So now that all hype has died down and left to settle, what do you guys think of The Witness? For me...

So now that all hype has died down and left to settle, what do you guys think of The Witness? For me, it's a decent puzzle game that gave me the Myst vibe, though it's nothing to write home about. I did like all the metaphors and deeper meanings though.
Inb4 shill, I just wanna talk about games I've played.

Go back to $20chan

Also the witness was shit and nothing has changed.

It's okay shill.. It came across as 2deep4u based on videos, puzzles were basic and just okay. It didn't came close to Myst, just a faint pulse from a distance. They had to aim for much better puzzles, a "deep" story, not in metaphors and hidden meanings, actual well-written interesting story, in order to be noticed in this genre. It's niche and demanding. Art style was good though.

Care to explain why?


What hype?
It's shit. The worst part? It will probably get an award from the Dorito Pope.

its shit and it gives people aids
there you go

It's okay.

It should have been much, MUCH more focused on environment puzzles. I might've even loved it if it was 50% (or more) environment and 50% panels.

Unfortunately it's an extremely casualized version of Myst. Which entirely defeats the purpose of a Myst type game.

I played it, I finished it and it's terrible.
The story is 2deep4u bullshit that has no payoff and the audiologs are pretentious as FUCK.
The puzzles are fun for the first few hours and then they just keep going on and on and on and in the end they just add bullshit fucking gimmicks on top of the puzzles that make them even less fun because you need to dance around their stupid shit like obstructing the panel making you find just the right angle which is really not fucking fun. Especially the end sequence with the broken panels and shit was god fucking awful.
I think the fact that there's a puzzle that requires you to watch an hour long video to finish it speaks for itself even if the puzzle is optional. It's the worst kind of pretentious artsy fartsy game that is obscure for the sake of being obscure and so that people can go "oh you just don't get the deep message it's really commentary on how female duck vaginas are spirals"

just go back to cuckchan

it's shit and so is this thread

The puzzles were pretty cool, with a sort of Myst vibe to it with the way it progressed in difficulty. Any sort of story(if there was one) and found items with voice acting was complete pretentious shit, though.

Just play The Talos Principle instead.

There's a puzzle where you have to sit and watch a FORTY MINUTE movie and drag the mouse along a moon that appears in it as it sloooooowly crosses from one side to another.

Fuck this game in its god damn ass. Do not pay for it.

What's the movie about?


Pretenious bullshit:
Secret of Pslam 46

Who was hyped for this shit? I hope you didn't give money to Jonathan Blowjob.

I played it and it is still shit. There is zero fucking direction of where to go except for paying attention to the puzzle difficulty but you can't know if a puzzle is the game trying to teach you something or something you should know already or something that is missing to begin with. There are puzzles that demand ridiculous leaps of logic for you to understand, and there are puzzles where you can accidentally solve and not learn jack and be unable to redo which means you are SOL unless you start from the fucking beginning.

"Narrative" has no narrative and it is all bullshit pretentiousness. The "metaphors and deeper meanings" are all crap. A better puzzle game with a narrative would be The Talos Principle and that shit gets massive price drops and a DLC that manages to be even better than the base game.

Here's your (you), now get out Jonathan Blow

Maybe Blow will add quest markers and a minimap for you in his next game, faggot.

Those are two fucking extremes of shit game design. Dropping you and not giving a direction is shit, but quests markers are the lazy solution that plagues the industry nowadays. Organically indicating where to go with hints, dialogue, light and darkness and enemies are all far better option than either.

This user gets it. Environment puzzles where cool, especially the panels with clues from the surroundings (the four seasons maze for example).

Original Myst isn't even hard, Riven is where the difficulty spikes. Besides difficulty the puzzles in Myst and The Witness are of very different types. Comparing them is an insult to Myst.

shilling blow's shit game is this the same fag from the evolve thread?

No, but it is mysterious and the puzzles are varied.
I still check behind doors, both in vidja and irl, because of Riven.


Which version of Myst is the definitive one? GOG has repackages Real Myst and Masterpiece Edition repackages.

Your reward to finishing the fucking game is a gopro headcam video of the developer stumbling around his house like a drunk and fondling objects like a retard. He had a fucking PISS BOTTLE in the video, it was all shot in december or perhaps early january because his christmas tree was still up the game itself released Jan 26th, so he phoned it in at the last fucking second what the ending should be. You pay 40 fucking dollars to dick through a puzzle game, the playtime being superficially inflated from unskippable video and the speed at which you can get from one puzzle to the next being the main limiting factor.

I've watched a speedrun of this shit, this is not the actual ending
the true ending is a pretentious quote + reset to the start of the game

So the ending is a demo of No Man's Sky?
Pretty cool.

How's the Talos Principle?
What's the story?
Is the gameplay good?

You don't need to play a game to know - not think, know - that a game is shit. Stop pretending to be retarded.

you do need to play a game to know if it is shit or not.

100%er here

+ super loved the panel puzzles that require the surrounding environment to solve
- hated all the fucking filler puzzles that didn't
+ loved the environmental puzzles
- super hated that nothing on the island had any context or purpose outside of solving puzzles, nor was anything part of a greater context
- super ultra mega Viewtiful Forever hated the shitty excuse for a "story" that they shoved in the cavern under the mountain

6.5/10 worth a pirate and the occasional replay

What in the goddamn fuck are you smoking?
I'm betting cock.

everything about Talos is leagues above The Witness in both gameplay and story

I think this video will help clear up why the Witness is at least decent.
Im not making a fucking webm of a 40 minute video.

I have a better one. It's only two minutes long.


Idiot who payed full price for it here. In the broadest sense of the word, I liked it. It's a decent puzzle game and its one that relies on you not to be a retard. That said, finding out the solution to a puzzle is pretty compelling, if it relies too much on trial and error. At the end of the day though, you don't need a video game to implement the puzzles that the game has. The Witness doesn't need to be a video game. If your looking for a good time waster, I'd recommend it. If you're looking for a puzzle game that actually feels like a game, go look somewhere else.