What has been the largest scam ever in vidya history?
What has been the largest scam ever in vidya history?
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Action 52
Can't really confirm that yet, because the star citizen developers are still going at it. Once they either give up or release, we'll know.
indie games
Star Citizen.
Legit game scams, Star Citizen
But no scams will ever come close to the damage Gone Home and LWs did to vidya in general.
That scam actually had some gameplay, user. So it doesn't count.
Sim City was a bretty big outrage.
Nothing has come out till this day.
This is exactly why I can't take my fellow gamers seriously. Y'all buy whatever is marketed don't you? Sheep can't do research.
You have agency you know. Ha who am I kidding.
You didn't needed quads to confirm that. Checked anyway
Remember me?
Nah, sure the ending is none existent, sure it was badly managed and the company was sabotaging its own product and workers, but I would rather pay full price paying for game for MGS5 then No Gameplay Sky.
Didn't MW2 introduce that mid game host switching mechanic? That was pretty cool.
Wasn't driver 3 released as a completely broken mess and Atari withheld review copies from publications that did not promise a 9/10 score?
Literally Whos. I think.
My sides
You have to be truly retarded to quote Derek Smart. It's like you newfags don't even remember Battlecruiser 3000 or Universal Combat
Who in there right minds will fucking hire that guy after all that bullshit. Fucking christ i thought the Star Citizen cult was a tad smarter.
Whatever faggot, I know who he is and what he did, doesn't make him less wrong.
*doesn't make him wrong
Valve's entire operation, including attempted scams
What Star Citizen will end up being.
That whole "donate so I can analyse games for the sexisms" scam. Yes, taking advantage of an ill informed bag of cunts is still a scam.
Thank god that ended up tanking.
Early access
What's that? You gave us 100$? Here's a steam key to a shitty early access game that isn't even worth 10$ (and still isn't finished to this day) and you should be thanking us, we don't HAVE TO do any of this after all
Anyone who took one look at Yogventures and didn't say to themselves 'this shit isn't going to happen' deserves to be taught a lesson in fiscal responsibility.
They need to save Starmageddon for next year, or there's no hope of ever topping this current year.
From playing the alpha, Star Shitizen has years to go just to make what's already in the game worthwhile. I can't imagine them managing to release even a stripped down version before 2018.
It might not be what the kids paid (or hoped) for but an unrelated game of a similar genre is a lot more than most shitstarters give people when they flop. Did anything ever become of TUG?
99% of indie games are complete and total garbage, the other 1% are made by Japanese people
Don't Starve and Terraria are pretty cool.
Terraria isn't bad. Couldn't get into Don't Starve though.
Perhaps you misunderstand. I'm waiting for the inevitable "That's it folks, we're out of money. Enjoy your jpegs, that was the real game. Btw we've already fled to south america :^) t. chris roberts" and the ensuing cult suicide.
He'll finish it eventually. I hope
A shame because it's actually an interesting concept.
They can draw development costs (and progress) down to nearly $0 while continuing to sell jpegs. I don't think we'll ever see it die, just wither slowly away over decades.
What did they expect? They put money into YouTube personalities, not actual developers who's livelihoods are on the line.
real life
ouya tan was the hero we needed. there were just no games for her to bring us.
This, selling a patch for an incomplete EA title as stand-alone DLC.
Complaining that people have killed the original game by "abusing the review system".
In the next breath encouraging people to re-list positive reviews to artificially inflate scores.
But it's ok goy you get 50% off our £39.99 "DLC" if you already gave us £30 of EA money why are you being such bullies!
Why are you so entitled goy.
I've started playing MGSV again and still like it. The first online features konami added were horseshit but now it's just harmless fluff, especially since your FOB doesn't get raided anymore.
Never tried MGO3 and likely never will
fucking hell i fell for that one
I can only get so erect
DF and M&B are by any objective measures the best video games ever created.
How do you respond to that ?
EA Sports-games.
Giving goons your money is always a mistake. Didn't these chcucklefuck scam the developers they contracted for good measure too?
Are you serious Nigger, they fork out tens of thousands of dollars for spaceships. They're not remotely smarter.
This is too perfect.
not even early access ships, paying thousands of dollars for IOU's
Fucking newfag, kill yourself.
you what mate
I've not seen this before. What is it?
It's Cubeworld.
Subscription-based MMORPGs.
he's gonna make you his bitch, user.
This HAS to be some kind of ruse, doesn't it?
I'm so conflicted. I guess I'll win either way though
Can't be much of a scam if no one actually bought it. Also:
Story in video games was a huge mistake.
How is minecraft a scam?
Why must you make me feel things for an inanimate object
>faggots will never be forces to play all the vidya in computers or phones
One of the few cases where an EA shit that is left to rot too early actually had potential.
The gameplay is well done, lot's of faggots dismiss this and hype up indie shit too soon, but this one was different, the game was solid, it just needed a shit ton of content. The -legitimately- autistic fag of the main dev sperged out and dropped from the face of earth after the followers insisted on getting EA against his will (it took months to convince him of going EA, he really didn't wanted to).
Like 9 or 11 months ago he made a new tweet showing some quest system and some other shit. Update never ever, went silent right after that.
fuck you walley. 3 years of nothing i cant belive i fell for this one. FUCK!
Remember the game you crowd funded way over what they were asking for then had to crowdfund the second half? Remember when he made a video about throwing money around?
Holy shit that's perfect. This is the best timeline.
what a crazy world we live in now, eh?
That it is okay to be in to them past the age of 12.
Oh shit, I forgot about that. Are the mods any good, or are they just pointless fluff like new weapon skins?
Last I checked the pc version never got a map readded over a "muh-hammed" picture" for mw2.
To hell with Sega
Biggest Scam in gaming history? Steam of course.
new maps, map campaign things (for zombies as far as I can see), multiplayer gametype mods. At least that's the ones I see on the workshop page with a quick skim.
the repopulation
steam has delivered something, so it's not a scam, crooked perhaps, but like a meth dealer, if pleb has money, pleb gets his fix
Star Citizen no doubt.
It's been in development for like six years and the development budget is getting pretty close to GTAV and Destiny, but the only thing they have to show for it is a barebones unoptimized as fuck sandbox with nothing interesting in it.
How many people here have actually taken the time to read all the promises Roberts has been making? they sound delusional as all fucks, like Peter Molyneux levels of bullshit.