I will never understand the streamer concept. Lets plays i get the voice over since those can be slow, methodically autistic and in segments all archived. Who gives a fuck about someone talking live?
I dont understand, i just do not get it at all.
I will never understand the streamer concept. Lets plays i get the voice over since those can be slow, methodically autistic and in segments all archived. Who gives a fuck about someone talking live?
I dont understand, i just do not get it at all.
and like fuck i'm using facebook to contact them.
People aren't experts on everything.
They want someone who is an expert on the thing they're watching to tell them about it so they can be both entertained and maybe learn something in the process.
Your friend was hoping you were one of those people because he probably thought you were interesting enough to be.
Consider why fighting sports have announcers.
Use Discord/Kik/gab.ai
Jesus fuck user, this is exactly how you ruin your own threads
Motherfucker i have tried telling them this shit for months, we all know some people are plebs and never ever listen.
Every time with these people.
non free? fuck you mean nigger its free
found your problem
No wonder Holla Forums is fucking dead. I'm the only on topic post and you retards are sperging out about chat software. Fuck this. I'm out.
I don't know what happened to this place and I don't think i want to know.
He means free as in freedom, not free as in free beer. English is stupid.
you were expecting a conversation? on Holla Forums where do you think we are heres a picture i got it from a google search from reddit if you want a conversation about your blogpost go fist your tranny fanny on reddit faggot
fucking hell cunt its almost as if the english came up with another word for free software in the way hes talking, like say open source software
Normalfags need to kys.
maybe 15 years ago jiji
No, now too, normalfags love "old classics that show how hip I am".
Yeah "old classics" like FFX. Retro for normalfags means PS2 and Xbox. You slept too long Dranpa.
If I didn't die in my sleep it means I slept too short.
Nigga you died in your sleep and didn't notice, how else would current year make sense?
No traps. Traps are gay as fuck.
Just futas.
Since fucking when? Who are you fucking people? Get out of my house.
For quite some time now.
People from halfchan Holla Forums that have been mentally conditioned to basically shitpost and bait 24/7, and Holla Forumstards (i'm gonna get shit for saying this, but it's the truth).
idk. I find talking faggots have made it impossible for me to enjoy streams
Well what the fuck happened? I demand an explanation.
May as well use skype at that point
trump won now once again we are in a period where Holla Forums thinks every board is Holla Forums
For halfchan Holla Forums, 4chan is dying, so they've got nowhere else to go.
(also they hear this is totally the coolest place for edgy kids to be and it will make you an internet tough guy, it's Holla Forums on steroid guyz!)
For Holla Forumstards, Holla Forums is the single most visited board on Holla Forums, and Holla Forums has a reputation of being Holla Forums puppet, so it's not rocket science why the two boards bleed into each other.
Really it's not that complicated.
I'm Holla Forums and this has always been the case. Every board is Holla Forums. That didn't answer my question.
When did this board become shit. Something had to have happened. 4ch became shit because of gamergate and moot. What happened to 8ch?
Open source software is not the same as free software. There is often overlap, but they are not the same.
We're trying to explain it to you, but you're probably unable to understand.
Spineless cuck confirmed. Might as well kill yourself now.
Nice projection there.
Making a guess based on my experiences with people isn't projection you fucking idiot. I'm done. Fuck this board.
It's not a projection, it's a reasonable assumption.
that's why people watch LPs, they want them to be informative, entertaining, or both.
Sure, what most people find entertaining might seem retarded to you, but that's beside the point.
And what they find informative might seem boring to you, but that's also beside the point.
I think it's entropy, myself. Shit just falls apart when people get comfortable and run out of things to say. On the other hand, i also assume everything was shit to begin with, and it's just flaring up again; i can only imagine the reaction even years ago if someone had a screenshot of them using IE instead of Firefox.
If it's a small group of people who know each other, it's just a way to shoot the shit with vidya as a conversation theme. But more often than not, game streaming falls into the surrogate friend territory, with the streamer offering their services as that pretend-friend for a few hours each night. Many streamers who make money are crafty in how their overlay is set out, and in how to get audience participation (donate to say something on stream). There's a lot of lonely people out there who want friendship, and find that game streamers are a way to get that since game streamers are very talkative and talk about their personal lives or other shit more than the game itself.
The thing about streaming is that it doesn't matter if the flow of the game is ruined by the streamer being spastically loud and/or bad at the game. That's what a lot of people don't get. The game isn't the product. The game is the platform. The streamer is the product.
Because I'm just a big dummy from Holla Forums right? Go fuck yourself.
I'm looking for an event. Something big that caused massive damage that I missed during election time. That should have been obvious by what I said. If there was no event that is fine. I just want to know if something specific happened.
Probably a reasonable explanation.
More or less.
Holla Forums is unable to have normal, coherent discussions, it's 90% dank memeing, shitposting, and baiting.
Thus when i say that the place you use every day is fucking shit and when it bleeds into Holla Forums it brings down the collective IQ and turns everyone into rabid shitflinging apes, you're obviously going to reject this notion (because "i had good discussion, that must mean i'm the majority" and so on).
So it's sorta pointless to continue this conversation, as you're just going to reject everything i present to you as it hurts the image of the "tribe" you associate yourself with.
I don't think any of those people are actually from Holla Forums. There was this entire write up on how to divide and conquer boards and make everyone hate eachother and it involved doing things like going to other boards and stirring up shit while pretending to be a member of another board. It's pretty easy to do since we're all anonymous.
Do you see how fucking stupid you sound? I haven't done any of the bullshit you're talking about but you write me off because of my "tribe."
I don't adhere to any identity. Only an ideology that involves removing bankers of a certain ethnicity from all factors of society. Something we can all get behind.
nice blogpost mate
I watch streams of high-level players for a couple games I like. Basically lets me see how pros play, and maybe improve my own playstyle from watching. Also used to stream games for my daughter when she lived across the country from me.
You're doing a fine job of ruining the thread without OP's help you big autist you.
Fuck off. I'm tired of seeing Holla Forums trying to make every board "Holla Forums with X".
You're the one talking about it. I didn't come here to talk about international bankers of a certain ethnicity.
I came here to talk about the OP, and then thread got fucked by idiots.
You're the only one talking about Holla Forums
That's wrong, it seems that way because pol is overrun by spambots, send by people with globalist (anti-nationalist) agenda.
Shut the fuck up memelord. God, Holla Forums just never shuts up about the jews I swear.
I wish your mom would cut the internet access from her basement.
Please user.
I'm glad more and more on Holla Forums are waking up to the cancer that is Holla Forums. There's a reason why halfchan raped you faggots for a week.
Just shut the fuck up you triggered double nigger christ I come here for video games not your tears
Whyyy, every thread you bring this up. For fuck sake
This is what they do user. They invade places, false flag and try to build a consensus against what they think is their opposition.
Position multiple people around the room to agree with them at decisive moments.
We'll have to fight this shit forever. They will never ever stop. Because someone is paying them.
It's just so fucking stupid.
Like, grow a fucking pair of balls you utter pussies. Learn to banter. For fuck saaaake
Maybe if good threads stop being hijacked by interboard shitposters and goons.
Oh! Oh! This is the best part. After stirring up all that shit and shit talking other boards they get to act indignant when the other board shows up to defend itself.
You fucking homosexual.
What are you talking about, you double nigger? If you want le epic bantz go to Holla Forums or /operate/.
And you nigger faggots never fucking enjoy vidya at all and go out of your way on ruining the fun for others.
Oy Vey Holla Forums is antisemetic shut it down
I am literally saying to both sides to FUCK OFF
You double nigger
Go back to 4chan if you cant read post ID's.
You reek of leddit. Leave. Holla Forums is about videogames, not politics of chan bantz. Stop raping my threads.
That's what I'm fucking saying!
Christ fuck yourself
You're the one who needs to go back if you can't take my memeing
user do you know what a post ID is?
Do you really want a Holla Forums where everyone has to censor himself to prevent any mention of the Jew so spergs like you don't get their cunt all salty and start pissing themselves?
Fuck off from Holla Forums if you can't handle the tiniest banter, or better yet, fucking kill yourself for being a false flagging board shitter.
JESUS Christ now I accused the wrong user.
You know who you are, I know there is some raiding going on to stir up shit and to make every board hate Holla Forums.
Your petty false flag doesn't work, stop doing that shit.
Yes the one thingy branding you a retard homo who needs thwe feel to do this every thread instead of fucking talking vidya
well aren't you a massive hypocrite faggot
if you want a board about video games where everybody watches what they say to avoid politics, then go to any other one.
oh wait, i got that wrong, every other board would probably ban you for not signaling every other post about how much you love Hillary and hate those misogynist gamergays. But hey, none of them ever talk about Jews!
Pick your poison.
No worries, I thought it was weird you targetted me when we're on the exact same page. We know our own and we're all getting sick of this sensitive shit. We are h8chan.
So, time to VIDEO GAMES
Has a streamer/let's player ever influenced you to buy something?
Do you think their time is up what with reaction videos becoming more prevalent (h3h3, idubbz, fuck even JonTron etc)
Are there any that you enjoy? Don't be shy now
Jontron actually is ok. Nixxiom when he isnt sucking legion up is ok. But actually buy a shit? Nah.
Surrogate friendship.
Answering my own questions but I'm grabbing this train and forging Spirit Tracks.
ProJared and the Normal Boots crew have definitely influenced me in my younger years but since the "HAHA LOOT CRATE" shit I've become increasingly more cynical and just look at the gameplay. Hell I didn't buy Xenoverse 2 and I'm the biggest dbz fan.
Recently I'd say PBG did make me **pirate* death road to canada, I enjoyed it and so I bought it.
I think their time is up, yeah.
Currently: AlphaRad, ProJared, PBG, MasakoX, Dunkey, Criken2, Mega64, Dodger but only because she's cute
I enjoy the more autistic ones more (the normal boots guys/the hidden block guys) there's something really pleasant about how they freak out on pointless shit or praise obvious pandering. I don't even know why I like it.
The shame is unbearable. The buyer's remorse burns in my chest.
I have bought GTA V off sale in a moment of weakness after watching Funhaus. It took me 10 hours to notice just how empty and boring the world is and how no-fun the cops are, not to mention the casualized driving and the soulcrushing grindfest that is online.
This cancer won't move for a long time, I fear, they are basically free marketing and they sell quirky youtuber bait to millions of suckers.
I used to enjoy Funhaus, but after getting banned from their streams for very mildly shitting on John Flynt WHILE THE FAGS WERE PLAYING REVOLUTION 60 made me unsubscribe and never look back. They weren't that funny to begin with tbh.
I sometimes watch a video of AH.
This is what ultimately happens when you keep encouraging redditors and twatter users to set up shop here instead of keeping them the fuck out. I said this shit was going to happen back when Hotwheels first said he wanted to attract these retards. Now I see probably a dozen threads a day where newfags don't understand their samefagging is obvious with the ID system, freak out over a tor poster's ID, post soundless WebMs when there's a version already floating around with audio, legitimately use sage as a downvote, post filtered links and then complain that their links were broken, fail at using redtext or spoilers, or generally format their posts as if they're still trying to post on Reddit. And all of that's before even mentioning the occasional raids we seem to be suffering from.
Thing is, that's how it used to be here. Shitposting used to be minimal, console war threads were shut down the second they popped up, and the general atmosphere and culture here was a lot more conducive to proper vidya conversations. It's been depressing seeing Holla Forums fall to this state so quickly, it's like watching halfchan's history repeat itself in fast-forward.
As for OP's post.. the thing I don't understand is the obsession with facecams. It's gotten to the point where if someone streams on say Twitch without a facecam at least half of the questions asked in chat tend to be 'y no facecam tho', and said streamers tend to struggle with maintaining viewer counts in the double digits. And don't even get me started on female streamers and how they format their streams (though ultimately I blame their viewer base more than anything).
Did you ever ask him why he expected this to begin with? I'm somewhat curious as to what the answer would have been.
No, but watching people have fun with Demon's Souls got me to play it. Best 20 bucks I ever spent.
I'm sure streamers will always have an audience.
John tron is OK. Watching video games is like watching sports. I'd rather just be playing the damn thing.
Livestreams are good, in the sense that spontaneous comedy is good; you occasionally hit a comedy goldmine, but you have to wait a while for it to materialize .
but it's generally shit tbh
And here we see >>>Holla Forums attempting to ingrain their pinko faggotry in unrelated threads.
This is Holla Forums you dumb double nigger faggot. Get the fuck out.
kys alphablaster
The web version of a " loz I`m so deepressed everyone. Look at me" aka bleeding over time with no major event right before the election. (very condensed version) First there was HW dropping out of communication for months on end, then two failed migrations while Josh failed on both occasions to do developer 101 (test before deployment), next the sale of Holla Forums to Jim and most of the global moderation team leaving