ITT Casual filters/PTSD

ITT Casual filters/PTSD


I'll be it there's harder parts but this filters out a lot of casuals

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I was thinking of replaying that game, but nevermind.

It's funny because I was curious why it was so easy to get lives (Like the ten lives hidden in the rocks in Barn Boys) and then this level comes along and I realize what those were for.

I beat this fucker without cheating on original SNES hardware when I was a kid. I hate it. I hate it so much. It's such a bad game.

I don't consider abusing a bug to get infinite lives cheating because FUCK YOU you shitty awful game

I hated conkers so much. I only played through the game because the humor, and when the humor went to shit (caveman level) I only played it because my friend said you get a shotgun later. When I realized the shotgun part wasn't fun and you couldn't even use it 50% of the time, I only played it because I already got so far I just needed to beat it.

I thought the game would be awesome because of the multiplayer shit, but I was dead fucking wrong.

I thought the Teddies part was the best, but yeah the game was nonstop bullshit. I couldn't actually remember the part in the OP and had to look it up.

I can beat this game in under ten hours and regularly go back to replay it, you guys just need to fucking get good


Can't think of any example in any other games I played because it's been so long. Good example here though even if obscure.

Next you're gunna tell me carrying the same object 3 times to the same point isn't tedious.

>the final boss
Pick one.

Maybe if the thread was about tedium I would, but it's about casual filters, so I won't

Don't get me wrong, the game is ahead of it's time in terms of humor (Just a fully VA'd N64 game is pretty impressive, let alone with this good of writing), it's just that there is no good reason for a game to be filled with this much bullshit when other platformers that are older than it had much fairer levels while even being more challenging in some cases. You can be hard and fair.

Trial and error =/= skill, it just means that you spent enough time on the game to learn patterns. Anybody can do it. Yes the section I picked is trial and error because the shark fuckers attack you before you can even see them or have a chance at turning around. It's a game of memorization in that area which again anybody can do.

Possibly this, although it wasn't that hard even as a kid. Bugsy is much harder if you picked the Water Starter.


It's FTL. The final boss isn't much if you replay the game over and over again and the game is usually around an hour long to beat.

Look at your damn opening picture, you idiot! They give you the helmet so that you have a defense against the eyeball sharks. The first shark is in a long shaft with only one main direction you can go, so it's impossible to not realize that you can blind the sharks with the helmet. By the time you make it all the way down, you would have heard the battery run out, and since you can only go up, the first thing you'll notice is the water's surface directly above you, where you can get a new battery. By the time you did all of that, you will have seen the shark in the next space with the lights around it that you need to go through, and worked out the pattern which they swim - even if you haven't, as long as you aren't retarded you will have some juice left in your battery when you recharged it. You rinse and repeat for the lever and the door, and boom, you're done! That section takes less than five fucking minutes, and I'm afraid that anyone who complains about that section might actually be fucking retarded. The hardest section of the game, by far, is the lazers, anyway. That section is bullshit and if you had said that one instead, I wouldn't have a damn thing to say.

Well guess what? That battery runs out eventually and it will multiple times considering that it's a maze where you don't know where the hell you're going or what you're even supposed to do. At the point you actually figure out where you're going, the battery will have run out more times than you can count so you have two options, endlessly backtrack to restore the battery or play Simon Says with the tunnels.

I said that there's harder parts of the game but the thing is that it filters a lot of casuals out, thus I saw it as appropriate.

It's people like you that made Nintendo add that stupid guide to the Water Temple in OoT3D. The passages you need to go through are literally lit up in one direction. You know, so that you don't mistake the area you're in for the area you just came from. And all the lights are different colors.

This entire game.

What are you talking about? The tunnels are color coded for apparently no reason and all the rooms look nearly identical making it impossible to navigate. What's even worse is that you don't even know what you're looking for WHILE ON A TIME LIMIT. For example, due to the cutscene I thought it was be a race level to try to catch the money, not find a fucking switch.


Actually it may just be this wonderful saint.

It's so that you know which room you're in.

Yep, you said it, nearly identical. But remember, you have the colors of the tunnels to tell you which room you're in.

I'll give this one a go because it's technically correct. But there are only three rooms to this maze, you'll find it eventually.

Alright, I thought the same thing as well when I first played it. But that doesn't actually mean anything.

Not even the hardest part in that game.



I've beaten that boss, but calling the final boss of any game a casual filter is still retarded. It's supposed to be hard, that's the point of a final boss.

Why are there so many faggots on Holla Forums all of a sudden? My eyes are burning from the tumor, holy shit.
We nu/v/ nao?


The past couple of weeks have been fucking crazy, I tell you.

Not even close, butt-buddy.

Fuck this part, the insane amount of times I died trying to time the jump ==JUST RIGHT==.
And the worst was fighting the Teddies over and over again and watching that cutscene play before it.

Apparently the very beginning of Conker is also a casual filter, what with the amount of times I've heard people bitch about a few somewhat challenging jumps. Even the devs themselves kept fucking it up repeatedly in their playthrough.

What a horrible moment to give the player the bazooka. You're already down to two or one square of chocolate before that moment, and you move so fucking slowly with it equipped. You aren't given much of a chance fighting those guys at the end.

Oh man, I loved watching those guys get progressively worse at their own game. I loved how in the beginning, Chris Seavor was mocking modern games for hand-holding the player too much, sarcastically saying "These retro games are too fucking hard! THEY'RE TOO FUCKING HAAAARD!!!!" And then he gets to the bull fight like "Oi cahn't fuhking dew this."

Also, by their own admission, the intro to the game has the hardest platforming in the entire game. It was supposed to be the tutorial level, but they never used it again. Their words, not mine.

That part was easy though, near the end of "It's War" is where the most difficult sections of the game are.

The whole game.

Like the very beginning when you have a hangover and you wack the gargoyle?

Anyone have that webm of the beta getting mad at Mr. Silver and Gold?

I think one of the main things that makes Conker more difficult compared to other platformers of the time like Banjo or Mario or Spyro is how unforgiving it is with fall damage.

Falling from even modest heights can cause lots of damage, and falling from too great a height is a 1-hit-kill.

It feels like an awkward hybrid between a normal 3D collectathon platformer and a cinematic platformer like Prince of Persia or something, but without the fluid animation.

Yeah, the entire Hungover chapter was supposed to be an introductory chapter that teaches you everything you need to know before you start hitting swim sections and slingshot sections. They teach you how to high jump, and after that introductory gap, you're never required to perform a high jump again. Not that you even need it to clear that gap.

Well damn, if somebody actually has trouble with that part, this clearly isn't the right game for them.

I think I only really used the high jump again for the lasers, made some of them a bit easier for me.

I think the context-sensitive gimmick did a lot more to contribute to that difference. Were there any other games at the time that did something similar?

Asura is easy if you ended up with the strength skill distribution, when I fought him I buffed with tarakaja not knowing about the rage inducing effect and my MC proceeded to 1 shot my entire team under rage and then solo'd the boss doing a consistent 200-300 damage an attack. Ouroboros is the real casual filter of Strange Journey.

Frog pits

Found the part where they mention the platforming in the intro level.
I can't embed when there's a time mark in the link.

All Zeldas from Ocarina of Time to Twilight Princess, it was a lot more responsive though and was clearly displayed on the hud.

They're filters, I'll give you that much.

I wouldn't exactly consider Zelda to be a platformer, though.
