Welcome, Captains and Admirals to another space thread.
And most importantly
Are you having fun?
Welcome, Captains and Admirals to another space thread.
And most importantly
Are you having fun?
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Is this shit fixed yet?
DR-4 Viking.
Meat for the grinder.
About a 20 ft by 20 ft section of Klendathu
Dead soldier's photographs of their loved ones because I cannot contain the boner I have for imagining the family breaking down in tears because Little Johny ended up neck deep in bug shit
Are you having fun?
We still have a thread going
Weird. Didn't show up when I clt f for it. Please delete thread mods.
Keep it up. The old thread will die off at 300 replies.
Gonna post here as the old thread is about to an hero and I want to discuss shit
Is there any news on Limit Theory?
Whatever I build in KSP
Gravity and the lack of fuel
Fuel, mostly
And Kerbals
Just built a science station in mid-high-orbit, next is a fueling station in low-orbit, then off to the Mun and the other small thingy I can't remember
Nothing worth pirating ATM
Just bought X3 to show the devs that it is the way to go instead of X:Rebirth
The bugs are, but the game is beyond saving
I'm looking for a Open World Space RPG game, if such a thing exists. I would appreciate some recommendations as I can't seem to find much on Steam
Space Rangers.
How about this one?
Space Rangers HD: A War Apart
Yeah, I think it will be fine.
The Precursors is sorta open world. Big expansive maps and a sort of space travel thing between them. A bit like Elite Dangerous but on a much smaller scale and with much better content.
Honestly I'd been hoping that ED would basically be "the precursors with more worlds and better graphics" sadly their millions of dollars can't compete with a few drunk slavs.
I genuinely think that Disney just paid a bunch of interns to sperg about the prequels not being terrible so they could rape the IP easier.
Of course. In the buildup to the release of Episode 7 tons of websites started producing articles out the ass about how the prequels weren't bad at all, trying to rehype the people that grew up with the prequels so they'd go see Episode 7.
On the subject of Star Wars, the new novel, another one by Wendig (he was the one who describe a TIE Fighter crashing as 'herkily-jerkily' and made a character say 'time to buy new space diapers in one of the previous books for the new canon), has zhe/zhir pronoun characters in it.
What did we do to deserve this? Do we live in Earths darkest timeline or something?
Didn't let Hitler wipe out the Jews when we had the chance.
Okay…? And?
People called the old books and timeline poorly written but, I'd take them over this zhe/zhir bullshit filled books and films anyday. I want the real EU back.
We'll never get to play anything like TIE Fighter ever again.
Reposting the sad fate of the Factor 5 X-Wing vs TIE Fighter game.
TFA wasn't that bad come at me rogue one looks fantastic so far
Aftermath was generally disliked by the fandom. It was panned as poor writing by people like those on Rebel Force Radio.
Stellar Tactics..
Good. I hope they drop Wendig like the sack of shit he is because of it.
It's the worst SW movie to date. Even the Phantom Menace has more going on for it than this soulless piece of shit.
I disagree but can see someone with shit taste disagree.
Christ almighty.
Star Wars was a mistake.
Oh, you simple sad fucking cuckold. The entire industry is based around tricking people with trailers that make shit look better than it is.
You should know the writer behind Rogue One is a sjw clinton supporter, and his most successful film was American Pie. Enjoy your garbage.
You write like TPM was the worst previously…clearly AOTC is and in my opinion TFA was much better then Attack of the Clones.
How can anyone get hyped for this piece of shit just from watching the trailers? They're fucking terrible.
The really rage inducing part is that it manages to fuck up Jedi Outcast as part of the package deal, on top of further sodomizing the original trilogy.
Fuck Jew Jew, and fuck every filthy, disgusting kike in control of Disney.
I'd take Lucas back in a instant if it means we didn't get Abrams and Disney soft rebooting the genre.
The Crystal Star would have made a better fucking film then the force awakens.
Quality bait thou
When did this happen? From what I heard when they weren't making the Wii compilation of the Rogue Squadron games, they were making an Imp spinoff called Dark Squadron and Darth Vader would have been the lead. It would have introduced a fleet commanding mechanic and the Star Destroyers would actually be useful for once instead of being a laser screen tearing you up and nothing else. When LucasArts fucked them over for some shitty Chewbacca game from the faggot that did Star Wars Galaxies only for that game to never get made either. Then Factor 5 made Lair for the PS3. When they were going bankrupt, some of the higher ups made their own company behind a large chunk of the staff's back. The staff found out, got pissed, and sued, and that company went under after that.
But no Imperial Commando, no First Assault (whatever that would have been like), no followup/spinoff to X-Wing or Rogue Squadron, and no Battlefront III. Instead we get 2-3 phone games, TOR continuing to exist, EAFront, and Lego Force Awakens (remember when a Lego Star Wars game covered a trilogy at least?).
Don't forget he put the anti-Brexit diaper pin on the nuRebel flag because a (((new and improved))) franchise starring (((strong, empowered female characters))) makes perfect sense to use them to dicksuck Islam. And the film is just a shitty rehash of LEVEL ONE of the first Dark Forces done like Hunger Games, Maze Runner, and all those other Young Adult soft-syfy movie adaptations.
check it faggot
Fuck you you fucking faggots, I was having a bloody nice day, I didn't knew about this shit and I didn't had to know it.
In my mind, I was still hoping that one day that game would have a proper remake and we'd get squadron commanding and tactics back again in an FPS game instead of being the lone wolf amidst an autistic squadron like every other milsim singleplayer game.
And now I have confirmation that the remake was indeed attempted and dropped because of several companies being too damn stupid to make money, their primary goal in the industry.
By the fucking Force, Sev deserved better than this shit.
I borrowed stellaris again. It's ok, bust still has big problems.
Nullsec via wormholes through thera.
I can't believe I ever explored prior to learning about thera.
Also, is nullsec or C1/2 WHs better for solo frigate exploration?
No, I ain't playing your spamware.
Does anyone know of any ambient music that falls into the same category as this? Nothing throbby, nothing with a defined beat to it, nothing overly electronic or obviously synthesized, etc.
I want some new SS13/Space Engine background.
I have two guesses.
1. They are trying to appeal to the Star Wars audience who were okay with the scrapping of the expanded universe but were not okay with Rey been a mary sue trope.
2. Its an attempt to create a spinoff franchise. If it succeeds, we can probably expect multiple trilogies with different casts in the same universe.
They are just rehashing all the old expanded universe stories with their own characters so they milk the shekels from normalfags.
Well no shit it is. Trilogies aren't the goal anymore, they're part of it but, but they're not the end game for films; cinematic universes are the what studios aim for.
That's why they've already planned and started development on:
And probably a Rebels movie in the works, and likely a young Leia and young Luke film too.
You don't spend like 4 billion dollars to make just 3 movies, user.
Any update on the ED faction? hopefully in the next update, which is actually looking pretty good combat side.
I seriously wonder why anyone would like to see a movie about him. There is nothing else to tell about it, and even if I might be bullied I have to say Boba Fett is a greatly overrated character, even if the headhunters where the only thing interesting in Star Wars.
do tell, I haven't been keeping track of ED that much lately
he was like 18 fucking years old in ANH
how much younger are they going to make him? Darth Vader Episode I?
2.6 > 3.0 > Duke
He's got a couple million in his pocket
A wife he wants to tickle
He's got a couple secretary's to socket
A fanbase he can whittle
Chris Roberts, Oh Chris.
Why has it come to this?
Chris Roberts, Oh Chris.
Where is 2.6?
A peaceful, inconclusive death is better than what we have now
So fucking nothing? I bet frontier is celebrating the release of planet coaster then going to decide on their next early access release.
I do null, most of it is empty anyways and I don't have to worry about dudes uncloaking smartbombing T3s on me if I keep an eye on the usually empty local. Sansha space is best because intact armor plates.
Anyone know if Void Destroyers 2 is worth a pirate. Aesthetically seems like shit but it's very modable to remove those stupid colors. Second it's early access shit but it seems it has lots of interesting features.
Is it worth to spend some time on playing it? Anyone played it so far?
Some shekel citizen video
is this supposed to be a top gear knock off?
Star Citizen may be the biggest act of fraud outside Bernie Sanders' campaign fundraising but I gotta say, at least the NPCs don't look like deformed trannies as they do in ED.
Yeah pretty sure it is. So far they seem to be some "universe building" fluff which isnt bad or anything in and of itself but I assume(havent checked) that this goes along with actual ship sales.
The thing that lets me still keep at least somewhat track of this game is the fact that it at least seems to be becoming a spess game with an actual carrier you can use and walk around in
Pretty sure it's a Grand Tour spin off. So yes.
My dubs
Go be a faggot on Holla Forums. Filtered you and your spamware.
Honestly, fun in E:D could be boiled down to "anything that isn't supercruse flight unless you are about to interdict someone"
Shilling returnsbecause I have a free week and am bored
is it worth the $3-20k for ships?
As long as you stay the fuck away from the community and only once in a while fire it up to see what changed, yeah it is. Played worse games
mah nigga
>Participate in powerplayBefore I realized there was massive fucking decay in points
What's the fucking point of having a large selection of ships when the final selection of ships is "Large gunboat" and "Slightly smaller gunboat that flies better"?
ED is a trainwreck, FD has no fucking idea of what they are doing and are riding on their monopoly alone.
Go to back to cuckchan
no u
Fractured Space.
All crews reporting green, but it doesn't matter, they have a scythe beam.
This is hell.
There's always Starmade if you don't mind le voxel graffix.
What game?
The only thing I can remember that comes close to that is GMod RP
I just watched this for the first time today, are you lot a bunch of aus-anons too?
Nigger I live in the middle of the Atlantic
My dream space game that'll never be
Why is life so unfair?
You know it wasn't the $10,000 ship packages
It wasn't the feature creep
It wasn't the fact they seemed to be changing their original pitch
It was the community that drove me away from Star Citizen. It literally is the Freelancer RP community, perhaps one of the largest cancers ever to grace the space genre, if not gaming.
Holla Forums really has to come together and make games and mods together, crowdsource and opensource it all together and support small teams of people who already are making mods and games. We must build and fund our own game development community.
I think the recent 4chan influx is gonna make that rather difficult. Right now there's a clash between oldfags who have high standards and the newfags who have low standards often shitpost about it.
I feel like we need unity on Holla Forums before we can come together and make a project like that.
That's a shame, I've noticed that on a few other boards as well. Maybe we should start small, seek out tiny and small developer efforts working on mods or small games and start supporting them in various ways?
A community tends to come together when it collectively achieves milestones, big or small.
It's option number two, OP. Space comes next. Afterwards.
Well if you've got any ideas, you should definitely try applying them with any gamedev skills you got then post in the /agdg/ thread. I'd love to help out but I'm working on a smaller scale game right now.
Ring Runner is absolutely fucking fantastic and everyone should give it a try
Fucking Sandro Sandnegro
There's absolutely no point in using anything larger than medium for combat. I believed the "Conda is end-game god mode" meme and now that I wasted 2 weeks worth of hours on this game A-rating it I can safely go back to the iCourier and deal more net damage because it's more agile / nimble.
I would uninstall it in a heartbeat if it weren't the only game that my best bud is willing to play.
Sandro Sammarco should be brought behind the chemical sheds and shot for what he did to that game. I bet it was his retarded idea to make the game multiplayer and shoot the engine in the foot with shitty netcode and instances.
with all that I'm pretty sure EA will put out something good
Please tell me this is fake
Elite Dangerous for $20, worth it or no?
Did something happen over there again?
Do you like grinding and or trucking?
He's the same who's promoting that RNG is not only a valid game mechanic, but also it's a GOOD one
Fucking hell I'm mad
The original VISION(tm) is slowly decaying away and god-emperor Braben probably knows this very well. I feel bad for him.
It's worth $20. You'll get a good few hours of gameplay out of the game even if you don't have the autism for it.
I'm currently obsessed with astronomy/other planets. I'm doing a gift exchange for Christmas and hinted for star gazing binoculars.
Space Engine might be up your alley.
That reminds me, I hate the thing with fighters being "VR". Aside from all the lore inconsistencies this neural link shit introduces, I wanted to actually be flying a fighter, not remote controlling a disposable drone. Yeah, I get that there's no EVA so you'd just teleport back to your ship, but that's a gameplay abstraction I'd be ok with, same as respawns.
This RC shit, I'm not ok with.
I can only imagine the shitstorm FDev will get when they will have to change it from RC to "have to walk to the fighter bay and get in the damn fighter and when you die you float in space until rescued" when they finally give us spacelegs. That's the same with being on and interacting with stations.
Also introducing fighters before spacelegs or proper crew is beyond me. Is it supposed to be breadcrumbs for forumdads so they shut up until they properly implement all this? It probably is…
I mean it's fun and all but gameplay-wise it's perfectly useless. Even Expert+ NPCs die instantly in a CZ/RES in those fighters and them flying my ship is more inefficient than standing still and space-turreting. I can fields-trip any ship with my engineer'd Courier in 30 seconds so it's yet another semi-useless feature for me
Anyone here playing SoaSE? Is it considered casual? as in: is there a more complex combat-oriented spess RTS to play?
Any good mods for it that I should try?
(I've tried the stargate, star wars and star trek mods. They were alright.)
I think Frontier severely fucked up, they have no idea what they're doing, it's the end of 2016 and Season 2 is only halfway done, the gameplay is a mess, the QA is nonexistent, face generation is a complete disaster, I think they just shoveled together the bare minimum they could implement to save having to sit down and put together actual good engaging content like EVE style corps.
It's funny how they still haven't managed to make Wings work correctly.
Andrew Ryan, plz go.
While we are all on the fuck Frontier bandwagon. A playergroup pulled a fast one and got evidence that they don't do jack shit against combatloggers in the game using alt accounts. They don't even look at the video proof of it happening. For those not in the know combatlogging is another term for task killing so your ship goes poof when you alt+f4.
Now you have a flood of forumdads and retards saying this isn't a big deal while frontiers response was to blame it all on the support team despite everyone agreeing support goes above and beyond and no one is buying the "Support didn't do it's job" bullshit. Most amusingly, a forum mod has decided that the playergroup who exposed this are using tactics common of terrorists and UKIP and that how dare they demand cheaters be punished it's all just them trying to get efame in a dying space sim.
Nice joke, user.
So they are paying them and promising cushy jobs at some multi million organization in exchange for a game to be made in their way, or is this guy just throwing his list of buzzwords at you, hoping something would stick or that you would be confused at the end of it so he could run away?
Is it a good game or not?
Simply logging out is a valid tactic in many games
people will cry if it stays, people will cry if there's a logout timer
you can't win
there's also no real incentive to attack people randomly, most PvP ship loadouts don't even have any cargo hold to scoop up potential booty from blown up trader ships
I wish Fdev had the balls to say "we don't care", but they don't
It's an early access survival game.
What do you think user?
Think of it as the biggest "Stick with it gets better" game.
It'll take a LONG time but it eventually gets better.
Da fuck are you on? Shit is good and fun
I finally got around to finishing Strike Suit Zero and I gotta say I was really disappointed by it. There were like two missions in the entire game that really felt active and engaging and all the rest of them felt like pretty extreme hand holding where there'd be basically one target at a time and it would let you take your time killing each which I guess makes sense since everything but the bomber takes ages to kill even a frigate. The battles just feel so tiny and bland for so much of the game, then you get two good fights with shitloads of big ships and fighters everywhere and then a boring fly-down-the-tube finale which the controls are not well suited for but it doesn't really matter since you can't even really fail because bumping the walls only ever depletes your shields and never damages your hull.
The biggest source of difficulty in the game is trying to lock on to actually important shit and trying to find enough targets to kill in the earlier levels to get the points for higher medals. Usually games make it more difficult to get good rankings as the game goes on by making everything harder but I got platinum medals easy as shit in the second half of the game first try and struggle to get anything in the early ones even when I go back with optimal loadouts and plans because there just isn't enough shit to shoot.
Real PvP games:
Elite Dangerous
Honestly the bitching about "combat logging" in ED is retarded and boils down to either "I want to make someone do boring grind for an hour" or "I need to see the explosion or my autistic brain can't comprehend that I won".
Wow, didn't realize we had some of Frontier's forum boys hanging around here. How's mobius? I realize you boys play in private but you see if you ever did go into open with your turreted condas you'd notice that pirates, gankers, people who try to kill gankers, bounty hunters, powerplay folks are all affected by combatlogging. But your right it's all just upset griefers wanting to send you to a rebuy. Nothing at all to do with the cheating and frontier spouting bullshit and doing nothing about it.
I bet you faggots liked the idea of timed transfers for ships
Have you never played a real PvP game?
Why the fuck would I like more wasted time if I don't like the wasted time of a rebuy? You fucking idiot.
i know that feel, wish that game was longer with bigger battles and a rest tiem between missions to talk to NPC and shit.
there is a version of that game that is an arcade where you can make your own battles and blow shit up. I havent tried it yet.
Anyone who mentions Elite or Scam Citizen is such a fucking shill, jesus christ
Dipshit. You'll need a tripod to see anything, and at that point just get a 5" or bigger telescope.
Any love for Starmade? We had an infinity serb a while back and it was fun…
All 5 of them? Woah.
you seem upset user
yes, they might all be effected by it, but they are all effected by it in the exact same way and nothing is stoping you from doing the same
stay salty goon
Get a Celestron telescope. Shit is good. I prefer a Schmidt-Cassegrains Compound telescope. Also remember that Apeture and Focal length are the important terms
Upgrade event in STO is live, if you wanna upgrade your gear there, do it now.
Im starting to get optimistic about Star Citizen again, they increased the transparency a lot recently, will probably take 3 more years to be released though
The biggest issue is that the event chains keep repeating themselves. If only there was a way to bridge the gap between seed generated emergent stories and habbenings (like Dorf Fort) adn static event chain like those in PDX games…
Do you mean event chains from game to game or within the same game?
Oh fuck yes. Stellaris is starting to get some good customization from Modders
Both actually. Some can repeat quite often like "Shadow play" or alien writing with the mining laser.
So you're talking about some of the Science missions too. Yeah that gets a bit annoying
Anyone have some must have Stellaris Mods?
Anyway, is EvE Online dead yet or still hanging on?
Game design is decided by incompetent players and developers. The effective goal is to make it so that a genuinely good player can never win against a genuinely bad player if the bad player has spent more time grinding for money and better ships and equipment.
Generally incompetents design games with the idea that everyone should have lots of hitpoints and be really hard and time consuming to kill, so everything turns into a boring slugfest where nothing much happens besides watching paint dry.
When competent players get their hands on a game and start modding it, or creating their own new games, they trend towards low TTK, an element of tactics and quick decisionmaking, and a moderate reliance on reflexes.
Not to mention the main gimmick of the game is basically a timed power-up. It felt like it was on the way to being a great rogue squadron clone but didn't quite make it.
It's still hanging on, but they still refuse to fix the core parts of the game that make it no fun to play - combat in particular is a glaring issue of no-fun design by incompetents, but eve further lacks anything fun to do in highsec, especially as a lone player outside a corp. They've invested too much development time into null-sec for the 1% of the playerbase that ever plays there, while continuing to ignore where the majority of the playerbase lives and interacts, and as a result the gameplay changes from time to time for nullsec alliances but for your typical highsec plebian the game is little different today than it was 6 years ago.
If Eve really wants to become successful they need to:
I don't expect any of these things to happen, so despite eve going free-to-play I fully expect their numbers to dwindle back down to 25k peak concurrent users within 1-2 years. So long as CCP continues to focus development efforts only on the areas of the game seen by a minority of people within nullsec alliances, the game will continue to hemorrhage players hard.
it sucks to suck, the berenstein universe is probably 2x better than this shitty berenstain universe.
A timed powerup that wasn't even particularly fun too, aside from the two big missions there's not enough shit to lock onto with the missiles for them to feel good and they couldn't hit big ship's turrets worth a damn and all the cannons are good for is very very slowly shooting those turrets and sometimes cleaning up a wave of torpedos because your capitals don't have jack shit for flak for some reason.
Fuck, I'd go racing in a Victory frigate or Gladiator if I could
The Victory frigate looks happy.
Well there are race missions in Evochron Mercenary. It's only ever 1v1 though and all are in deep space.
That's a rape face.
I can see that.
I second this shill in every possible way.
The entire premise of EVE is that of a player-driven universe. If you avoid corporations and play as a "loner" you're intentionally depriving yourself from the appeal of the game. There is also nothing stopping new players/alpha accounts from participating in nullsec. Several corporations out there are deliberately bringing in new players and teaching them, desperately trying to show them that shooting at red triangles in 1.0 space is a mistake.
No content CCP could devise would hold a candle to the actual content being generated by players all the time. The story driven new new player experience reeked of disingenuity. A big fleet battle of bots, when players already know going in that fights like this happen between real players. What kind of content did you have in mind, that could make an area devoid of player conflict or any reason to cooperate suddenly fun?
I came here to ask this.
I still haven't tried it yet, so I can't help you.
Anyone else tried Void Destroyers 2?
Daily reminder that NASA uses photoshop and films their "space walks" in underwater tanks
Daily reminder that the """"moon landing"""" was done in a Hollywood basement directed by Stanley Kubrick.
Daily reminder that NASA consists of Freemasons and Occultists that want you to stop believing in the Bible.
Daily reminder that the earth is not a spinning ball.
Daily reminder to do your research, I suggest starting with Eric Dubay's videos.
It's early access.
Don't buy early access games.
All you have to do is look up on a clear night to see curvature of the earth lad.
with which army?
So when google map gives us satelites images of every backyard on the planet, its just photoshoped?
Or did they secretly fly special built planes super high, just under the dome, to photograph every square inch of the planet from the same altitude and angle, in order to make a seamless map of the world out of them? Because that would be a hell of a lot harder to do than just using satellite imaging…
Also, how do you explain time zones? If the earth is flat, wouldn't the sun luminate the entire surface, not just one side? So how can it be night in one place, while high noon in another, at the same time?
Gee, I wonder if it sound be because photos of the globe are not done in a single shot, but rather are three dozen smaller pictures put together.
Wait, just to make sure: Do you believe that "clouds" "move"? Or are they just an illusion by Satan?
You just took the bait and made yourself look like a fool, mate
Google DO use planes with cameras hence why if you check watermarks you see that in some god-forsaken places the last images were taken years ago
Pitch your dream space game anons.
Anyone playing Osiris: New Dawn? Is it any good?
I'll let you guess.
Only thing that would be a cherry on top if it was made with Unity.
A Cowboy Bebop game made by Rockstar
X3 with planets and spacelegs
Elite could've become this
But now instead it's an overbalanced homogeneous garbage where content is the same shit remade over and over again but with a different skin
Muh procgen
I'm feeling sad because SC is starting to look good compared to Elite
A space game about exploration, possibly restricted to one star system. It'd be this solitary and atmospheric experience, no crafting or any of that Minecraft shit. Just you and this huge place to explore.
What was that one RPG space game that's not out yet that everyone was jerking off over a while back? I know it featured ship boarding RTS (or TBS, I don't remember) and some imperialistic vibe.
The Mandate?
The combat of FS2 with the dynamic campaign of Wing Commander 1 + 2 with the tone of Ace Combat.
Such a pity.
But that's exactly what the plebs want. They just wanna mine shit in Highsec and watch their ISK counter grow ever so slightly.
They get super buttmad when anything exciting happens in Highsec.
Suffering is not a hobby, but we do it anyways.
I think you need to check out some of the mods for FS2
Not a race, but if you want the best space sim ever made try
No athmospheres either, but it has PHYSICS. Like PHYSICS. And even the graphics are quite good - looks like if your simulation is precise enough, you don't need anything, but actual clors of matherials to get areal picture just like IRL. Not so hard on your hardware either - no superficial pew-pew effects means you don't have to basically calculate the same thing twice.
i remember being in a thread where some stupid user didnt get this webm
They did make a Wing Commander game in FS2's engine called Wing Commander Saga.
But I'd prefer FS2's gameplay in the X-Wing/Rogue Squadron setting and they fucking finish it this time
Is this thread still alive?
It is now.
I just want more Diaspora.
I still feel bad for the guy that was shilling the game. Even he apparently ended up disliking what they did to it.
Truth does not fear investigation.
I wonder how he is doing.
Hopefully he didn't off himself after seeing what heppened to the mandate.
Whatever happened to the Mandate? Do I want to know and spoil my afternoon?
By what i know they got a bunch of new workers, they revamped few things like the boarding actions (it's turn based now i guess) and the new community manager is a walking red flag.
Did the various vaporware and scam games suddenly turn playable? Nope.
You fucking bastard user, I wish you spoilered that shit. I literally just threw up over my monitor and lost my lunch.
Well guess it's my fault for asking, I guess the Mandate shill did commit suicide afterall, it's what I would have done.
Which race do you think had the best ship designs in Star Trek?
I uh, that's the wrong last image and stuff.
Confirmed dead?
Anyone else enjoying SD Gundam GGeneration Genesis?
Oh… I didn't know it was that bad. I was interested when I first heard about it then got confused when they said something about the boarding actions being changed. Good thing I didn't get too excited before I forgot about it
I guess Endless Space 2 updated not that long ago
Seems like Starships Troopers mixed with 40k Imperium of Man
I think it might be the sound, but I think that intro video is worse than the others
Yeah, not as 40k as the first one I feel, but still a good direction, almost has a Soviet Russia feel to it. I feel like the endless space series is the only 4X series who doesn't make the standard human race faction some diplomatic star trek hippie bullshit.
Yeah the video seemed a bit off, missing the mark slightly.
I always liked that and honestly it seems a more realistic view of what humanity would be like in those situations.
Still those youtube comments would make the Emperor proud.
X3 game, made by falcom, using the fox engine the jews need their console profit, goy! and waifus
watching it again, it's definitely the music not fitting the background of the propaganda portion
It's just off
Thanks for reminding me how retarded Star Wars is. I needed a laugh tonight.
Is he really married to a nigger or is it a comic shit tumblr story?
It's canon, AFAIK. So yes, he was married to a niggerette. Or at least dated one somehow.
Elite: Dangerous but not an MMO, and with a game and a story attached to it
Anyone got the chance to play this yet? How is it?
Looks interesting for a mining game.
Its happening, WW3 in space
This is the most retarded shit im seeing right now
Dukat did nothing wrong
I always liked the aggressive look of the Klingon Bird of Preys, but that's only one ship rather than any particular faction.
What are you talking about?
A loner should have full options to interact with large corps as if they were NPCs giving out missions. Bounty hunting should have been an actual thing as well.
But CCP continues to sit on their hands with these two fundamental concepts that would completely overhaul solo play so it remains boring.
Bounties are in the game, but most people who have bounties just hop out of their ships and let their friends destroy them so they get the money once they get valuable enough.
A space sim that has plenty of routes to choose from in case I get bored with anything and two modes, Personnel and Ship.
Sadly, it would probably be limited to a few planets of a solar system where humans are just gaining the ability to enter space. There are plenty of deep space zones which hide strange alien artifacts as well as unique interactions with primitive alien life that is growing on other planets.
Players can choose to be anything under the sun; miner, trader, bounty hunter, soldier, diplomat/guild leader with each providing their own specific goals and situations. Players would give other players quests that would pay much better than NPC quests and reward both player and questgiver in order to spark emergent gameplay. Eventually large groups can set out and try to create deep space stations where they can manage their own micro civilization under threat or peril of other rival groups.
Space would have three primary manufacturers of ships, ships would have modifiable parts. Space would be instance based (sorry only thing I could think of) to create less lag and latency with randomized tilesets to prevent monotony.
Personnel mode is where you can customize your pilot. On stations you can land and socialize or there might be missions where you need to go ass-to-ass with some random motherfuckers with powerarmor and a gun. Maybe there's also delicate resources that must be plucked and protected by hand before you get to your ship.
Your ship is not a home but every player will eventually get a specific 'dock' of their own which will basically be player housing.
I want it mid-high fantasy setting with good art direction for the alien planets one can visit as well as the alien life encountered (and human enemies). Any additional content will be imported via newly accessible planets or deadspace regions.
They cut so much out of the campaign it is unreal.
As I hope I pointed out, the bounty hunting system is flawed.
IMO it should feel more like you're looking through a bounty board with last known locations, tactics of preference, and ships of preference for the individual. Then you pick up a sort of bounty slip or ticket and start hunting.
Here it just feels too "by chance". Like that pirate you found in lowsec just happened to be a 3mil bounty or some nonsense.
Plus the overall bounty payout system is really, really weird.
Plus, bounty is not shared between hunters naturally. It just seems very hashed and tacked-on rather than a full feature or eve "career" path and that saddens me.
How it should be IMO:
Yeah, and not even in a HFY way, but more of a desperate attempt to get a functioning interstellar government kinda way.
I always thought though the most realistic outcome of space-faring humanity to be a fuckton of planetstates and other independent entities barely held together by the same sort of alliance chains that started WWI, with any alien invasion that's not a full-on extinction event to just be gamed by other human factions for more power rather than a rallying call for all humanity, but that's just my opinion.
I still don't understand how devs have forgotten the golden rule of RTS
mod tools and good single player+expansions
— setting set —
>Eventually you get a extra-dimensional waifu and the AI on your ship becomes sentient. (the AI is designed after a chick.)
>One is due to the origins and story, as humans discovered how to fold dimensions. ayy lmaos are actually 4+dimensional, so this is a slight problem, because ayy lmaos never actually thought life could exist in the 3d plain, even so far as intelligent life.
>Despite ayy lmaos looking similarly human, them being 4th dimensional allows them to zip out of our universe at any time. The fourth dimension is treated as a extra vector in space in this game.
>Extra-dimensional waifu is actually a researcher and can't be gotten rid of, however she gives a major buff in the late game for the 'good' route, and can be killed/captured/forced out of her a major upgrade in the 'bad'.
>Good/bad routes arn't concrete endings, and they're all just game CG, allowing many endings depending on the choices you made.
>In a nutshell, the story is about you figuring out Humanity left earth by inventing aforementioned warp drive, but shit got wrong, and your Humanity got stuck at this planet hundreds of years ago. The reason why shit got wrong was because of ayy lmaos.
— story set —
gameplay is a more in depth Outer Wilds. You have a journal system, and a skill tree unlocked by Timothy/your companion. Your skill does matter in the game, and all artifacts are obtainable except for a few. All the skill tree does is just give you major abilities. The artifacts unobtainable at the start are obtainable through calculating their exact position using various formula on alien objects. Think geometry but in 3d space, and you have to find intersections. You also have to figure out various other conditions of the places. If you don't figure out the gravity, for example, you could find that the artifact you're looking for makes the area's gravity much like a black hole, and so forth.
After the first false final boss, your scope will be expanded two three solar systems, and more events will occur instead of just one solar system and rare events, and the skill tree respectively will be expanded. All skills are obtainable in the first part of the game, but after the expansion, a level limit will be reached. Also, on a second playthrough you have the option for a much harder mode, but the skill tree will be much larger. No abilities will be removed, just added. Additionally the 'hardmode' will cause various anomalies to occur, so the basic skill set won't work just as well.
The few artifacts after this change will be available, along with ones on other systems. Think of this change as Terraria's Hardmode, beating the game makes it a lot harder, but in exchange you get more content and a true final boss.
The game will be heavily focused on exploration, so every artifact will be unique in it's own way. It's uniqueness will be reflected in the puzzles and obstacles the player must overcome. A pressure artifact might be hidden in the core of a gas giant, for example.
Plenty of asteroid belts and wrecks litter the system. Being that this game relies on exploration, you can get out and explore your ship (which has a working cereal and coffee dispenser), and go out into said deep space.
Timothy/your custom companion can camp with you on these asteroid belts. Camping is important because it restores 'sanity' (some anomalies will be stalker tier, borrowed from Amnesia.), it hard saves your game and restores minor damage, but most of all, it allows you to talk with your companion, changing their combat and exploration AI in different ways. Conversations made here can affect the story in minor to major ways.
Ship combat is arcadey and fast. Occasionally, with engine upgrades, you'll be put in a race mission to test the engine's capabilities.
— gameplay set —
I just want Space Stalker
well it's not like you couldn't just have a few abandoned colonies of lost 'old earth' technology, and some ayy lmao artifacts could be scrunched in there somewhere, forcing you to scour the desolated lands fighting off tribes of humans who have still managed to survive on their own, and finding shelter with those who managed to keep their sanity and connection with other human colonists.
It's also not like planets couldn't have dynamic and strange weather, and other grave robbers won't get in your way, causing firefights.
What if the colonists were in disarray after the separation from Earth? Maybe a civil war broke out, or during Hardmode the Earth fleet comes to fuck over everybody and you find yourself either working for or against them. (they're really neutral, but depending on your choices they can slowly become good or evil. If you become part of the Federation, but you still try your best to become a good person, the Federation will become mostly good, and the opposite could also be true.)
It's also probable that some artifacts will be creepy as fuck to pursue, and some outcomes of choices might strand you.
I also have the idea where in late game, the story expands to the Multiverse, and the game becomes some sort of pseudo MMO. Players have a option to travel to a shared Universe, where there are a lot more player hubs, solar systems, and more. Discoveries are live and affect all players, and it's a much smaller scale more in depth Elite Dangerous.
Being that you create your own avatar, this could be a neat idea. I piggyback this idea from Dragon's Dogma.
Nothing, huh? I guess my taste is too depressing for everyone.
Does anyone know of a free-range “build your own starship” game that isn’t a goddamn Minecraft clone?
There was that whole bit where he went full gollum. But that was really the kike writer getting jelly that apparently tons of women liked Dukat Bitches love authoritarians
Not really. Closest thing that comes to mind is Carbon Based Lifeforms. Skip through this album a bit.
Ah, gotcha covered already. What you're looking for is called drone-based ambient.
A quick jewtube search turns up these:
Seems to overlap heavily with "dark ambient". Reminds me vaguely of some of the songs in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. soundtrack done by mooze, which make sense, since that's purely dark ambient. An excellent example is the theme for the Garbage -
You wouldn't know it was music, it sounds like ambient background noise for the Zone.
Sadly, it doesn't look like there's a ton out there, but you could probably make your own with ease by slowing down other tracks. Good example of that is End of Evangelion slowed 800%:
They already do, in theory. A corp could pay an individual for any sort of goods or services imaginable, using a trusted middleman to transfer the ISK if necessary. All the tools are there. Occasionally this does happen, particularly in exchange for strategic intelligence or unclaimed wormhole locations. But in most cases what reason would a corp have to reach out to a random independent player when they could recruit a suitable player themselves, or contract it to a different corporation? If you have something to contribute then it's so simple and easy to join that corp, the question becomes "why not?". Social dynamics don't encourage independent pilots.
Christ fallen empires are annoying to fight when they wake up. I'm slowly building up my navy to it's max capacity (over 2000) because every time I think I've caught up with this expanding fallen empire the little shit pulls another 60k strength fleet out of it's arse.
It's frustrating because I'm at the point where they are the only military threat to me (AI nations being AI they were all too busy dicking each other other so they're tiny empires). I'm at the point where I have repeating techs (the endgame ones so research still has a purpose) and the 'dangerous' techs, and I know I won't be able to fight both at the same time.
So here I am just building up a fleet to smash against another one. I miss when the fallen empires were a 'bonus boss' you picked a fight with to try and reverse engineer some of their tech to get a legup.
I like that new ship design.
I want an good colony sim - one that's more than just building a big mining business to get cash to expand production and get even more cash. A 4x/city builder cross preferably in a hard sci-fi setting, building not just a little colony on Callisto, for instance, but a society and nation. The player would lay out his plan for a colony, set policies for what sort of settlers he wants to bring from Earth, have them build up their own culture and attitudes through social policy while shaping colonial industry through economic policy.
Eventually the colony sim would morph into a 4x/city sim when the colony has a large economy and population to be self-sufficient and becomes a nation in its own right. The player would expand across the planet, building more colonies while at the same time managing diplomacy with offworld powers and even getting into wars with them with the little colonial navy he made by converting ore freighters or something.
Maybe endgame would be the little colony having become an interplanetary power that rules the solar system or something.
The shadow of the earth being cast on the moon lad.
Isn't Ubishit trying their hands at making a Nu Male's Sky clone?
So far we only have a "leaked" video.
We can do better, since this would only be observable during a lunar eclipse.
Hipparchus calculated the distance from the Earth to the Moon via the parallax, using simple observations from 2 different cities. He was off by 7%…
Then Aristarchus came along and realised that when the shadow on the moon covers exactly half the moon, you have a right angle in a triangle between the moon, the earth and the sun. And when you have a right angled triangle and you know the length of one side of it, you can calculate the distance to to any other angle in the triangle. Basic trigonometry…
Mind you the guy was off by a factor of a thousand, but the principle is sound, he simply didn't have a good way to make accurate measurements for distances so big. We can make those measurements now.
Thus we can, with nothing but observations made from earth, calculate the distance to the sun, so we know for a fact that its 150 million kilometers.
Sure it could be 150 million kilometers over a flat disc, but that raises all kinds of questions about how you make the sun appear in different places in the sky at the same time, at different places on the planet.
Erastothenes, calculated the difference in angle of sunlight on a specific day, using wells, in two different cities 784 kilometers apart, to calculate the circumference of the earth. The alternative, would require the sun to be only 6000 kilometers up, which we just proved is hogwash with that shadow on the moon thing. The only remaining possibility is thus, that the earth is round.
It went much faster than I thought it would, but yeah you can find our faction in the WHEEMEZ system. We currently have 11% control of the system, so our first order of business is to get the syndicate to be the controlling faction.
Is Endless Space 2 worth playing yet?
So how does one join? Just do missions?
for now, yes. Per typical Fdev, this 'player' faction works in exactly the same way an other minor faction works. The only difference is that we named it. If there is enough interest, we could always make a discord or mumble chat, but I figure it will probably be best to keep in touch through the thread
Alright. Gonna grind for a while here then
Ill be on later tonight to run missions too as CMDR Kardiak
No, all the stages of the shadow the earth casts on the moon are proof of this. The shadow cast from a flat disc would cast vastly different shadows on the moon than the ones cast by a spherical object.
But thats not the shadow of the earth on the moon. That's the moons own shadow as it moves around the earth. All this proves, is that the moon is round and appears to move around the earth.
those are two different things. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes through Earth's shadow (its called the Umbra).
Alright, I'll get on it as soon as I get the fucking permit to Sirius
Agitated, if you're still alive, tell me.
If we are talking space, what music best captures the void and emptiness of outer space?
I always was rather fond of Dark Crusade's/Soulstorm's background theme for the metacampaign map. Especially in Soulstorm, where you also have the whirling noise of the warpstorm in the background.
dead silence along with a few whirrs and clicks from your ship's cogitators
Is it safe to talk about Star Citizen now?
Did you even see the video
This is like a pozzed version of an empire.
What the fuck amplitude?>>11342976
What's wrong with you?
Sounds to me you are the one that didn't watch the video?
Progress is speeding up, and its much more transparent now
Whom here getting Deathwing to purge some xenos?
Is the game finished?
Fair enough, I didn't catch that scene for some reason.
Doesn't change any of the other points though lad.
Reminder that "evil xenophobic empire = industrial cyberpunk cities".
No matter how you look at it, it's bullshit.
Sounds alright though if someone could mod out all the niggers.
I would if it wasn't so darn expensive.
I just want to purge xenos.
Halfcuck /vg/ likes circlejerking over SC, best go there.
Nope, but the first version of the permanent universe is out, version 2.6 is dropping this month
4.0 would be the "final release", so its about 66% done
But both of these exist in 40k and Starship Troopers
Heinlein was a democrat and notorious for putting in PoC in his stuff. He just also happened to be very militaristic,
In the book it's almost entirely in the navy and that's because scientists at the time believed that women had better hand-eye coordination.
Warhammer has had a lot of things, like the sisters of battle, added later.
You also have to remember that Warhammer wasn't made by fascists and originally a lot less edgy and instead satirical.
Come on lad.
Well then there's nothing to discuss user. Stop shilling for an unfinished which may or may not be a scam.
Play some good and finished spess vidya. Discuss that.
i played too much X3 and freelancer already, there is nothing else to play
Sucks to be you then.
It's not like there are plenty of other spess vidya games right?
name three
Has anyone built VR support for Freespace yet? Maybe I should get off my ass and do it
Master of Orion
Wing Commander
Those are just off the top of the head and far from obscure.
Stop being such a fucking faggot user.
Anything with fun dogfights, multiplayer and dynamic trade system?
because Freelancer alone is better than all of these you listed
Just kill yourself user.
Freelancer is a mediocre babbys first spess vidya.
None of this changes the fact that you're wanting to discuss an unfinished fucking game instead of all the games already available.
Go shill in a grave.
Terminal shitty taste confirmed
Unrealistic as fuck too, with each planet representing a country. It's foolish.
This has been discussed in the SVG numerous times and the conclusion is always the same.
While enjoyable, Freelancer is a casual and simplistic spess game.
Lurk more, faggot.
This thread has been slow as fuck. Usually we go through a number of these in a week.
They were never married, it's just a running joke because they posed as a married couple for a job.
Finally got around to finishing the extra missions in Strike Suit Zero Directors Cut, they kinda sucked and weren't even as good as the better missions at the end of the base game. I also started Project Sylpheed and had more fun in the first mission of that than in all of SSZ, the controls are a little wonky with stuff like roll and yaw being the same input but different magnitudes but the constant chatter, huge swarms of fast ships and missile spam makes it feel way more active and alive than Strike Suits barren and slow everythings.
SSZ is garbage.
One of the few games I regret ever buying.
Some guys are working on a Star Wars total conversion for Freespace 2, so maybe not all hope is lost.
I feel like we could've stopped this.
Someone could make this right now with FS2's tools. The only problem is that you can't make manual saves in FS2, so if you got on the losing branch of the campaign, the only way to go back would be to start the whole thing over again. Or maybe they could set up the missions so that finishing the losing path automatically sends you back to the last mission on the winning path.
Well in FS2 any mission that branches or affects future missions always gives you the option to accept or reject the outcome.
And players shouldn't be allowed to savescum anyway. You lose you lose no takebacks.
We could, correctly, only with hindsight. We still can, but not correctly anymore.
Well, yeah, every mission gives you that option. You can always choose to replay it, even if you completed it successfully. FS2 doesn't actually have branching missions anyway. The editor supports it, but Volition didn't use that feature.
We'll have to agree to disagree on this.
I would definitely like an FS2 campaign with an Ace Combat tone, though. It would certainly be more to my taste than stuff like War in Heaven that makes me want to put a gun in my mouth.
That webm sucks. Have a better one.
Eh, it's alright, but I still prefer my one.
Yeah, what I had in my head was sorta 2 interstellar human powers go to war, and in between missions you would interact with your wingmen or read the news about the war like in Wing Commander. Who lives and who dies is determined in mission, while the overall course of the campaign is decided on your performance during several key missions, sorta like in Colony Wars how your skill determined the ending. Of course the combat would be pure FS2, with beams, flak guns, and all that stuff.
Also holy shit this train of dubs.
I think Starlancer might have something like that on it.
Someone clearly has never played past baby's first space game.
I take it was shit?
Well it's VR only so that's going to cut the playerbase down to basically zero right from the start.
Someone has to do it for the greater good.
They seem all cute and cuddly, but trust me, you DON'T want to date one or have one anywhere near your while trying to sleep. the fuckers are nocturnal after all
And that's not even touching on just how many of them can turn cannibalistic, including during mating.
And lastly, they don't look as cute in real life.
Trust me, the exterminatus is for your own good.
Also needs a 360 controller I believe and has microtransactions, yes a $70 game has an in game store like a F2P MMO.
No shit Sherlock
i want to fug a bug
suns are just a mass of gravity which inhales all the space garbage into a ball. it caught fire sometime in the late 1800's
Do you really think these tumblrinas know anything about the sun?
Check out Endless Sky on steam. It's a single player F2P game. It's not complete, but it's still fun as fuck.
Bump limit.
Hop on CL and pick up a telescope. People buy them and never use them. My neighbor has a $8k meade he never uses. I'll probably buy it off of them eventually for a fucking steal.
Pick up something small and see if you actually like the hobby then proceed to something bigger like a schmidt cassegrain 8''. Remember that aperture is what matters since the larger the aperture the more light you'll be able to take in for your eyepiece. Also, forget about large zooms eye pieces as it will be too faint unless you get a big setup
New thread when?
Where outside shitty Relic games and Abnett's garbage BL fanshit?
So what's going on with Star Citizen? I got beat up when I made a Star Citizen thread and people weren't too much help. I saw that some components of the game are released but now there's a FPS component? I've been out of the loop since the game just hit 4mil on jewstarter so I'm not privy to a lot that's happened since.
Short answer, its a scam.
Odds are they will ride the shekel train until backers grow some balls and demand for a complete game.
Interacting with wingmen might be a problem. As far as I know, FS2 doesn't support roaming around your ship and talking to people the way Wing Commander did. FS2 Open does have a "fiction viewer" that lets you put a lot of text onscreen, though, but it's something you have to put before a command briefing.
In short it's something like $130million now and the very definition of feature creep.
New Thread Now user!