Player Voice Actor
ITT: Remove one mechanic/element from a game to make it better
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You would have to remove everything to make fallout 4 better.
You're trying really hard to fit in.
Equipment degradation.
Remove it. It adds nothing interesting except forcing you to spend resources. If you want to tax the player in such a way simply increase resource scarcity instead of making him spend them for no good reason.
remove linear level design
Agreed, resource allocation should be to improve things, not to prevent them from becoming shitty.
Remove writers and/or attempt at a story
C'mon man, there is nothing wrong with a story.
Remove the Story breaking the flow of the game instead.
Equipment degradation adds realism and a measure of challenge depending on what game you're playing. Whether or not a game has it depends on how 'real' you want it to be.
There's everything wrong with new pokemon stories
That's to counter-balance the possibility that you can obtain that one good item and then keep it forever.
They just need to stop pandering to the mobile audience. The biggest flaw in gen 6 was that there was fuck all to do and it looks like they'll continue that pattern for gen 7
No, just have to mod it and increase the difficulty.
For fuck's sake, it still plays similar to the other fallout games. Are you gonna say those are bad too?
Like shit, I got the full game and add ons for practically nothing. Do I wish it was more like New Vegas? Hell yes, but taking away everything is shitting on the rest of the fallout series by default.
If you think the rest of the fallout games are shit, go ahead and say so.
Forgetting about fo1 and 2
Yes. Fallout 3 is garbage.
Fallout New Vegas is good though.
You're both acting like fags.
Remove the entire ending section with the ghosts/monsters and replace with more soldiers. Also redo Extraction Point since it has way too much of that bs. The monsters just move toward you without regard for the environment. Not challenging in any way, and they don't blow into bits like humans.
I guess in sim game or game focused heavily on repairing things it's ok. But when it's just "spend x resource or it will do less damage", there's no
The writing is fucking awful, and the "CHOICES" are boring as a result. Pic related.
Just one?
Obviously Ori didn't need the skill tree leveling system, but I don't think it needed any direct combat either. Avoiding and outmaneuvering enemies, or outsmarting them so they kill themselves, would have been a much better fit.
Make the inability to make a move a loss instead of a stalemate (forced forfeiture)
That was my point, though. In games where you go deep in enemy territory for long periods of time (like STALKER) it can serve as a pacing mechanism, plus you'll want to head back to base to restock and rearm anyway. But in Diablo games your limited inventory space is a much better way to pace the gameplay, so in the end repairing your stuff just adds an annoying 10-30 seconds you need to spend in town (depending on how far the blacksmith is). And in SS2 your weapons have a chance to jam when they're in bad condition, but repairing that shit is a different skillset from maintaining it. So in the end you put skillpoints into Maintenance to avoid having to put skillpoints into Repair (and because Maintenance gives a battery life bonus). This all serves to make Repair incredibly situational.
You're talking about games where you can't repair things, it seems. I don't have a problem with those. I have a problem when you can repair your equipment but it's only pointless busywork.
Remove the pod system. I fucking hate it. I would gladly sacrifice my right testicle if it meant Long War managed to take that shit out of the game. Just make the aliens active from the start of the mission.
Just the fact that it's a thing that can happen reveals deep flaws within the game's design
It's shit
Remove kindling bonfires past 5 estus flasks. I thought the game was reasonably difficult until I found out you could just run around with 20 estus flasks and chug all day.
Bonus points if you start out with one estus, bonfires can be kindled to 5 with 1 humanity per estus, and resting at a bonfire with less max estus than what you currently have will remove some of yours until you are at the maximum. Also remove humanity healing.
I'm conflicted over healing in Dark Souls. Having 20 available is right out though.
I only agree with removing humanity healing when offline. Part of it being available is that you expose yourself to every hostile player. Without that threat, it's just down to whatever scripted offline summons you run into.
Would you prefer to have nobody voice the characters and have text bubbles a long with funny sounds like wind waker does?
Fuck off Todd
Having to find objects in order to progress in research.
Oh Jesus Christ, don't even talk to me about that shit.
Can you mod the shitty writing out of the game? What about real skills and the old SPECIAL system?
Can you mod in a DEEP LORE world like FO1 and New Vegas did? Because FO4's world is basically just there for the player to fuck around in. New Vegas had level design that revolved around suspension of disbelief as opposed to "looting simulator".
remove traps
muh linux
I think you're confusing how humanity works in DaS1 with 2, 3, and DeS. Using a humanity item does not make you human, it just increments your soft humanity counter. You can spend soft humanity at a bonfire to become human and eligible for invading.
That is byfar the best solution to dialogue and anyone that thinks otherwise is a casual. Full voice acting is cancer, no voice acting means you might as well just read a book, but semi voice acting is something only games do well.
You can read at your own pace, you can get the tone and voice of the character from each quip, and they can match poses and expressions of the characters while they play.
Look guys it's pokemon is competitive user again
Also bring back the original artsyle and music
i think theres a mod for the music, though some of the new music has grown on me. at this point i just prefer the variety of owh+ which had more than one song per area
You're right. I forgot.
Critical hits.
Also applies to any competitive game.
Without it the game would have been a decent Dark Cloud spiritual successor.
What's the matter user, you DON'T want to spend 100's of hours grinding the same mission OVER AND OVER AND OVER to get up to rank 15 ? talk about entitled
I would say remove the entire multiplayer shit entirely. The pre-alpha footage looked so good with what you could do with the NPC party members, but then Capcom switched platforms for Monster Hunter, and Sony went insane trying to make thirty thousand hunting games to fill the void. The monster hunting multiplayer shit was so tacked on that it screamed "Look at how much of our dev time Sony forced us to fuck over to put this shit in the game!" Don't even get me started on how horrific the class balance was, either.
or only have important dialogue voice acted and fluff and side quests are text and short lines, full blown voice acting seems to consistently cause a quality drop due to its time and cash consumption
The biggest flaw in gen 7 is that the NPCs never shut the fuck up and leave you alone for more than five seconds.
Remove the memes
Just kidding
Equipment durability.
Press "Q" or "H" to be told exactly where to go in a story game. I understand a mechanic to remind you of the story, good if you take long breaks. Having a compass and the ability to mark a map saves one from constantly opening a map. But having an arrow that one could follow like a mindless tard is pointless. Either the creator think players are tards and cannot understand the story to figure out what to do next, or the writers and level designers failed since you need deus ex machina arrow to show you the way. Worst case of this was Bioshock Infinite. If you are going to have that kind of mechanic then go all the way. Press 'H' and the game plays itself. It shoots for you, does conversation for you, and even finds secrets for you. Basically it is a press 'H' for silent lets play button. \
Another is respawn points right before the instant failure state. If you fail and then get right back up only 30sec prior to the event, fuck it why bother. Instead just tell the player they failed and can either continue on and pretend like they succeeded or go back to the last major story point.
How about things to bring back?
Save points!
So is FO4 top down like 1 and 2?
Yes Todd, FO3 eats ass and you know it.
I bet you hate aliens too, you faggot.
I believe you mean random Critical Hits. Critical hits for fulfilling certain circumstances are perfectly fine.
good job removing a great gameplay element fucko
Removing non-whites from chess would be removing a game element.
The industry
Then what are you supposed to kill?
White liberals
You're one of MJ-12, aren't you?
Remove protagonist. Why the fuck even make me make a character then make some other shitter the main character I play as most and oftentimes abandon my created character and go solo with said main character. Fucking nips and stupid ideas.
Prove me wrong
You can't
Why is ron paul in that pic, he has been sucking liberal cock for a while now
Remove shotos and shoto clones
I can tell you're one of those fags who has to use the "optimal" strategy 100% of the time, even when it deprives you of fun and ruins the challenge. I bet you use the Drake Sword too you nigger. Whatever happened to self-restraint? If kindling to 20 sips makes the game too easy, how about not fucking kindling that high?
it's not even a decent shooter.
The thread is about removing something to make the game better. "Just don't use the unbalanced thing" doesn't excuse poor balance.
Can you mod the lore rape, the shitty writing, the cringeworthy "humor", the simplified RPG elements and the engine? No, you can't.
This confirms the only Fallout games you've ever played were Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4.
As I said, Fallout 4 is nothing more than a shooter based on an RPG made by people that never even played the first games in the series. The entire thing is lore rape.
You can never have perfect balance, and fags like him are the reason we have singleplayer/coop games getting fucking "balance" patches that gut every single fun thing about the game until it dies.
To be fair, being able to go the UNATCO route and take out Tracer Tong would be pretty damn neat.
Ehh, while overall fallout 4 was a bad game, it was full of great ideas that just weren't properly applied. The gameplay was pretty decent and would be amazing if they simply increased the damage you did and took. and the power armor was great. I also like how the brotherhood of steel aren't as white knightey in fo4, shame the writing is so shit.
personally i think it's a good build/scavenge simulator, but still a bad rpg.
it works if you ignore the fact it's a mainline fallout game and pretend it's a spin-off, basically Fallout Crossing.
no, it really wasn't. everything, literally everything in the game worth noticing, was taken directly from FO3/NV mods. everything original was either boring (the husband/wife angle, for example) or just plain bad (the story, writing, roughly 85% of the voice acting, the dialogue wheel)
without trying to exaggerate or sound like your average Holla Forums "i hate everything and everyone" fo4 is the only videogame that i genuinely regret even pirating. what a waste of bandwidth for such a genuinely bad game. it's worth noting that i finished the entire game and can clearly remember like five parts; everything else is just a grey blur of mediocrity
Replace RNG with Dark Messiah combat. Tell me I have not perfected video games.
For you.
Morrowind doesn't have RPG combat. It has Action game combat using RNG elements. To be fair, it's not as awful as people claim. Just build your character with a high weapon skill and good agility, you should hit every time.
Further improvement could come from incorporating Daggerfall combat where you actually swing your weapon in order to attack.
Not being turn based doesn't make it less RPG.
Morrowind already has this, just use the directional keys.
Remove the in-game vocalizations. All the grunts and shit. They can keep the hilaribad cutscenes though.
Removing training cap from Skyrim would be easy mode. One simple money sink to fix the fact you have way too much money in this game.
I am voting removing permadeath from all rouge cloning failures with RNG. Only games where you could beat a game by doping literally same thing 20 times but at 20th time you get legendary weapon from first crate and it is super easy.
Like the settlement system they stolen from RTS mod that was here since FO3?
one thing just isnt enough for fallout 4, but i would go go with the crafting/garbage collecting. having to pick up every piece of trash that has skrews in it so you can get your linear upgrade progression going just isnt fun in any way.
one game that would actualy become much better by removing a feature would be
seperate the game into chapters instead, one in velen, one in novigrad & oxenfurt and one in skellige. all the best parts of the game are still there and it has way more direction, the narrative is more cohesive and the balancing wouldnt be better.
it plays like fallout 3 and that was pretty bad. it doesnt have a single piece of good writing in it. the voiced character is a shit. muh four dialogue options. retarded story. retarded characters. retarded world design. retarded gameplay design. and so on, and so fuck you i fell for the bait.
I really wish that developers would stop being so afraid of dividing games up into different chapters. The best way of handling it was probably how Guild Wars did Pre-Searing Ascalon.
Holy shit how bad can you be at video games
come on Todd, you need to take a break at some point
it makes me laugh every single time
Tripping from Brawl
Can't believe no one got that yet.
Kinda agree.
I preferred Ni-Oh's approach, where you inflict more damage if you land blows on an opponent's back, but no animation bullshit.
There are people who play Skyrim without an unlimited training mod?
RNG combat makes sense. The only reason you hate it is because you think "missing" actually represents missing, when in fact it represents an ineffective hit, for example swung too weakly or hit a well-armored part of your enemy. If the sound effect for missing in Morrowind were a chink instead of a whiff everyone would have intuitively understood this and no one would have ever complained.
Remove the dodge charge mechanic. It's completely useless in a twitch action game/bullet hell shooter like this, and its inclusion means your normal dodges are delayed until you release the button instead of coming out when you tap it. The game has some other mechanical problems, but those are either unintended exploits or poor damage balance on the developers' part, both of which are honest mistakes I can forgive. The dodge charge mechanic makes no goddamn sense and actively fucks up the uncharged dodges.
That wouldn't fix the degenerate chaingrabs, the floaty jumps, lack of air momentum, absence of L-cancelling, presence of hitstun cancelling, crippling move staling, or Meta Knight. Brawl has too many problems to be fixed with just one change.
I never found this to be a problem myself. Charged dodges seem to be distinct from tap dodges such that the latter aren't delayed at all. Further, I'd say charged dodges are useful in some situations, namely when you have to dodge a large attack that is well telegraphed.
Or a large bullet pattern, like the last phase of boss 7.
I don't think there's anything to change about MGR or remove, it's perfect the way it is
increase the memes
I'd remove full healing from taking spines. Maybe a third of your health or something. Walking into a fight at 10%, then killing one mook, and now you're fully healed and usually receiving a full ripper bar removes most of the consequence of ever doing badly. I'd also make ripper mode harder to obtain, like it steadily draining back to a regular energy bar outside of combat, just so you can't horde it to instantly kill your way through specific fights that are meant to be difficult. Also, fuck the weapon swapping system. There's no reason you should have to be standing still to equip something. Having a reason to use most of the items and weapons more than once or twice in the whole game would help, too.
Final touch would be to add one bonus difficulty where your energy bar is your health bar, and it constantly slowly drains like Shinobi. The risk-reward would be through the roof, and it's a lot more interesting than just yet another enemy damage buff.
Remove some effort from level design and put it in all the other areas.
And make a fucking remake because this game is pure glory.
No, I'm not spending my shekels, either.
Make the button mapping not retarded, too. And maybe it so the camera won't fuck up your parry inputs when you get backed into a corner.
It's not over yet!
God you're right about that one. Mods can't even fix the horseshit that is FO4's voice acting/ dialogue set up. Really depressing, honestly. What's more: very low chance of a New Vegas situation where the game is out in more capable hands.
remove vampires
dungeon/raid finder
it's not gonna fix all the shit, but it would be the first correct step they've done in years
God Hand
Boring. Also, make it so you can't dodge cancel guard break moves. Some enemies do an auto-counter attack if you whiff a GB, but it accomplishes nothing except letting you trap them in a pattern.
but dodging everything is one of the things that makes the game so good
Well if not that, then just get rid of the always-counter-GB thing. You can bullshit your way through some really tough fights because of that, like Great Sensei.
Make it so you can't dodge-cancel guardbreak moves, not so you can't dodge period.
if its going to play like everquest, shouldnt it be tab targeted combat?
But in Morrowind, the 3 attack types just do different amounts of damage based on what weapon you're using. They don't affect the accuracy like in Daggerfall. There's no good reason to use your weaker attacks. The game even gives you the option to only use your best attack.
You can mod it to increase damage given and taken
They also put out survival mode that does similar
Reminded me of FNV survival mode
Check it out. According to this, I can get a nobody off the street and pay him $50 to record him reading a dictionary for at least 20 minutes and I have his voice forever.
Remove no jetpack parts.
New Vegas was good in spite of the shitty engine it was on. In terms of gameplay all modern Fallout games are garbage. New Vegas was good because of it's world building and choice, not because it was a shitty broken first person shooter.
I never said it started with three, but that it plays like the other games. Fucking everyone knows I was referring to 3 and NV. I wasn't dissing the first two by saying that.
The writing is alright at times, and meh at other times.
I modded my way around basically everything but the main story, and it's enjoyable to a degree that way. I get more wrapped up in my own storytelling than the game's anyway so I admit that the specific way I play might not be fun for others.
Or maybe you just have shit taste and are an autist. Like I said: fuck off back to reddit.
This is why I consider Bethesda products to be toys and not games and it's perfectly fine to play with toys and create your own fun, just please don't pay for them.
I said I made it fun for me specifically, not that it made the game fun for other people, fucking idiot.
You're strawmanning the point I am trying to make, you fucking reductionist.
Remove the time limit from every single game that has one and let me play the fucking game.
Every time.
Dark Souls
It's more fun and tense to run past everything. Steal the boss' treasure or macguffin or what ever and then gtfo.
good ass game
remove noise cards, they were busted as shit and only cheaters and nips got them so seeing a jap Rouge noise player meant any time he hit you it was worth 1000 damage (best health you can possibly hope for is like 3600 but you lose so many resources going for that it's not worth it) and got him to 800% noise (meaning next turn he can finalize and spam 500 damage giga chips 3 times minimum for 3 turns with a capped stat buster)
Remove the ki charge button and have it back to what it was in the budokai games, It demands every input and hotkey is mapped with no spare button on the controller and I liked to have 2 block buttons (one for blocking and one for canceling)
Remove the fucking need for making the best non metal trait slime monster in the game requirement be Japanese around launch time or become the fucking champion in wifi mode, wifi's fucking dead so how the fuck am I meant to get it for my autism, also remove what ever is stopping you from releasing the remakes of he first 2 DQM and DWMJ3 over here.
Remove parrying.
Would make the game so much more fun if it was about dodging attacks instead of blocking them.
Remove Kebab
remove all flying units.
this actually applies to 90% of RTS
Chaos system. Why make lethal method so fun then punish the player with bad ending. Lethal is not really an 'easy-path' either, you have to be quick with your gadgets, upgrade and use powers wisely to fight through enemies stealth or assault so there are no justifications for the punishment. 'Play your way', my bollocks.
Chaos system, voiced protagonists, the Outsider talks too much and gives out too much unnecessary expositions, the main cast just need to learn to shut up and let the story unravels itself.
i played through this game repeatedly with different builds. not once did i get more than 5 estus flasks…. is that what kindling does? i thought it was some online feature so i avoided it. (i only played as hollow. i never cooped. i never kindled. i didnt have online i played it on xbox360
Dark Souls 3 or any Souls game. My suggestion is simple.
Fuck that, remove walking from every fps. Make it so player always sprints.
and replace it with a walking simulator walking pace. both enemies and player.
you need to relax.
timing has its time/place. but it is often misused as a way to easily make something more difficult instead of addressing the problem. kind of like how regenerating health cheaply solves the problem of where to put in health pickups to make the game appropriately difficult.
Then it'd be just bayonetta with a much smaller moveset
"Oh shit theres a fucking giant demon thats got a huge ass cleaver!"
"Ah… Fresh meat!"
"Where did all of these skeletons come from and why are they attacking?!"
"Now that Diablo is dead, I'm going to cut out this here soulstone and jam it into my fucking skull!"
user, I don't think you've ever played a Diablo game if you think Realism is a thing in those games.
More blonde Jill tbh
Blonde jill is inferior though.
But she makes me hard though
those tiddies hojly fug
I like them inferior, if you know what I mean
For me, it's more the outfit. God damn is that outfit sexy as hell.
everywhere it's ever been trid
Make it as fucking brutal as you want, remove any of that shit and the slow gently buildup, just drop me in and say "Good luck, you had better have played the previous games"
Play Rune Factory 4, you can take your sweetass time with everything, there's an unbelievable amount of shit you can, but don't' have to do, and there's a good variety in the romanceable partners
You can even have a legit catgirl monster, or the townfolk come on battle adventures with you
And no, you can't put a room below another one, I tried that.
Diablo is a pretty realistic setting, all things considered.
For one thing, demons are real and they can play a pretty bitchin' mushroom organ solo. I don't know why these chickenshits are running away. Maybe they were too scared of getting their faces melted off by The Power of Rock n' Roll!
But anyway, let me refute your points:
1. Diablo's really an alien. Those probably exist, people get beamed up like in Star Trek and come back with souvenirs.
2. Big whoop, it's a common occurrence. There's more Kosher delis than you think.
3. Those are not skeletons: those are terminators.
4. It's a medically necessary procedure. People spend years trying to get degrees in that.
So yeah, it's a thing.
Replace the current turn-based combat/movement system with one made by a westren dev, you know SOMEONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO MAKE A FUCKING TURN-BASED STRATEGY GAME?!
you mean like x-com? both those games have shitty mechanics.
You can get pretty close to the real thing nowadays with modern source port tricks.
This right here. "semi voice acting" is by far the best. I even enjoyed the Rune Factory 3 dubs (voice acted in that fashion) because it actually works pretty well. Full voice acting ruins any sense of immersion unless it is absolutely top notch, but little voice clips or mumbles to match the tone of what is being said works great. Saves money and leads to a more immersive game.
It's all fine as long as you avoid having recurring voice clips in gameplay. Playing the same shitty quotes 100 times each throughout the game is just an obnoxious way to burn money.
i call bullshit
The problem with 4 is that the waifu selection is terrible in a game about waifuing. The elf musician girl is the only good one.
And IIRC you could ignore runeys if you know what you're doing.
Only in role playing games, or games where you control the character dialogue. If the story is fixed, then voice acting is absolutely fine, so long as you don't go full retard and have them talk all the fucking time.
pic unrelated
Yeah, sure, because you can totally aim and shoot accurately in a full on sprint you dumb noguns retard.