We're in one of the comfiest times of the year. Just cold enough to not need an AC OR heater (and not pay their bills), beautiful nights and leaves changing colors outside, and most importantly, our big backlogs to finish.
What comfy games are you playing this autumn, Holla Forums?
Comfy Thread
Kirby 64 always puts me in a comfy mood.
Post comfy music
I have never been more comfortable playing vidya
Are you a rich californian fucboi?
Autism thread
How do I fix
I'm a freelance potato negro codemonkey. Planning to take the Christmas season off to chill with the family.
There's only two places in my tiny-ass town I like to unwind at; my flat and there.
The pollution fogged up my lens; but sometimes sacrifices must be made for capitalism.
fuck how to manage traffic in that game ? I alwyays fuck up somehow
Skylines largely boils down to traffic simulator, not a city management game.
My cities always tend to break down at around 400,000 people; I have yet to figure out how to go past that.
Some things that get me to that spot though:
I have yet to redirect traffic in this city, because nobody complains about long drive times and services can get to where they need to go fairly quickly. About three quarters of the city uses public transport.
yeah that is kinda true
beautiful city user. and taking real cities as an example to solve traffic problems is good idea, I might try that
Elevator simulator. You don't manage a tower at all.
The game was built on top of a Japanese elevator analysis program.
Already a comfy thread here
Use the catalog first.
This is a comfy thread. is a thread about comfy games.
I was replaying RDR but got bored
Does Kirby 64 emulate well? Even basic games like Banjo Kazooie seem to have skipping issues even when I can emulate GameCube games perfectly
Reinstall P64 by dragging all the files from the original zip and clicking yes on everything. It works for me anyway and I do it every so often because I get the same problem after a while.
I'm sure there's a more simple way to fix it but I could care less.
Can we decide on a thread please?
I remember that I almost got 100% but could not for the sake of my dear life find the combo to unlock a crystal in the vulcan world.
Fugget I'll just designate this the comfy thread I'll post in.
I've been playing a ton of Dustforce recently trying to break through a skill barrier (among many). But the gameplay aside I think it might be the most Zen game out there. I'm constantly trying to get better with such a hard game under such extremely calming atmosphere and music. The contrast is pretty fucking wonderful to be completely honest.
Where I live the leaves have been dead for over a week, and today was first snow.
Get on my level nerd
Ayy I said the same thing in the other thread a few days ago
I didn't complete it the first time I played but I'm revisiting it and only have a few levels left to SS
Fuck you faggot at least I don't use Dust Kid easy mode. Whenever I play I never take any cheese methods or corner cutting. This includes having checkpoints turned off. I also always go for the most optimized or developer intended route. I'm only a few keys away from the difficults and air control and high speed momentum ceiling riding is the hurdle I'm working on right now. The next is spike jumping. Core is harder than a lot of the difficults really
I've been using Zen for a while tbh since I can't find a better description for it. It still amazes me how nearly perfect this game is. The only problems I can find with it are the occasional camera decisions and the arena levels. Fuck those levels.
Oh the ones that are just a big room full of enemies? Fuck those levels, no idea why they decided to include like six of them.
but i like playing as a loli
:eggplant: Test
Her move set is incredibly different from the rest of the characters. Which is kinda why I don't prefer to use her because I feel like most of the levels are intended for Dustboy or Dustgirl in how their structured.
Project Highrise.
Best $3 I ever spent.
I wish I played this game sooner, its incredible. Theres also Chameleon Twist and Jumping Flash, really recommend those.