Give me some sci-fi RPG's to play. Preferably with hot babes and cool robots.
Give me some sci-fi RPG's to play. Preferably with hot babes and cool robots
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Fallout 3 has all you need.
well fuck that, I would just play new vegas instead but thats more cowboy western than anything to me.
He said rpg.
What about hot robots and cool babes?
This is a fucking shit word to use because it can apply to anything where technology or general science is different. Merely changing the number of chromosomes people have in your setting makes it sci-fi.
well if they got a shitty fan they would probably get hot as fuck.
Your loss, mate.
Pathways Into Darkness was one of the first games to mix RPG and FPS. It has a good plot. And it is hella challenging. Best of all, it's free now. Definitely worth checking.
There is one catch, however: only for Mac.
Here you go user.
Aw man, I was going to say that.
OP, try Live-A-Live.
Then again even if I did hate it being able to join a specific faction and get a different ending and/or boss makes new vegas way better anyway.
Doesn't mac have some equivelant of dosbox? Marathon can be played on a modern pc so I am sure this could too.
I've been playing Shadowrun Dragonfall, the babes ain't particularly hot and the robots ain't particularly cool but the sci-fi is on point.
What are the chances this is just "Furries in Space"?
100%. Even CoC was less furry.
you can level up, its an rpg
That's different, Marathon was actually ported to other systems. But yes, you can emulate MacOS on a PC.
Neat, thanks user.
I did play some TOR, it was pretty boring and pretty poorly designed but I still enjoyed being a space cowboy.
What's the point? It's not like old MacOS has a ton of exclusives worth playing, and SheepShaver works well enough.
Speaking of faggotry, I'd love for a hot Turian, Elite, or Deathclaw to just spear my tender little bum
This game has hot alien babes in it. You even get to see their tits at least I think that's what those are.
All 6 of them.
Saga Frontier
Front Mission
Phantasy Star III
>>>Holla Forums
for you.
Does anyone have those webms of Kaiden from mass effect getting face fucked?
grill isn't fit enough to be Glory
sci-fi means futuristic space setting u buffoon
No, science fiction means anything with fictional science. Even magical steampunk shit is sci-fi.
bump I guess.
notha bump.
Forgot one.
I want to climb the Eiger.
Is dat DeusEx?
It's a chick from Shadowrun Dragonfall, though in the game she looks significantly less detailed.
what types of qt companions does it have?
To build onto what you said, she purposefully installed as much outdated gear as possible into her body to strip her essence (soul) to help escape pseudo-Satan.
Shadowrun definitely isn't the game to play if you're after hard Sci Fi.
Hey now I love magic in my sci-fi, Aliens shooting balls of energy at each other is just great.
Whale's Voyage. The Amiga CD version.
Thank me later.
Really? You do realize the Space Shuttle exists, correct? It is, by definition, a space ship.
Knights of the Old Republic I and II.
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy.
Persona 3.
System Shock 2.
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey.
I mean, it's science fiction considering it has robots, hi-tech technology like Evokers and bikes that have been built to operate during a supernatural phenomena. I would call that science fiction to a degree.
Sure, the setting is more modern in appearance.
But not all science fiction is spaceships, cyborgs and lightsabers. It's almost close to being mundane science fiction, except mundane doesn't allow supernatural concepts within it apparently.
How good is Shadowrun: Dragonfall?
Binary Domain
of the recent shadowrun games it's by far the best despite a fairly locked down ending which is gay
Speaking of gayass lying faggots, why you lying?
Decent. Make sure to get the DC version Eiger best girl
literally worst companion the agent gets
also her human form is a nignog
its not science fiction, all that tech works because magic.
so black people are fuckin gross
uh I think you got the thread, /clang/ is down the street.
Sorry, someone say clang?
fuck you
haha…. ahhhhhh its so intoxicating the ghreat great smell of your butt odour… natural body smell… *BRRRRAPPPPPPPPPFFFT* ahhhh…
never, ever post again
So I take it better than PoE and DA2 and ME3?
play this op
Did anyone else find Kelly the only relationship-worthy material in the mass effect games?
who? also ashley was ok in the first game at least, I dont know what happened in the sequel.
What do you mean you don't know her?
She seems too nerdy and shy and cold (read: autistic) for me.
she is pretty hot too, I like her, but I always end up fucking ashley before I can fuck her. I dont know if ashley is too loose or if she is too tight.
Apparently the game was designed so that you had to explicitly reject Ashley several times if you didn't want her.
can you fug them all somehow? played through mass effect twice and I never found a way.
No. You can go partway down the romance paths for both Ashley and Liara, but they'll eventually confront you and force you to choose. There's an option to suggest a threesome, but if you choose that, Ashley walks away in disgust and the rest of the story proceeds as if you'd just chosen Liara. The same thing happens to Femshep with Liara and Kaiden.
Magitech can still be scifi, is Warhammer 40k not scifi since half the shit in that setting runs on demon space magic.
But I agree that Persona 3 is just modern with scifi undertones.
Cyber Knight 1 & 2 (SNES) (Japan only but translation patch available)
sci-fi rpgs with fairly simple srpg combat in mechs (sequel adds on-foot combat)
interstellar exploration
story inspired by Fred Saberhagen's Berserker novels
cute girls, no ham-handed romance
is for
so that is what this comic is about.
Earlier versions of CoC were more corruption/demons/tf than plain old furry, in fact.
ashley was a complete cunt. all she did was bitch about muh aliums and complain that you were getting "too close to the enemy", and if you let that fucking slut have her way she kills Wrex, which is an immediate fail in my class. i like to imagine that in my playthrough she didn't just stay on whatever planet that was with the nuke, i handcuffed her to it
Implying that's a bad thing.
Two words, user: scale itch.
Give it a go, OP. You won't be disappointed until the second, unfinished/rushed disc
It does have aliens.
im disappointed Holla Forums
go buy the ps2 version of xenosaga episode 1, american version preferred over japanese
its got a nice story and gameplay
if you like that, go buy episodes 2 and 3, though episode doesn't have as good gameplaybut the story is worthwhile if you liked that of the first game and the third game has a rushed story but I hear its better than 2
also the first and second games have nice music, though I haven't played the third yet
my bad
Phantasy Star Online 2 pretty much sells itself on its tits and ass, and it has robots.
It sells itself on good combat and grandiose story mode, but vocal minorities make it appear otherwise, as usual.
Episode 3 was likely supposed to be 20+ hours longer than it was. There is a series of events between 2 and 3 that was likely supposed to be the first 10 or so hours of 3. The end is rushed in a similar fashion, but there is optional text you can read to fill in the blanks. Episode 3 is heavily censored in the US version, so if you can find a patched version of the game you'll be better off. That being said it was still a good game with a simpler, but decent battle system. I also thought the way the game handled NPC dialogue was very interesting. You would basically "overhear" conversations as you passed by NPCs, and you could read more of the conversation by pressing x to continue listening. There weren't many cities you visited, but they were very detailed and interesting to explore. Not many rpgs make me feel that way. I think a lot of people skipped this game since 2 was a shitshow, which is a shame.
Prepare for space AIDS if you fuck her. She's fucked like every species
I had no idea, I thouight she was against the guys who wanted no aliens on terra.
Which means she probably has tons of fuckbuddies she can hook you up with for threesomes or more. Want a foursome with her and two asari, or her, an asari, and a female turian? She can probably make it happen.
She also seems really nice, like if she knew you were depressed and lonely, she'd offer you a nice fuck to cheer you up.