I want to host a small LAN party
But I don't know jack shit about it
I know that I need computers, a switch, eth cables and food
Do I have to connect the switch to my modem or to the PC that will act as server?
Also, general LAN stories and LAN games thread
I want to host a small LAN party
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Multiplayer games are normalfag cancer
Fuck off
go back fapping to your moeshit faghat
You don't need the modem unless you're planning to pair up and play a team online. Just connect all the computers and the server to the switch/router and you should be good to go. If you have trouble there are plenty of guides online that will teach you how to set-up a network.
Plan on buying enough pizza to last the night, you'll also need plenty of soda and snacks for the guests. Make something in the crock pot (stew, taco mix, cocktail weenies) because it's easy to cook and clean up. Basically any type of food you can put out and forget about is good.
Try to plan out what games you'll be playing ahead of time. Have cracked copies on hand to install on everyone's computer. Generally this works better than letting everyone bring their own because you run into less compatibility issues.
Try to have a place where people can crash or just chill out. Sometimes it's good to take a break and a couple of people might want to wait until the game they like is begin played.
Thanks, the modem could be a trouble since I have a shitty modem that I can't move that is far away from where I will place the switch
I'll probably start ripping through the GOG pirated database and download shit that seems fun
Luckily I have a big enough home, so if anyone wants, he can sleep there
I don't do many LAN parties anymore but they were fun as hell back in the day. I mostly host fighting game tournaments now. This might not apply to you but here are a few things I'm doing.
I can't think of much else. Plan on begin up til at least 3am if you're lucky. Probably 6-7am most of the time if alcohol is involved. This is why it's important to have a place for people to sleep.
Yea forget about the modem user it's just going to complicate things for you. It's only useful if you're going to play against teams online as a group. Maybe save that for the next time you host.
Setting up a network isn't really hard at all you just have to read up on it a little. If you have specific problems I can help you but you're not setting it up yet so it isn't worth giving you instructions. What kind of switch did you plan on using?
Yeah, I will also have a PS3 with some fightan and other games on it, shame I don't have arcade sticks
My main problem is that I still don't know how many people there will be, since I started only today to think about it (and I'm organizing for New Years Eve, since the 1st is also my bday)
PS3 is going to require HDMI splitter if you want video out of it on anything but the main monitor. For your first time I wouldn't worry about that but in the future you may want to record matches if things start getting more serious. Try to get an idea of how many people are coming to play so you have enough ports on your switch for all those PCs. Honestly one is probably going to cover you, don't expect everyone that comes to play and don't expect players to just camp PCs. Some will but most will be more social and only play a match or two then move on to something else.
I should warn you that video games kill a party unless it's the main focus of the party. So don't get upset if some people come and get bored out of their minds. They won't complain about it if you have alcohol for them. When I host tournaments a lot of people come that aren't even interested in gaming but they'll get drunk, watch for a bit, and eventually start rooting for one of the players. Since players need audio you can't play music or anything so it's hard to have non-gaming activities for people to partake in that aren't playing.
After you host a couple of times it'll thin out and be mostly players and their friends. You'll start getting the hang of throwing a large party and know what to expect.
t. faggot that have a private bar and throws 2-3 massive parties a year.
It sounds cool, I will probably start to have those more frequently as I get better at hosting them
The first time I will probably with just some close friends, with games as the main focus, so probably an 8 ports switch will be fine
I was thinking about either
As switches, maybe I will also order some cat5 eth cable from aliexpress and cut in smaller cables
Make sure when you're picking games that you don't pick a game where one of your players is that much better then the rest. Reason we can't play UT99 anymore
it fucking is. Have you ever tried to play videogames with people you know? They all fucking blow.
You need a lot of wall power sockets too, can't just use extension cables to plug all the computers into one socket. Not a good idea.
We will probably run through a list of games of various generes
they do, if the only person you know is your mother and your grandma
Yeah, i was thinking about that, but I should have enough sockets per room for everyone
Once I know how many people will be, I will see if I need some extension cords
Sounds like a personal problem user. I have two friends that play fighting games. We all have arcade sticks. We have tons of games to play. It's comfy, we hang out together and git good. We go to tournaments together and see how we match up with the other people that go.
fucfking kill yourself
I tried before I had a social life user. The pills didn't work and I was too much of a faggot to pull the trigger. I'm just walking around now waiting on something to kill me.
Worst bait/10, playing with friends is fun, user.
Don't you have friends, user?
LAN parties are really easy to setup nowadays
Just this weekend all of my friends brought laptops so we just connected over Wifi and played Quake in about 5 minutes.
Then again most games usually don't have LAN support nowadays for some reason. Like I tried playing Left 4 Dead with them and it was much harder to setup over LAN than a Quake dedicated server was.
L4D1 has LAN play on Xbox and PC I think. Not sure about L4D2. When you set-up the lobby there should be an option to select local/LAN instead of WAN.
And I did that but when I setup a game it didn't appear in the menu. I had to add everyone as a friend and create a friends only game inorder to do it
I do, I was just pointing out his dumb argument
Maybe it only works with a cross over cable on the console. I know I played some LAN matches against a friend when L4D1 first came out. I have a dedicated server for it now so I haven't play local in years.
Just remember that winners don't do drugs and that people need to be rotated constantly and joke a lot so that they don't get so salty. Too much salt can ruin the party. So have a party game ready or a funny card game like cards against humanity.
Nobody actually LANs at these things, don't waste your time unless you go with friends.
Watch Dr Who
and swap files
LAN is pretty much dead. Thank the anti-piratefags for that.
First rule: No girls allowed to begin with
mobas have lan mode though
The first dota-like games in starcraft had lan, dota had lan in wc3. Both wc3 and starcraft were popular because of lan.
The first thing to be called a moba was LoL and it had no lan.
Sure, but people that used to meet up for LANs previously now only play MOBAS with their buddies over the net.
I had a group with which I did Lans every other month, and lo and behold, LoL slowly infested what were quite fun evenings with many different games. When they first began to play it during the LANs I played along reluctantly (I don't care for ASSFAGGOTS), but sooner than later, the LANS were >60% LoL when you previously had anything from WC3 custom maps to Destruction Derbies to Half Life 1 Arena matches.
The group broke apart not much later, because why met up when you also can angrily shout at your friends over the internet?
Wait, I thought LoL had no lan feature ?
That's the entire point. People went to a fucking LAN party only to play a MOBA that doesn't even have LAN.
Too few games support the damn feature nowadays. I'm looking for a newer title to try and all I find is indie platformers.