them should get deported in any case simply because 800,000 illegals is too many to have in the country. There needs to be a hard stance on this. Those are just shit I thought up in a few minutes, but things like offering a challenging path to amnesty and citizenship that separates the wheat from the chaff and ensures patriotism and loyalty is ideal. It would be similar to the process of legal immigration. Make them go through what legal immigrants had to, except maybe a bit harder. This would thin them out tremendously, while still ensuring America has quality posters. A friend I was talking to described the phenomenon of how imageboards get destroyed and how they grow, and I realized this can apply to America.
He was referring to people who spread memes from imageboards to grow themselves, who send floods of faggots to imageboards. In a way of speaking, this can apply to nations as well. We just force the few immigrants who might be worth a damn to lurk more and kick all the other faggots out by force.
Carter Green
I'm almost tempted to complain anyway. What's the worst they can do, kick me out? I'll just use my student loan money to go on one hell of a bender and probably end up dead from it. Good End.
Liam Gray
Thanks for your work user, just wanted to say that Unfortunately I can't answer that either. I've been absent for some time as well.
Jaxon Jenkins
Nay. Chelsea Van Valkenbug is her real name. Zoe Quinn is a nomme de guerr.
No retard look at the borth registry. There's a newborn baby that someone named after LW
Michael Stewart
Speaking of Sikhs I just watched the movie Learning to Drive with my grandma. It's supposed to be a comedy movie, and you'd expect that with an indian taxi driver and a middle aged white woman, but it's really this incredibly boring romance film that never goes anywhere between driving lesson segments. It had a few scenes about evil ICE agents raiding their home where he lived with 4 other guys and his nephew who are here illegally. I guess it's supposed to be a terrifying experience and mortifying when you see your home torn apart, but at the same time it means everyone profiling him and raiding his home is totally justified. Also arranged marriages are totally cool even if you're in an abusive relationship because love conquers all in the end. It was very much a Sikh propaganda film more than anything else.
Aaron Evans
I thought Sikhs were generally cool? Or you know, no worse than others.
Justin Fisher
Ben Kingsley is in some shockingly bad movies I really wonder why his standards are so low
Angel Martinez
If it's showing up nothing, I wonder if it's a pen name, or maybe an identity behind an anonymous aGG account?
Jonathan Martinez
Boredom maybe?
Anthony Lee
(checked) wew. Never even heard of this game.
Is there anything in here about how to get funding from billionaires who want you to riot?
Charles Carter
Since when did "person of color" become unkosher?
Luis Nguyen
Now they have to emphasize the whole "othering" thing they're always going on about by identifying them in reference to whites to make them feel more oppressed.
Don't worry, she made a female character that's just like a man but with small breasts. The article is like non-stop buzzwords one after another and cherry picked statistics that don't mean anything or kind of go against what she's arguing. Like if videogames are a $3b industry and half of gamers are women then what does it matter if the developers are women or if the stories are about women? They obviously like what's out there enough to make up 50% of the audience.
Anyway I think it's a shameful article to try and prop yourself up by shitting on everyone and everything that came before you. Super shameful to just quote the titles of tropes vs videogames. But dude victimhood culture is such a big part of the human experience these days that it can be hard to tell if these women are actually passionate about the game they're making and need to turn up the water works to get valuable exposure or if they're actually just as terrible and hateful people as they seem to be. Exposure/advertising is more important than the game itself because there are so many games being released every month that it's basically impossible to have even 1/10 of them on your radar. All I know is that if your game isn't getting played by a youtuber or front page of a torrent website it's probably not even worth looking at.
Parker Thompson
Not what I expected when I opened that link but it was good for a laugh.
According to SteamDB, if my math is correct, the game has made the dev (Which is really the family) at least $220K in the two years since the game has been out.
So Irma passed by. No serious damage to my immediate area, no fallen trees or the like. A few transformers blew and the power is out, might take a couple of days to fix, but that happens every storm.
Is a mile or two from the coast suppose to make a big difference with a cat 5?
Gabriel Reed
Evan Thomas
I got the joke, user.
Cooper Ortiz
Thank goodness you're OK, user. How's the damage outside aside from the blown-off transformers? And yes, it does, with a storm that strong, it'll cause storm surges on coastal areas.
Jaxon Hernandez
Benjamin Scott
This is GG-related; the fag calls out GG
Ian Ortiz
"Protestants" as usual lol
Andrew Anderson
That makes perfect sense actually, the economics part of the university is across the campus from the chem/biochem buildings so it no wonder I wouldn't see them. Why did you guess economics majors?
Elijah Collins
That's pretty crazy if its true. You sure its passed fully too? That hurricane was fucking huge
Gabriel Garcia
Logan Sanchez
Isn't this the guy who makes huge, bloated mods and says they would run well if people installed them "correctly"? Anyways it's good news; Bethesda does not deserve the legion of autists that hold together their games with glue.
Kevin Moore
He professionally ridicules people that are better than him at video games.
Julian Jones
His most famous one is the Civil War Overhaul which basically guts the spine of Skyrim and replaces it with small battles and sieges of forts and cities which are liable to crash the game, because the mod seems to be held together with the coding equivalent of duct tape and bubblegum.
Also he wrote an article about CoD WW2 - archive.is/8ATz8 AssCreed Origins - archive.is/6cQuo The Crew 2 - archive.is/qj8LV and others. Would CoD WW2 MP be considered "Story Driven"? I would also doubt that he could climb any wall in AssCreed. Dunno how retard proof The Crew is.
youre posting wrestling garbage clearly you are an idiot and not even worth my reply reported btw faggot enjoy your ban
Brayden Williams
I don't fucking know man. All I did was write a yuri novel where the world ends and everyone including them dies a glorious, apocalyptic death, but I deleted that shit as soon I was done with it.
This is just our karmic destiny at this point. We deserve exterminatus, and I welcome it. It all comes tumbling down
Kayden Powell
Good thing my mememagic is contrarian or the novel I'm writing about a world war that was more a global genocide than a war would be a reality soon.
Alexander Myers
We could've memed video games to be better again. But this is what you use your powers for. For shame on you both.
Angel Powell
That kind of meme-magic only works if you wish for something to be real or become real user, you just used your own meme-magic to make your novel real.
Cooper Martin
Just found an article about this, but I don't want to drop it until we're past 600 posts.
Eli Campbell
Good good, say goodbye to Israel, North Korea and 90% of the Chinese population, also the world goes from 7.5 billion to just 5 million.
Carson Perez
Kayden Cruz
I wouldn't know since they just speak their dirt language to each other and refuse to sit with or talk to anyone else. I've had no problems sharing a table with random people while I eat or whatever but sikhs and poos and chinks all leave if someone who isn't of their "group" tries to sit with them. The coolest guy in my course is a big black guy with glasses named Ethan. He reminds me of a lot of my friends in high school, except he's melanin-enriched.
Caleb Cooper
So lots of Triple Ayyy garbage? Isn't that basically what they said he does?
Austin Rivera
For an Asian this guy sure is a fucking idiot.
Aiden Taylor
From what I've heard, Sikhs hate muzzies because muzzies persecuted them widely in the past. That's the only reason I can remember that might be why some user(s) said Sikhs were cool people.
Gabriel Robinson
While I'm aware that there's some natsoc horsefuckers this sounds more like a running joke.
Aaron Bennett
He's reminded me how blessed I am that most of the games I like don't rely on journalists to get the word out. Thus, they don't end up dumbed down so these tards can understand them.
All of them I've met so far are insulated assholes who only hang out with their own kind and literally speak their own language until they have to use English, which is so bad that it sounds like another language anyway. I thought their beards were impressive for being college age at first, but I guess mine probably would be too if I never shaved. Every Muslim I've seen so far has been a woman. Even the teacher. I can't understand a word she says, but bless her heart, at least she's trying to connect with her students and make it more interesting. She spilled her hummus all over trying to give a lecture today.
Kevin Rogers
Meme this. Pic is Mount Katla in Iceland which in July was on 'yellow alert'. As pic shows, it's now back to green - all is calm. Easy search - volcano watching. The reason to keep an eye on Katla is due to another Icelandic volcano going off a few years ago - the now infamous - and almost unpronounceable - Eyjafjallajökull.
Necessary aside - the predominant weather for Britain and coastal Western Europe comes from the Gulf Stream - a warm ocean current that flows up from the tropics - from the Gulf of Mexico, across the Atlantic on up to the British Isles. So in Britain/Western Europe the weather, in the main, comes from the south-west and is driven from south-west to north-east - up across Britain/Western Europe and on up to Scandanavia.
That's the predominant weather pattern, but not exclusive. When Eyjafjallajökull erupted, the wind was blowing the other way - driven down from the North West - Greenland and the Arctic - down across Iceland, onto Britain and North West mainland Europe - and so taking the volcanic ash cloud with it. The result was that all air traffic was grounded in Britain/North West Europe - for about a week or so - causing travel chaos. Not sure how much this was reported in North America at the time, but it was constant news here (in Britain) - and flights coming in from North America had to be diverted anyway, to avoid the ash cloud. After about a week, the then Prime Minister of Iceland popped up on tv news, and looking like he was trying not to laugh his socks off at the whole situation, basically said 'If you think this is bad, wait until the volcano next to it goes off!' What he was referring to is Mount Katla - Iceland's most powerful volcano. Eyjafjallajökull sits in the same range as Katla and is your fairly standard size volcano - crater a few hundred meters across. Next to it, Katla is on a whole different scale - it's crater/caldera - is measured in kilometers - it's just fucking enormous. Comparison for USfags would be the stuff at Yellowstone I think. Historians and geologists, doing a bit of crossover work, found that famines in Europe often coincided with Icelandic volcano eruptions - records from the Middle Ages describing things like sulphurous air, permanent twilight, deadly fog, the sun blocked out, etc. Of course depleted sunlight and poisonous air kills all the plant life - hence the famines. Not to mention, that sort of atmosphere would kill off the animals/livestock and people too.
Volcano watchers have been keeping their eyes on Iceland - talk of something brewing within the next few years. Not necessarily something big - although predicting the size of any eruption is tricky business - it's more a case of which one will erupt next. Speculation is between 3 or 4 volcanoes, but the money seems to be on Katla. They even have a sweepstake.
Big asteroid impacts are very rare events - volcanoes will, and do, erupt far more often - and you can't stop them.
And for those who like a bit of tinfoil: Who doesn't? Katla is enormous - it is a sleeping monster. Worst case scenario? If it goes pop bigtime, it's Good Night Northern Hemisphere.
Here's something below everyone's radar: the Mammoth Lake Super Volcano Caldera earthquake swarm near the CA/NV border.
Lucas Hill
How are they going to get away with showing child porn?
Jason James
Same here. We may have a Jew or two, but no muzzie teachers.
Wew. Can't wait to watch this crash and burn.
Colton Bennett
Not sure I want to be around when any of these big ones go off. Also wondering how frequent are big earthquakes on the SA Fault? Recently watched James Bond -View To A Kill -where the bad guy was going to detonate a bomb near the SA Fault to trigger an earthquake and flood Silicon Valley.
Wyatt Mitchell
Wowzers, it's like you enjoy living or some gay shit
Nathan Parker
Not defending the movie being terrible, but Sikh's are fantastic fucking people, and get lumped in with Islamist mudslimes way too much.
Benjamin Flores
So, it's the leftist version of the Degenerate Art Exhibition. Every fucking time. Bullshit.
Gabriel Thomas
I know it's stupid but I don't wanna disappear just yet. I got books to read and games to play.
Jeremiah Rogers
That calls for an OC! Put it side by side with the caption: "Same old shit, different times."
Christopher Torres
I don't know any so I don't have a frame of reference. I just think the way the film portrayed things was really exploitive to lean on the racism narrative for points rather than earnestly exploring a different culture.
Joseph Green
Ryder Miller
You couldn't write that with a straight face if you had seen A Sound Of Thunder. His performance there made it crystal clear he's doing it because he has to, not because he wants to do it. Almost worth watching that trainwreck of a movie just for his face.
Thomas Hughes
Life's getting pretty good for me so please stop.
Isaiah Jones
Jace Stewart
While I'm sure there are bad Sikhs, I've never heard of any of them. From what I can tell, they're basically the incarnate of how a christian is SUPPOSED to act, except brown and speaking in gibberish.
Dominic Taylor
Jaxson Mitchell
Nathaniel Martinez
You seem to have a short memory, there was that veerender guy that was a massive retard who kept complaining about how racist whites are(probably have the spelling wrong).
Joseph Ward
Manveer Heir was a Sikh?
Tyler Gray
I still don't understand this image. Why is Amalia upset by Miranda's ass and why is Evangelyne trying to hide Amalia's shock?
David King
becaue Miranda has the best ass and hips in wakfu Amalia is shocked and eva is stopping her from saying anything
Evan Long
Why is Amalia shocked by this though?
Joseph Lee
because Miranda is perfect
Parker Bailey
Assuming we're talking about the same guy yes. He posted selfies and shit and begged for dates.
Gavin Scott
A perfect furry.
Lucas Hall
Because she was suppose to be the one with the hips but then miranda goes and blows here out of the water and he is reacting like that because she thinks its not fear, whiles eva is there to emphasis her over-reaction. God fucking dammit why do you want to ruin the joke with explanations?
Angel Rivera
Being an idiot doesn't make you a bad person, just an idiot.
Jack Collins
Holy shit I just had a brain fart.
Ian Martinez
Veerender was pretty fucking awful.
Adrian Clark
I'm autistic and was confused.
I not sure we are.
Christian Thomas
Someone got the list of Whdons fucks from Holla Forums?
William Robinson
I haven't eaten anything in two days. Still have a week to go before getting paid which is going to suck.
If it keeps you going, good for you. I lost joy in those things long ago.
Isaiah Rodriguez
You can cut off a lot of your skin and eat it, ya skin is pretty useless in most placed anyway
Cameron Bailey
His statement on gamergate is the most bizarre. He agrees with GG that political correctness is a disease and that neo-marxist agenda should be purged. Why is someone like that sperging out this hard? Is this the power of Drumpf?
Aaron Davis
Cheer up.
Weren't you guys the ones crying over some guro doujins a number of threads back?
Bentley Jenkins
This guy
Grayson Flores
How long before you are hungry enough to eat a pigeon or some bugs or something? Since you have internet maybe see if you can check online for what plants are edible too.
Gavin Wright
Nope. Different faggot.
Zachary Scott
Do you have a paypal account?
Isaiah Phillips
I found a cockroach under my pollow yesterday but I didn't think to eat it, just swashed it and threw it in the trash.
Jace Garcia
No, and I won't resort to that, i'm not LW, it's not other peoples job to provide for me.
David Rivera
Do they not carry various diseases?
Angel Gonzalez
Alright, was just offering, crypto's been really kind to me this year.
Nathaniel Edwards
can I have money
Jeremiah Morales
im gonna attempt cross board link >>>Holla Forums10564079
Connor Kelly
Not unless you could prove you needed it for something essential, he's apparently looking at going without food for a week and I see no reason he'd be lying when at the time he had no expectation of financial gain and even turned it down when offered. Normally I wouldn't even offer but you people in this thread are the closest things to friends I have.
Luke Martin
Probably. Kind of like the same situation with thunderfoot.
Nathaniel Thompson
I need videogames. Gib monies plox.
Brody Taylor
I like money
Charles Kelly
I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm not worth a donation.
Gabriel Brown
You don't need money to get video games.
Luis Perry
I need more storage and a VPN to safely download the all the vidya.
Connor Reyes
holy shit they're right, the car didn't even hit her. It was probably the unexpected exercise that did her in.
Angel Thompson
Truly an act of terrorism, he scared her so bad she had a heart attack.
James Murphy
I was planing on doing something like this. I was going to spend a few weekends downloading the best games from gen 3-7 and play them via emulators or hacked consoles. The only thing stopping me is my 120 gig m.2 drive and no other storage options till my next pay check.
Aaron Hernandez
>Professional wrestler Rob Van Dam claims to have accidentally stumbled upon the area while driving to an arena. During one hour's time, he went into the time tunnel and claimed to have met Nikola Tesla, who told him that he was "…going to return in 2007 to end it all".
You can prevent NTR hentai of your waifu. Archive your shit today!
Jayden Bennett
the loli osa a cute
Lincoln Jones
Id fap to it most likely seeing how there's nothing
Zachary Brooks
I don't know your waifu, so I don't know what to post. I don't even have NTR saved either, it's just the saying that every time you don't archive, NTR of your waifu is made.
Elijah Garcia
Do Yugo and Amalia get over their "muh age" autism and finally fuck or what?
Camden Kelly
they did the THEY ARE ABOUT TO KISS BUT ARE INTERRUPTED thing this episode
so yea seems so
Nathaniel Davis
>I-I-I-I'm totally not into NTR… >I-I-I-I just bring it up casually all the time like SJW beta males "causally" bring their scat and diaper fetishes to project their self hate over their own deviancy on the "other" >I-I-I-I only bring up my- er… THAT fetish, user, to make you use archives for your own good! >(What do you think about backpacks?)
Jordan Powell
Colton Nelson
>(What do you think about backpacks?) I'm more into floor tiles, and Ohio, and Legos, especially Legos. Pic related.
Levi Hughes
Good evening, faggots!
Logan Green
Good morning.
Grayson Reyes
John Carter
Why does he get inside my mind and know exactly why the fuck I don't want to die even if I have nothing?
In recent times as there had been a suggestion of Trump rolling back Title IX. Reportedly, colleges and universities were so cucked and ass-mad that they vowed to retain their monkey title IX courts even if the rules were reversed.
>Not glad that his son likes child bearing hips and is heterosexual
Ayden Sullivan
The reaction to this cuphead think has to be the biggest non controvery I've ever seen. They are now trying to turn being laughably bad at their job into a societal issue.
Joshua Fisher
This is some kindergarten shit.
Juan Brown
Unrelated question as we are getting closer to the shitposting threshold.
How were the zombie wasps in Dead Rising made if the government tried to make fatter cattle? I'm thinking about doing an All Flesh Must be Eaten campaign and I want to do it about a news crew getting into a city where there should be riots.
Magic or not; there is a reason why you see signs at aquariums that say "Don't tap the glass". A retarded girl smash a magic piano inches away from trapped fish is a lot worse.
Jordan Roberts
Because denying children their "true" identity is oppression :^)
You could have prevented this.
Parker Campbell
Chase Williams
I agree, they'd be strung out from all that hammering. Would make more sense for them to be in there if they were tunas.
Dominic Hughes
I'm a shemale but lel who lets 12 year olds make decisions like that? Jesus christ kids aren't allowed to sign contracts for a fucking reason
Isaiah Russell
Why is this allowed. If this was done by a professional surgeon,God and the Bear Conductor only know what Chris Chan's magic taint bagina looks like and they aren't happy about it.
Well, one of the first facts you're going to have to realize is that some people just don't care. It's like with how everyone blames Kennedy for the failure of the Bay of Pigs. They have proof that the CIA was the reason the operation failed, but the public (Especially the Cubans effected by the event) don't care about it because, no matter how you spin it, people suffered. And, the same thing with 9/11 (Which is this Monday). You can bring out as much information as you want about how the event was staged to destabilized the Middle East, but people just don't care at this point. They just want the troops to come home, and leave the place be after 16 years of war.
And, for some people, they could come off about how "The ends justify the means" because WWII was the event that reestablished "American Values" for the U.S.. Prior to the War, because of the Great Depression, WWI, and the rising of corporations, people were very disenfranchised by it all. After WWII, people gained a new sense of Patriotism that they were missing prior to the war, and got America's economy and culture kickstarted again. You had successful companies and ideas coming out Left and Right, people going on about "What it mean to be an American" with out free market and our right to freedom of speech, and a sense that nothing could hold us down.
So, I'd say that while it would be great to set the record straight, it is also much to late to really change most people's minds at this point and they just don't care and saw a positive outcome of the misinformation. However, what we should also take away from this is that we cannot allow this amount of misinformation from being able to spread ever again. And, if someone does attempt to do so, we should be right there, at the front of it all, curb stomping these people for daring to mislead history. Because, after all, it was due to this misleading of the narrative that allowed the Communist subversion to happen in the first.
Jace Anderson
Justin Ross
Ethan Perez
Reality is becoming one big Onion article. What the fuck is happening anymore….
David Gutierrez
Isn't Alternet a leftist website?
Easton Carter
Look who it is.
Carson Anderson
The tittle looks like a word salad but everything is connected to each other. Remember Seth's movie "The Interview" where they kill North Korea's president? The article talks about all the kerfuffle that happened at the time with hacks and escalation of tension thanks to the movie and the connection Sony had at the time with Obama Administration and CIA. The movie was basically pushed as propaganda and they wanted to spark dissent when the movie eventually got smuggled from SK to NK
I don't know the site but from the way they specifically point out "X is right wing" a few times in the text I'm gonna say yes
Cameron Thomas
Wait, what did we have to do with tumblrtale?
Nathaniel Butler
Eli Hernandez
I hope it's a bait. No one can defend that faggot and his garbage.
So Burgers tried to set random countries on fire again. It's main reason why people dislike Burgerland.
Jeremiah Harris
I wonder if that's the tactic that the defense attorney will take.
Jayden Sanchez
Thomas Cooper
South Korea is constantly at risk and is also an US ally so it's obvious America will try meddling with NK so they both can control the whole region after the regime falls.
the fatty with the blue shirt that the media plasters everywhere as the one who got killed in the accident is not the actual fatty that died
Ayden Butler
There was a lot of talk and praise for the demo on cuckchan when it came out. Which obviously means it wasn't rife with homestuck cancer on other parts of the internet, even though thats where toby got the recognition in the first place. Basically Evaxephon is a faggot and can't even get his imageboards right.
James Jenkins
btw whatever happened with the whole pizzagate thing? did it really get verifiably debunked as I hear being said
Ayden Butler
Everyone was distracted with other things and basically stopped talking about it.
Mason Brooks
So basically he's blaming Holla Forums for shit tumblr does, got it.
Y'know, I'm beginning to be convinced that the reason John Flynt disavow his masculinity and went to be a "trans" is due to incompetence, unable to compete with other men so in order to flank his problems head on, he became Brianna Wu.
Angel Bell
I hope it was worth the weight for the media to shit on their audience just to be shat on now by both sides.
Joseph Davis
One can only wonder why that happened.
Christian Reyes
This fucking guy
Bentley Hill
Pretty obviously bait
This animé is quite literally one of the worst I've ever watched in my entire life
why does Kain circle the wagons on his incompetent buds so often? If he disagreed he didn't have to say shit but instead, as usual, he opened his big fucking mouth and revealed himself as a retard
truly astonishing. vidya is the one goddam medium that you need to have a clue of what you're doing to actually engage and participate in the form and you're required to have a base level of skill or knowledge to do so. To say otherwise is objectively retarded and we might as well be getting reviews from my grandma because they're about on par from what I saw
Erik's issue is that he oftentimes kneejerks on twitter. He isn't a full-on dumbass, he even regularly has very good insight, but it's happened more than once that he starts crying about some shit and can't back down ever in the slightest, until the day after where he goes "yeah maybe that was wrong of me, I'll be quiet for a while" or some shit.
Jacob Anderson
It was never about "being good at cuphead", it was about "being competent enough to read, analyze the environment, understand the situation, and take action based acquired and tried mechanics". Using a platform to reach a higher platform has been used on almost every platformer, and it was during a tutorial, where he could READ how to use a mechanic to reach a platform. It's a skill that, as a game reviewer for almost 20 years out 25 in the journalism job, should have been acquired long ago. And yet, they still do blunders like this, from the DOOM gameplay by Arthur Gies to this. This incompetence can severely damage an actual review and end in an unfair note when it is mixed with frustration caused by this. Imagine that kind of skill in Dark Souls, he wouldn't understand a thing, from using the interface to combat, and he would just write it as confusing and heavy, and put a mixed review on it, because he was unable to READ and ANALYZE. This kind is skill is so low, and I only saw it from game journalists, that I now attribute such low competence to journalism: you have to be a journalist to be this stupid in a game.
Adrian Torres
Amusingly, the one who's level-headed is totalbiscuit in this case; his comparison to actual literacy is spot-on. Everyone expects from a literature journalist to be able to fucking read a book, at all. No one is begging anyone to speedrun cuphead the first moment they get a controller. We expect someone to take less than two minutes to finish a tutorial that involves fucking jumping and pretty much nothing else.
Ian Thomas
Collect everything on what these morons are saying and post a new thread about this outside of this megathread. These people have to be mocked to death. Make sure Kotaku in Action gets these collections too because he's their "BEST NEUTRAL" apparently.
Jeremiah Flores
The Chinese that come to the US are a mix of smart kids subsidized by China, and the rich ones that pay to come here to jumpstart their careers. It's usually harder to get into the business school at any given university, the networking benefits that come with it don't benefit a student that doesn't work in the United States, and a lot of the skills won't transfer to the Chinese way of doing things. In that regard, a B.S. in Econ is the poor man's B. B.A. with the benefit of a workload that will likely be easier because it will be more theory, less accounting homework, little to no business law (this is good for ESL students), and a bit more Math. also I'm a senior in econ
This footage is showcasing an upcoming game. I don't know if the player is bad, or if the game is just shit and is dropping inputs. Without context, I don't know. Furthermore, he spends 30 minutes on the first damn level. He hasn't managed to showcase the game at all, which was the whole purpose of the footage in the first place.
Isaac Flores
Sadly, again, Kain IS a neutral guy. I think Trump's victory has kinda broken him a little, and he's starting to use twitter to be mindless and angry more and more… which are the very moments you should NEVER spend a second online.
Robert Gonzalez
Didn't TB do a mocking video when he compared to being a car reviewer that can't drive? That one was pretty spot on.
Josiah Cooper
To be fair, apparently the guy's colleagues begged him to put the video online because they thought it was hilarious; they weren't planning on showing it like that, it seems.
Luis Allen
After the video came online, Takahashi doubled down, calling the game hard.
I think they even changed the title of the video to make it more of a joke.
Isaac Jenkins
now that you mention it I remember this behaviour. It's another good example of how twitter turns men into beasts and is awful for the trigger-finger autists that should probably cool their heels before hitting post on a message
I don't hate Erik I just think he needs to stop getting butt hurt about trolls sperging out over nothing and actually look at the many many reasonable points that people are giving him about this shit and how maybe in this case, defending his industry buddies isnt the best course of action here
this user gets it. We all know vidya journos are a joke but it isn't until you actually see them attempting to play the games they're supposedly in charge of evaluating that you realise, holy christ, they aren't just retarded, they're actually inept! Basic fucking shit they struggle with and when people laugh at them, they get defensive and do gymnastics to justify why actually playing a game on a base level of skill isn't necessary to play the game!
if I was a dev I'd be furious that these are the types of cocksuckers responsible for review scores that a lot of morons die by. Or in the case of Obsidian and New Vegas, actually cost you bonuses and end up killing your company
Asher Davis
Yeah, that's why most of the time if I see someone on twitter being retarded and it remains on twitter, I tend to give zero shit about it. "It's twitter", I mean. I still am not mad at TB for anything (well, aside from a few opinions I find iffy but that would just require nice conversations with to fix up), because most of his full-retards moments were twitter-times.
No one was talking about covering the business side of the industry, though. They were talking about reviews and previews.
How much of an idiot do you have to be?
Jaxon Edwards
I'm still worried about this. This kind of game mechanics have been done since Mario and Contra, and he's been on this job for 25 years. He must have played something resembling those games, at least once, and acquired the mechanics. And yet, he fails at those same mechanics, during a tutorial (that adds insult to injury). Hell, even if he was a complete newcomer, and that it was his first game, he still has been unable to think on one of the most basic "puzzles" you have on a platformer: use a skill (that was written on a wall) to reach a higher platform, I'm talking about the moment where he was supposed to use a box platform to go over a wall using a dash mid-air. A newcomer would have tried one or twice, using a dash and skill, next to the wall to realize it doesn't work, then he would go back and use the box platform, jump and then use the dash skill. Considering he would fail 3 times after getting it right, he would have done it in under 25 or 30 seconds. Dean has tried many times going over the wall without using the box and spent more than two minutes analyzing it's own environment. That is definite proof that not only he barely touches the games he reviews, and during all this time he probably paid someone to do it instead during all those years, but he has difficulties to analyze, a skill used in many jobs, including journalism. Hell, even trash collectors use quick basic analyzing to do their jobs. Now one question has to be answered, how did he get such job and kept it for 25 years, if he can't analyze?
Henry Richardson
We have a baker?
Kayden Adams
I should rename this so it reads properly, but this applies I should hunt this down and add an archive link to this image.
Juan Cruz
They're acting like he's bad in the sense of "he died a lot", not "he can barely grasp the concept of holding a controller or basic platforming at all". Fucking Christ, nobody would give a shit if he was just regular bad and got killed a lot, but he barely grasps the most fundamental and basic of video gaming.
Is it a coincidence that I'm getting>>13369287 >archive.is/IBkT3 The article implies he was just taking hormones. Not any genital surgery.
Anthony Wilson
Honestly, this is pretty funny. Modders will change that anyway Also the ones it'll piss off the most are games journos : they will feel forced to play as blacks, but since they can't play in any mode other than easy…
Easton Walker
wew, that's some next level gay shit. That being said, it is creative.
Brody White
The guy clearly has no reasoning skills.
Easton Ortiz
Very easy should make you a woman.
Landon Ward
You could make this into an interesting mechanic: 15% debuff vs. law enforcement 15% boost to government aid
this was mostly done by Ubisoft's woke staff, disguised as a SP joke
Jaxson Collins
This is what bothers me. "Use box for extra height". A child can do this kind of analyzing on his own, is Dean a baby?
You mean like "Jew" being its own class in the Stick of Truth, except it's more of a sub-skill?
Bentley Gomez
I'm starting to wonder if it's not going to be a "JK lol", where actually, absolutely nothing changes except for one or two dialog lines. After all it's South Park. But it's also a Ubisoft game, so it's also likely that it's a "woke" thing. I guess I'll know only when the game launches.
Landon Jones
I believe Sargon has a point about the white race having to breed like crazy and start asking for government programs.
I know the whole world is against that, especially jews, but we should first block access to the country and start breeding like neocatecumenals.
Kayden Cook
It's Ubisoft San Francisco, so it's woke. And it's probably based on this : archive.is/h6GRW
Landon Allen
Why should I care about the white race, I just want to play video games.
Zachary Cox
So we become niggers ourselves? Fucking dumb.
Alexander Long
Because only white people and japanese are making games.
Mason Moore
Niggers that don't chimp out and can actually do something.
William Torres
We can't, because whites are not niggers.
William Perry
Is there anything of note here? I'm not reading all that if there isn't anything interesting being said.
Over breeding has its own issues and it's fucking retard to have non-nuclear families. You'd just have a bunch of dumbass criminals who grew up without a father figure. Sargon is right that none of these white identitarians are going to be the ones helping the problem at all. If you want to make more whities you just need to be a normal person and have 4 kids. No extremist nonsense ideologies required.
John Rodriguez
Eli Wilson
I stand corrected then. It's gonna be so tolerant, Cartman won't say a thing about jews the whole game.
Ethan Rivera
Well, I meant families with 6 kids.
Xavier Collins
I just found it funny that they just know realize most of this shit, or are generally so clueless regarding anonymity. A few years ago when Reddit announced that they would log IP's the community was totally okay with it, thinking nothing could go wrong.
Christian Reed
Well there you go. Just find a nice girl and have a big family. No need to go marching around with tiki torches looking like a jackass chanting self-help mantras.
Isaiah Hall
Blake Jones
What you propose is white extremism :^)
Kevin Sanders
Four is already excessive but 6 is just way too many. Especially if you aren't financially secure or emotionally mature. Which most people really really aren't.
Jonathan Brown
If I can I'll have so many kids with my artificially womb implanted robot waifu.
Joseph Gray
There was a time in Spain where you could have 10 or more kids and you could feed, clothe and raise them properly.
Liam Taylor
the guy who was/is Burch's "friend" that gave up his job to work at gearbox because Anthony worked there?
Aiden Gonzalez
As long as you aren't having octuplets or something, as they get older they can help you with taking care of their younger siblings.
Owen Brown
I didn't know about that. This shit is really an incestuous mess, holy fuck
Joshua Cruz
Funny because village people used to have kids until the woman was biologically incapable and they did fine. Not counting disease because that shit has been solved.
Jonathan Rivera
They are the only ones promoting families. Women are also a problem since they are the ones most indoctrinated and refuse to have children while all mudslime women keep having more children.
Joshua Fisher
to be fair they both worked for destructoid a long time ago
Adam Smith
Village people didn't have to pay ridicilous amounts of taxes and they grew and hunted their own food without state interference. Good luck avoiding the government in this day and age. Look at what happened at ruby ridge.
Oliver Jones
Is that the sect massacred by the FBI because sone federal agents got butthurt he couldn't abuse them?