Remember when Tomb raider didn't take it's self seriously?
Remember When Lara croft was a fun loving strong character who happened to be a sex symbol instead of a literal ugly man hating feminist she gotten rebooted as?
Remember when Tomb raider didn't take it's self seriously?
Remember When Lara croft was a fun loving strong character who happened to be a sex symbol instead of a literal ugly man hating feminist she gotten rebooted as?
The first two commercials are old. It counts, right?
Everything changes OP.
You will never ever like anything again and will never stop comparing stuff to what you used to enjoy in your young age
Stuff like that convinces me that eternal life would be a curse.
Immortal life is no match for the power of friendship
No seriously. Future Trunks used the literal power of friendship to power up his sword to slice zamasu in half. Power of friendship is literal physical energy in dragon ball now. I swear Dragon ball super is one big parody that became canon.
check out this fag
After playing nu Tomb Raider on weeb-lost-island, I decided to boot anniversary ed. Nu Raider turn out to be better. But what do I know. I'm only playing Tomb Raider since the begining of the series.
kill yourself, filthy pleb scum!!!
Came here to post Segata Sanshiro, glad someone beat me to it
Our hero, Segata Sanshiro….too bad Sega is beyond saving at this point.
Actually, that was suppose to represent the spirit bomb which has always been about life energy. It really just boils down to poor execution. They try to convey this with his learning the mafubu/ or evil containment wave that he watched a youtube demonstration by Piccolo is less than 5 minutes time to test it out. This was suppose to relay that Trunks is a quick learner but instead of showing this little by little through the arc, they just rushed it at the end. At least they used the little budget they have to give some good fight scenes at the end. It actual looks like a fast pace fight scene instead a slow sluggish fist fight.
What was disappointing was that his ultimate transformation was just making himself bigger. His news powers were very inconsistent. Why did he have a energy bird behind him when he launched that one attack? His scythe slash that cut a whole in space time seemed to hint and something very terrifying but it just released easy clones of himself.
Also, the biggest fuck up is when Zamasu and Black Goku fused and it cancelled the immortality power of the Dragonballs. Not just any ordinary dragonballs but the super ones. I guess you could argue that the potara is a god item and god supersedes the dragonballs as shown by Beerus when he met Shenlong. Just seems like an stupid way to retcon the immortality part when it was handled well before in the first dbz movie Dead Zone. Also, the balls touching fusion was the fucking gayest thing I've seen on the show.
I don't mind Trunks was the one to deliver the finishing blow to Zamasu because as Zamasu explained, "If it wasn't for Trunks messing with time, his plans for zero humans wouldn't have occurred." The actions of Trunks to alter history to stop the androids had a butterfly effect consequence that he didn't know about. This arc was suppose to be his redemption to grow and correct that mistake. Like most of Super, it comes down to either rehashing, poor execution or poor balance between the lighthearted dragonball moments and the fighting z style moments. It wants to do both but just causes more confusion and frustration.
Even though its working off the same material, the manga does a lot better to rectify the missteps of the anime. It's only biggest gripe is that editorial mandate has caused it to quickly summarize the ending of an arc to keep up with the anime. It skipped the return of Freeza arc because of this. For the most part, it's a much better representation of Super because it relays the information you need and the story flows better until that editor comes in to speed up the arcs ending to prepare for the next new arc in the anime.
what? did they reboot her again?
the visuals are so "clean" so "sanitize" that it s really unbearable for me to watch …
even carebears are more hardcore.
DBS IS NOT CANON since itis incompatible with the epilogue of vol 42 i terms of chronology (like bra or pan's age)
it s more of a spin off, thats also why the manga is a completly separate series
A.T didn t made only one spin off .
and just like other: dragon ball chou is a spin off who happend after dragon ball. but it still a spin off. if it isnt, then that violate the definition of canon.
What the odds the humors of the next story arc being Cell returning with a new Beyond perfect cell transformation are true?
Seems pretty in-line with new DB, though. GT at least had unique designs for its transformations instead of palette swaps and very minor differences in muscle mass or facial structure.
You are actually watching that turdshow?
the Crystal Dynamics games were fine tbh fam
that's one of the best ads for a video game I've ever seen! Thanks!
I don't really have *commercials* to share, but I do have these old magazine advertisements
This Equinox ad was the best video game ad of the year! When you turned the page there was a small continuation advertisement on the following page, where the grandson talks about how he finally beat the boss but had to skip grandfather's funeral "Grandpa would've wanted it that way".
Jesus christ
what?! That was practically nothing! So little effort
When this commercial came out, even the kids thought it was stupid
When Mercedes Benz teamed up with Nintendo to put a Mercedes in Mario Kart 8. Has it been two years since then already? Dang
i miss those days of western misogyny
If we're lucky, we might create a future where our kids can have sex, drugs and rock n' roll
I remember fappin to that one
That being said, these are all objectively terrible ads.
"Slap the logo on a pair of tits. GIF MONIES PLOX"
Played the reboot, not the new one. How is she a man-hating feminist now?
da fuck are you on, user?
ok, just sex and rock n' roll then
Ads are designed to make you want to buy something, the best ads stick in your head, the legendary ads become ingrained in the culture.
I mean, I know people are fucking stupid but do people really go to the store and buy something based on whether or not it was photographed next to some tiddies?
if you want male shekels, there better be tiddies next to the product, goy
Turns out the Voldo crotch shot one was a fake
I agree that too many guys think with their dick too often, and that gets them into trouble
She might be fueled by SJW, but loli Lara > Bimbo Lara.
How is she fueled by socjus?
You know..the second ad is ripe to be an OC.
sauce on that song pls
dang, I keep screwing up the images
disregard nerdy beta male who sacrifices his life saving Laura, acquire waifu instead
Would it be rude to outright demand some sincere lip touching if I give up my entire life for someone else? I think it's only fair since I'm dying.
having posted all that, let's get back on track. Although not commercials, here's some official models & artwork that were used to promote the game in one shape or form.
Some old artwork of Lara Croft from playstation monthly magazine's swimsuit edition. Yes, that was really a thing once upon a time, seems downright impossible by today's standards.
Fucking what the shit you selfish bunch of writers.
Found old mags of mine. Took some shit pics.
The Angelina Jolie movie version of Lara Croft is both bad ass, sexy, capable, and beautiful enough that both boys and girls would pay to see a movie about her. Laura would fail trying to do the same.
I don't think you guys understand, he was practically *raping* her by getting a kiss on the cheek from her. What part of "Strong independent womyn who don't need no man" do you not understand??
Holy crap, those last two images. Damn…such a long time ago. That Dinosaur planet game eventually became Starfox Adventures. Huge change. I remember playing pso on dreamcast's modem for free too.
Here's some old DOA advertismennts from when the game was something different than the DOA we know today. Tina's not blonde, Kasumi had platinum blonde hair, Zack was white. Also a pic of a topless Lei Fang holding an X-box that they'd never show put on a magazine cover today.
damn, I completely forgot my codes for Holla Forums to make bold or italic text. Did spoiler text instead of italic.
Allison Carroll was a real gymnast who was the official Lara Croft model for a few years, she had the moves and the looks! God damn she was awesome. She wanted to be like Lara so much I heard she ended up doing something like learning how to do rock climbing and study archaeology, just for her modeling role!
If she could do all that with actually loaded weapons, that would be great.
Otherwise, damn I'd give her the dick.
Look at the shit trigger discipline in the 3rd pic.
Fun Fact: That's the guy who does the voice of the Crypt Keeper!
Oldfag here, back in the 90s we still had games made by devs who were also gamers, hence they didn't take anything too seriously
But in the 2000s everything changed, games got really fucking big and development was taken over by marketers. And the problem with marketing fags is that they do everything by committee
For example after the success of GTAIII we got an avalanche of similar openworld crime games. But unlike GTA these games had shit quality, low replayability and worst of all: no soul
It was around this time that games started being edgy and serious because some dipshit "product visionary" who had just read batman the dark knight from the 80s thought thats what kids wanted. As time went by devs started losing any control they had over the game, that control went to the fags running brainstorm sessions and doing focus groups.
These days nothing you see on a game is just there for no reason, every single fucking thing is the product of some douche telling the devs to do it. Of course they don't give a fuck about bugs, good gameplay or any of that shit: all they care is about making an impact so the game sells
And this is how feminists wormed their way into the industry: many of these cunts went into marketing and PR so now they are higher in the studio hierarchy than the actual devs are, which means they get to say what a game should have because who know more about what is hip these days than a 30-going-40 fat bitch with purple dyed hair and problem glasses right?
This woman is Lara Croft.
Which one? All of them!
It was a ten year anniversary publicity shoot with all the former Lara Croft models at the time.
Oh my God, the pain! It hurts so much to see it all go down the shitter like this. Only a few gems really stand out or are really well done, everything else is just a copy cat with a spin. And then when you add people forcing in their identity politics into the mix, either as a developer or a video game journalist, it just makes things worse. Stops being art, stars becoming propaganda.
tons of other reasons and factors for dumbing things down, appealing to lowest common denominator, not do things differently to reduce risk, cost being a primary one
Fucking hell, seeing that fucking ugly whores face modeled in 3D compared to the ateliers, actually made me feel ill. And the worst part, this is America and Europe's opinion in general at this point. I really hope god emperor trump can save us from this, but there's only so much a president can do.
Didn't notice that in the first game, must be in rise.
You sound like a hippy you hippy
The SJW crap is half self-inserts and half cunts managing to convince/guilt-trip the producers that socjus bullshit makes the game more deep
Which of course it doesn't
The gameplay gets axed as fuck mainly because
And also the fact that the simpler the game the easier it is and therefore more appealing to the lowest common denominator
a lot of work can go into games with no gameplay. i think having less gameplay is popular because it means everyone will be able to complete it in X hours and they can tell their friends how much they liked some superfluous non-game element.
The normalfags have woken up, and it's a beautiful thing.
They see rioters instead of protesters, sjw's as crybaby millennials. The general public knows being an SJW is a bad thing now. Its glorious.
and for those who aren't in the know, do you know that website that Milo "Nero" Yiannopoulos works for, Guess what? The chairman of Breitbart will become the freaking senior advisor to Trump. That blows my mind. We're talking he'll be what Karl Rove was to George W. Bush, it's no small role.
Even Milo's getting in the spotlight. It's insane.
*snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff*…oh yes my dear….*sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff*….quite pungent indeed…is that….dare I say….*sssssssnniff*…eggs I smell?……*sniff sniff*….hmmm…yes…quite so my darling….*sniff*….quite pungent eggs yes very much so …..*ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff*….ah yes…and also….a hint of….*sniff*….cheese…..quite wet my dear….*sniff*…but of yes…this will do nicely….*sniff*…..please my dear….another if you please….nice a big now….
Oh yes…very good!….very sloppy and wet my dear….hmmmmm…is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?…hmmmm…..let me…..let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling…….hmmmmm….hmm..yes….that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear….ah yes….let me guess…curry for dinner?….oh quite right I am….aren't I?….ok….time for sniff…..*sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff*…..hmmm…hhhmmmmm I see…yes….yes indeed as well curry……hmmm….that fragrance is quite noticeable….yes…..onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?…..hmmmmm….yes quite…..
It wouldn't be the first faggot, Peter Thiel is on Trump's transition team.
Yeah, she was much uglier in the original games.
is this some kind of shitty copypasta?
It's been 70 years since Nazis lost WW2, yet the left is still beating the bone dust of that dead horse to this day.
She is basically the wonder woman of videogames.
I just went on a journey to find a single scene I hardly remembered from King of the Hill.
I want to say I saw it 16 years ago.
Before I found the one I was looking for I found 3 separate instances of Tomb Raider being referenced in 3 separate episodes.
Here are some fresh webms.
One of the episodes felt pretty contemporary.
Linkara go home
How is he taking the news of current year +1 being the year of the god-emperor?
I'm a bit of a pessimist but the only way I see sjws and identity politics in general going away is if they are shunned off the political stage entirely
For example I think trump should (and is in his best interest to do it) aggressively push for an act that takes away any government help and grants from colleges that use that money for identity politics and useless crap like safe spaces which are really just echochambers to stifle dissent
Point is if they want to do this shit they have to pay for it themselves. If that happens then its over, these fucks will at best get some donations to keep a skeleton crew running to movement thus throwing it back to the fringes of academia and well away from mass culture
Again, at best, because even when sjws were irrelevant shits they still got some guvmint moneys to push their bullshit in colleges.
With taxpayer money gone they will most likely disappear. Conwomen who acted like leading figures (anita, zoe, all these cunts) will move away to whatever pays, the movement will collapse from the inside out
This and the swimsuit editions are definitely why I kept getting PSM.
Anyone remember that one april fool's gag article on the "tomb raider knockoff" that was going to have a nude redheaded female protag? I was so fucking hyped until I realized what the date on the article was.
Can't tell if this is Linkara, Movie Bob or Zizek
Only a couple I personally recall.
I own a copy of this because it's one of my favorite game series.
Someone should do a write up about the myth of the female protagonist.
I'm going to go with "yes".
Exquisite digits like those can't be incorrect.
Brexit and Trump triggered him so hard he now hates current year. He went on a massive rant that culminated in him saying "Fuck 2016" and literally blew up a big 2016 sign.
That's precisely what Dragonball Z was.
What was it about the late 1990s-early 2000s that had this really sexy, edgy attitude about it? wrestling, movies, games, everything had this kind of edge to it that ranged from super cringy "radical" shit to super sexy women doing super sexy things. What was it about that time period that made America so cool and what changed
Dragon Ball was always a parody, or at the very least very heavy on the comedy.
My guess is a combination of 2007, and people being far left becoming normal thanks to the Obama presidency.
See, this is why I found Dragonball evolution to be hilarious and well done for it's own reasons in that no one on the team took it seriously other than Marsters, who basically told the writer/director to remember make piccilo and goku aliens.
it's just fucking hilarious to look back on and see the butthurt of all the people who took it seriously.
yet again, the retards are at it again with One Punch Man, not able to see it's a fucking parody of the shit they are taking too seriously.
Also, back on topic.
I'm getting tired of that 2007 meme, thats fucking newfags not getting this shit started way before but they weren't old enough to see what was wrong
Normalfags already started pouring in with the first psx because sony marketed it to normalfags and not gamers. Then with the PS2 starting as the cheapest DVD player you could get a lot of normalfags ended up playing vidya too
You can go as far back as the Sega/Nintendo rivalry of the 90s, with Sega trying to market themselves as the "mature" choice of the two. That's what really got the ball rolling.
I don't really care about what arbitrary point faggots want to blame, I just wish they'd stop parroting without thought. Nobody but diehard macfags bought the original iPhone. It wasn't until 2010/2011 that it actually took off.
Your underage is showing. Hipster cunts were riding the dick of the iPods in 2004/2005, by 2006 that shit was hot property.
The average joe ate that shit up because "hey now I can be cool, rock them white earbuds with my music and it's all on my cell!"
The normalfags were buying it in '07, you were just too busy doing homework to remember it.
it's getting serious
I can't believe how much pepsi is hurting, it's such a huge conglomerate
Just an FYI, all those things are being attributed to Trump, but it's not all him. He's the spark that started a fire in the American populace. Americans are setting a precedence by electing him and showing as much support as they have even under threats of violence. Politicians around the world were already making deals with crooked Hillary, so they wanted her to win. Now they see that they made losing bet are trying to get on the winning side. They know they can't support Hillary because Americans will hate them and so any attempt to shit on crooked Hillary's "partners" with be supported by Americans. They know that America is getting off of it's knees. They know that America is now a powder keg like it used to be.
guys, remember when Mortal Kombat girls would show up in Playboy nude? They even had some other video game characters show up nude in the magazine too. Nowadays, Playboy doesn't even do nude photos.
I even remember something that had in G4 called "Girls Gone Wired" which was like a sexiest video game girl contest. Jade was a contestant there, had original mocap animations / voices for the contest.
In MK2011, Mileena had a costume that was only a few bandages…those were the days.
Now Mortal Kombat has become dumbed down from what I hear. They even got Ashley Burch's sister to do the voice of the main character, who can beat Raiden with the power of love or something.
agreed! He's just one man at the end of the day. I hear that the stocks are surging because many people with money are now betting that America's economy will really pick up, and it will start making money again. Like you say, people are trying to get on the winning side, even if they backed crooked Hillary before.
the God Of War series has also been dying from this pc politics
Hey, cassie cage is cool though, and bone-able.
and it looks like with the next God Of War game, they're also going to kill the gameplay too
wew, hello CP bot
Go look at the fucking prices for those portal gun replicas. You're going to spend from $250 to $500 for one of those.
Not to mention the fact she is wearing a portal shirt. I still don't understand how someone doesn't finish portal. It's like 2 hours long and not hard at all.
I don't get why playboy does this, surely the guy who actually buys a playboy magazine doesn't want to seem some poorly modeled tits rather than real ones. And that also dates the magazine horribly, could you imagine fapping to renders made with early 2000s tech? They would look terrible.
Nigga there is nothing wrong with those playboy renders, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Nigga you aint seen shit until you've seen the fucking ridiculous poser porn comics, like the one with the incestuous family or the alien teen hick impregnation comic, now THAT is terrible.
Hands down the best vidya commercial ever.
Holy shit! Meme magic really works!
The funny thing about that fourth pic or sad depending how you look at it. If you remade it now for 2016. It would be entirely third person action games. Or even worse, a bunch of shitty indie jump scare games with peoples faces wearing headphones in the corner.
Get rid of one cancer only to replace it with an even worse cancer
Depicting sexy women is hatred of women? Explain? Men like sexy women. Logically it would be positive towards women to praise the beauty of women, not hatred.
How do you even fuck up that bad?
no it was a clear case of irony fucking retard. Is it so hard to grasp humor?
She can recalibrate my VFO, if you know what I'm saying.
>tfw no hot women into HAM.
She'll do, as long as I can DXpedition with her, if you know what I'm sayin'
Looking at this reminds me of how sanitised and business oriented gaming has become. What a fucking shit show. I can't believe there are retards out there who have the gull to say gaming is good in THE CURRENT YEAR. Fucking disgraceful.
This was such a clever ad.
Gaming was always business oriented, we just had more room for people to fuck around because publishers didn't have always have proven formulas on games that were could always make money, and when they did they milked the fuck out of everything, see: every fighting game clone in the 90s ripping off Street Fighter, every mascot platformer cashing in on Sonic, every GTA clone in the PS2 era
Zeruda's kind of hot in that commercial.
Do you really have 33 rage face comics about woman logic?
[Spoiler] DUMP [/Spoiler]
Well time to reinstall PSOBB
Heard a new actually good server came up after scht went down, anyone remember the name?
I just checked, it's about $120 where I live
Holy shit. I think that riots not diets fat bitch was my high school history teacher.
Anyone got that webm where the voice actor repeats how its like a movie script looped?
Only one game Academy and Outcast might as well be the same game ever did third person melee combat right. Yet its better with a keyboard and mouse since you must be able to turn around on a dime if you are fighting multiple opponents. Not that you can ever get a game like this out on the market again. Having to take into account the 3d space of you weapon my sight? Having to aim the swings based on where its actually swinging, based on the swing animation? Too hard for the casual. Lets make Force Unleashed into a God of War rip off.
It wasn't the normal playboy that did this, it was the playboy based in Poland that did these nudes of Tris Merigold from the Witcher. Why? Because the Witcher games are a point of pride for Poland, because the Witcher games are the country's biggest entertainment export, a huge success that rivaled other AAA video game series. Barely anybody thinks of Poland, but that game made a huge splash.
So the polish playboy had Tris in it, no other playbody had that.
that trailer was so sexist i literally feel raped right now
Whoa this looks barbaric, thank god the dev grew up!
praise Kek
Get out the fucking way.
Trump is hiring Brannon, not Milo.
Thats why you wish for eternal youth and not eternal life, you nimrod
Games pls
$15,000,000,000,000 to develop a 360 game?
Super is canon. GT got erased and Toriyama has Alzheimer's. Deal with it.
Now we know why the games are so expensive.
gib sauce you fag
Between the Germanwings crash and John Oliver's breakup with the current year, anybody who doesn't believe in meme magic must be a complete moron.
I thought you weren't allowed to show tits on Youtube.
My main issue with the spirit sword other than Trunks pulling it out of his ass was that it took the combined energies of the whole universe to erase Majin Buu and yet Zumasu gets gibbed by a small pack of humans and two nearly dead saiyans.
The parts about Bra's age isn't even a retcon or anything Toriyama forgot. Her age is never mentioned in the original manga. The only thing about the epilogue that's inconsistent with Super is that Goku mentions how he hasn't seen Bulma in 5 years.
I wonder how the ones who rigged the polls can sleep at night knowing their lies costed plenty of people their life savings.
I terrible sorry, I no good Inglish.
I was surprised how short it was. I paid 10 eurobucks for this.
Shit like this makes me never want to gamble ever.
People shouldnt make bets unless they are prepared for the consequences of losing, no matter the odds
wouldn't it be the opposite? if you have any common sense looks like you could make some serious cash
The old playstation commercials we're great.
God that's so fucking good.
user, you know they are making a new TombRaider movie with the girl that played the robot in ExMachina.
seriously, where is 2nd from?