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Good on them I guess
I still think Shantae isn't that special

How long until it's finally released?


And how long did that take again? I suppose they can at least surpass the low expectations that #9 set.

Finally, looking forward to it.

Which Shantae form would you tenderly love?

Well to be honest your OP was pretty shit. Put some more effort into guiding the discussion to video games instead of shitposting and maybe you'll get what you want. Though in the end it's really just luck of the draw whether some poltard comes and shits in your thread driving it into the ground.

The best Shawntay is the one with dick



She could suck my soul out through my penis if you know what I mean.


Reminder to report the derail attempts that you just saw. Refresh thread.

This is what those thighs look like without pantyhose/photoshop. You pig fetishists are the worst.

i still can' believe they went for the lamest crab form



OP is a faggot

But this is fantastic news.

I just hope they release it earlier for the early access backers. Gotta feel sorry for those guys

she's nude in 9 of those transformations. 10 if you include probable spiderpussy.

A is clearly superior

snek is da best

I would also take a spiderpussy

It's almost as if there an outside force seeking to disrupt the daily functioning of this site.

I'm normally all for porn, but this thicc shit is getting out of hand.

I agree with you. I don't mind people talking about the thread with a side of porn. But thicc fags are obnoxious as fuck. Report them when you see em.

You're right. But this isn't the thread for it.

Can I play the ENTIRE series on one platform?
I hate when devs keep shitting out their games on random consoles expecting me to buy/steal them all.

Yes. They're all on Nintendo platforms and PC

Isn't her mermaid form supposed to have starfishes covering her breast?

Yeah, A definitely suits her better.

The bloated beached whale fetishes ought to be drawn and quartered.

No. It's an outside force. We discovered such with /metav/, something awful, foolz, etc. They usually work in small groups.

That's all I'll say on the matter.

Why would your draw fetishists and give them quarters?

They must've removed em mid development




I actually like all monstergirls because i'm a faggot like that

I want to cum in Cartwright, though she's most likely already have 100+ dicks in her.


Damn she's thicc af

I honestly can't wait to get my hands on it

>Vita cant pirate 3.61+ yet
gues i gotta pirate on the pc, I really wanted to play this on-the-go

Same, wayforward makes some fun games, not to mention Pirates Curse was great
I also can't wait for the bigger influx of porn we'll be getting. But that's just a lovely bonus

For what purpose?

I hope she'll waste my time, play mindgames with me and be smug about it.

Curious about this.
Preferred Pirate's Curse to the DS/DSi game, but what I've seen so far looks good.

Celebrate by looking up "Rave in the Grave".

Why does it matter? Fish tiddies

The races she's part of can't be that difficult.

I am beyond excited for this. Both my wallet and my heart is ready.

Now if only there was a release date.

I played the demo at E3 this summer.

Demo was likely of the first stage Scuttletown burning and man did it look good (on the wiiU). The transformations where quick and easy to understand. What use to be items are now spells, so for example Shantae has a bubble she can cast now (instead of the one she had to find/buy) to block shots and if I remember correctly she has a fireball projectile she can use. Though at that point in the demo her hair was the superior weapon.
Music was great too, but that's to be expected from Wayforward I think.
There was also a really cute Shantae cosplayer at the booth, but I didn't get a picture of her. sorry lads, I'd really liked to have that picture too.

Nice! I been waiting for this for a long long time.

Lucky cunt, either way I just hope we can play it soon. I loved pirates curse

I wanna fug that bug

best shantae doujin/lewd comic. Gotta love Brekkist
I can't wait either. Shit's gonna be rad. I got my PS4 copy pre-ordered on Amazon; release date's set for December 10th or something like that apparently.


i sent an email to wayforward last year asking for drm free version so i could buy it.
oh well, time for piracy.

Its getting a GOG release

All the PC ports of shantae games got gog releases

well, time to eat my hat. i didn't realize satpc even got a gog release.

but what was the conclusion of all those threads about GOG games having tracking parts or something?

what a lamer

for some people the phone home file is enough that they won't use gog.
i'm still willing to use it in spite of that because the backups will still work forever and i can block the connection with no ill consequences.

whats the matter with you nigga?

Even matangos?

The conclusion is that you need to stop playing vidya, or better yet, kill yourself.
Every company knows your personal info, they exchange and buy it from eachother.
You being paranoid wont stop it, its been like this since the 80s.

I don't like the new art style, it looks like a crappy flash cartoon with an oversized head.

I want Pirate Curse Shantae back, that was pure boner fuel.

I had to google what that is. Sounds kinky. I like it.

And if every company already knows everything about me, why do they need to buy the information from each other? :^)

googled it myself. means "long nose" = user said jew

While HM2 was a pretentious and an overall shitty sequel, HGH actually looks to be a decent game. Still, I am not blindly hyped. Just pretty optimistic about it. Needless to say, I never preorder anything anyway.
I admit, I miss the old artstyle. It was a glorious combination of cute and lewd. But HGH seems to be trying to go more cute and less lewd this time around. I don't dislike it, but I think it looks like a wannabe Rayman Origins now

user the -s means it's plural, one matango/many matangos

No. On PS4 you can will be able to buy 1.5 + 2.5 and 2.8 which is every game except for like 3, you only get the plot of those 3 as a movie and if you want to get them you will need to hunt them down on nintendo platforms and mobile.

not like i have anything else i need to be doing

Maybe if it were a good game, it'd get some.

The means to an end

God I hope they don't turn out to be cuck faggots like lab zero

How new are you?

oh gosh

I remember that. There was an SJW outcry about her mermaid form. Wayforward's response was the starfish bikini, and I think the bare chest. Both were more risque than the first design, so the SJWs just shut up and left.


Are there more of these?

Nothing, not even sjws, could ever hope to stop Matt Bozon's love of tits.

Monster Girl encyclopedia, it's old as fuck. Google it.


It's just the nippleless one that's already been posted.

This kickstarted have been the most pleasurable one to watch. I just hope my PC can run it, FPS dropped on the demo. I might as well play it on PS3.


I wonder if we'll see those girls again.

Emulate the original one on GBC, should be easy enough. The other too are on PC and 3DS/Wii U.

Best song along with scorching dunes.

Matangos are generally considered the bottom of the barrel of MGE. MGQ goes much, much worse than those. Delphinus, Setouchi and Xelvy are all responsible for some very horrible abominations.

Overrated as fuck.

Thanks user

It's from MGQ?
Never played it.

It's a trilogy with 10 pages of an encyclopedia full of mosntergirls that want your cock. There's so much you can make without repeating yourself. Not that it bothers me
Are you telling me that MGE and MGQ are 2 different things?

Probably, but it's the game with the most insane or at least plenty content of monster girls + shotacon.

Ask and thou shall receive.


my friend i have such sights to show you



No, thank you, mr. Cenobite



She probably serviced everyone in her town multiple times.


Maybe she did it out of naivety.

She did because they let her stay there and yet she can't do her job cuz she ain't no genie.


Get in line. I wish there was more art of goth Shantae

She also has the ability to turn into a tinkerbat? Kinda interesting, seeing how from my limited playthrough knowledge, they're Risky's minions.

I like the lizard, though. Don't know what abilities that could potentially have, besides maybe fast movement, water running, tree-climbing or something like that.

She can turn into a Tinkerbat in the GBC game as well, in one of the later parts of the game.

Playing the GBC game on a GBA unlocks it, if I recall correctly.

Holy shit that frilled lizard, would bang.


Without emulating? No.
I'm gonna have 3 on my 3DS and one on PC. Fuck.

I've been preparing myself for the coming disappointment ever since I started Pirate's Curse though, so all's well.

Yes, they are. MGE is a series of images with descriptions and later a book by some nip, the original creator of that universe. MGQ is a game loosely based on that shit using some designs and adding some often terrible new ones plus a storyline.

And it has all the abilities of her other forms, excpet they don't have knees so they can't crouch apparently. That's literally the only movement option they lack so she can't crouch as a tinkerbat. Otherwise it's the objectively best form to be in for the original.

THICC don't count for shit if they have a shit load of cellulite.
Now the question is, does she have it?



I didn't realize until now, but he has a third eye. Like he's been looking into the thicosphere.

Harpy, anytime, anywhere.

That's a man baby!

The game is far from perfect but it's a surprisingly competent RPG and worth your time if you don't mind the bare bones construction in whatever the VN equivalent of RPGMaker is.

And fat too not thic

I thought they cancelled the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.

Also I hope this game is actually challenging, the last one was brainless easy.


The spider


Am I back in the correct BerenBear universe?

No, but you're in the right one. Once you heard of it being Berenstain Bears, you're stuck in those universes. Same goes for many others.

Nah, it's just enough people who know what they're doing moved dimension to fix this decrepit run down dimension.

Well, crap, there's no way for me to play it, then.

Just walk out and don't even play it. You won't like it.

>What is Mediocre No. 5.8

It's actually a lewd comic by Brekkist. Part of it seen here I had no idea that was the OST name for the track. I thought it was Run Rottytops Run

cubs won, so it's still a dead end


Run Run Rottytops! is played in the part where you arry Rottytops over the forest. Rave in the Grave is the plays in the zombie island, and it have to be the fucking best song in the OST.
Rave in the Grave > Scorching dunes > Rottytops theme
I knew about the doujin, thought Although I didn't like it that much. I have yet to find Shantae porn that makes justice to herUnlike Jinx, she have a really good doujin on her

That artist isn't very good at anatomy.


That nose and mouth bothers me more, get some fucking loomis books or something you hacks


Good anatomy is what makes porn good you retard. I can tell that you're someone who faps to grossly exaggerated body parts.


If you want good and accurate anatomy you can go and watch 3DPD porn. Also, flat is justice

Get a Vita TV. They're dirt ass cheap going for around $20-30 (without a controller) if you're willing to do a little hunting

Pirate's Curse can be pretty challenging if you ignore the max HP pickups. Facing the final boss was a real bitch that way since he could just one shot you once the cannons came into play.

I was interested in a Vita for a while, mostly because of piracy but I'm aware it's not perfect right now so I'll wait until it is. Also, I'm poor so I'd only do the investment if I can pirate the games

there is a limit to how wrong one man can be

I don't know, buddy, you tell me about it.

That's really handicapping yourself. Unless HGH force you to upgrade your health, I don't see how it is relevant when you can just ignore the HP pickups.

yeah, you tell me


Flat is justice, tits are life, both are a force for good in the world.

Have fun with your beef curtains,they're mature enough, after all.

Nope. Both Rottytops and Risky have expressed interest in Bolo, the only male character there, really.


Aww yisss…

Now the wait for the first party approval begins.
How long do you think we have to wait? One week or two?

I think cert usually takes around a month unfortunately.

They have?

Rottytops obviously has a girlcrush for Shantae

There are a plenty of challenging Metroidvanias.

Also, why can't be Shantae challenging?

Pretty sure Rotty will hit on anything.

But will she fuck anything?

Rotty probably would Risky though I think if someone actually expressed interest in her she'd get all embarrassed.

I've waited far too long for this.

any comics of bolo being sexually harassed by rotty? Shantae? risky? sky?

But user, she took someone's skull and wore it as a bra. Does Risky even have the ability to be embarrassed like that?

I wish.

That's be cute to watch.

Pretty sure one or both of themhave already done it in both Risky's Revenge and Pirate's Curse.

Pretty obvious Maybe she is bisexual

Any example? Without self handicap.
Never had a single problem with any Shantae game, or most metroidvanias. Only challenge I can think of is maybe Guacamelee hidden platforming levels.

It's a front user she acts all tough but she is really nervous around sexual things.

In what ways?

user, her "office" on her ship is a hot bath, and she's surrounded by horny nigger midget sailors at all times.

I don't exactly remember who, but in the end one of them say "Later cute boy" specifically to Bolo. They both have done those kind of comments to Bolo through the games.

Why hasn't Rottytops forcey fun timed Bolo yet?

Yeah,she fucking do, Rottytops, in the good ending.

Dunno, but since I've saw her saying that I've been wanting to watch that. Also, pretty sure Bolo have said Risky is hot too.

Yeah, Bolo has been crushing on Risky since the first game.


Considering the 3DS version over the PC for this one, since it's probably cucked by steam DRM.

It might be on GOG.

A game is just as dead to me on gog as on steam, because thanks to their inane bullshit to process payments through cypress, my bank refuses any payments to buy from gog. I wish they could just fucking sell it directly drm free from their own website.

uh, yeah it's called gamestop.


Sadly user, there won't be a 3DS version. No 3D tiddies this time ;-;. I'm considering the PS3, or Wii U ver.

What, no. Pirates curse had one.

But this one won't, look into the Kikestarter page, there's no 3DS logo. The game is also really different, since it will have 3D background and hand drawn sprites instead of pixels. I'm kind of worry for that.


Rotty just flirts with everyone because she's a slut.
I guess being a decaying corpse means nobody shows much interest in her, so she makes up for it by being as easy as possible. Though it's cute when she does it with Shantae.

What do you think rottytops farts smell like?

I don't think you could smell them over the smell of her body.

i would imagine either regular farts or the next step in decay, maybe compost/mulch

Well according to Shantae lore. I'd imagine the Rotty in general smells like coffee. Since intelligent zombies consume a ton of the stuff to keep from rotting and to keep moving, for some reason.

She is not a zombie

Rottytops? Yes she is, she's a type of zombie in Shantae's world. Formaly part of the traveling Zombie Caravan from the first Shantae.

So, any backers here?

This fucking wait though. Wayforward has too many projects going on.

Also, where are my physical rewards Wayforward?

I was wondering the same myself, I got the special OST

for a game like this i cant imagine what else it would be

I got 100$ on it. Still waiting on the e-mail telling me about the release. I'll have to e-mail them about this and say it's the same as before. Also where's the digital downloads too?

Crabman matangos are breddy good, KC matangos require purging with fire and salt.



>You will never get a physical reward in the form of Shantae's body so that you can put a ring on her finger

Why not ask Shantae to be your girlfriend, user?

You take responsibility like a real man. That's what Shantae would like.

She's too good for me.

Tell whoever you live with that you got a package coming in? What kind of assholes opens other people's packages?

Well they could have went with the small cute pink one or the more bulky red one for extra meat.

I still think this needs a cartoon show, badly.

should have donated 400k

What were they thinking?

because HD. Also WayForward being bad at planning shit out in general

Oh yeah, forgot about that one. The rest is shit, thought.
Rave in the Grave > Scorching dunes > Streamworks > Rottytops theme > Run Run Rottytops > Arctic Justice > Back to the roots
The credits are a remix of some songs, notably streamworks, which is fine, but it doesn't count for me.

I hope her succubus form comes with a fitting change of character.

It'd be great if she become flustered and super embarrassed.


Time to pirate.

What's a better option?

Fucking anything. Winamp or foobar2k.

Why it is bad to begging with, besides muh botnet? Ah, and yeah, I used to use Winamp a lot. Might as well give it a try again.


Gotta hug and fug her first.


You were right. Dunno why I stopped using Winamp in the first place, but it's a lot more pleasant. Does Winamp have automatic gathering of metadata for songs?

Thanks for the recommendations, user.

Definitely a bitch. So satisfying though.

I also don't live alone. I'm just hoping I'll find my box of Shantae stuff amongst all the other boxes.

Reality is so cruel.


Has anyone seen any Shantae and Vivian related drawfaggotry?

I wan 2 fug Risky.

Get in line. Preferably behind me.



I've been using it for well, 2 days,and it have been pretty good. Is really aesthetically pleasant. I insist with this
What the hell are you supposed to be looking for in a Media Player? I just realized Winamp have far more options than Window's, it looks better and it's faster dealing with songs.

Supported filetypes, seamless playback, playlist creation, radio streaming, A E S T H E T I C S, extendability, open sourceness, editable shortcuts, quick file loading,ease of use, I could go on for a while. Not that any f them are perfect in each area, I think.

I want to lick that midriff.

Get out normalfag