4 AM

Losing control?

What game do you think came the closest to reaching true perfection?

Other urls found in this thread:


gay sex thread

Either MGS2 or DMC3.

oh fuck off.

Everything that came after added bloat and cancer. Prove me wrong.



Come if you want, or don't. Doesn't matter to me.

Morning everyone!

No chance. Mostly watched vids last night with some m8s. Considering picking up some kind of adventure platformer on the NES, any suggestions?

When will they learn?

I want sound threads back and attention whores to fuck off.

What is the greatest opening of any video game?



I don't think they realize I've been making the thread for 6 months now. I doubt most of the anti avatarfags even payed attention to 4am 6 months ago.

I'm a big fan of your 4 AM threads, Ritsu!
Please keep them up!


I don't get it. How is it that whenever someone else makes a 4 AM thread, everyone seems to go to yours anyway?
t. user whose 4 AM thread was off by 1 second

It's fine, you Solid fag.

Yeah, they don't understand why there's a thread everytime they try to post one.


Dustforce maybe. Only thing I think it would benefit from would be more intermediate stages to give the difficulty a defined curve instead of a sudden spike





For starters, yours was off by one second

Always and forever.

Because mine is always on time.

They do. Hes just trying to do it to bug me but don't realize silly internet shit like this is just funny to me.

Answer's pretty close.

Chrono Trigger

I'd rather have the other thread again, without faggot OP

mother 3, mo'fuckin rondo of blood man. dr. mario, tetris.

megaman x, wc2 and cave story get almos

startropics doesn't rly count but i'd say startropics

magnets monica


I remember seeing some anons bringing up some NES/FC platformer that really showed off what the system could do as far as graphics went. Can't remember what it's called off the top of my head, but I'll dig through my folder and see if anything stands out.

Hey DMX. Do you know what to do after you've claimed vengeance?

Startropics is comfy as fuck but I've never liked the gameplay in it. Its one of the few classic NES games I used to own I didn't order for xmas.

Ayy thanks user!

I just go by the more accurate time, or the one that people already started posting in. I could care less who makes the thread, so please stop doing this every night.

hey DMX how is it hanging

ever wake up after 4 hours of sleep feeling like your head is being squeezed? im so tired and i cant fall back asleep

Oh, Moon Crystal was what it was. I think it should have a translation patch.

holy shit, get fucked hotpocket
it's pointless denying it when you barely enforce rule 8 anymore

No, fuck off



I shit on you guys a lot but at least you get one thing right.

That happened to me for the past few months straight. I think you are dehydrated user. Drink some water.


attention whore


reverently low fam

idk tbh but won't b much clean up cuz i'm finna serve dat shit cold monica

yea i kno dat feel man. ain't fun monica

hi budy

Closest to 4 AM, over or under, if not on the dot, should be the one people go to.

Told yall this would happen more and more after people begged for avatars to get banned. Give an inch and they will take a mile.

They did though.

Conspiracy confirmed

i still dunno what a avatar is tbh.

Keep water by the bed user and sip on it throughout the night. If you lay in bed longer than an hour or so without falling asleep get up and do some task around the house then go back to bed later. This is actually natural, before light bulbs people got up in the middle of the night to attend to chores and split their sleep cycle up into halves.

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BAN (((YOU)))

it's simple, there's no new people coming in because avatarfags scared them off
4am is associated with them, so only the same few people come to the same thread

4:20:00 get

4 am circlejerkers are huge faggots, avatar cancer shitlords like smoke pussy and spider autist who no one wanted to befriend in ssf threads, your thread should be allowed but bumplocked on sight, anyway have a good night gentlemen

its a cartoon about chinese magicians

i'll bump lock dat rectal cavity monica

Its that movie with the blue furrys. Or that show with the arrow kid

Keep trying to rewrite history, I'm here every night to Correct the Record.

Huge faggots is right, and spider got fucked up by hotpockets for avatarfagging. He complained in the thread a while back I think, calling it 'bs' Rule 8 is starting to be enforced just a bit here


Actually they were WAY more active.

shit was deep tho embed related monica

Fuck off and stop projecting
Smoke-user and Spider are outside shills who we let stay to laugh at as a sign of why faggotry is bad

But Hillary lost.

Are you okay user?

wah wah
it's apparent people don't like you and stopped coming by
how is that so hard to understand

they were until avatarfags came out

Meant for

Just woke up after accidentally dozing off. Haven't been doing a whole lot but I did catch a lower level Vulpix so it actually knows ember. Might just watch my shows that aired last night.

Happy birthday Mark

I personally loved cloudbuilt. As a fast 3d platformer I can't think of anything better.

Yeah I'm just shitposting tbh

I just rewatched the first two seasons. That fucking scene got to me fam.




Not true, tbh. Say what you want about avatars but they made the threads active for reasons you may not like.

I think I'm gonna stick to singleplayer games.

That's what you get for playing CS:GOy

What shows you watching?

No. Fuck off.

between themselves, it was waifu thread tier dumb
and then staying on their own board was too hard for them because nobody wanted to go there so they shat up this place instead

This translates to

Don't forget about illinois :^)

Blindspot and South Park. The rest are still between seasons.

You don't seem to know shit, at least people who WERE here and hate how it turned out, understand they don't like the people at that board.

if its waifu thread tier dumb, why don't they ban waifu threads too instead of giving them special immunity to the rules

yeah fuck off tumblrtale

yea, I watched sum w/ my kids here n there, pretty interesting show tbh, although a fair bit of is sum filler bs. Iroh a fukkn g tho tbh monica, lyk soon as I seen du I was like buhruv main dat nigga coald af fam.

started watching star trek voyager. janeway's voice is kinda grating but eyy i made it thru tos so I think i'll b aight

i had so much fun playin cs bak in da day. i remember playin 9/11 mornin n den seein how all dat shit went down outside mah window was unnerving yo.

I wish go was bearable. in mah heart of hartz

You know right that I don't trust you

UIDs were higher thats why it was more active.

Honestly I hope they try it. Take away the EC. It'll cause a civil war within 20 years.

What happened in illinois?

Whats blindspot?

south park is in the worst season it's been in. the continuing storyline is shit and the repetitive jokes are old. three episodes of star wars jokes

It went blue.

ask the head kike

what does that sentence even mean

how many of those UIDs had more than 1 post, though

The funny thing about the whole Hillary won the popular vote meme is that there was an estimated 3 illegals who voted

niqqa wut?

It's somethign to watch.

I think I've described ith ere before. The tattooed chick who's found in a duffle bag in times square with no memory, and every tattoo is a conspiracy. It's okay for light watching.

Nah the filler is what makes the show. The exploration of this comfy unique world was nice. Each and every place they visited had something that made it unique and interesting. And honestly its barely filler. People like zuko and sokka were growing with each episode.

Like after election night or something?

Fuck those 3 guys, deport them.

Sorry, better?

He means 3 million

no they were blue during the election, hillary won illinois

The only funny thing about the season is how the Trump win caught them with their pants down
I mean for 08 they planned the episode for either candidate winning

I almost hope they get it and are fucked over by their precious majority. I'm sure then they'd demand a full on left wing dictatorship

i gotchu

So people who hate how 4am turned out on Holla Forums understand that they don't like the 4am board?

I'm not certain you though this through properly, m8

I meant to say 3 million
And what's funnier is how many illegals Trump is going to deport off the bat

Same meme they tried when Al Gore lost. At least they had the makings of a good story back then with the stuff that went down in Florida. This time it's obvious they were the ones trying to steal in and when they failed to do that they just pushed the 16 year script like it was new.

I liked Bush. We got 8 years of good TV out of him and he told the UN to go fuck themselves. I didn't agree with going to war with anyone but seeing a President give the rest of the world the middle finger always gives me fuzzy feels. We're America, we smoke terrorist then rain down fire.

I can't wait for two terms of Trump, it's going to be glorious.

I might check it out. Depends on what channel it airs on?

Probably just that shithole chigaco messing up the state even more.

Every time I'm reminded that Trump has the house, senate, and SCOTUS on his team now it makes me rock hard. America is going to end up greater than ever before.

Post things that are extremely vaguely DMX related

I'm sorry, sleepy. I'm just saying people understand what happened, you don't apparently.

that and the surrounding suburbs.



I saw libtards posting stats saying that "theres not 3 million illegals with criminal records in the US for drumpf to deport" but it all fucking makes sense now. This is some 4d shit, I love Trump so much.

Bush was comfy as fuck. I mean his family is evil globalists but he was a fun guy.

What video games you playing guy?

go back to your lol thread faggot

Reported. Say goodbye to your Holla Forums account

And the States as well Ritsu
He almost has the 3/4 states required to change the consitution

I have no idea. I watch it online after it airs.

You mean the Dubya himself? I bet you were in diapers to think he was a good president

but who understands what?
I've seen threads before, during and after avatarfags
the decline of non avatarfags was rather apparent after we had more than 4-5 of them
it was all talk between them and new IDs either had one post telling them to fuck off or it was anons who've never been here and thought that was the norm now

Huh what? Explain


I never said he was good. I said comfy. He was silly and a dummy. That made him fun.

Are you sure? I remember talking to plenty of non avatarfags that wasn't meta.

Gameplay wise I think FTL

[spoiler]Today was my birthday


Do you honestly think anyone is going to believe you when you make up ridiculous stuff like this?

Happy bday user!

Do anything fun?

yes sending us to a losing war in iraq and iran while lambasting an exist strategy as unpatriotic was real fucking comfy.

Holy fuck
I've never been this aroused in my life

Thank you for correcting the record

if you were to filter them all back then at least 60-70% of the thread would disappear, alone because smokes would get 50+ posts

your word against mine, and we know who the mods side with apparently

fuck off

May I interject for a second, while you may think 4am is not video games I am going to tell you that is simply not the case. See 4am is based on the idea of Stu the family man with a rough life and Stu is from the Videogame series Rugrats which has a television adaption with the folling games
Rugrats: Search for Reptar (PlayStation)
Rugrats: Studio Tour (PlayStation)
Rugrats: Scavenger Hunt (Nintendo 64)
Rugrats in Paris: The Movie (Nintendo 64, Game Boy Color, PC CD Rom, PlayStation)
Rugrats: Totally Angelica (PlayStation, Game Boy Color)
Rugrats: Totally Angelica Boredom Busters (PC CD Rom)
Rugrats Go Wild (PC CD Rom, Game Boy Advance)
Rugrats: All Growed Up - Older and Bolder (PC CD Rom)
Rugrats: Castle Capers (Game Boy Advance)
Rugrats: Royal Ransom (PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube)
Rugrats: I Gotta Go Party (Game Boy Advance)
Rugrats: The Movie (Game Boy, Game Boy Color)
Rugrats: Time Travelers (Game Boy Color, Game Boy)
Rugrats Activity Challenge (PC CD Rom)
Rugrats Adventure Game (PC CD Rom)
Rugrats Food Fight (Mobile Phone)
Rugrats Mystery Adventures (PC CD Rom)
Rocket Power: Team Rocket Rescue (PlayStation) (Tommy and Angelica appear as guest characters)
Nickelodeon Party Blast (Gamecube, Xbox, PC CD Rom)
All Grown Up! Express Yourself (GBA)
Nicktoons: Toon Twister 3D (PC CD)
Rugrats Print Shop (PC CD Rom)
Rugrats Munchin Land (PC CD Rom)
With all these games in the rugrats series of which Stu is in and therefore 4am are indeed videogames


See this is why Bush 2 was fun, because I could picture that.


Nah. That's a nice thought and all, but at best all Trump can do is slow down the death spiral for 4-8 years. Once he's out of office we'll be right back to cuckservatives vs socialists, and into free fall again.

Getting real sick of your shit, nigger.

The win/lose conditions are far too dependent on ridiculous RNG. Fun game to pick up and play for a few minutes, but nowhere near perfect.

Happy birthday though, fag. How old are you?

But isn't he an idiot? If 9/11 didn't happen he goes down as one of America's most fondly remembered Presidents just on meme factor a lone

I watched 9/11 go down in my 12th grade English class.

I don't respond to tripfags

Ok, but even if that's true, why is it bad? Are you just assmad people weren't having the conversations you wanted them to be having?

I'm sure my story is actually true.

Only smokes, also irony is that image came from an avatarfag.

So you don't appreciate somebody ruining your threads? Isn't that a coincidence, user, an ironic one at that.

I'm mad because they shoved their asses in a thread and took over. What for? Why in god's name would you need an identity in a 4am thread, especially if you come by daily anyway

I know, Hobo, but it does its job

I don't know what's wrong with NBC because I don't usually watch tv. I just stream stuff. I get one channel that's almost entirely crime shows from the 80s and I watch them when I'm really drunk

yes he is an idiot, thats why we were put into that war the way we were. Him and colon powell are so completely incompetent they should both be shot in the face by bird shot.

10/10 post user

Nah. If he gets enough of the right shit done people will be tired of the globalist shit. That tea party shit was just the start of people on the right being tired of neoconservative shit. Trumps going to turn this into a real revolution.

Alright user, make sure you filter me too!

Ah good times, i got a whole week off highschool

Thank you Saudi Arabia

But what exactly was bad about the conversations they had?

You mean Israel

Really, because I thought the war was the result of CIA/NSA black projects that were designed to get the American people comfortable with the idea of begin spied on by their own Government 24/7. I must have been mistaken.

Aside from that, the entire population begged him to go to war with someone then turned around and bitched about it about a year later. People forget how patriotic the country got after 9/11.

I'm not saying he wasn't in on it. I'm not saying he hasn't pickled his brain with alcohol. All I'm saying is he was a small part of the big problem we still live with. If you think the left would have done any better you're deluded. They were the ones calling for heads to roll up until the point we declared war.

Stuff on the really mainstream channels are always very tame and formulaic for the most part so I tend to avoid them.

Where the hell did you live that you got a week off because 9/11?

The difference is that you can filter tripfags and never have to see their posts again, while I have to see your shit every single thread. Why don't you do everyone a favor and adopt a trip? :^)

Sure as fuck hope so, but I don't see how this can be fixed with the white birthrate well below replenishment, and the non-white birthrate through the roof. There will be a point in the near future where whites can no longer carry an election, and at that point we're locked into full socialism.

Honestly I'd prefer to hang out with his brother

In the long run it's how they had their conversations
Talking about how dey wuv their waifus was annoying enough, but coming into a thread for sleep deprived motherfuckers with suicidal tendencies and having to deal with people waifuing it up was obnoxious

They kept saying to just ignore or filter them, but what is the point in that
That's like telling someone they won't be talked to unless they accept your waifu
They could as easily have just dropped avatarfagging

fuck you I still had to go to school the next day

I'm not saying the left would have done any better, but the decision to go to war was based on the shitty intel provided by curveball that colin powell took seriously even when the rest of the world decided that it was too sketchy to act on. The gubment doesn't give a shit about what the people want, a war would have been fine - they went for an occupation.

neva dat


ye i could see it tbh monica. wut idk is how a girl w/ her hair game on fukkn fleek like laura ended up w/ dat nigga? she jus bet on da ryt pony or sumn? bush wasn't a household name when dey got hitched u kno

this tbh dubs 2 monica

I'm going to use that pasta everytime now

I ask this question to everyone I debate about the Government with; you wanna fix it? If so, are you willing to pick up a rifle and start shooting them for their crimes? 'Cause it ain't going to get no better until we do.

Whites are smart enough not to have kids when shits rough. When the economy is going good, they have good jobs, and the future looks bright the white birth rate will increase.

Not to mention stopping refugee programs, deporting spics, and cutting down on welfare will reduce shitskin rates.


I don't mind a little formulaic if the characters are well-cast and well acted. So far this has been pretty alright. Would be better if my deeper shows hadn't all ended. I miss Boardwalk Empire.

go away salty nigga

this tbh, niggas ackin lyk whites won't start actin right and b mad booomin w/ dem cast iron ponies soon as summa dat ole zog money gets appropriated ova n let dem hold summa deez ends monica

I don't give a shit about that, I'm just saying that bush deserves all the hate he gets. It was his administration that fucked up, and thats on him.

You can filter me every day, can't you? Don't be a lazy faggot.
I won't filter you just because I don't like what you're talking about.
In fact I don't want to have to filter people, that's gay.
I'd rather talk sense into you instead of leaving you to your own fagness.
I don't go to a another fucking thread and tripfag it up in there and then start taking it over, that's just nasty.

gay sex thread

Did you ever watch Peep Show? Its not deep or anything but its a great comedy. And the guys behind it are getting a new show next year.

Also fucking Grand Tour TOMORROW AAAAAAAAA

I can't wait to get drunk as fuck and watch the lads again.

Whos gonna pay for all your chillens without welfare though fam?

dam sho not me monica
dam sho

Haven't seen Peep Show, but pretty excited for TGT. Loved Top Gear, but the season with the new hosts was awful. You watch Top Gear over other car shows because the hosts have great chemistry. These guys don't. They all hated that ginger fuck and you can tell.

You sound like a typical libshit right now user.

yurobeat thread

So there was nothing inherently wrong with the content of their posts apart from talking about waifus because you don't like that.
What I'm curious about is people are always whining about how you can't talk about whatever because reasons but there doesn't seem to be any barrier whatsoever to having the conversations you want.

You're changing the point of the conversation, user. I was never talking about activism, that is a completely separate topic.

Are You going to stream it?


Das good monica, don't let dem hos drink you dry.

I didn't even bother trying out Top Gear without the gang. Its just not worth it. Never watched murican top gear for the same reason.

This tbh


My dad was watching it out of curiosity when I went to see him one time. On a stream, not the channel. We watched for about ten minutes and it was a shitshow. Matt was okay but still no substitute for the real guys.

Embed related, join us.

there is a thread for that already, user
and it's also protected by the head jew

I'd like you to tripfag and/or avatarfag in another thread and expect to be taken seriously
Why is it people think that it's okay to do in 4am?
Because it's been overwritten, people now associate 4am exclusively with avatarfags

If I can find somewhere to host it and I get enough people interested yeah. Also depends on how long it will take my shit internet to upload it. If its going to take 20 hours I'll watch it myself.

I figured he'd be ok because hes a petrolhead but meeeh. Honestly I tune out a lot of the track stuff most of the time. Not like I'm going to be able to buy any of these cars anyway.

we already got trump in, shouldn't we see what he does before going scorched earth?

Your theory doesn't hold weight user.

Trump can stay and we hang the rest.

I've no objections with that, I guess.

Can you go back

ebic salt replies isn't the same as being taken seriously
you'll only build the reputation of a faggot like Val
and god knows nobody wants to be Val


Yes, and? If there's a Doom thread up are you not allowed to talk about it here?


I hope tg crashes and burns and the people who fired jeremy get sacked

i think val wuz largely misunderstood tbh monica

dem waifu thread niggas r bullys n make fun of mah haremzez

Maybe you're this val And the arch avatarfag is belrose, dunno who this newfag val is


What were the ratings last season

You can still rid yourself of your homosexual ways! Don't give up!

You know, if you were discussion one specific waifu from a game, maybe
But this is just "look at my waifu" and why would you not go to the designated, same minded faggot thread to do that

that's the deal, faggot
what do you think a trip or name does
you can not go around and ask people on what they think of Val and not get a reply

user, you gotta go back

It will languish on forever just on name recognition alone. And the cucks at the BBC probably won't get fired. They are heroes for firing that privileged white male.

downvoted :^)

I don't have numbers on hand but I was keeping up with every week's ratings. Almost every episode was a 10-year low, and one was the lowest since before Clarkson had taken over, I guess. That's why they fired the ginger. The rest of the hosts hate him and the fans hate him

yo monica mah haremz got haremz man das how john blaze ma shit is monica



Gingerfag was always supposed to be a hate magnet. He was basically there just so that once they sacked him like planned the show would be comparatively better than before.

smh fam smdh

That brings up another set of problems for you. GG threads have all of those things you whine about, yet are always brimming with activity. Avatars, tripfags, waifufags, but it's still plenty active. What I don't tend to see there is constant bitching about them and demands they be banned.

So waifus are okay if you actually talk about them

No one cares about steam shit you know

So when are they going to fire the Muslim and the Nigger

almos lyk niggas b hypocrites or sumn monica.

I caught a lizard in the kitchen.

you really ought to be gassed, moron

in your own thread, don't shit up other threads for that

those aren't my threads
They should stand up for themselves, I want this thread to be clean, maybe once this is done I can move on to that one

Hey 4am, quick question. If your friend and his wife were pushing you to have sex with her would you do it? I'm in a 3 year dry spell so I'm thinking about taking them up on the offer and blowing my load in about 2 seconds then going on my way. I think the disappointment to his wife would be glorious and would discourage asking me to do lewd things like this in the future. I'm hoping it'll prevent her from wanting to hang out with me all together so I have more time to spend with him playing /fightan/

Not even trolling, this is my life right now.

I'm sure that will totally pan out for them.

Totally. If they're into it I'd do it without a second thought.

Damn I forgot they got DIVERSITY for the crew. I only remembered matt and that one driver chick that was on the show a few times before.

DUDE thats pretty cool. Is its tip of its tail really green? If so surprised it hasn't fallen off yet.

You know Homoko was a shill sent to ruin the threads as was Belrose
We bullied them so hard they left
Funny it was when they left that the anti-4am shit started

go 4 it monica wut u w8in 4?

If you want to destroy your m8s marriage sure.

They get funded by the government, not like they care about money. They can't go broke they'll just tax people more to cover it.

You sure that wouldn't just complicate things further?

ebin :DD

are you fucking retarded
I've been doing this shit even before Homoko posted his dick pics

Oh, so no waifus full-stop because reasons. But other stuff that has their own thread is okay because reasons.
And you're missing my point with GG threads. There are still tons of anons there despite the trips, avatars, and waifus. If that's what ruined 4 AM in a matter of months, how has GG survived years of it?

Well do that and then tell your friend he's a fucking cuck

I'm surprised it didn't fall off as well. I brought him outside and let him on his merry way.

If his wife is doing shit like that its already pretty much ruined. Besides, it sounds like the guy is in on it.

CBC is the same way here I think. They used to be gov't funded at least. They're basically shills for progressivism. I just want to see heads roll for firing the Top Gear hosts.

Well you obviously weren't trying

let dem get dey cuk bux while u hit dat pussy deep monica

He is a fucking cuck.

Reasons why I haven't done it yet

user, if there already exists a protected thread for waifus I don't want the 4am to turn into that
You're making us spin in circles here

because GG was all about that from the beginning and attracted the people who are fine with that
they're still on topic, something 4am doesn't have, so people say "lul it's okay to avatarfag and talk about mai waifu because that's what the thread is for now"
they've turned 4am into their own dump

most of them are gone aren't they, not that I did that but I appreciate it anyway

I remember reading a story about a cuck who got jealous because the bull was a Trump supporter and gave his misso good sex

yeah don't do it

I saw one of these guys for the first time ever this past summer. Was like a foot long and fat as fuck. Was so damn neat.

They might get less bonuses at least, Top gear raked in the money.


yea jus wear a condom n bounce monica

sleep tight pupper

MDMA is some good stuff.
Not sure if fucking his wife is good stuff, but the MDMA might tell you otherwise.

I want to poke it.

is that another amazon product?

I followed it around for a while. My cat was chasing it and I got her to fuck off then watched as it tried to climb my house a bunch.

Wouldn't get my finger near it though, it was freaking out like crazy.


Can you even get it up on MDMA? I always had to use viagra when I combined MDMA with sex.

Who am I kidding, I masturbated.

There exist protected threads for bitching about SJWs too. Is that not allowed here now?
If these threads don't have a topic, how can you say what is and isn't allowed here? How can anyone? All you've got is, "stop talking about things I don't like"
Why don't you try having the conversations you want to have instead of whining that people were at one point allowed to avatarfag here? You're not helping anything by stomping your feet and crying.

ain't relaly had no problems w/ dat on mdma as long as it wasn't da end of da nyt n i was already all tuckered out.

lsd had troubles cummin but dat was prolly more focus related than ne thing else monica

gay sex thread

No clue. The few times I did it nothing particularly arousing happened. Mostly dancing and telling people that I loved them.

You sure you ain't just doing shitty Molly fam? On all the RCs I never had a problem but real MDMA/MDA makes me limp like nothing else on Earth.

This is mainly what I use it for too user, good times. Everyone will tell you it's a waste but solo-MDMA is like the greatest thing ever. I took some once and spent the entire day sunbathing and hanging out with my cats and dogs outside.

11/10 would roll with the animals any time.

prolly jus shitty molly I'm guessin. x pills ain';t mdma? molly was touted for awhile as pure mdma in mah area at least but i guess dat ain't necessarily da case tbh.

I expected better of you DMX tbh

Get a test kit fam.

I have to go eat my pain meds and make breakfast then get started on my work. I'll be back at 4am tomorrow to avatarfag some more. Good night faggots sleep well.

Alright let's take it slow
Despite 4am being topicless, it was not without purpose, unlike the waifu thread. Arguing that they contain waifufags is dumb to begin with because they don't belong here and don't have to be contained.

When sleep deprived and suicidal fucks would talk shit in 4am and a clique starts whipping out their waifus for no reason you feel misplaced.
Imagine "that kid" in class who nobody wants to talk to because he does dumb shit all the time. Now if you didn't know who that kid was you'd be fine talking to him, but his "reputation" precedes him.

Because the purpose overrules the topic. If the topic leads away from the purpose of making it through the night together and instead divides anons into cliques it's pointless to have.
That's where the "specifically for waifus" thread comes into play. Its purpose is just that. While the topics may vary between waifus the purpose never changes.

A thread with no set topic but with a specific purpose being overrun and its purpose altered to fit the needs of people who have a thread with that purpose already is disgusting and revolting and makes people either leave or angry.

what a gay


Night user

It's like you don't even have fun onii-chan.

what the fuck is wrong with you

shieet i ain't even fuk w/ designer shit no mo tbh fam. mebbe if i hit up a phish show dis summer. g'nyt tho monica one time


this tbh smfh

Well everything is shit so I have to make it fun somehow. Plus I'm just counteracting all the drugs I take it from the public water supply.



oooo wutta chinky nigga u is fam

'3' hey bby ybb yeh '3'

Again, who are you to decide what doesn't belong here? Purpose and topic are one in the same. The purpose of Doom threads is to talk about Doom. If a thread has a purpose, that means they exist for people to talk about something specific.
So if one of those sleep deprived, suicidal fucks decides to talk about his waifu with other, sleep deprived, suicidal fucks, they suddenly aren't trying to make it through the night together, unified in their source of comfort? What exactly is the full list of approved things to talk about when trying to get through the night?

you will never carry Megumin back home after she explodes shit

does anyone even remember this forgettable anime

I am autism

I want to cum inside Megumin.

complete list goes:
triflin niggas

salutations autism i am dmx aka da dark man x aka dank nigga 9001


What is the average day in the life for DMX

Has anyone ever used your OC


mostly pussies fukkn pussies monica

bout to make my kids lunches n shit get da wifey up n wut not monica

den if i ain't got no shows or appearances fo da weekend i jus chill homie is nice monica

It gets posted all the time.

I'll fight you for your spot in line


nuckle up du

come at me bro
i am the only one who will be exploding in megumin tonight

do you grab the pussy

Weird feel, ain't it

It was in one of those "before Holla Forums and after Holla Forums" threads. I don't even have it saved but it was neat to see.

Almost, the purpose it to have a DOOM discussion, so the topic varies within the spectrum of the game

Again, we're leaving the purpose of talking about it by avatarfagging as your waifu.
You can talk all you want about it, it's still up to people to reply, but when avatarfags talk among themselves about their waifus, why in 4am when they would find like minded people in an already existing thread?
Maybe because they're not wanted there, or maybe because they want their own thread. It's no coincidence an avatarfag took over OP for 4am

You don't make it through the night together when you repel people and make them leave their own thread

das ryt cuz i'ma type nigga hit dat shit from da bak n drop my keeds off on dem shoulda blades monica

natures handle bars monica

Existing at the moment. They aren't permanent installations. With how close the current one is to bump limit I doubt it'll make it to the weekend. It's also not avatarfagging when you're talking about the thing you're posting pictures of. Posting Ritsu with every post regardless of content is avatarfagging. Posting Ritsu when you're talking about Ritsu isn't.
How? How does simply having her picture next to your post alter the content to the point where you're no longer talking about her?
So the answer is to ban them? Oh who cares what you're talking about, the pictures you're posting are haram. You're so preoccupied on the images you don't pay any attention to the content. It sounds to me like you excluded yourself. There's nothing stopping you from talking about the things you want to talk about.

This. Just last night that happened where someone was complaining they couldn't talk about things. Instead of encouraging him to talk, what does this faggot say?

what're you tryna say monica

Instead of bitching about how you can't talk about your shit, just talk about your shit because there's nothing stopping you.



out w/ it niqqa u bein triflin af right nao monica

and what exactly do you think was going on in 4AM prior to rule 8?

In a thread where you are the only one who is nonstop posting Ritsu it is very well avatarfagging

Guess I must've phrased that poorly.
Talking is one thing, avatarfagging another.
The images establish a personality on their own for you.
People will associate the images with you.
If you feel the need to accompany every post of yours with your waifu then it gains attraction, more so than a normal text.
The person I am talking to is a faggot who wants me to know who he is, on here of all places. Why? Avatarfagging is an excuse to make yourself known as waifu#12123-user, much like the waifu threads do.

No, the answer was to drop avatarfagging
Instead they got all sad and depressed that they couldn't do it anymore so they left for good after the damage had already been done
If you were to ask around what 4am threads are people will instinctively tell you "avatarfag/tripfag circle jerks"

Anyway I'm gonna start up a randomizer run of HeartGold and go to bed.

Well you got it. Looks like it fixed everything too. Maybe if you actually made the posts you wanted to see instead of crying every night things would improve but no, shows you don't give a shit. You sure helped that guy get through the night by not asking him what he wanted to talk about. The really ironic part is it was one of the waifufags that got him to talk, not you.

Things were lost long ago, especially the people.
If I really didn't give a shit I wouldn't be here to begin with.

I don't see a waifu attached to the post he replied to, user
There was alright talk in the other 4am that was up at the same time but got nuked because "muh post number"
I bet you he would've talked in there, freely, without having to rely on people to ask him what is wrong
but no, he felt out of place here for a reason

There you go again with that waifu=avatarfag mentality.
Nigger you are the person saying you can't talk about anything here. You are the reason that mentality exists. Just fucking talk about what you want to. Be the fucking change you want to see. Crying isn't doing anything, how do you not see that?

So instead of trying to improve anything you're going to bitch and moan. Solid plan

Has he announced he is a waifu fag?
Has he made it known to the world that he is one? Avatarfagging does not exclude waifufags
And why is it important that he is a waifu fag in your mind?
Is that the first thing you think when you see him in the thread?

I am the person saying avatarfagging ruined 4am.
The fact that others feel they can't talk about things here goes to show that they'd prefer the old environment back.
Had 4am always been for and by avatarfags I wouldn't even be here. But they came here, their own board apparently didn't satisfy them. Why? People had the choice to go there if they didn't mind the avatarfags or actually wanted to do the same, but nobody did.

I'm doing that right now, aren't I?
And it seems that people reply to that from both sides.
I wish we could've had the other thread as well yesterday, it just might have helped people unwind properly for once.

I can decorate a corpse and make it look shiny, but it will remain dead.

Have you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior yet, 4am?

The threads were fine until king jew came and ruined them.

Because according to you waifufags only exclude people
Pretty much since he always comes in with a picture of her
Avatars are banned. They're gone. There's your old environment. Maybe if fags like you would stop bitching about how you can't talk and instead just talked like you used to, no one would feel like they couldn't. But no, you need to go on and on about how someone you don't like makes the threads so they're ruined forever.
If you really believe that, why are you still here?

that's the point
why go to such lengths as to make it know to those who aren't even regulars?
why would they care when they come in here?
it's repelling people

Mark setting up rule 8 was of course retarded, especially since the waifu thread is a thing
what was needed was negotiation and reason
when you take Ritsu's reasoning "I do it for the salt" it tells me that new people are not welcome if they tell an avatarfag to go fuck himself
you're exploiting that avatarfags are seen and known as spergs
it's like waving a red flag in front of a bull, he'll run towards that and lose sight of all else

According to me waifufags have no place on Holla Forums altogether
They can be the nicest faggot around, but they will be lumped in with other more obnoxious and annoying faggots and generally people won't want to have them around

It was never about banning them or their waifus, it was about either moving them to a place like their own board or ask them to drop avatarfagging
both failed, because they needed the reason to avatarfag
be it "the salt" or "I want to be recognised" or out of spite
and if they could do that as a group they'd feel in the right doing it

because any attempt at making another 4am gets shut down by mods
so I am desperately trying to apply CPR

They're banned. No one's avatarfagging in the thread. So just fucking talk about shit like you used to. You have no excuse
Why does there need to be another? It's the same picture with the same text at the same time. Literally nothing will change

Either you were never here before or you never paid much attention.

Maybe you should go destroy waifu wednesday then.
Do you speak for everyone now? Furthermore, the anons who regularly or irregularly showed up to the 4am threads prior to rule 8 are not the same ones that shitposted a clear path for that rule to become a reality. You also fail to realize that smokes and ritsu went out of their way to talk to everyone in the thread, none of this clique you talk about. Plenty of other avatarfags only replied to who replied to them, or to posts that resonated with them. I for one never wanted cliques to form either, and from my experience (as an avatarfag even) it never happened.
**inb4 b& for one singular dinosaur. Fuck you vol, I have to go to class anyways.

No, we have to keep pushing our agenda, even and especially in victory. Purge the unclean.

Were you born a total faggot or did you work at it?

prolly got in2 a accident tbh monica


It's hard to find comfort with people like Ritsu around
It's hard to take him seriouslywhen he trips out of spite because he can't avatarfag anymore and mine that salt from people as he put it

to bury the dead and start anew
the next post won't be Ritsu, that'll already be a huge boost like yesterdays second thread

their thread is not my thread, it was made for the purpose and is under protection from head jew himself
if I were a regular in there and some faggots came along to take the thread over I'd do something

I speak for myself and get traction from both sides apparently

Not sure what you mean by that
Avatarfags were here in both cases, they dropped and became just anons after rule 8 and left because they couldn't avatarfag anymore, which just goes to show why they came here at all
now the non avatarfag anons started leaving even before rule 8, regulars and new ones
I of course know you, dino crisis fag
seeing the outside and being outside are two things
if I were to ask you why you avatarfagged with your waifu, what would your reply be? Because others did it? Because I can do it here and people will have to deal with it or just filter me? please let me know unless you already left for class




it wasn't my thread but I would've appreciated it, also

If it were to auto post at 4am it wouldn't guarantee it being first, nor would it guarantee the mods won't find a reason to choose this one in either case
I won't even give you a (you) for that


If you want to ridicule me, do it when people are still around so you get the attention you so desperately seek

Stay mad faggot.

He only wants it from (you).

you got many, many years of your "freedom" ahead of you
if you wanna spend it in here rubbing it into people's faces as the highlight of your day I sure as shit don't envy your life, m8

he'll have to either wait a couple hours or come back tomorrow, which he will, I'm sure, because I gotta tend to other things for a while

It's the highlight of my morning to trigger autism. I'm thankful that in all my years on the chans there have been no shortage of people like you that are so easily triggered.

See you next 4am user-kun.

Currently at class
I don't have an identity. I only wanted people to recognize that I like dino crisis and that I'm a christfag, which I can do fine without an avatar. I merely found it fun to see all the avatars.
Just like, try talking to people nerd

I feel like you're the one coming at me with sperging
"lol u mad" wasn't even funny in 2009 nor was it ever good trolling
for all those years you've not picked up very much experience it seems

signing out for now

Would you prefer I start using smilies, bbcode, and ROFLMAO in every post to prove I'm an ancientfag? Maybe embed some html in my posts while I'm at it?

Seriously user I have to go climb a tree and run a chainsaw now. See you next 4am.


I picked Shaymin for my starter in my randomized run but all he knows is a self-buff.


And you didn't believe me when I said I'd damage the threads. You should have just used the board when I had it, but even the board has moderation issues now

fuck you

Love you too user.

God, you're such a fucking hypocrite. In one sentence you claim that the avatarfags are driving people away, while claiming theyre stopping anons from discussing things, when it's you, mark and the other shitposters that did it. You really think anyones forgotten how many people came to the threads before the bans and you fucks barged in? Avatarfags have been here since 4am first started with belrose, homoko, smokes, huey, etc. And up until the bans the threads almost always had around 50 people and went to 700-750+ every night, until you, mark and the faggot hotpockets killed it. It's fucking ironic an asshole like you tries to blame avatarfags when its actually you and the others alongside the kike, that pushed everyone away from 4am and took their comfy time at night from them. I wonder how many anons killed themselves because of you.

If you were around during the first set of avatarfags, you'd have known that there was a ban wave that drove out a shitload of people.

I think Ritsu blew up your ego way too much

These threads should be banned tbh famaramadingdong