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God damn it, all I wanted was playing video games!
Oliver Gomez
Holy shit the country is falling to pieces as we speak. How could this happen?!? People were in current year! They were on the right side of history! And now Trump is eating dinner!?!???!
Since anime is becoming real, which side will you be fighting in the trenches for?
Cooper Peterson
never EVER move to japan and save a single OL from herself its super gay
Asher Sanchez
anime is pretty gay tbh familam
Nathaniel Rivera
shouldn't you be in the overwatch thread
Elijah Kelly
no. no. "Thunderbolt Fantasy" is how you say anime of the year.
William Brown
You have been visited by
Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”
Remember to always be a big guy
Joseph Mitchell
Nolan Robinson
Julian Reyes
Jose Perry
i forgot to spoiler FUG
Joseph Morales
People have to work hard for dinner and he's just eating it. What a decadent sod!
Mason Nguyen
We're gonna liberate the mankind by memes
Colton Young
Every single episode so far made me cry, or at least tear up. Even the first season didn't blow my brains out this hard. Incredible. Love story of the century. So much passion… fuck's sake…
Colton Garcia
Easton Peterson
One of the women that accused Trump of sexual assault asking him not to sue her.
Michael Ward
Easton Mitchell
Memetic Warfare: Your mind is the battlefield.
Jace Reyes
Dominic Gray
What the fuck are you talking about? This isn't a love story
Brandon Torres
Jonathan Anderson
I don't care for either. I'll just wait for a better waifu war.
Samuel Garcia
Liam Cruz
In response to the pakman article:
Yes, move to commiefornia, make the other areas red again.
Camden Kelly
It's NOTHING but a story on love and passion user. Love of music or love of a group, love of being driven or love for another girl… there is nothing but love oozing out every second from this show
Jayden Brooks
What the fuck is wrong with these people? Do they honestly believe they can do anything without repercussions? I hope the President-Elect sues all these whores for everything they have. Then they can whore to make ends meat
Look at how people are behaving now. Acting like law and order and even basic decency is less important than making sure their lefty ideology wins.
Connor Robinson
Levi Walker
Your lies are an insult against all real victims of sexual assault.
You should not just face consequences, they should also be the most severe of consequences. Faking a crime should be punished in the same magnitude as the crime faked.
Benjamin Thompson
I can't wait until all other waifus have their empires destroyed so we can round you degenerates up and have the firing squads end your pathetic lives
Owen Moore
I want this to be real, all except tye continued rapefugee crisis.
Jackson Gonzalez
Um, guys!?
Liam Collins
I hope they do move. They will move there thinking they will be beaten for being homos within 5 minutes, and they'll learn everything they've been told about living in the country is a lie. And then they'll meet local Trump supporters and learn they're not terrible people and their arguments make sense.
These people moving is the best thing that could happen.
You can see the three persona 3 movies, they are mediocre but at least make you understand the basic… don't go for the persona 4 anime, is shit
Hudson Butler
That's weird, they don't have the first or the last, just the middle one, which is so-so.
Bentley Scott
Do you even nyaa user?
Jeremiah Sullivan
Robert Parker
yeah, but I just moved and I have shit setup right now, if I want to watch shit on my TV and not on my shitty screen I have to contend with netflix for now.
Robert Scott
Aaron Russell
Just download a psp emulator and play them.
Nicholas Allen
I've been hear for decades that they're gonna establish North America Union, making 1/3 of Japan into no man's land, and fucking manmade artificial 9.0 earthquake on California. Anything is possible, user.
Wyatt Sanchez
Mason Watson
Joseph Edwards
Connor Reyes
Delete your post and try again nigger.
Adrian Perez
Jack Butler
North American Union is something various groups have been openly advocating for a while now. Just because it hasn't gained real traction yet doesn't mean it won't happen, particularly with how much of the younger population now supports complete open borders.
Angel Jones
Jeremiah Reed
what are you trying to do nigger?
Ayden Gray
Will you get him a cake Holla Forums?
Daniel Sanders
Fuck no. Where's the our cake?
Connor Lopez
They want mega countries thinking that nega countries will mek everyone qual instead of becoming a bearucratic nightmare and have too many slip through the cracks.
They don't care about that, they just want power. Equality is just a false premise, almost god at this point, to trot out before the masses to make them accept it.
William Allen
What's the best anime streaming site? My normal computer is broken so I'm currently reliant on one that I can't download anything on. Not too fond of kissanime's ads.
Adrian Jones
Yeah, make your kids infiltrate into government and the illuminati system, and blow it up from inside
Evan Smith
You can close kissanime's ads?
Chase Russell
Ruins the flow of the show when you have ads pop up in the middle of it.
Nathaniel Butler
Download an extension to browse the mobile version of any site and watch kissanime from that. Gives you no ads.
Jace Ortiz
ayy lmao
Jose Clark
anilinkz.io animeseason.com
Jaxson Anderson
Is that a new doubledeck manga?
Daniel Brooks
Easton Hill
What the fuck are you talking about? Kissanime has at worst a new tab popup when loading a page, and several hidable ads surrounding the video player.
Didn't take them long to go into the gibs me dat phase huh.
John James
Thank you Holla Forums.
Kayden Thomas
happy birthday
Robert Nelson
On kissanime.to? I've never once gotten an interrupting ad, despite them making me turn off adblockers to watch the videos. Anyone else have this problem?
Luis Sullivan
I still don't know shit about anything Hillary would have done in office other than immigration and undoing the hard work everyone put into the Cuban Missile Crisis to make it stop being a crisis, since nobody actually talked about anything other than Trump being rich and thus leading a prolific sex life and Hillary being a woman and even then I talked with one or two people who actually talked about Trump's policies, still nothing on Hillary's though
Fuck you, it's still the 16th
Julian Bailey
Please tell me his head is photoshoped and it's not official.
Benjamin Wood
not here
Adam Hall
It's not even the 17th you got damn kike.
Juan Sanders
Happy breaking your mother's vagina day.
Luis Richardson
That's not a real ad, is it?
Owen Reed
Happy birthday from gookland
David Howard
eat another cake
Matthew Richardson
happy birthday
Brayden Cook
well thanks in advance
it is
thank you. godspeed gookanon
Xavier Martinez
Rock, Paper, Shotgun's Adam Smith reviews Dishonored 2, fails to disclose former columnist Cara Ellison wrote for the game
happy birthday now don't kill yourself by eating a whole icecream cake
Xavier Scott
Happy birthday Mark. Thanks for giving us shit lords a home.
Michael Ortiz
cant thank everyone.
phone is fucky
still lurking
Evan Edwards
I haven't eaten a cake in my entire life. I don't even know how it tastes.
Easton King
Happy Birthday
Andrew Cook
Here's what trump promises, Most of it is ridiculously overreaching and there is no possible way for him to accomplish it, but at it sounds good at least.
Carson Martinez
Wow. Just wow.
Go eat cake.
Connor Bell
Why not? Also cheesecake is the best cake.
Happy birthday fucker.
Jonathan Walker
imagine your mouth being made in heaven
luv u bby
Samuel Brown
Oh you are in for a show, vid related. I'm 95% convinced Gary Johnson is a poison pill plant for the libertarians. A guy who is anti 2nd A, pro open borders, and behaved like a dopey dudeweedlmao "leftist libertarian" retard ran and got nominated for the official candidate for libertarian party.
Elijah Wilson
I did not mean it in the bad way, but go eat cake, it is your day afterall.
I lived out in the middle of nowhere on a farm most of my life, parents didn't know how to make one and it saved money to not buy one for my birthday.
What, you mean they stuff a cake full of liquid cheese?
Aaron Cooper
No, it's just regular American cheese melted into the shape of a cake.
Julian Gomez
Remember when the NSA said North Korean hacked Sony because of that shitty seth rogen movie? Remember when it turned out just to be two teens from U.K. that did it?
Evan Perez
Mason Anderson
Dylan Campbell
What shit?
You mean this shit?
Christopher Morgan
Not sure if you're LARPing as some Luke Skywalker moisture farmer motherfucker in the middle of some backwater outer rim territory, who never saw or ate a cheesecake. But they are delicious.
Chase Perez
Gabriel Gomez
Truly this is the most epic of trollings
Adrian Cox
Jesus fucking Christ, I hope you realize we have user IDs here. I'd call you a CTR shill but seeing as they all got fired for failing, I'm just going to call you a faggot.
Eli Cooper
That does look good.
Really though, not LARPing, they just made pies instead of cake.
Landon Nguyen
Protip: the media lies when it has an agenda to push.
Anthony Allen
Not even a ZUZ you aren't one of us.
Grayson Peterson
Camden Gutierrez
The least you could do is try
Carter Stewart
I think you're confusing the Playstation server hack with the Sony Pictures hack
Nolan Bennett
Note the top article convinently forgot to say which country interfered.
Jason Stewart
was getting caught part of your plan?
Samuel Phillips
It was the UK via John Oliver just like he did with the Canadian election luckily he failed this time.
Oliver Brown
I'm still waiting for a screencap to start flittering across the net. Thank God we archive these threads for posterity.
David Reyes
At least you're having fun user, this is almost nostalgic.
No english yet? Well I'm looking forward to the translation then. Hopefully someone does it.
Jonathan James
Daniel Flores
that list isnt as big as I thought it be given mary sue shitting on every male like no Hickman telling someone to drink hobopiss
Sebastian Peterson
I have a law teacher who will tell you firsthand that any white male running for office automatically gets hit with the racist label.
Picture this: a man who spent half his life in Latin American countries, speaks fluent spanish, adopted at least a quarter of his kids, with 2 or 3 coming from Haiti in the wake of the earthquake there. He runs for public office in fucking Texas and gets called racist by the media.
Jeremiah Phillips
He's still going.
Oliver Bailey
Also, share this with Holla Forums.
Nathan Powell
Your taste is an insult to all real players of video games.
You should not just face consequences, they should be the most severe of consequences. Shit taste should be punished in the same magnitude as one's shit taste.
Cameron Perry
Nothing about the MSM influencing the election? And Soros money?
How do you know that's him and not someone else copypastaing that?
William Stewart
We are the FBI.
Landon Russell
This is not funny, user
Easton Ramirez
Connor Hall
please tell me someone made an edit of that for all the riots going on right now.
Hunter Reed
Mite be soon, I'm a patient man tho so I don't mind waiting. exhentai.org/g/609769/837196f364/ this came out 3 fucking years ago and still hasn't been translated to english. Some gooks translated it to Korean but no one's been assed to translate it to fucking english. Real strange since most other ML doujins have been translated to english
Carter Cook
Greetings from /pinoy/, Mark.
Happy Beerday.
Juan Ramirez
What the fuck?
Wyatt White
Joshua Moore
Juan Davis
2017 will be the best followup for 2016
Now if only there's some actually good video games to be released, then 2017 will be the perfect beginning of the new Golden Age.
Oliver Rodriguez
Persona 5 is shaping up well.
Brayden Robinson
Shit, almost forgot:
Noah Lewis
Finally I can see more fast feminine trap ninja
Jackson Martinez
Fuck yeah, that as well.
The new Berserk anime's second cour getting the SMC treatment might also save it too.
Asher Davis
>tfw no finished MGSV
Uh, traps are gay. Gay shit isn't allowed here.
Jace Howard
Charles Peterson
Oliver Lopez
Fair amount of decent games coming out as well. Trails in the Sky 3rd, Yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2, Tales of Berseria and all that stuff.
Joshua Thomas
Damn, Good Smile, slow *down* a bit, will ya?
All that said, the only thing I'm actually remotely excited about for next year is the Cinderella Girls Theater shorts, even if they're clearly animated in Flash.
Adrian Roberts
Not Kyoani but Xebec. Which may or may not be a downgrade. Since the announcement mentioned a FMP! "multimedia project", this might mean a tie-in video game is in the works.
Luke Clark
I'll have to read this later. It's interesting that he points out how it all coincides with a hard core libertarian stance.
Samuel Young
Pies are good too. I'm not a yuuge dessert guy but I don't mind a good blueberry pie.
Connor Martin
If the trap is as cute as this, you wouldn't say such a thing.
Elijah Jones
Cold steel 3 is gonna not be on the vita, is it?
Alexander Peterson
If it has a dick it's gay. Get that shit out of here.
Jonathan Peterson
Wait, isn't this already out? Or a new game in the TotS series and I just missed the ads?
Either way, I'm just pleased Japanese dev studios have wised up to localizers' antics and have decided to put out theire own English versions without NA involvement, perhaps inspired by the positive reception of the SRW series' SEA releases.
Brayden Campbell
traps and shota are not gay you baka
even the trip gods realize this
Robert Powell
Sharp jawline.
Angel Carter
Chase Murphy
Who cares if its gay? I'd still fuck it.
Noah Thompson
you gotta admit this faggot has a sense of humor
Nathan Collins
I already got a few games I'm excited for; Yakuza 0 Nioh Earth Defense Force 5 The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd Tokyo Xanadu Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 4 Plus: Summer Memories/Disaster Report 4
I just need SNK to reveal their next revival and I'm set
Jace Lee
why did we voted for him is he doesnt hate the jews and niggers?
Elijah Collins
Falcom said they were considering PS4 exclusive. We've yet to see confirmation on systems.
Well, XSeed localizes the Trails games. And there are three TitS games. First Chapter, Second Chapter and 3rd Chapter. They just got around to finishing off localizing 3rd Chapter, after localizing Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2.
Hopefully they can localize the two Crossbell Trails games even if they're old, and hopefully they can jump on Trails of Cold Steel 3 as soon as it's ready.
William Mitchell
Tyler Brooks
I wish they'd give us more information on that other game where you play as Panicky Idiot #987204 in a city that's under attack by Godzilla, EVA unit 1, Ultra Man, and like 30 other things at the same time.
Mason Cook
Thats a shame. But it was inevitable as it took so long to release.
Joseph Murphy
Between that and Dungeon Meshi I got my RPG animoo mango fix, 2017 is looking cautiously good. This I'm kinda worried about. Trigger is really good with short form series, they did great with little witch and luluco, they're a bit spotty with long form series ie: kill la kill.
I foresee turmoil first, some studios and devs will double down on the koolaid and shove virtue signalling at the cost of gameplay. If they haven't already. Until the fire rises further, I'm hunkering down with mostly pre-2007 and the very few semi recent, non pozzed games.
Jose Walker
Judging from >>>/m/14848, which I'm (un)surprised to see is *still* on /m/, I'd rather Scamco gets a few more native English speakers to give their scripts a few more QC passes.
Isaac Smith
Oh yeah, I forgot about City Shrouded in Shadow.
Jaxson Roberts
Ben is alright but hes just too much of a isrealite, and makes sure you remember him as one. I do like the stuff he says though
Aaron Ramirez
Repotan from /k/ Hello Strongest Race In The World™ :^)
James Gonzalez
Ok listen up gamergays. Here's the truth so everyone can quit arguing about it and get back on topic. TRAPS ARE FUCKING GAY They're gay as shit. They have dicks so that means they're men. End of line. Stop saying they aren't gay. Also shota is even worse than traps, so don't even go there.
Luis Robinson
Because of the policies he said he'd put in place during his election I'm sure I'm missing one or two things here, but that's what got him my vote.
Nathaniel Cox
I merely pretended to be a trapfag to BTFO all trapfags itt
Oliver Richardson
At first I was excited over the premise, but the lack of consistently positive coverage is making me exceedingly cautious. Would be great if I am proven wrong.
Wait, is this getting an anime too? 2017 would be amazing already even if it wasn't, adding this too the list will be too much. And unlike most of the other psuedo-JRPG anime shows, a DM video game might actually work well.
They are called Scamco for a reason.
Luis Diaz
They're still going at it!
Xavier Gomez
Better title: why misanthrope and misandary lost.
Adrian Gutierrez
What a world. Anyway, what did you guys think of this talk?
Elijah Taylor
No, not that I know of. I mentioned that for my rpg mango fix. Though if you dedicate your double dubs to make it a reality, who knows.
Joshua Edwards
And any women who is suprised at the true nature of women towards other women is both oblivious, and lacking in self reflections of all their actions since childhood.
Jackson Cruz
Dies irae is also getting an anime.
Christopher Edwards
I'm willing to bet that at least half the women who voted for Trump did so because they remember Bill Clinton "not having sexual relations with that woman."
Nathan Reyes
Just saw this on twitter, gave me a chuckle.
James Cruz
Feh. Have no sympathy for the tard. Should have ment for monogamy if he did not want ther sleeping with people he hated.
Xavier Bennett
Whoops, sorry, didn't notice it was unlisted. It's a recording of that talk based mom had at DePaul.
Robert Richardson
What a crazy few years it's been
Mason Anderson
Not happening nigger. Closest thing would be noj consulting sega on the switch as a primary development partner.
Adrian Young
Nobody ever seems to focus on that word.
Also does anyone know what Trump's stance on medicare is? My mom was saying that Trump already told republicans to get rid of it which makes no sense as I don't ever recall Trump mentioning medicare, where is she gettign this crap?
Juan Bailey
2007~2013 A New Hope
2014~2015 The SocJus Strikes Back
2016~??? Return of the Gamer
Luke Garcia
She's making shit up, the only time he talked about medicare and social security was to say that we would keep it and he would not fuck over the young by increasing the age we start drawing.
Gabriel Bailey
silly, user, 99% of the devs are sjw, but the publisher stop their stupid shit infecting vidya, now BOTH are injecting that shit, one for shekels and the other for progressive points.
Noah Martinez
Pure lip service. One second, they're saying they admit gaming media is corrupt, and the next, they're giving Kotaku awards for excellence.
Kevin Baker
Look at what TecToy are doing. Brand new Sega Mega drive with build in SD card reader for roms. I never said they were making a new contender, they're going in with their garunteed heavy hitter. And given their preorder numbers, they can see that demand is so high, I garuntee you that we'll see them make region free or other region versions of it.
From hillary's media team
Nathan Long
Le Pen becoming president of France is better than those shitty animus tbh
Connor Lee
Kayden Rivera
Nigga you serious
Alexander Morgan
it'll be like WW2 again. The allied forces of the west, pushing against the SJW, open borders madness of Merkel's germany while Russia holds the east
Lincoln Campbell
Next year are elections in Germany. Merkel will probably fuck off to the EU bureaucracy then.
Eli Mitchell
She's half right Trump is going to repeal Obamacare as it made things worse than they were before and replace it with a sophisticated system
Never ever, user. Though it would be pretty fucking ballsy of them if they tried.
Michael Diaz
So apparently Trump is talking about a muslim registry. I'm a bit torn on this one. I'm pretty anti-NSA but at the same time I fucking hate Islam. twitter.com/bad_takes/status/799079032499343360
Camden Evans
This and Youjo Senki. Now we need one more to complete the Axis of Anime 2017. Maybe the Kancolle Movie?
Jordan Phillips
Tyler Rodriguez
Oh shit. My last name is an anglicized version of Hajj, but my family has been Orthodox Christian forever.
Logan Powell
You know comic book writers will exploit this.
Ryder Butler
Best girl.
Brandon Robinson
Bentley Reyes
That doublethink is fucking ridiculous
Daniel Richardson
Logan Cruz
There's a registry on pretty much everyone who's ever legally entered the US as is. A special registry to keep tabs on a group of people known for violence and who teach their children to hate everything about the countries they infect is just fine in my book.
Levi Robinson
Look I know females shouldn't be in politics but her getting in will keep the window moving like it did for Brexit and Trump We can larp about all the shit we want when we're in power but we still have to fight first
They see themselves as Muslim before America, same story for blacks and Hispanics
Jason Robinson
I think 'the left chooses it's enemies based on what they THINK they do' is more accurate
David Reed
This retard still going on? Is someone paying him or does he sperg on on his own time?
Asher Cruz
I'd be against if their kind wasn't responsible for so much death, destruction and terrorism for so long, but as it stands I don't see the issue, these people are already far to protected.
I'm not asking for beatings for in the street but I can understands peoples fear sometimes.
That's not something you do in public, it's better to just register newly entering muslims on a terrorist watch list.
James Wright
I laugh whenever people think stereotypes don't exist for a reason
Jordan Turner
(dubs checked)
The new Magic set is so shit so this faggot now has more time to bitch on Twitter rather than play cards with his fellow fedora tippers.
Parker Rivera
what isn't?
Grayson Ramirez
announce that you're wanting to set up a muslim registry. Fuck, I guess it doesn't matter anyway.
Jayden Smith
Isn't this that one really shitty "pro" magic player?
Benjamin Wilson
The Muslim ban is more popular than Trump, so I don't know about that
Ryan Hill
the MLP homo
Bentley Jenkins
Happy birthday mane
Lincoln Bennett
Maybe it's shopped but the people who shopped it would be part of the Gary Johnson campaign Yes it was official
Hunter Edwards
Technically, it wouldn't be a "muslim" registry. It would be based on the country the visitor/immigrant is coming from, not their religion. However, it does sound like it would amount only to "security theatre" while creating resenting and feelings of religious discrimination. The US apparently had this system for 9 years (!), ending in 2011. It was dissolved for "because it was found to be redundant with other immigration systems."
Sounds like Trump shouldn't do it, and instead stick to the idea of temporarily blocking migrants from Syria on the grounds that proper vetting cannot take place. I mean, if a country is a literal warzone, then no police dept. records can be requested, and no interviews are possible, etc.
Andrew Carter
happy killyourself
Noah Roberts
Screw that block them from every muslim country. I don't want muslims here. I don't care if they're ISIS or not. I don't care if they'd make upstanding citizens or not. Look at Europe and how often the 2nd generation is radicalized and goes all allahu ackbar.
Josiah Brooks
There is no 100% perfectly clean choice with the current situation, there was plenty of warning of the problem of islam being spread by the sword, going for years from what I remember, but it was allowed to fester in the name of Political Correctness and fee fees virtue signalling. And the tragic thing IMO, moderates who represents the only real hope of a possible peaceful reformation of islam happens to be on the top list of targets for massacre by islam fundamentalist. So the leftard fuckers who puts a safety pin on and thinks they are now defenders of moderate muslims should really reconsider their moral cowardice.
But muh shame of the internment camps during ww2! Yeah well it was wartime, a country like imperial japan for example was not exactly acting like moeblobs at the time, look up rape of nanking and other horrors during wartime by them, before some fuckface praises obongo for apologizing to the nips for dropping nukes during ww2. I got no beef with current nips, but it'd be a different situation if I was facing one during ww2 era.
Wyatt Young
You know, Fart actually manages to write good stuff and find interesting shit I wonder from who he's stealing it
Joseph Diaz
Nagasaki was pretty fucked up.
Robert Moore
Michael Bennett
Nigger that's a fucking pipe dream.
Ayden Roberts
Ryan Peterson
But.. I will buy an AR-15 and proudly supports republican and the 2nd amendment… I can do anything for the striped banner…!
Jason Gomez
It varies for hispanics. I've lived in the United States since I was about two years old. Every time I go to the home country to visit relatives, I'm disgusted by some of the things I see. The best example of this is their toilets. Their plumbing is so poorly done that only the shit and piss itself just barely passes (not always). Trying to flush toilet paper will wreck any toilet south of Texas. They have to throw away shit encrusted toilet paper in a waste basket by the toilet, but they never bother emptying this basket. Instead, they just spray air freshener every few days, and the combination of the overly powerful freshener and week old (if you're lucky) human shit creates a stench that can only be described as an affront to god. The icing on the cake: homes there have no central air conditioning, so the bathrooms have small windows to let out some of the stench….onto the fucking streets. They're fine living like that because it takes so little effort. I'm never as proud to be an American citizen as when I come back from the place I was born, and most of the relatives I have that escaped that hellhole feel the same way.
Joseph Howard
So was other places imperial japan and the kempetai occupied. And they did many of their fucked up shit by hand. Sheeit, I was born in a country that was occupied by Imperial Japan at the time, and again I have no beef with most current day nips, and I never expected or want an unending aporogi purizu, dogeza! from the japs. It was in the past, learn from it so it won't happen again and let's all move on. But if I was flung into a timewarped ww2 era and facing them, completely different story.
For me it's something similar with the problem of violent islamism. I wish islam stops it's virulent and malignancy. Right now though it seems to continually declare jihad on the west, and on it's own few chances of peaceful reform from within. No amount of hashtag activism or safety pin virtue signalling will address the problem, or help the muslims who don't want any of that crazy shit, you know the ones that socjus snowflakes are so desperate to find for their oppression pokemon collection.
Colton Wilson
Yes, you should ban them all, because unfortunately, only Japan is worth a shit. The rest of them are all Gooks, Chinks, Gooks and Chinks LARPing as Japs, and the rest are all Jungle Asians that should stay in their fucking rice fields and sweat shops
Hunter Brooks
What I'd do is:
1. impose a test for western values, at minimum tolerance for western human rights and rejection of radical islam
2. impose limits on the absolute numbers of immigrants, forcing them to assimilate here instead of creating enclaves (there's probably stuff the planners can do to ensure that as well when they allocate destination cities for immigrants)
3. allow countries to be blacklisted if any hope of proper vetting is lost
The idea of "just ban any new muslim immigrants" is not a good idea. It is un-American and un-Christian (IMHO) to impose a (broad) religious test for entry. (which is easier for me to say, since I think the existential threat can be met with a different restriction)
Even when viewed from a Machiavellian perspective, trying to ban new muslim entry is going to create huge problems with muslim citizens who are already here and any citizen who wishes to convert to islam. They will feel threatened, both hypothetically threatened and (probably) literally threatened by other citizens. I've been reading a lot about China's religious persecution (in the 1990s-2010's!) and I don't want to see that happened here, even if its a fraction of a degree
Jason Sanders
They're the only group with a lower crime rate than whites. What's the point?
Cooper Foster
Gookanon? How are you? Is S. Korea in flames?
Brayden Williams
Islam is Un-American Yeah, well I'm not Christian why would I care?
Joshua Rivera
Yea this is what lefty cucks don't get it, they compare to the situation to modern day standards but at the time it seemed like the right thing to do given the horrific things that where happening.
Landon Harris
there is like a 50% of an asian being complete shit
Cooper Murphy
Nah, ban the chinese, the rest are ok.
Justin Turner
Difference with Nagasaki is that they were already trying to surrender. I can understand Hiroshima, but Nagasaki is an entirely different matter.
Jack Reed
Sarah Jeong, Arthur Racian Chu, and Ian Miles Cheong.
Cooper Campbell
Benjamin Scott
Park went full defense siege to defend her rest of 2 years. Impeach will took at least 1 year and the madness of queen Park is intensifying. She literally begging people to day of the rope happen. Almost every single 8 goddess members either arrested or being summoned. 1 million and 26 thousands people at the Seoul protest. Feminati already destroyed.
Jaxson Hill
Here, along with the bugs, glitches, and modeling dicks and vaginas, this game isn't looking so good.
Tyler Martinez
We could probably allow Japanese in and be fine. Gookanon could get a special exemption as well.
John Myers
/k/orean day of the rope when?
Adrian Jones
There's only one way to get her out of the Blue House quick: The protests will overrun the place and exile her for good.
Jonathan Torres
Please tell me it gets shot later?
oh they found the identity of the other 7? I heard park was trying to censor the media
Kevin Parker
IMC is Malaysian. still not a yellow banana nor is he getting his ads back
She gets away in the end and does more reddit meme taunting.
Nathan Baker
So in other words do an EDSA Revolution? Will need outside assistance for it to succeed, otherwise it'll be Tianamen Square all over again.
Jonathan Roberts
We need to know whose side the military favors on? Is it the nation and its people or their command-in-chief? From that we can form our conclusion.
Ayden Butler
You want to know of camps? Canada used asians to build railroads and see if they were safe wwii
Angel Wilson
The media already turned against her because even they realized it's fucked up beyond all repair. Only diehard few "Bodyguard Musha" politicians we called left to defend her to death and they literally held the whole country as hostage, ready to be pulled the trigger, which is martial law. And it turned out more than just 8. The whole corrupted clique is just fucking astonishing. It's eye of the storm now.
Liam Martin
It all makes sense now. Mallaysians are the worst Asian trolls. You'll never find records of them online, because even if you catch them in the act they'll always pretend to be chinks or flips, then run away and hide before anyone can figure out that they're lying.
Austin Morales
Think its a play at martyrdom, or just a modern day monarchy laughing at the peasants while they tear down the castle doors? The gooks did build fucking guillotines after all
Henry Powell
Education in flipflagland is shit, nobody cares about history or any other shit in the first few grades till the end of high schools, you got he Aquinos crying about kids not giving a shit about Martial Law/Batas Militar
If its another EDSA Revolution (both had shitty endings in the long run) the gooks in Worse Korea need to watch out who the fuck will replace Park and will either look towards China or the US for help in getting things stable, it's gonna be messy, but the guillotines, gookanon needs to get one.
Anthony Green
Any additions to the roof Koreans are welcome.
What job skills do you have? Your English, at least the written part, seems perfect.
Parker Green
the vanilla mosnter girl side
Justin Smith
It is truly the day of revelations. I never expect fellow gook people to get this job well done, this level, this tier, this perfectly, without any violence or fuss, this fascinating. Bloodless revolution is nigh.
I can suck dick for Gamergate supporters.
Anthony Rogers
Charles Russell
Yep. That's what happens when someone's grasp of history seems to not go further beyond 'because it's insert current year' I guess.
It's debateable whether nagasaki was used as an example\warning to others that uncle sam had more than one nuke and was willing to use it. Or whether the US needed hit #2 to really put down imperial japan for good, because during wartime when an opponent have been floating around promises that they will fight you to the death down to the last person tooth and nail. Chances are most people may take that seriously, because again it's wartime.
Then again maybe that's not how it works in current year anymore. Seems everytime there is an allahu ack-ABOOOM or BLAM BLAM BLAM, the usual suspects of leftard apologists and celebretards comes out with #notallmuslim. Not saying you are one of those, I'm just saying I can see people's frustration with moral cowardice disguised as a virtue of tolerance and pacifism. Wahabi islam, violent and intolerant islam, has declared war on western countries and western values multiple times already, yet people in the lying and pop media seems to treat it like a harmless 'it's just a prank brah'.
No, its really not at all debatable. They were trying to surrender and we dropped a nuke anyways. You can't pretend like it was necessary to put imperial japan down when imperial japan was already giving up.
Jason Lopez
Hell, I like you, you can come over to my house and fuck my sister!
Parker Miller
The DECS (Department of Education, Culture & Sports) has screwed up sense of priorities. Got to train all these drones in STEM, but have to trim down the lesson plan so the turnaround would fit the 4-year plan. What to do? Instead of cutting down the required liberal arts subjects like Social studies (12 units) and Values education (9 units) and update the major subjects for current developments in the field, they instead reduce History and Law to a single 1-credit semester subject. And then they wonder why it takes students an average of 6-10 years to graduate.
And let's not even begin to mention the fact that Common Core is currently in beta testing in the country right now. And insist on implementing more of it even after students AND teachers' negative reception.
Hunter Bennett
I'd advise you to start the process if you haven't already. It's no so much hard (though it isn't easy) but time consuming.
I barely paying rent for my house, user, I don't think I will ever be fulfil my American dream And my visa fucked up beyond all repair maybe next life
Nathan White
Kayden Miller
Have you read some of the stories of the battles in the pacific theatre in ww2? Maybe if you can go back in time and tell the US with your knowledge now that japs really meant it sincerely that they surrender for realsies and wish to start peace negotiations, you could have saved a lot of lives. But you don't, and I don't either, and the US did what it thought was necessary during a wartime situation. If they thought they had to drop a third nuke to decisively end imperial japan ambition and will to fight for good, I still won't lose much sleep over it either.
Leo Campbell
Nathan Moore
The BLM and Feminist autist who got recently reported to the Police for going all radical on his meltdown in twitter, and had to go get an evaluation while lying his ass off and virtue signaling.
Charles King
David Diaz
Cooper Brooks
That's fucking gay as fucking mountain of everest, user.
Eli Rogers
Jordan Hill
I'm surprised I haven't taken a vice yet. Holy fuck.
I know one of the illuminati's principle cause I hear it for decades. They never goes action until the people actually craves, eager for their help and intervention. And now look at those clueless hipsters. They're siding with Luciferians who wants to annihilate the mankind and degrade us into oblivion.
Fuck this gay earth.
Luke Flores
Logan James
"Twas merely a jest brethren, we were merely pretending to worship moloch and perform ritualistic sacrifices of children hahaha!"
Lucas Gutierrez
I meant 500 million.
Kevin Fisher
Just wait till you hear that it was futa on male with me as a dom call-girl futa
Kayden Cruz
Sorry, I only take futa on female.
James Evans
clean the fucking board, birthday kike
Daniel Collins
Not even vidya? :^)
Hunter Gutierrez
The deeps of these people stupidity knows no bounds. And these are people with "higher education" compared to most of us.
2 Hours to annoy people, just like they demanded 2 hour workloads to "reduce stress and strain" on their golden voices.
Gavin Hall
If I ever get to make my own game with voice acting, and that's a fuckhuge if, I'm making sure they work their asses off for decent pay.
Elijah Kelly
So do the voice actors have a legit beef, as in the studios didn't pay them and failed to uphold their part of the contract, or is it over stupid bullshit that no one outside a hollywood bubble gives a fuck about and would only make them look retarded.
Wyatt Myers
Man, the last time I saw a union on strike, they were there all fucking day, not during the lunch break.
Colton Martin
Just hire non shit voice actors stop getting fucking Blum and Strong that dont even fucking sound good
Henry Morgan
Apparently Tara Strong got asshurt that an exec commented that voicework "wasn't mandatory for a good game" and pushed for the strike, despite the fact that most of their demands were going to be met at the negotiating table.
Angel Fisher
Oh boy, this is totally NOT straight out from the Nazi Party's playbook during 1933 in Germany! Absolutely not!
Dylan Cruz
My hazy memory tells me this all started when a suit dared to insult Tara Strong by implying that video game voice actors shouldn't get royalties due to not being as notable as Hollywood actors.
William Miller
These people are not smart.
Wyatt White
Gee, it's interesting how quick they are to do the shit they accuse others of doing, except on a much larger scale. "It's okay when we do it," indeed.
Hudson Lee
You'd better have something better than a screencap, preferably an archive since that's HeatStreet
Charles Howard
Is there any existence in this world that more ironic and hypocrite than SJWs?
I'm sure they can hire anyone to do those, I'm sure voice-acting by the top dogs saved Insomniac's game with EA, Fuse.
Ego, some legitimate issues, but so egotistical, look at the retard in this thread here archive.is/ndy0Z
They'll get away from the harassment and intimidation angle, either say "they are just angry and want change!" or just blame Berniebros or Trumpkins falseflagging them.
How about Sean Bean? He at least worked hard as fuck voicing multiple characters in Oblivion, while Patrick Stewart got top billing but only voiced the part of the king for maybe 15 minutes at most.
And I used to like or at least don't mind Tara Strong a long time ago. What the fuck man, first I heard Kevin Batman Conroy was a diehard Killary supporter which is his right but he was being a real dick about it. Is there any sane western VA remaining? Please tell me Phil Lamarr is at least still ok and didn't drink the koolaid.
Charles Turner
God I hate Todd, even those shill videos of showing the voice actors where that safety pin faggot Patrick Stewart was the main selling point and what happened? he got Sean Bean'ed in the first hour of the game.
Yea thats believable. Just like that one niggress had NIGGER plastered all over her car, on the windows only with crayon and not keyed into her car.
Evan Rodriguez
Jacob Evans
why are their stories always so over the top. Not just 'a guy in a MAGA hat pushed past me and didn't say sorry. Clearly he has no respect' sort of thing.
Adrian Johnson
Someone post the tweet pic related is based on. It's my favorite fake liberal story
Benjamin Lopez
Tara was better when she was unknown. Compare her early raven, bubbles and presea to anything she does now, and you can tell she puts no effort into it.
Robert Brooks
she writes for buzzfeed btw. This one writes for vox
I know what's this about but didn't save the screencap
Daniel Harris
It's like they spent months on Holla Forums just to do shit in their name so it seems realistic. Note how none of them called the cops either.
Dylan Bailey
He's not even officially President yet but still has more power over people than Obama. Funny that.
Better yet, an mp4.
I rewatched the original Teen Titans animated series and I can say with confidence that her Raven was the best voice acting I've ever heard. Quite goth, but not being unsubtle about it, for lack of a better phrase. That might be nostalgia talking.
Those images remind me of how anyone could make any sort of image with whatever message, like how Holla Forums made those "Hillary Draft" images.
Nicholas Ortiz
I find it funny that he, a white male, thinks he would be worth pestering by any trump supporter. And even if he was, it would be for being lugenpress, not the shit he has.
Ryan Fisher
Probably for the better, I can't remember a single line King Picard said during what amounts to basically a tutorial area. But that's Todd for you, he technically didn't lie, merely equivocated, which makes him the best type of liar. :^) smirkingtodd.png
>Ego, some legitimate issues, but so egotistical, look at the retard in this thread here archive.is/ndy0Z Fuuck, part of me wants the whole thing burned to ashes if it means kicking out 'VA's like wil wheaton and felica day. On the other hand good VA can enhance an already good game, but how to get rid of the cancer while saving the healthy organs.
Aiden Evans
It isn't even subtle. I wonder if it's easily searchable on the net? If it is, all that would be needed would be to do a dot test to see who printed it out and my money's on the faggot taking the picture.
Andrew Martinez
Sebastian Sanders
DEAD !!!
Oliver Young
But according to SJW's we're in the white house. right now.
Easton Carter
Luis Cox
Liam Adams
David Smith
Pic related.
Godfrey you madman.
Happy Birthday Mark.
Happy Birthday for tomorrow, user.
Jaxon Ortiz
Reminder Contact the FTC about Patreon failing to abide by its own terms and conditions. CON members, despite being shown to harass and dox others are still able to hold patreon accounts. Contact Square Enix to inform them of Nyberg's piracy. Contact Boston PD to inform them of Brianna Wu's fraud (that of obtaining funds through deception). There is no proof of life for the existence of Brianna's twitter safe space provider.
Nathaniel Peterson
Meanwhile on the non-retarded side of the issue archive.is/9WpTE
Lincoln Bennett
Michael Walker
Bully this nerd
Jeremiah Ortiz
People can't be this retard.
Luke Walker
Holy fuck, that's Stephen Tortilla. Has no one realised what an obvious shop this is?
Dominic Allen
Carter Fisher
My time on /k/ has served me well.
Brayden Morales
They can be when they're just searching for shit to be offended by.
Jackson Peterson
Holy fuck, didn't even notice all that till you guys pointed it out. This makes it even more hilarious
Camden Hill
I posted the shoop
Lincoln Wilson
Another year in which you have failed to kill yourself.
Can someone send Mr. Tortilla Chip a link to the MAGA edit with all the rage pointed directly at him?
Carson Mitchell
Colton Anderson
If he hasn't lost his rights yet, he soon will.
Hudson Morris
Jace Jackson
I made it just for fun mane, don't give it free for sjws so they can use as ammo against the evil hoaxers goobers also I just posted it, let it spread a bit
Jonathan Reed
Even for idiots, this shit shouldn't be a result from internet comments..
Nathaniel Edwards
Nicholas Barnes
claiming you will assassinate the president is not just 'political tweets'. Fuck you jessica valenti
Adrian Turner
maybe this is more of a Holla Forums op but wouldn't be interesting emailing HuffPo advertisers asking them what they think about this?
Aaron Bailey
Still, keep track of it and archive the fuck out of it. I want to see his twitter meltdown when everything goes crazy.
Zachary Allen
"The mankind was a mistake." -Creator
Carter Hughes
but user
Chase Young
Alexander Nguyen
Happy Birthday, B.O.
The first sentence is likely, the latter certain lie.
Archon also writes for break and I don't recall them being retards so far
Oliver Turner
Carson Carter
Comics industry is shit, only living because movies and video games, the moralfags killed it off and the Western mind-set of what is adult and not also killed it's appeal, and you'll still see Batman, X-Men, and Spider-Man reboots after you're long dead, and Hollywood is looking forward to see if Ghost in the Shell will make em shekels.
Dylan Hill
Luke Smith
it's me id:5bd359 my internet is worse than Zambia's, I just got disconnected again
Lincoln Butler
Trump won't be sworn into office. Ever since waking up on November 9th, I've known a punch to the gut was coming. It didn't happen that day. The left are doxxing and harassing the Electoral College voters, and come December 19th, they'll announce they've changed the votes, just to get the Left to stop harassing them. Then they'll dissolve the Electoral College altogether. I hate being this negative and pessimistic, but we all know the left will go to any length to get their way, and the Electoral College voters won't know how to combat these assholes, and will just want them to stop. I hate it, and I hate the left. With Soros' aid, they're going to steal the election, and then claim it as perfectly legal.
Justin Cox
I know fart is a fag, I just thought it was interesting since he found out about the blacklist or maybe stole the lead from somewhere but still
Brayden Johnson
Isaiah Walker
DON'T BE DEFEATIST! If we could keep Hillary from Winning, then there is a high likelihood that she'll fail in that.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Don't worry user, just get yourself ready for the incoming Civil War, Day of the Rope, and the Kekening.
Ian Ross
All that's left is for Fart to start bitching on twitter about this.
Tyler Gray
That would kick off a civil war. It's not going to happen. But if it did the upside would be that the lefts heads would be the first ones on the chopping blocks.
Ayden Diaz
Hunter Cox
Well, movieblob is up for it, because he'll finally see the redneck middle-americans cleansed.
Michael Cruz
He's great in CIV VI as well.
I was there. She's telling the truth. I was in my Ferrari fucking a supermodel while it happened too!
Ethan Cooper
While peacefully discharging full auto assault rifles pointed skyward and absolutely nobody freaked out because it's fucking America™
Goddammit do I even want to know what this is about. Also DiGRA has it's own conferences?
This is just their insecurity issues that instead of working out they are projecting onto others.
Thomas Rogers
I'm sure Japan got you covered. Of course, it's not AAA so it does not matter.
Wyatt Williams
inb4 SFV wins it despite KoF XIV deserving it the most
Charles Jackson
It isn't AAA, it isn't easily accessible, they can't figure out how to apply a patch, they can't find the patch either, they won't learn Japanese, and they won't go to communities and actually be a member of them, they'll just shit all over the place and act like it's their right to do so. And they're notorious buyfags.
Adam Jenkins
He's making anime real
Josiah Taylor
Nolan Martinez
Does anyone have the Ben Shapiro talk from yesterday?
Kotaku posted about it but it's literally half dozen lines and a link to this video, almost like the author isn't really sure what opinion he should have so he's just waiting what others will say
Noah Sanders
Ethan Mitchell
Caleb Robinson
If your daughter is so great, why is she so much in love with a retard?
Lucas Adams
she isnt Gilda is that retarded kid down the road that wont fuck off no matter how much you bully them
Hoooboy, so if that asshole's prediction for vidya's future comes true, I can look forward to more gimmicky gamification bullshit + internet of things retardation + fuck your privacy because all the cool kids are connected at all times. I think I will just set up a toaster for an emulation box for my vidya, and find another hobby with a more practical aspect. Maybe something like skeet shooting.
Isaac Allen
Holy shit, what a circle jerk shitfest.
Jace Hall
Sebastian Thomas
Even if it did happen chances are it was a jew and not a white dude. This person is so racist she cant even tell the difference
Wyatt Carter
Its weird, Milo has fewer disturbances than Benji at this point.
Aiden Long
Grayson Allen
No one mentioned
Nathan Phillips
If it happened at all, chances are it was an interaction with a celebrity performer that she didn't even recognize at first and she had a racist kneejerk reaction to it. You know, because he's black. :^)
Cooper Torres
Now is not the time for good vidya, that comes later. I hope deathwing is good
Thomas Clark
Adam Torres
I guess her hair stylist was the first to quit
James Anderson
I dont know what the fuck the CDF is but I do know I want hillary as far away as possible from any children.
Nathan King
To be entirely fair, the choice for the best fan projects is fairly based. I played all three safe for Pokemon Uranium, and from what I can tell it's damn good stuff.
My vote still would go to Enderal - a Skyrim TC with 25-100 hours of gameplay, professional VAs in both German and English, and a real good fucking story behind it (gameplay largely is still Skyrim tier, but even the best modders need something to work with).
They didnt even do the fucking swastika around the right way These fake hate crimes are getting mote and more obvious
Brandon Rodriguez
Which is what he condemned Moviebob for, long ago.
What the fuck happened to Zennistrad, he seemed to be on the right path when he did the Sargon stream.
Blake Ross
Twitter is about to purge gamergate from it's service, and I may have just figured out how they'll pick their targets!
Twitter has tried to purge the alt-right from its platform, saying "there's a hard line between freedom of speech and behavior intended to silence others." What is the SJW strawman of gamergate? "A group that hate's women and wants to silence them." Doesn't matter what the truth is, all that matters is what narrative twitter believes and we all know what that is. Gamergate will be purged. Here's how:
A few days ago the gamergate tag was autocompleting, although only in caps. Like this: #GAMERGATE. Nobody tweets it in caps, no reason for it to autocomplete in caps. I believe that Twitter will ban anyone who tweeted into that tag. They can't ban anyone who used the normal gamergate tag, because antis used it, as well as journalists and celebrities.
But only gamergate would notice a new version of the tag autocompleting, and tweet into it. The tag was only autocompleting that way for a day or so, just long enough to snare as many people as they could.
If you tweeted into the #GAMERGATE tag, delete those tweets! Spread this on twitter, I only have 100 something followers, but I'll tweet it out as well. I may be wrong, but better safe than sorry.
Ian Martinez
user, that's the future he predicts for AAA. We'll always have good games, no matter what. If the space exists, it shall be filled.
Logan Martinez
Isn't a left-facing swastika typically used by Buddhists as a symbol of peace?
Jayden Thomas
Wyatt Edwards
just delete your account
Daniel Cooper
Goddammit, it makes sense. It was autocompleting in caps, who posts the tag in caps? For a day or so people were posting it in caps due to it autocompleting. If they were to purge GG, would this not be a smart way to do it?
Cameron Nguyen
What happened to this?
Kevin Gomez
Eltonel probably busy or cant be fucked
Elijah Ortiz
Does this make sense though? I need some feedback, I don't want to tweet it if it's stupid.
Adam Wood
Is this a serious question? having conferences is around 90% of what digra does.
Brandon Murphy
marry/fuck/kill anons Vivian James, Erin and the girl of your dreams
Jeremiah Mitchell
Ayden Adams
This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.
Easton Mitchell
Fuck your limitations, I'll breed and take care of the three of them.
Anthony Hernandez
I see Taiwan is still asshurt as ever that everyone else is making nice with Mainland China now.
(checked) Because Milo bites back. Benny barks loud, but bends over at the first sign of confrontation.
Cooper Hall
Never heard of it, but it has a lot of nominations. Part of the clique or is it really good?
Ayden Gonzalez
Jackson Phillips
Steaks are better when they are bloody.
Eli Adams
Pink not bloody you sack of shit. Medium Rare master race
Austin Diaz
Seems to be a puzzle platformer in the same vein as Limbo. Made by the same guy, even.
Jason Price
wasted trips
Eli Turner
This user knows his shit.
Tyler Martin
How can you two be so fucking disgusting? I bet you guys put ketchup in your stakes.
Aaron Ross
Not as long as they continue to use Denuvo.
Dominic Gutierrez
I occasionally put A1 on my steak.
Mason Lewis
Nolan Miller
Here, have something to jumpstart your day, faggots!
Grayson Morgan
How'd you know I was listening to this all day?
Thomas Kelly
Nothing. I just shared this because of that webm from the previous thread that features the victory of Donald Trump from last week's elections. It's quite good to listen at.
Samuel Rivera
I don't know what just hit me this time, nothing really changed. I'm not in the United States
Gabriel Bell
Christian Cox
Islamophobia Awareness Month!
Michael Brown
Movie blob will never learn.
Jaxon Brown
Dominic Brown
So apparently the safety pin shit was a Holla Forums OP. Heh.
Jaxon Parker
It's been a week + 1 since the election and moviebob is still chimping out.
Benjamin Lewis
Where you at user?
Connor Gutierrez
Why do I think he's making them up?
Lincoln Allen
When has that fat fuck not been a loudmouthed sociopath?
I think I might drop a line to Archon later for an opinion. I'm curious if he keeps up with Bob these days, and what he thinks of him now.
Xavier Diaz
Brazil Everything Yuri Bezmenov says resonates with what is happening
Jose Diaz
There can't be any good blood between them after all that, but I don't think he's they type of person who would badmouth his ex employees while naming names.
Dominic Lee
Why do I think he's making them up? FTFY
Nathan Edwards
steak is best when the juices are flowing
medium rare is the correct way to eat steak
Carter Torres
That was more or less what i was implying.
Zachary Rodriguez
It's a spiritual successor to Limbo made by the same guy, I'd say it's not a perfect game, but it is a game and at least has nice visuals.
Thomas Bell
Heard hueland is heading into another shit era after the Olympics and that Car Wash scam already drained your economy, and the replacements for your government isn't looking too good, you have my sympathies.
Dylan Morgan
kay bob
Matthew Morgan
Its not even begun yet. He isn't even in office, hasn't even done anything, and his most extreme policies are probably going to make everyone safer in the long run. Hillary was talking about war with Iran, possibly going to war with Russia and China. The only reason you were so comfortable that someone built up to be racist is an issue is because you are a coddled fuck that got by from being a "quirky woman" in hollywood and probably blowing executives under the desk, and were never at risk of being murdered in war.
Damn. I thought you guys were going to improve on some fronts at least, but it looks like that was too much to hope for.
Ryder Martin
We are, but school teachers are still doing the process of Demoralization( youtube.com/watch?v=vLqHv0xgOlc ) and the PT party(The one which did the disasters named on , mind you) has thousands poor people voting for them because they give free money to them, making them dependent and unfixable.
At this point I'll just defect to the United States and fight there.
Parker Williams
this retardation solidifies Trump's second term
Jonathan Moore
I'm curious, he's speaking as if he has talked about this several times before with legit excuses. Where are these excuses?
Owen Reyes
I looked at his twitter, didn't find anything yet.
Ironic, isn't it? Getting that kind of award when one of the safest places to be a child rapist is right next to Clinton.
Lincoln Hughes
Jeremiah Phillips
Jason Roberts
Hunter Smith
Because they know exactly what the criminals look like I swear that shithole is going to blow within a few years At least, I hope so instead of letting themselves get bred out of existence
Kayden Green
Political correctness is a disease. I swear to christ.
The worst part is, this shit will accelerate in Canada because they want to believe they are better than le ebil Trump supporters in their neighboring country.
Blake Russell
Funny that, both you and Archon got 8 dubs.
Wyatt Stewart
Aiden Stewart
let it burn
Joshua Young
Nuking it would be more appropriate.
Bentley Cox
If that is the path of light and order then that is truly the evil path.
Owen Fisher
Easton Green
I got this for you Acidman.
Julian Green
Looking back on this, It makes me smug as fuck, whereas I cringed when I first saw this.
Carson Morales
I refuse to watch it. Did they shit on the whole time?
Gavin Johnson
It's so bizarre, they had Trump rapping, apparently they thought they were making him seem like a le ebil racist who is bullying Clinton, but it actually comes across as him calling Clinton out on her shit.
Wyatt Diaz
Epic rap battle ripoff, you guys still think SNL is original?
What are some other films/tv shows where the strawman makes the most sense? Something about this amuses me, where the author shoots their own message.
I thought it was SNL. Damn.
Jace Adams
And damn, knew it was fucking EPB but all these comedians have been doing the same shit for the last 2 years with Trump jokes, and that SNL skit was shit.
Brody Wright
it's more common in tumblr shit and webcomics tbh fampai
James White
ayy lmao
ayy lmao
That's because everything Bezmenov talked about is done by literally every ruling class ever, and anyone led to believe it was restricted to commies is, ironically but not surprisingly, a useful idiot.
That's a mannequin or something, isn't it?
Isaiah Martinez
Reminds me of when Red Skull's "I'm so evil" speech was entirely fact based, and reasonable.
Nicholas Taylor
No idea, I found it on twitter. The tweet simply said "Asuka in plug suit from behind" It was from a cosplay account.
Liam Sanchez
All I'm getting out of this is that she just wanted to study and some obnoxious asshole is distracting her, but apparently she should suck it up because the obnoxious asshole is a tranny.
Willis is a known kool-aid drinker, though, so he most likely tried to frame this as a "DE EBIL BIOTRUFERS WIN" deal.
Samuel Price
Several more shill threads in Holla Forums again "Gamergate is taking credit for Holla Forums's efforts to get Trump elected and their leader val is a closeted pedophile!"
Nathan Morgan
Hudson Hernandez
Again, is anyone taking the bait?
Isaiah Wright
Well half of the comments are pointing out this was the same shit laid bare for the last year, and the rest is shitting on us hard for not taking credit, not taking it far, and using us as smokescreen.
All in all, stormfags, burnouts, and revoltards.
Austin Young
>>>Holla Forums8277579 The revoltcucks and d&c shills literally created a thread dedicated to whining about us Heh.
Isaac Kelly
Had read the post properly initially but somehow managed to fuck it up anyway
Sebastian Wood
how convenient
Ryan Miller
Camden Thomas
Most "online crackdown" theories I've felt are BS.
You eliminate the method for people to complain, and it bubbles over and galvanizes people (voting for Trump, Brexit, anti-EU). However, if this did happen, I'd highly recommend spamming Twitter with new accounts in popular/trending # advertizing/shilling Twitter alternatives. I didn't know about 8ch until someone did that on 4ch- and I'm glad they did.
Michael King
That's okay, I enjoyed the video nonetheless.
I can't say I know the context of what he's there for though. That guy clearly doesn't mean his apology though, and thinks he's above the american voters.
Ethan Harris
Something about the way you type doesn't sit right.
Justin Gomez
Why are they so focused on a nobody like Val? Hell he doesn't even call himself Val on twitter. If you never posted in this thread, would you even know who Val is?
Carson Rogers
:< Pls no investigate
Cameron Myers
House Committee of Oversight and Government Reform C-SPAN streams are always comfy as fuck because you get to watch Congress rip people a new asshole live as it happens. There are occasionally threads for it on Holla Forums, usually just for the topics people are interested in.
Chase Allen
I hope nothing crazy happens, but they did mass ban shitloads of alt-right accounts. Even A_Man_In_Yellow got banned. I have however seen them enforcing their rules on SJWs as well, forcing them to delete Kill All Men tweets.
That autocompleting hashtag though, it didn't sit right with me at all. Why was it all caps? Why autocomplete after nearly two years? Why only for a day?
Joseph Long
I love this guy already.
Jacob Mitchell
This jew is sad because he makes less money. Also yt is censoring shit.
Ryan Gray
This topic again. Well, I personally love medium rare, but I have also tried rare once. I must say it was not as bad as I thought it would be, I actually enjoyed it. But in the end of the day I would say that medium rare is the best one.
The bad thing is, all my friends and family, except my father, eat their steaks well done. I hated steaks my entire life until I tried one in a restaurant.
Josiah Gonzalez
Ethan's ok, but YT can go suck a dick.
Elijah Howard
Youtube isn't really the big life, user especially not for a commentator
Evan Miller
Poor Ethan, still a bad idea to get that communications degree, but he did get some job experience that isn't just youtube blogging.
Elijah Hernandez
They can both suck a dick
Ian Sullivan
Ethan mentioned the timing of this "bug." Do you anons think it has to do with Ethan goofing on "social justice?"
Asher Gomez
Either google is being idiotic again or its the start of the purge of "fake news", dunno.
I once made fun of them on twitter and they've been quite angry at me since then I assume there's also a lot of "if anyone gets attention and that isn't me then I have to cry about it"
Honestly I wish people stopped trying to get a "career" in youtube. Just make funny/enjoyable/informative vids and stop trying to imagine you'll rake in enough money to buy a house and a wife and a boat
Kevin James
I just saw on KiA that Buzzfeed started spreading the dox on the electoral college.
Shit's getting real.
Caleb Cox
Isaiah Bennett
Can't wait for that censorship, we have already seen to what extents people would go to shut shit down. For example in Sweden you get a 404 when visiting certain pages for the Daily Mail, unsurprisingly these are SWEDEN YES articles.
Jacob King
Well, they were quick to organize and establish a hierarchy. Soros's money moves fast.
Jeremiah Robinson
It was already there, after the creamer shit they "fired" one of the guys involved and moved him to a different floor, still on soros' payroll. They are still using the exact same signs they were before the election
Josiah Young
The organization and hierarchy already exists, they just give it a new name for every protest.
Kevin Hughes
>mfw when listening to the BBC whine Trump winning because normalfags read "fake" news on facebook instead of the MSM's propaganda real unbiased news
Ian Peterson
Brandon Myers
Carter Jackson
They seriously don't know how to do anything else after they got handed 2 elections by screaming racist, they need some big bad boogeyman to shout down any and all dissent, its amazing, really, the left is fucking imploding before our eyes I don't have nearly enough popcorn for this
What happened is that a bunch of muslims tried to do their religious shit in the library and now it is officially forbidden to do any of that shit.
Kayden Cooper
Zachary Butler
Yeah, keep acting like jackasses, Gawker. That will totally keep Univision from firing you once you make their shit unprofitable.
Adrian Sanders
Explicitly declaring your intent to kill people justifies the intervention of law enforcement.
This is not difficult to understand.
While they aren't by any means owed a special place to do it by the campus, I'd think that there would be nothing wrong with letting them do it in a place like the commons or outside or something.
Asher Watson
Shit outta luck
Henry Jackson
He was a retard for calling Hillary a landslide win and telling people it was safe to vote third-party or not at all, because who wouldn't like a World War with the country that gave you asylum? Also, top fucking kek, still getting shit for telling people to waste their votes and people calling him a russian shill.
Lucas Hernandez
Outside of the whole NSA thing he has done nothing and he was basically confirming what people already knew. Why do you think they are making movies about him now and say assange is a criminal? Snowden was a controlled faggot from the start
Zachary Ward
I think that having an empty room in the dorms would be a good accommodation. Nobody actually likes Islam other than Muslims and virtue-signaling leftists.
Wyatt Price
Juan Taylor
You were okay. Now clean out the disgusting number of shills that have ruined this board for a year. happy Holla Forumsirthday
David Carter
Where is the exploding van
Elijah Powell
What a loss.
Parker Diaz
Andrew Lewis
Fuck me, I'm reading the comments in his tweet chain. People claim that it's wrong that he's being investigated for it and making up shit about Trump supporters wanting to put people in camps. Why do I do this to myself?
Brandon Hughes
Blake Butler
In a year, the majority of people against Trump are going to pretend that they were behind him from the beginning and even voted for him.
John Garcia
Too bad we now have the internet making their retardation eternal Inb4 something goes horribly wrong and trump fucks it all up making me look like the eternal retard
Aiden Allen
Adrian Jenkins
I don't think it's possible to fuck up America anymore at its current state. I don't think he'll be able to keep all his promises, but I think he'll temporarily push it towards the right direction regardless of what he does.
Juan Cook
I do believe in him but the presidents after him will really seal the deal. Im excited
Nicholas Robinson
I've seen things that would blow your mind. Like
Camden Nguyen
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences.
At least one lefty cuck is learning that right now.
Aaron Scott
Alexander Jones
Ethan Price
Guys, I just moved to Quebec. Their drivers licence documents mention 'settlement' which is something new. I think they're just going to have a huge Schengen Area and create a Frontex agency with the US and Canadian military. Trudeau has been acting weird too.
Anthony Myers
Latinx? What?
Luis Edwards
Did you really not pay attention to the news?
Juan Johnson
What the fuck is a latinx? Also: (((cohen)))
Grayson Hughes
Also forgot to mention, open borders with Mexico come into power starting December 1st to celebrate the new [current year]
Henry Williams
Latinx is an attempt at making a gender-neutral singular term for Latinos
Aiden Ward
the term "Latino" is an insult It associates those people with a dead tongue and lump em all together, robbing em of their particular heritages and cultural identities.
its always funny how when Socjus tries to be "inclusive" they just end up shitting all up
Its funny cus spic countries don't even recognize autism
Blake Evans
Newsflash: poopdick/cocksucking = gay
Nathan Williams
Carter Peterson
Misogynist: A man who hates women as much as women hate one another.
Wyatt Brown
Laugh out load
Christian Fisher
Made all the more hilarious since the entire set of Latin languages like Spanish use masculine/feminine words.
I have no idea why SJWs haven't tried to change this yet.
Anthony Green
Lincoln Hughes
How can Trudeau still be loved somehow? He has the face of a Disney-Pixar movie villain.
Parker Adams
He looks "good" that's why. He's only popular with faggots, women, and dude weed lmaos, many people I know think he's a fucking pussy fruitbowl piece of shit that's done literally nothing for Canada the past year he's been in office.
Easton Turner
So I'm a Latinx now. What do I call Chinese people? Instead of Chino/China should I use the gender neutral Chinx?
Mason Butler
Oh he's losing all the love he got rapidly, he's already completely pissed off every Canada Revenue Agency employee in the country because he's doing exactly what Harper was planing to do to them despite saying the complete opposite as his campaign promises. That's not even including all the canadian farmers that are praising Trump why calling out how much of a Cancer Trud is
He's not gonna get re-elected after next election.
Luke Rogers
Michael Walker
Chink is the correct gender neutral term.
Matthew Edwards
And Holla Forums was surprised that this xkcd turned out to be sjw bullshit. I twas pretty obvious that they are shit. Call a tech company and the guy is a total idiot and the woman knows shit about computers? If that guy isn't a faggot…
Tyler Wright
user, while the xkcd guy sucks indeed, merely being anti-trump doesn't mean you're an "SJW" in the slightest. It just means you're not pro-trump.
Ethan Russell
I'd say that pushing feminism makes you a sjw.
Zachary Roberts
Christina Sommers and Camille Paglia aren't "SJWs". The difficulty of the word "feminism" is that nowadays it doesn't mean anything. It's a label used and abused to sell mugs and t-shirts. It's worthless and dead but some people still recognize it with the "traditional" meaning. Hell, if I say I think raping women is bad, does that make me a feminist ? Does that make me an "SJW" ? Does that make me just a normalfag ? It's kinda hard to tell by now…
Angel Ortiz
Anti-GG shills spotted, filter for a better bread.
Thank you.
Evan Sanchez
FUCK. They killed WhatCD.
Jonathan Brooks
Logan Ward
I have no idea who Paglia is, but Christina always says that she is a "Factual Feminist". She is distancing herself from other feminists. She clearly sees a problem with other feminists and wants people to know that she is not one of them.
But a woman who goes out and openly and proudly says that she is a feminist is in my opinion almost always a man hater. And this xkcd guy is clearly pushing sjw equlaity bullshit
Carson Baker
You know why, user.
t. Uncle Holla Forums
Connor Richardson
what the hell is whatcd
Anthony Foster
I don't know about what status bullshit the xkcd shares, I don't follow him on twitter or whatever. But again, that's the point I was making : sommers and paglia (one of sommers' friends, a lesbian feminist, who said gamergate was right because art should be absolutely free and shit) still use the word and its definition fits the bill : "people's sex shouldn't hinder their access to happiness". Again, tumblr broke it and if a young man or woman uses it to label themselves, it's a red flag, sometimes there are miracles where it's just someone who doesn't follow this kinda crap all that much and merely read the word in a dictionary. Online, I agree, though, always assume "I am a feminist" to be a VERY dangerous choice… unless you've verified the person saying so is a massive normalfag. They tend to not care.
Jaxon Roberts
The only worthwhile music tracker that isn't genre/region specific. French authorities ceased their servers (which were just reverse proxies), but as a precaution, the admins nuked all user data.
Thomas Moore
It's simple namefag, "our way or the highway". Motto applies to both left and right extremes. Nuance is lost on the retarded ones.
Christopher Clark
Is Electoral College in the same confereb6as Islamic State?
Gavin Lewis
Extremists are only good for pointing out where reasonable turns silly.
Brayden Hughes
Entirely agree. Fundamentalism is the core of those mentalities.
Christopher Perry
You don't bring much to the table, lumpy.
Andrew Gray
Yeah, you don't want to go there.
Nolan Scott
Enjoy you're Civil War faggot.
Samuel Perry
So they are deliberately trying to tank the stock price.
Call the SEC.
Noah Hughes
I didn't even see a swastika, I saw loss.png
Oliver Lewis
More asshurt than the time I angled my girlfriend without lube.
Evan Stewart
Paglia is an old-school, bi-sexual, sex positive, left-libertarian feminist, and she is amazing to listen to.
She absolutely despises regressives and contemporary feminists (she seems to have particular disdain for the likes of Gloria Steinem) and they likewise hate her, and the way she calls them out is always amusing.
And although she can come across as acerbic, I find I enjoy her stuff quite a bit more the Sommers.
Camden Myers
Fuck that's a great post to deserve that
Kevin Nguyen
guys wtf is this shit: archive.is/bjUHw I thought the UK had elected a decent party.
Nathan Long
No, Holla Forumsis (right again)
Isaac Clark
they're hyper-conservatist politicians user. Why would they be AGAINST mass surveilliance ? The UK has always been the country with the highest amount of cameras per citizen in the world.
Cooper Allen
And on maps as a sign for temples. Guess what nips had to change because of hypersensitive westerners.
Jayden Wood
What's /britpol/'s thoughts on this?
Grayson Long
Nah we elected the Blue Neocons because the Red Neocons didn't offer single mothers as much gimmedats as the blue ones.
Carson Baker
Actually this is the correct way to deal with dykes and trannies.
good link to give anyone who calls Trump racism/white supremacist
Isaiah Richardson
No, not everyone. It brought me over here actually.
Brody Roberts
But Holla Forums constantly says that the world is going to get better after brexit + trump. How is the UK supposed to get better if the current party is crap?
The world will get better when politicians start finally understanding they obey us, work for us, hell, even get paid by us. Until they realize they're the ones who need to fear the population, they'll keep shitting down your neck every chance they get. You don't need brexit or trump or left or right for those. Sadly, these days, politicians are too cunty and arrogant to realize any of those things without being trampled and humiliated.
This, I knew about CMOS viruses and Project Greenstar long before Stuxnet and Stellarwind. Booz Allen is quite spoopy to begin with. This was a CIA hit on DIA/NSA.
Trump is team DIA, Shillary and her Coke buddies like Jeb are all CIA.
Leo White
Adam Moore
Well I should have noticed it form the reddit spacing. No wonder you can't read, either.
Josiah Green
Brexit didn't happen though, a court deemed invoking Article 50 to be undemocratic because it didn't go through parliament
David Rivera
do these people think virtue signaling is going to give them a raise in their salary?
Jacob Turner
Nathaniel Jones
Grayson Morris
Anyone going to bake? I might if one one does in the next few minutes. Never have done it before and will fuck up.
Carson Richardson
There was talk of it, nothing happened yet. Stop spreading disinfo
James Nguyen
He was elected based on extreme brand rehabilitation. Harper was this crusty zioautist with zero charisma so he had a cakewalk.
Actually I noticed that the Mexican president went to Quebec City and met with the GG before the Three Amigos summit. The "settlement" stuff just confirmed my suspicion. I was born in Montreal and am a lawfag.
Benjamin Martinez
Give me an alternative to *stuff* and I'll use it. I don't use reddit
Luke Hall
this macnjosh's handywork?
Tyler Kelly
The new, gender neutral name for the FBI.
Christopher Lee
That's a huge wall of words for "I am fucking mad. Where's my safety pin"?
Caleb Gutierrez
Were at 735 replies, someone really needs to bake
Adrian Thompson
Don't hesitate to use >>>/test/ first if you're afraid to fuck it up DO IT RIGHT NOW ONLY TEN POSTS LEFT
Jace Hughes
Leo Morris
I really, really like how all of these people conveniently forget that the KKK actually endorsed Clinton.
And I'm not being sarcastic. It's a constant amusing reminder that they're all fucking idiots.
Carter Hill
Just in case people don't notice, this is the new bread it's okay
Jace Butler
Owen Moore
Yesterdays bread archive.is/1aFdl Please never make me bake again