Holla Forums, I am getting a massive craving lately for a good pirate game. Something, preferably, with some damn fine ship battles. Unfortunately, I haven't really been able to find anything that's jumped out at me, and the only ones I know of beyond that are old xbox ones.
Anyone got any good recommendations? Should I pirate it?
Assassin's Creed IV is actually decent if you're looking for some swashbuckling shenanigans. Has ship battles and everything.
Jonathan Cruz
Shame the mechanics are so simple. And all the AssCreed stuff.
Noah Moore
It's rather simplistic overall, I remember. Didn't get it myself, friend of mine had it. Sailing mechanics left a lot to be desired, as did most the combat. I guess it ain't bad, considering that I've seen, most pirate games are a little bit shit for some reason.
Henry Butler
It's simplistic even for AssCreed. The combat is particularly easy and the ship battle system gives a feeling that they had to casualize it further at some point. Even though I had no expectations, the game left me disappointed because of the squandered potential.
Parker Jones
I cant think of like anything like that
My favourite thing with pirates in it is the beginning of Grandia the ghost pirate ship I love that bit of the game
Hudson Rodriguez
Sid Meier's Pirates
Caleb White
Just wait for Assassin's Creed: Hammerfell, An Elder Scrolls Story.
Ethan Lee
Sea Dogs 2 aka Pirates of the Caribbean the video game. It's very good with both land and sea battles, dungeons to explore, factions to join and fuck up, cities to conquer, trading to do, capturing ships and has a story mode.
Oliver Peterson
That had me interested until I found out it was made by Akella. Fuck em.
Isaiah Carter
What's the problem with Akella?
Aiden Turner
I really wish we could have a golden age of pirate games. I want to plunder some booty.
Dominic Young
If you're familiar with Postal/Running with Scissors, you'll notice they don't talk about Postal 3 at all. Its because they teamed up with Akella to make it and Akella being the scumfuck russians they are, basically boxed RWS out of it's development and the result was a steaming pile of shit that was buggy and wasnt at all like Postal 2.
Andrew Evans
Corsairs? It's on GOG.
Easton Parker
try cut throats
Isaac Brooks
Dubs don't lie. On foot combat is the weakest part of it, but goddamn it does piracy well. You can hunt whales, plunder trader ships, upgrade your own ship, your crew can even learn new songs they sing while sailing. There are also optional old school "bosses". Just fucking play it.
Eli Nguyen
Of course since it's a ubishit game with some 3rd party DRM layer you're better be off, you know, PIRATING IT. Ahahahah. Hah!
Hunter Perry
I remember pic related being really good back in the day, but I'm not sure how it stands the test of time
Alexander Garcia
i thought on foot was the strongest part since ship combat is just ships having general hp bars and chain shots only fucking temperarily slow down a ship instead of you know, wrecking the fucking sails and keeping them slow
Luis Davis
I can't remember, was that the MMORPG thing, or was that something else? I remember the MMO pirate game being pretty good for the ship combat bit, but the land combat was horrible.
I've just started playing Naval Action. It's an MMO. The combat is really good. Everything is meh.
Angel Bell
I loved this game, but it has so many bugs.
Easton Brooks
was the original any good?
Samuel Cruz
There is that commercial Caribbean Mount and Blade mod.
Andrew Powell
It also has the problem of being able to cheese fights by buying higher grade weapons and armor, which the asscreed series has always had a problem with.
Adrian Ward
Caribbean!:Blood and Gold it's pretty much a M&BWarband mod but with pirates, natives and ship battles made by a bunch of slavs.
Ryder Perez
It's repetitive as fuck and doesn't even have the damage right. You don't actually damage the ship, they only have the texture change after a certain HP treshold
Robert Sanchez
Considering how M&B but pirates is what I want, sounds like it might be good.
Xavier Ortiz
Jace Gomez
Been playing it, and while fun, with decent shipfighting, I really hate the horrible QTE style dancing/swordfighting.
Adrian Gutierrez
Camden Lopez
Hunter Smith
qte is the lazy way of doing things. pirates is a mini game where the chick your dancing with or person your duelling gives tells and you do the right action. harder difficulties turn off the flashing buttons because you should know. ever heard of a QTE that doesn't give a fucking prompt?