what does user think about discord?
What does user think about discord?
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It's ok
Alt Right Faggots.
Voice interaction with other people sucks. I want to get bad to meanful emails and emoji
It's the Windows 10 of chat clients
I don't
Usability and the constant updates are actually really good. If you're a privacy fag though, stay away. They do collect data/track chats, but they 'promise' to not use it for things that people are worried about. I think it's more of a 'track this for liability reasons' more than a malicious 'lets make money' scheme, but that's also giving the benefit of the doubt. Just beware when using it, that's about it. I'm a sign, not a cop.
Propietary software, google levels of botnet. Will happily collect, analize and sell your data.
Wish I could find discords to join but they're all hidden away or Reddit cancer.
would like to know more about this, any links or so?
It's nice, it uses up less CPU while in a group call than Skype does in idle.
not free as in freedom
here's one
It's not the engineer's best taunt kill taunt.
promotes tripfag-tier circlejerks
OP you only made this thread because people shot you down in the mecha thread, right?
Genuinely good software. Fuck electron apps in general, though.
Read the ToS and the privacy policy. Lot of the standard 'anything you use here we can use for free' bullshit. I can't seem to really find anything about the privacy thing I read about it last year.
Ripped from the privacy policy: INFORMATION WE COLLECT
When you interact with us through the Services, we may collect information from you, as further described below:
Information You Provide: We collect information from you when you voluntarily provide such information, such as when you register for access to the Services or use certain Services. Information we collect may include but not be limited to username, email address, and any messages, images or other content you send via the chat feature.
And there's more after that. It's a good, open source program but it is a business where I don't see how they're getting the money to keep improving and expanding.
The instant invite is invalid or has expired.
>tfw not feeling very guilty because it was being taken over by lefty faggots
what the fuck
what the fick
ok, i saw enough, thanks user.
Read up. The privacy is more important than the ToS as the ToS is just the standard we "reserve the right incase you're a tolal assfuck" kind of dealings.
he is an ok villain
It's owned by the chinese, but it works really well.
don't you have some figurines to hotglue, horsefucker
Never used it myself, because I've never had a reason to. All I know about it is that all the guys I know who used to use Mumble for chat moved to it, so it must be more convenient.
Should mention that just because they promise not to sell your data doesn't mean they can't. If another company buys them that company gets all the data, and they won't be held to the same terms and conditions.
never trust a company.
They use a private/public key so nobody can intercept your messages … except that they have access to everyone's private key so that they can.
botnet, skype 2.0, Windows 10 of chat clients
Also it's run entirely on investment funds so I expect it to turn to shit whenever they run out. I hope Discord dies and an open source alternative takes over
i always wonder why this not already happened. I mean, we know what we want so why don't we make something? Get some autisitc anons together and start building.
There is one, but I can't remember the name of it right now.
Isn't Mumble already open source?
I guess I'm the only non-faggot here who ACTUALLY uses it instead of posting typical tinfoil hat privacy garbage.
The shit is great. Only problem I have is that sometimes people will not hear each other so you just need to rejoin to fix. I use the web browser version. No garbage to install, no trying to set up servers, no retarded adding people to calls. Toss server invite up and bam you have voice chat and text chat. No more "hurr durr I don't have program X" excuses. The text chat is also great for being a memelord and for leaving actual important posts without having to set up some bullshit like a facebook group to schedule things.
So over all 9/10
I mentioned that I use it but it's hard to find communities that aren't Reddit.
sounds like the people you hang out with are from reddit.
You sure your in the right place user?
Or maybe I hang around on 8ch where people hide their identities so you have to google Discords and it just links to subreddits?
There's Tox, but I think its development was killed by drama and its horrible name
you need to go back
I feel like you have a bad grasp of history so let me refresh your memory. Failchan was shit and everyone left because they were faggots. Not the same as "they could possibly be logging your memes and voice so they can sell it off to the highest bidder, but I have no proof but it could happen"
There's an 8ch discord if you're not already on it discord.gg
Otherwise, just use irc
Been there, hated it. Low quality people with huge egos.
Holla Forums discord is full of cringy autisits and retards and mark trying to be a popular fag.
just look what happened when we tried to make a chan
Almost all chan discords are fuckin cancer
I had former friends that keeps using it. I was probably too dumb to go and find new discord rooms and just stop using it.
That is because you are no longer anonymous and so groups are created, inner circles, etc.
Well it's almost generally because there's a reason why most of the damn people would be user in the first place. A good half of people who join those discords are boring as shit, like nothing interesting going on for them.
Just another chat program that will be completely abandoned some years later, IRC is forever.
It's shit OP but I love to mine salt from the autistic people that populate the Street Fighter reddit so I get on it every now and again. Before you judge me for going to reddit or buying SFV just hear me out;
What I do is make new accounts every few days on Steam/Capcom's servers/discord. Then I log-in to their discord, pretend to be a newbie that wants to practice and proceed to beat the crap out of which ever so-called coach plays with me. I also stream it and drop a link in the chat after button mashing for the first fight or two in the set. They claim they're a friendly bunch but whoop the shit out of one of the e-celeb fucks in there on a low level account and watch how quickly they'll ban your ass for "looking to beat up on newbies".
This is why I always make sure to play a "coach", they're supposed to be good enough to be teaching other players. Most of them are scrubs that beat up on other scrubs so when they get exposed in chat they get really mad.
Some people are user because we can't stand non-chan forums and playing politics. The problem we have in these communities is that they're full of bullshit politics or people with severe apsergers so you can't engage with them.
Tox works and it's still being developed, but its P2P nature makes it significantly different from other chat clients market-wise.
It's a honeypot.
I wish Tox was better…
I decided to check it out since I had watched Lain for the first time recently, and then I saw that there was a wordfilter for Trump.
I'm good.
They probably datamine but who doesnt these days
Yet another chat&VoIP thing nobody needed.
It is.
some normalfag shit
You can't even delete your account and get "the account will be deleted after a week of not being used" Yeah, sure thing, faggots.
Why contribute to it? Isn't that the point of open source software?
why not contribute to it*
because the people who can't help open source projects become better are people who don't know how to program and/or don't have money
well done
It's shit. Just use Mumble.
I hate it but my friends won't even consider to install less shady alternatives like Ring or Mumble. Their excuses are so unimaginative it hurts.
I liked mumble better.
The communities thing isn't really a valid criticism in my opinion. It's a popular enough service, and easy enough to set up, that if you don't find/make a good group it's your own fault.
As far as the actual program itself?
It's fantastic, I fucking love the features they threw in, after dealing with skype for so long. Seriously, drop in drop out channels are way better than any strict call set up. The text half of it isn't too shabby either.
But the staff I'm wary of, the privacy stuff already stated in this thread is something to be wary of, enough as is. Same with where they're getting their money. Though last I heard the CEO of discord is just fucking loaded, so a significant chunk of paying the bills comes from him.
But more than that it seems to be one of those programs, the kind where they'll implement emoji reaction features for individual messages before implementing a text search feature, a webm player, etc.
I give it about six months to a year before they start implementing ads.
Every chat client does.
you want >>>/r9k/
I don't know some of the Holla Forums groups like fullderp or project gorgon are fun to be with.
I think it has something to do with the lack of autists to make fun of that makes discord boring.
you should start doing the opposite of what yo udo if you want to fit in
Holla Forums was inhabited because gamergate fled here.
i don't have either but they really do i remember some posts about it
I think OP is a faggot.
Old doesn't necessarily mean good, user.
But at least you're right about that.
I use discord to share lewd images and ERP.
I also use it to play my shitty MMOs.
Its okay. They collect information, so does everyone these days.
Please kill yourself.
someone post another link please
hide in plain sight fam
It's not like I share every aspect of my life there. I go in a few channels for games and generally talk about the game. What exactly can they do with this information that I might not like? Tell some shitty ad company that I like the game I'm talking about when I literally never see ads on the internet due to my HOSTS? Jesus christ, I can understand being wary of services that can share your information, but when you disregard that in some cases that information is meaningless its like getting angry that someone is holding their finger near you, they're not actually doing anything and you're not standing up to some nebulous oppressor by swatting it away, you're just being a sperg.
"needle in a haystack" doesn't work against datamining you moron.
I agree, as long as you have nothing to hide, then there is no reason to care if they are collecting information anyway
This is stale bait tbh fam
Alot of anons overshare shit anyway. I've had times where a chan user would be telling you his entire fuckin lifestory in the span of 10 minutes. Even the confidential shit, I get some people have nobody to talk to but jesus fuckin christ.
I'm collecting all your information right now and you can't stop me.
I swear i've seen that bald old fart before
is he that comfy old e-celeb?
You think I really say anything I don't our pals down at the NSA over these platforms?
To google and the NSA, all they think is that I'm a harmless dope who writes and jerks it to futa porn.
Does what it says it does, decently CPU light. Needs Camel or similar bots for quality of life though. Update priorities are fucked, custom emoji came before text search. Waiting for a proper client and not a browser deadlocked to a more efficient version of the web app.
Privacy isn't really any more or less fucked than Skype's, don't give a rat's ass about it not being FOSS because I'm not a programmer and I sincerely doubt many of the people who blast Stallman memes are either.
I'm not sure if you're stupid or being sarcastic. The point is not to share information that you might not want some random company to have on a service with a privacy policy like Discord. For example you wouldn't share private information about yourself and your family with some random stranger on the street, so don't do it in some stupid chatroom either.
it's shit botnet
Name one imageboard that isn't "going down the shitter".
the imageboards that nobody posts in
But this really is a situation where you have nothing to hide. Discords made to talk about vidya and other useless shit people use it for (weebfaggotry, raid/shitpost groups, erp, etc). There's no important personal data to be found in any of that shit.
frankly, this place would be a desert without the gamergate scandal on 4chan
I miss chatrooms.
I don't like speaking over voice.
This is objectively false, gamergate was not the main source of the exodus, the cuckchan's mods reaction was. Them going nuclear because of it and nuking Holla Forums was one of the main reasons. They kicked GG out, and the rest left because they didn't want to be next on the chopping block. For example, a large amount of /g/ and /k/ left dispite not being directly affected.
that's what I meant
stop trying to be a smartass