Online only achievement

Fucking hate devs that do this shit, why the fuck would anyone do this? Do they not realize later down the road people will stop playing online?

Serves you right achievement whore.

Why do you even care about achievements

cuz it feels good

The only achievements that are acceptable are ones that let you play a game a certain way and even then that's a moot point since there's such things as self-imposed challenges

One of the worst cancers introduced post-2000.

This is you. Kill yourself.

Good luck getting 100% in Syphon Filter OS or Last Story without cheating

do you like dick in your ass?




You should have stopped right there.

Games with online only achievements tend to also require season passes or codes to unlock the online features in the first place. Nothing of value is lost.

Better question: Is there a way to make achievements good? A majority of Holla Forums despises them, but is there a way to make them good?

It might help if they actually took some skill to get. As they are now they're mostly just "finish x level" or "play for 500 hours"

100% and any%

thats it

Achievements that are actually something that you can be proud of. Not shit as

or Kill/Collect/Do ____ X times

Achievements should be something hard to do like discovering some easter egg or doing a trick.

Challenge trials….like Styx have a good amount of bad ones and good ones
-switch off X torches bad
-get the ghost sigil good
-story achievementsok I guess? Show who needs to gitgud
-kill this enemythe hardest without getting damagegood

It's all about how you make them

Achievements that unlock bonuses and goodies, like in the first Dead Rising where you could unlock shit like a lightsaber, a real Mega Buster, and Arthur's heart-print shorts.

This is why I hate the increasing emphasis for muh online.

Crawl back to whatever forum you spawned from, neo-gamer pond scum.

There's lots of shit that would make for good achievements beyond "be the very best like no one ever was" type shit.

Even goddamn Borderlands had one for killing an enemy by jumping onto it, called "My Brother is an Italian Plumber".