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"Successful devs use Unity" edition



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Any artfags here can draw delicious food icons? I will need to replace mine as they are copyrighted eventually


I didn't realize how quickly (x^2) scaled. Good thing I won't use it (but technically will support it … though maybe I could do something cool like a 256x16 map or something)
Also I'm pretty sure I can't instance the geometry, since they all have different texture coordinates.

Not sure if this is actually a good idea or very lazy and full of problems

Doesn't matter one bit unless you're gonna be looking straight up and the vertex precision is low enough to cause cracks.

You'll be able to look upward at fixed intervals, but nothing really close to straight up.


Reposting from old thread

Can some artfag make me 4 images for free?

I will use it on a Unity Asset store package that will be sold for 1 buck (or whatever is the minimum amount the asset store lets me sell for).

It will be used on webm related, My plan is to have the 4 images blend as it goes around.

The image is on the same idea of the second pic, but I need some low resolution pixel art leaves, one version for each season. The one I am using currently is so high resolution that it becomes a white blur when used, not to mention that I don't have one for each season of it.

I can only offer my gratitude, or a free copy of the final product, if the asset store enables me to gift copies. (Worse case scenario I will post the .unity package here).

Although it still does not have the functionality, it is a selection wheel

NuDev question here, please don't bully.
What's the best way to program attacks? By that I mean typical hack & slash combat where you press a button, you swing a sword, then you stop swinging it.
I don't want players to wait for the animation to finish before they have to start the next attack but at the same time I also don't want to enable the hypothetical possibility of executing an attack 10,000 times in one second.

I already know the syntax behind making this work, but I don't know how to do it efficiently and optimally. Should I use state machines? An event sequence? Completely lost here.

That looks like a cat.

Make your attack animation quick and make it execute fully only when the required buttons are pressed, that's how I'd do it.

Okay I think I have an idea about where it's fucking up.

So a simple solution is to render raised cells, then middle cells (most common), then lowered cells. This would let me get up and running and have my geometry looking good without much problem. However, when I add decals or other simple objects to the scene, it'll fall apart.

It looks like I have to create a RenderTarget, set a custom depth format (such as DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8) in order to enable depth and stencil buffers. From what I gathered, depth buffers are 0..1 "scene depth" per pixel, where 0 is the near plane and 1 is the far plane. Stencil buffers seem to be integer-based values per pixel, but are used for object overlapping, which is relevant in my case.

Can any 3D-fags confirm this?

I don't know quite enough about calling animations, but the workflow should look something like this:
press button
completely stop current animation
start attack animation from beginning

it won't get much more efficient than that

Mountain Dew for power armor.

Shit why didn't anyone tell me it was that simple before? This seems incredibly useful.


Today, I finished throwing together code to initiate battles from the overworld and end them once all enemies have been defeated. The camera is fucked, and the game doesn't spawn any additional enemies other than those that are in the area at the time when the battle starts, but it's functional.

What did you accomplish today?

I hung out with normalfags and watched FOOTBALL SPORTS

How many touchballs did they score? Also, did the game go into ogretime?

After a few days of getting angry at blender I finally progressed a little, after more getting used to blender I will most likely be able to do the low poly characters I need and start working on gameplay. Since Godot is bugged (If you add a camera node it crashes) I looked for other alternatives such as urho3d but couldn't compile it because for some reason it can't find mingw despite the fact it's in my path whatever, and I get the feeling Irrlicht is just dead or deprecated.

I modeled and Upside Down pyramid, then read some Unreal Engine C++ documentation about ray-casting.
After I got tired of that I re-read large sections of the Ops and Tactics rulebook.

works on my machine

I'm on windows and I'm using the latest version, I tried the 64 and 32 bits and they both crash.

I made a pretty big list of items I need to get done and made a couple.
Now I just need to make the rest of them.

I'm on linux, using the latest version. using 64bit binary and it doesn't crash

use 2.1.1, if you're using that version then rollback to 2.1

2.1.1, doesn't work for me, I tried rolling back all the way to 2.0 but it just doesn't want to works, I assume it's a Windows problem. I checked online and it looks like I'm not the only one with this problem but there has been no fix so far.

I tried and repeatedly failed to create a hook for the method that controls "Lovin" (fucking) in RimWorld, so as to inject code which makes Lovin have a chance to cause pregnancy. The method is within a private nested class that magically uses a syntax not even valid for C#.

Kill me Pete.

Wait what? Really?

Do you not install any windows updates? I didn't, and had trouble with UE4's networking for a while until my work laptop broke down and I had to get a new one with windows 10 and the same project suddenly worked. If that's the case you might want to selectively install older updates that are known not to be malicious spyware ones.
And don't worry about win10, I use linux for my personal PC time.

I'm on windows 7.

As was I when I had those problems. That's not the important part, the important part is that some programs (especially gamedev ones) sometimes need particular updated dlls that come from windows updates.

I gave up.

I have done the updates, it still crashes.
Windows = shit.

You're still here.

I gave one of my model a atlas texture which was actually yesterday night.

I'm following a course called graphics and game technology and im pretty sure I just aced the exam

Over the course of the last few days I have fixed some critical bugs on an open source Unity asset I have released. Some dude whose game got greenlit recently approached me with these and said I can have his Unreal assets (I switched) for free as thank you. I told him I wont accept any free keys before his bugs aren't fixed.
I expected some small assets like some simple 3d models, 2d assets or quality of life stuff. You know, the simple assets that make up the majority of these stores. He's actually a composer and a fucking amazing one at that.
Feels good man.

when i get home i will get shit done, i spent the whole weekend doing progress and im motivated as fuck

i spent 5 hours travelling by bus
then i skipped the only lecture i had for the day
and for the rest of the day and tomorrow i'll play yugioh
wednesday i'll be doing IT homework
thursday and friday i'll be doing algebra homework
saturday is for yugioh
sunday is unknown
i think it's time to give up the aggy-daggy dream

Sounds like my entire month of October, yet I'm still here.

Minus the yugioh part. Just fill everything in with homework and tests.

Sounds like you spend less time on children's card games, and/or turn that "unknown" into devvan'.

This really should be crashing. You're iterating over the edge of the array in InitMap(). Use x < WIDTH instead of

Turns out the cause of the faulty syntax in the decompiled source was due to faulty decompilation. Duh.

Lesson here being never trust an artfag with programming

Does anyone know how good monogame is for Android game dev?

Absolutely nothing.
School is draining me during the week and on my off days I procrastinate hard because I don't know what to work on. Maybe I should start a comic of some sort since I can't manage coding. Or do porn commissions again. But that's not very fun.

I wrote a shitty

I had always assumed they were either some complex way of notating angular rotations since XYZ rotation is very different from XZY rotation. Or that it was the system for spherical rotation (rotation around the base circle and then the azimuth (?) for up and down)

Im actually happy, I'm slow to explore new concepts but Im glad I understand it without too much effort

No idea what situations Id find it useful in but whatever

Quaternions purpose is to prevent Gimbal lock from happening during animation process, and it's commonly used in games due to its fast implementation. Scientist uses a different rotation model which is more precise but also slower.

The concept is simple. The hard part is seeing how you'd find the expression for the vector + W for transitioning from one position to another.

They also do this.

And I think scientists use a rotation matrix.

One of the RE-style horror game dudes here. I'm looking for someone who's either learning or knows something about animating models, scripting animations, etc for the project. In addition to the aforementioned prerequisites you'll also have to meet the following requirements:

-Understand that this is a hobby project and isn't under any kind of major release rush
-Not be a huge faggot about anything
-Be able to use Discord

If this sounds like you, hit me up on Steam. Depending on how things go, we might take on 1 or 2 more people some time down the road.


Well if you can draw a line between any two points, why is the W needed? I assume it ends up being a curved transition as you move from 0..1 between the points

here we goooo

I'm too busy to help working there but if you mean handling the animations inside UE4 alone and not actually creating them in a modeling program it's very easy. If you guys need help with that side you can just ask and it won't take long for one of you to get the hang of it.

Programmer of the group here. I'm already pretty familiar with implementing animations in UE4. We really just need someone who can animate.

you're using the wrong sprites baka


that's a nice pic but what does our pet jew have to do with this

I'm making procedural textures


But I'm also figuring out a bunch of different ideas. A few mechanics, but also what assets I'll need for decals and shit. I thought of a useful class for drawing primitives automatically, and I'm loosely grouping my draw calls into logical groups: simple geometry, decals (quads that are slapped into places for extra effect), props (more complex geometry, like ramps), and sprites (billboarded quads).

Anyone know where I can get some nice, free grunge textures? Resolution doesn't matter too much but bigger is better.

I don't think I need to take advantage of index buffers after all, since every quad is unique.

Actually, if I look at the vertices within a quad itself, there are 4 unique values, each 32 bytes in length. Using an index buffer of type short (16 byes), it takes 6 values to draw the 2 triangles (using a 2-0-1-1-3-2 draw order).

But on the other hand, if I define the shared vertices twice, it becomes 6 unique values, each 32 bytes in length. There are no other buffers to pass to the graphics card

So… it should be faster to get rid of the buffer altogether, yeah?

I opened up blender, looked at a pumpkin model I made back in september, thought about trying to texture it, and closed the program

Decided to make an animated texture out of the lumpy stones looking material. Turned out pretty damn well.

Do you know what gimbal locking is?

Yes, but its never been a problem for me because i don't 3d

Then why concern yourself with quaternion conversations in the first place?

Nice, do they use world vertex position for it's noise calculation, or does it use uv?

I think the first one is the only way to get consistent pixel size on every single surface (although the procedural texture more likely than not can zoom forever)


You're getting some aliasing for the textures in the distant textures of your screenshot.
The origin of that issue is the frequency/lacunarity of the noise function you're using for creating the textures (it looks real time, atm).
You can prevent that by lowering the frequency via the current mip map level (you can do it in unity, rest assured, it's just using the ddx/ddy methods).
So, in essence, reduce frequency the further away you are, and you can raise it the closer you are.
As that lower frequency is essentially the same as producing more pixels (due to closer wavelengths = more detail = more pixels), due to more dense noise, which is like a higher res mipmap level; thus the inverse can be achieved, i.e. lower detail, via lowering frequency.

You can easily blit the results of the noise function to a texture, and save as an asset to re-use later; which shouldn't have any aliasing issues as the shader will do the mipmapping automatically.
That's my plan when I get around to working my multiple thousand line noise.cginc script to producing textures instead of terrain.

It's definitely preferable to use vertex positioning for ease of usage, and cleanness of code.

>As that higher* frequency is essentially

sage for correction

now make it flesh colored and it can be in system shock 2

It comes up as a parameter when doing vector3 transforms in addition to matrices

Also more knowledge is never a bad thing

When you rotate in 2D, you only rotate around one axis at a time.

When you rotate in 3D, you rotate around 3 axis, often referred to yaw, pitch and roll. If you rotate 90 degrees around any axis, then you end up in a situation where you can't perform certain types of rotations.
See the image for an example. By rotate the pitch by 90 degrees, the plane now faces up. But as a result, the plane of the roll and yaw rotation are now on top of eachother. If I wanted the nose of the plane to now turn right, well, I wouldn't be able to do that!

To solve that, people use quaterions, which is basically a four-dimensional rotation in which you can use to rotate a vector v into the real plane r, as well as into the three imaginary planes i, j and k. The complex math from the imaginary planes allow you to do a rotation through multiplication, which is pretty cheap too.

What's even better is that you don't have to fuck with quaternions, since 2D rotation doesn't suffer from the same problem as 3D. You can stack as many rotations together by just adding the angles of each rotation, and the result will turn out just fine.

I don't know if it's the simplest way to do it, but a way to do it is using a state machine with a timer for the animation. Every animation gets a state and the timer is used to control which states the player actor can enter at that specific moment and thus call the corresponding animation.
For an example let's say the basic attack animation takes 10 frames to complete. You can set it up in such a way that the state machine will not enter another state(or the same state thus reseting it) until the timer has reached a certain point( for example 6 frames).

TL;DR Learn how to state machines. Shit's basically a necessity in modern game dev.

this but add a cooldown timer.
usually a cooldown is implemented by taking note of the current system time (In java is lastAttack = System.currentTimeMilis(), in unity is lastAttack = Time.realtimeSinceStartup, for instance).
you will not execute an attack unless
lastAttack + cooldown < System.currentTimeMilis()

take note of time unity, in java you get milliseconds, in unity you get seconds as float, so half a second is 500 and 0.5f respectively

Reminder: if you make games just to make money then you are the cancer killing the industry


He's not wrong. If money is your only motivator you won't produce anything of worth, no matter the field.

Only, if money is your only motivation. I won't blame a poorfag for wanting to make money off his work.

Of course, I eventually want to make money off my work too. But that's not what the user posted.

Seems like I'm retarded.


AGDG: Amateur Money Maker General

Happens to the best of us.

hi I am new to this indie game dev scene xD, does anyone of you have experience with Moishe Shekelberg? He told me he is a expert when it comes to running a game related business.

There's a broad line between:
>I'm doing this JUST for the shekels, fucking ugh goyim tumblr +cancer intensified, patreon at pre-release gib money plox xDD

I'm in the latter category, and I certain see myself as someone who I'd like to see developing games.

Actually, the cancer that's killing the game industry is the idea that anyone should do it and compensate for lack of money, time or knowledge by devaluing themselves to the point of being an indian

The problem seems to be a lot of people claim to be in the second category until they smell success. Then they sink into the first category pretty abruptly.

All the quasi-indians do it because they think it's easy money. You shouldn't make a game if you don't want to or don't know how to.
Being discontent with the state of the industry and wanting to do better is a good enough reason though, I think.

I have an application with unique quads and it's a net win for me. My math is as follows:
My verticies are uchar[4] pos; char[4] norm; ushort[2] uv; That's 12 bytes * 4 vertices == 48 bytes. To describe these faces i need 6 ushorts == 12 bytes. So we have 60 bytes per quad. The alternative is 6 verticies == 72 bytes. If I cut down to 8 bytes (norm encoded in pos[3]) I get 32+12==44 and 48 respectively. So even with the second smallest vertex format physically possibe, it's still worth it. Also, indexing is faster, not slower. There is zero overhead in primitive assembly from indicies, but with indexing you avoid running the vertex shader on the redundant verticies. They're a net good.


i make because its my passion, money is secondary, but necessary, there is nothing wrong if i can keep myself well fed doing what i love

what are you a fucking altruist?

You can earn money for your work and effort, and you should - but it shouldn't be your primary reason for devving in the first place

World vertex position, and tons of different noise functions.

I actually made a slimy looking variant before, but it was offscreen.

There's enough parameters that it could be made to look however you want.

I feel like I ask this all the time, but are you just changing the texture coordinates via a shader, or..?

I met a pretty cool at college some days ago, he makes shovelware for a living(no I'm not in a game dev course) and seems to be pretty well because of it.
How do I get into this industry, Holla Forums?

It's either the local space position or worldspace position of the pixel. Local to the model's coordinate system, or relative to the worldspace.
I do a bunch of different transformations on the point, sample noise functions, filter the output from those functions, and pipe it into different properties of the output.

We Xen now

Meant to quote

How many people think it'd be a dumb idea to work on 2 games at once?

Armor pickup.

sounds fine if you accept the fact that you'll probably only finish one of them.

My plan is one will be the more serious release game I want, and one will be a 3d browser game I might try to get friends in on so it's not just me.

My point wasn't broad enough to address the potential vectors causing the cancer plaguing the industry, but clarifying the initial point about my basic principles in the wrong/right mindset for seeking reasonable compensation for said work (i.e. in result one will be unworthy, due to a lacking soul/care, and another is the inverse).

is a good point, and I agree that this isn't a field one should go into for that "quick, cheap, and low-quality" work for a shekel as indians are known for.
Although, if one truly spends enough time devvin', and still loves it to the point of being able to put that 100% effort into everything they do (hence, having a very visible attribute of soul/heart, such as DF, RoR, or rimworld); that experience (thus time), will inevitably produce something of value, and they have a very reasonable entitlement to compensation as a means to continue said quality development (in my head I'm imagining… say, toady who dev'd DF as someone who deserves every penny they get).

I suppose that's reasonable, but they lack some very basic principles; in addition to the point that they probably never gave that 100% in the first place.
You can always just tell who actually does this, and it's always visible in their work (i.e. if you're experienced for that area)… be it the level designer of the game, the artist, the programmer, or animator; you can see that person's soul put into the game.
While those people who never really gave that 100% aren't really noticed, as their work is highly forgettable, or are noticed and rightly shat on for their lack of consistent quality (i.e. they get "lucky" for certain parts, and the rest is that samsey shit work quality).


Reasonable, but I'd focus on one.
Though, as mentioned, I like putting 100% into a project instead of 60/40, 70/30, but I'm not great at multitasking priorities w/o a set schedule so I prefer to not have to precariously balance game dev projects like that.
Albeit, I work 4-6 days a week, and have uni too… so you more than likely have more freetime than I, so it depends really.

You might be right about the 100% thing, I never considered that. If you really care about your project you want to make sure it's perfect and not half-hearted.

If you were to put it on a flat surface laying down, it looks like cobblestone under water, like in a small city canal or something.

What's wrong with that? If i can make big cash, while crashing the pozzed game industry and hopefully resetting it, i certainly will.

Do you guys think a laptop with these specs could handle 3D development in Godot? I have to spend a lot of time at the bus stop/on the bus before I can get home, and want to know if my potato will be handle it(I haven't saved enough money for a better laptop yet):
Crappy i5 dual core @ 2.44ghz
GTX 310m
4GB Ram
I'm not really planning anything graphically intensive but I know the dev tools are always harder on your machine than the final product.

mine is worse and it can handle unity just fine

Now this is some fucking scary coincidence

How about you fucking try it?


Because it's charging right now. If it was ready to use I would try it myself.

He solved world hunger!

its kilocalorie per 100g

In moments like this I wish we had another name for kilocalories to avoid confusion because an actual cal is a very tiny unit. The average human needs 2 million calories (or 2000 kcal) a day after all

Yeah, it's kindof confusing to have Calories (with a capital C) be 1000 calories (with a lower case c).

But you don't mention that it's per 100g. You also should just measure it in kj or kcal since those are the standard.

i will fix it later

Ok new version out

Next version:


your "game" sucks and u should feel ashamed

Actually my dream is to be a recognized shovelware developer, known for shitting out really low budget, but very fun porn games that are worth people's time and their buck or two or five bucks or ten bucks.

Since I'm actually humble and don't want to be that indie superstar acting all high and mighty and thinking I created a work of art that rivals the Renaissance, and also I can take criticism that my games are shit but still fun.

Any Haskell devs here that's made some games in it? Been fiddling with SDL2 and som reactive programming but have had some issues, with for example banana. Been trying to get into reflex; is it a good idea?

store.steampowered.com/app/526780/ Released our platforming game on steam a couple of days ago. Did programming, some design, all the art and some sounds.

Not an artist, so all art is basically shit. The sound is just stolen so it's all terrible as well. But I think the mechanics are solid.

Had >100 sales so far, so feels good. Gonna use the money to eat lunch.

Here's art from the game, in case someone finds any use of it (just pretend you stole it, if anyone asks).

Seems like the most appropriate review.

50% pity buys, yo.

I can swear I played the exact same game 10 years ago, and it was freeware

Is this how game design works?

Wasn't ten years ago, but we added leaderboards and custom map editor. Still available in whatever state it was at that time.

its a feature, not a game you doofus

Are you the same guys that made that (Game Maker?) game about a small red square guy that also had the word "jump" in the name and had approximately the same gameplay? I fucking forgot what the name was.

Everyone new to game dev does massive amounts of planning that more often than not all gets chucked out the window as you actually put the game together.

So yes, I think that's how you should approach game design. Basically, go in and make stuff with a strong 'vision' in mind- not a full-fledged plan, but an abstract vision of how a game will play out.

Of course, there's all kinds of games, so there may be a genre of games that work better with more planning. But from my experience, 99% of games you try to make will make a mess out of any plans you try to concoct for a variety of reasons (for example, problems encountered during production that make something unfeasible)- it's better to just get an abstract idea of what you want and then start working on turning that into something tangible, and work out specific details you missed as you come across them.

As a final note, part of the reason jumping into production sooner rather than later is so you can fail faster- if you encounter a problem while turning your abstract vision into some sort of initial product, you can determine a way to work around that problem or scrap your idea/vision entirely and move on to a better idea.

Does someone have the original of these derivatives?

Is this related to the Jumper series?
It looks similar and has a similar name.

Thanks. I'll keep at it then.

haha don't make me laugh user
seriously though this is stupid fucking idea
just use C/C++

user, the thing can't even work with variables, what the fuck are you thinking

I remember watching some talk about people deving in haskell, what's wrong with it ?

i was doing it and asking here for help since it was a school assignment
otherwise it's a horrible language and you should never use it unless there's a gun pointed at your head

A long time ago I checked it out quickly through youtube and saw some sciences masters and phds saying good things about it. What's the problem ? Is it one of these "java" type languages that works through a VM ?

No. It's just an inspiration. Didn't the guys from Jumper go on and make some other big games?

It's for learning. I think there are some useful things to learn. I've already learned some about deterministic behaviours and how to use pure functionality. After having gone a course in concurrency I think those things can be useful tools to have in the future; when I probably will be using C# or something else.

you literally can't have variables in haskell
you only get function parameters

Why ?

that's how haskell works
you just can't

That's pretty retarded.

that's why nobody's fucking stupid enough to use haskell for vidya

It's not retarded. Having the language stay pure has benefits. But like,

said, it might not be the best fit for vidya. But for me it'd be a useful experience, if anything, what the limits are. They've remade Quake3 in Haskell, so it's not an impossibility.

I wouldn't say other big games when Jumper is so obscure, even if it's good.
He/they made Towerfall which seems to be the most well known title.

You're correct.

Someone fucking shoot me.

I'm trying to write a text rendering behaviour in Unity so I can encode colours onto different parts of text in a text box using rich text, but regardless of how I try to insert the text into the box, it seems to render the rich text for a frame before closing the brackets and rendering properly.

Am I asking too much of a single text box, to render multiple colours of text in a single Text UI element, or am I missing something that's causing it to render too soon?

Looks fun. I like jumping on stuff. I'll give it a check.

Did you tell them "POO IN THE LOO PAJEET"? :^)



Let's not forget that the game is free on Itch.io as well.

Just another day for modding I guess.

There are two types of mods:

I have to admit I am not the fastest developer of muh mod but at the other side I don't plan to freeze it yet as there is still some shieet to work on, especially considering that my gameplay is pretty different from other mods.

Well, it's not stolen. It's free to use, as long as you credit them, but you get what I mean.

Sorry I forget to write it as I just got remembered about it, I posted here on this thread not too long ago asking for halp about ammunition type and some other user which I assume he is from /k/ since he knews some stuff such as APCRBC shots and the like, well he complained/asked if I had things like chemical weapons, smoke grenade, APCRBC shots and the like and I replied to him that I have almost all of that what he wrote, but instead of APCRBC shots the shells/shots can be upgraded instead and he didn't wrote if my idea on that one was gud or not.

Dumb question, but if I translate a bunch of vertices, the normal data can stay the same, right? It's only if I rotate them that it needs updating?

yes, normals stay the same

Welp, a cheap ass render of Incendiary ammunition and Energy Cell.

Yesterday I finished the most important aspects of the editor (Qt, C++). Today I finished the importing of the data into our monogame project. I feel so dead inside.


The last big programming assignment I had to do for uni was just like this one. We had three months. So obviously we did like 90% of the work in the last three days. Still got the best grade for it and from the newer students I heard ours is still the best.
I think I'll never learn.


Wasn't gamedev but exact same thing happened to me when I was in Comp Sci at college. One of the guys in my group was hospitalized from too much alcohol right when it came time to crunch out the project at the last second, and they were all lazy fucks.
Wrote the whole assignment myself in a night.

I left college after that first semester.
It was clear that I already knew what they were looking to teach, and they weren't going to teach what I needed to learn.

Same here. College was the biggest waste of time for me.
To top it off, every student I came in contact with was a shallow piece of shit. For one assignment my group thought it was a good idea to work on our assignment while in a bar. Glad I left.

But now that I have free time, I'm not making use of it.

only downside is that i can't pass algebra/geometry if my life depended on it

Fuck off to your own board, your presence here is not tolerated, just shill here when you actually have something to show off, game development will never be a world where you and a bunch of your highschool/college/university buddies with little to no leading qualifications or decent social skills come together to make a half assed product with the mandatory sprinkles of love and care on top that sells and makes an alltime classic in the 90's.

You won't succeed, the market capacity and conditions, and most importantly the people you dream of meeting to help you grow and develop will never walk into your life and world, and you will never take your efforts to greater heights with them, these people have long since been eradicated thanks to modern social engineering, you'll be forced to make compromise after compromise for the sake of your dream because you can't get up to scratch, and it will all ammount to nothing.

And the worst part is? The people you worked to please after you lost the faith in enjoying it yourself will just reject you posting the same dubs threads, the same memes they made day 1 when you tried to market yourself and all those unrealistic requests and expectations like they're that fucking kid back in pre-school who you made a fantasy world with that did nothing but go on an endless tangent about the things he wanted to pool into your world, saying what always came to mind without structure or poise.

And you will always have those people as the majority and nothing you ever did or will do will have been worth it.

You shouldn't be here.


What game did you make to cause you to be so butthurt?

yandev pls go


If you can get yourself to do some work at 10% efficiency, that'll still have you working 10x more efficiently than most large game companies.

They try to make up for their inefficiency with numbers, and that works to get the job done, but it doesn't mean they aren't being inefficient anymore. If you're even just half-efficient about your business as an individual or small team, you're going to be making serious efficiency gains over a lot of the larger game studios out there.

Where the larger game studios will probably beat you out on is the art and graphics department, and unfortunately that's where it tends to count, since games are advertised through videos, and you often can't tell how a game 'feels' until you get your hands on it.

Probably that poor cooking game.

You probably also thought Trump wouldn't win.

yandev calm down

Did you made all those procedural texture by yourself? Damn they look much better than Blender default shit, as they look subpar tbh.

It was free here but I learned next to nothing useful. The mandatory classes were shit, too.

The problem is I don't really understand why it's so hard for me to get started. At the same time I don't know what to work on specifically, since I'm just an artfag. I've spent 5 years on collaborations that ultimately failed, but I also don't trust myself enough to do something on my own.
I have a great idea for a world in my head, but something keeps stopping me from putting it on paper. Even just roughs or sketches. Eats away at me.

Basically yeah. I took a few ideas from various photoshop tutorials, but wrote all of the code to generate the textures myself. They're all Unity Surface shaders with tons of parameters.

I'm making a write up of techniques (from the very begining) for developing procedrual textures. The first part may be a bit math heavy, but the later part (I'm working on section 3 right now) will be a bit simpler, just describing how the different noise primitives are put together to achieve different effects.

aaaaand I forgot to put the link to the writeup… go me.


Damn, that is some impressive work. I am not a math whiz but it does look like you explained all those things nicely.

Is this what goes for trolling in the current year?

Just to clarify a bit (sry, about to sleep, not thinking very clearly atm). What I'm talking about is writing good, clean code- I've seen studios commit to some of the dumbest engineering fails of all time, to the point where they have armies of programmers who are working, collectively as a group, at 1/1000th the pace a single sane coder could work at.

Technology is a powerful tool in the right hands- it can give you the power to do things hundreds, thousands of times more efficiently than it might otherwise.
In the wrong hands, this translates into doing things hundreds, thousands of times less efficiently than it could go otherwise.

The bigger studios tend to fail BIG TIME at software engineering- even Nintendo (I know, I've seen both NOA and NCL code, they both fail pretty hard, even for important stuff where it matters), but they can execute certain tasks in parallel…Although the efficiency gains through multi-tasking end up getting somewhat lost amongst the buildup of tasks that are blocked waiting for other tasks to complete, and whereas a CPU/GPU can sort these problems out, moronic managers tend to make the problem worse with whatever task-management they attempt.

You've got some stiff competition.
Between retro games and the indie gaming movement, there's a plethora of 2D games out there. Even worse, if you try to make do without programming knowledge by using a pre-made engine, that may tend to push you into over-saturated genres (mainly 2D RPGs).

Best tips I can think of for your situation are:
* All you really need before starting to produce assets is an abstract vision for an initial game prototype, and then you can just start working away. Plans tend to change a TON as you actually put the game together, so spending tons of time on planning doesn't make a whole lot of sense most of the time.

So for example, I might dream of putting a fighting game together. While I might not determine every tiny little detail of the fighting game's mechanics, there's probably a few things I know want to do (mid-air jumping, a number of options for defenders/victims to keep combo game interesting, etc.), and that's all you really need before starting to produce an initial product, since the details you haven't worked out yet can be worked out/experimented with as you encounter them while programming the game (or scripting in the case of using something like MUGEN)

* Focus your daydreams on only what is needed to get an initial game up and running.

For example, if you're making a 2D fighting game, all you really need is one concept sketch for a character that you really like and want to commit to, and then you can start working on the sprite and animations (no need for fancy stages/backgrounds for an initial prototype, could work around programming barrier by using a pre-made engine like MUGEN).

* It's never too late to start learning programming. My recommendation for a beginner, while perhaps a bit on the hardcore side, would be studying C/C++ with SDL. This site has good tutorials on the subject:
(You should find some other resources to learn basic C/C++, then go to the above website to learn how to put a game together using the language)

If you can do art, and you learn how to program, that will give you the confidence you need to do something on your own. Learning programming will give you the methodical mindset that can identify exactly what is needed to get a particular kind of game put together and shipped.
It will also help you find work- most artists can't speak code, and most coders don't get art.
Companies look for people who can bridge the gaps between their different pools of resources.

Fuck, this depth sorting is killing me. It turns out I also didn't make the fucking post I thought I did.

Anyways, depending on XNA's depth sort modes (none, depthread, default), I get fuckery but only with things that move away from the axis while facing it. For example, the X axis is red, and the walls on the right in this picture either render as fully transparent and overwrite EVERYTHING (instead of being "skipped"), or have some funky depth sorting issues, and I just can't figure it out.

This occurs whether I keep all my geometry in one array with one draw call, or with several effect/draw/array instances.

I'm quite aware of 2D games being a saturated market, but I've also noticed what defined the big successes. I'm confident I'd be able to compete, though that's not really my main goal.
I've tried coding before; I learned Java in high school but was extremely bad at it. GM scripting also gave me countless headaches. I sort of understand how it works and what's possible, but if I were to do it myself I'd be horribly inefficient at it.

I think my main problem is my lack of structure and routine. I often find myself drawing random assets, but I end doing the unimportant things first and then giving up. I have yet to finish a complete mockup even though I know I'm capable of it. That's what really bothers me at the moment.

no fucking way

I get why people who into programming might not be into art, but those 2 subjects are actually really similar.
They both share the same central principle, abstraction.
If you think about it should become obvious, so I'm not gonna elaborate further.


I don't get what art has to do with abstraction


T-the slapper is it you? Did you won fighting against the Duck?

Is Tetrachrome dev alive yet?

Think about it

Fuck off back to your tumblr hugbox EvaXephon, you talentless meme loving homosexual. MikeZ is a cuck too now, maybe he'll take you back if you beg.

i've got a really good idea for a game
i'm gonna skip lectures for the next two days to do it
and it's so good that i'm not gonna share it with any of you

Working on a female body for my geimu. Heard some people use premade assets, but that would make me feel like a fraud.

Critique and possible improvements for the waist down would be really great.

Please bully, it's gonna make me mad and ready to go fix shit.

use the time to polish your game and then self-publish, you cocksucker. Notch self-published his game starting from the very, very early stages and it worked for him.

He was on 4chan Holla Forums at one point, too.

I'm fighting depression and ADHD, yet I'm still working on my shit despite it being agonizing. I don't do it because I want to be recognized - I do it because I love videogames and I want them to be a part of my life. I want to be able to live doing what I love, which is videogames.

If I cannot self-publish, for whatever fucking reason (no reason to be honest, but I'm just trying to be overly cautious here) I'll just keep working on it until it's done and I'll release it for free.

You know why? Because in process I'll learn new skills, I'll hone the existing ones and I'll produce a piece of something that I love - a true passion that I've had since I was little.

You faggots and retards that seek to make videogames simply to make money disgust me. I love money as much as anyone else does - but I know that if my game doesn't make money, it will be noone else's fault but mine.

Kill yourself. Weakness and lack of proper application of your oversized ego (which should go to making sure that the quality of your work is as high as you can possibly make it) is the real problem for you, not what forum you decide to receive critique from.

shits FUCKED yo, I don't even know where to start. Half and half quads and tris, lines splitting off randomly, what the hell did you even do to get it to that point? The only thing I can assume is you sculpted something and tried to decimate it or something, but that would have probably had cleaner results. I can't wrap my head around it.
Check out these images, space everything properly, dont just make tris out of quads for no reason, focus on general flow, etc. Theres just so much wrong.

how2fix daddy?

I dunno dude it's just… I'm new to modelling. I subdivided where I needed more detail and cut where I needed edges.

How do I retopologize this?

Unity is gay shit meant for losers.
t. programmer

1/7 fermenter recipe archetypes done
faerie village 30% done

It seems i will be able to finish the minigame (fusing cooking system and faerie village) months before i expected

Stay motivated anons and everything will work out!

Not really. I mean, Unreal is generally more hands-on but people made plenty of moderately acceptable games in Unity.

I know, I just can't stand making games with it.



You gonna have to either remake it, or model over top it. Basically- time and effort.
Don't feel too bad, everyone sucks ass when they start maybe not THAT much ass, but at least a little and all you're gonna have to do is spend more time learning it. Don't skip steps, watch a billion tutorials, watch some speed modeling videos on youtube, and study other peoples meshes, or meshes ripped from vidya.
Dont give up either, I know it's harsh advice but if you follow it you'll eventually get there

Okay so

What I should be seeing is the first picture. This is from +XZ looking towards the axis. When I look away from the axis, things get fucky. The part that is being drawn is where CornflowerBlue would be rendered - nothing else is being drawn in that space. This accounts for the top and the bottom.

The open spaces on each cell are actually being drawn as a part of the texture that is fully transparent, so even though you can't see anything, there are quads everywhere. When I stand dead center to the thing, backface culling rips away the quad to the left, it's fully transparent, then gets (correctly) drawn over. It's the part to the middle and right that aren't getting "culled". Even if they are, it refuses to draw over top of them

I don't even know how to

No one is going to steal your autism cooking simulator.

For those of you who model, why not just make animated shorts?

Why lurk Holla Forums?

I created a map cube and scaled it by -1 so that it was concave, instead of convex, and it works perfectly fine.

This is vexing.

Finally did/redid illusion effects.

Why not use a blue sprite of your main character instead of a ninja looking thing? Also, you could just have the shape of the character flickering through the colors.

I like it though, it's nice

OK, so I've been mulling about an idea for a melee-oriented FPS, i.e. Half-Life in a fantasy sword-and-sorcery setting, and I kept thinking about the various ways to design the combat system.

Magic is obviously easy to design, basically like shooting a gun, point and do whatever you want.

With stealth, I was thinking maybe throwing in some first-person parkour AKA Mirror's Edge and Dying Light, to mix it up a little.

For the actual combat, I really like the idea the Mordhau guys have, with the fighting being heavily skill based, and with lots of blood and gore, but I was thinking of throwing in a grapple mechanic, so you could do shit like throw a guy off a ledge, shove him into a group of his mates, put him in a choke-hold, etc.

I like DM, but it's combat system was just the stepping stone.

Basically, just wondering how you anons would go about designing it. Ideas, I need them.

For magic make sure you've got cool effects and spells that manipulate stuff rather than just throwing fireballs or magic missiles. Think like how dark messiah had magic manipulate the environment with stuff like ice, but kick it up a notch or 10. Make it interesting. For melee, if you have a kick and grapple system that's cool. As for attacking with melee weapons themselves you'd probably be able to get away with something akin to chivalry or M&B rather than boring ass skyrim style.

Make it so you can target individual body parts and that cripples people when their parts are injured? Depends how you want it to be really.

Just combine your combat animations with controls using an engine with your 3d models.

Easy right?

Nice, I'll give it a read eventually.
I've got procedural textures on the todo list, so it'll be helpful to have some type of guide.

Also, I'd recommend on reading:
It has a lot of quality tips on how to mix up noise n' such to get interesting effects.

Anyone got the webm of the women trying to learn how to code and they end up hating it?

Where can I learn more about your v i d e o g a m e

Uh here:

Disregard that, the concave/convex thing doesn't make a difference.
Which is good, because if that solved it, it wouldn't make sense because geometry is geometry

Instead of iterating it via foreach (and relying on the index buffer's draw order) and drawing each map cell in reverse order, I was able to predictably reverse the fuckup so it occurs when I look at the origin.

This means a solution is getting closer…

because then i'd be using Holla Forums or /loomis/ instead and also /3/ but that's even more dead than 4chan /3/

Hey, how can I learn to model and draw like this ?

Listen closely
practice, you stupid nigger

Not an argument, also not a tutorial.

It's like you don't even want to get better as an artist.

It's more like I tried and I was hoping that someone here would have a good advice.

Any good 3D engines that are perfect for one man dev? Godot is pretty good and have become proficient at it, but I feel it's very in development. Is Unity really that shitty? Should I just wait for Godot 3.0 when the new renderer comes out?


What, did you try once and say fuck it because it didn't turn out exactly how you want? Stop being a bitch and keep failing until you finally get some grasp at it. There's no magical tutorial that'll instantly tell you how to adopt a certain style, or how to be a better artist. You need to figure out what's not working in your practice and fix them as them you go.

I use unity, 1MA here, and I like it.

No it's not what happened, I just wanted some noob advices that's all. Either give it or shut the fuck up.

Holy shit you're thick.

I'm dumb ? Nigger please, your "advice" is just do it. I should have stuck to google at least it gave me the loomis method.

I also I forgot to mention is Unity's license restrictions kike-ish or no? Is the leaked source code available at all? How's Torque3D?

nice get

Ask any artist worth their salt and they'll say the same thing. The best way to get better at something is to just go for it. Looking at every tutorial in the world isn't going to make you magically understand art styles unless you got the practice to back it up.

I found the book, "fun with a pencil" by loomis, as a good intro; it also matches that style somewhat.
Also, "The Animator's Survival Book", is pretty good for general stuff.

Also, yeah, practice a lot… I'm sub par at drawing, but that's because I haven't practiced enough tbh.

Thanks m80.

Can someone please .webm this for me?
Like I'm dying here.

Not at all.
You can't make gambling games, and that's about it for restrictions (other than the obvious, i.e. games with illegal shit).
Concerning payment and stuff, after 100k in sales you need to purchase a license (1k, or a monthly thing if you prefer that).

Well, you can decompile the code, you have a right to do that according to their EULA, but their low level source isn't available afaik.

I have no idea, heh, never used it


You can probably use real life pictures and run them through a filter or something.

my first model is pic related, havent worked on it in a while, just rigged it and added constraints

I love you, here's another laugh for you.

I want to code a game from scratch. Nothing real complicated, I just want something to show off to prospective employers. I know my way around most languages well enough, I guess I'll probably do something in C++ or C#.

Would any kind user wish to point me in the direction of some good tutorials or books to use to help guide me around a bit?

My friend was working on a game engine thing in Haskell. Basically, he wanted to represent the game as something like a stream transducer using FRP. Not sure how far he got, but he did manage to write something to at least a compiler / DSL for GLSL or Vulkan shaders.

Irrlicht is C++ and it's not complicated.

Videos :

Reading :

Seems like a complicated way to do something simple. Was he trying to prove a point or was he paid for it ?

I specifically hunt for CC0 (public domain) license so I don't have to give credit whatsoever.

Just trying to prove a point; dude really likes Haskell. Huge Math buff, too, though. So I can see why he'd like it.

What does he work on normaly ?

Sweet, thanks a bunch, user. Here's a bun.

hey agdg, how much time do you spend deving each day in general? Whether its drawing assets for your game or coding or even practicing to understand deving. What would be a good minimum each day?

get better taste

see pics

Fixed my problem .. sort of.

If I want to draw a second pass of textures (eg a transparent bar or door atop the walls) then I need to include it in the original pass and I cannot draw it over top because it fucks up the depth again.

One other thing is that it's somewhat cumbersome to make a solid cube in the middle of nowhere, since I'd have to set the corresponding cells to have appropriate NESW values, while making the actual cell have nothing inside it. If a player can enter a cell, it needs appropriate walls, but if they can't (such as the case of a tile made of solid rock which basically nukes your character, why did you phase into it moron), then I can just invert the map cell to be convex instead of concave, and I can do this either with a geometry transformation or by changing the wrap order … though the transform is a lot simpler, logistically.

I spend a surprisingly good amount of time on my game a day. Because game dev is what I do when I procrastinate my life priorities, like a lab that's a week late I probably spend anywhere between 4-8 hours a day working on it instead of the things I should be doing. I don't really think setting minimums a day is a good thing, because then your game becomes a chore you do, it becomes tedious, and you start missing your deadlines like physics homework

To everyone talking about topology- look up Jonathan Williamson's modeling workshop and talks on topology. He does a good job explaining all the stuff- all-quad junctions, poles, etc.

Thanks. I'm guessing I should just keep working on this model in the state that it's in, since I'm this far along already.

Once I get the shape down, I'll retopologize it, head to toe.

There is no good minimum, because you could always be doing more. That being said, you could probably accomplish a few things in a couple of hours.

Honestly, I'm this far along already - it would be very stupid to just give up.


That's a nice ass.

stay triggered

Because I am not well versed in animation yet.

post code nerd
There is probably something wrong with your graphical rendering pipeline
but can't possibly guess what the problem is unless you give more information

after getting 0 reblogs, subscribers and likes, I discovered my tumblr post can't be found in the search.

How do I fix that?

I already liked more than 100 likes and put a custom icon.

Pls halp.

In that case, you'll be better off using sculpting tools for your original mesh. Make it look as good as you possibly can, then worry about getting it game ready.

Just keep in mind, a mesh created by surface snap will always be thinner than the original. You'll have to account for that somehow, pushing the vertices a tiny bit should do the trick. Ideally, you'll want to see a lot of ugly z-fighting and intersections when you look at both meshes without x-ray, that means their surfaces are nearly identical.

I got it sort of working above … Each cell is 24 verts in an array. Each cell is also accessed by XY in a for loop and I "fixed" it by sorting them by far to near. I may still get left/right artifacting and clipping depending on whether I go from left to right.

Depth isnt truly fixed since adding additional objects like a floating cube needs to get sorted with and drawn with the wall geometry (which won't work when I have a variety of textures and objects happening)

Anyways I will post my project when I get up in like 6 hours

Post lewds.


On your blog.

Not half bad. The face is a bit squished and the crown looks flat. But otherwise p good fam

I think Tumblr won't show results from blogs flagged as NSFW in searches unless you change some setting, maybe that's the problem? Or you're shit at tagging.

this is my tumblr, still something new in it.


Your blog is bland, why don't you post tutorial on how to do pixel art instead ?

tbh that pixel art is not very good. It's not terrible but it's not good.

dunno, there's plenty of art tutorials on the web.

I'll try to make some pixel art and 3D low poly to fill it.

someone explain why this isn't working in unity
i've got an array of nodes in the type [8,8]
and i want to assign whatever's in those nodes in the editor
that works
but when i start the game, whatever was in that array gets cleared
if i assign them in Start() shit works fine, but then i can't do this in the editor
why does the array get cleared?

It's not serialized. Unity can only serialize basic types, scriptable objects, and simple collections.
Had the same issue recently. You can fix it like this.

Add the ISerializationCallbackReceiver interface to your type.
public class TerrainChunk : MonoBehaviour , ISerializationCallbackReceiver { float[,,] scalarField;// ...
Make a single dimensional, serialized array that backs the nD one.
[SerializeField , HideInInspector]float[] packedScalarField;
Implement the following two functions from the interface you just added.
public void OnBeforeSerialize() {} // for packingpublic void OnAfterDeserialize() {} // for unpacking
Inside the first one, pack the contents of your 2D/3D/nD array into the flat one. In the second, do it in reverse. You might need to keep track of the dimensions separately to do this.
If you do it correctly, your multi array should be serialized now, which means that it can be loaded and saved with a scene or prefab, and it works with undo/redo.

Make your games run at high framerates you niggers

Alright it will be 25 FPS since that's what the human eye can only see within 6–8 hours.

What is The Long Dark's dev doing on Holla Forums?

Shitposting as usually :^)

How high are we talking?


No promises, but that can be done.

Why is that wall pulling a face?


To all you modelers out there:
Do you consider sculpting + retopology to be the superior method for creating high-quality 3D models? (As opposed to a poly-by-poly approach)

I never sculpted for shit, at least not in any serious manner famalan.

low poly + good textures is the indie way to go.

i'm repurposing my rts into a chess-like thing
so far tile selection works
next i need to figure out how to deal with the different movement types (can(t) jump over units, can move a (un)limited amount of tiles,can move multiple ways to the same destination, attack conditions)

I hope this kind of style isn't what you're recommending.


Do those look like good textures user?

Yeah yeah I get it, the image I posted doesn't have good textures. I'm trying to ask about modeling approaches/styles, not texturing.

You could put better textures on this model, but I think it would still look dated by today's standards.

Is this the kind of 'low-poly' you're recommending? Or are you talking more Gamecube/PS2 era poly counts? (iirc Twilight Princess Link had roughly 600 vertices or faces, can't remember which but either way not that many)

Well, I guess either way you're saying you'd recommend poly-by-poly rather than sculpting + retopology.
Polite sage for double-post.

Not always. Sculpting has its limits.

You say that, but at the same time you're clearly using sculpting for the character models for your own game. Care to elaborate at all?
Main limit of sculpting I'm aware of is too many subdivision during sculpting resulting in serious slowdowns and/or crashes of your favorite 3D modeling software.
Definitely appreciate your two cents on the topic since it seems pretty clear you have some real experience sculpting (I have a good grasp of topology and poly-by-poly modeling but haven't really messed with sculpting+retopology).

Also, just looking at your screenshot I randomly noticed, you don't have any anti-aliasing on right now. Normally I don't think a lack of anti-aliasing is a big deal (to the contrary I'm probably more of the same opinion as mr. 200fps), but with your camera view the player character is drawn relatively small compared to some other types of games, so it might pay off to have anti-aliasing on in your case.

Not for everything. Mechanical parts are done old style. The guy with the spiked back was modeled from start to finish, with creasing and subdiv.
Sculpting suffers from precision problems, you can minimize those with practice but you can't eliminate them entirely. Most people go back and forth between sculpts and traditional modeling while making a character. For instance, doing things like belts purely with sculpting tools is a madman's effort. The initial base mesh might also be modeled in a traditional way.

There is AA in the game (the most expensive kind because deferred).

multiple paths work
next i have to get unlimited paths to work (rook/queen/bishop)

I've never managed to see my posts in the search, I'm not sure how reliable it is or if people even use it. Do this or draw fanart instead.

well that worked a lot faster than i thought it would
now i just need to include obstacles

OK, I think that clears things up for me.
Thanks for the tip!

When it comes to pay if any, what do you guys think a fair split for a browser game (similar to runescape and old minecraft) would be between these guys:

Dev 1

Dev 3

Dev 2

Dev nums are out of order because I sorted them at the end by who had the most shit and forgot to correct that

Depends on what your endproduct is going to be.

If you sculpt or box-model first is based on what workflow you prefer. I for example box-model first, i also have created 2 base boxmodels (Male/Female) i use for every human sculpt i make. So i just need to adjust the boxmodels to the sculpt, and also use the boxmodel as sculpt base to start with, so i don't need to retopo again and again everytime a make a new human sculpt. These boxmodels are also already adjusted to bend well for animation. There are even a few good basemeshes online from professionals, from which you can learn from or use from the get go.

Atlas texturing is almost done, the Ptex version won't be in as I don't really like how 3D coat works imo only it's default painting stuff is much better than Blender barebones shit.

Here's the whole project I dont know

It seems like the moment I scale by -1 to flip the cube faces from pointing inwards to outwards, everything works fine, regardless of my depth settings.

for a browser game i would probably say nothing
or a cut of the profits which is probably also nothing or a few cents with ads maybe

More misery
Note how the half-sized wall just kind of appears

not being an artfag is suffering

at least it looks better from the ingame view

So are you making just chess, or are you adding some twist on top?

chess with rpg mechanics

I know the feels, man, I know the feels…

Shaderfag here (guess that will be my name)

Dropped the code for the camo shader on this page (as well as the CGincludes I wrote with the noise functions), and a bunch of vids showing different parameters of it.


(This is for my independent study for Uni)

Added alcoholic drinks

honey > 20% = mead (bonus from herbs)
fruit juice or whole apples = cider
whole fruit or grape juice = wine
otherwise = beer (bonus from hops and malt)

I really like how some of these have turned out.

I'm glad your things are going well. I feel like my game is dead in the water

Open world chess with RPG mechanics.

I had an idea, and i wrote it down. Then I wrote down some potential mechanic ideas and did a couple sketches. that's actually pretty groundbreaking for me.

Don't give up user
You only fail when you give up

Eh it's not too bad mayne, as long you keep working on and off or so you should be gud. There is nothing wrong taking a break once in a while.

movement and rotation works
ideally they'd have legs and will be animated

I spend my days off re-formatting one of my main algorithms, and doing a lot of work on paper (alg is really complicated, considering it's done on a compute shader so gotta make it fast while requiring input from the CPU/lots of other shit to consider, filled about 12 pages of notes, hand hurt afterwards for writing out the logic, and visualizing it all).
After that, started to implement it into code, all was going well, and then I figured out there was a crucial error in the approach only after working out all the logic/apply most of it to code (i.e. avoiding all shit that tanks a shader, and converting any if statements and such into math, and working in layered multidimensional space for my data structure).
Found a better approach, on the method of implementation - though the core logic remains the same, and am now writing that down onto paper, and I'm pretty sure I solved that crucial flaw; while being a faster approach overall this is about the… 8th time I've redone this, but, I called it a "main" algorithm for a reason, it's the foundation to most of my mechanics, as I've mentioned many times before heh.
I've also been putting this reformat off for a really long time, as there's some crucial things that needed to be remedied, but soon enough I'll have it into code again after I work the kinks out on paper.

Nice, lookin quality.
U check out that book I recommended in my previous post yet? I think you'd like it

Fully animated models.
Beautiful, detailed, animated boards.
Juice the whole thing up to look and feel like a 90s SRPG.
Easy to use multiplayer, just generate a code and paste it for some faggot to 1v1 you.
Lots of different themed boards and sets. Undeads. Monster girls. Machines.
Customization for multiplayer. Let the players make their dream meme teams by picking colors for their units, naming the team and drawing a shitpost banner.
Story mode with chess challenges and waifus.
Do it, faggot.


Is it possible to run something like a master server and keep track of player stats using something like a blockchain instead of a static, physical server?

Why the fuck would you want that? All you're doing is adding more vulnerabilities to your game.

To prevent a multiplayer game from dying when the master server is unplugged, and to keep track of elo without the need for a single server.
Why do you sage past the limit?

It still has too much vulnerabilities to work.
For starters, you still have the same vulnerabilities as when you do have a master server: You have no way to determine who is the winner of a match, unless both clients agree. If one client cheats and always reports a victory, then all his match results will either be victories or inconclusive, whilst his opponent will always report defeat or inconclusive.

Secondly, blockchains require a network behind it to maintain it. Do you intend to turn all your players' machines into a botnet to maintain this network? Chances are you'll end up having to running servers to maintain the blockchain and make it easy to connect to it anyway, meaning you'll have the same issue as before.

Lastly, blockchains are vulnerable; if someone obtains a significant amount of processing power, then he can seize control over the blockchain and only allow matches to be recorded that benefit him. If your clients' computers are maintaining the blockchain network, then your blockchain is extremely vulnerable to specialized hardware. Hardware that already exists for bitcoin mining, mind you.

Because I can.

okay then

new bread soon?

hope so, this one is stale


I am definitely going to do that.