What in the actual fuck
Actual Outlast II marketing
Outlast team knows there audience well.
This is some next level jewry
This is the new age of EDGE
Upside-down crosses on black diapers
I'm looking forward to this world's destruction.
Outlast wasn't scary
Good goy, buy our products.
This shit is creepier than the game itself
Jesus Christ.
Are we entering a new era of weird ads?
It's viral marketing. It's not ment to make the goal. It's just ment to attract attention by being weird so that it gets people talking and spreading it around.
Guess what's the best part? You fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Yeah, no way it's because it's for a game about a death cult, it's obviously an attempt at subliminally corrupting the youth and normalizing satanism
I can see the logic, but it's still not that that great of an idea.
How long until some food company releases gamer-themed "chicken tendies"?
I think your arguments as to why idolisolism is wrong because it takes the extremes the concrete foundations of the Holla Forumsitician's words, when really he is just posting a image of his favorite what kind of drugs are you on user how can you drag so much form a post.
…wait, why are you guys taking this seriously?
You do understand this is meant to be a joke novelty item, right?
What the fuck, is everyone on Holla Forums actually legit autistic?
I wonder why
I just hope no one will buy the game from the makers of adult diapers.
Anti-viral marketing is a critics of poor marketing.
Well there's already this abomination. I bet soon theyll have a Doritos flavored version and slap a halo or cod marketing with 3*exp codes on them.
I hadn't gotten my dose of Sonic autism for a while, thanks user
I'm saying they would literally be called "chicken tendies" after those god-awful greentext stories about emotionally regressive manchildren. Because that's what this diaper thing seems to be catering to.
You just have to put on your tinfoil and think of the craziest possible reason why something is the way it is. It's not very hard and I could do it just looking at things around my room.
I really don't think the outlast team is trying to market shit to Holla Forums, user.
No. Falling for it is is when you spread it around, which OP did magnificently. Giving money to it is just retarded but it doesn't actually serve the marketing if you don't spread the word. The point of this thing is not to get money through the kickstarter, it's to get people talking about the weird diapers and then in conjunction talk about Outlast 2.
I don't understand what you're saying
This is.. joke, right…?
Yeah, well good luck with selling that product. :^)
You're a fucking idiot. It's negative just on Holla Forums because people are autistic and think it's actually trying to make money on mentally ill people who get off on diapers. Everywhere else people are sharing it on facebook and twitter and whatever the fuck and going LOL JENNY LOOK AT THIS I WONDER WHAT KIND OF VIDEO GAME OUTLAST 2 IS
Fucking Quebec
Im pretty sure that Mega Babies and Yvon of the Yukon crawled out of this awful province. Ive met a diaperfur on steam and surprise - french quebecois
What is with them
Doritos is in bed with Taco Bell and Yum Brands, dumbass. Also don't knock them till you try them.
whats wrong with yvon of the yukon?
Oh, so it's so spoopy I'll poop my undies? All I felt from Outlast 1 was a bit of frustration because I suck at "stealth" games, we'll see how 2 will fare.
Demo when?
There is a demo but it was only released to a select few people i.e. streamer and youtubers that scream on camera. The kind of people you would expect to spread this marketing trick at the drop of a hat.
You can get the demo from torrents and shit. Rutracker has it.
Did none of you watch the demo gameplay? It literally ends with the player character getting his genitals mashed in with a hammer in first person perspective; edgy is what this game is going for.
Shill, please.
Black diapers are actually a thing
I know because I own some
I had literally never heard of this shit before this thread and wouldn't have given sheckels even if I had, that thing is ugly as ass
You have no idea how hard it is to find a nonwhite diaper that isn't covered in mentally ill baby crap
Not all of us do that shit, it's just underwear by itself
Fun fact. Outlast 2 gonna be mafia 3 2.0. It's about how racist the KKK is.
This is pretty hilarious. You know some fucking degenerate adult diaper faggots are going to pitch into this shit and try to make it serious. 7/11 shitpost Redbarrel.
Hey, don't blame us you fucker.
The "legit" medical adult diaper market is bottom of the barrel atrocious. The quality of those things is laughable. They are barely functional and a complete waste of resources on a global scale. Everyone involved with them should be beaten up.
You should be happy that you have the adult baby industry producing the only functional diapers in the entire world at all right now.
Noice, thanks for the tip.
Oh wow, I guess the only gameplay video I've seen doesn't do it justice. And I shouldn't be surprise either way, modern devs can't into optimization.
'upside down cross' is just St. Peter's cross
Babynigger I will fight you
Abena M4s have been by go-to diaper for years, they don't have any ugly rectangle shape or atrucious medicinal info plastered all over the front. The Northshore diapers are also decent but have no breathability.
I ordered 1 pack of Bambinos 1 time and realized that they weren't much better than Abenas. You're bringing shit to the negotiating table.
They picked the wrong franchise, though. If they added FNAF motives, they'd make bank
Some things should not be baited with.
Pretty sure you're looking for the evolve thread
Is that like a gun or something?
I'm willing to believe this guy is just wearing diapers out of necessity. willing, but unable.
Know the difference, it could save your life
Pamperchu, is that you? I can't believe you're still alive.
You gotta be kidding me…
i fucking hate this industry
it's been a long time since I last saw this. i've seen all the edgy shit where people get beheaded and whatever but man this image still makes me question if life as we know it is worth it.
Kinda reminds me of the weird ads they had in Nintendo Power years ago.
well they each take different kinds of loads
Didn't he get ass cancer?
He probably cooks his food too in that microwave he uses to cook the bacteria off of shit.
In some cases it can hurt the product more then help.
I want to cum on Udogi's brainstem
I heard he actually died
This is actually fucking funny.
really nigger?
this is clearly a joke or publicity stunt they didnt think hard enough about and went way to far with. i doubt they actually expect to raise 40000 for the kickstarter and it doesn't look like this would actually be a working product especially considering real adult diapers don't actually work if you do fully shit yourself or piss in them, they only work for minor incontinence issues.
i had to double check but he uploaded something 3 weeks ago to youtube. i cant believe the cancer hasn't offed him by now.
You know what, fuck it. I'm out of here.
See you all later faggots.
He's still alive and claims to be cancer free now. Only time will tell if he's lying or not.
Thats fucking gay bro.
The thought is disgusting but in all actuality everything is probably dead. Although I heard some micro organisms are unaffected by radiation.
This is fucking ridiculous! Like some other user said, the message is clear, the developers think their players are so pathetic they need diapers.
And yall just fucking sitting here like they're being serious, and some fucking /pol-christian/ down there actually thought that the upside down cross meant the Jews did it.
If this gets fully funded any anons up for creating a kickstarter to build a rocketship to Mars?
You're the fucking idiot if you think a place like Holla Forums would actually help a certain product like this boost in popularity. The most it's gonna do is what you see before you.
You reek of newfag. Kill yourself.
It's crowdfunding? Why even bother?
That's creepy as fuck.
It's still degeneracy, even if you're being ironic.
It's worse than the schtick about yoshi's eggs.
I bet you're that guy who had a collection gay furry sprays for TF2 and used them with the excuse that it was for shock value.
Holla Forums is into diapers now
fuck your generation
Any attempt to modify an imageboard's culture by removing groups of posters will invariably see those groups replaced with something worse.
Black magic always backfires.
I think you're right which is horrifying.
the real question is, who was removed to let in the faggots? The furries?
He said it right in his post.
Tripfags and waifufags
I'd add avatarfags to that list too.
It reminds me of the time 8/co/ was bombarded with diaperfags for months after the furries seemingly left. It was a very dark time that I don't want to revisit.
Chaos theory, man. Biodigital jazz.
Lolicons and anime poster originalfags.
Are you sure? I remember there was an UAB thread just a while ago.
no shit sherlock
This was before 8ch existed. The rule applies to all imageboard culture.
He's obviously not correct.
Holla Forums is still very infested with furfags, and loli was never kicked out.
It's continuous, not discrete.
Well the pedos were more or less kicked out, so maybe that brought about the trapfags, the trapfags then went full homo with boipussy and such shit, which has now invited this.
Yeah, and give me a chopper and friendly fire, and I'll handle it.
Stop talking like you're in the malkavian mod.
ROFL:ROFL:ROFL:ROFL ___^___ _ L __/ [] \ LOL===__ \ L \___ ___ ___] I I ----------/
Seeing what comes next is kind of interesting in a depressing way.
Acrania is some horrifying shit.
Has anybody ever survived that?
So, teratoma fetishists, then. Quick turnover.
I think one kid did.
It's not exact easy to survive having no cranium.
I'm fucking dying holy shit, this is too funny.
It is too late, Sergei.
It was always too late.
omg did they died????????????????????????
How are they now?
They died a few years ago.
The parents even took a picture of her in the fucking coffin for some reason.
I think she was the only kid to not die of it near immediately.
Not fully sure how old she lived to, I think she was nearly three.
It looks like a goblin.
the fuck
who remembers diaper boy?
They're going to make a fortune if they sell such tacticool looking diapers to the Israeli military.
Apparently this guy has cancer and still alive to this day
What the fuck Sega, why are you doing this for a racing game
haha what the fuck who takes this guy seriously?
He makes some good points but his presentation is hilariously bad.
What the fuck is that thing?
Lymphoma actually. He wrecked his immune system with radioactive daipers.
Oh yeah, whatever happened to him?
fucking wew people are idiots
I don't think microwaving the diapers gave him cancer, if microwaved stuff could give you lymphoma then most of the population would have it. But I wouldn't doubt there was some carcinogenic shit in the dumpsters he pulled them out of
>>>Holla Forums
Every time.
A microwave doesn't heat by radiation like a normal electric furnace does. It heats using resonance, it sends microwaves at the vibration frequency of water molecules, so they get vibrated up, which produces heat.
You fucking retard, a microwave produces microwaves, not neutrons. The Hell were you taught in school?
and heat will spread through the object and enough heat will kill most microbes. I don't actually know how a used diaper heats up though or how heat travels in it. If it's dry it probably wouldn't heat up very much and would more likely just catch on fire before reaching a high enough overall temperature but if it was still moist from the excrement it would probably heat up and since so much of it would be covered in the moist excrement I'd think a lot of the microbes would die in the process.
I can't even imagine what micorwaving a used diaper smells like. I've been thinking about this too much now and it's making me sick. I don't remember the last time something made me feel sick on the internet.