Darkest Dungeon


well it's RNG: the gaim

that dude needs a serious bath

That's what your mum says

darn it

What are doing playing that game anyway user? Its purely RNG bullshit.

Ahem, excuse me, but what you're calling "RNG bullshit" is actually risk management. If you can't handle that, there are plenty of other games you could be playing.

Ahem, excuse me, but what you call risk management is actually semantic faggotry. If you can't handle that, then there are plenty of ways to kill yourself.

Alright can you suggest a similar game that is not bullshit?. I like the atmosphere and art style also the stress management thing is pretty neat. Do you know of something along those lines?. Not op btw just need something to play.

Go play IVAN instead of this trash.

C'mon brah that game looks straight from the 80's yeah yeah I'm a retarded graphics fag whatever it's (current year) and i refuse to get eye raped by decades old graphix no matter how cool the game play is. Surely you can do better.

I don't want to.

Every game that tries to be some calart faggot's project has shit gameplay.

If you want a 2deep4u indie game look up Starsector.

Why it must be like this

I guess that the way thing are nowadays pic related

Also when the hardened murderers get scared and have heart attacks from getting splashed with stinky blood/wine and not having a nightlight, it's bullshit

Experience should negate stress levels, I agree. Some sort of hardening mechanic where characters gain resistance to bullshit so that it either lowers the stress or negates it completely. Especially on attacks that are low damage, high stress. I get that there's an eldritch/unholy aspect to it, but a guy that faced down a man-pig monstrosity that could pulverise him in a single blow shouldn't be getting spooked by the little things.

Same for the negative/positive quirks you get, there should be more factors at play to trigger them gaining/potentially gaining them. It'd add another layer of depth if you were to spend time having them suffer and survive against certain enemy types to gain bonuses against them.


How do you deal with Tonberry? I've never had much of an interest in final fantasy.

You don't.

That doesn't sound very fun.

Are they even faggier in the later games? My last experience with them was in VII and yeah they're pretty bullshit

post lewds


And no I don't have a general problem with RNG and "risk management", but the game is basically on rails combat slog, with an ugly aesthetic (mainly for the party members)


ivan is a game all about risk management

Which area do y'all like the most? The cove looks pretty comfy besides the disemboweled whale.The Weald is probably my least favorite since pretty much everything is just mushrooms. Mushroom enemies, mushroom traps, just mushrooms here there, and everywhere. Plus there's slime, and fighting slime is pretty annoying.

There are lewds?

What a casual retard, I bet you haven't even maxed level on anything on any game fucking get the fuck out of here

First game that requires 3.61, first major test of Henkaku.

Excuse me but you sound like a fag to be honest my family.

Champion dungeons are fucking bullshit

I wonder if their vampire dlc will just add more monsters, heros and a dungeon or if they will actually implement major restructuring elements now that they hired some guy who apparantly is into game design since a long time and might see through some weaknesses of this game.

Hope they add a vampirization trait that makes you immune to heart attacks in exchange for some other penalties

Vampirisation would implie changing every characters skin, thazs a lot of work.

I just hope they overhaul the game in some smart way.

Also holy fuck I forgot they also promised mpd support finally.
This better wont be just enabling the fucking steamworkshop but some actual tools to make up for the fact that imitating their art is hard as fuck for the average modder.

These cunts single-handedly offset the warrens having the easiest bosses of the game.

Mostly of Plague Doctor's huge, sweaty rack.

The warrens would be piss easy if it weren't for these fucks. I just stunlock + debuff the shit out of them while killing everyone else, and then I deal with his fat ass.

They could just toss some filter to make them pale and put some blood stains or whatever, doesn't need to be a complete overhaul of every design to make them look vampiric

Considering that every character's skin is just a couple of image files, making vampire versions of each class should be easy, especially if you can already nail the style in the game.

That would make sense yeah, Fight enough beasts, get a trait to be extra effective against beasts, fight enough in the dark, get less frightened by the dark

DD is one heck of a dichotomy. As great as the artistic design is, the gameplay has only gotten worse somehow.

Holding down both shoulder buttons on the controller tends to be pretty effective.

That's kinda the whole point being made


That's the worst part of DD, if there is ever a time the player base has found a super effective combination Red Hook instantly nerfs the shit out of it because they despise the idea someone can cut through their bullshit.

If a dude can just crit your healer to death in a game where there's no defence against that and huge penalties for death, it's called a luck based game.

Its what stopped me from playing
It was just frustrating to find something useful then get it destroyed

Don't forget that time someone figured out how to beat the final boss without the 2 mandatory forced deaths. Of course it got patched out

Corpse removal is extremely important against these.

only game that was better in EA than after full release?

I don't see the appeal