Holy shit, the framerate literally sucks dick. Is there a way to run this game at totally steady framerate?

Holy shit, the framerate literally sucks dick. Is there a way to run this game at totally steady framerate?

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deal with it and play it on the original hardware, emulation is for cucks

get on my level fam

That game has always been shit. It's a shitty movie tie-in game that got overblown by hacks like Screwattack and other SO RETRO faggots.

People talk about Halo being an overrated console shooter, but they give this piece of shit a free pass. Better games came out in 1998, but this licensed garbage is always talked about as if it was actually good. I played it back in the day and it was shit.

Play on PC.

This actually does help.

Not sure if bait, too young to remember it's release or legitimately didn't like it.
It was the first FPS I played with stealth elements so that is what made it special to me.
not saying it was the first, just the first I heard of before I had interwebs

I love the damage feedback. Shooting enemies at the legs, the arms, the torso, and the head, each gives different animation. Most FPS games don't do that. The impact sound is chunky too.

I admit that the rest of the gameplay sucks, it's worse than Halo, but that beautiful meaty damage feedback is the main reason to revisit Goldeneye.

Alright, I just found this 1964 emulator that can make it run at 60 fps. But can I set it to run at 25-30 fps? 60 fps gives some minor glitches.

To put into perspective how shit Goldeneye actually is, and was at the time, Quake 2 was released a scant 4 months later in 97.

user that excuse doesn't fly. I only remember it fondly because I had shit taste as a kid and didn't know any better. Meanwhile I can go back to actually good games from that era and before, even ones I had never played before, and enjoy the fuck out of them because they aged well and weren't bad games hiding behind a veneer of shitty kiddy taste and nostalgia.

This is literally the same reason most youngfags on Holla Forums praise Morrowind so much, because it was babby's first open world RPG they played on the xbawx, and the even younger generation saying the same thing about shitblivion.

It was a normalfag tier game on release but that just meant the install base was wide and lots of people were familiar with it. If all your friends were console plebs it meant you had one FPS game to play with them. It was most peoples introduction to multiplayer FPS and was basically the CoD4 of that era/console.

There were better games but there weren't better FPS games to play with your buds when you hung out unless you wanted to throw together a LAN party. Poorfags didn't have the option of a LAN party and normalfags didn't know wtf a LAN party was.

Not so much though.

Don't you shit on morrowind, pretentious fag. BTW Quake 2 is shit.

Thank you for proving my point, neo/v/.

Morrowind was the first open world RPG I played excluding the "quest" series and I'm too old to be on Malaysian comic forums. Before the interwebs it wasn't common to find out about new games that weren't prated from friends or advertised in magazines.

Like I said I loved the stealth, we had Doom, Quake and Unreal LANs so it wasn't the best MP FPS I had played.

Quake 2 is gay, I hate the level design. And I love walking around pointlessly and upgrading myself in Morrowind. I'm being honest, and I don't need any approval from some Holla Forumsirgin sperg.

Goldeneye has some of the worst stealth ever tbh. Never bothered stealthing it.

I like the campaign too user I'm just trying to explain it to the summerfag.

Have you at least played through Gothic 1/2?

Just digging yourself deeper and deeper, faggot. This is getting embarrassing.

What's embarrassing is you, the neckbeard who takes video games seriously.

Not saying it was great but it was the first FPS with stealth I ever played and I loved it. I did several stealth runs and when FarCry came along I built a PC just after release.

I have loved stealth FPS since so that probably makes me like Goldeneye still today.

Never heard of them but looking at wikipedia it looks like they never released in my country.

Why are you even here?

Who else did this?

That's an even more retarded stealth game. Enemies can see you through tents and vegetation. And then the mutants, the fucking mutants.

I wanted to ask how to run Goldeneye well?

I was the one that discovered how to:
set off mines with A+B
hide them in doorways
place them on items you then pickup to make them invisible

There was much butthurt to be had but they got me back with WWF and NBA Jam, I always sucked at them.

Makes sense, since that particular genre is rather thin. Have you ever played heavily modded STALKER? That would be right up your alley.
That's awful, where do you live? Those are still two of the most immersive open world RPGs with some of the best world design and gameplay available today.

Really living up to the stereotype.

Only got to play it once with 3 friends at a birthday party since one of them kept throwing a tantrum every time he died, so instead we played the game he wanted which was some gay wrestling game that he just beat us over an over at since that was literally all he ever played. Now there's a memory. Almost all of my time as a kid (


Shit gunplay, particularly due to the shit animation feedback.

Look above, I care about game design. I just don't throw an autistic hiss whenever someone is having fun playing games that I don't like. Video game is just a fucking toy for manchild.

Definitely being baited. 7/10, you got me.

Because you gave yourself approval.

Played the shit out of all STALKERS, both stock and modded.
I'm in Australia and it doesn't seem we got Gothic at the time, I'll check it out now.

You wish you bumbling retard.

Whats wrong normalfag,couldnt get those perfect headshots?

This fucking board is cuckchan tier

If you do end up playing through G1/2, definitely get the SystemPack (forum.worldofplayers.de/forum/threads/1340357-Release-Gothic-½-—-SystemPack-(ENG-DEU)).

Fixes bugs, adds native widescreen support, and removes the 25FPS cap. I recommend pirating the GoG versions.

Did my point just fly over your head? The gun physic is fine, it's the shit damage feedback animation that makes it feel like shit.

How can I give myself approval? I had so much fun playing autistic toys for manchild that I became critical about their design, I'm actually ashamed of it. I was just saying to you guys that I honestly have fun playing video games, not that I approve of my fun.


1964 mouselook emulator build.

Allows you to play at 60FPS in 1080p on top of having mouse and keyboard controls.

I remember there being a modded emulator that lets you play it at 60FPS with keyboard/mouse controls.

The game itself is great, but the N64 just couldn't handle it.


Why are people suddenly talking about this game?
Gggmanlives made a review of it with facecam for the first time and Dunkey reviewed it as well in this same week.

ebin post op

came here to post this. Works for Perfect Dark aswell.

You play on the original console like a big boy, fag

or you learn how to emulate

Play Timesplitters 2.


How does playing on the original console fix the framerate?
If anything you will have to deal with that trash controller on top of poor picture quality and shit framerate.

Goldeneye was a great game, Perfect Dark and especially Timesplitters 2 built upon the formula in so many ways. I get why you would enjoy something like Quake 2 even though it sucked compared to Q1, but Goldeneye has great objectives throughout the levels and settings for the multiplayer. If you were to give it a modern control scheme and visuals like people did for Goldeneye Source, you'd still have a fun game.

How does a framerate literally suck dicks? Framerate doesn't have anything to suck with. It isn't even a physical being capable of actions or intent.