how many games you emulate?
your fav. emulator?
what is worth to emulate?
Emulation thread
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See above.
Original hardware or GTFO. I bet you casual pissbabbies can't even afford all of the rare titles like I can. I've got a fucking VGA 90+ Chrono Trigger I spent $740 on. What have you retards invested in lately?
oh boy.
Emulating KH2 currently.
It is amazing how emulator does better job than PS3 version.
Inb4 UI autist shows up
Last console that could handle its native games well is snes, you fucking mongoloid, which I guess you know since you mentioned Chrono Trigger.
Even PS1 struggles with it's shit, there is literally no reason not to emulate anything from that point of history.
false flag
that text looks pretty fucked up
It's readable and it's not part of game's graphics so WHATEVER.
the background focus blurring looks horrible too. You really aren't meant to see those details.
It's like you enjoy being jewed.
That's far from being biggest game's problem.
Goyim sure do.
The low resolutions and frame drops are part of the original experience and are what the developers intended. Are you seriously going to sit there and pretend your KH doesn't look disgusting compared to the original at native res on a beautiful CRT with gorgeous scanlines that perfectly blend the image, again, THE WAY THE DEVELOPERS INTENDED?
Wow, already with the anti-semitism. Nice one.
Anyone try out Exodus emulator yet?
false flag don't reply
LOL, get a load of this kid. Yeah son, you go pretend to have fun with your emulation while the real gamers play the REAL THING.
Which version of PCSX2 are you using?
Doesn't one of the latest git build add hardware hacks to minimize or outright remove the blurring?
ok, anons, did i miss something? Does CTR have a meltdown? From where is this massiv faggot coming?
needs to be turned off since it was just an trick on the old machine to get some deepth, try skipdraw 1 or 3, sometimes it works.
Its the designated scalper shitposter for the emulation thread.
it's called a false flag. I'm a hardware-CRT purist and run all my systems up to the 7th gen (except wii) on my professional CRT. We do largely feel that emulation on a desktop isn't a good enough solution. I speak for myself when I say I respect it, and think its results are valuable, but the actual hardware and its intended display is far better.
He's trying to paint people like me, who do offer legitimate criticism for emulation and modern displays for classic games as unreasonable and irrational. Try to ignore it.
yeah, everyone can do what ever he wants. If someone likes to play on real hardware, welp, go on and do it, i don't care.
you know, i like to play with emulated scanlines on older gems like NES or SNES. Not really using it on ps1 and upwards. Once you notice the bleeding pixels you start to use some light scanlines, thats it for me and i'm not going to tell everyone now that he have to use it the same way i do. Anyway, i think thats just an opinion.
Do you know some good video where i can see some good settings for scanlines and so on?
I've never actually seen a CRT shader that produces results that are as good as a professional CRT. I've noticed a lot of ones are extremely exaggerated. I've yet to see a game from the 5th gen and older, especially the 3D ones that didn't largely benefit from a 240p resolution. The N64 is iconic for how much it screams and begs for the contrast and bloom and gausian blur of a CRT. It's truly one of the worst looking systems around otherwise.
I agree, but it's a good idea to be very open to other approaches. For example, playing time crisis 3 without a light gun? That's horrible.
It doesn't work.
And it only shows in cut-scenes only, so I don't care for it.
ouch, that's pretty horrendous.
It's so easy to bait you MUH ORIGINAL HARDWARE, MUH CRT fags into outing yourselves. You say "I'm n-not l-like that!" and then post retarded shit like this:
Jesus fucking christ you have no self awareness.
Here's your (1)
Wait Pirates of the Caribbean was in Kingdom hearts?
Are you for real right now?
nope that's gmod
It was, doesn't know shit.
You know I'm right you fucking shitstain. Notice how you show up in every emulation thread undercover with your snarky fucking comments.
And then eventually you reveal yourself with an autistic flourish, shitting on emulation with your MUH CRT, MUH ORIGINAL HARDWARE faggotry.
You don't even change up the fucking script, you do this shit in every thread.
you sound pretty mad about someone suggesting others try different method that produce better results, shouldn't you be trying to insist 8:5 is the intended aspect ratio of snes games to be displayed at
Is that really the best you've got after I just blew you the fuck out? Come on, I know you can do better than that, nigger.
I'm just relishing in your autistic flourish, so what early 3D games don't look better displaying in 240p
Anybody played through FF4 complete collection on PPSSPP?
I am getting geometry tearing(not screen tearing) in the world map. Not really gamebreaking but really distracting.
Nah, we're not doing that today. Just wanted to expose you so that when you started your inevitable nitpick fest, anons would know exactly who they're dealing with. I'm done here :^)
shit, I've been exposed. And I'll never get to know which 5th gen games look better at resolutions better than 240p…
There is also tron, but I don't have screenshots.
Looks good to me. I don't care about making it look like a crt, I only use the shader so that the games look less pixellated. It also makes the screen darker, which I like. Basically, I'll play the games the way I intend. The developers can shove their intentions where the sun don't bloody shine.
Could be worse I've seen a VGA 100 Xenoblade Chronicale go for several thousand bucks sometime ago on ebay
Emulated almost everything I could til my computer died.
Favorite emulator is PPSSPP, that thing is fucking wizardry. Ran Dissidia 012 at full speed on an office computer from 2005 with little to nothing in the way of graphics capability, albeit at 1x resolution. I honestly couldn't couldn't care less about the complaints of it being a hacky or inaccurate emulator given the point is to play the fucking game, 100% emulator accuracy is a meme that needs to die.
Most everything is worth emulating.
holy shit do I hate emulating
Damn nigga they really scratched the bottom of the barrel
Will they have the new shitty live action movies in the new one?
protip: your computer died because of the emulators
Sometimes it's even better to emulate something, even if it has PC version.
Post specs. You're either running it on a complete potato, or are mentally deficient.
Or both.
Nigga, it was like 10 years ago.
Lakka + Raspberry Pi is pretty neat. Kinda like Nintendo's Mini NES thing but able to play everything up to the N64/PS1. I used to give them to people as birthday presents, but the RasPi foundation went full retard
The PSP Go makes for an amazing emulation machine. It's tiny, and it's battery lasts forever. It's got plenty of storage built in, and can be expanded with memory cards. I bought mine used and found out that the previous owner somehow managed to jam a MicroSD card in the M2 socket. Luckily it didn't break anything
Sonic 1, 2 and Chaos on the SEGA Master System. They're very different from the Mega Drive games, and are generally a bit harder too.
No I mean the new new movie they're doing now
Mowgli, Tarzan etc
Oh, probably yeah. There is no reason not to.
I think the coffee I accidentally spilled into it had more to do with it
I heard Devil May Cry 3 is a similar story, should look into installing that Style Switcher mod onto the PS2 version and trying it out.
I came here to bait this, sad it was already done.
will we ever see a vita emulator?
Not when it's easier to get a PSTV to play zero games
will pc ever have good support for front/back touch pad, rear/front camera and gyro controls?
no? Then why bother
how about xbox classic emulator? Wil we ever see a working one?
It's a long shot but Wine (WineD3D if you're under windows) or dgVoodoo might help but they might also reduce performance to the point of the game being unplayable or introduce new issues on their own.
AHK user
Actually a DS4 should work as it's using Dinput by default, provided the game has proper gamepad support at all obviously.
Everyone knows that's a shit emulator. You don't have to strain yourself to defend it.
Hardware peripherals nigger. I can attach a fucking onahole and have my computer actuate it.
"Sprite" systems, basically. Stuff before the age of 3D models, or portables where sprites still remained the main form of graphics.
SNES, GBA, DS are probably my top 3.
I am fond of emulating the PS1, though.
gpSP (GBA emulator for PSP)
The convenience just could not be beat.
Otherwise, MAME (FightCade by extension).
Anything. There are no games that are not worth considering. Even a gave like Pitfall is worth playing, so never be afraid to look as far back as you can to play through gems you may have been late to the party for.
Every console out there has at least a handful of known classics and hidden gems you should at least consider playing.
I really, really want to play Cubivore. Can you emulate the Gamecube?
those look godawful
I don't know what you're trying to prove
Compared to what? To muh original hardware?
We're talking about 10 years old game mate.
i want to engage in vigorous lovemaking sessions with fran
if the game is 30fps and you can use an emulator to hack it to 60
makes sunshine bearable
there is a fairly large chunk of the fighting game community that plays SSBM online. The Gamecube did not inherently have any way to connect to the internet. Do the math.
Did you just post a random screenshot from IGN? Nigga fucking kill yourself.
emulation can be suffering
Vid related is what FFXII looks like on original hardware.
The reason the textures in look so horrible is because of the increased resolution they're playing at. Emulation is convenient, and can be quite nice, but some games are better left at their original resolution (which of course emulators can do). Half the reason emulation gets the "LOOKIN' GOOD" stigma is because people who use emulators slap on a bunch of ugly filters or fuck with the resolution with no idea what they're doing or how it will distort the image.
What's the latest and greatest way to emulate N64 games? I want to replay RE2 again just like the way I remember it. No (me)memulators. Just something that will work.
can you emulate female interactions yet?
Buy the real thing, not even kidding RE2 is a fucking pain in the ass to get running acceptably on any current N64 emulator (thank you based Factor5), that or play another version.
**>Gran Turismo PSP has super encrypted saves that wont let you transfer to any system other than the original you started the save on
I've still never completed RE4 in my life, and I just barely got to the swamp area but Dolphin has alot of trouble when you quick save during foggy areas that completely breaks the save, forcing you to restart from the last typewriter, which is FAIR I guess, but I got used to the quicksaves and its a pain in the ass having to do the boulder QTE simply cause I got hit once.
Cant git gud at Heritage for the Future cause the 360 controller has the worst D-pad ever and my PS4 controllers have input lag (wireless, I've never checked if wired has lag)
PCSX2 sucks shit at everything and wont map the left stick to point right. every time I try it fucks up all the other inputs of the left stick and games become unplayable.
Play the PSX version instead with Mednafen (or Retroarch's Mednafen-Beetle core). I have no idea why you'd want to play the N64 version with those disgusting textures since they had to compress it to hell and back to fit it on the cartridge.
What's wrong with you?
Broadcom drivers, dongle in one of the front USB ports on your PC with a clear line of sight to the controller, and remove other wireless devices from the general vicinity. Assuming you didn't get a shitty dongle (good ones are ~$10), you should have 1.4-1.6MS response times.
Doing it wrong
How the fuck do you even manage that kind of shit?
Mapping works fine it's a "you" problem.
HD PC port maps Item Pick Ups to Square/X, when it should be cross/A like the orignal. Also remember what I said about quicksaves??
is that the chinese mobile knockoff?
You can remap everything
If you really cannot get past the boulder just fucking use an AHK script like the other limp wristed faggots who can't mash.
1) You can re-bind the controls.
2) Why in the everloving fuck are you playing a third person shooter with a gamepad when precision M/KB controls are available?
3) Instead of savescumming because you're a casual faggot, why don't you just use AHK for the QTEs?
no its not the boulder. its the swamp area after that. I'm just a perfectionist who likes to keep bullet and item waste to a minimum.
try harder kid
I've been baited into the shadow realm.
I got foxhound rank in MGO 1 and 2 and I've always played TPS's just fine using controllers since then.
it's a damn shame there's never been a game nearly as good as MGO2
nice bait retard.
MGO does :^)
sure thing bud
About everything that can be emulated
DraStic on android if i have to single out the one i find most convenient and to my liking, i like emulators with tailored GUIs and hotkeys.
I prefer to use individual "set up once and forget" emulators, as opposed to stuff like retroarch
Just stay away from N64 or PS2 emulation and use the real console
Drastic is gud shit but man, I wish you could play stuff that required one hand on the D-pad/L button and touch screen..
I'd have to go with PPSSPP for being the best emulator myself.
This stupid meme again.
Unless your PC is a complete toaster there is no reason not to emulate PS2 games.
Graphical Glitches caused by the lack of Emotion Engine and just poor optimization in general.
alot of games are straight up unplayable because of this.
Dolphin has much better optimization and PPSSPP goes even beyond that.
Games don't age like books, music or movies. They don't even age gracefully like cars. When enough time passes, all they do is make you wonder how you ever enjoyed them.
DooM aged pretty well.
Like 3 or 4 is not a lot.
No it hasn't. The doom generals are some of the biggest cringe on the board.
MGS3 works and everything is there
I don't have a good TV setup and I don't want to spend money.
Only the prerendered cutscenes and prerendered backgrounds were muddy. The character models had superior polygons and textures. Have a shitty nosound webm. I might play the PSX version anyway because I don't want to spend money.
Maybe you should stop bringing the cringe with you.
Try the NGC, DC or PC versions they're worth it compared to PSX.
Play the sourceport of RE2 or the original PC version
I almost beat Dracula in his speedo demon form on Dracula X SNES (game is super hard) and fuck, I'm just not trying again. I probably tried like 25 times and he always kills me when he has 5% of health left. I'll just consider that I won since that fight is badly designed.Also, just beat stage 8 of Super Castlevania IV, that was a though one compared to the previous levels.
If you never played castlevania, please do it. They are amazing games.
is citra not shit yet?
i think they made a lot of progress over the past year. like OOT is almost at a playable framerate.
It'll be quite a while tho.
Dolphin U when tho
Maximum pauper mode:
Using fight sticks for retro games is absolutely amazing. I'm playing Wario Land 4 and controlling a fat heavy dude by jerking the stick around and smashing buttons is so much fun I'm never going back to pad.
Too many. I have enough games to last me a lifetime, but lately I just can't get myself to stick to one game long enough to finish it. Gauntlet threads are fun, but I don't have the time right now.
Mednafen is pretty convenient. I never really liked Retroarch's UI that much, but I might try it again for accuracy.
DOS emulation is interesting. The library is overwhelmingly huge and spans roughly two decades, unlike consoles with their generations. It's also much easier to make emulation look like the real thing, you just have to get an old keyboard and monitor which already work on a modern PC.
What's the best brand stick to get? I have some Sanwa buttons and the PCB from a shitty USB gamepad but the stick I ended up with is cheap chong shit with way too much travel to be comfortable.
Shit. Same here. KH2 runs very well, not to mention the upside of configuring buttons. (I've never liked how the jump button is the circle button.)
Just yesterday I got Launchbox, but I'm having trouble connecting it to RetroArch to play NES games. The other systems work though. Also, what's a good Dreamcast emulator?
No idea unfortunately.
I have the Hori Mini from the pic which is cheap as hell (~40 bucks) and very light, but apart from the weight feels like a super quality product. Especially the joystick itself.
In fact I decided right away to get a real stick before christmas, but as it's a 150-250 € purchase I'm waiting until the end of the month since it IS a rather silly purchase and I don't want to rush things.
I have my sights on the Hori 4 Kai, which appears to be the cheapest option with actual quality parts. If you go higher, the Mad Catz TES seems horrendously overpriced but good quality. There's also the Qanba Dragon (inb4 muh cheap China shit) which was announced this week, and looks to be a premium thing - brand parts, very feature-rich and heavy enough to shatter your foot should you happen to drop it.
This thread here looks like a good start, even if it's not really complete:
Sorry, you mean stick stick? As in, just the part, right?
I think it's pretty agreed on that Sanwa, Seimitsu or Hori's Hayabusa are the recommended parts:
I think it's mostly a matter of taste, I never read anyone calling them outright shit or anything.
That's what I meant, thanks. I guess I'll do some reading.
You're the fag that insists that emulation is better than 2.5. You're wrong. Go ahead,show the horrible UI that takes half the screen.
I own a PS2, a Dreamcast, a Wii, a PS3, a 3DS and a PSP. I pirate pretty much all of my games.
I emulate everything older than the Dreamcast, if I can emulate the game properly. Some N64 games in particularly are considerably better on the Wii.
Recently, I have downloaded every single game on every single relevant console, except for disc games (too heavy). I also have pretty much everything on MAME, and every game that could possibly interest me on the CD/DVD consoles.
When it comes to video games, I am set for life. I have way more games than a single human could possibly play in a lifetime, and a massive stack of CDs and DVDs.
It's a rare talent to be able to stay triggered for so long.
I have every game from about the famicom era to the gamecube era, excluding dreamcast. I also have most of the notables for a lot of the handhelds post-gamecube like the DS and PSP
Gens Plus because genesis does what the nintendon't
Also N64
Fucking everything. Consoles should be dead in my humble opinion, but I'll settle for emulating them for now.
The real question is when are we gonna be able to spoof Nintendo's servers so we can still play Splatoon after the servers get shut down?
Just bro-oped through Sonic 3 complete for the last 8 hours.
If you ever want to play Goldeneye 64 or Perfect Dark, don't play them on the original hardware. The controls are shit and they're dated as hell. Get the roms, get Project 1964, play it with a mouse and keyboard.
just use dual analog mode on the original hardware you fucking casual
analog sticks are such a shit way to control first person shooters that a shitton of design work goes into making up for how crap it is. Mouse + Keyboard is better.
PS2, PS1, NDS, GBA, GB and GBC, SNES a bit of NES
PS2, grew up with
Need to get one of pic related, fuck touch screens
Currently fighting a strong women of color in pokemon white.
Wanted to play mohun for the psp but i misplaced my iso and can't find it anymore.
Don't have a favorite emu, i just use whatever comes up in google like a pleb.
it's gonna be nu star wars and nu x-men fam. prepare your fucking ass.
I like higan cause it's convenient.
Why not PCSX2?
Games themselves are downgraded anyway.
Can pokemon x/y be emulated yet?
Too Many.
Generally i go for either Retroarch or MAME.
Too much. see attached image for my fullsets folder.
i have myself a Hori RAP4Kai and it works well. and for couch gaming i have my old laptop hooked up with kodi and retroarch/mame and hooked into the TV so i can play my shit on a 50 inch screen. not able to do PS2/GC on my old laptop but if i want to emulate that, i go to my current laptop.
How do I emulate PS2 on a 3 year old PC with AMD processing units?
get a psp
get a ps2
sounds like you need to git gud, casual
So Holla Forums why don't you take advantage of your emulators and corrupt some games and see how they run?
too much time invested for too little reward
Yo anyone know how to make kirby and the amazing mirror less laggy for coop? Its almost unplayable
Just wanna have some fun couch coop
Not really, I've got a lua script for FCEUX that literally makes corruptions happen at the touch of a few buttons. Just open up emulator, open up game, load script, play, corrupt, rewind as needed, take silly screenshots or record video.
Or scare yourself.
what is NES-FDS?
As many as I can
Dolphin amd Demul are my favorites.
Everything is worth emulating
kys dead hardware faggot
Yeah, who else loved those slowed down shmups
Check this out!
Tons, but maybe about 10 I regularly keep going back to.
These three: Vice C64, WinUAE, Mame
Not really sure what you mean with this question. Whatever I want to be able to play again I guess.
Maybe most of all my A1200, which I cloned the original HDs from to HDfiles, so I can run it like I'm on my original machine.
Famicom Disc System games. most if not all of the sets are the emuparadise sets but replacing them with sets is too much effort at the moment.
Phil's Computer Lab is a good channel. i also like embedded video.
WinUAE is nice. i have a A4000 config with UAEGFX. works for a ton of stuff. plus plays some more demanding stuff without issue (Genetic Species, Gloom DC, Alien Breed 3D II: TKG, all 50fps capable)
I have a PS2 but I'm too much of a worthless piece of shit to mod it and get new controllers when I could possibly emulate to my heart's content.
why would you replace them?
apparently the sets are more updated. but eh.
Mind posting it?
I'd really like to know if the HRAP 4 Kai works with Android. Would you happen to know that?
Alternatively, I may get a VLX in case I strike oil in my garden or something. Can you generally assume that PS4 compatible sticks work on Android?
i haven't tested on android with it because none of my android devices support USB OTG. so i can't answer that myself.
Who plays PS2 on their phone?
Pressure sensitive control is so underused it's barely worth considering at all unless you're playing MGS2 or 3.
Race games need not apply since triggers exists and they're better and you should just be using a wheel to begin with.
PS2 emulation is shit enough on PC. are there even good PS2 emulators on Phones?
not the faggot you wanted to reply, but,Ocarina Of Time scales up decently, Tekken 3 I'd say can go to 480p
You can emulate the game and play it on a CRT TV.
now THIS is shitposting
I know this is the emulation thread, but do any of you sniggers have that picture with the Silent Hill emulation guide?
I want to play SH3, but the only issue I have now with the PC version is that when it fades to another bullshit, ie the transition from menus and the like, it doesn't do it like how it should and gets pixelated but it doesn't really seem to bother the actual game. Though other than that the PC version seems pretty alright.
I already told you he was going to do that retarded nitpicking bullshit. He does that in every emulation thread.
Have you done everything here:
Specifically installing SH3proxy?
You could always emulate the PS2 versions, they're not particularly demanding and there's less issues with them than the PC port even if you're stuck using DX11
No yeah I did, I installed SH3Proxy, I was just wondering if that transition bug is something that occurs with SH3proxy.
Cause when I tested the installation without any mods, it was basically straight up the ps2 version, no transition bug.
There's a reason as to why I'm using the PC version rather than emulating.
nude mods?
Old Tron AND New Tron.
If you want to show off PS2 emulators, you need to look at SMT:N and DDS. They look goddamn amazing at higher res because of the shading and sparsity of textures. Same applies to Katamari Damacy.
is it dead or just new?
I think it may be a bug with SH3proxy, yes.
The first one. Pic very related.
he? Didn't show up fo rme! Thanks user.
Yup, you caught me.
Ah okay just wondering, cause it's not like glaring, just kinda annoying.
I'm currently emulating Silent Hill.
It's good.
An hero.
We will preserve all we can user.
That's all we can do.
Reminder that the PS2 and its EE processor was a frankensteins monster of design and mostly of you complaining need to stop playing on toasters.
Do we still have to fucking dump shit from a real 3DS, or have they actually made a real emulator?
Such is the cycle of life user.
He says this as if it's some super high tech, but it's just some mathematical calculations the computer is doing that any comp sci fag can set it up to do.
I should have asked here first seeing as it is more revelant
"I know this is a long shot, doesn't anyone have any links to
From \dev_flash\sys\external ?
My PS3 is on a version higher than 3.55 and I don't have access to a firmware flasher."
Munt emulates perfectly a MT32, can be used with linux as well as with windows. So why bother? Put aside showing off.
That PC version of RE2 looks neat with the concept art and the 3D character models
Nevermind, after a quick search I found this.
. I hope it works.
You wouldn't happen to have AmigaOS 3.9 would you?
Only a few DS games and some GameCube games.
Dolphin because it's fun to play with anons.
If we talk about user experience then MAME is probably the worst offender. Installed a new version? Lol all the roms are broken now, download the respective rom set nigger! Even if its something minor as a new internal file naming scheme. Its a powerful emulator with lots of options however.
Best are probably emulators for non-ibm computers (Amiga, C64, PC-88 etc) with their painless setup and good menus.
Retroarch is somewhat in the middle, very technically advanced and powerful but a relly shitty UI.
The only thing I really want still is an emulator for NEO GEO home games because the home games are a touch easier than the arcade games.
Never heard of this before, what a time to be alive
my setup is a 3.1 setup but i did grab a 3.9 iso. winworldpc *had* it but it's not there now so i've uploaded it to my MEGA so you can grab it:
I want this meme to end.
Saved. Thank you for your CSM, user. Here, have some OC.
the UI has issues. but i've got no real issues with it personally. if anything, guidance needs to be put in for people who aren't familiar with it. a skippable quick start wizard or something so some of the pre-existing users can just use existing configurations without any new bullshit.
Is there a way to play Wii games on PC? I tried Madworld but it required shit loads of movement with Nunchuck and my mouse was already registered for the main controller.
wiimote via bluetooth afaik. that and a sensor bar of some sort.
i did try making an improvised SB with 2-4 IR LED's and some batteries but thus far has been sketchy. but it did "kind of" work with S&P2 and Goldeneye 007 as far as detection went, just wasn't reliable either. so easiest method is probably gonna be a pre-made external sensor bar (USB or Battery Powered)
How do I get pressure sensitive buttons with a Dualshock 2? I have that blue adapter but I can't find anything on the internet regarding pressure sensitive buttons. Playing Gran Turismo 4 with a DS3 is shit.
I think you need a special adapter for that which has been long out of production.
Why don't you just use L2/R2 instead?
Thanks user. You're awesome.
Anyone have those lists of good games per platform on hand? I just started playing PSP games and the only ones I remember I wanted to play are Patapon and Locoroco.
well, since i have the folder open
Thanks user. I'll save them this time, should've done so from the start.
that's alright considering how much of a pain tracking it down can be. i do have 3.5 on hand too but haven't tried to throw together another setup based on either 3.5 or 3.9 yet. might do something like doing a 3.1 install then updating to either 3.5 or 3.9 and going from there.
i do wish that setting up an amiga workbench was less work but eh.
Is there an easy way to emulate Mac OS 8.X/9.X games? I was stuck with those and a GBA as my only vidya until I was about 12 so that's where pretty much all of my childhood nostalgia is.
what a time to be forgetting
Can't think of any others of the top of my head
lmao mac fags tripping over each other
So the mac had exactly one exclusive and one multiplat. Good to know. Even the goddamn wii u has more games at this point.
I'm getting this laptop, it should run Dolphin and other higher end emulators fine, right? CPU looks solid.