Is there any reason to update from W7 to 10 gamin-wise?
Windows 10
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why would you make it even more botnet?
either xp or 7 for vidya
I'm not talking about the botnet part. Consider that directx 12 is exclusive to 10
But, the newest motherboard that I just bought won't install W7. So, you will be forced to use W10 if you don't know the alternatives.
No games exist that need dx12 and no worthwhile ones ever will.
Even if you fall for the DX12 meme there still isn't a single game worth actually buying (or pirating for that matter) that supports (and actually benefits from) DX12 yet.
Windows 7 is still more than sufficient for 99.9% of things, and I suspect that either someone will find a way to make W7 or at least W8.1 compatible with DX12 games or Vulkan will kill off DX12 before we even see a game worth actually installing W10 for.
This is before even mentioning the privacy issues with W10's telemetry and other questionable design decisions.
The only reason is DX12, but so far out of the few games that do support it you can only expect minor performance boosts, or strangely enough major performance drops in some titles like Quantum Break. Not that it matters though since there's not a single DX12-supported game that's actually good.
Killer Instinct
Forza Horizon
It's slightly worse than 7 in some departments. Think of it like a middle ground between 8 which was mobile focused garbage and 7
That is all, but IMO there is no difference in upgrading from NSA OS 1.1 to NSA OS 2.0 honestly, if you think you are having any privacy in W7 you should rethink your idea of privacy.
also i was able to install some porn games without Applocale which was needed for them in 7 but some other games didn't work at all, i think there is nothing like applocale for 10
Oh well, when my motherboard dies, looks like I'm going back to consoles. Because there sure as fuck aren't any games on Linux.
PCIE passthrough may be able to solve your problem and give you the best of both worlds.
You get things like improved self-defragmentation and SSD optimizations. But those were introduced with Windows 8 so you could just get that if you wanted those
Obviously if you're paranoid Windows 10 will not be the OS for you. But using it isn't going to kill you, despite what freetards say
I keep hearing about w10 support for some linux stuff but never checked. I figure that because of windows dependencies and way of handling hardware you can't really do much
Windows Subsystems for Linux is a small translation layer that translates Linux kernel calls to Windows kernel calls. All native 64-bit GNU/Linux applications will work fine on Windows without issues as if they were native Windows apps. Think of it like Wine except better compatibility. Its also an official tool released by Microsoft, unlike Cygwin. It works with the stock Ubuntu software repos. I've been doing all my python scripting from Windows since I discovered WSL
Reminder that 10 Checks to see if the games you play are pirated or not and blocks them from running if they are. Ime fairly sure its only for recent microsoft games which are mostly trash but it is stil unaceptable.
Nigger I've been pirating games nonstop on my Windows 10 install and they all run fine. Sounds like you ate the Freetard FUD
If you have 32bit Windows 7, maybe.
Orherwise no.
Sea of Thieves comes out for Win 10 next year and that's the best looking Rare game in about a decade, I doubt it will have any staying power though.
Scalebound is also coming to Win 10 next year, so if you are a die hard Kamiya fan and don't want to get an Xbox One then you can get it on windows.
That's not a thing that actually happens.
Forza Horizon 3
Nah that's total bullshit. W10 is already bad enough without needing to resort to bullshit rumors like that. Besides, even if it only affect Windows Store games only a few of them have been cracked so far and I haven't heard of anything like that even with those games.
do not support microsoft or intel ever
Why do you want to use a microsoft system ?
Why continue ?
Most games are shit since the mandatory internet connection and more DRMs.
Plus modding is becoming a hellhole since most game engines aren't correctly upgraded (see fallout 4)
If you want a video game ask if the sources code is free/libre, the content doesn't have to the free/libre since content can't restrain the the freedom of use of the said software.
But it can restrain what you want to do if you mod (reuses texture/models and more) .
The gaming industries has created that climate and you are the one perpetuating that.
You won't buy the software but you'll just get a cracked version ?
It doesn't solve the problems.
Non-free/libre software can do anything on your computer their is no transparency and croteam (serious sam devs) have proven that when they included a second drm in their video games that made monster immortal if the DRM wasn't valid.
Non-fre/libre games won't help modders to make better mods look at ME3 tons of people wanted to make mods after the shit it was but they couldn't even make them because even if the Unreal engine has udk support EA didn't provide access to it.
And that example is just for modding can you imagine the number of bug that can be correctly (normally) without having to use tricks ?
Nope it's not bullshit
Microsoft EULA
Section 7b,d – or “Updates to the Services or Software, and Changes to These Terms”
There are currently at least a dozen pirated games on my hardrive.
The trick, user, is to buy another cheap PC for internet purposes. The W10 PC, make sure it's never connected to the Internet.
There is nothing to consider, there are no good exclusives for Win10, and DirectX 12 is simply not going to be developed for most releases until Microshit can strongarm enough users into using it.
Don't be a retard and jump ship as soon as a new one arrives.
None whatsoever.
Eat shit commie.
Not an argument.
Please explain why do you think that I am a communist ?
Free/libre software does not support communisme and will never support a dictatorial system like EA or Microsoft imposes on their users.
Forza Horizon 3 exists, but still, not a good reason to switch.
Is there a bigger joke than people who actually think Linux is useful for anything but work?
if you want to not be able to play older games install it and get pissed at safedisc
For your freedom
Free/libre software
Free software is not about quality or money it's about the freedom to do what you want.
And to be fair even if the video game community isn't driven by freedom.
If they had the tools and legal authorization (GPL software) to do what they wanted they would turn turd games into gold and liquid fun.
"I don't have the freedom to do what I want with what I bought"
Also about GNU/linux:
Listen user I can understand that you defend what you think is right but do you think it is right to forces users to connect to the web when they just want to play solo ?
Do you think it's normal that with a product you buy you don't have any rights on it ?
Do you think it's normal that you have to pay more than 500$ for a game with all the DLCs ? or with day one DLCs ?
Do you think it's normal to forces users to use a platform via DRMs ? (steam, origin, uplay etc…)
Don't put people in a prison of fun, because they will not recognize it's a prison.
It might work with a recent version of 8.1 though. You can use classic shell to get rid of Metro.
Newer chipsets and CPUs from AMD or Intel coming out later this year or early next year won't have advanced features working in anything but W10 but you should be able to install older versions on Windows on them, barring severe driver issues. Also the same could be said for GNU/Linux. Only the most recent kernels will have drivers and system improvements to take advantage of them.
Even if W10 had amazing exclusives that used DX12 you could still play them in a VM using PCI-passthrough. That's why every game(even single player) they're releasing now requires an always online connection, an account on their service and gigs of patches to be playable. This loophole is a huge headache for them and is only going to get worse as hardware compatibility improves and more people learn of it.
Windows 8?
You can use 8(.1) until October 2013 or so
Single and only reason is DX12.
Hopefully Vulkan will finally kill Mircocucks fucking disgusting monopoly and make gaming great again.
Pretty sure this is bullshit, as this doesn't apply to office products: their own freaking products
I work in IT-support and I often encounter pirated office software on Windows 10 laptops. The only moment that it actually starts to have any issues if a prompt comes up asking something along the lines of "Can we check whether this software is legitimate so that we can supply you with updates?" and you select yes, because then it will be removed from the device
Can anyone elaborate on this (or point me in the direction of what to google)?
If it's a USB 3.0 thing, you can slipstream the drivers into the windows PE
You didn't read the EULA.
It already does checks automatically and you have already agreed to that.
Microsoft isn't retarded at the point to remove all of your software, they know what reactions they will get if they remove the last freedom that people have world wide.
But they'll use more insidious methods via the information that they gather from that.
For example an update that create some random errors in the said cracked software (see what did croteam with serious sam).
Can you check yourself the source code of the update ?
I put new life into a toaster by throwing Enterprise LTSB on it. DirectX 12 is isn't used by any games yet I think? I did read new hardware from Intel and jewVidia is going to be win 10 exclusive though.
Just don't use windows 10 Home. Ever.
Typical internet paranoia bullshit made up by idiots. I'm a hardcore pirate who has tons of pirated software on his computers. MS doesn't care about piracy, they gave up on that years ago.
Install Gentoo
Like if you enjoy the windows work flow I guess go nuts. But as is I don't see what you get, realistically, from windows subsystems for linux that you didn't get through cygwin. I get that it gives you that stuff BETTER, but I can't run my sick as fuck tiling window managers through it, can I? Or more importantly, why would I? Why would I run a bogus translation layer on top of a horrible kernel with a downright bad permission scheme that necessitates running everything under the sun as admin, when I could just use linux.
Its you! I remember you! Post github fgt.
Chew you have a singleicous etc.
Main issue is the ridiculous telemetry, which is unavoidable in 10.
please use
Functionality has been partly backported to 7 and 8, however, those enable you to remove the respective patches.
Due to 10's distribution philosophy ("software as a service"), reverting updates is not possible. Even if you could, Microsoft refuses to tell you which are relevant.
please use
Oh no, the jews.
Might be in the EULA but I've not had a single cracked piece of software fuck up yet and I'm on W10 and I sure as hell haven't heard of it happening to anyone else.
Install gentoo
B O T N E T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
O Microsoft is part of NSA's mass surveillance program "PRISM":
E Microsoft informs the NSA about bugs before fixing them:
| Microsoft openly offeres cloud data to support PRISM:
| Microsoft has backdoored its disk encryption:
| Windows snoops on the users' files, text input, voice input,
| location, contacts, calendar records and web browsing history,
| even after related settings are turned off:
| A Traffic Analysis of Windows 10:
| Keypoints: Windows 10 has a keylogger and uploads all your
| keystrokes every 5 minutes. Everything you type in Edge or
| Cortana is sent to Microsoft, along with any media files it
| finds. When webcam is enabled, 35MB of data goes to Microsoft.
| Even with Cortana disabled/uninstalled, Windows 10 sends all
| microphone audio to Microsoft, when the computer is idle.
| Windows 10 sends desktop screenshots straight to Microsoft:
| Windows 10 scans for illegal/pirated software:
| Microsoft proudly presents surveillance statistics:
| > Over 82 billion photos viewed.
| > Gamers spent over 4 billion hours playing PC games.
| > 44.5 billion minutes/month spent in Microsoft Edge.
| > Over 2.5 billion questions asked of Cortana since launch.
| > Windows 10 now active on over 200 million devices.
Vulkan is an API alternative to DX12 that allows utilizing new hardware features on win7 or 8.
I still remember old games that gave you the choice between running with OpenGL and DDraw.
*D3D, not DDraw
Take your meds.
The big part about Vulkan isn't the fact that it's not windows 10 exclusive.
The big part is that it's not WINDOWS exclusive.
The gaming industry now has a choice between a Mantle only available for windows 10 and a Mantle that will work on basically anything.
There is fucking no competition here but I'm still afraid DX will prevail because the gaming industry seem to hate anything that doesn't have the good goy seal of approval.
That's not the point m8, you have legally ceded your freedom to them.
What will you do when no alternatives are left ?
There was already such things happening with for example the apple store who purged a lot of GPL license because of X bullshit reasons.
What is the next step of microsoft ?
They will gradually not authorize some applications via they updates.
See and
Then they will add support to use their software only with an internet connection
Then they will gradually migrate their software to the cloud.
And finally they will propose to use the windows cloud solution where you buy a pc with only a Terminal server connection.
Get your head out of the trash.
It won't, DirectX moves a lot faster than the fucking ARB does.
The point is you have less privacy on W10. That doesn't make W7 perfect, just better in that regard.
I'll stop supporting Jewtel once AMD stops being retarded and actually makes good top of the line processors.
Take yours.
Yes, I can install W8 too without any problem. But, I'm not a mobile fag and I've used W8 and W10 before (for work). I feel that W10 is better than W8, if you ignore the taking screenshot without your permission part.
Just never connect to the Internet with your W10. Hell, I even use a legit version of W10 and it never asked for verification… yet.
seriously can't this shit die already…
haven't read the thread but dx12
Pirated Windows 7 Ultimate>>>>>>>Everything else.
Have you tried using a Windows 7 iso with slip-streamed updates or disabling UEFI?
Windows 10 is cancer