What's going on with the new mario soundtracks?
What the hell is that terrible "wah" vocal sample polluting everything?
Just listen to this soulless piece of garbage.
What's going on with the new mario soundtracks?
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NSMB games are to Mario what CGI is to Disney
I've had the impression that Nintendo hates their audience and has been subtlety mocking them since 2006 at the latest.
you should try listening to new super mario bros. 2, your gonna love it :^)
it's nothing new
bwah bwha
NSMB is to games what Crazy Frog is to commercials
No idea, but I absolutely fucking despised it.
At least not all tracks had that shit and plenty of NSMBW's music was actually solid despite the "wah" shit. And now they stick to a much less shallow feeling general jazz, general orchestra, violin and even some guitar of all things from SM3DW on. I do endlessly miss the kind of distinctive style SMB3, SMW and SM64 all had going for them. Something fun, unique and later on very effectively immersive. I don't know what changed between the music was then and now and apparently no one can explain it either.
Can someone turn that in to a banner?
i thought it was okay for one game but that it was something they shoulda dropped afterwards. i can appreciate experiments.
before nsmb even if mario games were similar they had wildly different overall musical themes between games.
anyways, what the hell op? are you just bored and pulling old threads out of a hat? did you just start emulating them? this is like a million years old. you dinosaur. king tut.
Mario has become to Nintendo what Mickey Mouse is to Disney: a mascot to plaster on crap to make it sell. The New Super Mario Bros. games are like something that EA would shit out on a yearly basis. It's clear to me that Nintendo makes these games only out of obligation, but considers them to be inferior entertainment for simpletons.
Yeah, I didn't mind the wah-wah on the DS because at that time I was glad to get any 2D Mario game at all. But for fuck's sake, it has been shown that 2D Mario is what people want, yet Nintendo Mario less attention that fucking Kirby.
It's kind of funny to think that the first four Mario games used to be AAA games for their time, and now all Mario gets is EA-like assembly-line crap.
You think Jump Up super star is trying to ape Katamari Big Band style?
Welcome to your nightmares
So despite New Super Mario Bros, NSMB Wii, NSMB 2, NSMB U, NSMB Luigi Expansion, 2 versions of Mario Maker, and 3D Land/3D World being 2.5D in some sections, plus re-releases of these games, you think they haven't given 2D Mario enough attention? When proper overworld story-driven 3D Mario hasn't gotten shit since Galaxy? What's your complaint, you want the NSMB line to be better quality? Because there's fucking enough of them already. Kirby having better games is more because HAL are a bunch of fucking geniuses.
I can't see how the short vocal samples "pollute" the songs. I may understand the case in NSMB2, but I have always thought they compliment the music and the style the games archives, which is up-beat hiphop joyful type of music, just like how the music sounds too in the old Mario games. At the very least, they don't annoy me.
It's clear it's not that they bad. It's that they are overused in the following games. and proves it.
they compliment the music for the most part, i just wanna see them do something new
They're talking about the new physics, I think.
They do feel more heavy yet floaty at the same time. It's just fucking weird and awkward.
This is 100% justified if little to nothing about the game looks objectively appealing and if there's red flags everywhere with the development and mechanics, which is why we don't bother with it to begin with.
Saying something is shit, let alone completely, without an argument is another story, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with "this looks like shit and here's a proper explanation why it does".
Disney uses CGI all the time though…
Nintendo doesn't make NSMB anymore.
So which will come to Nintendo Switch first? New Super Mario Bros. Switch or Super Mario Maker Delux?
"Argument" is a buzzword. You don't have to make an argument to prove a game sucks.
The nsmb games have bad music. You are 10 years late on that one. 3d world has good music.