Where did the time go, Holla Forums?
It's been ten years since the PlayStation 3 was first released in Japan
And still games come out for it…
…while games for it are cheap as fuck and it can be easily upgraded by a 2.5" HDD.
I love my PS3
Surprisingly solid console. I bought one last year because it was cheap.
a bit of advice
and it still has no games
it went into making this shit thread
The PSX is old enough to buy a pistol.
The Atari 5200 is old enough to run for president.
But is the PS3 worth a buy nowadays?
That list is way too generous on what should be "recommended," but I'd still say a PS3 is worth a buy if you don't have one, sure.
If you can get one cheap enough, sure. It's at the point now where the best of the best games for it are already released, and available secondhand at great discounted prices. I got one for free from a coworker a few years back, but I gave him a Dreamcast, controller, VMU (with cap), and Shenmue in exchange because I will not be on the downside of an exchange.
Yep and this came out today in PAL. So I still use mine.
Depends if you're really into JRPGs and VNs.
Yes, fantastic machine once its got CFW on it.
500 good games > 3 console weeaboo exclusives that sucked dick
Into no games.
I have a few questions about some random PS3 titles.
How were Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction and Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time? I've heard both of them were better than Quest for Booty and Into the Nexus.
Is 3D Dot Game Heroes anything more than a nostalgia trip?
Any opinions about Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch? Seems like an odd version of Pokemon when you get past the plot and the art style.
I can't really think of anything bad to say about Gran Turismo 6. It even has its own versions of classic Christmas songs that play during the holiday season.
What a shit list
Sorry I take it back.
Didn't see that racing list, still mediocre tho.
B-but the PS2 just came out, right?
its really not good for the pipes
It actually has something of a decent library these days, but then again it's pretty much the end of stuff coming out for it (Persona 5 the last big release coming in the west?) and took its sweet time getting out of the NO GAEMS phase.
Been considering doing one of those specific to anons here since I'm pretty sure that one's a halfchan one (that one has other issues beyond that; import titles not always having an actually clear name for people to search), but PS3 discussion isn't the most frequent these days, which makes it a bit hard to get input.
From what I recall hearing (I never got around to playing it, so take this with a grain of salt I suppose), Ni No Kuni has some rather notable issues with the combat, particularly the AI for allies, or something.
I suppose maybe importing would have been more expensive, but even if they didn't work on it, you still gave NISA money for a game when the system is region free.
Here I am again, with more questions about PS3 games.
Is Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds actually worth getting? How does it compare to other games in the series? I have never played a golf video game in my life, or even heard a peep about the series from Holla Forums.
How short is Heavenly Sword, really? Its length kept me away from it since it was overpriced for such a short game, but now its cheap.
What is the best musou game for the PS3? For some reason, most of the Gundam ones got panned in the west. Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn only got a European western physical release apparently, with english subs + english text for menus and such, but it looks to be the best of them. It also has an over the top trailer, embed related. Theres also One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2, which looks fun as fuck honestly, but theres also two others in the series on PS3. Which one of the three are the best? I obviously need to pay more attention to these Japanese games that quietly got western releases.
The Yakuza games look great, but I have not played a Yakuza game ever. Looks like I'll play the PS2 ones first, but it'd be nice to know about any weird problems with the PS3 titles.
Theres also all those games that only got a Japanese release, like Gundam Breaker 2 which looks like a fantastic mech game, but sadly its mostly in Kanji. Did anyone actually buy a lot of imports here? I'd like to hear about them, since I've heard virtually nothing beyond the occassional random user's fervent rage about their titty anime quest being nippon only.
Exclusives only or consoles only, or both? I can give you a little input based on my experience.
Gran Turismo 6 is a very nice exclusive simcade racing game, although I guess longtime fans of the series might see more flaws than me. Car damage isn't the point of the game, so those effects are limited.
Killzone 2 has your run of the mill FPS campaign, with a mech sequence and a turret sequence. Maybe the enemies are a little more interesting than a random Call of Duty game. Nice graphics I guess, but limited colorscheme. Its multiplayer was lots of fun, had on the fly objective changes and some just generally good team vs team fighting, no idea if the servers are still up. Movement is slow and sluggish, sort of on purpose.
There are some good multiplats, like The Darkness, which honestly has a better plot than the mediocre comic series, and its gameplay quality is Starbreeze before Starbreeze went downhill, at least in singleplayer.
Obviously Red Dead Redemption is pretty good for what it is, although somewhat overrated.
Armored Core: For Answer is a really mixed bag. The speedy super fast gameplay probably won't appeal to fans of other Armored Core games. MASSIVE FPS drops in some levels, especially Motherwill, the one with the giant cannons. Its a sim-mech game at its core, so new players may have a rough time figuring it out. Can do LAN apparently if you have a bunch of friends with PS3s and their own copies of the game, servers went down a while ago, 2 player split screen has shrunk screens and 1vs1 only.
Don't buy Bayonetta for the PS3, it has horrible framerate that ruins the game if you haven't heard.
I heard that too, just wondering if their stupidity gets in the way and is annoying or if you can just ignore/not use allies.
Everybody knows, is that, PS3 make the best game. Nah mean nigga? Sony always wins baby, you can't beat Sony! You know who likes the Wii and the Xbox Circle? Gay niggaz. Gay niggaz like that shit.
who is that hot dragon? lewd crop pls
Pure cancer
From 2008 onwards it was nothing but trash with rare exceptions.
CFW is the best thing that could happen to it.
Yeah, no.
Fat PS3 is retro-compatible, have plenty of HD ports and CFW PS3s can emulate PS2.
For the time being, both. Provided that a multiplat/port works well enough, anyhow, as I know some (like Bayonetta) work much better on other systems. Here's what's on there as possibilities for now.
If you're planning to emulate or otherwise pirate them, you'll save yourself time finding both and a good bit of money on Yakuza 2, which from what I've seen can range from $45 to $70. Also might be worth mentioning that from what I've heard Yakuza 2 is a notable improvement over the first game, both in gameplay and voicing (having only JP audio compared to how Yakuza 1 was English only here).
I can't recall hearing of any localization issues with Yakuza 4 or 5 (barring Yakuza 5 simply taking forever to come out over here, as Sega pretty much dropped the series from localization for a while after Dead Souls), but Yakuza 3 had content removed to try to make it more appealing to westerners. Sega since learned their lesson after western Yakuza fans justifiably bitched at them over that move.
He doesn't even have to own one, he can just download DeSmuME and pirate something.
Isn't that the game that made its ending DLC?
Didn't play it, but the localization is terrible. Also heard it has framerate issues.
Rented it years ago, it was on the PS3 early, not exactly amazing but I guess you can have fun with it. Twisted Metal seems to do what it was trying to do better.
It got a patch finally?
Isn't that PSN only?
Its a good game but I don't know if the servers are even up anymore, its multiplayer only.
I'd recommend putting Gran Turismo 6 on the list. Motorstorm: Pacific Rift might belong there too, but I have not played it so I dunno.
Also there seems to be a lot of games that are also on PC, like Dark Souls and DMC4. I mean yeah they're alright games, but the list is kinda useless when you put games available on the PC on it, unless you segregate them to their own section.
You mean theres no point in playing Yakuza 1?
I read the list, ouch. I doubt the kind of people who complain about casual racism, mahjong, and hostesses buy these games at all.
I've been compiling it off of what other people have mentioned as being worth putting on there; ones with the "(?)" being ones I really don't know enough about.
No, there is, as the series has an ongoing chronology and while there's synopses in later games of the earlier ones, it's not quite the same as actually experiencing it. I'm just saying that the series goes uphill afterward, so if clunkiness or dub-only audio is a turn off in playing the first one, don't just write the whole series off expecting them all to have those issues.
Yeah, Sega learned there lesson and have left Yakuza 4 and 5 alone. I think they know there's a fanbase here and have opted to try to retain it even if it means keeping the series niche, versus making changes that piss off the existing fans and not netting them any real replacement ones in turn.
playing on my PC.
No big deal with that. I mean, it's deplorable, but, again, with CFW is more than irrelevant and trivial. On itself, the game is good, even with "Ending DLC". I'd say a bigger complain is the game being a QTE galore and a fucking interactive movie. It's just a great shonen movie.
It's worth to play it, as long as you don't pay for it. If you don't like it, you can just drop it.
I don't even remember when the DS emulators came up. I do remember having R4s back in 2009, tho.
warhawk servers are still up for sure. But it's mostly veteran players. There's a lot, even to this day though on it.
You're missing Space marine, which is most active on ps3, and pretty fun MP wise.
lookan for others…
For all the shit it gets, PS all-stars was fun once upon a time, it may still be enjoyable vanilla completely unpatched, or if you can tolerate the balance changes and only play with friends, post patch.
Bayonetta port on ps3 isn't as bad post patch as people cry about. I'd add that.
Hell divers is on ps3, it's a multiplat but it's pretty fun regardless.
Sonic's ultimate genesis collection is the best of all the "collection" games so far.
Space invaders infinity gene is missing, that's a big one, amazing PSN title.
Ratchet and clank HD shouldn't be (?) it earns it's spot on that list with how much nicer it looks and the restored online multiplayer for 3, alone.
Other than space invaders and space marine I was pretty hard-pressed to find anything missing from that list user. Nice work.
Oh wait, there is one other. .Hack//versus that came with the shitty new cgi movie. That game is lots of fun even if you don't know about the games. It's a .Hack fighting game running on that needruto engine storm bamco uses.
I've liked the Ratchet and Clank collection myself, aside from a few graphical gltiches (namely the breath gauge in the first game not visually despawning upon coming back to the surface), but I have seen at least one user say the collection was unplayable for him due to it constantly fucking up, hence the "(?)". Not sure if maybe he had a bad copy of if there might be some compatibility issues with certain PS3 models.
I'll put those other ones mentioned up as possibilities. Still trying to figure out the best way to handle things for graphics of systems where games weren't just physically released. For stuff like this I'd usually put actual cover/box art up for people that actually like to know what to be on the lookout for provided they buy physical copies of stuff, and cover art can work well as being iconic, but there's a number of games where the official western releases don't have any cover art due to not having a physical release, as well as games that were PSN only worldwide and as such don't have any cover art at all.
Oh, forgot to mention. Yeah, ZoE HD did see a patch, for the ZoE2 part anyhow (that being the game people are more prone to loving), thanks to HexaDrive fixing High Voltage's fuckups. It's only the PS3 version that saw the patch though, so 360 owners are left out to dry.
I'd say use the icons. Some psn titles have background art that shows up when you scroll over them, any way you can get that may help.
What, like the stuff that appears as a representation in the XMB? Hadn't thought of that before.
I've thought of that, or at least start-up screen art, but it's occurred to me that it might not always be the easiest to find unless some anons were to upload actual high res screenshots. Also thought of checking the PSN listings for stuff and using screenshot reps from there, but not every game actually saw a digital formatted release (Yakuza 3 for example has no preview images/video on the PSN page as it's disc only and they have no reason to entice you to drop money directly as it's not sold digitally).
Still a shitty list but you get a point for not including any Bioshit title.
Considering how long that one's been around and still has stuff like Yakuza 5, Star Ocean 5 (which the west didn't even get on the PS3), and Atelier Sophie under "upcoming", I highly doubt he's the guy that has worked on that (if so I would expect it to at least have had the formerly upcoming stuff properly added to wherever it needed to go once out).
Also might want to add some of the PSN titles / multiplat digitals from 's list, like scott pilgrim vs. the world, which is pretty alright
Pretty much all the jap gundam games we didn't get are a thousand times better than the shit we got. Go get them, they're better.
Might be wrong, but isn't that officially unavailable on the PSN these days due to licensing issues or something? I suppose I could still add it for people that pirate and have CFW PS3s, but I'd like to make sure I add the right annotation for it if need be.
Yeah, it's gone because Anamanaguchi whined.
Good thing I got CFW because it is a pretty damn fun game and the music is great (their makers not so much…)
You can buy 3rd party activation codes from sites like amazon or gamestop and download it that way. That's it though, piracy aside. It was never renewed licensing wise because Anamanaguchi are full of sjw's and something ubisoft did triggered the shit out of them. Least that's how the story goes.
I always end up liking Sony. Weebstation 2, 3 and 4.
Into a bottle. I've been trying to quit for over a year and alcoholism fucking sucks.
Alright, I'll make a note of that. Seems odd that third-party vendors would still work and it's just absent the PSN directly. Wouldn't they have wanted to do a full block instead of just one company?
I like it once the systems have enough games to warrant buying them. Probably helps that I get into systems kind of late anyhow; better established libraries rather than promises of potential games, and a good amount of earlier released stuff can be rather cheap by that point.
At least that's something you've opted into and can opt out of if you try, rather than genetic related issues. Anyhow, good luck with it.
sound batman, have you tried psychedelics, some people find it helpful?
I'm guessing the stores already paid for those codes and Sony marked them as such, so they still work. Anyone with the game in their library can redownload it, same goes for other expired license games such as After Burner Climax or MvC2.
The only game that was rendered completely inaccessible so far is P.T., but with a proxy trick you can redownload it.
What were they doing? What were they selling? This is one huge fucking joke going on.