>How do I get homebrew and prepare for CFW?
First, quit being such a massive faggot, and then find your firmware version below. Then see
>9.0 or under:
Find a way to load Decrypt9 on your version (MSET For 4.x or 6.x, most likely browser otherwise):
Follow the guide as normal. On New 3DS, you can now install arm9loaderhax without downgrading past 9.2 through the homebrew launcher.
Use browserhax, optionally install menuhax as a more permanent solution. Downgrade as normal then proceed normally.
>O3DS 9.9-10.3:
If you have the update nag that prevents you from using the web browser, change your system's date to January 1st, 2000 at 00:00, initialize savedata, and immediately use browserhax. Don't exit the browser using the home button, or you'll have to reinitalize save data.
>N3DS 9.9-10.1:
If you have the nag, you can beat it by opening the web browser as fast as you can from boot before the update nag kicks you out. Bookmark the applicable browserhax link, use as quickly as possible. You'll have about 30 seconds. Install menuhax immediately afterwards.
Browserhax and menuhax are usable. The phailect guide might say 10.7 can't use broswerhax but it can.
Running CFW is not as straightforward
Downgrading is now possible with hardmod, or with software ONLY IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A 3DS WITH CFW OR STEELHAX.
Post a reliable guide for using steelhax ITT and it will be put into the OP for the next thread until Phailect guide has been updated
If you're interested in doing a hardmod, a guide is available here:
Homebrew is accessible on 11.x
3DS CFW+Homebrew: Gateway is Kill Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Frequently Asked Questions
Luma3DS is the most popular CFW and supports A9LH, as well as having a number of features such as Region Free, Language Emulation, Automatic AGB_FIRM patching, Automatic flash cart unblocking, Auto-Update blocking, RO Patching (Special features for romhacks) and more.
Reinand appears to still be worked on, but the creator has indicated that they want to work privately from now on. Reinand also supports Region Free, Auto-Update blocking, RO Patching, and more.
rxTools is now out of date and lacks support for newer features as well as no longer under active development. If you have been using it previously, it is advised to switch.
All CFWs support both O3DS and N3DS.
For additional features such as cheats, save states, screenshots, and screen capture(NEW 3DS ONLY), use your CFW of choice to launch NTR CFW.
For more detailed info about each CFWs feature set, go here:
Do further, thorough research on your own. Ask smart questions here.
>Is updating my emuNAND safe and/or can I update on A9LH?
Yes, you should always stay up to date.
>Installing Luma3DS/Updating from rxTools
Using the links below, get the latest version of luma. copy the arm9loaderhax.bin to the root of your SD card, go into the hax folder and copy the 3ds folder to your SD. If you're using a bootmanager simply make an entry in the boot.cfg. This will allow you to load luma through the homebrew launcher.
On first boot, hold select to open the menu, and check "show current nand in system settings" as well as "enable region emulation", and if you like the gba boot screen you can enable that as well. Copying arm9loaderhax.bin does not install arm9loaderhax, this is simply where the cfw is stored.
>What's a .CIA?
CIA stands for CTR Importable Archive, where CTR stands for the codename of the 3ds. In simpler terms, a .cia is simply an installable package you can launch from your homescreen.
>What's emu/sysNAND?
sysNAND is the core system files that your 3DS uses, including the Home Menu and system titles such as the browser and system settings. emu/redNAND are a cloned version of this that runs off of your SD card instead of the built-in chip on your 3DS.
>What is Arm9LoaderHax?
Arm9LoaderHax or A9LH is an entrypoint for booting into emu or sysNAND. The advantages of A9LH include 100% boot rate, and execution before boot. If you install A9LH, you can get rid of emuNAND and load an updated sysNAND to install .cia.
The installation requires a one-time downgrade to 2.1.0 in order to dump OTP (One-Time Programmable console-specific information). A9LH does still support booting of emuNAND if need be, but the most popular option is to update sysNAND and use it.
A9LH protects from softbricking once installed, as it can load before the 3ds boots and flash a backup nand image. If you're familiar with the Wii, it's similar to BootMii or Priiloader.
Menuhax vs. A9LH:
>Can I upgrade SD Cards/Can I use 64GB+ SD Cards?
The 3DS can support any SD card formatted FAT32. You can do this on your 3DS using emunand9, or you can use tools like this:
Yes, you can transfer your files to a larger SD if you desire. On A9LH you need only copy your files to the larger SD. If you're on emuNAND there's a more detailed process:
First, backup all your old SD Card's files, and make an emunand dump with Emunand9. Hit eject, insert your new SD card, go to SD Format Options, and do format (minsize) if using rednand. If unsure, just do format (emunand default). This creates a partition on your New SD and formats it correctly.
Restore your emunand onto your new SD card and then copy all of your files off, you've successfully upgraded your SD.
>Can I play original DS Roms?
Not without a flashcart. SD Loading is on the way, but there's no real expected timeline. Asking WHEN doesn't make it come faster.
>What Flashcart should I get?
The cheapest and best option is the r4i 3ds:
>My issue is covered in this FAQ at all!
Check 3ds shack and the gbatemp to see if someone has had your issue and as fixed it. If you're going to post your issue here INCLUDE AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. You're only opening yourself to shitposting if you don't.
Disregard .3ds rom dumps - this is a format for flash carts and citra only.
Downloading roms directly from nintendo is possible, and recommended as a first approach before visiting external sources, excluding the obvious such as romhacks.
If you would like to download roms direct from nintendo's servers on your 3ds you can use freeshop:
on your PC you can also generate FBI-Scannable QR codes by visiting
You can search for titles on and you can view the completion here:
>Can I dump a cart to a .cia?
Previously dumping carts was a pain in the ass, but decrypt9 can now dump carts directly to cia easily, go to Gamecart Dumper > Dump to CIA.
>Can I convert a .3ds to a .cia?
Yes, with Decrypt9 simply go to Content Decryptor > NCCH/NCSD > NCCH/NCSD to CIA.
>How does
The encTitleKeys site most commonly used is dependent on user submissions. If you own an eshop title that isn't available on
Using Decrypt9, go to titlekey options, then titlekey decrypt for your respective nand. This will dump a decTitleKeys.bin, which is different than an encTitleKeys.bin. you can submit it to the website, where it will be added.
You can create an encTitleKeys dump using Titlekey Dump. The site doesn't take these, but the file will be usable for anyone with freeshop or ciangel.
>I'm a citra user and can you tell me where to find unencrypted roms?
Not here.
Basic Utilities Pack:
Luma3DS (Formerly AuReiNAND) Download:
Luma3DS Nightly Builds:
Luma3DS updater CIA:
In-depth Arm9LoaderHax information:
GBA VC Injector:
Updated BootNTR:
A Bunch of 3DS .cia's:
3DSISO/3DSChaos Accounts: user: eightvee pass: veeeightbunker
New™ 3DS Vola:
Vola User: 3DSOP pass: password!1
Current OP Pasta:
Last Thread:
I'm playing with my gateway just fine
what happened to it?
Good analog stick replacements?
Look at the images in OP
Is it safe to update my 3DS in emuNAND yet? Or is it still unsafe?
It was never unsafe. Just update luma to 6.5 and then update your emunand. While you're at it install a9lh
Site is kill?
Why fuck should I care, I'm playing all the releases with a like 2014 fucking version
Because this most likely means the company is kill.
Oh well I still have a fuckton of 3DS backlog, if some day it stops working because new stuff I just need to go CFW
Just A9LH your fucking 3DS and get rid of emuNAND then you can be on the current firmware with no issues.
So I was following the arm9loaderhax guide, and it says to update through system settings. How do I check that I did everything correctly and it's safe to update? I did the transfer old emunand to sysnand and that seemed to work and put me on 9.2
hold select on boot
For the final reinstalling tickets section on installing a9lh, I got a failed to install ticket error. What do I do?
Anyone got any idea for installing arm9loaderhax without 3ds internet access? The guide says to go to a site to load a browser based exploit, but I have absolutely no wifi access points that the 3ds can use.
the guide shows you options if you can't use the browser.
That's just for the early bits, and those still require a certain amount of internet access on the 3ds. I'm talking about the late stage when you've already downgraded to 2.1.0 and supposed to run the 2xrsa exploit.
My other option is to try and run the safeA9LHInstaller directly. But the downgrade has killed menuhax from what I can tell, so getting to the homebrew menu will be a pain.
I would assume browserhax would still work on 2.1. How do you know that MenuHax is dead? You NEVER turn off the console on 2.1, or bricks will be coming your way, 100% on N3DS.
Also, the 2.1 downgrade should of had the browser included in it. Have you actually seen it's not there, or simply assuming because your 9.2 didn't have it?
Never SHUT your console
I'm pretty sure it can handle being turned off, just not sleepmode
by no wifi access points do you mean browserhax or actually connecting to wifi? Browserhax works on 2.1.0
Anyone know how to edit Romfs and randomize Pokemon Sun? or texture edit?
I'm on O3DS. It isn't the lack of browser I still have it actually that's causing the problem. It's the lack of wifi that's compatible with my 3ds. I'm stuck on university wifi and the 3ds doesn't connect to mobile hotspots through my phone or computer. Without wifi I can't load the pages need to run the exploit.
So I've been trying to do it offline. I have an old version of menuhax that worked after downgrading to 2.1.0 last night, but won't work today and yes, I did try reseating the sd card. I guess I'll have to go through my restore points and find where it last worked and retry from there.
What's this about shutting down after the downgrade bricking the console? I haven't had any problems like that.
Don't worry, that thing about fucking up when closing it was only for N3DS when it still had to downgrade.
Menuhax uses theme data to run and doesn't work on sub-9.0 firmwares.
Most are paranoid about leaving a 3DS on the 2.1 firmware because it's so ancient. Old 3DS should in theory have no problem running it normally since it ran the firmware originally.
go around town and search for free wifi that is compatible.
3DS should work with mobile hotspots, provided all you need to access them is the network key.
I was playing Smash with mates and 3 of us needed the update as we were all on different versions, and I managed to get us all on my mobile's data at once.
This is also viable. Try a random cafe, or even a Maccas.
This is my most likely course of action so far.
That explains it, I had completely forgotten that.
Already tried the mobile hotspot, but It's worth giving it another go I guess.
It's worth noting that, with browserhax, you may need to try it a couple times even if you did everything perfectly.
Don't worry if it doesn't work the first time.
You may as well do it now. Gateway are an anachronism with modern CFW, their hacking is incompetent, and they do shady things like encrypting your save files so you have a more difficult time escaping them (it's possible). The card also drains the battery faster. About all I'd keep of theirs is the blue card, and only if you haven't got a better DS flash card.
Fortunately if you have Gateway, you're at 9.2 sysNAND, for N3DS that's only inches away from A9LH, even for O3DS it's not so bad.
Yeah power off is fine. It's related to sleep mode specifically.
Retard here. I think I have a question I didn't see in the pastebin or faq.
I'm on Luma/Arm9 with a sysnand of 11.1, and the Animal Crossing update isn't on freeshop yet. Can I use the eshop to get it since I have a physical copy in the slot, or will eshop fug me on something
any and all dlc you have pirated will be wiped including themes dlc if you installed it that way
Guess I'll hold off. I know for sure I have pirated patches for a few titles.
Their website tanks every other month this is nothing new.
Patches won't be affected only dlc.
I have installed homebrew via menuhax+browerhax ages ago, should I remove that and get this?
Ok, so I'm using my Old3DS which has already been modded to mod my New3DSXL, and I'm following the guide for such as posted in the OP and the following comments. I get to the part that requires me to get to Homebrew Launcher without using the browser. I decided to use Smashhax, as Smash Bros is the only game I own that I can use, from the list of option that guide provided. Now here's where I'm currently at, I've followed the guide's guide's guide, and am in Ubuntu loaded off a thumb drive. I go to the bottom to do the guide manually, as I couldn't figure out the quick hax thing. I get told to "Install these packages using your package manager. For example, "apt-get" for Debian-based distributions (including Ubuntu). " "
openssl libssl-dev libnl-genl-3-200 libnl-genl-3-dev libnl-3-200 libnl-3-dev pkg-config" the problem is, from what I can figure out from the error that the console gave me, it's refusing to download some of those packages, and that impedes me at later points. Below is what I put into the console, and the direct response. Any help would be appreciated, but please speak to me in the most simple terms you can, it's a miracle I've made it thus far.
[email protected]/* */:~$ sudo apt-get install openssl libssl-dev libnl-genl-3-200 libnl-genl-3-dev libnl-3-200 libnl-3-dev pkg-config
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
pkg-config is already the newest version.
pkg-config set to manually installed.
libnl-3-200 is already the newest version.
libnl-3-200 set to manually installed.
openssl is already the newest version.
openssl set to manually installed.
libnl-genl-3-200 is already the newest version.
libnl-genl-3-200 set to manually installed.
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libnl-3-dev : Depends: libnl-3-200 (= 3.2.21-1) but 3.2.21-1ubuntu3 is to be installed
libnl-genl-3-dev : Depends: libnl-genl-3-200 (= 3.2.21-1) but 3.2.21-1ubuntu3 is to be installed
libssl-dev : Depends: libssl1.0.0 (= 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2) but 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19 is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
A friend is trying to get the New Nintendo 3DS Super Mario Bross White Edition.
Is there a way to know which firmware that version has?
Try apt-get update first, and post the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list
Pretty sure those are 11.x which may or may not be such a problem in the near future, but I'd just get a boring one if you're worried.
They're still dead.
What does Firmwarespoof mean?
Running luma from ctr nand works better now.
I'm trying to do the transfer method of getting cfw With 2 3ds' s. I may be retarded but is there a way to backup or get back the target 3ds' s nnid?
As long as retards still use their hardware they're not dead.
The 3d land one was 10.7, but anything newer than that is probably 11.0 or up.
If you can access HBL, which you can on 11.X, use the latest version of Decrypt9, use the SysNAND Options and dump your NNIDsave.bin. Inject from the same menu later.
I am new to this CFW thing
O3DS with 11.0 EU and a N3DS with 11.2 EU
both no CFW
I have a copy of steel diver sub wars on my 3ds installed
I also have a working homebrew entrypoint (stickerhax and menuhax)
Is there a way I can get cfw running?
Sell them both and buy a 10.7fw or under 3DS.
Steelhax can change dsiware saves, allowing you to downgrade to 10.4
How's MAME? Can I play R-Type?
Don't really want to sell the N3DS because its from my younger brother
That would mean paying for a DSi game? I'm fine with that
But buying a new game would probably mean upgrading my main 3DS to 11.2
Is that alright?
The OP pasta says
But then goes on to say
So can I or can I nor use decrypt9 to convert a .3ds file to a .cia so I can install and play a game?
Check the OP Guide, find the page about DSiDowngrades on 11.X. There's a specific section for using Steel Diver to mess about with Fieldrunners (DSi game used for exploit)
Actual exploit for 11.X coming out in December, apparently.
There's also a hax made from the sound app preinstalled, no news of what firmware it works on.
There's also a hax that takes 2 weeks to work, that you must plug in and leave alone.
Yes. The OP means ignore .3ds as in don't find a way to install them, as Gateway is shit/pricey/owned by theiving chinks/dead last week, and Gateway is what runs .3ds.
Feel free to convert .3ds to .CIA. Don't know how long it will take, but if it's anything like dumping a cart to .CIA, it might get the system a bit hot, and there are programs that convert on computers.
You can, but you can probably find a .cia of it already.
what'a the success rate?
100%, but I shit you not, it takes 2 week sitting there, injecting 1 byte at a time into the RAM.
Also, POC only, no official release and only theoretically works for 11.X, but defeinite for
Interesting. I'm assuming you can do the same thing with the original 3ds then, and there's no need to call nintendo to restore it there either?
Nice. That makes things much easier. Thanks.
I can't read
Is there a working downgrade for 11.0 without hardmod or a second 3ds
I would tell you, but since you're incapable of reading the text will simply fall onto blind eyes.
Tell me anyways to see if my magic slave can read it for me :^)
Where do I start if I already ahve RXtools installed?
okay, here's the secret
it's mentioned in the OP
Backup your emunand and go to part two, three if n3ds
So, my 3DS ran out of battery last night while it was on, and now today it won't boot to home menu. I can get into the Luma3DS options menu as well as SysNand Backup/Restore, but not into the actual 3DS home screen.
Should I just restore an earlier SysNand and see if that fixes it?
Backing up to an older SysNAND didn't do anything. Still won't boot to the homescreen.
I am officially out of ideas and wonder if I just bricked my 3DS.
If luma and hourglass9 functions then its not bricked. I'm gonna have to ask to the obvious here first: is luma set to automatically boot sysnand?
Luma was set to that, yes.
Removing my DS flashcart from the game cart seens to have recovered it. Unfortunately, everything is fucking gone now. God fucking damnit, it's all gone. All of the shit I had installed, all of the save files… Tell me there's a way to recover that shit…
Did you make a backup before you injected?
I did not. I didn't realize it replaced absolutely everything. I thought it just replaced the firmware.
check the sd card to see if the non homebrew and cfw folders are still full.
Checking that now.
I suspect the reason this has occurred is that when I installed CFW and got everything all set up I also wiped the NNID settings in order to get back to the NNID I had been using. However, the backup was from before I wiped my NNID.
Do you think that if I repeat that step, and then copy the SD card back in that it will restore things?
Yes and no. All of your shit is still installed technically (if you check under save management you'll notice a bunch of greyed out games and still taking up space on your sd) but you may need to install a fuckload of tickets or their seeddb.
And yes, it does still have all 55gb of shit I had loaded on it. So that all appears to be copacetic.
How do I install decrypt9? I used to have it but now I can't find it.
That might be the folder for your emunand and your sysnand is simply unable to access it. Try writing your emunand backup to sysnand again.
by downloading it and putting the files where they belong.
If you used it once its probably gonna be some weird button you have to press when starting up your 3ds maybe?
Actually I dont know what I am talking about.
This is correct, actually.
You read me correctly. :^)
So what the fuck is all of this shit in my root? Also for some reason my theme folder made a 2nd theme folder so is it okay to change the name of the files and put it in the 2nd theme folder? It made a 2nd theme folder when I used CHM2 and when I put the 2nd theme in the 1st theme folder it wont let me scan to detect.
Also if a .cia file game I want to install doesnt have a pic or looks like how a regular .cia game should look like should I try to install it or I know its a bad .cia file already?
Looks like there's a problem with CHMM2. Did you install a custom theme and something bad happen? In my limited knowledge of CHMM2, I'd just delete the 2nd Themes folder and all those bitmaps. I can't see how any of them would affect you negatively.
.CIA without that fancy stuff means someone fucked up the dump. 99/100 times it works fine, but there might be something silly like a letter being wrong in the title, no game manual etc. I've installed many, never had an issue except for one which was in French and had no ability to change to English.
There's slowpidhax, which takes months to work. Hallelujah!
I have a .3ds version of the game I want also instead of just the .cia. I can use decrypt9 to convert it to .cia and install it right?
Fuck, forgot to ask can you rename the other theme files to whatever you want?
so no homebrew for 11.2?
Anyone have one of those charts full of assloads of games for NDS?
Its in the OP.
how do i access homebrew from luma? usually on rxtools i just kept holding the L button but now that doesn't show up. i tried the launcher cia but that just gives me a boot similar to start up and then just a black screen. i need to access homebrew to properly install Arm9LoaderHax. Please Help, i don't know where to go from here and google isn't giving me any leads.
install menuhax
Guys, have a CIA ever failed to install? I was trying to install The Keep and it failed to properly set it up.
either bad cia or unpatched nand
Well, I am on Luma with a9lh. So I guess it is the CIA
isn't menuhax used to boot emunand by pressing L on startup?
if so then i can do that so far, and if not then i have to find a way of re-installing it. boy, the wii is child's play in comparison to this
if I recall correctly, you're just running decypt9 once and then you're at 2.1.0
you can just use browserhax.
so to go from my current cfw to arm9loader i should focus on decypt9, got it. thanks
So, I'm back and I'm still working on this. I've gotten the console back to 11.2 and under the same NNID I was using previously, and FBI does confirm that my savedata / files are all still present, but I have no idea out how to recover it. JK's Save Manager doesn't recognize the not-installed games, and I don't know how to install them without starting over from scratch and I don't know if that'll just wipe the save data.
How would one do this?
Sorry, I forgot to link / mention, I'm the retard who backed up to an older SysNAND without backing up the current one and lost my installations on everything.
Hourglass v1.35 came out, do I update it?
Shit even a new decrypt 9 too came out. Should I update it?
Look at the list of changes if they look important or necessary for you then update otherwise don't worry about it.
I heard that deycrpt9 can accidentally remove A9LH.
Is it necessary to update to the latest a9lh stuff? I haven't touched it since I used it.
Second, is there a way to still play online even with a cfw?
Exist, if you installed it from a .cia or freeshop it you can play online.
I'm following the guide to get Browserhax on the New 3DS 10.7 but I can't seem to get past the update nag no matter how hard I try.
Date is at 1st Jan, I've bookmarked the website but no matter how fast I restart, activate wireless and open it I cannot seem to get it to work at all. It always comes up with the same "To use the Internet Browser, please update your system…" message.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Did you try just using the QR code?
Oh yeah and you're supposed to set the time to 00:00 as well as the year to like 2000 I think.
Tried both of those, I also tried using the DNS block thing and I had both the date and the time set to 1st Jan 2000 00:00
Any other ideas? I think I've done it as fast as physically possible, so it's not my speed.
Hmm the guide no longer has a browserhax method for 10.7 maybe it no longer works and you'll have to use an alternate entry point.
The one I'm following has some instructions for it
I dunno though I got my Mario 3D Land N3DS with 10.7 in like September and I downgraded using browser hacks no problem. I didn't even have to do any of that bookmarking stuff. I just scanned the QR code and it worked first try. Have you tried that? Besides that the only thing I can think of is factory resetting and wiping your SD card to maybe get the nag gone and try again.
Yea, I might see if a factory reset could do anything I guess.
That's why hourglass9 exists. It's basically a "safe" decrypt9, much like safemode9 complements godmode9.
Incidentally what's with the 9 suffix on all of these things?
After trying again, my router dropped out and I managed to go to my browser's homepage while the internet was restarting. Is it possible for me to block the IP of the nag or something?
System reset didn't change anything. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm pretty desperate right now.
All programs with the -9 suffix require arm9 exploits to run. later versions also all use the same directory.
This is the life
I still have RX Tools back from when this hacking was first figured out, what's the easiest way to update to the new shit? Is there even a reason to update?
emuNAND is ver 10.3.0-28U and sysNAND is ver 9.2.0-20U
Back up your emunand and proceed to part 2
Save changing your cfw for when the guide tells you.
Do I have to do that unlink NNID thing again before I start?
only if you plan on still using an emunand, if you're going to be al9h on sysnand only then there's no need.
Why is that? I had to unlink from sysnand to link to emunand, it doesn't work the other way around?
it should be the same trigger, you can probably manually edit the boot file to set it if it doesn't exist for some reason.
number of formats causes emunand and sysnand to be linked, which causes weirdness. if there's no emunand there shouldn't be any cause for concern.
you could still repeat the steps for formatting sysnand an extra time if you like.
What is the best way I can prepare for the dsiware exploit coming out soon?
What I currently have: O3DS 11.0, Working stickerhax, Steel diver (no hax)
Sounds like you're set.
I'm using Luma but I'm on an old firmware version and I forgot what I'm supposed to do to update.
Do I just start luma, and then update normally as I would if I weren't in CFW?
pls help
Are you trying to trick me
No, I use dynamic IPs because I can't be fucked paying $10 a month for a static one, and don't use VPNs for day to day things, as they slow me down.
I reguarly get (50)+ in these homebrew threads answering the same question, so yes, you can update.
If I was going to trick you, I'd make up 20 lines of shit that will brick your system, but make it sound correct so you don't question it.
Don't be such a nerd and get spooked, user. If you're on A9LH, you can't fuck up, it's literally designed so you can press anything and recover it.
Sorry for doubting
I can't tell if that heart is ironic or if I should tell you where to go.
Is the browserhax website down for anyone?
I have a question.
I'm going to upgrade to a9hl but the tutorial i'm seeing is telling me to replace the 3ds file I have for one the download has.
What happens if I delete that one? Do I miss all the cia files I have installed?
I have a monhun gen file but I can't backup using the 3ds of JK save manager.
I mean if I have not choice than to lose the file then I don't mind but it would be nice if there's a way to back it.
The 3ds folder is where your homebrew apps go, i just upgraded to a9hl too.
also the browserhax website changed to
So deleting and replacing the 3ds file wont delete the games I have installed?
No, just make sure you back up your emuNAND
I'm confused. I did the AL9H install, can I update my firmware?
Read the thread.
Where can one acquire Wii U games that aren't behind does anyone know?
I've asked in specific threads but I always get told to piss off or someone shitposts about it so I'm asking here.
consider buying it, please please, rune factory 5 FUCKING when
one sale isn't going to release a sequel user.
I need to hang on to something.
Like the ceiling after it reaches NEVER EVER status?
Are there any adult 3DS communities out there? I'd like to get more friends who own a 3DS but so far all I've found is Reddit tier cancer.
There's this one. We do have a transvestite lurking though.
Here and nowhere else. Every other site is full of NEET weebs collecting welfare or Nintendrones.
I've been here a year and haven't heard of this. You talking about Aurora?
Trying to make friends based on having one thing in common is an exercise in futility, especially when the commonality is something you own. You have to deal the the person, not just their DS. We're probably the best thing there is since we're all just figments of your imagination
I worry about this constantly, but am disproven when the things I want to happen don't.
I was going to say it, but I figured not all of you are weebs. I'm not.
Ok, so considering I can't get browserhax to work on 10.7, should I just get OoT and use OoThax? Will any OoT game work? Is there a free way to hack it if I have a another 3DS with CFW?
What's wrong with BrowserHax, first off. We'll try to avoid shelling out money. If you're getting the nag to update when launching the browser, are you on N3DS or O3DS?
Some threads ago an user posted posted a discord. This thing showed of its bung hole off for that user.
What's your exact version number, did you set the clock to 1/1/2000 0:00 and initialize save data?
Thank God I don't join random Discords.
What we should do is bully them relentlessly in every thread, then.
I got the update nag, I followed the instructions on the plailect guide (including changing the date and initializing save data) and it didn't work. Any tips?
What didn't work, the site or the nag came back? Because the site for browserhax changed this week.
They're anonymous user. How would we find them?
Bully is bully. Doesn't matter if it's straight at them or just about them, it works.
I bookmarked the site in the guide, should I try another one?
I re-enable wireless and quick as shit I open browser and click the bookmark, only to be greeted by the update nag.
My exact version is 10.7.0-32E.
I'm just trying to make some human connections lad. I'm fucking exhausted trying to find people not screeching about Trump winning and getting triggered over nothing.
Hard to find discords if you don't already have friends in them. I drifted apart from my old play group and now I'm in limbo for a new one hence why I asked here.
please respond
I somehow became friends with some redditor after setting my guild card greeting in mh4u to "For Trump." Decent at hunts but is complete cancer. I ought to wipe some people from my friends list.
I did. Just go through the Adfly, it won't kill you. 3DSISO is bretty gud for reuploading dead links.
We can be friends if you want.
Bookmark and try this site instead:
It's not the official one by Smealum, as I forgot what it was changed to, but it's just a clone, so no problems with it.
Ok, I just looked and it seems as if yls8 is down, are there any alternatives?
Maybe we can, but you need to give me a way to contact you.
You can contact me here, my name is Anonymous.
I'm making a Discord for us now. Join it to shitpost in and make friends. Give me a few min to set it up fully.
Should go without saying, but shit it up too much and you will get Stanley Roo'd, but I'm an Aussie, so it would have to get severe.
Ok I just tried that site, bookmarked it, I set the time to 00:00 Jan 2000, disabled wireless, restarted and as fast as possible enabled wireless and started browser, clicked on the bookmark and got kicked out by the nag.
Any more ideas? Any other hax that are free? I'd be real grateful if anyone could help.
On Old 3DS or New? I've never seen the idea of turning wireless on and off before. But besides that, there's aren't any other free methods I can think of.
If you've got a mate with a 3DS, consider asking them for one of the games that has hax available. Last I checked, even Pokemon ORAS has a hax, called Basehax, that can get you into HBL.
Anyone got a list of 3ds games to get? I cant belive I only got like 9GB left. Looks like I need to update to 64GB soon.
New 3DS, the guide mentioned turning wireless off, restarting and trying again, maybe I have to do it faster? I'm going as fast as I can though.
You don't have to turn off wifi, just turning it off and on and rushing to the browser works.
Ok I swear I'm doing this as fast as physically possible, is there anything I could be missing here?
Try this
Still not working, the nag comes up as soon as I press the bookmark button.
I'm having the same problem as this user, shit doesn't work.
Mine is v10.7.0-32U
Try using the QR code instead?
I tried that too, I'll give it another go.
Nope, I deleted save data, reset time, restarted console and did the QR code, the nag pops up before it can even load.
Has anyone tried switching the saves in SuMo like in that second image? Are there any hiccups/glitches caused by it? I think I'm gonna jump ship from Moon to Sun.
Sun and Moon saves seem perfectly compatible, and no one has reported issues with it. Only difference that needs correcting is that the time difference still exists, but new versions of PkHex can alter the time difference to anything, whether to Sun mode, Moon mode or your own personal preference.
Ok, following this guide:
I'm at the last few steps, namely VII and it ask me to launch dgTools, but I have 2 problems with this. For one, it appears that the hacked save I had for Feildrunners isn't working, as going to "Scores" as it says in the guide doesn't launch anything. I would just follow the guide it has there for just such a problem, but that guide requires Feildrunners ALSO be on the source 3DS, which just did the System Transfer, so IDK what the fuck they were thinking there, because I don't want to pay another 10 dollars if I don't have to.
On top of that, it says in the next step to not downgrade with dgTools if you already have arm9loaderhax installed, which I did on my source 3DS before the transfer, so I would assume it's installed on the target 3DS now as well.
ON TOP OF THAT, it ask me to launch Homebrew Launcher without the browser, which the only option I have to do that is Smashhax, and I've tried that before and I don't want to mess with that shit again.
Any help would be appreciated
dude jsut start over from scratch
I can't beat the fucking nag, I've tried everything but it just doesn't work.
What am I missing?
I hope none of you were dumb enough to go online in Pokemon Sun or Moon.
If you did, there's a good chance you just got banned.
I tried a system format, but that doesn't get rid of the nag.
That gif gave me an awkward boner user.
I did some wonder trading. oops I guess.
Made me look.
it's real. I got 002 0102 ban.
you can test it by trying to go online in a game like monster hunter.
Well fuck me. That'll teach me to trust shit like that again.
How would I hide the CFW if I convince Ninty to fix it?
You send that shit to nintendo they're just going to do a flash write of your console to the most current firmware.
and I highly doubt that being console banned is covered by warranty replacement/repair.
Feels good
well shit, that would suck if there were any games that were worth playing online on a 3ds.
probably uninstall any illegal games and software and if you injected fbi into H&S find out how to revert that change
you can uninstall alh9
then delete all the files that aren't DCIM & Nintendo3ds
monster hunter and mario kart
Did anyone manage to get their browserhax working on 10.7+ AFTER they got the nag?
4/10 i replied
Get a load of this casual
I've never seen the appeal to monster hunter. Maybe it's because I'm a faggot with no friends, but it's just too much of a generic grind for me. No fluff obfuscating the grind.
Monster hunter would be fine if the animations weren't so fucking slow and no way to cancel them. Games like Tokiden Kiwami play better in pretty much every way but have no audience and it's annoying. Take a lead from Souls or something and you have a great concept with solid gameplay instead of the bland ps2 online game we have now.
The fact there's no animation cancelling is why it's good: You actually have to learn timing and patience, instead of going full charge then cheesing it out it you timed it poorly.
Yes, being stuck in a 3 second cool down animation is so fun.
It's not the PS1 era any more.
Sounds like you're gonna hate XX then.
XX doesn't have cancelling right?
Is there a way to get around the amiibo bullshit for animal crossing new leaf? I want to try out the new features but I refuse to buy amiibos.
Not sure if the save editors allow to change amiibo flags, but if you REALLY want, you can buy an Amiiqo/N2 system. It's pretty much just a NFC reader for 3DS, plus some RFID tags to set up your own Amiibos based off dumps of ammibos on sites likes 3DSISO
plz help, I'm so close to finishing this shit, plz
Can i still buy a N3DS XL without the firmware being latest?
Probably the first editions released i presume?
(Metallic blue/black etc)
Reddit has a list of product codes and their corresponding firmwares. v11.x isn't going to be an issue soon anyways.
can i have a link to the reddit thread?
It's in 3dshacks
Name one non-Jap non-casual game for my 3DS that isn't a +4 sequel or remake. I'm really sick of pleb-tier casual games like Kid Icarus, Mario 3D World, Link Between Worlds, Shinobi, Batman, NES Remix, etc. etc. etc.
For a system that seems comparable to my stupid-ass Wii there is a lack of depth to main library. I find myself playing my old DS games more often than not due to the plethora of shitty games for 3DS. The fightan game is literally pleb-tier Smash. The drivan game is literally another Mario Kart. The grindan games are all pleb-tier casual Jap-shit. Where the FUCK are the puzzle games like the Touch-Master "barcade" games?
We got picross and mini Mario vs donkey. Those are some puzzle games you could try.
So I installed the Moon leak but never even started it up. I'm purging all traces of it to be absolutely sure I'm clean before going online, does anyone have the title ID for the ticket so I can delete that?
i got a 64GB SD card.
when i insert it into my 3ds and start up this message pops up: Cannot display the software on the microSD card- The microSD card could not be accessed
how do i fix this?
Read the op
man, there are a shit ton of picross on the 3ds. I finished the two jap club nintendo ones, im close to finishing mario picross and picross e (there are 7 picross e), I'm also like 1/3 through pokemon picross, and have the zelda picross and 3d picross installed
send help
Also, could anyone point out where I could buy a good replacement stick for my 3ds? the cover keeps falling at the worst of times and the stick without the cover is too shallow for me, also, maybe somewhere to find the plastic pads that are beneath the button of my brother's 3ds' x button feels weird and I think it might be that.
ebay chink sellers preferred because I'm not ameriburger and chinks ship almost everywhere but I don't know which are shit and which are not
what folder do i put payload_stage1 in?
Cancel animation? Lol fuck off.
Ok, so I finally could beat the fucking nag but then I got this message:
An error has occurred please save your data in any software currently in use and then restart the system.
What the fuck
Alright so i'm done with everything, downgraded, installed lumaupdater, FBI and a9lh.
So how do i update the system to play online?
I recently bought a 3ds and I am trying to hack it, I'm stuck at installing the fbi in the hs, it install fine using universal injector but when I launch the hs black screen.
Any idea ?
Anyone knows the difference from error 002-0120 to error 022-2812?
Keep hearing people who got banned from playing moon got the first one which some say its a temporary ban.
you just update, m8. go to system settings and update
Can Citra run anything properly yet?
Ask the emulation thread.
Fuck the emulation thread I'm asking here
Okay, I finally got browserhax to work.
If you're still having problems, here is how I did it.
Turn on wifi, turn it off and then turn it on again then open the browser and this one
However, you have to be extremely fast, you have less than 5 seconds or so.
Check the top screen, you have to open the webpage before the blue internet appears there.
The Pokemon ban gives both for most people. 022-2812 when you try to access eshop or other NNID-related stuff (the actual NNID is not banned, however, just the device), 002-0102 when you try to go online in a game. A few people have said they're only getting one or the other, but I suspect this is because they don't understand how to check.
I wonder if anybody has gotten themselves into an autistic fit of rage over this. I ought to check gbs temp.
gbatemp has already found preliminary solutions to get online play back. If you have al9h you are probably unbannable in the long term. I'm sure some people are mad right now, but it won't last.
its 75 pages of salt generated since last night.
kinda crazy to watch.
last i checked it was at 17
how do you check? since ive only seen the 002 error, and i've gone into the e-shop to check
You can actually use the eshop? That's interesting. You were using the Lurantis cia or something else?
Fucking spergs should have known better than to wonder trade a week and a half before release.
It's like none of these retards remember the leak for XY. You don't fucking go online with leaked copies, pirated or otherwise.
wonder trading is a powerful drug man. its addictive as hell.
go in and browse yea. was gonna check to see if i can DL a demo, but i dont have a NNID on this 3ds
I want to see if i get an error if i set up an NNID but it's a hassle since my system is in moonrunes
What you should be doing instead user is breeding your starters to wonder trade a bunch of them off on release day
That's probably why. It'll give you an error if you try to create one, I'll bet.
Breeding kinda sucks this game. I mean I'll do it and they've made some improvements but there's no big area to run around in. The big strip of land they gave us is segmented by 3 zone shifts which is annoying.
it's the opposite of comfy.
Oras battle island breeding was pretty comfy, even if the game was shit.
The upside is once people discover what pokemon you can get from an island scan the pool of legal pokebals widens by a lot. Since males can pass down their balls sometimes, and apricornballs made a slightly limited comeback.
i should test it, but i honestly dont care to much about it. Nothing i really care about playing on the 3ds that uses online in any meaningful way
You can go online with other things as long as you don't go online with a Pokemon rom that has the incorrect version flag. People who said it was fine to go online with it were stupid, especially once it was revealed that it was incorrectly labeled as version 0 and thus differentiable from legitimate cartridges.
GG Nintendo. Looks like we'll have a solution on gbatemp soon.
getting around device bans already has a guide i believe
Shit, it was confirmed to have the wrong version? Got a link, user?
I have the error "Wrong title key" when trying to install a game downloaded through FreeShop.
I don't believe this is related to the eshop ban because everyone I see that is banned can still use freeshop. I also already tried changing the title key file.
Any way to fix this? The worst part is that the game downloads but get stuck at the end, around 98%.
im still using bigbluemenu and rxtools since i hacked my o3ds last year and still havent had any trouble playing games. Is there any feature in Luma or devmenu worth the hassle of upgrading?
So I got an error while downgrading and now I have a partially downgraded N3DS. I can't open Homebrew Launcher but the console works fine. What should I do now?
I'm trying to get browserhax to work again.
The list goes on. There is absolutely no reason not to upgrade to a9lh, and if you have any problems on emunand, no one here is going to help you.
You should look through the change logs for Luma. A lot has been added.
Seconding this, one of my tickets says
I'm on A9lLH/Luma, is it safe to update to the newest firmware?
Yes, stop asking the same fucking question and do your research, nigga.
No, it will give Nintendo your location and Miyamoto will personally arrive at your door to shoot you in the dick. After you've bled to death he'll feed you to zombie Iwata, in hope that the nourishment will allow him to return as Nintendo's president
I haven't kept up to date with all this 3DS CFW stuff. I'm on emunand Rei 11.0.0-33U. Can I update to the latest firmware? Do I need to switch to some other CFW?
upgrade to a9lh and learn to fucking read.
That's kinda hot.
Install A9LH
Lurk moar
Shilling for 3DS Homebrew discord, so people can ask questions like:
"Can I update?"
"How do I freeshop?"
and "I'm on 11.2, why doesn't browserhax work?"
quickly and ping other anons so you get a faster response.
Link doesn't expire, so I'll put it in the next few threads, or maybe OP can put it in his copypasta.
you forgot "how do I unbanned pokemon"
So yeah, was it just Sun/Moontards that got banned, or is the gbatemp post about the guy getting banned just for playing Smash 4 online on the latest firmware getting banned legit?
Did I get a9lh and shit for nothing?
It's just Sun and Moon. gbatemp is full of retards, especially right now.
I went online in PokeSun and I'm not banned. I didn't do any wonder trades/battling but I definitely checked the GTS and festival plaza.
Did I escape Ninty's wrath somehow or is it more likely that I'm just going to get banned in a later wave
When did you go online?
Once about a couple of days ago. Stupid fucking decision in retrospect but I just wanted to see if anything would happen.
I don't really understand but this is something bad right?
I hope not? That's why I came here. I mean it's past the date and I just used CHMM and got an error, but nothing bricking.
Welp. Uninstalled CHMM. Didnt need it anyways since you can get them through freeshop now.
It's obviously just a plea for attention, just uninstall your custom themes and the apps and you're golden probably.
Why would you announce a timebomb anyways
>That's today
Actually it's yesterday
It's still the 16th for me.
Wasn't there a way to make custom themes into a .cia?
are you sure he just didn't get hacked?
Oh well fuck it, didn't need CHMM anyway, there's other ways to install themes. Sounds like the dev is an attention whore anyway so no real loss.
Still, I find it odd that there's no mention of this anywhere else.
Well I've been using the newest build of CHMM for the past hour and nothing has happened, so w/e maybe I brought it up for nothing.
Check out my qt theme
I was using CHMM too but I'm not going to risk keeping it on there if there's even a remote chance it'll bork something.
How come the search function on there is so shit? I cant find any good Trump themes.
I turned off the internet on my 3DS before even launching it the first time, I saw it coming a mile away. I should be able to download a legitimate .cia from Freeshop after it releases and transfer the game save to avoid this mess, right?
Alright who did this?
Is using spotpass safe?
that's lewd, user
yes, it sounds like all the people getting banned is probably a good thing in the long run anyway.
if we get a good way to generate unique system identifiers out of it everyone wins and no ban will ever mean anything.
Anybodye else just have a massive computer crash? I hope it's not that faggot's Rinnegatamante's doing.
Nope. And you give the fuck too much credit.
Probably, didn't want to rule it out just because though.
You are all fucking gullible and should be ashamed of yourselves.
But it's not April fools, user
every day is April fools when you're fucking retarded.
I have an old 3ds 11.0.0-33U and I want to get a new XL and play pokemon (that updates it to 11.2.0-35)
If I xfer my NINID to the new XL, ( and down the road when they release the DSIware hack to not require an already CFW DS, ), can I hack the new XL and then restore my NINID to the the XL?
what threads on what sites do I follow for unban methods?
Since it has to do with going online in an unreleased game, you'll want not being retarded on common sense
Also gbatemp and /r/3dshacks have some threads/saltmines going.
Also lurk moar
According to the user that rolled 88
This is Nintendo's April fools prank to the 3ds homebrew community.
Is there a hack more comfy than a9lh?
ban workaround fucking when
Thanks giving
You can buy a new 3ds for $100
The developer, Neverland, closed down. I don't think they see any money from sales.
If I'm gonna give nintendo money I'm going to wait until the switch comes out.
might as well wait to buy pokemon moon until then too since the port will be better.
Anyone has the recommended games image?
so was this a hoax or what? what's the story behind it.
I'm currently on A9LH/luma 11.0.
Should I (ever) be concerned about doing system updates?
Holy shit. Can anyone ever fucking Ctrl+f anymore? Can you people even read? How many times does it have to be said.
Thanks, I'm still used to a time where updates were a dangerous prospect.
Ok, I followed the instruction on installing arm, and luma.
I still can't boot into my emunand. I've tried toggling things in luma, but it always says "sys" in the system settings instead of "emu"
Has anyone else had this problem?
I had menuhax on here prior to arm9loader, is that a problem? Luma runs just fine, and I'm on v9.2 like I wanted. I just can't get into my emunand.
If you followed the instructions then you are supposed to be in sysnand with CFW in it. There is no reason to have emunand any more.
Where do you find the latest version of decrypt9? I can't seem to find one that works on 11.2. Is there such a version?
If you have A9LH installed then your system firmware is irrelevant. But if you're trying to run it through HBL you need an ARM9 exploit for it to work, that's only available on 9.2 and lower right now. I believe there's some work being done on a new exploit though.
Is it safe to add swapdoodle?
You can but it watched you and once you cum to Nikki porn your 3DS gets remote wiped.
Dang. Looks like I'll have to do things the hard way then. Here's hoping the exploit comes soon for everyone else though.
What are you trying to so and why aren't you on A9LH?
I am on a9lh, I was asking because I was trying to find a easy way to switch out from a friends nnid's while keeping my stuff. Also is there a difference between using freeshop and just getting the .cia? Thinking of getting the new pokemon.
Freeshop downloads directly from Nintendo's eshop server and for me at least it's actually faster downloading shit from freeshop than installing over the network. Only issue with freeshop is it is reliant on people uploading their legit tickets so it's missing a bunch of stuff, especially older stuff from before the thing came out.
Is it possible to unpack a cia and then move the contents to the sd card so I don't have to copy the cia to the sd card?
I only have a 4gb sd card at the moment and I can't install any 2gb game.
Use FBI's Network install and socketpunch it can be really slow but it will do what you want.
I'll check it out
does it work for unbanning
only if you've done a system transfer in the past.
uhmmm is there some longcut key-combo that activates a system shutdown? or did i just experience my first New 3DS XL + a9lh + Luma glitch?
it ended the game and loaded the power-off menu, and wouldn't let me go back to the home menu. everything else still works after turning it back on, but damnit i hate those Mario 3D World bullshit "shadow chase" levels