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Video Games #112
Video Games
The Steam Awards™
Vidya Games Thread
So what's the least badly written Biocuck series?
When will fromsoft stop downgrading?
Vidya Screenshot Thread
How do you emulate Sega Saturn...
Pokemon Diamond and pearl remake
Nitroplus Blasterz PC December 8
Not voting for LISA in the Steam Awards
Make it happen, fags
You know it's true
Waifu Wednesday
FFXIV bread: Friendship Is Actually Cancer Edition
Who has the best theme this gen?
Best games for PSP
Why don't console FPS just let people plug in a mouse and keyboard so the game can actually be functional?
Muh dark and gritty hyper realism
Commie and Tail
ITT: blatant waifu baits
God Games
Game speed is tied to framerate
RTS Thread - Gooks can't into RTS Edition
Pirate Games
Sees a bunch of "What FF is the best" threads pop up
What happened to paper doll equipment in action RPGs?
Ladies and gentleman, CPY does it again
So now that all hype has died down and left to settle, what do you guys think of The Witness? For me...
Steam sales begin in 8 hours...
Zelda is an RPG
4 AM
Elona Thread - EloChat still dead. RIP
Serious Sam thread
Is legendary Hitman Hit faster than Sonic the hedgehog?
Designs and What They're Based off
What went wrong?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Communal Time Machine Edition
Can someone tell me why the Japanese like to give robots dicks in video games?
Remember me?
Citra Emulator Nearly Perfected
FMV Cutscenes
Random generated maps for replayablility!
…the Elite Four in the Pokemon League at the Indigo Plateau, Kanto
I tried posting on Holla Forums but I didin't get much of a response. I'd like to get a Oryx Pro from System 76...
They were trying to make another world war 3? for what cause, why is the cover the spoilers of the game...
Roadhog is best overwaifu and if you disagree you're a newfag
Alice: Madness Returns
Go into gamestop
7th gen gems thread
Costs $90
I finally played Skyrim DLC
ITT Casual filters/PTSD
So what do you think of Gameboy Advance games coming to the New 3DS eshop next month?
2hu Thread
Assuming this turns out to be true
Final Fantasy 16
I work for EA, and here's what's coming down the pipe
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
ITT: Games with greater emphasis on visual poetry rather than story or plot
PC Alternatives
#GamerGate #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS] GASHUNK Edition
TES games have no substitute?
Fullderp: Bubbly edition
Dungeon Rats
Civ Stories
Atelier Firis announced
Pay £45 for a fucking controller
Side-scrolling 3D platformers
Next Blizzard Game
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Pokémon Dream Team
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
M-muh elections
New Space Hulk: Deathwing gameplay video out, thoughts?
Military Flight Simulator
Webm Thread
4 AM
ITT post your steam profile picture(s)
NESICAxLive dumps
Pokémon Sun & Moon General Q&A Thread
PLANETSIDE 2 PS2 11/22/2016
Nintendo is Cancer
Steam was a mistake
Game Developer
With the TBS and the RTS having slipped far from their former glory...
Old people with god-tier taste
How horrid is Linux for gaming really. It can't be that bad, can it?. I don't really want to keep using windows...
Guys why is Vault Tec so evil?
You have one job Holla Forums
Yfw there is now a growing trend in Korea to patch burly muscle men out of games to replace them with femmeboi shotas
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Why did we never get GBA games on the 3DS eshop?
GameCube Thread
What do you think of the Switch, Nintendo's newly announced console that is portable but also hooks up to your TV?
Remember Me?
I don't understand
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Back to Church Edition
Fallout Thread
Nintendo censors an interview
3DS CFW+Homebrew: The Banes Never End Edititon
Gog games
UK school adviser to fight back against gamification
What's eatin' you, chief?
Games with little to no cannon fodder
Gaming Peripherals
How is Senator Armstrong a villain again?
Everyone Dies
Watch Dogs 2 Sales Drop 80% in the UK Compared to First Game
Tooth and tail
Sucky gaming sequels
Tyranny - Obsidian and Paradox made an RPG
4 AM
Arena FPS
Wanna play through System Shock 2. Should I bother buying and playing System Shock 1 first?
Vidya communities
Which game had the best romance/couples?
Poor PCfag here. Is Fallout 4 playable yet?
"The greatness of a console can be determined by the number of RPGs on it."
Would people enjoy more steampunkish style RPGs similar to Arcanum?
What do you think user
Holy shit why arent there other shooters like this?
Swapdoodle Thread
NIHON FALCOM (Ys, Trails, Gurumin, Xanadu, Brandish, etc) thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: University Bunny Girls Edition
AM2R and Pokemon Uranium Removed from The Game Awards
New webm thread
Overwatch: Fuck you, i play Sombra in competitive Edition
Is Fairies Story 3 any good? I was thinking of buying it when it's on sale
Amiibo Battle Royale: Thanksgiving Throwdown
Overwatch: Does it get better?
It's funny when you think about it, actually
So streaming isn't bad in and of itself, and the voice can be used to narrate what they're doing...
/agdg/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General General Thread Thread
ITT: Holla Forums Was Wrong Again. BF1 Edition
System Shock 2
Actual Outlast II marketing
Halo 5 thread/Halo general
Fighting Game General: Alolan Raven Edition
Neptunia Thread
Fullderp: Flying Gem Neverever Edition
I'm tempted to buy this game Holla Forums. Should I ?
Battlestation Holla Forums
You created this hell of shitty games. Now you have to fix it. Starting with the infant you slaughtered
If you had a holosuite
Is there even one good game in development? It's like there's no future
Roguelike general
Does anyone have a modding infochart for FO:NV?
BASED game Dev is based
What outdated hardware bullshit will Kojima be putting in his next game?
#GamerGate #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS] Almost Two Weeks and still Butthurt Edition
DOS Vidya
Best pokemon postgame
No Mans Sky: 273 players
4 AM
Share Thread: Screenshots edition
What was your most dissapointing release of 2016?
Movie tie in games that were better than the actual movies they were based on
ITT: Your Vidya fetish
Talking with friend over skype
RPG Thread
How's that videogame youtube channel you made going user?
Nostalrius/Elysium Stress Test in 6 hours
Filename thread: once a month edition
A Weird Way to Sell Games on Steam
Pokemon Sun and Moon: Serebii are Hypocrites Edition
Neverwinter nights Diamond
Nipponese Learning Thread: Diamond Is Not Crash
Games you hated the 1st time round but now love
Touhou Netplay #15
Holla Forums Plug.dj Day 2
God-tier gameplay
Gather your fireteams, gamers!
>it's a "will you notice" thread
Darkest Dungeon
So the Unreal Tournament devs are paying modders to make maps, characters and weapon skins for them...
Saturday Night Horror Thread
This is awesome! Retro gaming in 4K! Who else is hyped?
Webm Thread
What is your issue with each generation or the franchise as a whole...
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Story Time
So is this game any good? I'm pirating it right now but I think I'll end up with a shitty PoE'esque game
Swapdoodle Thread
T. If you cant make and program your own video games you should not get to play any games. Gtfo plebs
Headphones and Sound nonsense
ITT we post best warfare related vidya music
Blackcats gone
Gearbox / Duke thread
Does the game ever cut you loose...
Hey user it's been awhile, finish that backlog yet?
Nintendo banhammers people who play Pokemon early
Best Tomb Raider Game
UMPC and similar devices
Holla Forums How do we make a good game based on Fairy tale?
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Decided to open my dusty ps4 again, and look what games i had bought long ago for it
Terraria Thread 3: Snake Eater
Overwatch's 21:9 support actually reduces field of view
4 AM
What am I in for?
Ogc/ - Racing Vidya Thread - EBOLADROME edition
#GamerGate #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS] Horns are cute edition
Plug.dj is back!
People in my uni gaming club (because it's important to have as many connections as possible in college before going to...
Well-written VNs
PS4 is going to be on sale this black friday (fuck that day altogether)
Overwatch wins Golden Joystick
Video Game Characters
Star Ocean Thread
Name that Game
Comfy af fam
DC fan
Revolution games
Weird game desires
SS13 - Space Station 13 General
ITT: Games with incredible licensed soundtracks
Xbox Emulation
ITT: games only you played as a kid
It's been a little while since the last one, but I think we're a bit overdue for a good 'ol CRT thread...
Knifelegs, the Nobutt Robutt
I finally bought FTL in the magnet shop and after finishing trhe game twice I can't fucking understand the fuss about it
Anyone else check out the beta for steep?
EA has chosen to release Titanfall 2 the same month as its biggest shooter
Mario X Rabbids
Writing in vydia
Fullderp: Welcome to Gen 7 edition
Is there any mod to change the music of Street Fighter 4?
Is Linux worth using, from a gamer's perspective?
Intense video game music
ITT games you preordered that you didn't regret
Stalker thread
Pokemon Sun and Moon: I'll Miss You, Hex Maniac Edition
So, Death Stranding Not Happening...
Dragon's Dogma
#GamerGate #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS] Totally Lewd Edition
Faux Video Game Cover Thread
Member when vidya was fun? Member Gamespy? Member Half-Life? Member Dreamcast? Member? Member?
9 years ago
Killing Floor 2 Launch trailer
How come is there still no substitute for TES games?
3DS CFW+Homebrew: Getting Unbanned Costs $100 Edition
Comfy Safe Zone Music
Vidya smug
Specs and recommendations
Adrenaline released
Truly a masterpiece-
4 AM
More Switch news to be released today
Person wants to tell a story/narrative
ITT: Games that changed drastically in each iteration with positive results
Why aren't more game devs doing this?
Post games that let you unlock every or most characters and enemies as playable characters
Space Thread
Have we in our noble pursuit of mocking burches of the world accidentally denounce that noblest and oldest profession...
Wallpaper Thread
"hey user, play this cool game"
Can pirate and play many games
Chrono Trigger
Ubisoft to stop making linear bullshit
Nvidia 1070 literally exploding mid stream
How does it feel to know that Nintendo learned NOTHING from the Wiiu's flop?
Obsidian general
Pokemon General: No bannu Edition
Kill All Speedrunners
/agdg/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General General Thread Thread
Webm Thread: Dinosaur Edition
Mfw i just received a desperate sounding email including the phrase "a special offer just for you" from Sony about a...
Rise of the Tomb Raider is 50 percent off. Should I buy it? Is it well optimized?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Lazy >1 bread
Games you can play and then refund
Dell Mexico sells Alienware laptops in $ 35 usd
Video game music thread
Shots Fired FPS Game Marathon
I want to host a small LAN party
Remedy: We are about to announce a brand new game
Just gonna leave this here
Free for 24 hours
How are Pokemon centers economically viable?
Why can't zombie games be as scary as zombie films? Well, this film (more like kino) in particular. Minimum plot...
Happy Birthday Mark
How many hours you spent playing video games Holla Forums?
Is she really back
Cheat Codes
The Elder Scrolls Online
Cancerous indie games
It's time guys
GOTY 2016
Planet Coaster launches in about 8 hours, let's have a thread and talk about the game shall we?
Pre orders resident evil 7
4 AM
Shmup thread
Conan O'Brian destroys devs behind FFXV
Why is Master of Magic still the best fantasy 4X game?
BYOND Games!
Chris Metzen retires from Blizzard
Zelda delay
Final Fantasy XI - 2: All Roads Lead to Jeuno
Steam release of Monster Monpiece
Nintendo officially scraping the bottom of the barrel
Team Fortress 2 General
Developers good or bad
So what happens now?
Game set in historical setting
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Smugness Green Overdrive Edition
Watch Dogs 2
Open world fucks up everything
15 days until The Game Awards
Huge hitboxes
Dual audio
To celebrate the release of tranny
Ruh roh
Ubisoft caves in... surprising no one
Blizzard co-founder thinks Warcraft 1 and 2 "aren't fun anymore
ITT: Remove one mechanic/element from a game to make it better
What are some comfy chairs to use for gayming?
"Feminism and diversity are the way of the future." Western game developers, current year + 1
Hey guys, guess who's birthday it is today? This Mexican is turning 62!
How do i satisfy my fetish for fantasy survival games reliant on a large inventory of items?
Your childhood games
Why pokemon is shit
Holy shit, the framerate literally sucks dick. Is there a way to run this game at totally steady framerate?
Ow the edge anniversary
Infinite warfare flopping/COD future
I have $500 bux to spend on gaming and another $250 coming in a couple weeks
ITT: Music that would have been great for a video game but was used for something non-vidya
Dorf fort thread
Can we talk about hack-and-slash games and why people think they're fun?
Tfw there will never be another Mega Man Zero game
There are entire fake forums that copy paste Holla Forums threads from here and put fake usernames to our posts
Please stop buying skins user, you are only cancer if you choose to be
Waifu Wednesday
Puzzle games and shit
4 AM
Does anyone here actually think Vega will be good? Why can't AMD get their shit together? Like...
Alternate difficulties that make games better
Pokémon Sun & Moon Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Biden Meets Holla Forums Edition
==Red Dead Redemption==
Fullderp: ALL SKILL edition
Japanese game
Rainbow Six Siege
How do you find a new online playgroup when you have drifted apart from your old one?
JRPG Thread
What are the best Gamecube games?
Webm Thread
Space jam is 20
What games allow me to be evil mothefucker who is absolutely unapologetic about it?
Wurm Autism General /wag/ - Cucked to Death Edition
Pokemon is a Fucking Joke
Get job at ebgames
More cut content from MGSV, now in the artbook. Now Chico's new design was cut from the game...
What does user think about discord?
Anybody know where I can find video of someone playing the beta of the game?
Have you played any singleplayer games with a clear goal/ending reccently? I have been playing soul blazer...
Why did you let this happen?
Overwatch: Patch Day Edition
Fighting Game General: Smug Edition
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone Coming West
If Smash Bros. isn't a fighting game, does that make Mario Kart not a racing game?
Why is there such an effort lately to bring back isometric RPGs? All the old games like Baldur's Gate...
What are some good games where you play as a sniper?
Jupiter Hell (DoomRL 3D)
What has been the largest scam ever in vidya history?
30 minutes in
The World needs;
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Obama Meets Holla Forums Edition
Hey lads, remember Advance Wars?
Is there any far right leaning games i can play?
PLANETSIDE 2 PS2 11/15/2016
Nightmare Fuel
Skullgirls general
Help me buy a present for my friend
Ranting on Starcraft 1, yes 1
Will this game be shit or not?
Emulation thread
How can Nintendo be so retarded?
There have ever been a game that changed the gameplay mid-game?
4 AM
Vidya that recaptures the PS2 era atmosphere
Pokemon "Stop calling for help you fucker" Edition
Gamer Food - Underrated Edition
TORtanic: What happened
Video games forums/Neofag thread
There still hasn't been a good middle earth video game
Final Fantasy XIV: Leftards Worship Zodiark Edition
How do you pronounce her name Holla Forums?
Even paid shills hate it
Dominions 4 General: Mamono edition
Has something in a game ever turned you on and you don't really know the reason why...
So now that VR technology has fallen flat on it's ass which anyone with a braincell knew it would...
Is this the only honest review of MGSV out there? The game's massively overrated. It's boring shit...
Mecha Thread - SIEG ZEON Edition
Persona General
A new supercomputer from China has topped the latest list of the world's most powerful machines
Hey Mark
Play the game posted under your post!
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Life, Hometown and Swimsuits Edition
Ayy lmao
So, what was your GOTY/GOTY nominees?
Vidya which let you have the Ara~
What makes Horror games good?
Has an 86% on Metacritic
I have a lot of of fond memories of the N64, but these days I feel the library is very lackluster...
Blue Reflection: Magical Girls Doing Gay Things
Fallout New Vegas Multiplayer mod
Star Fox Thread
Side Content
Be safe, friend
Mass Effect: Andromeda Information
What Starcraft 2 was suppose to be
Pokemon: "Where are the Zygarde cells?" edition
Kikestarter: Grand Old Academy
Pirate game
Super Mario is 31 years old
How do you feel about artists who try to become indie devs?
Vita Thread
Vyda girls that need more porn
Tranny 2: Red Tide Rising
4 AM
Neptune Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Unlimited Waifu Works Edition (Claim Yours Today)
Old vyda commericals
Total War Rome 2
Cute vidya thread
Be trainer exploring a route
Windows 10
Why is this game so needlessly obtuse?
Dear Anons still playing World of Warcraft:
What are your expectations for Death Stranding?
Paladins: No shitty infographic OP image edition
Post yfw you've been autobalanced onto the losing team and the match is about to end
Fullderp: Fast Food edition
Dead Rising 4 compilation on where it went wrong...
Dishonored 2
Everyone knows 2008 was the "Year of Darkness" when videogames went to shit...
/agdg/ - Amaeture Game Dev General
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: We are 8ch, We are the chosen of Kek Edition
Full original design documents for Deus Ex, DX3 and Thief 4 (not the reboot) released
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation Devs in full damage control Edition
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
ITT: characters who are destruction in human form
What are some games that cover religion?
Flash is back!
ITT: games that make you think "this is like X before X was a thing"
PS1 Thread
Unboxing thread
3DS CFW+Homebrew: Gateway is Kill Edition
Baldur's gate
Is this the holy trinity of stealth games?
I found myself with access to pretty much unlimited parts for Arduino and a variety of materials from blue foam to wood...
Etrian Odyssey Tier List
Levels that make you quit your replay
3DS Thread
Gush about your favorite game
Large game with a lot of side content
Post your dream game that will never be real
You didn't fall for the VR meme, right user?
Sci-Fi/Comic book MMOs?
I am very curious Holla Forums, has there ever been a game made that allows you to hold hands with another player?
Vidya Weapons Thread
E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy Thread
Re-Volt thread
4 AM
We've had threads about deep villains, and threads about villains who are evil for the sake of being evil...
Is there a format of Let's Play videos you'd actually be interested in watching...
Comfy Vidya Soundtracks
Terraria 2: Sons Of Electric Liberty
Has anyone else noticed how creepy the Hello Games story actually is?
Mystery Games
Any amount of dialogue past a 2nd grade reading level is a visual novel!
Megami Tensei
Fallout New Vegas Mod Playthrough
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: It's Everyone's Fault Edition
Digimon Thread
ITT; Post characters you can relate to
I really wish GTAV only had Trevor in it. He was by far the strongest, the most interesting...
SS13 General - The Second Era of HateStation Edition
Where did it go wrong?
Antimagic in games
Why is there no FPS game based on the Syrian conflict?
Games you wish were on PC
Saturday Night Horror Thread
Give me some sci-fi RPG's to play. Preferably with hot babes and cool robots
The confirmation that "Super Mario" games will be released with Nintendo Switch was not necessarily from Nintendo but...
Cos for alarm?
Play EyE for entire night
Minecraft Server Sneaking
Now that Nostalrius is coming back (rebranded as Elysium), are we gonna make a guild on it? let's go alliance pls
What game has the best Orcs?
This was an experiment. It did not work
The developers made it free this weekend because Trump won and they want to spread hope
Shes so cute
Game lets you marry npcs
#GamerGate + #NotYouShield [#GG + #NYS]: To Go Further Beyond Edition
Has so much text that it might as well be a VN
What the fuck happened dude?
MOBA's: Fucking Why?
Online only achievement
Can we take a minute to talk about the Aliens/AVP franchise?
Cute bosses
WoW active user numbers so low Blizzard is bragging "around" 300...
Why is Silent Hill PT such a jumpscare fest? And why is it critically acclaimed, even by most SH fans...
Did we just meme him into existence?
I have dacryphilia. What are some games you can make girls cry in?
4 AM
Kingdom Hearts
Overwatch is supposed to be a bastion of diversity
Ninja thread
Find a flaw
Pokemon Thread: Sailing the Open Seas Edition
Look at my sicknasty commie kill cam footage Holla Forums!
A lot of people were disappointed with Dark Souls 3. I see why, but I can't be. I can't not have good memories of it
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Bunnies in Pajamas Edition
Considering this is objectively the best online FPS released in the last 5 years why don't we have a thread about it?
Tell me the best RPG you have played in your ENTIRE LIFE. For me it was Fallout New Vegas + some mods
Comfy Thread
Every wild Pokemon can call for help
Metal Slug
How about some autismsaurs
New mouse
Absolver by Devolver
Active users : 2197
Sega thread
Did you ever notice that the sign of declining videogame quality is lack of quotable lines?
Fullderp: Friday Night edition
NES Classic hacks incoming
Black characters in Vyda
Some PS4 games are SLOWER on PS4 Pro, what the fuck was sony thinking?
Xbox one getting Emoji support confirm
Curved Swords thread
Bethesda Modder Salt
7 days to die thread: theres a Server edition
Happy fifth birthday, Dovahkiin!
Rainbow six siege is having a free weekend and a discount...
Can we take a minute to talk about the "Shock" series?
I need a new GPU, is AMD or Nvidia better these days?
It's been ten years since the PlayStation 3 was first released in Japan
Dota 2, fuck all lolbabies
Yo, when is the next DK game coming out? its been almost 3 years and tropical freeze was the best game on the Wiiu
Why the fuck is this so hard to find?
The Manliest Motherfucker in Vidya
Video Games
Warcraft 4 is going to be a mobile game
Are comedy video games possible?
An attack on video games: Post-mortem salt after Donald Trump's victory
Hey Holla Forums. I've never really done much gaming, but I'd like to...
What is THE BEST action-oriented camera-look (not diablo-like, point and click, etc.) dungeon crawling game on the PC?
At least in this game you fought AGAINST communism, not for it
You fags losing control?
Which is correct:
Is Video Game Piracy Dead?
Dirt 3 is free for the next 34 hours on humblebundle
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Don't Let Your Guard Down edition
Josh McIntosh is doing a stream
Gay Sex With Boxers ON
I hate the word "gamer" because it's toxic. I prefer the term "player"
It's been over 2 years since I saw the video in which mister biscuit announced he had ~2 years to live
I'm starting to get pissed
Jesus Christ, how much money are Square going to shovel into Final Fantasy XV?
Can we have a GBA thread? I've been playing the shit out of the gba library now that I finally got my everdrive
Stupid shit that fascinated you growing up
We have lost too much
Android Thread
Characters who did nothing wrong
I want to get back into collecting for older consoles. Should I get a Retron 3 or a Retron 5?
Will Sonic finally be great again like the Mega Drive days under a Trump leadership?
You're going to the secret level!
Elona+ Thread Ver 1.63
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Veterans Day Edition
Honest question, tell me why you don't like "The last of us"
I can't get this any where because all the stores said that I had to pre-order it
Now that Trump is set to un-cuck the west, what are some "America Fuck Yeah" games?
Any predictions for Blunder of the Year 2017?
Why of all of ubishits recent releases this is the only one that is doing good?
The first game you ever played
Game's that change you
Oy vey! You can get DiRT 3 Complete Edition for free on the humble store for Steam
Comfy games
Dead Rising
Next color?
Sup Holla Forums, i thought you would want to take a look at this shit
STEEP Beta thread
Hey guys, I have a spare free Witcher 1 EE Gog key. Anyone wants it?
Who do you main in DBZ games?
Finally got around to playing Fallout 4
Accidentally gay games
Modern games with huge levels
Hey Holla Forums, remember that WWI mecha artwork by an artist called Jakub Różalski? Well guess what
4 AM
WebM Thread: Presidential Edition
#Gamergate #Notyourshield [ #GG + #NYS ]: #Gamergate #Notyourshield [ #GG + #NYS ] edition
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...