Cheat Codes

How does Holla Forums feel about cheat codes?

The only time I use cheats is when I want to skip something shitty.

If it's for singleplayer I don't give a fuck.

If it's for online multiplayer I don'tgive a fuck because online games are garbage and should burn.

If it's for couch multiplayer I don't give a fuck because you can just punch the fucker.

So basically I don't give a fuck.

I miss them.
I like to use them when game fucks me over or I need to beat some boring part. Too bad it got to a point where achievements and microtransactions are killing them.

If you want to also include multiplayer cheats into these, I guess they were fun back when I was 12.
Especially when I played CoD because I could do anything without any punishment because there was no kick/report option.


I used to enjoy them as a kid, but now they just make shit boring as fuck. Besides, most games these days are so easy you may as well be using cheat codes.

Cheat codes can be cool sometimes. Donkey Kong Country 3 had a few, and two of them in particular actually made the game harder. One of them just replaced the bonus area music with Christmas music.

Fun for screwing around once you finish it once or for sandbox roleplaying in your own little world (like the Sims money cheat).

Otherwise, make the game boring.


I don't even know what cheat codes are anymore seeing as how I can't even use fucking console commands in a majority of PC games anymore. Nah, cheat codes have been rendered obsolete by debug menus in emulators and cheat engine and what have you. I don't think anyone here even remembers cheat codes so I doubt they'll use them to beat games. I really don't give a shit about cheat codes regardless, ever since I became decent at games I've realized that cheats are merely a gimmick, and a distraction from actual gameplay. Which explains why I can't fucking stand Saints Row types.

working for them like getting all dog tags in MGS2 for the stealth camo is like the tightest pussy in the world though.

I loved playing around with the Sandcastle Cheats in Treasure Trove Cove in Banjo-Kazooie.

Do they bring you happiness OP?

I miss them like a son of a bitch.


git gud

They need to be fucking fun. Not god mode shit. Actual fucking fun.

Cheats used to be one of the most interesting things you could add to a game because they were clearly modifiers that gave you new ways to re-experience games.

Missing the flying car cheat.

Only good after you beat the game and want to still have fun fucking around.


cheat what? oooh! you mean DLC right?

Cheats were the only thing that made GTA3 fun for me. It was nice going over to a place with a lot of cars and turning on the exploding vehicle cheat.

No matter what people claim, trainers don’t feel the same as cheats. They’re third party, not first party. The devs didn’t intend for them, and they can never replace things like this:

If it's in the game because the developer put it in, fine. I won't use it, but fine.
Multiplayer, never.

Feels good.

No one misses this more than I do.

i stopped having fun with god mode cheats a very long time ago, but theyre always going to be useful for testing.
i prefer cheat codes that do silly shit like DK mode from golden eye or that "sing" cheat in total annihilation.
the low gravity cheat allowing your tank to fly using the recoil in gta 3 was pretty hilarious.

Why would I want to get gud at eating shit?

Wish hotline miami had cheatcodes because the piece of shit crashes every couple levels holy shit why does this buggy piece of shit get praised so much


You're not the only one

I love that game. Too bad the sequel got rid of the citybuilding aspect. Why would they remove the most interesting feature of the game?

the freak is a cheat code

This is how I finally played ff9
It was worth the wait

The codes in Blood Raine were great, especially those that were just for fun, not to make the game easier.

As for your question, I don't care when it's singleplayer, and I don't play online at all. It's nobody's else problem if I use cheat codes, and it's not my problem if somebody else uses them.