Muh western civilization


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western civilization is so powerful that all it takes to destroy it is muslim immigrants existing.
also fucking wew lad at that nationalist dog whistling. I'm not one to overreact at Trump or call him a fascist but talking about "our people" being under attack smells fishy to me.

More patriarchs should be bleeding if you know what I mean


The Ottoman Empire and Constantinople contributed more to western civilization than any slav country. Don't @ me

People who go on and on about "Western values" all day long are usually incapable of even defining what those values supposedly are. This is the epitome of feels > reals.

Just not the brown ones, right?

neocon saudi wahhabists get the bullet too comrade

Western civilization == white people

Shitskins. Out.

Seperation of church and state
Equality under the law

Not hard.

western values for the right usually means the same kind of individual freedom and autonomy they want to crush in the name of capitalism.

What "patriarchs" is he talking about? Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

I want to kms

Free markets crush freedom apparently. What world do you live in?

Rightists talk about Western values but they all agree constitutional rights like freedom of expression shouldn't exist (Leftypol is annoyingly guilty of this too sometimes) as long as "commies" (people who want a higher minimum wage and regulations on banks gambling with derivatives lol) exist
The enlightenment was what severed the "west" as a civilization, and they hate everything it stands for (communism being the rational conclusion of the enlightenment project)

Western Civ = Greece/Rome

Not Gauls


Get out


Really gets the noggin joggin.

Do you know how long the rest of the planet looked at Western Europe worse than Africa

Those are liberal values, not "Western" values. They've only been hegemonic in the West for a few centuries at best.

the real world where a powerful minority of capitalists use their influence to restrict individual autonomy.

Well, it got you elected so it's already pretty broken.

Well, they're what makes the "west" great
Them and the legal/Justice system that comes from them

You're right, classic "Western" values have been stacking stones on top of one another while the rest of the planet was mastering complex architecture and philosophy and mysteries, charging at people with nothing but loin cloths.

Classic Western Europe. Longer than even feudalism.


Really supercharges my neuronic circuits.

Why aren't you protesting? You used to protest the G20?

What happened, Righty?


lel they're gonna prep the bull later that night


Black cuckold fetishists are racists with humiliation fetishes


Why aren't you protesting? You used to protest the G20?

What happened, Righty?

back to reddit

And here we have the crux of the matter. Right wingers at this point literally don't give a fuck what trump does anymore, as long as the """"leftists"""" are butthurt.

Even if trump would cause total nuclear fallout
and they would be drudging across the wasteland as a mutated monstrosity and still
they would be muttering "take that libruls".

do you think about black cock a lot?

Hegemonic in the West since the French Revolution at best. Japan also has separation of church and state and all the jazz, and that doesn't make them "Japanese values".


wrong fucking image goddammit matt why do you do this to me

I like how he used civilisation values as a buzzword and never listed single one, since he is the one who is against them.

Rome isn't, west chosen Greece over Rome
Rome is similar to Mohism, Islam, Aztecs for example, up this alley

America isnt western civilization tbh

Constantinople did
Ottomans didnt, the turks were a menace that just looted and burned the libraries, strangled trade and the freedom of information between east and west and did nothing but grow fat off the slaving of their religious slave caste

Trump totally isn't a cryptofascist though right.


The legal/Justice system covers for police brutality and porky's crimes while punishing the working class and poor to absurd degrees. If that's what western civilization brings, then the third worldists might be on to something.

Western civilization is the birthplace of the idea where it is normal to question what someone tells you and doubt whether it is true
the birthplace of the idea that every person is free to form their own independent opinion and those opinions should be shared peaceably and debated tbh
you can hate imperialism but you cant hate the ideals of the man who's philosophy was responsible for the foundation of thinking and speaking freely without fearing recompense

you are confusing turks with mongols

both such but mongols were infinitely worse for for "western civilization"

Mongols reopened trade between east and west under Genghis, Ogedei, Hulagu and Kublai Khan
it was the turks and the caliphate that strangled trade
Mongols benefitted Western civilization immensely when they torched Baghdad and built mountains of skulls from the heads of the arrogant muslims that dared to treat Genghis Khan with impudence and hostility in response to his message of mutual friendship and trade
the Mongols would only start harming the west after the traitor Berke converted to Islam, betrayed and murdered his uncle Hulagu, fractured the Mongol Empire into a loose collection of chiefdoms and sent the Golden Horde west to pillage and raid Eastern Europe


you know what I mean you pedantic fuck
he proposed the idea that all things should be doubted
he spread the idea that the oh so great and true democracy of Athens that was oh so perfect and democratic should be doubted
inspiring the youth to doubt the sacrosanct state was why he was sentenced to death

Why were polish people licking his ass so much? Why those motherfuckers are so ungrateful??

Fuck your division. Every single worker is part of the working class.

Poland was overrun with propaganda from the church since the 80s. Blame John Paul II

When nationalism means being against both Russia and the EU: your choice in wanking off GPs is either America or China.

It's a sham.

truly rustles the noodles


the West needs the equivalent of anti-Japaneseism tbh:

Slavs are the only good white people.

That could be applicable to every ex eastern bloc country

literally straight out of the goebbels playbook
people forget, but the nazis were big on portraying ww2 as a battle for european civilisation against "judeo bolshevism"


Tucker is such a dumb name.

when will this end

kek, pretty much the entire fascistic narrative is built around this doublethink

Every name ending in -er is.

I almost read it as "patricians" at first, which almost made me do a little wince of disdain

He means "white people" doesn't he?


there's a reason nazi spergs are overjoyed with this speech on twitter
"western" has always been a code for whiteness


What else would it mean, to anyone that's not a muh magic soil civic nationalist that thinks some FOB Asian is "just as much" a member of whichever country in which he's resident as a native because he dropped ~$1 million for an "investor's visa"?

What the fuck is that cunt wearing ?

b-b-b-but her emails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Holla Forums is responsible for this for being idealogical purists

A sash stained with the blood of innocent Quebecois handed down to him by his father, Pierre "Independence Death Sentence" Trudeau.

"freedom and happiness" that objective measure of goodness that America invented apparently.

Slavs, swedes, and basically every non-anglo European was once considered "non-white." It's a fabrication.

Trudeau likes to sample ethnic clothing. if anyone else did it as much as he did they would be accused of "cultural appropriation."

The tree of liberty needs to be fed the blood of patriarchs

Holy shit what a fucking loser of a PM. Is canada cucked in idpol even more than the US?

That's just leftism

True, but the nation is the people - and most of the people covered under "Western civilisation" are pretty fucking white. It's only globalist neoliberals that have boiled "Western civilisation" down to a few liberal platitudes about FREEDOM, RIGHTS and DEMOCRACY

It's 2017, come on

His father, a close friend of Castro, enacted a brief period of Fascism to destroy a Marxist revolutionary group.

"White" in the physical sense I mean, not as some sort of transcendent identity à la Richard "No Homo" Spencer's latest inane ramblings



It wouldn't mean anything else, that's the thing. It's just been covered up for a long time to make white supremacy more palatable. The language of "defending the West" is straight out of the fascist playbook. Hitler and Goebbels used the exact same crap to defend invading the USSR (the "Asiatic hordes" led by "Judeo Bolshevik" commissars).

It's quite remarkable how all the repackaged fascist shit that has been bubbling since 1945 is finally coming to the fore. White nationalism, scientific racism, segregationist rhetoric, the "clash of civilisations" narrative, antisemitism. It's all rearing its head.

I just read. Why would based gusano slayer have anything to do with that cunt? And why canada fell again in "le handsome PM" meme?

he isn't hitler, but he does use fascist rhetoric and embolden fascist movements

m8 a handful of alt-right shitposters don't really constitute "OMG it's 1933 all over again, oy gevalt!"

It's not just a few shitposters though. Ukraine has NATO backed neo-nazis running around all over the place. NATO itself was riddled with ex-nazis who rehabilitated the Wehrmacht and SS post-war (people like Paul Hausser). It shares the same anti-communist roots and it keeps expanding and destabilising Europe and the Middle East.

Loads of European countries have fascist (or proto-fascist) parties with parliamentary seats, and people like Marine Le Pen rack up millions of votes. Petty bourgeois fucks like Richard Spencer call for ethnic cleansing. I'm continually reminded of Lothrop Stoddard's The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy and Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race (Hitler's "bible") when I see this white nationalist stuff popping up. Fascism never really died, it just suited up and left the jackboots and skinheads behind. Is it any surprise that the current economic malaise is leading to a resurgence of fascism?

Like universalism, liberty, equality, fraternity? Right-wingers shouldn't be allowed to claim the western legacy to themselves. Socialism is completely part of the western philosophical tradition.

Exactly, the only utility those ex-Nazis had was that they were vicious opponents to "communism" i.e. the USSR. As soon as they ceased to be necessary they were abandoned. This is symptomatic of the Left's monomaniacal obsession with Hitler, and the inability to view any tectonic change in underlying social realities as "literally 1933 all over again". You have to be pretty fucking deep in doublethink to believe that a country that arrests people for the slightest criticism of African refugees is really some hotbed of far-Right nationalism.


And exactly how much political influence/power does Dicky "No Homo" Spencer wield, compared to his media coverage? For all the histrionics about his existence you'd think he was Trump's VP, when really he's just a guy elevated into the spotlight purely because he's an attention whore, and who spends more time debating the implicit whiteness of The Lion King than, y'know, being involved in American politics

The rehabilitation of fascism continues to this day. NATO hasn't gone away, nor has America's anticommunist crusade all over the world, as shown by their efforts at toppling Venezuela and continued embargo on Cuba.
If we are concerned, then it's for good reason, given how crushing the left is the driving force behind all fascist movements, hence why the German communists were the first targets in 1933. So when you see people at right wing rallies waving "anti-communist action" flags and calling for throwing leftists out of helicopters, yeah, that's alarming. No different to Mussolini calling to "smash the heads of the Socialists".
Also those arrests for criticising refugees, even if they happen, do not mean a thing compared to the treatment of migrants or the NATO backed destabilisation of countries like Libya and Syria which led to the whole problem.
Didn't say we're at 1933 redux, but we could well be soon. the NSDAP went from 2.6% of the vote in 1928 to 18% in 1930. Things can change insanely fast, even more so in the globalised world in which we live where events are outside individual control more than ever.
Not much direct power, but he is very influential and has helped to make fascist beliefs much more widespread than they have been in the US in decades. His elevation into the spotlight says a lot about the nature of the bourgeois media too.