Is this the only honest review of MGSV out there? The game's massively overrated. It's boring shit...

Is this the only honest review of MGSV out there? The game's massively overrated. It's boring shit. You can't even climb every mountain.

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Webm faggot

Also MGSV is "OK". Only "OK", not 10/10 or anything close to it.

It's almost 30 minutes. You don't have to watch it btw, I just want to say that the game is extremely boring shit, like, even more boring and pointless than Fallout 4.

I agree fellow reviewer. After careful analysis, I've concluded that Fallout 4 accomplished everything MGS5 set out to do and more! I recommend everyone go buy and experience this fantastic game now every DLC has been released. Just hurry to pick it up before any holiday sales begin.

MGS V was 40% of a game. The world was fucking dead and the story was incomplete.

Are there snakebite mods to improve enemy stealth detection? I shouldn’t be able to be 30 feet away in broad daylight without any cover and have them move their heads around confused at who I am simply because I’m crouching.

Similarly, it should be a FUCKTON easier to get around at night. They have magical night vision.

Fallout 4 is still an outdated looking game with boring quests and mediocre optimization though, Todd. Still better than Skyrim and more optimized than it's """""Special""""" edition though. Get off your lazy ass and start making TES great again or I'll stop buying your trash.

Not including the marketing budget, they already spent $80 mill to develop this game, therefore to make it 100% they would need another 50-100 million bucks. Not defending Konami's jewry, but of course no game company (except maybe rockstar) would risk that much of a budget for solely developing one video game.

The problem with MGS V is it's too damn pretentious. There has been a lot of open ended military infiltration games such as Delta Force and ARMA, but they're nowhere as pretentious as MGS V. In Delta Force games, you select the mission, select your equipment, then the game just throws you straight into the mission. Kill bad guys, complete objectives, get out alive, no cinematic bullshit, no walking simulator. ARMA is less open ended than DF, but still acceptable.

MGSV doesn't know what it wants to be. The gunplay is abysmal, the enemy AI is too retarded for stealth, and the world and compound are just vast landscape of absolutely nothing. Exploring the compound and desert is extremely slow and boring, transporting yourself into the missions unnecessarily takes a long time. The looting mechanics is immensely gayer than minecraft. It's an absolutely retarded concept of a game that is bound to be shit regardless how bloated the budget is.

did you even play those two games?


both games are pretty bottom of the barrel open world shit.

I know, but MGSV is the worse of the two.

really don't care, they are both terrible for the same reasons. open world games are a cancer

I love MGSV, story's shit but damn that gameplay.

I'll never fucking understand this

kojima is one of the few auteurs in the games industry, it's a shame when he fails to deliver

I agree.

MGS is a special case. The wacky, stupid as shit, but still fun and enjoyable story of MGS games is what really defined them as games.

MGSV, to me, was as if someone took MGS3, refined the gameplay, but ripped out the story and half the levels. It's fun but it falls flat as hell.

It's just because Holla Forums has to hate everything that's ever existed.

It's good, because nothing escapes scrutiny.


Mgs1 is better

imagining an MGS game without all those little kojima moments, like kojima changing the channel, needing to change the controller port, the entire game world falling apart around you to reveal the game has been a simulation, a boss fight that can reasonably take 2 hours but can be skipped by waiting a week in real time, expecting to button mash for several minutes on end while the tragic fates of characters you've known for 10 years play out in front of you – it's just fucking sad.

behind all the "hate" there's legitimate criticism and plenty of hyperbole.

Said it before, I'll say it again.

MGS V is an extremely solid foundation of a game. All that money went towards a beast of an engine and making the controls nearly perfect. Nothing recent quite plays like it. I'm sure they could have made their money back by re-creating the other MGS games with Fox, but instead they opted for pachinko and football.

The utter lack of content is its weakness of course.

shame that the actual level designs are pure trash. Great mechanics with no foundation to test them on is just a waste.

Online's a pretty great place to test them out.
I think Online FOBs might be one of the best online mods I have ever played in my whole life. The sheer amounts of combinations of items, routes, strategies to reach your objective is absolutely incredible.

multiplayer won't matter in a year or two. Never does. In the long term it's meaningless.

All the offline FOBs will still be there, so the legend lives on, hopefully

But the KBM controls were fine and probably better than the controller controls.

Open world is great, but MGSV did it wrong.

The gameplay is as boring as the rest of the game. It's just your average third person shooter. If you like action game with some stealth, Crysis Warhead is a better choice.

You're either in denial or we haven't played the same game

open world is terrible and 95% of open world games would be better off scrapping it and going for a focused level by level design. It's a marketing gimmick that is detrimental to game play.

Mad Max is even worse than MGSV and is just as shallow as any other open world sandbox game on the market.

That's not true. Just because the market is flooded with Ubishit doesn't mean open world is automatically bad.

Reminder that Open World is just an evolution of non-linear maps like the ones from Deus Ex and that stuff like OoT and Mario 64 are Open World.
If you actually think all open world is shit then you probably haven't played much.

Are any good open world sandbox games exist?

Some of the main missions are fine, but the rest is boring. I don't even care about the story.

When the exploration isn't shabby and there are enough things to discover, open world works well. You can't create the world building of Morrowind without open world.

I don't agree with his opinion on mad max, but with MGSV I do.

It's not though. I mean the game offers you a giant arsenal of weapons and gadgets for you to use them and be creative, that's the genius behind MGSV that caused it to ship unfinished.

Of course if you play the whole game using the same loadout without ever experimenting you're not going to have fun.

open world is not an evolution of non-linear maps like the ones from deus ex. those are called open approach maps, the kind you see in some levels of thief 1 and 2, and of course deus ex 1 and 3. Open world was a concept developed separately and granted full popularity once GTA3 hit, acting as a technical showpiece and in gta 3, thanks to its broad possibilities, a decent platform for game play. This problem has existed long before ubisoft started making assassins creed games.

OoT is also open world in only the most generous exaggeration of the definition. Mario 64 isn't fucking open world in the slightest you absolute retard.

Say whatever you want about the combat, but Morrowind is perfection in terms of open world sandbox design.

I'm curious. How? From bottom to top it seemed like a large, empty, back drop for weak game play to take place in. It's at best "logical." Not fun or interesting or a good way to test the player's understanding of the mechanics.

You're using two different names for the exact same thing user
Google the definition. Both OoT and Mario64 fit perfectly with its definition.

Deus Ex and Thief are just a scaled back version.

I agree with MGSV being a disappointing game and not a 10/10 but the arguments this guy is making is just whinging on his part. He was complaining about frame drops yet was too much of a moron to not just lower post effects. I can get MGSV to run at 60fps 1440p on my R9 280 with most settings at Very High.

mario 64 uses a hub for level selection. OoT has one map in the entire game that's a hub to other areas. Scaled back? It's level by level design. Am I talking to an absolute retard or something?

Well, Op. I loved this game. Specially the animations. Like holy fuck, those beautiful animations! It's like the animator took mocap data of every little instance, every little movement and pieced them together masterfully. Like when you slightly push the stick for less than a second, snake will actually skip lightly and after two or three skips, he turns the other leg. The most amazing thing was how they managed to replace the prone sliding with a very realistic movement.

Since you're too retarded


I mean shit giantbomb even uses a link between worlds as an example of open world please use

man with such a vague definition and a broken link by a newfag you've really done a great job of proving me wrong. Mario 64 certainly doesn't have hub levels. And ocarina of time? Such an iconic open world! I mean, it's not like there's just one large, empty map that is just technically yet another hub to other areas of the game world.

I know you can't argue this on your own, and instead rely on others to pitch your point for you. Here's the problem, the more people saying something retarded doesn't make that retarded point the correct one. Hopefully you learn this some day.

They're alright I guess, but I don't care much about experimenting with those toys.

Describing it as empty is nonsense.

What do you mean by this?

You are retarded then.

And it doesn't matter if you have a hub level or how filled the map is, the point is that you can move freely through it deciding your approach to various areas and coming back to them later or at any time of the game.
I mean at this point I know you're actually stupid so all of this is falling on deaf years because you will never admit to be wrong no matter how much logic or documentation I give you, but damn dude, get a grip.

You already started calling me newfag, if that's not fucking desperation to try and look superior than I don't know what is.

thats nice, has no effect on game play.
cute and all, but no meaningful consequence on game play.
don't really play games for plants and hills that look like they were made with a simple click and drag, but hey, who am I to be asking for interesting levels to give context to intricacies in the games mechanics.
wow a wizard fell from the sky heh welp time go to into menus and read and not play a game
pretty much basic convenience so the game doesn't become an even bigger bore than it already is

games are a simple division of a core system (what determines win/loss states, abstraction of mechanics such as stats and equipment), mechanics (the ways players interact directly with the game world) and design (the game world which puts the players understanding of the mechanics and the underlying system and teaches them new ideas to expand their understanding) – a game which fails to have effective exploration of its system and mechanics through its design is a weak game. The worse these elements are, the worst the interplay is between them, the shittier the game. Open world games often fail on a fundamental level to deliver good design or mechanics that are engaging enough for their open world.

don't care where you got your absolutely stupid perception of what an open world is, it's wrong and it's a little sad you can't make your own reasonable conclusions based on all the evidence put forward and instead need to be told what to think.

(also, you haven't posted any evidence at all, that was me doing that)

Worthabuy dude didnt like it either. Course he loves mafia 3 and battlefield 1 so im not sure if hes bought out now or just a midnight rider. Either way hes a cuck.

You fucking nigger, there's more to gameplay than just pure mechanics. While MGSV has some good mechanics, all other aspects are very lacking - the level design is bland and uninspired due to its openness and overt reuse, missions are repetitive as fuck, the pacing is fucked due to the non-linear mission order, and there's barely any real boss fights.

The only thing that can hold MGSV up are its mechanics, but with how the rest of the game is designed you won't even need to use much of the game's variety of tools and toys other than for the pure novelty. Variety of options is nice but unless the consequences for using them aren't fully developed than those options end up being pointless. It's mechanics are wasted on content that doesn't fully use or realize it, unlike previous Metal Gear games where your mastery of the mechanics was consistently being tested and the variety of tools had an actual purpose (the exceptions being MGS4 to some degree but mostly PW which MGSV directly follows).

And you're delusional as fuck. FO4's world, while marginally less dead than FO3's, still doesn't hold a candle to worlds of Black Isle/Obsidion FO games. And compared to MGSV, its story is even worse, quests are only slightly less repetitive, and its mechanics are woefully underdeveloped (from an action game and RPG perspective).

In Morrowind, the exploration IS the gameplay. You read books, talk to strangers, fetch quest, upgrade your equipment, find trainers, and so on. It's more about immersion than win and loses. Engaging mechanics? You can fly and jump like Hulk. You want a pure game, go play tetris. This is a game that sells itself as a walking simulator with some combat in between.

why do you call a level which connects to every other level in the game an open world? What is your criteria for open world? The description you use in place of actually thinking for yourself describes things that are also not open world, such as open approach levels from something like deus ex. A game deliberately designed not to be open world, but to make use of non-linear progression to a single goal either though use of the games mechanics or sometimes by using alternate routes to the same goal, even a combination of both. An open world is a persistent, large map with seamless connectivity that is most often populated with missions that take place in sections or across the entire open world, often with means of movement such as vehicles or mechanics used to navigate the world quickly. Open world games are typically sparse on detail and this is one of their major shortcomings.

You don't seem to have a basic understanding of these game design concepts. It may be beneficial to do some research on this stuff if you care about it, although it seems you only have a surface level interest. There are plenty of articles discussing the design and development of open world, hub designs, non-linear level designs, and many more subjects too.

More unique buildings and reason to play, but the level design itself is bad.

I don't get too technical here. I'm just saying that it's less boring.

Things that broke MGSV for me


Granted MGS3 and arguably MGS2 is when melee combat piqued in the series, and it's been shit ever since. But it's still sad I'll never be able to do some of the fuckery I used to do in MGS3 and 2 on newer engines.

Things that made the game for me

It felt like a very incomplete experience that had LOTS of potential underneath it all.

I dunno if I should read this, user. I feel sorry for you because you had to type all that.

No see, the problem is that you're using your own definition of open world where open world only exclusively means a big giant map you can move around.
Open world is any level that gives you the possibility to move relatively freely around it and that allows you to decide how to approach it.

Nearly every definition of the term follows this, literally fucking everywhere this is the definition it goes for. I know Holla Forums has taught you to hate open world games and like a good ship you can't seem to force yourself to change your mind about them, but you're wrong. Open world isn't something that restricts only to GTA.

I mean shit Zelda 1 and Zelda 2 are open world.

And the reason why I know you're absolutely retarded is because you write shit like
Which has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with open world. It's either a question of hardware or attention to detail from the developers.

Open world were what you say they are, there's hundreds of examples from the past that prove that Open Wolrd games can be good. Even shit like Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 can be considered open world by your retarded backwards standards, so your point falls completely flat either way.

Go back to reddit faggot.

Calm down, bro. I think you need a break.

this is a very limited understanding of what someone can mean by detail. You seem to think Holla Forums has influenced me much at all, sorry to disappoint you, but it's not the case.

Try again, you'll get it eventually.

You have no idea of what made Morrowind actually good and have deluded yourself into thinking story and other superfluous/cosmetic elements are actually significant to the game in any capacity other than being the window-dressing to contextualize gameplay elements. You've listed flora/fauna as a reason for why Morrowind's world more engaging than those of other open world games - does this not sound off any warning bells in your head?

Didn't you know, user? Everything that isn't a 2d sidescroller is open-world!

Most likely. As soon as I saw it getting 10/10s by different outlets I knew the game was going to fall short of the hype, sadly.

The Artbook recently came out and it has concepts of cut content that Kojima talked about in interviews as being in the game over the years. Really makes you wonder how much more there is to the story besides Konami meddling.

You mean MGS3 and 4 right…? MGS4's had no gameplay but it did CQC arguably the best out of all games. MGS2 was pretty primitive in what it had for CQC.

What do those games have that MGSV doesn't? CQC is not only more useful, it also feels pretty visceral. The multiple CQC takedowns was also one the coolest features from PW.

As for these two videos, I watched then a while ago but they were shit. "Honest" is the last word that comes to mind.

GamingBrit already had a negative opinion of MGSV before it even came out, not to mention some of his criticisms could be applied to DMC4 as well, a game which he praised. The other one is a bunch of nitpicking and essentially a first impressions, I don't think he even got to Africa at that point.

Some of the side ops were arguably better than main missions.

Infinite Heaven lets you customize enemy sight range.


The CQC is not a QTE, it actually requires you to aim your punches for starters

Hell no, different length and size weapons allow you to do different attacks. For example with the Nikita you do a greatsword style swing that knocks out most enemies with one hit. MGS2 is also the one that implemented Judo throw techniques that made sense and could only be preformed with the proper momentum, let's also not forget implementing the rolling dodge attack which was removed in MGS4.

Finally let's also not forget the innovative as fuck Katana controls, in fact it's such a shame you get the Katana so late in the game.

Yup, the ones where you have to take out combined arms units are the best for me however. Really had me scoping out the enemy and carefully preparing my layout before going out into the field. It's such a shame they're so few in number and repeated near the same areas too much.

I saw this review, it was fucking gay. He just had a butthurt tantrum over nothing.

Ground Zeroes has god tier design though.

It was still one of the best games of 2015 for many a user, including me for whom it was GOTY, even if found out at the end what was cut.

It's probably the only AAA game I've enjoyed immensely, couldn't stop thinking about when not playing and couldn't wait to get back to playing since, what, 2008?

I can see the faults and why many also dislike it, and I don't think it's a 10/10, but it is a stellar game.


7/10 at best

6/10 strongly

The gameplay isn't half as good as 4's and the extreme repetition makes it hard to enjoy the gameplay anyway.

And people say there are no wrong opinions, holy fucking shit.
And I'm not even a rabid fan of MGS to begin with, but holy fuck user, I honestly wish for this to be bait.

I ain't wrong tho.

Doesn't sound like a big deal to me. Also, I'm fairly sure the throw is performed by simply holding a direction + melee button. I'm not sure what momentum has to do with it. As for rolling dodge, enemies will at the very least flinch when you collide with them. The rest of the moves in MGSV are pretty powerful to begin with, so that isn't a huge loss either.

I was thinking more of the options you have when holding an enemy, plus stealing their weapon and whatnot. None of those things existed back in MGS2.

In what aspect? On controls alone, MGS4 is beat for the most part. The fact that roll and stance are assigned to the same button, means you have to stop running just to crouch. Many of the move options (rolling sideways, jump backwards) were pretty much useless, CQC punches were slow as fuck, and while the Octocamo was a really cool feature it nearly breaks the game (you should be playing it on Manual for challenge runs anyway). Act 3 can get pretty boring, Act 4 has a bunch of Scarabs thrown in haphazardly, making it a chaff grenade spam-fest, while Act 5 was incredibly short. Subpar framerate (unless you're also playing MGSV on older consoles for some reason), and overall, very little gameplay with too many interruptions.

I do miss a few things from MGS4 though, namely the stress meter, which increased with certain environmental conditions, the threat ring, which makes more sense than the X-ray skeletons (I just turn that option off), a weight system, leaning, and press a button to cover. But even then, I still would say V has the better gameplay, due to the amount of options you're given, and how fast, smooth and intuitive nearly everything in the game feels.

To me mgsv lacked the memorable boss battles like mgs1 and mgs3.

Well we can't even compare an unfinished game to the other fully finished products.

Hopefully Kojima will un-JUST himself from mgsv.

You can't do the throw if you're not going fast enough dumbass. The only thing comparable is the super punch, which guarantees a 1-hit KO. Unlike the throw which you have to do at least twice to KO opponents.

Yeah but then you're left vulnerable while snake gets up. The rolling dodge in the previous titles lets you keep on trucking like nothing happened. It doesn't cut down on the player's mobility and speed needlessly.

IMHO the Skulls could at least have functioned like Vamp did in MGS2. Deflected bullets but gave you a BRIEF opening to plug them. While in CQC it's possible to melee them, but you have to be careful or they will incapacitate you.

Instead I got shitty QTEs and extremely shitty bullet sponges. At least them being bullet sponges made it fun for me to use Walker D against them.

Hopefully Kojima doesn't let star power cast get in the way of his game's budget again, more over, hopefully he gets his shit together in terms of gameplay. I want Pre MGS4 and specially Pre Peace Walker difficulty back, I don't want regen health, I want to manage my inventory plus ammo. Shit like that makes games replayable in so many different ways when properly designed.

Hell you can't imagine the level of satisfaction I got from beating Vamp in MGS2 with shitloads of stun grenades, or the Nikita Missile Launcher both times, once using it as a baseball bat, the other actually using its missiles.

Objectively false. I popped in MGS2 just now to confirm this and it's possible to do the throw while barely moving from the same spot. At best you take one step, but that's a result from holding the directional button, it has nothing to do with momentum.

I even tried running from a longer distance to see if it adds extra damage, but the guard was knocked out after the same number of throws either way (3 to be exact, tested the first mission on Elimination Mode in VR with Raiden).

At which point, you can turn super fast and use your gun while lying down. Again, something that wasn't possible in past MGS games because the turning and aiming was so slow and janky. Plus, you can do multiple CQC takedowns.

You don't even seem to take into consideration that some actions had to be nerfed with the addition of new ones.

How is it needless? If anything, what doesn't make sense is being able to move at the same pace while enemies are in your path.

This is clutching at straws by the way, it still wouldn't make sense to say MGS2 has better CQC because of these reasons (even if most of these were correct to begin with, which they aren't).

Exactly, a faithful successor to previous mgs games and a fitting end to this franchise.

Regardless of how many throws it takes it's still a better system since it actually takes timing and precision. If you don't do the move right you end up bumping against the enemy awkwardly which can leave you open to a knockdown kick. And momentum is momentum, sure it's a mere step, but that makes the difference, specially when you have to aim your body properly to do the throw.

Which is shit since MGS is not supposed to be a shooting game.

Via a shit QTE that takes ZERO SKILL to preform. You can literally do chained CQC takedowns if enemies are within 5 feet of each other. This is severely broken during patrol scenarios since it has snake teleporting all over the place like Goku.

Not at all, we're comparing a shitty QTE that can EASILY be abused, to something that takes precision and timing to preform.

Mack got it right as usual.

I don't know why you love to suck this guy's dick, he's a faggot with a shit accent who can't even speak proper English, and shit opinions to go along with it. This is the same faggot who shat all over MGSV while at the same time praising GTAV because it has tits. No, thanks.

I don't suck anyones dick, he's just the best gaymen jewtuber I know of I know of about 3

I don't mean (you), I just mean you people who always post this fucking guy, and I don't mean that you literally suck his dick, I just mean the people who always post this guy always do so as if they're presenting a worthwhile and insightful opinion, when it's really just some douche making shitty jokes in broken English. Hey, whatever. You do your thing, user. I will not judge you, but that guy's a fag. Oh, yeah, and 100% of jewtubers are shit. Watch them for the lulz and nothing more.

he's right about some things but his taste in games can get very peblian at times.
Case in point he likes far cry 3 and the battlefield 1 campaign.
I've noticed that the more popular he gets the deeper his head goes into his own ass.


I can't record any gameplay, so here's some random shitty video I found to prove it. It's still clearly noticeable you don't need to move an inch to do the throw. As for bumping into an enemy, I chalk that up to the controls being janky, similarly to how awkward and counter-intuitive it felt to do simple actions like aiming in first-person view (especially assault rifles) and pressing against walls.

What a strange argument. So having an entire arsenal in your backpocket, doing cartwheels while trying to dodge mechs shooting missiles at you is fine, but the aforementioned advantage is what crosses the line?

You're really overstating things. It's not like rolling in MGS2 is significantly harder to do or a challenge by any stretch; it doesn't make any noise or even slow you down, there are very few disadvantages to counter-balance it in the first place.

And finally, you're ignoring everything else that exists in MGSV's CQC: Disarming, interrogation, human shield, order enemies to lay on the floor, throw an enemy from a choke, trip attack while lying down, grabbing from cover, carrying/throwing bodies, low kick that knocks out/wakes up enemies, melee combos/throws into a wall which knocks enemies out for longer, varied animations depending on your position and the direction you're pressing, etc, etc. There's really no contest here.

Literally not even die-hard fags like myself say its anywhere near amazing. It's a solid heh* 150 hour timesink. That's it. The only people I can see hyping it are faggots who were born yesterday who've never played a Metal Gear game before. I'll always say what killed Metal Gear long before this was the idea Kojima got into his head to make going loud more viable and easier. Still my GOTY for 2015, I think. Even though that says absolutely nothing.

Then shortly in the video

You're retarded m8.


You fucking what? Bumping into enemies awkwardly due to lack of skill is not because of Janky controls. It's because the enemies actually have hitboxes plus slight collision detection on them. It's why if you're walking too slowly into them it slows you down, or if you're fast enough it slows them down. It's also a sign of there not being shitty auto aim for the melee system, you fists don't magically have magnetism that guides them to your enemy's face.

Well to be fair I played MGS2 on the Xbox and MGS3 I emulated it on PSX2, so to me the controls have always felt just fine. However I will concede to you this point since the PS controller just isn't built for FPS. I'll still stick to my guns though and say that it's a fucking stealth game, not a shooter. The shooting mechanics being clumsy and ammunition being scarce plus procured on site is deliberate, not just a cool factor gimmick.

Are there action shooter segments? Of course, however they're only worth 1/4 of the game's campaign content, and this is being generous.

Were the controls ever fixed in the PS2 version of MGS2 Subsistence anyhow? For the Xbox you could customize your controls to just press the left thumbstick for FPS mode and it gave you the option of aiming with either the left or right thumbstick, while using the trigger buttons to dodge from right to left. Shit was cash.

It only happens in boss fights, so yes it's fine for me, you might be a bit too young to understand the joys of having really hard boss fights and all due to all the current year games.

Yup, again it's a stealth game, action shooter second.

Rolling dodge is what opened the doors to making Ray's hellfire missiles actually being a challenge to dodge in European Extreme. Since you have to preform a rolling dodge at the last second to shake them off your tail. The rolling dodge with an OPTIONAL prone manuever is what opened the doors to the Fatman fight in European Extreme have you disarm 20+ bombs while fighting him. The rolling dodge is what made it possible to scurry from cover to cover for non-seasoned players during their first encounters with Olga in the tanker mission.

It makes noise on noisy platforms when you land or preform it on top of them. Also it does slow you down, while it is true that the rolling dodge lets you switch quickly to FPS mode or auto aim shooting, or just running, there's a slight slow down at the end of the roll. This is unlike MGSV's dolphin dive, granted the dolphin dive doesn't let you pull up your weapon as fast like the rolling dodge, but when spammed you can cover distance at incredibly fast speeds due to no cool down and immediacy of the animation. In fact if you're feeling scummy against AI snipers or Forward Observation posts in Multi you can easily sneak them by spamming the dolphin cover from cover to cover.

continued… 1/2

There's no need to crawl carefully through grass, foilage, or in FOBs metal jungles, just plow through that shit like a dolphin. It doesn't help that the AI for some reason can't spot you while dolphin diving unless you're directly in front of them. In fact if anything is not balanced it's the dolphin dive, which sucks dick during combat, but is OP as shit for sneaking, try it sometime and you'll see what I mean.

It's almost as bad as the prone rolling exploit, but to be fair prone rolling wouldn't be as OP if MGSV's AI wasn't so shit at patrol routes I feel.

Useless as I said here

the enemies just magically pull weapons out of their asses after a while as if they were from one of my Japanese Visual Novels/Animes.

Completely possible in MGS2, granted the enemies never really provided useful info, instead they would piss their pants, beg to not be killed, or give you dogtags/items/munitions.

Possible via a choke hold then quickly letting go of the enemy and firing into his compatriots, then choking him back again. Plus, it's a stealth game, action shooter second, human shields are something I do not need or use.

An overpowered mechanic TBH. Should be nerfed via having to actually tie them up with rope, or shackles or handcuffs of some sort.

Entirely possible in MGS2, just let go of the enemy during a chokehold, take a step forward and preform the judo throw. Or if there's a bunch of his allies in front of him, just do the punch, punch, kick combo and watch the goon fly towards his allies.

Okay I'll grant you this one, this one was a welcomed addition that could benefit a stealth game and just wasn't possible at all before.

This one's useful too, I rarely use it, but I've used it like 10 times within 30 hours of gameplay.

Carrying bodies has always been possible you mongoloid. Granted throwing bodies at enemies is welcomed since in the original it was pretty hard to do.

Possible in MGS2, just go into FPS mode and spam the punch, punch, kick combo. Hell even punching an enemy three times in FPS mode is enough at times.

Shitty gimmick TBH, enemy knockout timers should be as short lived as they were back in MGS2 and 3. Plus knockout timers in MGS2 and 3 were perfect, a longer but still reasonably short timer from a chokehold, while a short one from regular melee combat. It kept the player from abusing CQC, and kept him on his toes for longer.

Animations have been improved, yup, and attention to such details is always welcomed.

As you can tell from this post there is plenty of contest to be had.

It really doesn't. And like I've said, the reason why you would even move in the first place is because you have to be holding a directional button to perform the throw, this so called momentum you keep insisting on is negligible. Besides, that wouldn't mean shit either way, and this is what I mean with you clutching at straws. Even conceding that you have to "aim" your melee strikes (a rather moot point since most of MGS2's level design consists of narrow corridors, and something so basic a toddler could do it), the positives of MGSV's CQC far outweigh the negatives.

And I was merely talking about turning and aiming faster after diving into an enemy. Your rant is disproportionate.

You're letting your desperation seep through non-arguments like this.

So i-frames after being hit, game stopping while selecting equipment, auto-heal when a ration is equipped, instant reloading by equipping/unequipping a weapon, run and gun with two-dimensional aiming without any slow-down is all fine - truly the mark of a stealth game, TBH fam - but it's only a problem when you can turn around faster while lying on the floor. How fucking delusional are you?

So? You're only mentioning what that maneuver is used for. You're all over the fucking place and this is getting boring.

In which you basically have to go out of you way to fuck it up. So what else is there? Oh, you can trip up if you're trying to roll while going up stairs. Big whoop. Also, throwing an enemy in MGSV always makes noise.

Just barely.

Even better, I can get spotted by an enemy in older MGS games and be forgotten as soon as I move into a new area if I'm quick enough. Furthermore, I thought you were in favor of powerful techniques:
Nice double standard.

The only thing they bring up is a side arm, but they permanently lose their primary weapon that you get to keep.

In other words, not actual interrogation. That mechanic was first introduced in MGS3 and was completely non-existent in 2. Nice try, though.

Not possible in one seamless action. Improved in MGSV.

Certain guards turn around to knife you when you hold them up. And there are plenty overpowered mechanics and exploits in all MGS games, let's not pretend this series is some bastion of balanced game design.

Again, not possible in one seamless action. Improved in MGSV.

Not in the way MGSV does it, you troglodyte. The way it allows you carry bodies is the reason it lets you throw them in the first place. Plus you can use a gun while doing so.

Much more improved in MGSV. And I'm fairly sure that's harder to do with Snake.

Says you, the fact that such a modifier exists adds slightly more depth to CQC.

One autist nitpicking hardly makes a good case.

It's crucial actually, if there isn't enough room the action won't get preformed. You'll just awkwardly bump into the enemy, and if you're playing on Extreme with Game Over if discovered turned off you'll end up kicked to the floor, with a face full of lead.

You say this mockingly while defending MGSV's literal magnetism for its punching mechanics, due to the CQC being a shitty QTE that takes ZERO SKILL. A QTE that allows you to teleport around any people near you within a 10 foot radius once it's triggered by the way.

If you're a casual who likes teleporting all over the place thanks to QTEs sure, it's a positive. Just like CQC in Deus Ex has been reduced to a series of QTEs since Human Revolution.

You're bitching about a stealth focused game having non-conventional shooting mechanics you idiot. It's not disproportionate. Granted IMHO they're non-conventional since I emulated MGS3 and played MGS2 on the Xbox Hueg, so maybe the controls were absolutely shit for shooting on the PS2.

You're failing to recognize the disconnect between the main game and its action segments as well as boss segments.

Limitation of the engine actually, which then became a staple of the series after MGS3+.

Useful during boss fights, however not a significant advantage unless you're playing on babby tier normal mode

Actually the character SIGNIFICANTLY slows down while auto aiming. In fact you waste more ammo as well since the character starts aiming and spraying at centers of mass. Grenade launchers are also terrible during auto aim since the script doesn't angle the shots for you.

Nice disregard of the dolphin dive being so fucking broken and giving the player retarded gains in speed, you have to do it in front of an enemy AI to get spotted while preforming it.

If you were smart you'd realize the fact that it has its uses for combat plus stealth while not being a fucking broken mess of a maneuver that breaks the main segment of the game. The main segment being, you know, stealth?

During boss fights a mistimed rolling dodge gets you riddled with holes even on Easy mode. On Extreme it means your health is almost gone and you're bleeding all over the place, on EE it's a death sentence. Which reminds me, I miss the bleeding mechanic, it actually had a consequence to being an idiot who's low on health.

Yeah, that's called an engine limitation, which is why Kojima and Co went all out with their development of their FOX engine you tard.

Hahahah! No! They bring up the side arm, then after they feel safe a rifle magically pops up out of their asses. Not just that but they have an infinite amount of side arms and rifles pop up.

Not at all, your movement and speed are not fucked to shit trying to get up, since you're automatically up after the maneuver. It slows you down a bit sure, but it doesn't bring you to a screeching halt, it's a fluid and efficient maneuver. The same can't be said for Dolphin Dives, which are OP as shit for stealth, but COMPLETELY useless in combat.

The thing about the rolling dodge is that it was actually balanced, it didn't become the be all of movement unless you're minmaxing a speed run.

So what? Hold ups were still a thing and you could get useful items/easter eggs out of enemies. Interrogation which in MGSV was handled badly and didn't provide anything but shitty mission objectives is not a positive game play feature when it's used in contextually boring ways. The interrogations in MGSV are worth about as much as the soldiers begging you not to kill them or pissing their pants honestly.

Never said they weren''t, however you're pretending like they're some sort of GROUND BREAKING feature, when it's just an improvement on a pre-existing mechanic that became a staple to the series until MGSV simplified it.

Just punch three times in FPS mode right on their head, with Raiden it's easy due to the range of his roundhouse kick. Also an interesting easter egg is you can shoot at the knock out stars or even melee them to get guards to wake up faster

Yes because preforming a QTE near a wall is sooooo complicated. Sorry but nah, choke holding someone until they're knocked out actually takes skill. Do it too fast, you kill them, do it to slow and you could get caught choke holding a soldier if you're attacking a patrol. Same goes with the fact that there will be times where you will have to weight the benefits between choke holding someone into submission, or just CQCing them unconscious.

It's gameplay that creates emergent situations and context that can effect the pace or how you approach the game.

Not nitpicking, these are mechanics and things that significantly changed the game and how it's played.


But as it was shown in the video I posted, that is clearly not the case.

I say that mockingly because you try so hard to make it seem like it's a good challenge, but in reality the difficulty mostly comes from mere frustration and archaic controls. You can disguise that with "precision" and "timing", and repeatedly call me a casual when I don't agree in the slightest. That's all the satisfaction you're going to get, because things will move on regardless. There's a reason why certain practices went extinct, like pressure-sensitive buttons (not counting the triggers of course), good riddance to that shit.

You don't seem to understand what the statement you responded to means.

Stopped right there. You're telling me I'm the one bitching when you're the one who's been obssessing over minutiae this whole fucking time? Get real.

But back to the point, I'm criticizing the game for the most basic actions not being faster and smoother to perform. The simple act of turning around while you're laying down has nothing to do with being shooter centric. Especially with all the other shit series has implemented.

Fuck off with this. I plainly stated how you have convenient access to every weapon you've ever picked up, then you sidestepped this by bringing up only boss fights. No, I was talking about a universal feature of the game, not something that happens on occasion. Go back and actually read what was being said.

But nevermind that, the main point that completely flew over your head is that there's always been outlandish actions you could perform and weapons you could use that have fuck all to do with stealth, some of which I've already pointed out, and then some more like sticking C4 on guards, lock-on Stinger missiles to human targets, among others. Being able to dive and turn around to shoot pales in comparison to those things from a conceptual standpoint. How in the blue fuck do you not get this?

Those things have nothing to do with engine limitations. Regardless, [citation needed]. Even if true, it doesn't stop it from being an issue (judging by the standards you've laid out, of course).

Instant reloading not a big advantage? Hahaha, sure!

So does trying to shoot after diving, and you'll get far more control over your aim by not diving at all.

Sprinting is still faster, even without upgrades.

Good luck trying to infiltrate FOBs by spamming dive mindlessly, even Mid-Range guards can easily spot you at fairly long distances, let alone snipers.

Oh yeah, tell me more about this, because as far as I remember, elements such as noise and lighting were barely a factor in those older games. You know, things that everyone praises in games like Thief and Splinter Cell, one of which came way before MGS2?

Again, that's besides the point, it's still an issue. And by the way, this persisted until MGS3 and 4 as well if I recall. Other stealth games had no such problems.

It's not just about mission objectives, and that's not even a negative point to begin with. With interrogations, you also earn Heroism points, learn the position of other enemies (and enemies with special abilities), resources, prisoners, vehicles, etc.
I'm just waiting on it.

To make it sound like this is all bad but MGS2 is somehow the gold standard for a mechanic that didn't even exist back then is incredibly delusional.

It's not "pretending" any fucking thing. The features I mentioned are more refined and intuitive than prior games at the very least. That's all there is to it, don't try to twist my words to suit your agenda.

What a faggot. I never said it was complicated, just that it adds another modifier that you can take advantage of.

Yeah, by trying to make direct comparisons between how each game plays in one specific area, despite their wildly different nature. That's one step below autistic, it's just plain short-sighted.


good unfinished game or good episodic game?
which one is do you prefer?

You didn't post a good example of either.

See that waifu? You can fulton her.

I wish all reviews were honest. They're the personal view of the reviewer. I may not agree with their opinion but at least they have one.

Nowadays it's all (manufactured) hype and marketing.

Not enough lolis in MGS5 though.

Did you watch the same videos? He only praised the mechanics and characters but was very critical over its unfinished nature and the gross reuse of content, especially during the DMC4SE video. Much like Holla Forums has always done.

More like a footnote. The point is, he applied his standards disproportionately towards both games in his videos. One was 90% of praise, the other was 99% of bile.

This is someone who said Resident Evil 6 was a "legendary" game and had some of the most "satisfying mechanics" of last generation, and who praises games like Uncharted 4. I mean, I've learned to enjoy many mediocre games before (Dead Island comes to mind), but it's another thing to indulge in your own guilty pleasures and having your head so far up your own ass that you start making absurd claims.