Truly a masterpiece-

Truly a masterpiece-

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Fuck me, I haven't even heard of this.

Then again, it's literally the same Ubishit as always so why would anybody care.

Why would this game even need remastering? The game was released several times with slight changes already.


How do you fuck up so hard?

When you're ubisoft you know you don't have to try.

What, they're releasing "remastered" versions of AssCreed now? This fucking console generation is nothing but ports of shitty games from a decade ago.

What the actual fuck is Ubisoft doing? The original is one generation old and the graphics for it still look fine anyway. How fucking desperate are they that they are trying to remaster AC2?




Bethesda managed to pull it off, and Skyrim is even newer than AC2.

it's like they forgot games these days have shading


Where and when has this been released ?

Jesus Christ. I should be upset that you direct-linked to Polygon, but the remaster is so terrible that they actually made a good video. It just looks like they slapped HDR on it.

So, what is the worst remaster of a classic game?

Silent Hill HD collection has to be at the top of biggest fuck up of a port.


Have we ever had a remaster of a remaster yet?


What about a sequel to a remaster? And then a remaster of that two years later.

It will happen unless the crash comes during the next five years

Sort of, with baldur's gate siege of dragonspear. It added a shit campaign, yes, but also made changes to the enhanced edition.

Rez > Rez HD > Rez Infinite

Kingdom Hearts HD collections

How bad is Rez Infinite without VR?

SHHD will always be the biggest fuck you ever put to disc

The devs were both utterly incompetent and also completely hostile in their dealings with the original performers and the fans of the series. What really grinds my tits is that so many people would have had their first experience with SH be the HD Collection, and either think that the games are shit or not know just how awful it is since they have no point of comparison.

I wish every SH game after 4 could be scrubbed from history


Some guys have tits. Deal with it.

While a scary prospect, I have yet to see people say this. Wasn't the HD collection universally panned back in the day ?

How are we going to meme a crash into existence like Holla Forums did for Trump? It seems Kek blessed them with a revolution, why can't he bless us with a vidya crash?

Do we like Trump-like figure in our industry? Who's it gonna be?

I've seen positive reviews of the thing by joe blow and what fucks me off the most is that the "survival horror games have bad voice acting" meme only gets reinforced with the re-recorded voices for 2 and 3. Holy shit, they hire "professionals" that sound like absolute dogshit

It's a common expression from where I'm from

Or I could be a sexy grill with a big pussy

Red and Green (japan)> red and blue> fire red and leaf green

No. They don't. You may not know this, but it's true.

Like hell if it is. Post pic, or into the >>>/bog/ with thee, for such a gay post.

I know that AC2's climbing wasn't very realistic to begin with but holy fuck did they take it to a whole new level. It is probably less tedious in the remastered version due to being faster but they could have at least made it look not shit. It looks like the type of animation you would see a boss do in a short cutscene where he either runs away to the next area or the fight transitions into the next phase.

REmake HD, if a remaster of a remake counts.

Ubisoft is trying really hard to bankrupt itself though bad decisions and shit content.

When someone says graphics in video games is important, there's one Italian who looks at the distance with his all white pupils.



Fucking Ubisoft, they did the same thing later with the french characters being voiced by french canadian or americans trying to sound french. honhonhon

It's ok, I was able to get a try it from a bud who bought into the VR meme, with VR it becomes a very fun easy mode though. I swear to god everyone starts bobbing their head with the headset on

Resident evil had an original release, a director's cut on ps1, a remaster on GameCube and a re-release after that on other platforms with more changes and better visuals.

Final fantasy 4 also has at least 4 versions (original Japanese, original international, psp 2d, ds 3d)

Lmao they gave the project to the african team or what

There is the original System Shock 1, the portable version, the enhanced version, and now they kickstarted a new remake of it.

You forgot the mobile ports for FF.

oh god why

In Unity, the random NPC chatter in the streets was perfect, but no named character was convincing.

Tales of Phantasia has a bunch of versions. Original Super Nintendo, PS1, GBA and PSP iirc. All are fairly different.

What is the best "modern" assasins creed? I heard black flag was good.

between AC2 and the Arkham remasters they're trying pretty damn hard to kill remasters entirely. I would love it if they succeeded.

Theyre all shit.

Unity is actually pretty nice if you want to visit Paris without dealing with towelheads, but its main story is crap, barely about the revolution at all.

Bioshock remaster was pretty shit as well, wasn't it ?

The early Final Fantasy games, they get uglier with each new remaster.

2/3 of Black Flag was nice, then the Ubi team remembered that it was an Assassin's Creed game so the whole meta story comes back in the last act and it's fucking boring.

Just like Infinite Warfare (campaign) is to CoD, Black Flag should've been a new IP with its own formula.

So its the PC version with sweetfx/reshade and retarded looking fast-forward climbing mechanics for ADHD millenials.


Black Flag is good when it's about Pirates, when it's asscreed it's terrible like all the rest, Although Rogue has ship battles it's a terrible cash grab that you can finish in about an hour and a half it's that fucking short.

From what i've read it was supposed to be a new IP before the higher ups forced it into an asscreed game.

The world looks less brown, which is nice, and the removal of the constant fog looks pretty, but I'm not sure how it must affect the ambience.
However, the animations seem to have lost half or more of their frames, why the fuck?
How do you fuck up this hard?

HD remastering always seems to ruin the fucking atmosphere.
"Uhhh yeah we broke all the filters and shaders that add any atmospheric quality, just bare ugly models… PERECT! SHIP IT!"

No they don't you soy-munching estrogen-pozzed retard.

From Da Vinci to Picasso, it's progress !


Why the fuck is that so hard to keep? I get in some cases the fog was the hardware trying to mask your viewing distance, but if you design around it, you should keep it in.

seriously how does this shit happen with every remastering. You think they could make it better. Although, I'm not sure if taking away that fucking silver tint the original has is worse or better overall.



It appears that Marty Feldman is actually in the original game as well, but looks more jarring in the remaster.

The city's pretty big and you can actually enter in a good amount of buildings, including most monuments. I'm not going to say it's not bloated, but there's some legit reasons for it.


as desperate as lionhead to "remaster" fable



This series will never be good with a lore this autistic.

negro what?

I don't see the problem

I like it.

You guys just don't know art.

I have gyno tits. Am I not a guy?

Good thread!
Let's see:

What's even the point of remastering something that's < 10 years old? It makes sense to remaster something that was made in the 1996 - 2001 timeframe where 3D was new and everything looked like shit as a result.

Remastering something this new is just begging for something to go wrong. This is just a waste of money. They'd have made more money by spending their time making the next AC slightly less shit.

Checked. We have to appeal to Kek's need for chaos. So long as we keep trying for a crash, Kek will heed our calls.

And in the midst of all this shite, there was a glimmer of hope, far away. In my professional opinion, my advice is this:

doing gods work user



I don't think most people care about your pet franchise to the point it ought to be posted in every damn thread.

if they just said "Here's yet another ps3 to ps4 port" the normalfags wouldn't get excited about it. (Not that they seem to be excited about this, anyway).
The point of doing it? Seems to be that publishers are panicking that they're unable to make decent games for the latest consoles, as far as I can tell.

Because then the remaster would require completely new models to look better. And it is far, FAR cheaper and easier to just change textures instead. They didn't touch models worth shit at all in this remastering. They removed and added facial props and changed facial textures. They are cheap fucking money grubbing fucks.

This applies to pretty much ALL "remastered" games. I called this bullshit when they announced BG:EE. It's just too tempting for modern publishers and devs to NOT re-release a slightly upscaled version of one of their old, actually good games.

The Last of Us will get a second remaster, I guarantee it.

Polygon made it up. The dude in first pic is a random npc in that scene he and is in the original game. But with new shaders ect the weird look is more showing. The climbing glitch is also in the original game. So, they made the game look a litte better without considering that the original game was darker so they could get away with more. And they dident fix a glitch thats been in the game since launch.

Op is a faggot.


WHAT THE FUCK. Is this a joke? As if the Arkham remasters weren't awful enough.

Fuck off ubishit shill.

The shit textures were always there, Ubisoft slapped a new shader on without realising the darker shaders were covering up said textures. Here's a video from 2010 showing the climbing glitch in the original game, but again Ubisoft were too lazy to fix it.
Ubisoft rushed out a new shader for maximum shekels at a low budget and Polygon just wanted to stir shit for some ad revenue. They're both hebrews.