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Activism #18
It's not private property if the despots owns the property
An Outspoken Anti-Capitalist YouTuber With 200,000 Subscribers. Is He, Dare I Say, /ourcomrade/?
Anyone here still getting banned for "anti-imperialism"?
What's the most class conscious fantasy novel?
Relationship help
/internet turning left/
Before I talk, I want to say...
What was his name again?
What did leftypol think of this book? I thought it was pretty good
Bookchin recommendations
Was the USSR state capitalism or socialism?
The money behind the alt-right
This should be called the "Alienated by Capitalism Bingo" instead
I'm not happy when I'm smoking weed, but I do feel pleasure, or at least the absence of pain...
What's with the CEO worship?
What does this board think about the General De Gaulle ?
Socialism is dying
I've just got into Marxism
Deprived of his father’s affections and upset by a failed romance, Yakov, or Yasha as Stalin called him...
Black person living in America during the 50's: I don't feel very safe in this country
I'm serious when I say I'm up for sinking this fucking ship...
So how are you guys going to make people stop using money?
Is there a reason for Rojava and the YPG not getting enough (or barely any) media coverage? If so...
What's stalin reading ?
WANTED: Holla Forums board-tans for new artwork
How do you respond Holla Forums?
The most useless leftists to ever exist
Dungeons and Dragons and Philosophers VII: Left Wing Adventures
Was the Confederacy proto-Fascist?
Marxist/Ancom hate
57 million subs, largely pre-teens and teenagers
Is the DSA really any good?
Commie wallpapers
What to read? (Marx, Engels, Lenin)
I propose a compromise, a type of anarchism that libertarians, nationalist and communists can get behind...
Muh rhodesia
As we've not had a stupid pointless idpol drama thread in all of five mins, I've decided to post this
Youtube now going after Roo
Anarchism, socialism, punishment
Frenchfags: Badiou on Macron
Do you Leftists have any version of your own Kekistan? I bet you don't have one, you fags :^)
Since this is a anime board. Let's talk about real leftist anime...
Explain tankies. What happened to them? Why are they like this?
Socialist Feminist author cedes that one of the core analyses of MGTOW is correct & needs addressin
84% of today’s elite in China are direct descendants of the elite from pre-1949
What's all of your views on personal responsibility? That is...
"wholesale" EU immigration has destroyed conditions for British workers
How can you not be Market Socialist?
(don't laugh)
The anti-chapo crusade reached bezos inc's PR department (AKA the washington post) and the reception is as every bit...
Leftist Tattoo Thread
I've been reading about labour vouchers and SNLT, but there's one problem that doesn't seem to be solved
Help, how do I convince this person otherwise
Daily News Thread 7/23
How can someone be a nationalist (of any stripe, civic, ethnic, or religious) and simultaneously a capitalist...
Is ethnic nationalism actually on the rise?
Anarchists, what's your definition of the state and why do you disagree with the Marxist one?
Bolivia's President Declares 'Total Independence' from World Bank and IMF
Should Leftists join Imperialist Military Organizations?
Buying an e-Reader
The shit they teach you in school
WebM Thread
Introducing someone to Marx
Capitalism and mental illness
Debunking Holla Forums infographs
Hey comrades, any good videos of the commie groups fighting in donetsk?
Is esperanto kommunism?
How can I become well-cultured?
This is the most peaceful time in human history. [All thanks to nukes and american hegemony.]
Are you using the OS of the proletariat or are you a capitalist running DOS?
Pol is organizing to take down leftypol channels
Is he right?
Are there any commie pills?
Rojava General: Still no Cyclical? Edition
How exactly are the American corporations making money off of the 16 year long Afghan war?
Image request thread
How should I feel about Otto Warmbier dying on release? I mean yeah NK went overboard over him taking a poster...
Spectre Rouge Update
Poland will be first NazBol country in Europe
Is Holla Forums for or against Isreal?
Who /HoxhaistGang/ here?
Was Schopenhauer right about Hegel?
/leftyk/ thread
Fag Facts
New flagging list
Global Meltdown Thread
What do Tankies think of Thomas Hobbes?
Convinced the German Communist Party to vote with the Far Right repeatedly near the end of the Weimar Republic...
Ancap Meme Dump
Be me
Do you guys actually manage to talk to people about communism without being viciously hated on? No matter your tendency...
How does this make you feel?
Top lad or the toppest lad?
What does Holla Forums think of NEETs?
Stop hating mutualism
1 month ago
Can one be leftist and religious?
Communism is pro family values. Communism seeks to re-instate the extended family/community mode of child rearing...
Go on /r/neoliberal
Holla Forums is raiding with gay porn
This is a fairly ignorant question from me, as I know little of Anarchism, but what do Left-Anarchists think of Marxism...
Selfimprovement thread!
Cop starts beating guy up
The Kraut Question
Communists will defend this
Real communism
No Justine Damond Police Shooting Thread Yet? Here Goes Nothing
Can ancoms and ancaps coexist?
Why do people dislike Trotsky?
Doesn't know of the Southern Strategy
Story time!
Is Julian Assange a Russian Trump shill? It sure seems like it tbh
In a communist society, who pays for the roads?
How long do you think the global economic system will last before it's utter collapse?
Goddamnit i just want the Bat'ko/Murdoch Murdoch drama to fucking end...
You must choose one and only one of these two to be killed...
Senators want to impose a $250k-$1mil penalty as well ~20 years in prison for boycotting Israel
Was Lucifer /ourguy/?
Will he succeed in making hispanics Holla Forumstards excepted the most left-wing group in the US for generations?
An open post to Holla Forums
Muh material conditions
Jimmy Dore IMPLODES on TYT. Heavy liberal backlash ensures
Next target thread
I'm still struggling to understand what the other guys were thinking when they took down Bat'ko's videos
Cultured thug is gone
Post your ideology and where you go on this compass
ITT: Debate/AMA a Nat-Pop Holla Forums Regular
Is gardening an inherently bourgeois passtime ?
Is r/fullcommunism a joke?
We need global neoliberalism to get rid of borders and nationalism before we can have a successful international revolt
The next generation of kids will learn to #resist
Varg speaks about vidya gaems
Hi from T_D
It starts with
You are all Trotskyists
Daily News Thread 7/21
Europe vs Russia
4/pol/ expose themselves as redditors once again
What a day, huh?
How's that raid of yours going, Holla Forums? ;^)
Difference between communism and ancom?
Gulf war
How do you spread class consciousness when you live in an Islamic country?
DPRK general
I'm joining my country's military because I basically have no other options...
The millennial left’s war against liberalism
/leftytv/ is live
Assad is a Neo-lib
Israel - For Whom?
What spooks did you clean yourself from today?
To fellow social democrats
Laissez Faire
What does idpol actually mean...
Are there any mutualists/anarcho-collectivists left? They seem like mostly dead ideologies, especially the latter
Former Soviet bloc countries have a lower gender gap in math than the rest of Europe
Dubtrack thread
MarxistMatey, your new leftyfriend
What will happen to doubles under socialism ?
Operation: Get Muke on the Drunken Peasants
Right wingers are mentally ill
What is the source of these "beta male" types? Estrogen in the water? Mommy cuddled them too much...
Ywn have an opportunity to ruthlessly remove Imperialism and form a coherent military, economic...
BDS is becoming a crime soon
Holla Forums in Disarray After Board Owner Abandons Sinking Ship
How easy is it to be an autonomous and successful individual in capitalism?
51% of Millenials reject capitalism. What now?
Daily News Thread 7/20
Question for Ultras/Leftcoms
The Left and Automation
The means of production has been exported by capitalism
Denmark appreciation thread
Max Stirner
Cop accidentally frames himself planting drugs on body camera footage
Holla Forums sings "Somalian Pirates we"
How is Ba'athism not simply Not Socialism applied to Brown (Arab) people?
>inb4 newfags
I know that egoism is a meme, but does anyone actually have any arguments against it...
A weak point of many Leftists (including me) is the distinction between personal vs private property...
Obnoxious Customers
As much as I enjoy this counter-flagging thing I don't think it's the best way here...
Law of Value
What's with all these right-wing "alternate history" shows?
Tfw the radical left has been reduced to taking sides in a proxy war
Who was in the wrong here?
So much for the tolerant left lobe
North Korea defector returns home calling South 'capitalist hell'
Well, chapo worshippers?
"at least there wont be breadlines!!"
New Ben 'gas the kulaks " G
Has Holla Forums read this book?
Hey Holla Forums, I used to be a leftist until I truly understood the arguments from the right...
Redneck Revolt vs. Carl
The New Communist
Bat'ko counter-counter-revolution thread and Bat'ko video thread
Holla Forums Mentorship Program
What is stopping you from just starting your own Commune inside the United States?
Can we get more like this? Reading/film grids? Someone posted some film ones that I didn't save
Holla Forums is trying to take down comrade bat'ko
Before Leftypol
Dude the (((alt-left))) lmao
Why do conservatives preach about morality when they dont have any?
Is Holla Forums pro-LGBT or anti-LGBT?
Richard Spencer
Stop saying "spook". When will Holla Forums ever learn?
All leftwing luddites BTFO
What is life without struggle? Will communism eliminate having dragons to face...
Pedagogy (How to Raise a Holla Forums Child)
What does Holla Forums think of Kim Il Sung? Did he do anything wrong? What could he have done better?
Is Colby Keller /ourgay/ (he's a porn star and communist)?
The National-Anarchist Movement represents the complete emancipation of the white man; from the state, from capitalism...
Socialism and the Right to Strike
How accurate would you say this is?
Where the fuck did the "communism is when everyone is paid the same wage" meme start? Marxism, Anarcho-Collectivism...
When has this ever worked?
Capitalism means innovation
Is it, dare I say, /ourvidya/?
La zad
Why is neoliberalism still the status quo in (capitalist) economics...
Communism will allow people to do whatever they like
Fresh Ben Garrison
Guys, how do we win the next european elections ?
Warning: critical levels of classcuckoldry
How will we tackle the interracial domestic abuse problem under communism?
Be me
Can we have one of these threads?
What do you think of Steven Crowder?
That moment when so-called "free-speech advocates" block a video because it conflicted with their opinions
How stupid do you have to be to think the revolution will happen just because of an economic collapse?
Where were you when Flynn effect was kill?
Friendly reminder that the scientific world is being sodomized by the invisible hand of the market just as much as the...
Who's in the right here?
What's your opinion on egocentric billionaires acting like 'modern day prophets'...
Honest thoughts on North Korea?
Ruin this or transform it in a communist flag
Daily News Thread 7/18
Is humanity's progress held back by the English language's dominance? Tons of rescues are wasted teaching it...
When You Learn The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) Declared Usury Haram Because It Grows Wealth Inequality
Is there any hope for socialism in canada ?
Hey, leftcoms listen up. Just because you disagree with some types of socialism. It doesn’t mean it isn’t socialism
In this thread we have pointless far leftist sectarian infighting with brief descriptions of your ideology to open and...
Comrades, what's the safest way to anonymously communicate and exchange files on the net...
I can't fathom how anyone can seriously look at the holodomor conspiracy theory and not see how absurd it is...
Red Pill me on Mother Teresa
REEEEEvolution/ leftypol dubs
N O • B O R D E R
"""Anarcho""" capitalists defend Pinoshit and consider taxes a bigger breach of the NAP than summary executions
Pentagon study declares American empire is ‘collapsing’
New lefty Anime Thread
What's Holla Forums's opinion on Ralph Nader?
So tell me Holla Forums...
Tfw 30 years old
What if the USSR was still around?
Redneck Revolt vs. Liberals
So, net neutrality will be gone in 2 weeks...
Rapists and Rape Accusations in Socialist and Anarchist Groups
When you nut and your health care bill keeps sucking
How do we get people eating healthy, fellow communists?
A commune will never be as effective as a corporation, this has been proven time and time again
So I was reading "towards a new socialism" and got to this part about foreign currencies:
What would the internet be like if the eastern bloc was still around ?
Why is labour power valuable?
*castrates your ideology*
Leftist Jokes
Riots and violence in small town fairs
Is the gulag necessary?
Eyy. Horseshoe Theory is live. Hope you enjoy it, leftypol. Want to make more left leaning films soon...
On this day, 99 years ago, the last Czar of Russia and his family were killed
Arkansas Wants Rapists To Pre-Approve Victim's Abortion Rights
Is the Internet discourse slowly changing towards the left?
What does Holla Forums think about 白左 (baizuo, "white left")...
Tfw the best debater on "the left" is a neoliberal
Daily News Thread 7/17
Hello. I would like to learn more about libertarian socialism. What is your opinion on taxation, libsocs?
Aside from Russian, Lenin spoke and read French, German, and English.[487] Concerned with physical fitness...
Be me
How would an ancom society deal with one group of people bullying smaller/less powerful groups into giving...
Jeremy "con artist" Corbyn
European communist party
HipHop is lefti-
Saw this argument online. Can someone help me defeat it? I'm kind of new to the whole Labour Voucher thing
Who is this semen demon
Is this the Revleft Spring?
What form of wageslavery are you enduring?
Headlines you can read if you have the misfortune of living in America
Is anyone else pissed as fuck right now?
Neetbux for All
Have you ever had a real leftist girlfriend/boyfriend?
"Wars are always class wars"
Venezuela 2017 unofficial referendum results - 7,186,170 votes counted (95%)
Debt, the first 5,000 years
Post your favorite albums, age, ideology and rate taste
DSA Momentum Platform
We really need to raid this cancer
Holla Forums dubs anti-communist propaganda
Inb4 /leftytrash/
If something exists, does that not mean that there must be a something-est something?
How do we unspook /r9k/?
How did a movie this basic and heavy handed end up being prophetic
The Holla Forums bitch tears over a TV show are delicious
Do we like Assad here? He's an anti-imperialist right?
Holla Forums exclusive
Is Zizek right about Muslim immigration?
How would we convert Liberals?
Gift Economy Cryptoledger, better than labor vouchers
Any argument against labour vouchers?
Muke just take the L and never embarrass us like this again
Geopolitical Videogames
Social Democracy
The real movement which abolishes the present state of things shall sweep away both capitalists and 'communists'...
Why should I care?
Just a in-your-fucking-face reminder
What happened to my hoochie?
Tfw in Engels' time the prole making ten schillings a day was still the bourgeoisie of the nuclear family and exploited...
Holla Forums discusses marxism
New Conservatives - How will they work?
Has anybody actually read this book? Does it go in the "bullshit" pile or "genuine theory" pile?
Rant On Muke
What went wrong?
What happened?
Turned Russia from a land of pot-smoking Trotskyites to an industrial powerhouse capable of stopping fascism from...
Fucking Soros
…left-wing like Hillary or Obama
Are we going to radicalise Jimmy Dore or not?
End Goal for Socialists?
What does /leftpol/ think of cryptocurrency?
What's recommended to richfags with socialist sympathies?
What if Trump had lost the election?
Post rare Titos
Leftist alcoholics?
Hey. Does anyone play POWER? It's a political simulator for the US where you can join or create a party...
New garrison comic
Good Memes
Whites in Post-Colonial States & Nat Lib
How can you defend communism when it kills 20 million a year?
Is HipHop Leftist? Was it ever?
Nestlé, "It's Just Human Nature, Bro!"
Welfare state
How will Communism help us smooth over the chaotic effects of the sexual free market?
Stop reading books
If Sargon and Jason ever would have a debate, how would it go?
Stop larping
Daily News Thread 7/15
ITT: Anime girls with communist rhetoric
Currency issuers are not currency users
I don't want to sit through the 4 hour meme fest
Communism will never happen because it doesn't take into account human nature...
Why do you hate this guy?
Who or what will prevent the power vacuum from being filled by an organized minority with superior weapons in a...
Holla Forums insanity
The Problem of Marxism
Holla Forums completely and utterly BTFO
Why is there no antifa waifu yet
Are Democrats going to retake the government again in our lifetime...
GOOD Reddit Subs
Is anyone scared shitless by these reports that Gen Z is apparently conservative as fuck?
Hey filthy peasant goyim scum!
Sup guys
Why do righty-tighties think its so grievous for black dudes to fuck white ladies
New debate thread
Is this true?
What do guys think of structural marxism and Althusser's theories?
Why are there so many gays on the far right all of a sudden? Are they scared of Muslims?
Is Islam compatible with communism?
Is there a single lolbert argument against socialism that isn't a giant strawman...
Real socialism has never been trie-
When do we purge Bourgbook and replace it with a leftist alternative?
Milo book flops
Has anyone else lost hope?
He may be half-right with this one
How do I deal with fash family Holla Forums?
What if socialism isn't possible(or desirable) because of "Human nature"?
Debate Thread
Human-Animal hybrids is the future
For a brief moment in time, the music considered cool had a distinct anti-capitalist edge to it
Pre-socialism /ourguys/
Daily reminder that after a communist takeover, "the bourgeois" get put up against a wall and shot...
What went wrong?
How the fuck does a normal middle-class girl become this far-right and even worse...
The "red" party in norway wants everyone to recieve equal wages...
Am I a bad leftist if I like some of the bourgeois aesthetics?
Why are so many boxing/MMA fans right wing? As a fan of both sports, it's just so ridiculous to me
Jeff Holiday
Holla Forums taking the bait
New ideas for syndicalism
Tfw you fell for the 16 gibs of RAM meme
Wooo thinks I'm LeftyPol
Daily News Thread 7/13
Is the EU potential framework for building post-nationalist ideological base against the reactionary right...
Post your rare Lenins
Comrades, we are fighting a war
ITT: Things you realized are liberal propaganda after going full lefty
So what countries nowadays have the "best" military, anyway? Is it actually the burgers...
Alt-Right just got BTFO, Holla Forums on suicide watch
Living in conservative country
Why are tankies so fucking retarded? What's their fucking problem? (Also, leave Engels out of your bullshit!)
Marx & Bakunin
Why is there so much fash on YT?
Comfy thread of Love/Hate
Macron, Much Like Centrism, Is a Vile Piece of Predatory Garbage
Is Richard Wolff /ourboy/?
Culture Jamming
Holla Forums seems pretty fucking male dominated. Is there a female presence here at all?
What is "postmodernism", and why do rightists like Jordan Peterson hate it so much? Is it as bad as cultural marksysm???
Brainlet here, can someone explain this to me
We're coming buckos
Right Wing SJW BTFO
Don't read if you don't want your blood to boil
Hey you!
4/pol raid/education thread
Holla Forums is asking why Fascism is such a failure. Should we help them answer it?
Fucking alt-cucks doc dropping again
What is the revolutionary potential of Africa...
History of Nationalism?
Why is the left so dead in 2017. Why don't we do shit like this anymore
Misanthropy and communism
Why are MLs so anti-YPG?
Tfw Holla Forums's boogeyman has evolved from CTR to Holla Forums
Warlocks are teaming up with far-right groups and they are going to protests now
I hate other races, but am poor and communism would be beneficial to me. and my fellow white man
Why not kill directly all the porky? Direct terrorism with popular power towards the leadership of capital and banks?
What's the difference between Lauren Southern and Anita Sarkeesian?
So lads there is seemingly going to be a debate
Calls himself a communist
First Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Donald Trump
What happened to Venezuela?
Been a frequent user of halfchan /g/ for years
Can we destroy the Roman and Orthodox Church during the revolution?
Capitalism is reaching its limits: Slavoj Žižek
This reactionary little troll finds it hilarious to post dickpics in radfem groups...
Day wuz gud bois fighting to defend Germany from them soviets
Greek antifa are seemingly not faggots
Be norway
Lula da Silva, Former Brazilian President, Convicted of Corruption
Carthage - Rome and Soviet Union - USA historicall parallels
Meme degrees
Non-marxist lefties, why not Marx?
Islamic theocrat here. I fucked up my tripcode on the last thread, and decided to make a new one...
Was Mark Fisher the last great Marxist theorist of our time? Who do we even have left at this point?
How to raise Communist children?
This is one of the Holla Forums users calling others degenerate
Yugoslav wars
Scientists warn of “biological annihilation” as Earth’s mass extinction accelerates
What happened to her?
"Redneck Revolt"
Serious question
I know you leftists will reject this as "biased"...
A V A N T - G A R D E
Who excited for an openly marxist org with over 20,000 members in the us?
Could restrictive membership be a successful recipe for Socialists in the west?
Lenin rises from his grave in russia
Southern French (Occitans)
What's your opinion on the RAF?
Can you watch porn in any form and still be a leftist?
Screencap Thread
Politcal Compass-8Values thread
Daily News Thread 7/11
Why does Holla Forums love Jordan Peterson so much?
A case for the moscow show trials part 1
"G20 Violence Prompts Calls for New Curbs on Anti-Capitalist Militants"
Are there any criticisms of market socialism and mutualism from capitalist economists?
Left-Wing Conspiracy Theorists and Leftist Conspiracies
How do we kill the 'muh democratic ownership' meme?
Humans cannot achieve Communism, but machines can...
A serious thread about sexuality in communism
Will communism make sun dresses acceptable again?
Are there any leftist or far-left parties in the US that haven't been overrun by cointelpro and what not...
Wonder Woman 2 is going to be even more reactionary then the first movie
Why was degenerate removed from the filters?
Leftypol related boards list
DPRK General
"Read Cockshott!", they said…
/leftyk/: LARPint edition
Egalitarian ethics and death-drive
In 1997 alone as many as 175,000 young women from Russia, as well as the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe...
When you die for a kurdish ethnostate and you call your self a communist HAHAHAHAHAHA HHAAHAH HA
This is what /liberty/ actually believes
I'm a Greenlandic Inuit and a Communist living a remote isolated village in Greenland that doesn't appear on any maps
Rational skeptics invaded a children's playground...
Popularisation General
Does anyone else ever feel too trashy, too dirty, and too lumpen, for the modern Left?
Stirner is a capitalist apologist
Where were you when Joy Reid solved class struggle?
Ranking soviet leaders
Encyclopedia Dramatica
Romanovs Dindu Nuffin
Why is this fucking place so hard to understand and follow
Tankies and Leninists. Is this porn revolutionary or counter revolutionary?
It's such fucking bullshit that I have to pay a shitload of money for college classes to become an EMT or eve a...
He's a socdem at best
What if Bernie Sanders was President of the United States, Jeremy Corbyn was Prime Minister of UK...
Miss me yet?
Turns out the centrist was a racist imperialist. Like clockwork
Hey Holla Forums
Should America legalize weed and why shouldn't they?
Is it valid for a reactionary to claim "the left", from tankies to liberals, caused them to become like that?
What's your level Holla Forums? Still not deep enough?
Are there any essays on UBI that goes through how we're going to get people to vote for it and what's going to have to...
Anti Americanism
Workerism is Over
What makes starship troopers a movie about fascism?
Wah wah MLs stop bullying us and showing us how to do socialism properly!
This just In, Nepal is believed to have Weapons of mass destruction and a large supply of oil...
Pride parade kicks out jews
We can all agree that anarchists are just liberals who, upon learning how terrible liberalism and capitalism are...
What the Fuck is Egoist-Communism?
Why has Chan Culture gone from liberal/socially liberal anti-authoritarian to this far right ancap/fashy bullshit...
The People's Republic Of China In The Fallout Universe
The Uninhabitable Earth
What does Holla Forums think of the fat acceptance movement?
How accurate is this?
Why come you guys hate him so much?
Why don't leftists ever acknowledge that there is a demographic replacement taking place...
Why aren't you watching Centaur no Nayami, the official Holla Forums anime of the season, comrade?
This was something
Beating the shit out of proletarians who have fallen for the racism/fascism meme will trigger revolution
Is the villain from "I know what you did last summer" /ourguy/?
US police arrest left-wing protesters, far-right blooms
Why do leftists like Chelsea Manning?
This is your warning
Socialism rankings
Has any liberal here ever had sex with Republican Women?
ITT: Marxists who are actually good, comprehensible writers
If you don't have the balls and patience to engage people in that hideous comments section from the other tab you got...
I'm from Eastern Kentucky (one of the poorest areas in the US). AMA
Why do rightists keep posting this quote on discussions of socialism?
What was the last election you voted in and who did you vote for?
South Korea AMA thread
The Zapatistas Are Running the Mexican Election
Was it imperialism?
Why did Karl Marx have against anarchism?
Feudalism 2.0
Convert me
Actually decent article from Jacobin on radical Feminism and class
I can't decide which strand of Marxism to adhere to. Everyone seems to make good points, and I vacillate between MLism...
In socialism will console wars continue...
What Happened to Increasingly Shorter Workweeks?
Hit Me With Your Best Memri TV Memes
Be me
What will happen to child leashes under communism?
What do y'all think of this?
Capitalist here, I have a few questions I hope you people can answer me
B-b-but muh GDP!!!!
No creature more evil and vile than the Latin American bourgeois neoliberal has existed or will exist
Constantly punches down on the most vulnerable of society
I am an Islamist, ama
I am a rightwinger and I have always been curious about this...
If you lefties love Mudslimes so much...
I was listening to a mainstream brazilian rapper and in one of his songs he actually mentions Marx...
*blocks your path*
So Holla Forums, what will the future look like?
Is it possible to fix the Democratic Party or are they beyond saving?
We're doomed (maybe)
What does Holla Forums think of LaVeyan Satanism
Average family life in USSR
Controversial study of African IQ levels is 'deeply flawed'
I might not agree with your ideologies, but at least you don't instantly ban anyone with a different opinion
Stirner Afterlife
What did we do wrong is Spain?
Gotta keep kicking the proles
So why do fascists call us cucks when the core of right wing ideology is licking the master's boots?
Legitimate hierarchies
Where are we heading to
How will leftists address genetic capital and the genetic sexual aristocracy...
Hardline Marxists
Communist music thread
Daily News Thread 7/8
What do you guys think of this man
Suffering in the Revolutionary Century
F R E E ☭ T I M E
Why does the left refuse to name the Jew?
Name literally one thing that is wrong with hierarchy
The Science Behind Gender
Why do you reject Chinese Socialism, Holla Forums? Is it jealousy, sectarianism or racism?
Declining rate of profit
How do you guys solve the price calculation program of a moneyless society and deal with production inefficencies...
What is leftypol stance on tipping?
Ex-Marxist exposes the frankfurt school and Marxism
Ihr habt das Auto von meinem Onkel angezündet
All of your favorite historical revolutionaries were defenders of the USSR and Stalin. So why aren't you?
Tankies and idpol nutjobs invading r/chapotraphouse halp!
What does leftypol think about antinatalism?
Redpilling opportunity
ITT: indisputably true things Holla Forums doesn't want to hear
The Red Pill documentary
Communism is free time and nothing else
Oh, boy here we go…
Someone did it! Democrats (0-4) Still Don’t Have A Message Beyond Yelling At Trump
So much for the anti rapist left!
Arranged marriages were just a society wide buddy system that revolved around pairing members of the opposite sex...
Public Opinion Survey
Democracy thread
My personal blog
DSA Monthly Member Dues
When the FUCK is shit hitting the fan?
Autism Testing
Spare change?
Tfw self-employed master race
I'm sick of being a brainlet alt-righter
Daily News Thread 7/7
Why the fuck is every fucking website full of Holla Forumsyps and why do they feel like they have to shit up everything...
When did Holla Forums become so pathetic?
Taibbi and Ames are rapists?
What if we made fake antifa events leading Holla Forums to protest in gang front related territory so they get shot and...
Guys I need help. When I was much younger, I got embroiled in race realism and got into the alt right through that...
The donbass rebellion is the closest thing to a successful socialist worker's 3rd worldist rebellion in recent history
Are traps women?
Thoughts on the g20 riots?
You guys just don't get it, the word Socialism itself is Fucked
Would you supportt any leftist movement even if it wasn't of your exact ideology?
How would you summarize late capitalism in a single image?
Not all jews are bad…
Political Evolution
European Union
"Documenting" the "people" going to Richard Spencer's "Unite The Right" Rally
Let's talk Anti-Fascism in the US
The falling rate of profit
Lefty Game Recs
Race Realism Thread
Code Geass
Why are leftcoms the only ones capable of offering a thoughtful and grounded critique of what's happening in Rojava...
Muh western civilization
ITT: Shills
Jimmy Dore's anti-Ron Paul video gets backlash from his large libertarian & fiscal conservative audience (the type that...
ITT: Things people say that make you REEEE
Give it to me straight Holla Forums, is Trump gonna win in 2020?
Back to the center, Democrats
Objective scientific movement
Daily News Thread 7/6
"Muh kurds" psyop
The Roots of Capitalism
What does Holla Forums think of Stoicism?
Exploitation of workers is wrong and stealing their surplus value must be stopped
What are your thoughts on the Party for Socialism and liberation in America??
Is displacement of ethnic majorities good or bad?
Hiroshima and Nagaski Bombings
Why are socialists today peddling cooperatives in the exact same way that the German Social Democrats did back in...
Why is drugs are so prevalent in leftist circles...
So, Holla Forums, I like proletarian/socialist/communist/etc art
Ten Super Disturbing Ways Communism Is Being Made Cool Again
Hey Holla Forums
Gaddafi Thread
Do we aid in bringing down CNN?
Least objectionable tendency
I'm a non-violent Communist and I'm getting a little weary of my comrades that support violent means...
Is vinterflamma the hottest girl on left twitter? Who are the others?
Are there any female lurking here ? just curious
Anime is one of the most Pro-Leftist fourms of media that exists today
Over 500 thousand refugees come back to syria
On the muslim question
Daily reminder that we Communists conquered half of the world. We can do better next time
Abolishion of commodity production
Hey dudes...
Really made me think
Liberals are getting scared of a potential American Jezza in 2020
I can't find any Pernti thread in the catalog
Closet Capitalism
Does anyone have that webm where the whole concept of 'state capitalism' is dismantled?
Daily News Thread 7/5
What if I told you that this so-called "accelerationism" is really just "giving capitalists everything they want until...
Are antifa real leftists or just violent SJWs?
If you can get rid of all capitalism's contradictions by abolishing wage labour why not just do that while keeping...
Here's what I got out of reading this comic:
Has anyone else noticed that much of the acceptable progressive...
Japanese Genocide
Stop sexualizing anime children
How does this comment make you feel?
Do anarchists even have any kind of unified theory comparable to Marxism?
WTF is Leftism?
What has to be abolished for socdem to work up to your standards?
CNN Blackmailing the video dude
Worker Surplus is not real
Rojava General: Tears of the Turk Edition
When did YOU first realize that you actually love Lenin?
Behold: The maoists worst nightmare
What should DPRK do to better itself as a society?
Is the LGBT movement idpol? A lot of people seem to support theme here
According to dialectical materialism...
Could this book help benefit Holla Forums? We can have a bigger outreach
And you say Idpol is bad lmao
Our boy Richard Wolff pointed out that one of the main problems of the USSR was that those who were in charge of the...
Why exactly doesn't the "roads" argument against "an"caps work not apply to actual anarchists...
Do Americans realize that Thomas Jefferson is rolling in his grave?
Communalism is BS
"""White Student Union"""
How many ya'll burning flags tonight!!!!!!!!
In the spirit of July 4th
User why haven't you converted to Islam yet?
TFW just now learning about the extent of American involvement in coups, wars...
Can we have a discussion about how out of touch the American middle class is from the rest of us shabby poorfucks?
Death of liberalism and the left
How do you respond to this post from /r/neoliberal in reference to Bernie Sanders calling open borders a Koch brothers...
Muh Natural Rights
What countries currently have the greatest lefty potential?
Daily News Thread 7/4
What is Holla Forums view about the porn industry?
A new one!
Ukrainian Black Army
On Un De La Roo
Let's Try That Again - Planet naming
"Everyday We Stray Further From God's Light..."
Social democracy
Jacob Rees Mogg the conservative corbyn
How do we convert /r9k/?
Neo-liberal Opposition to Immigration
This apparently got deleted before I could post my reply, but I'd like to make it anyway, in case he's still lurking
YouTube keeps inserting race realist videos into my recommended feed...
Would you work in a post-scarcity society?
Why is pointing out that the USSR was an imperialist power not allowed on here...
4th of july thread
Tech obsolesce and socialism
Healthcare is not needed in socialism
What does Holla Forums think of the Buddha?
Why do a lot of atheists don't like communism ?
Thoughts on pan-africanism/african internationalism?
Steven Crowder harasses immigrants
Emmanuel Macron says France needs a King
I have some Nazi friends that are usually retards that do not have a clue about politics, history and economy
Is there any fucking hope for the left. The working class are reactionary as fuck...
Reddit and its form (/r/ultraleft)
The Venezuelan opposition are just a bunch of ignorant terrorists
Has your high school indoctrinated you into cultural marxism?
Dear Leftcoms, if you were Stalin in 1924, what would have you done different? I'm genuinely curious...
This is obviously off topic, but i'm genuinely curious, i hope mods will allow this one
Neoliberal New-speak
Leftypol & OWS
Antifa labeled domestic terrorists by NJ Homeland Security
But isn't it true that to be a proper Marxist today, and here I disagree with my good friend Alain Badiou...
What do we do about the liberal question?
Seriously Holla Forums...
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...