Webm Thread

Last one on Page 13.

Other urls found in this thread:






step up senpai




never bring your waifu into real life…





where the videogames at?

how can a mortal man be so fucking based?


So did Squeenix pay him for this "endorsement"?


Why is /christian/ of all places invading the thread?

he's not even one of us, and knows shit when he sees one

Peter Hitchens outlived his brother for a reason
Here he is on hymns, faith and nationalism

I think so, yeah. I'd pay to see how upset the Nips were at their money going down the drain like that.
Just look at how awkward the translators outside look when they realize "Oh man, this didn't go as we thought it would"



Its what they do, Christianity is literally Globalism: The religion. The Japanese were right to genocide those fuckers when they tried to start a coup and then salted the earth so Christianity never had a chance of taking root ever again. The Romans probably would have lasted longer if they were more serious about killing the Christians.

Holy shit, clicking the named filename actually downloads the file WITH the filename saved. For fucking once. How about that.


Why is Christianity globalism again? How did the eastern part of Rome outlive the western part?

Isn't that just belief in general? Atheist as well, they just replace religion with some political idea.

Because /cuteboys/ and /homosuck/ have been ruining every other thread with their degeneracy.

I also find it humorous that the head of that show you posted is a godless left-leaning Hollywood Jew (Synagogue of Satan) which couldn't help himself from railing against Christ and Christianity the minute the censors let up on AS

These people can't help themselves. It's a compulsion.

JO291 POST!!!

You could atleast have the decency to stay in your containment board. I would take /cuteboys/ shitposters over /christian/ shitposters any day.

Why? Do you think those webms are converting people?

Begone, faggot.

You don't see a religion like Shintoism or various Pagan religions constantly trying to stretch their tentacles into every single country and every single culture so they can destroy the original beliefs of the country and replace it with Christianity because those religions are actually Nationalist IE: They are based around themselves and their own country.

Nigga i'll suck your dick, don't make me do it.

Jesus christ, fanatical Christians are fucking retards.

Looks like you faggots need some high energy in here.

God I can't wait for this disaster to release.


I'll take trump over /christian/ any day, let's go.



It's a webm thread, not a "start fights" thread.
That said, repent and be saved or go back to worshiping your cartoon frog you spiritual whore.

You idolize colon-whores.

You mean like Buddhism?
Forgot about that one, didn't you?
Or Islam.
If you believe that your are intellectually retarded.

Stop being a child and grow up. Every belief should be destroyed (with sound reasoning and argument and evidence) so that Christ can be heard across the world because, as you should know, Christianity says "If you don't follow Jesus in Gospel truth you're going to burn forever". Kind of gives Christianity a reason to spread, that and all the evidence for it.
I said Christianity, not Atheism or Darwinian evolution.

Shit I thought that was a different one.

Oh come off it user, this is not the thread nor the board for it, so just post some fun webms.

Lads, you've got your whole own board.

It's going to be great, man. It will be the greatest failure that has ever collided into the mass of stagnation known as the gaming industry.
It's gonna be fantastic.

You're right. We all came from Martian germs off a space rock and somehow mutated into fish-like creatures before mutating into ape-like creatures before mutating into people.
How could I have been so blind?
No, that's actually the theory Bill Nye believes is real.

Low energy.

That's my plan, man. I'm not the one starting it. People just have a visceral reaction to Jesus.
Just like weebs have a visceral reaction to this webm.

Do you remember Holla Forums? We had some good times shitting on this trannywreck of a game.


So you don't want it to spread?

They do? I have never seen anyone be perturbed by that.

Oh god it's beautiful

Couldn't find my webm of video related, but this is almost nostalgic by now.

Oh man, this takes me back

Those were good times. I hope that FF15 is a huge flop and brings out that kind of "let's all dog pile on it" fun.
But this? This was one of a kind. Not even the Watchdogs 2 stuff is this level of fun. WatchSanFran2 is just painful. Cisquisition was priceless.



Here's a webm that both Holla Forums and our visiting christfags can relate to.

Gets me every time. I hope that the new Ass Effect will be as fun to make fun of as Cisquisition was.

No one does care about that though.

When I first posted it I got several replies about how cucked I was and how terrible real women are. r9k MGTOW stuff. I guess they thought it was condemning 2D.

I can't stand to even post those dorks anymore. It's either Rich Evans or bust.

That said, how about you make a thread on /christian/ where we talk about this with the evidence and you get your head handed to you. Bet you won't even watch this video for a few minutes even though it'd pretty much be the argument I'd use anyway.


2016 has been an amazing year.

Not anymore. They did when I first posted it.





Blow your brains out, degenerate.


Reported for obvious kike shill.

I have a friend who has an illegal mother but he's legit himself. He's probably so upset about the way things turned out, and I feel for him, and he is a friend

but we gotta stop the commies from swallowing migrant rapists before we become the United States of Baghdad.

And isn't that video from some youtuber Crowbcat or something? Guy made the video and then pulled it, probably because his circlejerk "like, can't even".
I really have a severe distaste for these spineless youtubers.





I have better things to do with my time.

Also I didn't say shit about evolution. I just called you an autist, you autist.

I melted ur mums pussy last night m8
p unpleasant


and it's not even over yet , still got a month and a half to go




I still miss going fast. Shazbot.

Yeah, that's basically it.

If you don't understand how evolution works I'm gonna classify you under borderline retarded.

If you think that the possible god is so fucking retarded that he can't make a universe that isn't logical and provable you're basically saying that he is way beneath our current intellect. Which based on the bible and other mythological text I wouldn't doubt for a second.

I bet this will also bring back some fond memories.


i can feel the asshurt all the way here





Too bad the Onion got cucked, they made some quality stuff.




Fuck me that was the wrong webm, let's try again.




da fuck happened to the webms ?

No, its why I did not specifically mention it or Islam since they are similar in some ways. I was talking about how a Religion can acquire a lot of the same values and practices as globalism.

But all men are brothers under Christ user. And that's why Pope Francis wants you to welcome your Islamic brothers into your country :) don't disagree with me or you will be excommunicated.

I'm not sure I'm the one having a visceral reaction here.


Ho boy did I miss autism hour or something?






Interstate 60 was a pretty good movie. On the light-hearted and comedic side, fleshes out some very blunt metaphors and stereotypes in an almost hamfistedly simplistic and humorous way, and just rolls with it.




Yeah, I know.
Trump getting elected was just a small victory in the war for liberty.

Me too user, me too.
Those were some fun times.

Those were good times. We were all united before shills and faggots decided to go full Holla Forums. People were actually calling out the inconsistency of other peoples arguments instead of telling people to just go back to reddit/4chan. Truly, better days.



Probably one of the retarded new vols who can't click "delete all posts in the thread by user" so they just click "delete all posts by id".
This place is a mess anyway.






for anyone afraid this is literally gay shit
two mans on the verge of kissing






As mombot said, this game is being developed for the "single female" demographic in Japan, that's why you don't even have a female companion in the team.
Frankly, I couldn't care less for this game.


We cannot let this historic moment be forgotten.



big memes never die



For all my fellow fast-going-chaps. Good night!





my god, i recognize all of those sounds.


It's okay user, there will be others.
Who knows, maybe UT will be fast once it's done.






You should regret missing the first two games more if you never played them







To be honest user, do you really believe any politician really understand any type of science?
They have their interests and lobbyists have much more power than any other person or group.
Even if you don't believe in global warming, we need regulations for the big companies. Those people will pollute the water you drink, like it happen in USA, the air you breath, as China is experimenting right now, and many worse things.
It would be really hard with the tainted universities everywhere, but every government need a group of scientists to help them to get informed before any decision.




what the fuck is this shit. since when are there snakes that hunt in packs? this is fucking horrifying.

go away san francisco

holy shit Holla Forums actually managed PA

i don't know . Since when do lions open car doors?

3v3 elimination is the only good game mode in the shitty game.


I love lions.

i'm sure they'll love you too if you ever get to meet one especially the fleshy bits of you



Of course it's an overcuck
Get the fuck out of this board right now

just kill me

that shit looks fake as fuck



That day was great. The salt that was mined could be used to finance the reconstruction of the USA a 100 times.



Thanks I didn't have that part.

That's Skype you're thinking of, hell the thing casuals use now is that one webclient one now.

That ayylmao symbol is foobar2000. It's music player.





does it now?


Why did they remove this mechanic from the games?

It really creates some holy shit moments. Counters are fucking glorious. Every game should have them. The window should be tiny though.

You already know the answer user, it made the game not similar enough to SF2.

Please elaborate. I didn't bother with competitive until SFIV was already dead.

The Street Fighter philosophy is pretty much this, put one new mechanic in each game to make it different from SF2.
SF3 had parries.
SF Alpha had -isms
SF4 had Focus Attacks
SF5 has V-Triggers

Well there's that and the fact that I don't even think the SF3 team is even working at Capcom anymore so the people that truly understood the system aren't around anymore.

here comes some oc

What game is this? It looks old, but it's widescreen.

xanadu next I didn't like it that much

watch Alan tutorial

It does that for me too. I've had seldom an enemy do it also. It has something to do with stairs nearby because that's the only other time I noticed it. The full texture of the object is in the skybox and hits and angle where the camera point sees it and they rapidly spin because they can't find a reference point for the model to lock on to. It's so weird.

Back to 4chan with you, faggot.





Here's a random other one I did ahead of time. I'll probably encode all 12, but it'll take some time. I might just post them in the next thread depending on how fast this one goes.


wut gaem

My favorite doesn't seem to be on there.
Mike "The AC of DC" Pence



wew. Maybe I'd have liked it more if it was harder.


Very nice trips

Nice dubs

I like what I see.


whats up with the green line from below of the video?

It means that the hidden virus in the file has infected your system. The only way out is to nuke your hard-drive.



What's the song that plays when when people spin around?

I need more of this holy shit I'm dying.


Ever bothered looking up the filename before asking?

To be fair thats actually not the real name of the song

I want to pet Chen

shit, wrong file

why doesn't 8ch have a populated synchtube-esque lobby that isn't rulecucked?

It never ceases to amaze me the lengths 2hu fans go to make OC. Is there any other series in the world with this much fan made stuff? Especially considering that, to my knowledge, zun hasn't made any licensed 2hu stuff other than the games he made, everything else was done 4 free.

undertale, FNAF

What game is that?


Nope not on this level

Jesus Christ



Since they DELETED ALL MY POSTS when only ONE post was what, they claimed, against rule 8, let me repost my webums

For those confused by these posts, here is the webum they were referring to

But none of those have thousands of doujins, dakis, figures, and fangames of the scale or quality Touhou does, I think maybe furries can contest it in volume, but touhou trumps it in quality.

I liked the original animation a lot more, honestly.


The animation on that SFM is pretty shit though.

Who is that?


James White
really good theologian. Mostly does apologetics against Islam and Roman Catholicism. Also is a hardline against LGBT lobbying

Here is Peter Hitchens, another theologian and scholar with a great head on his shoulders >>11271494

that was well put together

""thank you mr skeltal



Now THAT is the stuff.

It's so weird seeing the original after so long of just the animated one.


Hey deleting nigger who had the Heresy Detected vid, with the same guy as in
I wanted to watch that. Repost it.




I didn't delete it, user. Some mod is out to get me today.


Focus Attack is a combo of armor/offense/move cancelling

Here is the /christian/ webm thread where you can view it without suddenly having it deleted from you 8ch.net/christian/res/336576.html#347788

Thx bbg

Here's another on Augustine and the Eucharist

No worries
my inner /k/ loves that one





whats your opinion on planet coaster user? is it worth a pirate?


I never played Warframe. I know it exists, but I never played it.

The best part about the game isn't the coasters. It's building the scenery around the coasters. But ensures that there will no 0 mod support you want something small pools? well fuck you, either wait until Frontier releases a paid expansion or content update

It's ok, I can wait. smug face.jpeg

Ready your anus for Zizkek dump


3 hour version.



Yes Japan totally never took over all of Germany's colonies.


This poster is a faggot from Holla Forums

Compare his video with this one, and see which rings more true to you.


Fuck Zizek and fuck you.

And this one.


This is a webm thread. Make a webm or fuck off.

Eat a cock, you faggot. I'm not letting leftypol take of Holla Forums because it's half dead.

Stupid fucking communists are going to starve us all to death with their bullshit ideology.

This tbh,

You're a huge retard who thinks a couple clips of lispy Zizek rants is an assault and needs to be combated with two hours of homework. Nobody's going to watch your shit.

You don't even know how to embed- you dumb nigger. These threads are shit enough without you sperging out.

thanks for le redpill Holla Forumsro!!!


No ones forcing you to watch it you cuck. I posted it. I did my duty, that is all.

Sorry the assault on western civilisation cant be condensed into a fucking two minute John Oliver soundbyte. That's just not the way actual knowledge is passed on, you faggot.

Oh I know how to embed. For some reason it said the link is unable to be read.

Keep attacking my character and not the content I posted you cuck. You fucks are so transparent I bet people bump into when you walk down the fucking street.

That's sad as fuck.

I don't know user. The west seems quite aware of the stuff happening, and already responded with things like, Dilma's impeachment, Brexit, Trump, protests on SK and there is more to come. I would say that, if people keep facing the leftists head on, they have no chance since they are already losing ground.
But, it's time for games. Or close enough.

I didn't know "This poster is a faggot from Holla Forums" was a incredibly well made counter argument
I watched both and don't see how either of them address a particular points made by the webms beyond being about a different posture



nigger, people are laughing at him here, in Slovenia, THE LEAST IMPORTANT COUNTRY IN EUROPE.
Calm your tits, nothing resembling the left even dares to go here. Now post a webm, because I don't have any on this laptop.

That's because it wasn't an argument. It was a statement. The fact that I have to explain that to you is a testament of your intelligence. Gratz.

If leftist faggots want to signal here, I will gladly counter signal as is my right. Suck a cock.

Yes, you watched two hours of content in the span of the 15min I posted them. You're a fucking idiot.

Then answer two questions. What does Yuri Bezmenov call leftists? Why does beauty matter?

Here's another video since I'm on a roll. Eat it you filthy communists.


It says it cant make sense of the url I tried to embed. This never used to happen.

Žižek said he'd vote for Trump if he was an American.
I think the Left is done.

Don't put timecodes in the url, dipshit.

How do I remove them? This shit happens automatically.


figure it out, you're a big boy

I'm watching this clip and so far he doesn't sound like he likes the guy very much.

What version of Ironsword is this?


[Sniffing intensifies]


Having this as my ringtone for the last 3-4 years made me check the phone immediately.

I'm insulting your character and your content you dumb bitch. I'm not going to watch your faggot ass political videos any more than I will that other queer's political webms, at least he has the decency to post webms in the webm thread and not write butthurt essay-length posts


That has got to be the worst MMD video I have ever seen. It's already shit by being another garbage remake of this webm (of which there's too many already), but I have never seen that many animation errors in an MMD posted in one of these threads before.


So you choose to learn nothing at all. You're even worse than a leftist. You wont consume content because it isn't in your acceptable format.

These threads used to just be video threads before webms were a thing, you know. What's so difficult about clicking on a hyperlink?

It will get worse for you




Go make a video thread then and stop pretending you're here to enlighten everyone you sad shit

No one cares, you raging autist.

I can't tell if she's in a fetal position or really protective of her iPhone.

Oh ok, so when someone insult you is totally a personal attack trying to disprove your stand, even when the only thing they post is an insult and how much they don't care about the discussion, but when you do it, it wasn't an argument at all, It was just a statement. Good to know

The evil plot of the commuist to destroy america subverting their culture that is comming any day now 20 years ago

Because people don't use building if they are ugly, that rights, all the hobos are just fucking picky with their homes, that thing you heard about people losing their homes thanks to the banks? Nope, just ugly building. Business are closing because of the economy? Nope, they just needed a prettier roof

I agree. I actually considered not posting it, but thought someone might think it was mildly amusing.

I need more of these types of videos.

what's the music during the bee parts?

stormweenies pls go

Have some OC.

Don't be deceived.
there are no "original" beliefs of a county, all countries are formed by conquest. When the indo-europeans conquered europe, their religion replaced the religion of those who settled in europe before them. This can be repeated on and on until the beginning of the hominids.

I'm not saying that nationalism doesn't/shouldn't exist, but a nation can only be comprised of those who willingly adhere to its existence. If there were no swedes in sweden that were willing to help other swedes at the expense of non-swedes, then the swedes have already ceased to be a nation.

It is nonsensical to praise shintoism because it it inherently nationalistic if you're not japanese. you are like the liberal who praises the mexicans for being proud of being mexican, as they continue to invade america. a nation must support itself, if you try to support a nation you are not apart of then you cannot be nationalist, for you have rejected the nation.

this may have become a normalfag facebook meme but its still great.

What's the song that plays when when people spin around?

I need more of this holy shit I'm dying.

Kill yourself fucking reddit. Go fellate filthy frank's cancerous cock you fucking shiteating mongoloid

What's the song that plays when when people spin around?

I'm going to give you some criticisms of your OC. The music is complete shit. Why would you even listen to that and make you think that it would be good for OC? I could have picked so many different songs before I even thought about that one. I'm not even that much of a music person, yet that hurts to listen to on a spiritual level.

It's a meme. The music is supposed to be that way.

Man, I love Cyriak.

There could easily be better dubstep or rap music to choose from. Just because it's a joke doesn't mean you should choose something like that.

There's a lot of songs with that name, what's the artist?

Hirose Kohmi

I disagree with the music choice being bad. I thought it was hilarious.

You answered both questions wrong.

I will repeat my previous statement.

If leftist faggots want to signal here, I will gladly counter signal as is my right. Suck a cock.

If anyone feels like learning feel free to click on my post ID's and click some simple hyperlinks to view anti communist videos.

I'd also like to remind people why we're on this website in the first place. The leftist takeover of video games media. Did you niggers forget gamergate already? Or did you never care in the first place?


What if I told you the second video is a bunch of Marxism rubbish?

That's the guy who did going down, right?
Nice .wad, but hard as balls.




Does this suit your patrician taste then?

anyone have sauce to that version of Ave Maria?



touching one's nose is a common tell when people are lying.

just saying.




3 actually, they're just using terrain from 2:AO

Nowhere near the final version, but took 6 hours to make and this is bumplocked anyways so enjoy

I mean inside out wasnt awful, but it wasnt amazing.

That's because Inside Out is a worse Osmosis Jones

Osmosis Jones the people are fully autonomous beings and the cells that live inside them have the duty of making sure the person remains healthy etc

Inside Out they pretend the person is real but it's just a puppet for 5 personalities who pretend the person has their own thoughts and feelings, its like a really fucked up version of The Sims

do you know how popular minecraftxtouhou videos are in japan?

Get a life gamergoy. I bet you dont even play videogames


So this is the new tactic Holla Forums? Not very subtle.



kek I'm posting my leftypol shit just for you

to be fair Holla Forums does the same thing.

What did he say to him?



Fucking based Computer Forever

Deus Vult, filthy fucking heretics.

Daily reminder that stupid dumb proddie scum need to fuck off, Catholicism and Orthodoxy alone claims the authority of true Christianity. Papal primacy motherfuckers.







""thank you mr skeltal
