ITT post characters who totally, definitely didn't do anything wrong
Characters who did nothing wrong
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Fuck off, these threads are shit, especially now that everything devolves into
inb4 Hitler, Huey, Armstrong, Marche, Griffith, Solidus, Big Boss, WW Ganondorf, the Nazis from WTNO, the Helghast, Shadowlord, or Kenny
too slow
Pretty much this, kill yourself OP.
The best character from The Walking Dead videogame.
Oh, I thought you meant Kenny from Obscure
The only thing he did wrong was kill Mei and infect Corey
Amy was already a whore
Griffith did nothing wrong, Gutsfags BTFO. Go get fucked by a nigger again losers.
Don't start this conversation bitch.
The only man more fit for office than Trump.
Hitler was shitler.
t. butthurt leftycuck
Trump won and you can do nothing about it :^)
You forgot your ideology-approved entertainment, kamerad.
He's right though. If you're trying to set up a utopia for a master race then you probably shouldn't pit a bunch of said master race against each other.
Why do I have to share a board with idiots like this who fall for the same bait every thread?
I don't think they invaded during the winter - the issue was that they didn't push hard enough on appropriate areas during the good weather + massively underestimated Soviet production capability.
Because otherwhise you'd have one less reason to complain and we can't have that.
Pic related
Yes, he's a video game character. Look it up
Kaguya is a whore.