Is Obsidian the new BioWare?
Obsidian general
pumping out garbage and getting endless praise? I can see that.
Hi, my name is Kyros and I identify as an Overlord. My pronouns are he, him, she, her. If you don't respect my identified gender I'll kill you with an Edict.
I'm convinced everyone who dick rode Pillars never actually finished the game.
Yes. First we had Pillars of Boredom that were a shit game, now we get Tranny, which is a shit pozzed game. The next step is DLC jewery and, since they have the undisputed DLC masters as their publisher, that step can't be too far now.
nvr fgt
Don't you faggots have anything better to bitch about? How about ChuSingura46+1 S censored to hell and back?
I got to kill a baby, beat a furry to submission, made the grandfather father of that baby my bitch… It is not that pozzed. The matriachy in the game is so fucking confused though, to a point of distraction. On one hand you have "males are needed for seafaring, and to encourage that they are not allowed to own property or business on land", okay this one is pretty clever. Then you have another country "all males are ded because world war so we are recruiting everyone", this is fine too and the army that is devoted that is absolutely the shittiest army… etc. legit fantasy setups, keeps it in line with fewer "man" in manpower. Then you have this one motherfucker writing dialouges who didn't bother reading what everyone else had setup created and schizrophenic sjw characters that go on "wymyn and myn are equally adept warriors".
In short, it is just a "digital bargain bin title", you are neither evil nor you are conquering anything, it is a rather short game about D&D's "Collect enough prayers from worshippers to become a God". Fucking Unity still sucks and dialouges are %90 of the time are horrible. And it has fuck tons of missed opportunities, which makes me think they were either cut for DLC or the fuckers really had no idea wtf they were doing.
Sirin a cute. I'd coat her insides after gently breaking her hymen. Verse is human garbage and the only reason I keep her alive is because her half-brother is in my A team.
Can I kill Eb after getting her to teach me moonlight magic? Is there any other place I can buy moonlight magic?
Mind explaining why you say that? What do you exactly mean?
Lantry can randomly get you new sigils in towers if you spec'd him with voice of ages and one of the choir faggots teaches you either terratus or emotions if you picked the right conquest option.
Never used the furry bitch though too bad Barik is such a bro because she looks about ten times more useful
I was going to say "wew" but you're right.
Kills in shadow 2 hand spec was pure rape. Over 50 damage on a normal attack and each kill makes enemies feared so you get attack of opportunity.
Thanks for the tip I really wanted to give that Eb the Sparta kick off the tower too. But it is kinda pointless thinking too much about this unfinished product of a game maybe with the DLCs all out there might be a point in accumulating knowledge of the game.
Just playing the game will make you aware of the amount of fuckery they've put into it. You can enjoy yourself with portrait mods and I'd say they need some more realistic dialogue in some quests.
Two of the party members Eb and Verse are just garbage with no redeeming qualities.
Can't argue with that but the anarchist aka the fuck over everyone route is pretty fun. Also moonmagic.
You also get to sparta the marshal bitch or the five eyesfag in addition to arri and eb depending on who you pick for the assault
what happened after 2014? did they get brainwashed or something?
Speaking of Tyranny, I just found this little gem.
How can one man have such terrible opinions
Damn straight. Also helps that she's the only chanter in the game and her buff verses are fucking ridiculous, literally 12 levels worth of stats at any given time. Unfortuanetly she is another Sis case - as in they didn't develop her nearly enough and odds are they never will because Sawyer and his mooks can't write endearing female characters for the life of them and Avellone - were he still to work in the company - simply refuses to properly go in-depth on most female characters that are relatively young due to fear of either fucking them up beyond redemption or fear of people waifufagging them as was the case with Sis.
As for the OP, I honestly don't doubt there will be DLC, I just hope it's actual content and expansion packs that will add companion quests and the like instead of just fucking weapon reskins and whatnot.
This bothered me so much. The dialogue of all the characters are so retarded. The world's alright.
You know, as shit as this place is we still lack the disrespectfully disagree button :^)
canceror baitniggerprobably both
Why'd you have to go and remind a nigger about a wasted loli?
Sis? The girl I shot in the head on the boat?
Because Obsidian will keep milking that fucking cow till the end of time since they know it makes people remember their games more fondly. It also helps that, besides Lantry, she is the only one that goes on to do good shit in the epilogue and redeem herself for her actions within the Chorus
Kill yourself nigga, I bet you think Heck is something more than an endearing memeshitter.
HA ha is this real? This has to be trolling.
Seems like they stopped being funded by bigger publishers and had to work on their own. Seems like a case where the publishers were actually the thing making their games good.
Just use rpgcodex m8.
It just gets worse an worse. That forum is pure cancer it is making me die.
So what, is Tyranny SJW propaganda or not?
None of those games is bad, fuck off.
Unlike Obsidian, Bioware actually managed to make a few good games a long time ago.
It isn't. Pillars is shit though.
please stop
Not really, no. It just has several glaring problems that - while relatively small - are blown out of proportion due to the game being relatively short and small. If you can generally avoid Eb and some three NPC's in Lethains Crossing you should be fine.
Average very boring.
Dungeon Siege 3 isn't a Diablo clone everyone expected it to be, but it's good and fun action game. With some sexy characters to boot, so fuck off.
Strong and compelling argument. Compared to Duengon siege 1 it is garbage. You don't even get miniguns.
why i have a feeling these threads are being re-created by that butthurt french Avalone fanatic who nitpicks at anything Obsidian does lately because he is ultra-butthurt they kicked out that retard Avalone
DS1 is one of the worst diablo clones ever, to the point where you get game to play itself for you so boring it was, take your nostalgia goggles off.
You're retarded. I roleplayed a person who had a couple of brain cells to rub together; if you try to hurt me in an RPG, I will kill you, if the game allows it, every single time.
Don't get me wrong, your logic is solid and I don't fault it - I'd do the same shit in a PnP setting - but I have no idea how you can look at shit in video game RPGs without heavily metagaming.
Well, to be fair, very few vidya RPGs allow for even semi-decent roleplaying. But I think Alpha Protocol was one of those games where you could roleplay. Also, I mocked Albatross over Sis's death.
Yes I remember fondly on Diablo 1 controlling my party and using a big spell and waiting for the cooldown to finish. Also the minigun you get on Diablo 1 was cool. You're an idiot dude.
Now you're just being a dick m8.
Sure thing.
In my defense, Albatross was being an annoying cunt who wanted in on the embassy job, and I didn't trust his motives, especially since his only interactions with me prior to that had not gone very smoothly.
I also cheated on Mina (with SIE) and then left her to die after learning that she blew my cover.
I think they wanted to make it SJW, but their writers are so incompetent that it had the opposite effect.
I get your logic but I can't get behind your logic
It's dependent on your total loyalty, I think. if you maxed fear she basically ends up lobotomized
I am not entranced by vaginas. If she hadn't shot at me, I would have happily talked to her and held her hand.
*disagrees respectfully*
As long as you left the Asian bitch to rot you're alright in my book user.
I wouldn't be surprised given the overtones but it also feels like someone was constantly scrambling to correct their bullshit given the Lesbian bitch in Lethian Crossing and her associated quest.
Why would you ever do that to half of the good characters within the entire game.
i hope you never have to fight a cute girl with a gun
So different game genre of party based game CRPG compared to solo is a 'Gimmick', ignoring the fact it completely changes the mechanics of the game as you need to control multiple character and manage inventory for them all.
Party based RPG have always been different from solo RPG even though these two games in question are pretty slim on the RPG mechanics.
Because it's fun to bully Lantry?
I think you are retarded user.
You weren't raping fast enough.
No, because Bioware was never good.
My nigger.
Fuck off rance you fake hero.
They're not demons and it's not canon :^)
B-But Rance is the hero we both need and deserve.
I miss fallout.
Tyranny is a good game.
wtf Holla Forums why are you so mad about it ??
Only one truly unavoidable scene in Kichikuou iirc Saizel And Rance series is actually tame in that regard, newer games especially. Hell, even Rance himself loses some of the edge after sengoku.
You don't want to be playing some of the other alice titles though.
It's not but it's not sjw shit either
other shitty mmo rpg whit mirotransactions?
Ha ha ha. Rest in piss loser.
Do you think that could be their hook? The company that makes improved sequels to other games?
That's already their reputation, along with bugs and lack of polish.
Ashamed to say I really fucking tried to like that game. I gave it longer than it deserved and actually went as far as act 3 before I stopped. When I pirated Tranny, I lasted an hour before calling it quits and uninstalling. The game is no different from Pillars. Obsidian is trash without Avellone
Really? It is worth a play through at least.
This coming from a guy who pirated Da2 and played that through once.
sorry user, the combat system and the world building are both snorefests for me.
Eh, the combat was awful, but I thought the overall story was alright enough to get through, even if the moment to moment writing was generally poor
Oh shit boyos I just unlocked multishot.
What is more godly multi shot on fireball so it shoots two or frostfire.
I already have multishot gravelight with accuracy and str + 2 this is gonna be easy.
Says a lot about a man when he's so weak he can name a dozen women he is intimidated by. But this is a fantasy land. Women can be just as strong as men, if they have magic assistance.
Unless magic is based on emotion not logic (it isn't) then they can be stronger than men.
The tide-caster school is basically a witch coven.
Alpha Protocol came so close to being a literal GOTYAY
It seems like this thread is confused.
Half of you are shitting on them and calling them SJWs, the other half are presenting actual in-game evidence that they're not SJWs.
From what i see here there's a portion of Holla Forums that isn't playing video games anymore, even when these specific games can very easily be pirated, without even the need of a crack, by searching for the GOG version.
If you're not willing to personally try a video game, for free, in the most hassle free way possible, and experience it's content for yourself before making a judgment, i'm really starting to question why i should listen to you about anything video game related, Holla Forums.
Shitty attempt at rationalizing away the SocJuice.
And even without all of it, Tyranny is still a boring-ass no fun allowed system.
Tyranny is awesome.
Dumb-ass nigger detected.
How pozzed is their new game?
What's the point of bothering to translate it when they were just going to butcher it?
What if he refuses to write female characters because he's afraid they'll turn him straight
Western developers are utterly incapable of writing good female characters. They are all cucks that would rather appease fat, ugly cunts than give their core male audience appealing waifus.
And when they do make a waifu it's usually an opinionated, bipolar bitch in her 30s that has had a career as the town's bicycle, dressed like a whore, is covered in tattoos, spots a tumblr haircut and looks like someone beat her with the ugly stick for most of her life.
That's what manginas consider mature writing.
A valid point with an invalid conclusion. The game is SJW shit but at the same time has some elements of it not being SJW.
Play the gog torrent with extra portraits and I think you'll have a good time. Magic system is … really fun my 2nd playthrough I am doing the 'fuck everything' so I get more combat and can just destroy cunts with my magical tank build it is insane.
I haven't gotten past the character creation screen since I'm just having a whale of a time making custom portraits and flags. I love stuff like that. Also I just didn't like the default ones. I did see some gameplay of it. There were some stuff that was pretty cringey, and the prose just seems bad. Seems way too "modern" if that makes any sense. Like they were trying to get in with the cool crowd. The voice actors don't help either. Another thing is that it's system requirements are just ridiculous, I was able to do a bit of a test run and have it run fine but it doesn't look anywhere near good enough to justify the machine you need to play it.
I'm 90% sure there's a version that says "I came here to rape you"
While weebs, naturally, prefer to indulge their pedophilic tendencies via weebshit.
Going by this video, Dungeon Siege seems like the perfect candidate for being modded into a RWDS simulator.
You can safely discount 80% of the people crying sjw get all their information from facebook and twitter and 20% are easily triggered Holla Forumslacks.
the gaems itself is still pretty shit though.
The system is the real issue with these games, plus their insistence on fucking Unity.
Obsidian should stick to improving other people's concepts instead of making their own.
i think 'casting' obsidian is a pretty badass way to build your nether portal
Fuckin trash game can't believe i wasted my time on it.
>no true scotsman Holla Forumsirgin
you now even the chinese had enough sense to not build their army out of straw
That's a pretty rare Pepe man.
If only obsidian didn't kneecap themselves with bullshit sjw crap.
Tyranny could be fun, your descisions have a pretty far reaching set of consequences in the game but the godawful feminist writing…
I don't remember any consequence other than taking that glowing helmet causing the town to get rekt.
Further more I wasn't even allowed to make most of the decisions as people just kept throwing themselves at my sword.
It's not a bad game but it's the same problem I had with Pillars of Eternity. Your companions tell you and tell you of their lives but it's just exposition. Take DA: Origins or New Vegas and your companions tell you of their back stories as well but also give you a quest to become personally involved with them.
The conversations are also staggered out abit more. In Tyranny you can go from no loyalty to rank 3 with a few characters while in other games it has to be fostered in multiple conversations.
Just staggering out the banter can make them more relatable, is my point.
Some of the late game abilities are nice. One from Lantry shakes your target then explodes them and nothing is left, not even gibs.
okay, waste time finding diamonds then you sperg
So far with that town I gave it to disfavoured in the prelude then decided to go with the scarlet crusade so I had to wipe them out and the other guys can take over. Then I decided to be independent and had to clear it again.
They're just still Obsidian.
If you do the goodie goodie descisions during the conquest you can avoid a bunch of fights.
I gave it to the scarlet cunts. They fucked it's shit up. I killed them. After that the bronze brothelhood came and i killed them. After that I took the helm. The game gave me no choice of returning it. I even promised tunon that i'll return it before i killed him.
Really my main gripe with this game is everyone is fucking suicidal and instead of talking things over would rather fight.
Oh and all factions are trash except maybe the dogs and what pissed me off the most was that in the end you don't even get to fight Kyros.
I have not played older obsidian CRPGs but do they all lack a sense of cohesion?
Myth soul blighter is kind of like Black company
Fallen Lords > Soulblighter >>>> Myth 3 (whatever its title was)
is the game just boring or what makes it bad? id like to hear why its shit
Cut it out with the racist and anti semitic remarks.
Friend said it feels noticeably unfinished, particularly obvious paths and choices are completely absent and it feels narratively fucked.
i was just playing
Its both.
well someone is really really buttlfustered
So one stupid thing so far. Should I upgrade this javelin to masterwork such a good upgrade? Also interacting with furfag faction is pretty cringe, you just know some furfag is beating it to this shit.
I can give and take the helm as I please.
Working in a coal mine or steel mill you'd make serious bank.
Two threads ago an user summed it up well if you have spare time for it play if you have limited time play something else.
I am liking the magic system and killing everything on my independent playthrough.
Funny cuz it's true.
t. a guy from an area with copper mines
This man. I guess he wasn't being ironic.
Aren't miners and factory workers the folk who would/did vote for Trump?
I've sunk a few hours in. Just hit Act 3.
I haven't seen anything glaringly LOOK AT THIS WE ARE SO PROGRESSIVE GIVE US MONEY. and said it - it is up to interpretation because the setting is fucked up and there are no clear "we are the nice guyyyzzz!! WE ARE OBVIOUSLY DA BEST BECUZ PROGRESSIVE". You can give shit to EVERYONE, including the barbarian girl you can recruit who is basically a bitch but abandoned her peers to survive. In fact the only one I didn't give a piece of my mind once was Tunon because he is the sanest guy out there - he wants to enact punishment against people who break Kyros' law independent of who the fuck they are and bring order to the lands - which is what is happening because Kyros' conquest fractured everyone into splinter groups who loathe each other to the point of breaking the Peace Law or whatever its called to snipe each other down. This is not Siege of Dragonspear where you can't tell the fucking tranny self-insert "oh my god shut up nobody gives a shit about you get the fucking belt of changing genders already".
That doesn't mean the game is good, far from it. It is meh at best. There is zero combat variation - all encounters are some variation of human tanks, human assassins and human spellcasters. Magic is interesting at first until you realize you are just unlocking spells as you go and maybe adding some sort of modifier depending on your lore (which you should be maximizing ASAP on your character), but the spells aren't even that interesting to begin with and the fucking cooldown system means there is zero attrition - combat is like a fucking MMO where your characters all heal up after battle and get their cooldowns refreshed so you want to spam spells nonstop all battle with no reason not to tactically hold on to certain spells unless they are specifically to kill the tanks. Battles are stupidly long and grindy because of the armor system - there were so many times I was sitting with three of my four characters attacking the only surviving tank dealing 1hp damage each and complaining "my weapon is useless" while I wait for my only guy with a half-decent armor penetration weapon to finish him off or someone to finally unlock the cooldown that allows them to deal half-decent damage. You can't make your own party members or respec the ones you have, meaning unless you make your own main character a tank you are stuck with a boring and bland tough guy they give you at the start of your game whose armor is fused to himself - like a parody of a Planescape character except he is just a by-the-book knight who can't even change his gear, so if you find a neat little armor he is the only one who could benefit it… except oh wait you can't because their only gimmick to make him interesting is his armor. They could have gone the whole length with the fact that he is brother with someone from the rival faction instead but no, they have to make him annoying but mandatory.
Fuck I didn't mean to make a fucking blog, but there is still so much stupid shit in this game I could talk all day.
Working people, yeah.
Obsidian has never released a "finished" game. The closest they ever got was New Vegas, and not even the biggest fans can deny that there's a ton of unfinished and half-baked shit.
lol no
I think that's his point though. What properly finished game has Obsidian released?
South Park The Stick of Truth
Dungeon Siege 3 and Stick of Truth are both more finished than nu vegas
Alpha Protocol?
You mean the one where half the stuff from the release trailer wasn't in the actual game?
Oh yeah. That's funny though because all of those still feel pretty unfinished.
I wouldn't know actually.
I'm stuck on Al Gore…
mind linking the thread from your history?
Use Kyle and Butters against him
Really? Everyone recommends Jimmy, but I'll try it.
Sure, why not. Let's shitposting begin.
Kinda too late for that fam tbhblgbbqt.
Just read through that. 99.9% chance of troll, and if not proof Bioware is a cancer to the industry.
Wolf age or some shit.
God damn, those were the fucking days. I remember playing TFL online, it was fucking amazing.
However the pirate mod for Soulblighter was probably the source of my finest-ever match.
IT'S 2016
God I'm so tired of this fucking meme
Yeah he's trolling. He replied to someone about the bait getting more replies than expected.
I'll assemble the hi/v/emind at once and ask the head mod of Holla Forums for further instructions. Stand by.
It's an eroge with everything lewd removed. Straight up removed. But they left all the sexual innuendo in.
You're being too tanky, are using the default slow mode or can't into damage types and stacking damage %'s. I had a half naked nuker on hard that somehow managed to have a 1.2s recovery while wearing a shield.
That moderfucker usually took 2-3 enemies from the alpha strike alone.
NWN 2 was last good obsidian game
You misspelled "New Vegas."
Who wrote MotB?
anthony burch
Guys. I have unlocked the god spell.
Gravelight + multiple projectile + bounce.
If you shoot it into a mob it'll bounce around and instant gib them.
tbh this one is underrated.
Quality post, only the best from Nu-Vee.
I know what the problem is - the combat log is very detailed. I can take care of all of the other enemies easily who lack armor but it all just comes down to that guy who has like 8-11 armor and I end up wasting whetstones to even begin to pierce it. I have been paying closer attention to armor piercing but it is still annoying as fuck.
Post your build now.
Can't. Currently at work
You know that when a weapon has say slash/pierce or frost/fire damage the game automatically picks the more effective of the two? Or that a faggot loses his parry/dodge bonus while under stun or prone?
Wait, really? When my MC was out of his spell rotation and doing auto-attacks with his frost wand he was still dealing damage against armor. When I swapped it to lightning damage it was still his basic attacks against armor. Yes his damage was piss-poor because I wasn't putting points into might for auto-attack damage but I was expecting more than ineffective damage vs armor. Maybe my game is bugged.
Oh, also it is not parry/dodge it is actual armor absorption. I have plenty of spells for stunning/daze and both casters have the spell that renders an opponent prone.
I'm just saying how some of those fuckers have p/d in the 100s and those grazes and miss(es) hurt your total dps more then you may realize.
Well, yeah. But you're doing damage against bonus or magic armor and not straight up against the armor value of the armor. If that makes any sense.
Say Barik has default chestpiece armor 6 and your normal attacks roll against that, but Barik also has a 9 pierce/frost armor. He also has a 0 crush/fire so a fireball up the codpiece would really ruin his day.
There are also effects that apparently don't roll against any armor: poisoned, bleeding, magefire, raw, drain…
This. I'm so sick of getting showered with the sexual neuroses of nu-males and betacucks whenever I play a western RPG.
Weebshit is vastly preferable to burchesqueries, cuck. Besides, it's perfectly possible to write a pure, cute, and feminine waifu without indulging in weebshit.
Wait, Magefire doesn't deal damage against any type of armor? I avoided the shit out of it since it seemed like a worthless fucking accent that would cut overall DPS more than anything else. I will never understand why the fuck they had to make fucking Spell-Resistant Armor pieces instead of tying it to something like Resolve / Willpower / Etc.
Alpha Protocol, for all of its flaws, was the last great western RPG. It was reactive, well-written and every character was memorable. The replay value was simply insane.
It still hurts whenever I'm reminded that we're never getting a sequel and will never ever forcefully deflower Sis' every teenage orifice ;_;
I can't give you the exact math because A: I don't have access to the code and B: I can't be arsed to do extensive testing but I've seen it do a fairly consistent damage to both shieldfags and lighter troops. I've even seen it do a ton of damage to fuckers apparently resistant to fire:
Way I see it you can either raise a spell/weapon proficiency and depend on crits or apply a ton of dots and see them melt. Going for sheer damage output would also work.
Are fast melee characters viable?
Yeah, just invest in the fencing thing under agility.
AP is from a slightly more innocent time, when purple hair didn't signify "feminist bitch lardmonster".
I'd say that title belongs to New Vegas. But they did both come out in the same year.
That's still my favorite Red Fang song. Embed related is pretty good, too. They put on a great live show.
People who work in jobs that don't require protective equipment have no place in talking shit about such things.
i bet if he posted about how horrible it would be to get fucked in the ass youd suddenly decide sodomy isnt so bad
one thing I couldn't get over in this game is how fucking Tumblrish the art style is
Yes seeing as how the artefacts they give you are 1h and shield as part of the story.
What an edgy piece of shit that calls itself a game.
Isn't the critisism the opposite that it is a hugbox filled with SJW faggotry?
Nope. Edginess of this sort was birthed by the same movement that birthed the modern day Sodomitic Horde. If you want to know more, watch The Decline of Western Civilization, specifically #3.
Nice memes, newfriend
Nice dubs, newfriend.
Degeneracy and SJWs go hand in hand.
All I wanted to do was control the entirety of the Tiers and build an army of highly devoted highly trained northmen to spread my empire to Kyros' fucking closet door. Game kept forcing me to cede my territory to Gayven Ashe. Fuck
I wasnt even aware Bernie Sanders was Kyros with all the free shit Ive given that sappy gray faggot
Only the womyn are allowed to own land user :^)
It is SJW cancer but that's not the worst thing about the game. The gameplay is godawful, no interesting fights, combat feels like an MMO.
Nearly all of the features that aren't standard fare come too late game to matter. Example is spires. Yeah you can unlock cool new weapons and armor, you can research new stuff. You can craft consumables. None of that shit is needed since the game throws them at you, none of the stuff you can craft is better than the loot you already find and it comes too late to matter. The game is linear but has a few branching paths.
I wouldn't say it was a bad game just mediocre it doesn't do anything special in regards to the gameplay.
The dialogue is ok, I guess. The story though wouldn't have been so bad. It has it's moments but it just ends so abruptly.
It's like KOTOR except the game ends when you find out you're revan. No boss fight with Malak, no star forge. The game just ends before you even meet the big bad. The whole game is a cocktease about who Kyros really is.
Apart from that the only things that really triggered me were the lesbians. EVERYWHERE. One of the side quests is about a lesbian that murders her 'wife' for land. Eb is a lesbian pedophile that openly flirts with Sirin. A 15 year old girl. Jesus christ though.
It's an middle-tier game that tries to innovate but fails because it doesn't match the game's structure.
There are no random encounters when travelling, no repeatable areas so the level cap is super low. If you get to a point in the story where you can't progress because you're underlevelled, too bad you're fucked. Better hope you didn't sell all your consumables or something.
So is he.
That's cuz you locked into his route
some armor is resistant to fire/frost etc. It's overlayed with the standard crush/pierce type damage. For example any armor that is resistant to crush will also be resistant to fire or whatever.
Spells have accuracy, you won't do normal damage if you only get a graze instead of a hit.
Try harder you faggot.
It is possible to make Ashe bend the knee to you at the end, making you gain control of the Disfavored.
We wouldn't want players to accidentally break the game balance now, would we? That'd be no fun.
Nothing new for Obsidian.
You have some strangely low standards. A shit RPG can get away with much if the writing is good, but the writing in Tyranny is not good, it keeps missing the mark, fails to capitalize on the premise and spends far, far more time than is necessary on tumblr shit, to the point you get the impression this was the main focus when making the game.
It's okay user, so long as it's not a heterosexual white man doing it everything is fine.
I don't even know why developers waste time with crafting if they made the game in such a way that no one was ever going to bother with it.
Doesn't work like that. For example you'll see one armour piece with fire/slash and another with fire/crush, and fuck me if I know why is that. Also hidden modifiers, creature perks and such.
And the dots should be ~50% average spell damage versus 25% of targets defense. So a 100 strength fireball should leave a 50 damage magefire that rolls against a choirfag that has 10 real fire armor but only 2.5 against dots.
And? Scroll up. The real question is whether the spell crit rate is based solely on the control shit skill or does precision come into the equation.
Just for a frame of reference, what RPGs would you say are actually good?
And could you elucidate what tumblr shit you're referring to? I completed the game a few hours ago and the only two glaring incidents of current yearing I noticed was a lesbian couple that much like in the real world had to make their aberrant love known to all, and a beastman that clearly dindu nuffin being tormented by a group of what was portrayed as senseless bigots. I killed the beastman despite there being evidence of it not having committed the crime it was accused of, as the rest of the game plainly reveals that they're subhuman creatures prone to mindless aggression
To be fair, it is a good quote and he is a nigger.
Different RPGs do different things well. I wouldn't argue Fallout 1, Arcanum or Bloodlines have good combat/gameplay, but they do excel in worldbuilding, narrative and atmosphere (to different degrees).
Fallout 2 has far too many pop culture references and severe dissonance with the gameworld at large in several places, but the variety of content and approaches it allows you to undertake is what makes it stand out.
Similarly, the reactivity and non-linearity of Alpha Protocol elevate it from an abysmal third person shooter with poorly implemented RPG mechanics tacked on to an underrated classic.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that different RPGs do different things well, yet Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2 or Tyranny do nothing particularly well.
And homosexuals everywhere, and the careful, deliberate gender balancing at every opportunity, how the character creation screen is set up, the general tone of the narrative and the game the game plainly takes sides. It's not leftists and in your face about it as Dragon Age Inquisition, no, but it is just as much of a tumblr propaganda turd, just shaped through the dull, unimaginative prism of nu-Obsidian.
The game plays like a Baldur's Gate in terms of choices and has nothing beyond aesthetics to make you feel like it takes place in a Bronze Age fantasy world.
Yea, I wasn't even aware it's supposed to be a bronze age culture until I read about it here. They go nowhere with that shit, which is a shame.
He he he. Whores don't get a second chance.
*glares silently*
Yeah what the is with that every character in the game is bisexual by default. It is stupid like they tried to eliminate all kind of gender, except if you're a female then you can be feminine.
Total garbage in that regard. Also the mix and match voices and portraits why even have separate male and female portrait folders if the character can use either on any gender. I really don't think this was overlooked as a bug rather they intended this.
Just horrible.
Deflection characters are infinitely better than armor characters
Playing with heavy armor feels like shit and plays like shit
How much can I bully this bitch in the game anyway?
I was sincere about serving Kyros, but at some point if you keep true to Law above Kyros both Tunon and Graven Ashe will bend their knees before you. And the game will end with the most unsatifsying "telling your boss to go fuck himself" ever.
Woo! thanks guys. I was starting to think the game locked you to serving one of the dudes or something. Hopefully Im not too late, Im on my way to pick one of the Voice's mouths to fuck.
thats kind of anticlimactic
Oh, you don't even know, you get this enourmous boner for solving the conflict between Archons by being an examplar, just short of telling them "I AM YOUR NEW GOD", but the sweetest thing is you get to prove them you are better then Kyros without the God part. And then you cast an edict on Kyros' ass and the game ends. You get a shitty [Press Space Bar To Contiıne] slideshow which tells fucking nothing, strangling that boner until it is dead.
You a professional cunt or just larping a feminist?
You cheeky bugger
wait, in what context did kyros was actually put in?
last time I saw people weren't raging at morrowind for having vivec as an important character.
Think 40k emprah but with the question of his gender being a running joke meme.