
So here's their new Conan game and it looks like they're copying some of the first person survival stuff into an mmo. Anyone else played age of Conan back in the day? I played till about level 50.

Who do these fuckers never learn?

So many red flags it looks like an USSR military parade.

Yeah but you can stack explosive pots outside someone's house and blow it up.
Or you can hogtie someone by the ankles and drag them back to your house or whatever.

Is this some windows 10 exclusive trash?

lel, didn't even notice that.

So it's an open world survival mmo that's also hamstrung by console hardware capabilities.
Sounds like a winner.

Best way to kill enthusiasm about a game, they never learn do they?

oh wee

No, its just there for the console retards due to the fact that the Xbone has an Early Access program.
This is just an Ark clone.

Funcom is an actual decent company and Ark is alright though, they might actually deliver if they bring all the custom game and server customization

Current Year +1 strikes yet again.

Howard is probably spinning in his grave, but the cucking of his writing and mythology, much like Lovecraft's, began much earlier than CURRENTYEAR.


Those poses and animations look like their ripped directly from Skyrim. Just look at the drawn bow.

Was the best conan game any hack could come up with a GoW clone? why?

How new are you?

People that ERP are going to have a field day with that feature

How does calling him a newfag make sense ? He is just pointing that it looks like they stole the animations.

Didn't you try to shill this piece of shit a few months back?

i remain skeptical, considering that 99% of survival games are shit
but i did like the giant monsters there, and age of conan was alright

Wow, so many Skyrim ripoffs

Someone should really call Bethesda and tell them that their masterpiece if being robbed of their 100% original assets.


The game is one massive red flag as said and you guys focus on the bow animations, really?


More than just the bow, the walking with and without weapon drawn, the one handed melee attack, and being in first person with a one handed weapon.
And I agree with what said. I have nothing more to add to it. I'd like it to be good but there's so much shit in the way that I can't drum up a minute amount of enthusiasm.


Was Skyrim your first medieval Fantasy game too fellow anonymous?

How much are they paying you?

That ain't fair. I used a bad example. In hindsight I should've drawn attention to the other animations. It's pretty hard to have a first person bow animation be unique. I still hold that the other animations are too similar to be coincidence.

They can burn I dont give a fuck, bow animations are pretty much non unique nowadays with few exceptions.


Wasn't this game supposed to have topless women? I feel deceived.

You made a fair point. Nothing weird about me conceding that.

It's "you are" or "you're" not-
Wait a second, that faceā€¦