Valve will not make games anymore

All they will do is make gambling simulators with gameplay attached. Anyone up for a game of DOTA themed cards?

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Money is information, and the consumers consume mindlessly.

Let it go user, most of us knew that for years.
Just find some nice niche indy studio and root for them instead. Or don't. Suicide is always an option.



So you got any actual news on the subject, or is it just the six gorrillionth edition of this fucking thread?

Episode 3's proposed story was released by former lead writer Marc Laidlaw, and some guys made a mod with all the leaked playable content from episode 3.

You have to be over 18 to post here, buddy. Just because you don't like it(And even though it'll probably be very shit) doesn't mean it's not a video game.

I only play JRPGs and VNs and don't care about vidya anymore really but still a shame Valve went to shit. But then this whole hobby went to shit didn't it?

They are not making games anymore, in fact, outside of the Half-Life series all of their other stuff was made by modders whom they bought out to sell it as their own. Now they are done with all that, I think they will even lend the HL IP to the Black Mesa modders/devs, they did allow them to sell their shit on steam.

good, they don't know how to make games any longer, idk if they ever did, they should focus on other things, like services quality

Nigger, they're releasing A FUCKING CARD GAME, as in not vidya.

It's not a physical card game you fucking retard. It's not you're going to see Artifact packs next to your MTG and Yu-Gi-Oh cards at your local Walmart by the checkout counters. It's a video game, if you interact with a computational device to play a game contained on that computational device, congratulations dumbass, it's a fucking video game.

Steam is the same piece of shit it was 10 years ago, only with more money grabbing bs, they don't give a shit.
I mean seriously, people have each other added on Steam and they all have to use discord or alternatives to have proper group chat, file transfers and a good etcetera of other things because it all sucks dicks on steam or they don't even exist.
They've been easily leading the market for 10 years and their customer service is worse than EA's.
And people still like to defend this fucking company.


A simple search proved you wrong:

This isn't news. Also

hello reddit

Actually reading the article proved you wrong. Get fucked, retard

It's basically speculation with a solid foundation that will likely prove you wrong

It's not a solid foundation at all. This game is an attempt from Valve to try and get a slice of the Hearthstone pie. I don't see physical Hearthstone cards anywhere. The trademark is more likely than not just Valve making sure no one tries to rip them off by making a physical card game with the same gameplay.
You guys are all pathetic fucking retards who are just fucking hoping, wishing, praying that it will be a physical card game so you can continue your sad little meme of Valve not making video games. Too bad, shit stain, Valve is making a new video game. It's gonna suck donkey dick, but it's going to be a video game.

Honestly doesn't matter to me whether they do or don't, I don't use Steam so I don't honestly give a shit I just like annoying you tbh


You seem like the one who is flustered, my friend

That wasn't the proposed story, he already said that was just fanfiction and what he released was never anything official or on the books. That would be illegal for him to post the actual plot of Half-Life 3. What he posted is just his idea of how it could have gone.

And he already said that he didn't write that for Valve, that he wrote that AFTER he stopped working at Valve.


Yes I'm actually pretty fucking mad right now you cunt how dare you make interjections to my points HOW FUCKING DARE YOU, YOU FUCKING CUNT

No I'm a legitimant Autism I'm a diagnosed retard

Thank you Captain Obvious

I mean I like both FPS and puzzle games and honestly think that HL and Portal are overrated piece of shit, as well as their sequels.

we still have cd projekt

Cyberpunk 2077 never ever.


Holy fuck this thread sucks. Rev up those numbers, friends.



You cheeky cunt.



Who cares? I honestly am happy about this, hopefully the reddit tier half-life 3 meme will cease.


But good god, they're going to try.

what are you a fucking pussy?

Considering the pandemic obesity, especially of anons posting on here, 10 is probably at least challenging for someone.

and people wonder why there are hl3 memes

Good. They should focus more on making Steam a better service.

He changed all the names before publishing it.

Nice trips. Rollan.

I'll put money on a significant number who can't do 5 without nearly fucking killing themselves.

Valveshill detected. Fucking kill yourself, faggot.