Somebody share some info

I've been really jonesing for my JRPG fix lately, help me out.

Anyone got a good database/whatever with searchable tags (including the ability to disinclude things)?

I've tried using Steam but its catalog is obviously limited.

Other urls found in this thread:

Play Growlanser.

Growlanser 2-5 are playable in english, while 1 and 6 are playable with guides.

PC has the least amount of good jrpgs.
Just play everything available on SNES and PSX. Limit yourself by platform, there's nothing better.

Recommendation threads have never gotten me anything good, I just want a good site to search on.


Some of retroarch cores are so shit.

Well, there's vndb for rpgs that contain porn in them, you can apply filters, and they are extremely precise.
But don't hope there's anything more than vndb available for normal jrpgs. That's something you find yourself. After all, classics are limited, and i don't really think you have to be picky.

proving the point there

That's a stupid stipulation.

This. The first four games in the series are very good.

jrpgs are few and far between on pc unless they're ports (FF7,8,10, anything by Falcom)

if you're up for an interesting western take on the genre give Septerra Core a try. If you're up for a combination of east and west styles, the Ultima series and Might & Magic series offer it

outside of PC land, there's only a metric assload of good shit waiting to be played and it's not even necessarily Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest (translation patch may be required):

Lagrange Point
Chaos World

Treasure of the Rudras
Treasure Hunter G
Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, and Terranigma
Ranma 1/2 - Treasure of the Crimson Cat Gang
Sailor Moon - Another Story
I guess I can't include Actraiser as it's a platformer/city management sim but play it anyway

Star Ocean 2
Jade Cocoon
Valkyrie Profile
Wild Arms
seriously, fucking pick something on the system. 1998 was the year of the RPG

7th Dragon series

PSP and PC
Trails in the Sky

Many systems
Ys series

and that's just picking a few off the top of my head for each system. I'd be here all night listing things if I don't stop now

I'm picky as fuck with my games.

You're not giving any explanation whatsoever for why you recommend ANY of those games, all I can come up with is you're listing your favorite games and… why should I care? I don't know you or your taste and I don't trust you.

I need a searchable database with tags so I can find what I want and filter out the things I don't want (turn based)

How about you tell us what you like in JRPGs, what you dislike in them, what are your favorite JRPGs and what are your favorite games in general. I am sure we can find at least one game you would enjoy. If we don't know what your tastes are, all we can give is a generic list.

I've actually considered making one before, but I don't have money to drop on hosting and domain. Also, there's way too many JP only ones out there that might be either hard to properly find information on, or even people that speak both English and moon that have played them to give a good enough overview of for such a purpose.

If it's helpful to you (note that it's not going to have everything), half/vg/ used to run a google doc spreadsheet with a bunch of them listed off and had a degree of categorization to it, as well as descriptions (albeit not for every game; it was still pretty incomplete on that end because that was apparently too much effort for some people). I can see if I still have a link saved to it from years back if it's potentially of interest.

Tales of Symphonia, Tales of the Abyss, and Tales of Vesperia are my favorite JRPGs in no particular order.

Don't care for Star Ocean, which is the nearest similar game series.

Can't stand turn based systems at all. Hate context-menu-based RPGs (FIGHT/ITEM/SPELL/RUN), hate first-person dungeon crawlers (Etrian Odyssey).

Can't stand Tales games past Graces f.

Strongly prefer action-oriented combat systems.

Ys doesn't do it for me.

you want some pedantry? okay, here's a few

Live-A-Live is a multi-part story divided into chapters spread throughout history, each of which has a different hero, theme, some differing gameplay (ninja- chapter is combat heavy, future chapter is exploration-based, etc), and which wrap around into a final chapter that ties it all together
Ranma and Sailor Moon are decent RPGs based on their respective anime
Xenogears combines combat on two scales, human-scale and mecha, with a lengthy story and strong overtones of both a religious and psychological nature. God-tier soundtrack too

but as you don't like turn-based combat, probably best to ditch the JRPG genre entirely as most game in it have either turn-based or ATB combat systems. That said, Star Ocean and the Tales of series are probably your cup of tea, featuring full real time combat
if you expand it to action RPG you get more varied choices such as Illusion of Gaia and Ys (don't know Ys? ask a Falcom thread)

you say that like it's not a fucking given on an anonymous imageboard
you're probably not going to find a database that lists combat type, story subject, tweest nature, or whatever other kind of bullshit tag you can think of. Games within a given genre can't really be sorted like manga on sadpanda

give a thorough list of things you want and don't want and I'd probably have a tailored list for you

well shit I apparently take too long to type

you're probably stuck with Tales of unless you want to try Final Fantasy 12 (ATB but field positioning matters)

I still don't understand what you like in JRPGs, the stats? the stories? the what?
Why not play action-adventure games like Okami or Zelda or pure action games like Devil May Cry or Platinum games?

Anyway, I guess Kingdom Hearts could be up your alley.

Do you mean the bump system? Because the combat changes with every two or three installments.

You might also like Odin Sphere, a 2D action RPG made by the same guys that would later make Dragon's Crown.
Maybe you might also like Dragon's Dogma or Dark Souls.

Can I skip 1 and play 2 right away?

Also what do you think about hybrid games, in which you can do simple stuff like attacking at close range, using a ranged weapon, blocking attacks and jumping, without pausing the game, but using items or spells requires you to pause the game and choose the desired action?
Games like this would be Rogue Galaxy and SMT Devil Summoner 1&2.

lets be more accurate than that
every ys game after 2 now has a version with player driven sword swinging
best version of 3 is oath in felghana

what kind of experience would you like out of your jrpg budy? comfy exploration, hard type, autism what are you lookin for specifically? because I don't know if the site you're envisioning exists. is there shit you won't play?

Do your own fucking research then, you insufferable faggot. There isn't a JRPG db.

Skies of arcadia

I recommend Russian roulette with six bullets for added challenge.

I'm a professional.

Found what I mentioned earlier:
I forgot that it didn't have a a column specifically for combat style, so it might not be as useful as I'd remembered. Also, this was made years ago, doesn't include anywhere close to everything out there, is missing descriptions, and as "recommendations" was more tailored to the JRPGG's tastes, and thus there's liable to be ones that people are going to have a beef with (even amidst the JRPG General, some games, like Golden Sun, eventually reached a point where you really couldn't speak positively about them as anything other than "guilty pleasures" without it being considered bait).

There's also an image that someone in (I want to say) 2011 made for the generals, but it too is limited in information, as well as games in general (only covering a mere 49 or so), with a note to go check the above link for further games/details. I've considered maybe making one specific to 8/v/, but there's some issues, namely that JRPG focused threads being rather infrequent compared to a 24/7 general to get input from and general consensus issues, especially for various otherwise solid games that are prone to still be "love-it-or-hate-it" even amongst series fans.

Consider Tales of Eternia if you haven't yet. Combat handles similarly to Symphonia, albeit with a strict 2D plane, and of the PS1 Tales (as well as all the 2D Tales the west has seen to date) has the most fluid and fast-paced combat.

Maybe also consider .hack, or at least .hack//G.U. ("Skill Trigger" inclusion means less digging in menus than IMOQ, since you can map up to four skills to the trigger at a time, and after getting the second extension, can be used the switch weapons on the fly via Trigger Switch as well).

Stop playing JRPGs, m8. Fair warning now.

For something you might enjoy, Resonance of Fate is a fun change of pace. It's mostly real time, but a system you use makes it somewhat more turn based? Though it's all action and not menu driven for combat.

A question about Tales games: Why don't you like anything past Graces f when Xillia and Xillia 2 are actually fun? The story in Xillia 2 is a little dumb but the gameplay is good.

I'm inclined to agree with this user's suggestion for someone who doesn't want to play a JRPG but wants to mindlessly grind.

Granted, I know he basically doesn't like JRPGs but that's not really that close to a Tales game. No party management, very different form of progression, and the story isn't really dumped on you. You have to do a lot of your own paying attention and clue gathering instead of a typical WORDSWORDSWORDS JRPG.


seems like a strong indication that a database needs to be made

relying on other people for the results to your queries is dumb

could be fun organizing everything with tags like a booru.

could make a website with a database of jrpgs and a content recommendation system (given what the user has already liked or disliked). I can write the backend if someone wants to write the frontend.

Currently playing through image related.

I'm just more picky than your "average" JRPG enthusiast. I'm not going to gobble up whatever shit lay before me just because it fits into the blanket genre that I subscribe to.

I was wondering about some for the ps2, I have tales of abyss, dark cloud2, finalfantasy xii, rogue galaxy. Any others ones that are anons liked? I have the ps2 list but it doesnt really tell me much about the games other than play them. I like to hear opinions.

You aren't a jrpg enthusiast. You like playing action games with "rpg" elements.

Monter hunter.
I might also suggest suicide, you self-righteuos twat.

Glad you haven't abandoned the thread OP, but you still haven't explained what exactly you like in JRPGs? Is it the story? Is it the grinding? Is it the party management? Is it the anime artstyle?
What exactly do you like in them as opposed to WRPGs?

Anyway, besides the games I recommended as 979d45 (my ip should have changed by now) you might also like Monster Hunter, though it isn't an RPG, however it seems already did.

The PS2 was pretty much JRPG king in sixth gen. Might as well respond as to the ones I've played thus far myself (ignoring Tales of the Abyss; I love that game, and could write about it too, but I assume since you've already got it, you've either played it yourself, or at least know what you're getting into with it).

I've really enjoyed the Wild Arms series, and the PS2 has four of them. That said, opinion about the games after WA3 (or ACF, depending on who you ask) is rather mixed, and WA4 is definitely the weakest of the series.

The Shadow Hearts series is also quite good. Initially began as a gothic horror/RPG mix on the PS1 with Koudelka, before becoming JRPGs with a horror theme with the PS2 sequels. The games do get lighter/quirkier as the series goes on, while the gameplay becomes more refined and nuanced. There is a chronology to the games as well, and events in prior games are mentioned somewhat in the later games (with Covenant being about six months after the SH1 and having direct relation while still being its own tale).

.hack and .hack//G.U. are neat as to the premise and world, but are a fair bit hit or miss on the gameplay end; while I myself liked them for what they were, I honestly hate that broken up "you pay us more" release format. G.U.'s got the more refined combat system due to the inclusion of the Skill Trigger (instead of digging through menus every time you want to do something), the Avatar system is a lot better than the phase battles in IMOQ, and Data Seeds are a lot less grindy than Virus Cores in terms of progression in both, but G.U.'s also a fair bit easier as well. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but some of the later monsters in IMOQ are almost brokenly tough, and I don't just mean the Data Bug monsters. As such, it adds to the feel of the game's engine breaking down (in that the monster stats go beyond what they ought to be) and surviving encounters winds up feeling rewarding. Again, it's not for everyone, but if the idea of a simulated MMO on the verge of collapse is of interest, those are there. G.U. is getting a PS4 collection with tweaked gameplay and an additional arc though, so if you've got a PS4, maybe consider waiting.

If you've got more questions about those, feel free to ask. I'll check in from time to time while I try to finish this chapter in Tsugunai (which has really turned out to be a neat JRPG). Fucking High Manticore boss hits like a truck with melee, even though Riese is fairly tanky.

JRPG is pretty difficult genre to enjoy. On one hand you have such great things as

But on the other hand most JRPGs marred by garbage like



Random encounters are literally the worst fucking thing in video games, and nobody has ever liked it. It baffles me how it stayed around for so long.