New webm thread

new webm thread

Other urls found in this thread:









Holy shit you got the whole episode in a webm, impressive


I have 20 some already encoded. Been spamming up the last few threads with a few at a time.

















Obviously you need to post more.
I've been saving them as I've been encountering them.




Why not…just shoot them?






New thread!



Where is that one user who outlined with excruciating detail how stupid this is?
My favorite is when anons rip into stupid AAA garbage by brutalizing its stupidity with logic

I'm not Holla Forums. I don't think anyone should have their opinions be changed just to follow the hivemind.



That is way more intricately done than I had expected


Video games?

I don't mean to sound cruel, but something tells me she may be one of those Koreans who got her jaw bones shaved down.



It will be some time before I get bored of reposting this one. It's so good

I fucking love these.

Choose just 1 m8

Those are some good videogames.
I got some next gen vidya though

Please help there was some days ago this webm which was a remix of the ad that was about driving awareness.
Pls i need it the song is stuck in my head and i need to see it again.


he is right tho. I hope someone convinces trump the motherfucking global warming isnt lie


I miss when masses were hyped about/in denial about nerd movies rather than sociopolitical destruction




Song source? I know the anime is Non Non




inb4 global warming guy shows up again, and the whole thread is fucked over.



I dare anons to find anything more attractive than that right there, both visually and auditory


Holy shit nobody cares about your garbage tutorial, faggot.


I'm not gonna get banned and have my webms deleted again because some idiots pulled me into an argument the mods deemed a viable excuse to can my posts, so I'll just leave this here:

In that report by Christopher Booker, headlined “Top scientists start to examine fiddled global warming figures,” he points out that a new team of five scientists has begun investigating the increasing evidence that the data being used for climate-change projections by computer models has been intentionally distorted by analysts wedded to the global warming hypothesis.

“Their inquiry’s central aim will be to establish a comprehensive view of just how far the original data has been ‘adjusted’ by the three main surface records: those published by the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, the U.S. National Climate Data Center and Hadcrut,” Booker reports. “All of them are run by committed believers in man-made global warming.”

Back to webms

Do you ever have anything else to do webm thread autist?


Everything is about sex with you degenerates. After the niggers, kikes, and faggots you're next in line for removal.

wow it must be true then :) so that means having temperatues outside above zero every winter in what is almost northern europe is just a hoax xDD that takes a load of my mind!

This is why no one will take you faggots and your ilk seriously, kill yourself.


Why should you get banned at all? If someone posts some bullshit and you respond to it, are you really at fault?

If this is a video game board shouldn't the initial poster who posted off topic shit be at fault?

The only thing I agree with Holla Forums when it comes to climate science related policies is the EPA being bullshit and carbon taxes being bullshit.

end your life

you too niggerfaggot

Is that what you call revisionism these days?
I guess our textbooks have just been "data smoothed" with regards to history as well.
Take your stupid back to my Bill Nye webm here

Anyway, repostin' Conan ripping FF15 apart since I didn't see it in the thread.

Let me guess, you're a liberal arts major right?

You weren't here for the last thread, I see.
Webm of how a webm was quietly deleted for no reason (after I got entirely removed from the thread and banned for 2hrs for apparently going against rule 8)(

He does seem to have a nasty habit of posting stale /christ/bait instead of enjoyable content.

If the government really cared about making clean energy a thing they'd just cut subsidies to oil and let the market decide.

That's no good

You know what a lobbyist is right? Not to mention the money the government makes off of taxes of oil, and the income tax of those employed by oil.


Take it to another thread to have your head handed to you. I'm not getting in trouble for your blunt-force trauma idiocy and goading.
Look it up and actually look into the "evidence" your notion has. Also Cloud reflectivity modification.
Also who's pockets are involved in your doomsday tripe.

No it isn't, I agree.

Hey, it's not bait, user. It's vids. People respond to them or don't
Plus I post other vids, like this qt goth nun (that's not a habit she's wearing but her dark hair)

I don't know, user. Sorry. Wish I could help.


If people can post pro communist videos, he can post whatever the fuck he wants.

Where do people get this idea that anything they don't like should be banned?

I'll stop replying to him now, and contribute a webm, also have a NSFW classic Nasheed

since when do people do that?

Cultural Marxism

Forgot to spoiler that Einstein


In the last thread, apparently. Had a brief visit from Holla Forums from what I gleaned.

Literally the last webm thread. I got shit all over for calling them faggots.

They seem to only show up really late at night.

It's a parody of this if it can help

Huh, well that's new.

Don't care

Christopher Booker has published a long list of articles claiming asbestos are harmless.

Christopher Booker clearly dindu nuffin

But does that include living and/or working in buildings that use asbestos?
Because if it doesn't he may not have dun nuffin.

True that, buildings used for bombing run practice and niggers really could use some asbestos.

Don't forget what happened recently with halfchan. There's a reason there's more homogay posting and political/liberal posters.

Hopefully it's not a sign of things to come.

Fine then.
If nothing else, if nothing happens to your ass-post then we know the flavor of mods we have today.

That's terrible. Doesn't remove the reality of the left's push for global warming– I mean, "climate change" – but it's something to consider. Thanks for telling me.
Just some stuff I'm leaving here to leave this discussion for another thread and return to webm posting.
Just some stuff you can get by even a preliminary search on the subject.

Sauce on the song?


Yes. His main complaint is how much asbestos removal costs homeowners.

Don't know that particular song but I got something after looking for "ex maria song"

You're such a mangina man.

post the version without the cheesy reverb and then we'll talk

That would completely devastate US infrastructure. Gasoline prices would multiply into spending hundreds of dollars to fill your car.

Government subsidies for oil are literally the only thing that keeps it affordable for the consumer. The combined subsidies of ALL other forms of energy combined doesn't even begin to match up to the amount spent on propping up oil and coal.

It's like corn farming, the actual profit comes from the government propping you up with taxpayer dollars. Though in corn's case, there's so much that you have to operate at a loss, while oil would cost so much you couldn't find enough domestic buyers.

We absolutely need to cut back on those subsidies, and either redistribute it into other forms of energy or just save it to reduce government spending and the deficit. But going cold turkey would have horrific results.

It's sad that you get your worldview from stand-up comedians, but I suppose you're okay with those feminist vids which have little kids cussing like sailors too


Found it thanks to your link.

Thanks again user.


What? user, that's a debate in a hall with an audience. If you hear any kind of faint echo it's from the original source.
Unless your speakers are busted.

You're such a fucking faggot user, holy shit, immolate yourself on fire you flaming faggot.


No worries, mate! Have it good!
Hope you repent and get saved in Christ Jesus in Gospel truth so you have eternal solace with your Creator who knew you from before He formed you in your mother's womb and thus be joined to the family of Christ, and we can hang out in heaven too!

and now for the only good thing to come from the Matrix series (which, I hear, the two creators recently became transwomen)


the reverb in this webm

I would much rather hear her natual voice without the added echo.

Not everybody can be a lily-white, squeaky-clean, public-transportation-riding, teetotaling, PBS-watching, classical-only-listening, pack-of-cards-sized-portion-of-red-meat-per-day-eating, premarital-handholding-abstaining, caffeinated-beverage-avoiding, 30-minutes-of-sunlight-per-day-getting, pilates-exercising, non-television-owning, non-video-game-playing, book-a-month-club-joining, church-every-day-going fellow like yourself, user.

I can be upset about the evil of bringing children to cuss for your amusement or for your sociopolitical agenda, mate. I can be suitably angry about both at the same time.

What the fuck happened this thread?

Some nigger derailed it yet again.


Some morals faggot christcuck keeps on shitting it up and we keep on replying to him. Granted we're faggots for feeding it.

Same shit that happens on places like we are supposed to be above, like facebook, someone voices a political opinion and instead of user letting it slide and not getting triggered, he has to bust out his graphs and bible to show everyone how wrong they are.

To be honest, a real yandere would be something absolutely terrifying to have to live with. Psychopaths only really carry about themselves in the end, so, you know that if she gets her eyes on you, it's because you are just a fancy toy for her desires, nothing more.

OH! My bad, mate. It's not reverb but echo because it's outside in a field.

You can find her on Tube though she still does it outside. I don't know if she can do it inside to a mic. It's a cattle-call afterall.

Mate, there's no excuse for profanity (unless you got really shocked or scared for a startle maybe), and all Christians are supposed to strive for the best - not the most tolerable.
Considering your dad was ex-army he might've been a cool guy but cussing is cussing.
Besides, there's a big difference between an ex-army cussing out of ingrained habit and children or common folk cussing because "why not?"

What happened? I've been busy.

Get back to webms before getting banned again. I'm not going to add anything neither answer what you just said.

That's because none is needed.

The yandere fantasy is that she's essentially your war-hound waifu willing to do/endure anything for you and heed your every word.

No one fantasizes about the other kind of yandere, the kind that snips your ears off because she caught you listening to a song by a woman.

In reality, that's the kind of yandere that exists, and from what I've seen it really is terrifying. I once had family with a girlfriend like that. Crazy nearly killed him, and he was too emotionally ravaged from the last ex to have the sense of mind to, you know, GET OUT.

Shut the fuck up, you retarded bible-humping niggerfaggot whore.

As a fellow dubs-holder, I request that you be polite to our milquetoast friend. He can't help it that harsh language distresses him.

Thanks for the concern, user, but I am posting webms already. Still, good point. Never know.

touche double dubs

Why so hostile?

Swearing is incredibly useful though, since it works as a non-flowery intensifier.
There's a big distinction between just being mad vs. being fucking mad, and nobody wants to give that up just to appeal to people's sensibilities.

Also, we're communicating in fucking pure text, if it bothers you that much just close the tab, faggot.

So basically pic related?


Muh 11

Kill yourself you orwellian faggot.

it's an audio effect added after the video was recorded. Have you ever been outside? Your voice doesn't echo much at all in a field.

Wait, you think that's her natural voice? kek

Because you are an annoying ideologue who should piss off to your >>>/christian/ safe space if you actually let cussing irritate you. Quit being so soft and guising yourself as pure. We're all warped and ugly imbeciles if you landed on this side of the internet.

Does anyone have that webm from an anime that's in Inferno Cop's style and it continually ribs on Japan's stiff animation?

See now that's projecting. The reason for limiting profanity is because it is a gesture of respect for the people you are around.

To not be profane is to say "I see you all as good people, my equals, and I would rather not disturb you in any way because I am in good company."

Generally speaking it's good to do this in ANY company because it is a gesture of good will.

We aren't all scum like you.

I love Christianity. Not because I follow it, but because it seems to piss off faggots to no end.

I don't sadly, but I do know what you're talking about, have this instead.



Are you talking about this?



Judging by all the profanity heading in your direction, I can safely say that many of the people in this thread have fuckall respect for you.
Probably because you're being a judgmental faggot demanding that we change for your sake.

Sounds like it's from Cave Story.


You mean Ninja Slayer?

No, it had these two guys fighting each other, one was a ninja and the other was a biker dude, and then a girl summons this origami bird and one-shots the bad guy.

Seeing as you're all faceless nobodies, none of you deserve respect from the get-go. Post good content and generally be a good poster, then you'll find it– not that you would want mine, at least not in this thread. I only lashed out at that faggot since he's being a preachy cunt on a board where 'faggot' is used so liberally, it hardly means anything at this point.

Yeah, this is it.

Judging by the fact that you cant read post ID's I'd say you're a huge faggot that needs to go back to 4chan.

Also the poster you're refering to isn't suggesting you change so much as suggesting a better way of life. If you chose to take it up is always up to you.

You're more upset that in a round about way he is implying that you are inferior to him. Well suck it up faggot. Most people think they're better than you but wont ever say it to your face.

Sure. I was just explaining the concept.



Why not doing the opposite?
Respecting someone until they show an opinion and or make a mess of themselves?

this shit is scary man

I am put off by your insults but intrigued by your argument, good sir!
No but really, I utilize profanity in writing stories (especially novels) but it's not something for our common use. But enough of that.

HAhaha Yes. Yes, exactly like that.


Well, dubs, it's meant to bring one to consider things beyond our common everyday distractions.

Typically, that's what I do. But that poster made an ass of himself prior to me even existing in this thread, so fuck him immediately.

Well, that would be a female terminator. Or one of those german saber dolls marionettes, they were cool. And they had a fighting for the PS1.

There are several problems with this. Some people think respect is a given, while other think that respect is EARNED.

First you have to define respect.

Now this last one is a little funny. What is Due regard?

Does that sound a little cultural Marxist to you? Good. Because it is. They have somehow hamfisted equality into the definition of respect.

So people who believe that respect is a given believe some version of that last definition of respect. That we should treat all people like they're the same status. Even though we all know damn well no two people are fucking equals.



Didn't really notice the different IDs because the post's style and subject were largely identical.

That's the idea, but there's disagreement on what a reasonable baseline for respect looks like.

Can't tell if you're actually serious here or mocking me, please clarify.

I mean, i guess.
But hear me out: considering people anons irl works too, and it does so wonderfully.
I can tell a fun story about this happened to me but i really don't wanna blogpost if nobody cares about it in the first place.

I guess i'm a bit of a bully, because respect means i won't fuck with you just yet.

Reported for mental illness.

Reported for kike shill and for mental illness.

What the fuck even was your statement. Learn to formulate a coherent opinion you dingus.

Yer a faggot.

Reported for crimes against humanity.

Reported for intl.

We don’t want you here, newfag.

I mean giving people the benefit of the doubt really.
Respect until proven differently.

reported for reporting

I have the most völkisch boner right now.

Really interesting though.

You're a bit of an idiot. You don't get to define words to suit your purposes. If you did,, I would redefine faggot to be synonymous with your full name.

You could see how that would make communication confusing, don't you?

Sounds retarded and incredibly naive. You could passively fake respect, which is what most do when they first interact with each other.

The Animatrix had some great shorts.


Luck helps the braves they say, and it did for me in many occasions.
The way i look at it is that taking the risk gives you stories to tell, whatever the outcome.

I'm not trying to define it you dense motherfucker.
I mean literally, my form of respecting others is hiding my hideously acrid and bitter personality.

Someone's going to take advantage of you one day. And your anus.

N-no! I'm not stupid! I was just testing you to see if you knew what you were talking about that's all honest
You got me good. I still think it's her voice, but man you have me nearly convinced now. I took audio editing/film or whatever it is in highschool too and I can't parse it out.

I'm interested but I don't want you getting banned for no reason. Spoiler it maybe.

By stating an opinion?
Admit it: you got upset because someone's words struck your heart. You weren't even here in the thread but coming in and reading my post convicted you of your sin did something to you that made you feel uncomfortable.
Why don't you reflect on this for a minute rather than lashing out?

Common respect is given or else it is never earned. Respect in terms of admiration is earned. Respect in terms of being made in the image of God and thus deserving of common grace I MEAN - respect because you're a human being is just courtesy.

You don't really know what Cultural Subversion is, do you? Even the NatSocs had a common respect for their fellow man to an extent.

Just checking. Also you don't have to "hide" your personality. Just adjust it into something favorable. You don't want to do this because you feel it's "dishonest" and "not who you really are." That's bullshit.

Withhold negative opinions and only talking about things you think are positive is a sure why to get people to think you aren't a massive piece of shit. No one needs to know your every thought. Just the positive ones.

I'm with you, but the concept of common respect as you've defined it here doesn't exist within the given google definition that I've posted.

We can talk about it here as a concept and be fond of it, but if it isn't in the common vernacular and isn't commonly understood it may as well be a dead meme.

I wanted to touch on the concept, but It's difficult to navigate this tiny fucking quick reply window.

It really did. I'll never forget the imagery of the robot arms flicking nerves in a soldier's half-open brain and causing him to laugh or cry by shocking his synapses.

If nothing else it encourages consideration. That's always cool.

Nothing beats a [seemingly] pure maiden with a beautiful set of lungs.

A moronic one in a moronic place. Yes.
Yer giving yourself far too much credit. Such vanity.
I'd rather waste 30 seconds to type this out and feel fuzzy inside.

hey, so, user, what the fuck is going on in south korea that could possibly explain a used tampon collage?

It's not me that's convicting your heart, user. It's God. I did nothing, and you know that. You reacted the way you did because something else happened, something which you want to ignore now but you know was real. You seriously think I foreknew you'd read my post and funposted early? What am I, a time traveler? I'm not the master of the Steins;Gate, mate.

Short story: Daughters of Megalia and factual Communism masquerading as Feminism/SJW.
Long story: vid related.

You fags should have kept it vidya only.

Fair enough, mate. I can't agree with you entirely, but I appreciate your effort to make sure people don't conflate a common courtesy with something earned from effort and clarity.

webm unrelated

I don't see as much funposting as last time. Less Commies, I'd guess.

God's lol'ing at your life, famalama. I stand for what I believe in, and likewise for you.

Looking naive usually offputs people and outlines their true intent.
If you have any experience in reading people's face it's super easy to tell if they are gonna try something nasty.

You can get banned for that?
I guess i'll post another webm just in case.
First day in Amsterdam, with my gf, the start of a short vacation.
Immediately we get lost trying to explore the nearby town (we were 3h of walk away from Amsterdam so we needed a market for groceries) because there is ABSOLUTELY NOBODY, not even cars.
We walk around to find a map that shows our position, and we start checking it while a fat, huge man approaches us slowly.
I think to myself "well i'd rather be his friend rather than have him as a stranger" so i ask the dude if he was lost too.
The guy turns out to be on a vacation himself, he was American, and he too was trying to figure out shit in there with his data plan and Maps.
He escorts us around to a restaurant we wanted to check, we eat for three but he pays half of the bill, and finally he shows us the way back, before parting ways.
This encounter would have probably not been bad if i just ignored him, but sure looks it could have been way different.

These threads really should be on Holla Forums.

Webm threads should always be vidya only.

>looking naive=/=actually being naive


feels bad man


Isn't it a requisite of acting to put yourself at a partial belief of what you're trying to look like?
Maybe i'm just grasping at straws…

Man i try saying positive things.. and end up being silent most of the time and just asking questions here and there.
I'm bad at kindness.

Nifty story, mate also glad you have a girlfriend
I got a similar story: Basically I personally became less autist-level antisocial by thinking about my social interactions like Persona 3 S.Links. After a while they became like training wheels in my head for not being a spastic in public, and over time I dropped it altogether and started interacting with people normally as normally as Christians interact with most NYC people, anyway
Nifty, though. Glad it didn't end in a "Hostel"-like police report. Good to you.
And remember user: Slip on the ring before you dive into that sweet thing. Give her the diamond before you conquer her hymen.

Judging from all of your previous posts, you are. We're all inherently naive, if that makes you feel better.

Found a glitch in planet coaster now trying to make a dank 300+kph coaster

You should check in as well tbh onii-fam.



proof satan wants to proliferate christianity. if you don't believe in christian values, then satan loses his power because there's no boogey man to protect your eternal soul from

don't worry about it, doubles
she probably wasn't your first

You should check in as well brosif.









thank you MAD user, maybe you can drown out all this shitposting.


your welcome,what happened to this thread while I was gone?


Maybe if you get enough little children to use profanity hard enough you'll stop the world from melting!

Well, it all started with a webm of the angry spic talking about global warming, and rapidly went down hill.

That was it? jesus christ are people becoming easier to bait or something

Fukken saved

Evidently so.



That is some hardcore uncanny valley.





So, why is the one robot more human and feels and sleeps while the other is emotionless and has a HUD?
They both are robots right?

As far as I know, one is an actual robot while the other one is pretty much a cyborg as she went through modifications of her body explained in episode 1. Haven't seen the rest though.



Because Rei gave two generations of nips brain damage.






I had some fun playing Akatsuki Blitzkampf and this game is apparently its sequel? I can't find much information on it. Is there any way to emulate it/play it over the internet? Any community for it?



Pretty good

I step away while some shit is encoding and this thread turns to shit… like the last one. Whatever.







Such is how it is
Also why did Jon always choose skanky bitches
Why didn't he ever choose a humble country girl who wouldn't turn into a massive pain in the ass



Oh wow, you're actually back and posting tons of /christian/ webms that doesn't make any sense with the world we can observe. again.

Can you please try to educate yourself, read something so you can actually understand how evolution works.

Gods are actually just laughable at this point, at least in the way the main religions describe them. There's more proof toward our Gods/creators being ourself from the future running an ancestor-simulation just to learn their own story than that there's a sky-wizard who loves us all but can't stop evil but can do all.


Everyone who responds deserves to be gassed as much as that kid.






Oh, man, that was a good one.

It doesn't matter anymore anyway. The permafrost is melting and methane is a much more efficient green house gas. There's no longer anything we can do even if we stopped all co2 emissions. We could have maybe done something in the 80s, but nobody was quite sure. Shit's over, man. Not for us, but down the line. For us it will just be expensive. As long as you don't live in a shithole, you'll be fine. The standard of living will fall, though. We've lived through the best time in human history, and at least we can be thankful for that.


Funny how they fail to mention that none of them are climate scientists.

Why has nobody thought about this?
A hentai game with rhythm mechanics would make dozens!


Its a personal favourite of mine because of the beautiful soundtrack ost track.

One of the last songs the boom boom satellites sang.


I fucked up, I didn't post the opening.

Don't let me down Holla Forums

Is there anything more satisfying than watching the clique of Hollywood elites being dead wrong?

Artist name?

take your forced meme back to reddit


Hi, billy mays here. this is more than enough


Bernie Sanders isn't jewish

John Piper is a heretic









at least it's satire, right?




The whole point of the show is that all the characters are in shitty relationships and most of them are terrible people

There may be a story of redemption in there, what with the look of horror and guilt she had at the end, but this being in any way normalized is enough to break out the Zyklon B.


yeah it is

[CURRENT YEAR] man must be suicidal by now.

It's japanese arcades only, and it's japanese arcades only. Maybe you can emulate it somehow but netplay looks impossible.





Does that guy diddle kids on the down low or something? He just seemed awkward if anything.

I clicked on the video because I saw Angry Jose in a MAGA hat. I assumed it was photo shooper'd


You see what godlessness and the Synagogue of Satan gets you?

Also note, as I said before:
They just can't help themselves! They have to mock Jesus/God. It's a compulsion for the leeches of Pedowood. They are of their father the devil.

and you call yourselves hackers…



It's a slight remix from TheFatRat - Unity. His songs are pretty good, check him out I'd say.


Anyone have the webm that I drew this image for? I never got around to downloading it…

what a great combination

That won't play, you need to use yuv420p. If you're using ffmpeg, just add "-pix_fmt yuv420p"

There were a bunch of different versions of this, all the same song and pictures, but some more updated than others. Hope this helps tho!


Is this some sort of type moon fighting game?

Thanks amigo!

I feel like I need to chime in and say that we really need to stop referring to this climate fiasco as Global Warming, but rather Climate Change because dumb fucking niggers lock onto that word "warming" and they go, "well sheet nigga but itz snowin here."

Anyone have the webm of a streamer getting tricked into showing furry porn on stream?



This is worse than terrible.

watched all of 'em, pretty good shit
thanks user
