Why is there such an effort lately to bring back isometric RPGs? All the old games like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and Planescape had shit gameplay. The only thing they had were well written stories, and these shitty indie attempts aren't going to be able to provide that.
Why is there such an effort lately to bring back isometric RPGs? All the old games like Baldur's Gate...
Isometric is great when the game is turned based, that much I can agree on.
What effort? Back up your claims, OP.
Back up your boypussy onto my dick, faggot.
You're gonna make me hard.
It's breddy much the indieshit games we've been seeing but without shit graphics
Rpg faggots are huge casuals just like the movie game youtube\twitch faggots of this gen but they like to pretend they arent
Indies parasites of course exploit this
Shitty companies and agenda pushers want to utilize them for big bucks and easy influence because of nostalgia (or false/mimiced nostalgia for nerd cred) and acceptable story-focus. Indies want to capture their nostalgia or love of tabletop RPGs and remake it in their own image.
I liked the gameplay of BG and IWD. PST had shit gameplay though.
I never liked isometric games as a kid. The controls were always confusing and a pain to use. Up should be up, not up-right.
So you're just another literal faggot OP who makes a baseless vauge claim and expects people to shitpost around it? At least you aren't a (1) and done OP.
is underrail the only good, recent, isometric?
Age of Decadence is so/so depending on player preference. Overall Underrail is the best one.
The process and logistics of making games has changed thanks to crowdfunding and digital self-publishing such that companies and people who used to make and enjoyed making isometric RPGs way back in the old days have the independence to allow them to revisit the types of games they enjoyed making and got praise for instead of what marketers and publishers think will make the most money.
Underrail is pretty good. One of the Shadowrun games was nice too, forgot what it was called.
Banner Saga is good too.
Dragonfall is the good one
what a shitty trollop
isometric RPGs i've played in last few years
wasteland 2: 6/10(mixed feelings couldn't finish it, I should try the directors cut or whatever its called)
inquisitor:8/10 (because of the garbage combat otherwise its a 9)
divinity original sin: 7.5/10(only because i hold inquisitor in a higher regard since its concept is fresh and interesting)
Pillars of Equality;4/10 couldn't finish it, suffers from too much unimportant and boring text, characters bland and boring
Tyranny aka women rule and boys drool: -2/10 go fuck yourself obsissyan at least I could stomach PoE somewhat
Isometric RPGs are cheaper to make than any other kind, and these days the retards that like RPGs will buy anything that's out there, which is how Obsidian manages to get away with putting crap like Tranny out there.
What's wrong shitlord? Don't like that woman are the only one who can own property, are stronger/smarter than the men and are the leaders of everyone?
seriously though what the fuck happened to Obsidian and why'd they let some tumblr cunt with her stronk woman dream world fan fiction write the story?
because it's easier to make than a full 3d game
they are cheap to make, require less effort and you can sell your game on that golden nostalgia train.
Desperately grasping at straws in a weak attempt to stay relevant.
New Vegas was a happy accident, Fallout does not deserve to be in the hands of these people, neither them nor at Bethesda.
Here I swear, I shall acquire the rights to Fallout and bring the series back to where it belongs, away from the hands of the phonies that try to pander to every single demographic and back to those who truly loved the series from the start.
some people are so retarded that they can either only use the mouse or the keyboard. Isometric is perfect for those kind of players
Is this what it's come to? Games are rarely good anymore to begin with and if the style is done well it will always work. Stop blaming the wrong things for bad games.
He said back up your boypussy, faggot
Welcome to Holla Forums, friend
t. endchan
Why are you unable to accept the fact that all of those are somewhat cheaper to make than a full blown 3d super photorealistic extra mega game? It is relative but you are still being a dumb fuck, especially since you aren't bringing up any evidence of the contrary.
It's more expensive to make a Skyrim clone than it is to make a modern cookie cutter isometric RPG. Do you need me to go into detail as to why that is?
I enjoyed Divinity immensely in co op. Was wasteland 2 worth playing? I heard it had issues
It's always a boogeyman with you retards. Holla Forums is shit. Deal with it.
What was wrong with real time with pause? It was a good compromise to D&D.
Kek wills it.
Personally, I blame the jews
Shit thread, shit post, shit waste of time overall.
It doesn't matter though because hyperrealistic skyrim/cod/etc clones are fucking shit.
Why do they always try to rip off Infinity Engine games instead of something like ToEE, which had much better combat?
Easier to make gameplay for those games than for first person RPGs. Any trend in Indie gayms usually boils down to making it easier to shove their faggy story and political agenda bullshit down your throat. Here's a couple trends they've had in the past:
Because for Obsidian at least they can try to piggyback on their former glories and the rest are either made by enthusiasts who miss the old days or by idiots who want to ride the bandwagon.
Thanks OP, now I can play some vidya in peace
I was talking specifically about the combat. Why do most of them only used RTwP?
Oh trust me, that's an improvement, regular Mialee is a walking nightmare of androgyny.
Open the game up and look at the pre-selected characters, and you'll notice Mialee isn't using her fucking icon and someone else has it, they got every iconic 3.5 PC right but not her
Tides of Numenera and Tyranny are the newest isometric rpgs I've seen. I was a little excited about the Tides of Numen kickstarter, but the lackluster reviews + the high price tage killed any interest. I was surprised to see Obsidian behind Tyranny, but it looks expensive and buggy atm. The new Wasteland and Pillars of Eternity are a bit older and also apparently not worth the time. I'm curious about the new Divinity but haven't researched it yet.
My favorite games are isometric RPGs. I don't understand why no one can make them anymore. Sometimes, it's even the same teams and writers behind these new games. The latest one I like is Neverwinter Nights 2 + expansions from like 2006, and it's not even an amazing killer game, especially with half the content stripped. It just has a nice level of customization, isn't completely facerollable, and doesn't take itself too seriously. I don't want much. I just want to see a game as fantastical as Planescape: Torment with 2016 graphics that is actually fun. Old games are still good but those new graphics would be such a novelty.
I finished the directors cut of Wasteland 2 and something about the game overall just put me off, I'll give the third one a try when it comes out since it got crowdfunded to see if I like that one
man i've tried to start it twice
i got up to the point where i retrieved all the spore samples in ag centre and gave up becuase shit was so boring
first time i went to the dam and didnt have enough ammo for the boss
Because it *can* be good.
see Divinity Original sin. too bad all the others are shit.
but they arent shit because thy are isometric, they ares hit because they got shit developers and try to reinvent a shitty combat system.
The old DnD games never had good combat systems. pause and action is inferior to how games like Temple of Elemental Evil did their combat.
I want an isometric RPG that uses sprites, not 3d rendered graphics, but I also want those sprites to be oil paintings like the old Barbarian comics based on, and including, Conan the Barbarian, especially Frank Frazetta's covers and art.
Simple answer, really.
You say those classics were known for their fantastic stories, right?
Try to have a conversation with most of the fags going "muh classics" about the story in those games. I'm serious, go right ahead and ask in a Fallout thread about the nature of nuclear energy and how it's seen by everyone in that world, ask them what the theme of the games are, how it's an example of well done edgyness, all those tiny details that take actually reading the story and having an interest on it.
Chances are, it will be several posts before a lore-autist shows up and engages you with something longer than 10 words.
Because most people are faggots that say they love the classics just to pretend they are superior to the pleb. They'll even force themselves to play it (this is not unheard of) just to keep the charade going, even if the entire story and message of the game goes right over their head.
Most still think Deus Ex is all about overthrowing the government and how all government is bad when it's actually a phylosophical debate about order vs chaos vs oportunity vs safety vs freedom with some Mythology and Artifical Gods in it.
Most of these fags are just like a redneck going to a museum to pretend he's educated and above the other rednecks just because he drinks his moonshine while looking at abstract art and his porn comes in watercolors. They don't understand it but that is not gonna stop them from feeling superior to everyone else.
Now, if you're a Dev, what do you have here OP? You have a very nice and cozy market full of stupid faggots that are too dumb to know otherwise and will gladly buy a subpar game that takes 1/5 of the effort to make than actual 3D ones just because "isometric = good story" in their stupid head. And because they are never gonna make an effort to understand the story, they'll never notice the difference.
This isn't to say that every recent isometric RPG is a shallow piece of crap, I personnaly enjoy Divinity Original Sin for instance, even if the plot or the world never reaches the level of older games. But you'll have a lot of people that unironically think their taste is objectively better (and this whole sentence is as dumb as it sounds) just because they play Divinity Original Sin instead of Dragon Age Origins.
And this in turn is just another niche of the market to be exploited, emphasis on "exploit".
RPGs are just an excuse to replace good gameplay with a sub par genreshit story and minimal CYOA elements.
When badly done, yes. The gameplay for RPGs is much more simpler to do than for any other games, you don't even need to test collisions as often or at all for instance and if it's top down, your models don't need as much detail, you can even get by with sprites and paralax.
But when well done, they are the best method possible in vydia to tell a story as they marry gameplay with storytelling very well. Instead of merely pretending that drinking a beer makes your character more resistant to pain but a bit stupid, the game can give you feedback with -1 INT and +10% DMG resist while changing available conversation topics. You don't merely pretend your character does something, you have the game acknowledge it in the stats and in the dialogue you can pick.
The issue for most RPGs and the centerfold reason for their shit quality is the hubris of the creators. Bioware is guilty of this for many of their latest games.
They have a story they want to tell you, not build with you. They'll give you the options that make sense to them and they often just tint what you see a different color, the experience is still mostly the same. The adventures of Captain Shepard are all about a rogue spess marine going around in space reuniting species against an Ancient Evil. It does not matter what method you use, it does not matter who you fug, at the end of the day you'll be doing the same thing and the only real choice you have is not doing it only to be punished later.
Whenever an RPG allows the player to build half the story, to build his character in reaction to the world and have the world react to him, that's when you have a good RPG.
Isometric games are easier to make. Less effort into animations, combat etc. means you can afford to spend more time with story and role playing mechanics. Morrowind is so well loved because it, in a way, fuses isometric mechanics with first person combat.
Because the infinity engine games were basically the normalfag subversion of rpg's back in the day. There's a reason all of these shitty "journalists" always compare games to garbage like BG, because BG and co have normalfag cred, as they focused on story over gameplay.
Thank god IWD is getting a conversion to ToEE.
Why is there such an effort lately to bring back platformers? All the old games like Mario, Sonic and Megaman had shit gameplay. The only thing they had were well designed levels, and these shitty indie attempts aren't going to be able to provide that.
Why is there such an effort lately to bring back RT strategies? All the old games like Total Anihilation, Warcraft and Command and Conquer had shit gameplay. The only thing they had were well designed units, and these shitty indie attempts aren't going to be able to provide that.
Why is there such an effort lately to bring back FPS? All the old games like Doom, Quake and Unreal had shit gameplay. The only thing they had were well cool guns and monsters, and these shitty indie attempts aren't going to be able to provide that.
Why is there such an effort lately to bring back Star Wars? All the old ones like New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi had shit story. The only thing they had were space battles, and these shitty sjw attempts aren't going to be able to provide that.
Why is there such an effort lately to bring back feminism? All the old feminists like Amelia Bloomer, Mary Wollstonecraft and Alice Paul had shit faces. The only thing they had were moderate views, and these shitty sjws attempts aren't going to be able to provide that.
Feminism is a religion, it's purpose is to convert others to feminism.
It's other purpose is the worship of what they consider divine: women.
that chick is pretty hot
My point was that OP is talking like reddit pasta and I used few examples. You can use his text and fill blanks with anything.
It could also have been a genuine question wondering why a rather obscure and dead genre was brought back from the dead by indie devs with no talent.
Unless we find cuckchan/reddit posts with this same wording, I'm going to assume it was genuine.
Wait, really? Does that mean it's possible for Planescape Torment to get one too?
Don't get that hopeful. It will probably be a year or two before it's finished, but it's definitely happening.
The skill timer on everything single fucking check killed it for me. Not to mention everything about fucking Unity engine.
you sure you dont mean characters? it was the usually the interactions you could have with the characters that made the games memorable.
its because all the resources to make the game is taken from the free or cheep Unity asset store and they can pocket your Kikstarter shekels. Interplay and Brian Fargo didn't go declare bankruptcy because of lack of good games or game sales. Publishers didn't refuse to publish his games on account that they where old school cRPG's. It was just because Fargo has really bad credit and is terrible with time management and money. Same is true of Mr. Shitface.
This, now if only they'd actually do a good fucking job, we'd have something nice to play.
Yeah, no proxyfag shitposting here what so ever
I'd play that
looked like a flaming cheeto penis as I scrolled down
Then you are my nigga.
No good games of that genre come out anymore?
Also can someone explain to me what is wrong with Tyranny?
I personally backed Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity, regretted it in both cases…
On Wasteland 2 I did the lowest amount, and got a shitty unity game that on my PC was hell buggy, couldn't even get past the first quest because of crashes.
Pillars of Eternity pissed me off, a lot. I backed a physical-box tier, hoping to bring back the art of making awesome boxes… they sent me a shitty paper (not cardboard) box inside a plastic bag, it arrived all munched up, and arrived late (several months after the game launch).
Then the game itself was shit too, it "infodumps" stuff right at the start, and then stops, no more information… the combat has some annoying issues (seriously those teleporting shades… the only way to get past them was to pack my entire team into a corner of the map, and keep pausing and repacking them when the AI tried to move, because if there was 1 pixel available, a shade would teleport there and insta-kill my mage).
Also I like paladins a lot, even the games that do them differently… but in Pillars they just suck, and the stats mechanics don't help either, they tried to do it different from everyone else and instead made some bizarre system that only barely works.
I also played Shadowrun Dragonfall, didn't finished it, but I still plan to, cool game.
I played the non-director edition of Divine Divinity, very cool game, ending really sucked though, the last map was shit, and I blasted through it in 1 hour, if the director's edition the map got fixed and is now good as the first map, I might be tempted to play it again.
kill yourself
The Geneforge series if you count it as recent.
It is a essentially a parody written by Holla Forums, but played entirely straight.
Turn-based is the only way to go with isometric RPGs. Real time pauseplay sucks and this comes from a guy who loves BG1&2, and NWN.
The proof is in UnderRail and Divinity: OS being some of the best fresh breathes to the genre, and FO1&2 are still great even if dated.
Otherwise forgo a good story/setting/metastructure/characters and go ARPG. Grim Dawn and Path of Exile are great fun (especially with friends)
Don't let ARPG-fags hear you.
Always manages to ruffle my jimmies, but normalfag opinions have always been shit anyway.
ARPG and turn based are both way better than rtwp
You poor, innocent soul. Read the whole thing, it's like the essence of tumblr distilled.
>1. The first right is that things in the world are scientifically correct and accurate. This is everything to what the earth might really be like a billion years from now (and why it might be like that) to making sure that if we have a picture of someone with armor, then that armor is functional for the activity of the person wearing it.
>2. The second right is a less tangible right, a “do the right thing” type of right. This is a real-world kind of right, a social footprint kind of right, where things like gender and race are depicted with careful attention and honesty. The goal isn’t to make a point about topics like gender or race in and of themselves. The goal is, in fact, almost the opposite: to make a fair and thoughtful treatment of these topics such an inherent part of the game that they combine with all of the other fair and thoughtful elements to create a better world and better gameplay.
>Humas of the Ninth World are not, in all likelihood, our direct descendants. While that would be possible (if, for example the humans of our current time traveled into space, continued to reproduce there (or elsewhere) for a billion years and then returned to the planet), it’s not very probable. So where did the humans of the Ninth World come from? That’s up for in-game speculation and research.
>What we do know is that the humans of OUR future are likely to move toward a genetic melding — one prediction about the future of the human species is that most people will be multi-ethnic, carrying a blend of features from their various genetic lines. Some scientists postulate that we’ll see less genetic variation as recessive genes find less of a foothold. That would mean less natural redheads and blondes, fewer people with naturally blue eyes, and a larger percentage of the population with darker skin, darker eyes and darker hair.
>Most of the humans we’re creating for the Ninth World fall into that genetic blending. While you’ll see a lot of dyed hair, unusual markings and fake eye colors, the majority of Ninth World humans will be multi-ethnic in their genetic background. Why? Because it’s theoretically possible. Because it creates an interesting world. Because it creates a culture where people are divided by things other than race.
>In the Ninth World, gender is not irrelevant (gender is never irrelevant), but it is variable and malleable. Some characters are clearly male or female, others are gender-neutral, some are elastic in their gender orientation. It just makes sense to depict gender as we know it to be in the real world. Thus, sometimes gender IS an issue, just as it is in modern society. People will react to males and females (or those in between or beyond the gender scope) with varying levels of intelligence, respect and open-mindedness.
They did. Combat in IE is not tactical, or anything really, it's just one big clusterfuck with an interface that is not built to let the player handle it.
About the only fun you can have with it is mage duels, and even that requires installing mods that will make AI mages not be complete idiots.
…I don't know what to say. Thanks, user, for the explanation. What a bizarre emphasis on dyed hair, gender fluidity, and gay couples. Given the chance to reimagine earth a billion years in the future, you focus exclusively on niche social issues from the past few years? SJWs are so unimaginative and egocentric. I thought the guys on the team used to be creative and funny and stuff. The natural breeding out (melding out?) of Aryan genes made me laugh, at least.
I'll have to recheck the Kickstarter for possible warning signs in retrospect. SJWism just comes out of nowhere sometimes.
But good 2d games take tons more effort than slapping ugly 3d models or motion capturing like mass effect.
they did, you fucking nigger. Just because a game is slow, shit, is on PC and has a legacy from pretentious game industry SJWs and faggot neckbeards doesn't mean it's even worth acknowledging. Fallout 1 and 2 also had god awful game play. Morrowind and daggerfall as well.
What really gets me is when the dumb bitch talks about being scientifically accurate and then says they're trying to imagine how humans will look like in a billion years. Turns out they look exactly the same, only there's no white people left.
Then it gets even more bizarre when she talks about these future "humans" not being descendants of homo sapiens at all. I guess she's too retarded to understand what the chances of a species that is not humans, evolving to look and behave exactly like San Francisco denizens in a billion years.
She's talking about the tabletop, but since this is a completely new setting there is no legacy lore to use (unlike with Troika and Bloodlines).
What she wrote is what you're getting in the game.
What is this word salad am I reading?
How the leftists held down the spiritual successor to Planescape: Torment and sodomized it.
Because they want to inject their shit into them and try to spread sjwism to hipsters.
If they hadn't gone for the "Humans, but not really" approach they could have had more artistic freedom and less complaints* but of course then the underlying agenda pushing would not have worked as well.
*Not that they care about concerns or complaints from shitlords inside their comfy filter bubble.
Reading up on the setting it's just a BLAME! ripoff with nanomachines thrown in to handwave all the stupid shit they put in.
What is really insulting is how unimaginative it really is. A billion years from now the Earth is populated by brown humans that are not really humans, on a medieval level of technology, but who still find the time to be concerned with leftist issues, whether men should wear high heels and trying really hard to paint themselves white.
Fuck inXeile and Obsidian.
The 100% scientific accuracy was just way too cringey. I was excited about the boardgame, too. >_> All this really should turned out differently.
god damn it there is no saving the tabletop industry is there.
The leftist infiltration on traditional games seems to have slowed down a bit since Age of Sigmar flopped hard. And I've never seen a single person who cares about Numenera.
Well, Divinity: Original Sin games have great gameplay.
They're unbalanced as fuck, yes, but it's the fun "everything is broken" lack of balance.
Also, for those who mind identity politics, OS2 is building up to be a story about a race war.
Is such a thing possible? How and what engine would you use to make it all look like an oil painting? That would be beyond aesthetic.
Making a game look like pics related would have me sold.
Like why aren't there rpgs that look like this?
Sage for double post.
RPG's kinda piss me off. The skinner box design often becomes obvious, unless there isn't any, in which case the game is criticized for being "unbalanced".
I just like Diablo 1/2 and Fallout 1/2, it might not be the genre for me.
Any RTS engine from the 1990s onwards could do it. You'd just be using 2d sprites, but instead of drawings or prerendered 3d graphics you'd use scans of the oil painted sprites instead.
I don't know how you'd do a non-isomeric sprite version. I guess you'd just paint an oil painting like an unfolded texture and then apply that over a 3d model. It's possible, but it would be pretty costly I guess.
Planescape was a torment to play.
did you even play those games?
What did Sigmar have to do with that? I know it was absolutely retarded on so many levels, but I don't remember hearing about retarded identity politics related to it.
Oh boy. Well, at least there are no dindu nuffins or snackbars for them to champion in the setting. I suppose there are the orcs, but they are not playable. Which reminds me, shouldn't the elves be dying out and driven underground to be slaughtered to the last by then?
Diablo and Fallout really don't have much in common. I don't think RPGs are for you if you can't make such a basic observation.
That's not how you do an OP nowadays retard.
OP did it wrong though, he should have just put the image then asked "why are all games like that?"
t. endchan
Sigmar was being sold as the gateway for le wider audience's entrance into traditional games, the gigantic backlash against it was painted as the evil cis white neckbeards refusing to allow womyn and minorities into their gaming spaces.
Making retarded rules about screaming isn't going to make it more accessible. There are two much easier to spot deterrents to people playing tabletop games, in particular Warhammer. Expense that comes from having to buy all the different shit that you need to get for it, and painting your own armies. The first is not going to change for GW, and the second would be terrible to change.
Yes, I have played each several times. They are the only four RPGs I like. I've played games that were described as being similar, but they never did it for me.
All four are isometric RPGs, which is what the thread is about.
See above. Faggot.
it sounded from your post that you were saying diablo 1 and 2 were like fallout 1 and 2. you said you like those games but i missread it