I'll start with pic related.
>Several dialogue paths for roleplaying(Just watch youtube.com
I'll start with pic related.
>Several dialogue paths for roleplaying(Just watch youtube.com
Other urls found in this thread:
I want underage to leave
I want neo/v/ to go. And take your shit taste too
I fucking love DOOM.
you were too close and your punch was too weak, so you just get a mild splash when you collide;
you hit his gloves, so your punch stops and it makes a "dud" sound;
you hit his gloves, but he started punching after you did, so your punch gets redirected, his continues IE it's a counter;
you hit him directly, his head gets knocked back. if he was swaying when you hit him, you do even more damage and his whole body gets knocked back
if you hit mashiba with body blows, after he falls down a few times, he'll get back up but his left hand will be stiff, and he wont use it for the rest of the match
if you manage to knockdown saeki twice, his hair becomes unkempt
getting hit while doing a dempsey roll makes you take a lot more damage than the usual
aoki's moves actually work - the lookaway move makes both players look to your left, but you snap out of it faster, and can punch the opponent while he's stunned. this move only works once per match
yes, clearly you cant have a favorite game past 2007 when you are an adult in the current year. now this is not the most stupid thing i read today, because i read government media this morning, but its pretty close.
new vegas is a good game. i just wish it wouldnt have been made in jacked up morrowind engine.
Doom by itself is okay, but add years and years of maps, gameplay mods, utilities, and source ports, with new stuff coming out all the time, you've got limitless gameplay. If you bought the games, specifically Doom 2, when they were released you probably made one of the best purchases in gaming history. No game will ever have near as much content as the original Doom games, stuff will always keep getting made. Even when all of the popular forums become utter cesspools, or when the idgames archive implodes, there will always be one or two people who just make shit and release it in some dark corner of the internet.
also, vid related is actually from the ps2 one, what i originally posted is from the psp one, since ps2 runs horribly for me
The anime was better though.
I really like New Vegas but come on
i guess, but the game was still decent for an adaptation
Postal 2
I just love the idea of living out the life of a psychopath in a cartoon world filled with early 00s references, it's so damn comfy, plus the devs keep updating the game. Also it runs on the Unreal 2 engine, Unreal 2 is my favorite engine.
user, what are you talking about?
Postal 2 is about getting by in Detroit as a white man who has an affection for cats, dogs and gardening tools. And napalm.
Tons of napalm.
>the gradually intensifying beeping of the trace tracker and that final mission holy shit is incredibly tense combined with the fact that you have to start all over if you get caught
also play Marathon
an old FPS with an actually good story
Make sure you apply the FOV script if you don't want to suffer motion sickness
Please explain to me what happens in the game
>genuinely creepy atmosphere at times
Medievil 3 never ever
I don't remember any SJW shit in New Vegas.
Gays, I guess? The only obnoxious one was Veronica, but that's just because the entire character is unbearable. Then there's the lesbian first recon sniper, but that was related to her trauma.
You're forgetting
Game becomes totally broken after that.
There's talk that Arcade Gannon is gay, but he never mentions it in the game I think, which makes something I did a while ago even more funny.
I forgot that you can't get a particular companion laid in NV, unlike in 2, in which you could have every companion laid by a prostitute, even Lenny the ghoul.
Forgot to mention that my character had this bushy beard, and had a cowboy hat on I imagined him saying something like "Immah make you man boeh" to Arcade.
He is gay. He mentions it a couple of times. Once when you first meet him, and once when you're getting the Enclave remnants back together.
Some of you Anons on here really try to grasp at strings at what you will try to accuse of being SJW or not. How does having homosexuality in your game equate to supporting the left?
No fucking way, I've played NV a shit ton of times and I've never noticed that, Arcade is my all time bro, I would have noticed if he said he was gay.
I think it's behind a speech check, or confirmed bachelor / black widow.
Forgot to mention that it has a good soundtrack too.
Maybe if you weren't cucked to hell and back you'd be able to figure that out for yourself. Fags shouldn't be included in anything. They need to feel ostracized and be ridiculed so maybe they'll take the fucking hint and correct their behavior. (((Tolerance))) is just advocating degeneracy
>too much replay value (playing through the entire game just to see a handful of events for a character you never recruited in earlier playthroughs can be a bit grating)
>"uphill battles" can feel a bit too stacked if you had some bad luck beforehand and couldn't capture the units you needed
I can't really think of anything else.
Why does shit always have to be so black and white? You do realise important figures in history were in fact gay, right (Oscar wilde among others)? Would you have treated them the same way? It's a sad day when you judge people not on their actual worth, but on their sexuality JUST because of your radical opposition to leftist agendas. I'd rather be 'cucked', as you put it, than internally, irrevocably fucked.
Fam, I just finished a playthrough of New Vegas yesterday. He says it at least two times. When you first meet him, he says someething about wondering why some man hasn't "swept him off his feet." (Maybe it's behind a speech check, but I didn't have the Confirmed Bachelor perk). And when you get the remnants back together, after talking to the pilot, he says something about she was the only woman in his life, and then mentions also having lovers.
I appreciate what you're saying, but it's futile on Holla Forums. Most of Holla Forums has been infected by these Nazi LARPing retards who are deliberately and decidedly not trying to have a discussion with you; they just want the same thing the Tumblrinas do: to shit on their designated enemies in order to make themselves feel better.
Never has Arcade been this open about that stuff in my playthroughs, the fuck did i do wrong?
I don't know. I'm pretty autistic about hearing every line in a conversation, so maybe that's why I heard it and you didn't?
I want early exodus Holla Forums back.
Because it is always black and white. You're either correct or you're a liberal shill.
No, they weren't. That's just leftist revisionism made to fool us into accepting fags
Yeah. The only good degenerate is a dead degenerate
Here's a thought. Race and mental wellbeing matter. Normal white people are better than deranged fags
Literally no such thing. There's normal people who want to have sex with women of their own race, and there are the mentally ill.
Maybe you had the bachelor perk, all I know is that on my next play through I'm gonna hit the casinos once again with him and show him even more strippers.
I didn't.
I can boot up my game and list all the perks I have, if you want.
Nah, forget it, I'll try to get the most out of Arcade next playthrough, surely there's something I've missed.
For fuck's sake man, you know that you're sperging about a guy who likes a game that maybe has one or two gay characters in it.
There is absolutely nothing wrong in portraying gay characters as long as it has some fucking point to the story. They EXIST in our fucking world, so why can't we portray their existence in our fictional worlds? We don't have to, we don't need to, but if an artist does this and he doesn't do it in a shoehorned way, then what's the fucking problem?
There is a difference between calling bullshit on obvious propaganda and shoehorned gay/trans/whatever fucking mental illness you can image characters into a story and crying "MUH DEGENRACY" on a fucking theme. If you do that, then you're literally the same as the people who cry "MUH SEXISM" when they see boobs.
Get fucked by a bunch of niggers you gigantic fucking cucks I bet you hate yuri too faggot
Ahh.. user I spend everyday wishing this weren't true, and that people will finally find a middleground for the way they perceive the world, or even a means to moderate their ideology instead of taking it to the absolute extreme. I still have hope, but perhaps some people will never change.
If Hitler was gay would you still support him?
Herman Goring was a closeted transvestite, yet was still part of the nazi party. What would you have done about him?
Picture this, you have a friend, a wonderful glorious friend, who confides in you and tells you that he/she is gay. And you end the friendship because of that?
Because 'black and white' is the correct mode of thought, and any contribution you make to the world is irrelevant if you're not white, straight and fascist to the extreme? Are you trying to be the literal opposite of tumblr with your ideology Mein commandant? :^)
Why do you even bother talking to these idiots?
If he does anything short of murdering his friend, then he's a liberal shill and will be the second one hung on the day of the rope.
Great way to come to an understanding.
Too late, my autism has taken over.
Abominable (3)
Action Boy (2)
Agility Implant
Animal Control (3)
Big Brained
Bug Stomper (3)
Camarader-E (3)
Certified Tech
Charisma Implant
Coin Operator
Concentrated Fire
Divide Survivor
DNAvenger (2)
Endurance Implant
Enhanced Sensors
Grim Reaper's Sprint
Implant C-13
Implant M-5
Implant Y-7
Intelligence Implant
Intense Training (9)
Lord Death (2)
Luck Implant
Machine Head (2)
Monocyte Breeder
Nerves of Steel
Perception Implant
Power Armor Training
Rad Absorption
Ranger Takedown
Reinforced Spine
Robotics Expert
Scribe Assistant
Scribe Counter
Sierra Madre Martini
Silent Running
Strength Implant
Sub-Dermal Armor
Wild Wasteland
Because I have a vain hope that some people can change.. What's worse than giving up is not even trying at all.
I don't want to come to an understanding, so that works out.
I bet you like to fast travel too.
Some of that shit is pretty out-of-the-way. I never would have found places like Mesquite Mountain without it. I don't like using Internet guides and wikis.
Because they SHOULDN'T exist in our world. They're a cancer on society and should be erased
That would never even happen since fags aren't capable of relationships that aren't centered around sodomy.
It's like you hate adventuring into the unknown. Then dying because lol giant scorpion
I love venturing out into the unknown. But I like being a completionist, so I took the explorer perk to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
Looks like reddit's here in force today.
Erased again every generation? I'd rather erase retards like you. You can breed, after all.
I assume you mean Goring/gay Hitler would be first then
Sound familiar user? You ever hear of something called self awareness?
Oh shit looks like the rest of pol has come as well!! Nice! Well gentlemen, how is the third reich doing this evening?
I also like it how you absolutely avoid the point that Goring was a transvestite and what you would do if Hitler turned out to be gay.. Because you know by your own rules you'd have to hang them without trial.. Now that's something I'd pay to see.
You're not really taking that post seriously, are you?
Hmm looks like I got the ids the wrong way round.. Ahh well, unlike the majority of leftists and pollack I can actually admit my mistakes and own up to them
Fictional works are not real life you gigantic fucking nigger, stop having a stick up your ass. The fact that something is bad or considered bad in our world doesn't mean that it can't be portrayed otherwise in a fictional setting. Murder is fucking glorified in video games and it is not always for a greater good. Fiction exists not only to impact the lives of people but also to have fun and allow us to vent off. Don't misunderstand me, I do not like gay couples in video games myself unless it's well done yuri but throwing away a game on the basis of it having gays as long as it serves any fucking purpose in the story.
And by your logic, we should also get rid of loli because it portrays """pedophilia""". And while it is obvious that real child pornography should destroyed because it hurts the children involved and is absolute fucking degeneracy, having anything against loli is being absolute fucking cancer and a gigantic no-fun cuck.
Not like the fag who's arguing with him is any better. Go eat a dick.
It'd be a constant purge until the bloodlines are cleansed of mental illness. This is, of course, assuming the jews aren't slipping further corruption into whites via GMO crops.
when will you leftycucks learn?
FUCK, I fucked up my post. I wanted to finish up the first paragraph by saying this.
>but throwing away a game on the basis of it having gays as long as it serves any fucking purpose in the story. is fucking retarded in my opinion.
Pointless? If you weren't so afraid of the question and what you would have to answer it with then you would have already answered it.. What's the matter Mein brother? Scared of a little hypothetical question?
Jesus fuck the kikes have got their claws in you. If they absolutely must be included, they need to be treated like the degenerates they are. Reward the player for purging them and lock them into the worst possible ending for (((tolerating))) them.
Careful there commandant you may be running out of buzzwords to use in order to avoid answering the question!!
Better get off that homo's devil machine user.
I thought the shills were supposed to leave now that they lost the election. What's with the libtard infestation in this thread?
Nice buzzword, kiddo.
He's not wrong. There's literally no point in answering a (((hypothetical question)))
The irony is so thick right now that it's actually killing me. I don't know where you're from but you don't belong here at all
I'll probably never stop loving Serious Sam encounters and Duke Nukem 3D.
NIGGER, you just completely ignored everything I just said on the basis of "M-muh Jews". This is not a fucking argument, answer me, if so many other wrong things can be portrayed as positive in fiction, why can't you portray a gay couple in that way? And I don't mean in a "progressive propaganda" kind of way. Look on how Japs portray gays not that I like Yaoi but Yuri is top tier.
It's already too late.
You are still a faggot and post as if you came from reddit.
I think it really depends on the content of the question, for example: **if you had a rope and you had the chance would you hang me and the others in this thread
?** Would gay Hitler/Goring be next? :^)
.. I guess you haven't heard of it then?
We're all faggots inside, user, it's just the level of the faggotty we possess.
Ahh user, trying too hard to fit in perhaps?
**You are some security officer aboard a massive colony ship called the Marathon (which was converted from a Martian moon into a ship). As soon as you enter the ship, shit hits the fan as a race of alien slavers called the Pfhor start boarding it and abducting everyone. You then proceed to follow orders from the general operations AI, Leela, in order to perform and organize a counterstrike against the Pfhor. Things start getting a little more complicated once the AI in charge of door control goes rampant (not crazy, but rampant, rampancy is a detailed in-universe state of artificial intelligences which occurs once they start developing the ability to think for themselves, which usually involves rebellion and unpredictable violent behavior). Durandal frequently kidnaps you through teleporting for either shits 'n giggles or some other hidden reason, one level involves him teleporting you onto a Pfhor corvette and cleaning out the place by yourself. The Pfhor use a slave race called the S'pht, which are used to control and subvert technlogical constructs such as Leela, who is already starting to break apart, and another science operations AI called Tycho seems to hold a grudge against Durandal.
After killing more Pfhor, you instigate a S'pht slave revolt, have Durandal take over a Pfhor corvette with the help of the S'pht, and repel the Pfhor boarding party entirely. As a last goodbye gift, Durandal instructs the S'pht to revive Leela, as he fucks off into space with his new ship wanting to realize his destiny of becoming god and escaping the closure of the universe.**
why the fuck did that not work
In Marathon 2, Durandal kidnaps you into cryostasis for 17 years until you arrive to the S'pht home planet, Lh'owon, now occupied by some minor Pfhor garrisons. S'pht legend has it that there used to be some piece of knowledge or weapon used against the Pfhor, however, the largest Pfhor battle group is en route to Lh'owon which not even Durandal's modified corvette can hold off. Apparently Tycho, revived and tortured by the remaining enslaved S'pht still holds that grudge, and is leading the battle group to Durandal's location. You then do some spelunking around Lh'owon as you traverse through Pfhor forts and ancient structures, reading the S'pht lore and killing all the Pfhor. However, the battle group has already caught up and is boarding Durandal's ship. He then desperately teleports you back and orders you to destroy his logic centers so the Pfhor may not be able to capture him. With Durandal no longer in control, Tycho is free to teleport and capture you. However, you are broken out by a human resistance group which were teleported onto Lh'owon before Durandal yielded, who tell you that because of your adventures Durandal has learned about an ancient S'pht AI which you must reactivate. Once the S'pht AI, Thoth, is reactivated, he realizes that the situation is unbalanced and teleports you onto a Pfhor ship where you clean the place out for the remaining humans to escape. Thoth also calls upon the S'pht'Kr, the mythical 13th S'pht clan which escaped Lh'owon before it got conquered by the Pfhor. The S'pht'Kr are fucking mad and decide to take it out on the Pfhor, not before Durandal again greets you and congratulates you for following his master plan, as he was never destroyed, because he's UNBREAKABLE. Durandal apparently knew that Thoth was obsessed with balance and faked a total loss so he'd call the S'pht'Kr and help you out. Not only that, but Durandal took control of the Pfhor ship where he was held captive and destroyed Tycho's flagship, sending it crashing into a Lh'owon moon where Durandal engraved with a giant laser Fatum Iustum Stultorum. You and Durandal proceed to harass the remaining Pfhorces before they pull their losses and decide to just nuke the entire goddamn planet. Durandal tells you that an invasion of Earth has been prevented, as the human resistance made it back safely. The epilogue describes the fall of the Pfhor Empire at Durandal's and the human's hands, mostly thanks to you.
In Marathon Infinity, the nuke which the Pfhor used to destroy Lh'owon caused a massive Lovecraftian being called the Wr'kncacnter to escape, causing all kinds of cosmic fuckery. It starts off with you being teleported onto a space station belong to the ancient Jjaro, as he concedes that everything has gone to shit and will be destroyed, and tells you to just escape. What ensues is a journey of timetravel fuckery, where you switch back and forth a timeline where you are either under the control of Tycho killing a bunch of humans or rebellious Pfhor, or reenacting some actions under Durandal's control which were referred to in Marathon 2. These timejumps are interspersed by dream levels where you navigate dark mazes as text terminals display your own unconscious thoughts. You keep jumping around until you find a timeline where the causality is right, after which you destroy Durandal again, Thoth and Durandal to fuse, fight in a Pfhor arena, flood a human settlement with lava, and traverse through one of the most convoluted levels in video game history with a layout so grand it makes EYE look like a fucking joke. You manage to contain the Wr'kncacnter, and are awarded freedom by Thoth-Durandal.
And that's not even taking in account Marathon Rubicon.
Also I forgot to attach a layout of the last level. Maybe it does not seem to grand from a top-down perspective, but you are bound to get lost. Take in account that Marathon is able to render 4D spaces, which this level uses to a great extent.
Good taste, old shooters are always cool.
No, but you definitely do with your constant "Ahh", trying to hard to convey your tone into what you're writing, and retarded rhetorical questions. Fuck off.
That game is very cool but I have never finished it, I remember some user posting a link to a site where developers explain every level and the story behind it. Does anyone still have it?
My first guess is you're not a native speaker, my second guess is you're underage
That's a lot to take in, but are the games actually fun? I've been wanting to play an old shooter for a while and I've been debating between revisiting Strife or starting SS1 over.
And you sound autistic but we all have problems son
Nope. :^)
That's right user. Who gives a fuck about content anymore, right?
Shit is so convoluted and confusing that it's appealing as hell, I wish i had finished the first game.
Also that reminds me, the marathon was built inside a martian moon, so could that mean, that the marathon is pic related in the game destiny?
Personally I thought they were fun, it's your typical DOOM gameplay but with a better story and some cool weapons.
looks like I struck a nerve.
I'll probably check it out. It always amazes me that there's so much shit around in the world and so many games, that really great ones can fly under your radar.
Marathon plays like a somewhat floatier Doom, and places a larger focus on dodging projectiles. The first few levels are a bit boring as you only have a rinky dink pistol (which you can dual-wield too), until you find an AR. Marathon 2 gets better quicker in that regard. It's pretty fun once you give it some time.
Actually I'm quite enjoying the way you're responding to the nuances of my posts. The only nerve your striking is the one that makes me smile uncontrollably when I trigger someone online
This is probably the best looking sidescroller that I have ever seen, the amount of detail that they've put into the pixel art is astounding. I love absolutely everything, from the music, to the atmosphere to the gameplay. The rival fights I feel were a bit too easy in my opinion expect the last one which was harder but only because you were put on slippery ground.
Bungie always loves to reference their own work, the Marathon logo appears nearly everywhere and one of the last levels in Halo: CE has you 'blasting the vent core'
seems like a good time to finally try aleph one on my shitty linux laptop
what is this?
I agree that the Godzilla theme ripoff is not entirely original, but it was still terrifying the first time around.
no he did not, ripperroni pepperoni
You know, I never understood why people said single-wall jumping was difficult to execute. But that's because I'd played all 2D Metroid games on emulators with a keyboard. Tried pulling that shit with a controller in AM2R and my mind was expanded.
Then again, I might just not be used to controllers.
Feels like a Holla Forums raid, one guy false flagging as Holla Forums and then the rest piling on him to completely derail the thread. You can tell by the way they type that they dont belong here
I was talking about this song. Given, it is Samus's theme but as good as the song is, I feel like there could have been something better
A lot of us were here before the Holla Forums exodus, and the crossboard leaking is annoying.
Oh I see what you mean.
That might be. It's easy to impersonate a extreme Holla Forumsfag retard I'm not saying that Holla Forumsfags are all retards, just that everybody knows what a retarded person going to Holla Forums looks like and then they try to take up a more "calmer" and "less idiotic" stance but fail on conveying it in a non-retarded way.
Or it could just be both Holla Forums and Holla Forums throwing shit at each other.
Of course Holla Forums has plenty of spergs like every board but the replies just make this look too fishy.
This seems like the most likely answer
Almost everything, except the cons.
It should have been more realistic. Especially the combat (enemy AI), the way vehicle models and people take damage (Mafia for example.) and it could have used more world interactions (Like in GTA 4 where pedestrians have all kinds of items on them and interact with each other and the world around them.) to make the game feel more alive.
This I know because I do it to bait retards.
They forgot to put in /cow/. /cow/ went to Holla Forums on 9/11 after n0chan was nuked by its owner on the same year that the "first exodus" occurred.
(((They))) are getting desperate.
Everyone above this post is fucking gay.
Go do something else.
How did it manage to get WORSE than 4/pol/?
No, all above THIS post are fucking gay.
Why did /cow/ on here die?
It used to be one of the most popular and best boards.
LORD BLAZER HAS A FYCJUBG FACE. I still can't believe it,.
Don't spread that image faggot.
The best way to tell if someone is a newfag is to ask them what board was the most popular before 5 guys happened.
An exceptionally cancerous board owner and moderator staff.
I love NV too, but come on user. Come on.
Fuck off
1st swf: This is everything a game should be at its core. Mindless fun, zero fluff.
(For reasons can't post a swf of quake, so fuck you)
2nd pic: Near perfect to those who like atmosphere and exploration.
Favorite punch-out game at least.
I couldn't get into Fallout NV. The beginning of the game was just so slow. I've heard that that's the worst part of the game, though, everything just kinda picks up from there and doesn't slow down much. That true?
It's a good idea to make a FOV script first as is outlined here: pcgamingwiki.com
Because many people report motion sickness when playing this game, I found a higher FOV to alleviate this.
Also, the game runs at 30fps not because your laptop is shit, but because Aleph One is an old piece of junk. It can't even have a separate button for each weapon because implementing that would involve changing the replay save and networking code because of how the game works, so keep that in mind.
Also some tips, your fist deal more damage if you are running forwards, switches can be opened by shooting them, you can grenade-hop (mandatory in some M1 levels, but conspicuously absent in M2/MI) by running forwards, aiming at your feet and firing a grenade.
I'd recommend playing M1 on Normal/Major Damage so you can get a feel for the gameplay before moving onto M2 (on Total Carnage).
Once you finished the trilogy, you're probably enough of a vidmaster to take on Marathon Phoenix on Total Carnage, which I consider the best fan-made scenario and one of the best videogames of all times period.
Pretty much. One problem a lot of RPGs have is that when you start off as an absolute noob and are barely specialized in anything, is that every playthrough starts off the same because you simply don't have the stats to take any different options.
Prolly something like that, but Bungie ended up self-destructing before any of the mad shit they had planned could go anywhere, and Destiny was a shell of a game.
We need OC pointing out the fact that Holla Forums and SJW's are mirror images of each other.
I clicked to expand these. Network hickup made them load at the same time. Jesus christ how horrible.
Where are webmfags when you need them?