Cop accidentally frames himself planting drugs on body camera footage

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D-Delet this baka…

Note to self: Create a cop version of the Shlomo Shekelstein meme to post for the next thread like this.

porky works, too

I'm just surprised with all the info coming out about police corruption, that people are still willing to suck cop dick.

It's shitty but it's partly orders from above.
Or trying to apply capitalistic logic to a public service


cops are pigs, news at 11

It's the type of philosphy behind programs like CompSTAT : presupposing there is a certain amount of crimes happening in a neighborhood every month, and having to arrest at least a fixed minimum number of people to meet your monthly goals, that kind of things.
Also, watch The Wire if you haven't already.


we shouldn't do anything about this, there should be no protests, people should stay at home


Kill the police, then the jews don't have their workforce.

Desensitise yourself to bloodshed.

but that won't abolish the value form and there will still be firms

Police are a vanguard in their desired "race war", it literally DOESN'T matter how corrupt they are, as long as that corruption is directed to brown/black people. America is a fucking shithole.

Which just goes to show how fucking dumb they are because more white people get killed than blacks and latinos combined.

Of course at this point I would have probably quit from the massive corruption either way.

Yeah but whites in america are servile bootlickers (the majority anyway), so it doesn't matter to them.

Damn dudeis that true?

This is why Black Lives Matter is trying to change their message and be more inclusive. The stats show that EVERYONE is getting killed by cops at massively higher rates than other civilized countries and they keep getting away with it.

It's not just killings though. Black/Latinos get stopped at insanely higher rates than whites even though whites are far more likely to have drugs on them, specially rich whites. All of this are problems that BLM is trying to bring to the fore.

Holy Shit I thought this bullshit only happens in my 3rd world country.

Fuck off with this shit, I hate faggots who post this every single time somebody with authority does something shitty and there's always someone kicking the culpability higher up. Would you feel comfortable working in a benefits denial office turning down disabled peoples' welfare because you have to eat and that's you job? If not, stop posting these fucking inane responses.

At least according to the Guardian's tracker, yeah. I'm sure at any given time it varies but whenever I take a look at it twice as many crackers are killed than blacks or Latinos.

It's why I laugh at people that freak out about terrorism. Since 9-11 cops have killed more Americans than have died in the attack and the wars since then. 3000+ people a year. It's insane.

Are they? All I ever hear is about them telling whites they aren't invited or aren't allowed to do this or that or blah blah blah, so that's a good change.


lol no.

So who will be the vanguard other than trained officers/veterans?

The police are just a government approved mafia. You even pay protection money in the form of taxes. Pay enough protection money, especially without the government middle man, and they'll let you get away with anything.

Have the audacity to be poor, however, and expect endless woe from the pigs.

Yeah because white people make up the majority of the country. Per capita blacks are 3x more likely to be killed by police. This is fucking Holla Forumsyp tier.

≥This is fucking Holla Forumsyp tier.
Only if you're the sort of faggot that tries to quantify points for your stupid oppression Olympics

Don't try to turn this around on me. You're the one who was tallying up the score.

What are you on about ? I never said cops were pure paragons of virtue who become asshole to the sole influence of their higher-ups, just that they are some structures and systems behind who push them to be worse than they would be without them.
You sound like a juvenile anarcho-liberal who just discovered punk radicalism and squats tbh. If you can't get into structural analysis of any kind, you should stop posting here and go back to spray ACAB on walls with your blue-haired trans-pansexual smashie friends. And make sure you don't read anyone like Marx and Bourdieu so you can stay offended by individuals and single companies doing nasty shit and keep your moral high-ground instead of seeing the bigger picture.

Except that isn't how it works at all.

Cops don't give a shit about actual crime. Watch some documentaries on serial killers sometime and feel disgusted when you learn how many of them were able to get away with so many murders because the police blew off highly suspicious incidents. One of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims actually managed to escape and ran, naked and bleeding, to the police and the fucking cops returned him back to Dahmer.

It's not a score you massive faggot, it's just a statistic. Holla Forumsyps line up to lick cop taint while cops murder white people in the street. It's a glaring contradiction.

The only people that care about that per capita shit are hypocrite id pol cucks, because if they really gave a shit about who was the "most oppressed" the per capita for American Indians is almost double that for black people, so feel free to go get fucked.

Right because looking at what communities are disproportionately affected by certain institutional abuses has no merit outside of the "oppression olympics".
Yeah dude because I didn't list the rate at which the police murder every single minority in this country I must not know or care about anything not related to black people. You fucking got me.

Why are cops even able to turn off body cams? It should be an instant dismissal not to turn them on at the start of shift and leave them until the second you clock out.

Privacy most likely. Nobody wants film of their dick taking a piss.


Alright my dude, benefit of the doubt time. Help me out a little. What good is pointing out the per capita if the number of one people killed is objectively half that of another? At the end of the day you still have more of group A dead than group B, but when you get down to the brass tacks both are part of the overall group of working people. Dollars to donuts, if you went through the profile of every single person killed they might be black, or white, educated, or not educated, but every last one a member of the working class.

So what does pointing out the per capita do besides say "yeah more of A got killed than B, but B counts more" ?

Obviously police reform is going to be a net benefit across the spectrum but I think identifying why certain groups are experiencing police abuse at higher rates than others can be useful in developing informed and effective reform that can provide immediate relief to those communities.

This can have some pretty funny results.
It's only mentioned briefly but Adam Curtis' "The Trap" episode 2 still has me laughing when it notes how Blairite attempts to set targets for public services crashed and burned.

I agree with you.

Uh, hi, I'm a honky with several deer rifles.

I could clean my city of brownies/darkies/other undesirables within two weeks during a time of great strife/no functional police force.

So, yes, PLEASE eliminate the cops.

Then I can safely eliminate YOU.



you'll get your face crushed on the pavement before sundown lmao

I suspect that's a little more accurate for the whites than it is for blacks. The thing about being black is it's a shorthand for poverty, powerlessness, and lack of social status. It's like walking around with a tattoo on your forehead that says "Nobody important will ever believe I didn't deserve it".


it checks out

The black bourgeoisie is actually pretty safe though.

They have guns but they use them sideways. Hello! The gun is meant to be shot the other way lol. They don't RESPECT the GUN and therefor do no deserve the right to own one. And also can't use it to defend themselves, since they're shooting it wrongly.

Uh huh

good luck getting some stinky kurds to fly over during a time of strife with their weapons

honestly remove the heavy police presence that was at those campus riots completely and I highly doubt antifags would come out on top arms-wise as it descended into deadly violence
I'd respect them more if they actually had guns, the amount of you retarded Americans who have the right to bear arms and don't fucking use it is crazy to a yuro like me

0/10 almost got me

The conservatives passed anti-gun laws over in California specifically because leftists were arming themselves

Remember earlier this week when those cops shot an Australian woman THAT CALLED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE and their bodycams were off by coincidence?

Oh look at European thats never set foot on our continent telling us how we think

Why aren't their riots over this right now? Here's definitive proof the police are more criminal than the people they lock up. And your casual American seems to find this unimportant.

There's no time for this! We have to figure out why a pretty blonde white lady was so tragically gunned down by a heartless Somali cop loose cannon.

here, maybe use this as a model

go away little man

t. strawman

Ugh. Are people still talking about that?


Cops are fucking bastards, but "private security" is truly the worst. The people who provide protection to the wealthy/celebrities, and their property for financial gain deserve punishment more harsh than gulag.

Why can’t we have a non-racial police reform movement.

How so?

Blacks experience higher rates of police abuse because blacks live in high population density urban areas with a heave police presence. Whites are more likely to live in rual areas where the only cops around are elected sherifs. When material conditions are controlled for the likely hood for police violence is probably much similer between the races.

can confirm

They don't need to fly over here, because a bunch of US have flown over there and at some point they're gonna come back. In fact I'm pretty sure that's exactly who that picture is of, it's not kurds its international volunteers!

Are you completely retarded? You can't properly understand the implications of a set of data without taking proportions into account, that much should be obvious to anyone with a functioning brain.


bad workers