3.45 is out! 3.5 on the horizon.
>i255 weapons from deep dungeon! it's still a mistake
>edda confirmed for best waifu she will never let you go
come join us and be weebshit while hating on potatoes and ogling slutty c@'s and eczema demons
3.45 is out! 3.5 on the horizon.
>i255 weapons from deep dungeon! it's still a mistake
>edda confirmed for best waifu she will never let you go
come join us and be weebshit while hating on potatoes and ogling slutty c@'s and eczema demons
Minfilia a qt.
Is it hard to get into a raid guild as a healer? I seem to be struggling, is the game full of WHM?
from what ive heard, sch is basically required due to shields and the ability to dps much harder compared to whm and ast, while ast, post-buff, is a much stronger contender due to how powerful cards can be.
you may just be on a server with a bunch of people who think whm is shit its not so i guess just keep on keepin on. or lvl one of the other healing jobs for the time being.
and here i thought coming back was going to be boring
Black friday sale, soon more anons will catch the weeb virus.
Why do I keep coming back to this game?
Will there actually be World PVP servers
if you like pvp go to the new duel area in wolves den by the pier for autistic 1v1 me fgt good times.
You HAVE made friends with the loli madam, right?
i've got my book. feels good to unsynch through early level shit and decimate things. he only downside is even when i WAS playing, i never started alexander, so ive gotta get my happy ass on that if i want to ge anything decent
you're basically sitting on 12 free second chance points user. i dont think you understand how quickly people will suck your dick for those points. put up a PF "never done alex at all, come for from second chance points and bonus tomes!" and unless your server is completely dead, you'll have bitches dragging you through alex in minutes.
oh its not dead, people do alex all the time here
i'm just an anxious little bitch worried about causing wipes and fucking up mechanics.
ill get over it eventually.
not a player of this game, but i already pity you.
honestly, with ivl's the way they are now, you could spend a week decking yourself out in welfare lore gear and easily find some randoms to crush it all for you, fuck ups or no. just do it user. for khloe.
Thinking of playing again after taking a year long break, think I quit after 3.1 was such a disappointment. What has been added that's good, and what's the shit to avoid?
Is the japanese VA better then english?
its now super easy to level to 50 and easy to make DOSH as well.
Good shit added
>lore grind from hyperconductive to "weapon of the " still the same
>MSQ spoiler manfeeler goes back to her home planet kinda
neutral stuff
nice change, but also annoying cause they literally had a small blurb in the patch notes about it buried partway in. for a game that does "let me pop up a tip right in the middle of your fucking face because of this new thing!" so well, they dropped the ball on RF.
I would hate to be another XI player that missed her. Now that XI is over story wise i hope she just moves to Eorzea full time as the crazy mage from another of the worlds we were told about.
here's hoping they do more "crossover" events like they did with shantotto and lightning. id love to do a sidequest or series of FATEs where you free a waifish imperial magitek soldier with amazing magical ability and green hair that rewarded you with a little Terra wind-up and her outfit from 6.
This is way overblown. There were always shitters, FATEs resulted in shitters. Now at least they're shitters with a 255 weapon that have had all their abilities to play with most of their leveling process.
Didn't you do the Shantotto event in ARR? she wants to come to Eorzea to forge it into "the great Shantotto empire".
You could say she wants to make Eorzea great again and build a wall the garleans will pay for.
To be fair, there is a wall between the shroud and Gyr Abania and the Garleans DID pay for/build it.
Sadly, I jumped in during 2.5. I was salty as fuck when I found out I missed the event.
FATE's at least teach some basics of group coordination. one run of Go Go Gorgimera teaches more about mechanics in this game than a dozen 1-100 runs of potd.
There was a crossover with PSO2 a while back but its been pretty much radio silence on the XIV side if we get anything from 2 or not. But from what I can remember they only really got the Odin fight and glamours locked to premium.The last crossover XIV got was "lets do Atmas 2.X again" which was a huge fucking chore.
which is why 90% of the time FATEgrind parties ignored it because it's too hard for them.
I am a deeply broken man.
I am too mate. I am too.
b-but at least the new FFTCG doesnt have codes for in game outfits
And it's not even my rarest mount. I don't even think it's my second rarest.
(Adder Warhorse, Parade Chocobo)
*me to**
Thanks anons, think I will start playing again. How easy is it to level classes using potd? Also have they increased inventory space yet?
Posted thread. God speed, faggots.
Also help me decide on my race change for Stormblood
Increased inventory is coming in Stormblood. It's never a problem if you aren't a hoarder though. Stop holding onto random crafting ingredients for jobs you don't touch.
And you get about a level every 10 floors or so.
census nigga only that many players have the achievement that rewards it.
you should be a lalafell.
on it user. keep the hyur female. they're almost as endangered a species as femroes.
Forgot to post pics from last post
I went lalafell for Halloween and I regret every second of it
also, for posting on the OF user, you can make a post, then edit it to get past the 2k character limit. yeah, it's stupid, but at least you won't have to multi-post that way.
Oh, RIP. Too late. I wrote it in word and just copy pasted it in rapid fire. I'll remember that for next time though, thanks.
Why are there never cute redhead or goth looking hyur females?
pretty sure that's every eczema demon ever.
that i can't answer. maybe the colors available just don't work out so well compared to blonde? either way, moar redheads.
Lulu reminded me you can love the look of a goth chick without thinking about cutters with daddy issues.
As for redheads they are justice but i've never seen a ginger hyur in 3 years of playing.
This can be arranged. Although tbqh, the reds in this game look like shit
yeah, come to think of it, the only redheads im game that are prominent that i can think of are Raya-O and A-Ruhn. and Raya-O is the only one who's hair i look at and think "yeah, that's cute." even Kan-E is blonde.
This is why i went Xeala, the tones match better.
Nigga, you best watch that mouth of yours
When its the only fucking flavour a man craves raspberry now and then instead of just vanilla.
Holy shit if you have to post your character in every thread can you at least get a new fucking screen shot? Or are you one of those faggots who don't even play the game anymore?
i just dont take a lot of screenshots of my character to use as an example for things man, calm down.
t-thanks Raubhan.
How? I dodge it 2 full second before the AoE line disappear and it still hit me. This is the only fight I have trouble gauging the AoE range of attack, and I cleared Thrordan, which have crazier AoE attack.
also ur waifu is shit
im on ps4 niggs
You dont know how comfy it is.
Have you tried switching off of dial up or playing with a computer made this decade?
I think this worked out.
A gaggle of mature lala women would eat you up like a school of phirana and leave only bones.
Finally got my Battlemaid and the white Chocobo
Grats you fucking nazi.
thanks and a Heil Hitler to you my friend
I have the free fantasia potion. Sometimes I consider becoming a Hyur. I like their idle poses.
inb4 potatoes tell you to potato.
short, max bust oppai xaela is the truth and the way.
race change into a lalafell.
dear lord they're wonderful
already there's a half dozen people saying "yeah, i know you censored that guys name, but i know exactly who you're talking about anyway." what kinda rep does this guy have ffs?
are those other people fellow anons from this board? shadilay
i went on a tanget about balmung in the last thread, but then i noticed it was on autosage
dont play on balmung its the ERP server
post knightly glamours, white+red/yellow/blue preferred
Christ user, what are your graphics setting at? I've got my graphics set to Max on dx11 and they still don't look that nice
I think he's using the idlecam feature. It usually makes things look more polished.
One good thing about FFXIV: at a steady 700k-1million players across all servers this means , like vanilla WoW, people remember your name if you are a cunt.
And a 1588 Hi Hitler to you too!
had this glamour forever.
Is it too late to get into this game? I've been curious about trying it, but I'm worried about being too far behind other players in skill to be useful. Also it would be my first MMO, and I'm not sure how to play them at all.
Nah meng its fine.
You picked a good starting MMO. It's incredibly simple with a fairly low skill ceiling. It's mostly gear and getting your rotations down for DPS/Tanks.
But yeah, if you want to get into it, buy the base game, then after you finish all that story, buy heavensward if you want more.
Also there's a free trial in the OP so try that shit out.
He's been around for 3 years and from what I've heard he's always been kind of a massive faggot.
Personally, I've only ever run into him in the Novice Network
I've only got silver.
I know I'm going to get shit on for even asking, but would this game be okay on console? My laptop is potato-tier with modern games, but I'll try the free trial and see how that goes.
Can someone explain this GC squadron shit to me? I just got into it and I feel like a fucking retard.
Ps4 plays this pretty damn well. Avoid the ps3 at all costs.
Ignore the cries of the people here that seem to get a wild hair up their ass as soon as anyone mentions a sony product.
If you intend on playing it on a decent PC later you'll have to buy the game twice. If you're stuck on console for a while just go ahead and grab it on that. Ps3 is cancer though.
So Squadron is basically like retainer ventures except you have to focus on having the necessary stats in your party makeup to complete the mission.
You get cool shit like materia and some trinkets that help with minor things. It also unlocks the new GC rank when you get far enough in.
Yeah i play it on PS4, the cross bar controller set up is fantastic. Just have a usb keyboard on hand for chat.
Just dont get PS3, its dropping support in 2 more version updates.
I forgot to add that you have a chance to get new recruits by completing entries in your challenge log. If you don't like the class a recruit is in at the moment there are books that allow you to change that. You have a chance to get them in missions or you can buy them from the GC later on
what drama did i miss while i was away then?
Thanks, good to know. A dedicated gaming PC isn't in my immediate future, but luckily I was given a PS4.
Wait, what? Is your account tied to your comp or something? Can they even do that?
When you buy the game you are just buying a license saying "you can play the pc version" if you bought the pc version of the game. Your account can be flagged to only play certain versions. For example, if you buy the ps4 version of the game and expansion and then set up your account, your account will say that you have access to play the ps4 version of the base game and the expansion. If you try to play the PC version, the client will tell you that you still need the PC license to play the game on the PC.
different clients are bought separately as different software licenses attached to the same account.
I posted some pics from Balmeme's novice network the other night and some anons in the last general told me to post on the forums about it so here we are. Hopefully a GM sees this and doesn't ban the next guy to kick Pink. He's spamming the chat with this shit daily and it causes newfags to leave the network.
Oh, THAT's what you meant. I went full retard and assumed you meant if I got it on laptop THEN got got it on a better gaming PC. I'm going to bed now.
What is the most effective method of triggering normal folk in this game?
Say "trump 2016" in chat
Well going off of half of my FC, talk about Trump in a positive light.
It begins
Pic related.
Might make an FC fully devoted to triggering like I think it would be shocking
Trump is my favorite anime from this alone.
As my squadron levels up will their individual stat go up as well? Having to wait a week doing nothing but squadron training seems like it'd get boring.
The expac is having a 75% off sale at the moment, now might be a good time to pick it up if you are keen.
yes, and if you're lazy just send them out on 18 hour missions once a day
Just name it Make Eorzea Great Again and make the tag MEGA
Thanks user.
Yeah, their individual stats go up as they level. Depending on the type of training you on the board, do you can focus the squadron's overall stat bonus towards whatever you want. At the moment I have a slight bias towards the tactics stat with my setup
Yoshi-P said that the current squadron system is just a bare bones implementation and that the meat of the system is planned for Stormblood so for now it'll be a bit boring but you should level it up while you can
sorry I might have miread, if you were talking about the squadron 'level ups' from those quest missions at lv20 and lv40, then no the individual stats don't rise - you get a shit of ton of those bonus points to distrubute from training though
I meant when the individes member goes from 19 to 20. That's why I double back to the squadron training thing with the distributable points but caps at 120. Considering the squadron requirements for some of these missions I'll be grinding for a while to get individual levels and stats up.
what's a good way to make money without having to level every crafting class in the game? I've got Culinarian at 41 and about 1k gil left
Farm shit
Collect shards
Use seed money to rush gathering
Get it to 60
deep dungeon my N word
Deep Palace.
Castle in the Depths
under surface shack
For the record, I haven't hybridized "Deep Dungeon" and "Palace of the Dead" there, I'm referring to 101+. Silver sacks have, as their common drop, retainer venture dyes and drop replica high allagan armor. I can't say how other servers markets are, but on Balmung, these sell for a pretty penny, as do the Dead Hive and Replica High Allagan weapons from 151+.
And then there's the Night Pegasus Whistle.
Wow, uncalled for.
prepare to be bullied nerd.
Now if you called him a jew, I could see where you are coming from.
gathering as in botanist and mining?
Yup. Take that shit to 60 and learn about collectables. Desynth that shit and you will be rolling in dosh. Of course, you need the gear for it so until then farm rare nodes that plenty of crafters need.
desynth doesnt make shit for money anymore. dont fall for the gathering class meme.
I've never had a problem with this dungeon until now.
Know how long it lasts? Just downloaded the trial. By the way, what are classes to avoid in this game?
paladin, unless you want to use the game as a sleep aid
That's about it.
You can do whatever and still be fine
for the trial lancer, so many pick edgelord and its so slow pre dragoon and paladin in general is the worst class in the game.
Subterranean Bungalow.
Really? Bully for SE, ive seen tons of MMO threads complain about people using useless classes.
Been considering trying a magic class, I rarely do so ever, so I figure it'll be fun.
Try arcanist/summoner+scholar.
No Paladins, no Lancers, Archanist or Summoner+Scholar. Got it, thanks. This thread is surprisingly full of helpful people.
More information needed
Maybe if you are a bad tank and cannot live without clemency.
Arcanist becomes summoner and scholar at lv30, it's the only starter class that branches into two advanced jobs. Both gain exp at the same time you do anything as well. if you are a lv40 summoner (dps) you are also a lv40 scholar (healer) and can switch between the two as you want
basically it's killing two birds with one stone, if you can't join something as a dps you can just switch and go as a healer if that's your thing
That sounds insane, I love it.
and you can summon the essences of summons as crsystalline monsters or summon fairies with the best butts in the game.
The pld is the best self sustain tank but fuck is it BORING to play.
Oh, I'm not denying that. I'm just saying that Paladin is by FAR the best tank to bring to Deep Palace.
paladin IS the worst tank in the game right now, any good floor 100+ deep dungeon groups will take a warrior
not sure about the state of dark knight but its definitely lower then warrior, but higher then paladin
Paladins outnumber warriors on the top party rankings about 10:1.
not sure where you getting that idea from, in the top 10 of each boss theres one paladin on cruse chase
So i'm almost done downloading this shit should be done by 5 or 6am at this rate, what do races have different stat benefits? Or is any race of a certain class just as viable as another?
Is it lame/overdone to be a qt miqote loli? Can you make them tall/short? What's up with this lalafell/potato meme? I'm pretty much going in blind here, aside from the jobs/classes.
You're a special kind of retard, aren't you?
Better than me at least. I'm completely blind.
just don't play fem elezen or fem roegadyn, the world does not need any more of those freaks
are Elezen basically elves then I guess? I know Hyur are humans. What the fuck are Lalafells supposed to be though? Are they like Elins? do they have delicious thighs?
ayy well maybe we can get together and start playing then once I get going.
lalafells look like potatos, they even sprout from the ground as seen here
lalafells are a necessary evil because if we dont have any lalafels the Irish will die again from a potato famine
the worst race to play is male au ra or any kind of elezen, despite their popularity miqo'te are still high tier because they don't have weird dainty running animations like the other female races do, female highlander is also high tier for the same reason, i would say female roe but a lot of memers pick female roe for some reason
naturally when it comes to character creation you have to make yourself look unique without resorting to too many special snowflake tactics, avoid heterochromia like the plague and pick natural tones for limbal rings
well unfortunately i cant organize the deep dungeon leaderboards to show any meaningful data, but it looks like the highest ranking paladin is only 4th place to the highest ranking warrior on the primal datacenter anyway, thus actual accurate data provided by fflogs will suffice
the scoring system appears to be completely arbitrary, not based on player performance but on a combination of RNG aspects
Racial Stats are near meaningless, like 0.1% of your overall stats. Sames goes for God/birthdate
Just be a smexy catgirl and call it a day, trying to make a decent non-effeminate male in a Japanese MMO is like swimming up a waterfall. Just don't be an autistic potato faggot.
It's hardly random. It's basically just a formula about kills. The real point is that the groups there are groups that have cleared 200, and on average, the party composition is
Paladin, Healer, Supporty DPS, Another DPS.
Every great character needs a flaw… right?
what's wrgon with Au Ra? Weird animations? Or are they just usually ugly all-around?
those things are fucking adorable jesus christ I need 12
I mean multiple character slots are a thing. I'll probably have both
Definitely making a qt lalafell archer first though. So do they get animal ears in character creation? Or are those just cosmetics/armors?
well if you want to be a manly man you can pick male highlander or male Roe
playing male roe however will attract a lot of unwanted attention from the bara audience depending on which server you play on (dont play on balmung)
male highlanders are the best non-effeminate males
you can do everything on a single character. and should this isnt WoW where you need to make a new character to try another class. so pick a character and name you're going to want to keep
that jacket makes his arms looks hort
Male Roe is SUPER BRO HUGE and a bad joke
Male Highlander looks like a overworked lumberjack.
So we got 1 choice? Not that great, when you have like 10000 possible waifu bait combinations
yeah its shitty looking gathering class gear. working on my fisherman class atm.
a lot better than the bondage porn gimp suits that mDPS wears in the 30s-40s though
what was even the point of adding au ra
I've seen like 4 au ra npcs total
Love it. God bless those Japs and their samurai work ethic and not being a bunch of Jews.
The amount of people who have fantasiad to au ra because they like it?
Also, there are going to be far more than enough of them in 5.0 when we go to the ruins of Doma.
female aura are ok, male aura suffer from a crippling case of sexual dimorphism, au ra females are tiny girls so assume au ra males have tiny penises (thats the law of nature anyway)
you should also be aware that this game heavily discourages alts, make a character that you will be happy with because you are gonna stick with it for a while, you will get a free fantasia early on but before you use that see if adjusting your hairstyle improves things
yes but the nature of deep dungeon is inherently random, paladins have player saturation and if we where able to accurately gauge player performance we would see drk and war running rings around them statistically
wouldn't shock me also if squeenix is inflating the stats of certain classes, im also seeing mnk and whm scoring very highly as well, mnk is good but its lack of group utility makes it unideal, WHM is also good but the ast buffs put it in 3rd place unfortunately
im not seeing many dragoons but thats not surprising, dragoons are a chore to play in an environment like that (fucking BotD geirskogul bullshit)
this is why fflogs is important, nip devs dont like being told their balance is fucked but when presented with evidence saying otherwise they have to make changes, deep dungeon gave them the opportunity to obfuscate this, raw numbers are not in plds favor and no amount of extra tanking utility will change that
au ra is a race designed based on player race data, most players like their men big and manly so they made the males big, most players like their girls cute and little so they made the girls tiny
thats essentially why i don't like au ra, because your pigeonholed into a single style of character because some asshole decided to design something based on raw data instead of any kind of interesting artistic merit
All that matters is being cute or bara.
Also irish players need a race with no ass.
Monk does great single target DPS, lack of synergy doesn't matter nearly as much in 4man content. White Mage has good AoE DPS that couples with a spammable stunn and a knockback for interrupts. What gets you far in palace is your versatility, which isn't something that's useful in raids. Paladin is good at this because it has an assload of tools that are better for this than they are in a raid scenario and, not to burst your tinfoil hat, but they're that common on the list because of this fact. Yes. There is content in this game that Warrior isn't the end all best tank at.
Daily reminder that we lost something great due to miqowaifus.
Sure, I could probably use the help.
i made my cat max size, i still think shes too short
they planned to add Viera before, would have much rather had tall chocolate bunnies then tiny pale lizards
yeah i dont base my opinion on classes based on class fantasy or aesthetic, i let the glamour system do that for me
numbers show war, drk and then pld, mnk single target means very little when most of deep dungeon is group pulls
whm is based on what players have told me about it, im aware they do a lot of damage but i cant say how much more
The concept art Au Ra would have been elezen height iirc
makes sense, but i have seen Elezen females make better succubus with the MGPhorns/ultima horns
would have used a fanta to make one too if not for the shitty run animations and pic related
again i want Veria and i was hoping they would add them in stormblood
dick status: muh
Any world recommendation before I start? I don't want to go somewhere fucking empty.
Holy fuck what a nightmare.
Exodus isnt bad, the 8ch fc is based there. Leviathan seems to be another server that a fair amount of posters here play on. Just avoid Balmung like the plague
Also character creation is restricted on the more populated worlds by time of day. so you may need to log in at like 4am EST to create a character on the world you want
No, please come to balmung and help me trigger these ponyfags and tumblr ERPers so they can leave and we can Make Balmung Great Again
ultros has golden ratio (ZR) which is full of reasonably "sane" people, make an application saying your from /vg/ or the 8ch general or someshit i don't remember now
i believe the FC most people in this general go to is new wheels order (nWo) unfortunately i dont remember which server they are on but as a new growing FC they are probably your best bet
levi is also a good server to start on but unfortunately with any server that's famous for having lots of good players it attracts 5 times as many TERRIBLE players and you may find yourself wading up to your chest in literal shit before you actually can get anywhere, no dedicated FC means no shit filter, play with your FC and block out the plebs below you, and avoid any FC that recruits players enmass (ancient mmorpg rule anyway)
You made your prison, rot there with the filth and degenerates.
have you even DONE 151+?
Group pulls is a surefire path to hitting something's hard enrage and going back to 51.
eat shit machinists, the true 151+ shit kings.
Ok, Exodus, find Holla Forums FC and go from there, no Balmung. Okay.
Of what?
Gb2 funny valentines camp!
Nigga, NIN is amazing in deep palace
"Hey, there are two gold chests over there, but fuck the five mobs in the way"
Ninja: "Got it. Wait, kill the Dhalmel first. It sees through."
I don't know who or what that is.
So the golden ratio of sick length. Okay then.
I joined after the 1.0 nuke for legacy FCs. Please no bully
so it's encouraged to have just one main character? I see. Then I'll go for just a miqote gril. At least that way I wouldn't have any regrets. I'll still probably make a Lalafell that's a gladiator or something on down the line just for shit n giggles tho
heres a sure fire chart on creating a cute grill thats interesting and not a special snowflake
unless chocolate grills aint your think, im not one to judge
right side is the only true choice.
yeah, you can unlock all classes and jobs on a single character and some content isnt unlocked until you get relatively far in the MSQ so its a giant pain in the ass to play alts. I made a waifu alt but just cant bring myself to go through the whole unlocking process again
no please
Final fantasy is for faggots play a better rpg.
sometimes the game just petrifies you in the perfect pose for you
too bad about the UI
/gpose you silly nerd
Exodus and Leviathan aren't accepting anymore characters, so Golden Ratio Ultro it is. Why do some worlds not accept new players?
over populated, make an application
Lamia here
it's actually a pretty fuckin good server
You heard it here folks, at least 25% of the population of Lamia is on Holla Forums
I just wish you could make the pupil light like Y'shtola's eyes.
it's actually got the perfect amount of population at least for me. i never have to wait longer than five minutes for a deep dungeon group, when i'm queueing for a dungeon as DPS it only takes about ten minutes, and it's instant as a tank (as always). there's a fuckton of animu fags with names like Hirazaki Mushihushi and other gay animu names but as i understand this is pretty common across all servers
tl;dr it's ok
You're grouped with everyone in your data center. Not just Lamia.
makes sense why i don't see a lot of the people i dungeon with out in the cities, but then again, i generally avoid them if i'm not specifically grouping up for something
Just bought the game, any tips or server suggestions? Have about an hour until it's finished downloading.
Do you want to (e)rp? If yes, then Balmung (you'll need to buy a server transfer in or wait until a maintainence)
Do you want to play with Holla Forums autists? If so, then play on Exodus
Not a fan of rp so Exodus it is. Since FF14 is an MMO, i think this might be a good thread to ask this question. Whatever happened to PK'ing and open world PvP? I know most MMO's have structured PvP, but i feel like having a server dedicated to open world PvP would be great in MMO's. None of them really do that anymore for some reason.
Open world PVP is nothing but cancerous ganking even in MMOs focused around PVP. This is a game structured specifically around its PVE with PVP as an afterthought. It has no place in this game.
Nice dubs but PvP is completely dead in this game.
shit son i need gear bad but i need that decoration
I don't remember it as cancerous ganking, but then again I haven't seriously played an MMO in a long time.
Sucks that it's dead, hopefully the raids are fun.
fuck you Elezenbro is love, Elezenbro is life
to be fair to pepe, i just got back in he game, so my current running total is 0
Not disagreeing with you on that but as someone who has 39/50 crystals for the last step I can't help but to sweat internally when seeing others do that.
time to finish up the blue ball
what GC restrictions?
happening 2
episodic patches confirmed.
square is kind of weird like that
they add all the good QoL stuff at the END of the expansion, really frustrating
the chocobo thing for example would have been better NINE FUCKING MONTHS AGO
Before The Fall was the same way. It's to fill the six month gap between .5 and the expansion.
So question: is Alisae aka: an alphinaux you can fuck in da pusi b0ss summoning a ravana egi and its just a sword to replace the book to tease a 61+ summoner ability? or is she a rune knight?
please dont say shes RDM i need my swashbuckling dandy fencer mage.
I think that sword was a one time thing.
Maybe its just one of those abilities NPC's gets to have an not players. Like imperial GLD having haste.
You mean Y'shtola's new outfit?
Go way back in the last to page 6 and theres 4 colours of womens PE spats/compression shorts on their own.
Here's hoping we get the butts back in Stormblood
There has been too many long coats in HW, its time to let the booty breath again, not everyone wants to be a pleb glamouring thanavarian titghts or moonfire tangas.
Bedouin Dreams is more my speed; California Gold to Scent of Cinnamon are pretty gud too tho. Making my qt archer miqote now, will post pics soon
I see. QT waifu it is then.
A-anything to get away from leveling paladin to have all 60's.
Fuck, at least the last attempt didnt fail, time to wait another 12 eorzean hours… twice.
How'd I do Holla Forums?
generic catgirl/10
Generic melon cat. You should go femroe.
Pretty good. I don't see many people rolling with green hair on my server anyway
still no heterochromia tho at least.
roe's have shit starting dexterity though. If elezen weren't so goddamned ugly I'd start with a fem elez since they have the highest starting dexterity.
dark skin/light-green/minty hair has always been something of a fetish of mine. I was tempted to make a goth miqote, but goths only look good pale; so that would mean no chocolate kitty.
What do you think guys, should I keep my aryan catgirl or try and make a femroe?
top tier.
Those starting stats dont mean shit any more.
I'm not seeing it user. Maybe a goth Hyur though
If I can't make a goth Miqote then femroe it is.
i didn't change her hair or facial features, to be fair. But I don't see it working regardless, honestly.
Also, the bust slider isn't NEARLY large enough to do a gyaru either.
While we're on the subject of changing races and such, I've been thinking of changing from this hyur to this miqote.
Not bad but you could go more tomboy.
Don't be gay user
Before and after. You guys think I should do it?
stay gothc@
Huh, that kind of looks like me me, except I made mine a more upbeat and spunky.
Aw shit you're talking about purification aren't you? Top fucking tier user.
I feel like I made a pretty cute Roe.
Everyone knows the cutest aras are the ones that were delinquents back in high school and are super embarassed when you remind them of it.
We had a lot of feedback that the Patch 3.45 Anima weapon story quests were quite easy… so you can look forward to finding out how the next content will be!
Citation needed.
please no
Too late buddy.
You look like a crossdresser.
Just jealous.
Rough patch notes
Such is the femroe way
Purification best fetish.
for what fucking purpose are we going back there?
apparently it involves "fighting out way back down" so probably clearing a path between the moogles and gnath.
maybe we will kill nidhogg a third time.
jesus christ that hair. user making a good Roe is NOT THAT HARD, I say we have an entire thread dedicated to posting GOOD character designs
yeah I'm not sure how user managed to fuck it up that badly
At least this one's good.
see this user gets it, good Roe no Hoe
Cute, would give head pats and light petting to.
>used good
It gives you a sense of satisfaction, like when you find a complete wreck of a car, but work on it until it runs like new.
It's also satisfying to take a completely innocent girl and to corrupt her until she is dependent on you, basically becoming your very own personal cum dumpster.
Basically, it's entertaining to change people with your dick.
This nigga gets it
Cause we totally don't have enough of those
sasuga, xiv community
This is much better viewed left to right.
That's what makes it hot, fag.
Fuck you Balmung.
Fuck you too. I don't even know why that image was selected.
I like the small details, like that they have apparently have domestication in even the beast tribes other than just mounts and wolves.
I really don't get when people say they want more harder content, retarded casuals think you mean you want super hyper omega savage that everyone is forced to do to continue or go "well just gimp yourself and do current content" or "M-m-muh 5% raidoors!". Nigger I want to be fucking engaged for one moment that isn't in savage or primals, the new dungeons are such a snoozefest and can be massed pulled with ease on day 1 and only becomes more of a joke weeks later. I can't tell you how sad I was when Steps of Faith got nerfed because babies couldn't do basic teamwork.
You're kidding.
Yep, changed to genuinely challenging trial to "so easy its next to impossible to wipe it" because people were crying that they couldn't clear it and was locked out of expansion.
The only people who said it was too hard were the people who refused to read the NPC text.
I believe the lore book basically confirms shes a RDM. But I don't see your problem with that since a RDM IS a swashbuckling dandy fencer mage.
How the fuck can they make decent content when they have to cater to these fucking mouthbreathers?!
dps were a mistake
To be fair, the fight IS solo heal and solo tankable.
Hell I'm a melee DPS, and if im told "get the fucking dragon buster" i get the fucking dragon buster, its not like im out of the fight for that damn long
I hate these fucking people sometimes.
i said NO
Palicucks, not even once.
a big problem is a lot of people still dont know emnity modifiers for each tank
i cant remember the numbers myself but i know drk is greater then warrior and nearly double paladin, so if you have a dark knight on your team and your confidant he wont be shit (highly unlikely with this community) you let him tank because warriors are better offtanks
the only time i let a paladin tank is when the paladin is someone i know and i grouped up with, it would be really nice if they made paladin comparable to dark knight at least in dps
They'll probably use rapiers, maybe maces.
we might see weapon restrictions lowered in the future and have classes separated by crystal
it seems logical considering a big reason weapons are restricted the way they are is ps3 limitations and a lot of the traditional relic weapons for classes are ones that we don't have access to in xiv (dark knights in XI used Scythe for example)
Scythe wielding DRKs is probably not going to happen. It'd be a massive change to their animations and lore.
RDMs using old GLA/PLD weapons though could very well be a thing
you would be surprised at the kind of extra animations all the classes have with their cross class skills
MRD has an animation for Straight Shot for example
how so user? afaik the emnity modifiers for "extra emnity" moves are universal. i.e. BB, PS and RoH all have a 5x emnity modifier on them. the only advantage DRK has over WAR and PLD is being able to DA PS for a huge aggro lead early on, then focus on using SE/Delirium combos for more overall DPS while tanking.
i cant remember the exact numbers but as far as im aware when tanks are in their tanking stance (Shield oath, Defiance, Grit) the emnity generation on all attacks is supposedly multiplied
basically if you adjusted the potency and enmity generation of the weapon skills themselves to be equal across all tanks and then had a pld, a drk and a war all spam their enmity combo at the same time, the drk will take the lead every time because he just naturally generates more aggro
there's a lot of very strange inconsistencies in this game, for example steel cyclone says 200 potency but its actually around 270 potency, im not sure why its like that
personally i think it's something to do with the interplay between defiance and SC. i wouldnt be surprised if the "ignore defiance penalty" portion is just "actually deals more potency in dmg" as a lazy way around it. which, when stacked zerk and other dmg buffs may create some weird synergy.
i wouldnt be surprised if someone similar was happening with DRK and Grit/Darkside/Dark arts interaction. interesting to wonder how all that shit works in the background.
to be honest im not a huge fan of the inconsistency, the value of abilities and stats tends to arbitrarily go up or down because of some stupid background mechanic square forgot to document or is a holdover from 1.0
weapon dmg vs speed is a good one. the raw dmg of axes and G. sword compared to 1h sword is a big factor in why PLD dmg is shit compared to DRK and WAR, and the synergy of berserk with WAR axes is part of what gives WAR such fuckhueg damage potential.
not that im complaining as a WAR main. its nice that WAR was in the spotlight for 3.0 after the numerous times it got shit on before the IB change in ARR.
actually me and a friend of mine did testing on that, they all do the same DPS as long as none of the players leave the target,
paladin should slightly come out on top with sword oath however warrior has an advantage in more practical content because the slower auto attack speed means its punished less for moving away from the target
but like the issue here is why do they even have a difference in auto-attack damage and speeds? why bother having convoluted attack speeds and damage numbers when the auto attack dps is gonna equal the same number anyway?
i suppose it makes balancing easier when you have a narrower range of what DPS to expect from your tank classes.
Alright, MSQ finished, unlocking lvl 60 dungeon roulettes soon, void ark ready to go, starting on umbrites and hoarding unidentafiables put the ass is GO.
and then. soon. the best quest
Hildebrand is a miracle of the universe and a national treasure
He's fucking reddit tier humor.
If nothing else they should make it so you can use Sword and Shield Oath together, and preferably make the latter the one you unlock first. I personally think it would be neat if they buffed PLD's Mind/healing, so that they could work as a sort of backup healer.
I play a redhead midlander Hyur
Amateurish work. Music's unfitting, transformation isn't drawn out, and there's not nearly enough flashing. 5/10, your heart's in the right place.
It did.
Did someone say roegadames?
nice titties.
new bred