How can Nintendo be so retarded?
I mean this has to be some kind of really long running joke. When's the punchline?
How can Nintendo be so retarded?
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I think Nintendo knows they're invincible.
They're in for a rough wake up call imho
Did Nintendo confirm it?
They really aren't. They've been making boneheaded decisions for decades and always survived. They're unkillable and they fucking know it
The info comes from someone that usually has correct tips
But no, not officially confirmed
I will wait for Nintendo, but if it does happen, it's like they want to kill all hype for the Switch, and ensure it ends up in an early grave.
It honestly just leaves me wondering what they've been doing for the past years. I thought the lack of titles on the wiiu was because they were working on a lot of stuff for the Switch, but it's been like a month since the announcement and there's been zero games announced for it.
It's just fucking sad honestly.
They've had a lot of practice. They're not amateurs at making stupid decisions.
It definitely is because they are moving to the Switch, just wait for the January direct, then you can feel let down if they announce nothing.
I hated that streetpass bullshit on the 3DS so much. Back before Monster Hunter was popular and didn't have functional online I had to go around spoofing MAC addresses and wifi SSID's to fake out Nintendo's spotpass servers and get other people's hunter cards – all so I could get an exclusive armor ingredient that only those hunter cards were able to collect.
And then they pulled their cancerous Mii Plaza whatever that was literally "DLC: The Game". I'm so glad CFW finally happened so I don't have to support Nintendo anymore.
I actually really liked street pass, it would've been great if they had made it for mobile. In the 3 years or more I had my 3ds I probably street passed like 10 people.
But still the idea was good. Ac used it perfectly.
It's nothing new. Their new strategy is losing money as opposed to sony.
they probably scarped some nice decent difficulty thing in the game that was across most of the game to make it more casual friendly
and pokemon moon and sun launches in a few day and that is probably about all the revenue they are gonna get for 6-8 months.
this. this is what the switch is. a big selection of really good exclusive games would make this argument meaningless, but seeing how even their latest first party titles for wii u were irredeemable shit, i doubt this will happen.
but what am i saying. this is nintendo. people will buy it.
I'm pretty much numb to Nintendo delaying Zelda at this point. And I'd rather them make sure the game fucking works and has as much content as it can fit by the time they release it.
Besides, if this rumor is true. This could mean that the Mario game is probably going to be a launch title.
This, plus it means that the new Zelda game is going to get polished even more. It is just like Miyamoto's saying.
but goy you get to play skyrim :^^^^)))
then delay your fucking console, too, you need to have exclusive launch titles to avoid wiiu 2 you fucking wrinklechick
the game was suppose to come out for the wii u did not because they couldn't into hd at the time, did not want to make a traditional zelda game and look into open world which they can barely do open world from what I've seen with all that gameplay videoes.
they've had plenty of time to make this game, they just can't fucking make games anymore and don't know what the fuck to do.
Jewtendo never fails to impress.
It has been in production for the entirety of the Wii U's lifespan and somehow it's still not fucking done.
Say, you know what game people have been comparing this to since it was announced?
You know what game ALSO took a long-ass time to make, and when it came out, it was disappointing as all hell?
I wonder what the odds of Nintendo driving out Aonuma out of the company and just releasing the game where you can't even battle Ganon at the end.
Link = Venom confirmed.
Nintendo has had it's share of fuckups before. But acording to the source this rumor came from, Zelda is being delayed because of localization not because the game isn't finished. Maybe japs will have it at launch?
Anyway, more reason for Nintendo to
ditch treehouse
Oh great, they delayed the game to insert more internet memes!
who is doing the localization
Treehouse. Apart from giving us 3d megamilk, not much good came from them.
This. Nintendo has a lot of IPs they can milk. Will Disney ever go bankrupt?
Nintendo can always drop out of the videogame industry and switch to cartoons, theme parks and love hotels.
Haven't you learned a damn thing yet?
why would they still be on Holla Forumseddit if they had ?
Actually, I sorta take it back, considering that it would be a nice console seller. But I say give them a little more time to work on it; not too much, because we don't wanna end up with Mighty No. 9 again.
That quote is obsolete now that we have fucking patches
Zelda is the only game they've confirmed and shown gameplay of for the Switch. Since Zelda won't be coming out when the Switch does, are we to assume the Switch is releasing with no games? That's probably not true, but since there's been no advertising and Nintendo is firm in not confirming any of the other games, the console is going to come out and few people are going to know what games are on it to make it worth buying.
It's a retarded business decision, because it's almost like asking your audience to not buy your console Day 1. In which case, why not just delay the release of the entire console since you don't want them to buy it anyway?
well that is terrible
mario and pokemon is really only nintendos last strong ips
fire emblem did see a resurge of numbers but the translation team really holding that back with their censorship sjw crap
Splatoon is a decent new ip but its held back by its own system and nintendo.
all in all the 3ds still is only true money maker nintendo has right now even more so with pokemon in a few days
Do you believe that Mario game they showed was just a mock up?
Did they confirm a mario game?
you don't belong here, OP
hearing sunshine hd and another shitty galaxy game
There wasn't any DLC in Streetpass Mii Plaza, unless you're complaining about the new games they (and by they I mean 2nd party devs) made for it over a year (or 2 actually) after the 3DS was launched that you had to pay for?
Waifumon fire emblem sold well whether you liked it or not, Hashtag Fire emblem on the other hand, never had a chance.
I want them to die so fucking bad. This arrogance and hubris the past 10 years has been insufferable.
C'mon now.
You wot mate? Do you think there will ever be a nintendo console without mario?
The questiom you want is "Did nintendo confirm it wason production?" To which the answer is in the trailer. Yes. No idea when it comes out of course.
Here come the Nintentoddlers
I remember reading Koizumi saying they were working on a new 3D mario game back in 2014. And they made it a point to not say if it was on either the Wii u or 3DS.
Yamauchi must be rolling in his grave.
They should absolutely delay the hardware launch until Zelda is ready to be released.
In all honesty, Nintendo shouldn't release hardware unless they have launch titles lined up for every one of their major franchises.
For every patch a developer deploys, they should reimburse a dollar to every customer in apology for making a broken game in the first place.
Nintendo plans to use the engine for other games.
Kill me Pete.
I don't want to suffer through an entire generation of open world Nintendo games.
If the Open World virus infected Metal Gear, no one is safe.
This. I want to say they're trying, but their decisions are so bizarre and thoughtless that it feels like cutting corners. You don't release a game system with no games, especially if people are hesitant about the new system, and are still treating burns from the last one. We're done with buying consoles and hoping for the best. There's way too much consumer risk these days with weakening entries, weakening performance, and increasing costs thinly veiled behind DLC and season passes and pre-orders for demos-I mean Open Betas. Now's the time to actually have a decent launch.
It's gonna be great
Given the Switch is launching prematurely and basically an attempted do-over of the generation since the Wii U floundered, they really shouldn't be in a hurry.
Engine =/= formula. Plenty of engines are used for all kinds of genres.
Never forget
This makes me incredibly hateful at our cucked less-than-half brothers.
Reminds me of pic related
Open World Metroid could be cool, that said I hope Nintendo doesn't make ALL of their games OPEN WORLD.
I'm getting real sick of this shit and RNG
let's be honest here, this was before we woke up to Treehouse's bullshit of constant memes and NISA tier localization. the E3 show was a good change of pace since it showed actual gameplay rather than BUY OUR SHIT GOYIM. I'm not defending Treehouse or even Nintendo, but the show itself was card worthy. We gave one to Iwata since he was feeling ill, he obviously couldn't comment on it but he was thankful.
So many children desperately trying to convince themselves that the only platform they use must be the best one by shitting on whatever they don't have. As if every platform doesn't have its own pros/cons.
You faggots spend more time sperging out than actually playing games on whatever platform you've convinced yourself is objectively the best. You're living, breathing advertisements.
True. Hadn't really put two and two together with that. I did like the puppets. (That was that year, right?)
BAD user
Thought it was the year they announced the fucking wii u. The puppets one was much much later.
No. it was the year before that in 2014. While everyone here now is against SJW bullshit and always was, I think that GamerGate really opened the eyes of everyone on Holla Forums, and actually questioning the ethics of the industry more than usual. Obviously twitter and reddit ruined it, but it was good while it lasted.
they outright said that all of the gameplay shown was not real. Does that mean there isn't a new mario game? No, but according to Nintendon, there are no games confirmed for the Switch, other than Zelda.
it was the same year.
Mario was probably an old tech demo.
Well, there screwed…
Not true with consoles, considering you have to pay the company for patches.
Looks like I'm not buying a Switch at launch after all.
I guess it will give me an excuse to be a logical consumer and wait to see if there are any incredibly terrible hardware failures or a lineup of tried and true titles that actually validates buying one.
Is it too early to call this thing the Nintendo Bait and Switch?
shit, I'm all fucked up. [Current year] has me all shaken.
No shit. Nintendo only survives because of blind loyalty and the massive warchest they built up from when they were good.
If a dev without massive popularity and cash made as many stupid mistakes and terrible choices as Nintendo they would be bankrupt in the blink of an eye.
I participated in that.
I had still hope.
Why would you even buy a switch, just wait for it to come out on pc. Tr4sh is almost done.
Will we ever get a sequel?
it's okay user, you didn't know.
Uncharacteristic optimistic thought: Nintendo surprises everyone with a totally unannounced title, and the Switch releases with Metroid Dread as a pack-in. And Treehouse can't screw up the translation because the game has no dialogue.
Okay, back to reality now. It was just nice to dream for a moment of a world where the Big N actually knew what they were doing.
…Years after it was relevant,but whatever.
that fat piece of shit ruins the entire webm
someone is trying to destroy nintendo. so theres less competition for microsoft
They could do nothing but shoot up massive amounts of heroin all day and still survive for centuries
Why everyone posting so retarded, the engine can do whatever Nintendo want it to do, open world is supported not required, please do us all a flavour and kill yourself.
no user thats not how it works
Why I keep coming up against retards here.
Isn't Breath of the Wild supposed to come out for WiiU as well?
Because if it is it means emulators like Cemu will probably be able to run it without issued by the time its released anyways
DNF wasn't really "delayed" it was just trapped in development hell
I heard you guys are faggots.
So… Are they going third party yet?
That's not an excuse, it is two different things. Dev hell for DNF was different than for say The last guardian, because the studios that owned it and worked on it changed over and over.
is it development hell if you scrap the game multiple times?
God damn you're fucking stupid holy shit
go play league of legends you babby i think your match is ready
Why would he do that, you're the retard here.
you really have no idea whats going on do you?
You 'pretending to retarded' for (you)s?
Honestly I stopped caring after I heard it won't have physical compatibility with Wii or WiiU.
Your church have already accepted that current society doesn't follow marriage as it was 800 years ago and deemed it not sinful.
So can't you just enjoy 3D megamilk? Enjoying boobs is officially christian.
You mean FUCKING invincible?
Oy vey goy, I mean layman, the Church has to adapt to the times, don't you know? It's the current year after all, we don't need marriage anymore, it's an unrealizable ideal laygoy!
fuck (((pope francis)))
I wish I could see the reaction if you could go back in time and tell them that the pope is welcoming a literal muslim invasion. Current year is scary
How does he have it without any games? Also, that hoe really needs cock.
It's fake, it's just a 3D print
By merit of being shat out by Gearbox, it cements the development hell argument.
can someone explain me this webm? i dont follow youtuber retards OR niggers, and this guy seems to be both.
The report says that Mario Switch will launch with the Switch, so it's not all Nintendoom and Nintengloom.
I feel like Nintendo is trying to find a balance to their game releases. Rushing all the heavy hitters to have one big launch splooge isn't a good thing, as it may leave a huge drought of games after launch, and would cause a lot of games to be overshadowed during that launch. The Wii U had a pretty big launch window (padded out by ports), but who really remembers the most of the titles?
Remember that PS2 launch window poster that gets posted frequently? Those games weren't all out at the same time, they were spaced between several months. Having a more balanced schedule for releases where there's a handful games are released every month would allow for games to get a decent spread of attention and would be easier on people's wallets. Of course, having a heavy hitter like Zelda missing at launch is a big risk. We'll just have to wait and see if this plan proves to be better than the Wii U's launch.
excuses excuses excuses excuses
almost definite Mario 4096 is a launch title, there's no way they're demoing a scene of a mario title and not dropping that shit day 1
they're still trying to package minigames, so it's more likely a mario&sonic or some shit will be sold with the console for launch
Well you know how there's a reacting community? All of it is garbage but they WISH they could be this guy. So from what I hear, the last stream he did involved getting drunk off his ass and doing crazy shit, and while people started donating hundreds of dollars to him all at once, he pulled this out at the very end of the stream.
that's not how hype trains works, if you pull the brakes people start flying off.
why do you retards even care?
You will hang first on the day of the rope
no user, that is not how it works
lots of people seem to like Black Guile for some reason. Maybe it's because he overreacts to everything.
And this is after pissing off every wifi u owner.
Are you retarded?
Do you have brain damage?
They need to make sure it has enough of that Treehouse brand humor we all adore so much…
This shit was full on shill. I was in the thread when that idea popped up and I refuse to fucking believe that it was actual Holla Forumsirgins that pushed it. Holla Forums didn't/doesn't just make cards for any random faggot and it made zero fucking sense to make a card for a bunch of people that just happened to make a good show one time. That was a pure fucking bullshit marketing setup.
They can't cuck you if you keep them chained to the radiator
>Holla Forums didn't/doesn't just make cards for any random faggot
No, they make them for their favorite faggots for usually a stupid reason. I don't refuse to believe the Wii U got a a stupid card with nauseating Nintendo fanboy-ism.
>>>Holla Forums
Name 10 good Wii U games
Hard Mode: No Mario rehashes
Yeah, you lose the ability to make this point when the game is delayed by 2 whole years, and entirely missed its intended console generation.
There is no widespread NIDF. Only people who don't take every opportunity to shit on Nintendo for contrarian superiority ego points.
Back then, there was a time that console wars were taken more seriously, and it just so happened that a lot of Holla Forumsirgins liked defending Nintendo and bullying anons that defended Sony. They would call Holla Forums "NintendoGAF" in contrast to NeoGAF, which I hear was a designated Sony-cucking-and-shilling forum.
I would but I can only list at least 10 Wii U games I would want to play because I don't have a Wii U, but I've been convinced that one would be worth getting unless the Switch turns out to be an alternate form of Wii U
Sadly, this. Nostalgia faggots like Dobson will still keep them alive even if Miyamoto went on his twitter account saying he hates all of America, and wishes all of his fans died a horrible death.
Nintendo is lucky nostalgia is powerful.
How can Nintendo be so retarded?
8pol has been bought by the Trump campaign for almost a year, nothing but idpol garbage and fellating the state
As long as they still have a good launch, I don't care. Zelda needs to be great, and it takes time for an open world game to be made correctly. I'd rather have a good game than a shitty rushed one lacking features and throwing away potential.
Hey look a lolbergtarian