ITT: Games with incredible licensed soundtracks

ITT: Games with incredible licensed soundtracks

Pic related is /mu/ as fuck. Squarepusher, Autechre, LFO, and The Black Dog. Good shit, mang.




What's the difference between a licensed soundtrack and a soundtrack?

It's like the difference between star wars and guardians of the galaxy. Composed scores for the title are a soundtrack, licensed soundtracks are just a collection of already existing songs.

soundtrack - complete original, unique, made specifically for the media provided for

licensed soundtrack - music licensed from other sources, including record labels. Hardwar is a good example, everything was licensed from WARP Records.

there are also games with a mix of the two, including Vampire: Bloodlines. Speaking of which….

Let me help you user.

Licenced Soundtrack: Made up of already recorded/released songs licenced for the work in question. Example: The radio stations in the newer GTA's/Sain'ts Rows.

Regular Soundtrack: The music is specifically make for the work in question.

The game sucked but the music was good and well placed (most notably the part where you parachute into a party and the part where you rescue Shaundi)

A licensed soundtrack takes songs that already exist and puts them in the game, an original soundtrack contains songs made specifically for the game.


Thanks, user.
Am i doing it right?


You don't say.

>ITT Shit games good soundtracks

Game very related.
It did have a few game-original tracks like embed related (which is definitely one of my favourites).


Hardwar had music?

Yeah. It was on the disc and it played unless you were playing a cracked copy or from a virtual drive.

Does not!Massive Attack count for this thread? Rik Schaffer is the best erm, immediately-after-getting-out-of-prison, strung-out, totally-in-the-mood-for-some-role-playing-games Rik Schaffer is the best

San Andreas a best

Licensed music? You mean completely original, or just music bought for the game?

If original, then Furi has a fucking amazing soundtrack.

If bought for, look no further than Tony Hawk 1-4.

That's exactly what licensed music is retard.

English is not my first language so I'm not sure.

Either way my point stands, Tony Hawk is it.

Pro Skater 4's soundtrack is the best in the series (that includes the other Hawk games). Too many good tracks to count.

What's /mu/'s equivalent to kino? And Holla Forums's for that matter?