What if the USSR was still around?

So I've got a question, specifically with leadership?
If the USSR and if you want the Eastern Bloc was still around today, who the fuck would lead the countries?
We'll go with one of three scenarios
Scenario 1) Gorbachev is NEVER elected into the Soviet Union, so who's his replacement and would they still rule today, if not, then who is the current leader in 2017
Scenario 2) Gorbachev is elected and the Eastern Bloc collapses like it does in our timeline but Gorby is ousted by the attempted Coup that happened irl in the USSR, will the coup have a leader or will it just be basically a council? Does the USSR still dissolve?
Scenario 3) Everything stays the same up until the election after Yeltzin's first term, but this time either the US doesn't alter the election because they're so confident or alternatively get caught, or the people have a revolution against Yeltzin and the Communist Party is placed as the head the the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, what do they do now since the Russians have decided they like Socialism (going by the Leninist term here, for you Anarchists). Does the US fall flat on its face now or just starve the Russians out with embargoes like they've done with Cuba and Korea?


But in all honestly, with the U.S.'s track record, number 3 probably with embargoes.

Romanov(the soviet official not the royalty)takes power and the ussr stays afloat

Russia could do well in scenario three, even with embargo. Here’s how.

1. Russians do heavy investment into creating genticly modified food which can grow in Russian Tundra and Arctic.

2. With step 1 completed Russians now have a good food supply. Now they invest heavily in created the technology required to extract minerals below dozen soil in Siberia. (minerals are very hard to extract in this reason, because of the nature of the soil. However, despite this the soil is very mineral rich)

Alternatively Gorbachev could come to power. Make the USSR more transparent and shit. However he wouldn’t be an incomplete fuck so the USSR would still survive.

Hahahahahahahaha how the fuck are leaders real hahahaha nigga just give all power to the soviets like nigga how are you gonna have a dictatorship of the proletariat otherwise haha

Assuming Trump is still in power in the alternate timeline he'd probably pull a Kennedy and be like

Hillary's position would be a Nixon

Would’ve been great, especially if the USSR maintained there state socialist economic structure then proceeded to punish China for there revisionism. Trump would have to help them in order to increase American manufacturing.

In scenario one all I can think is Poland probably going to stick out like a massive sore thumb and East Germany perhaps going full retard like they did in our timeline by doing a "hiccup" in pronouncing and have them Unite

The real dream would've been instead of complete capitulation to capitalism there was a second socialist revolution in 1989-92, the revisionists were all gulaged, and the workers were put back in control. It could've been beautiful, the world's second largest economy with probably the largest industrial base being tailored to produce plenty for the proletariat and shooting ahead to become the world's largest economy.

Even if it wasn't FALC perhaps it could've been luxury socialism instead. Maybe in the alternate timeline Soviet teens get on the internet to laugh at American maymays and import vidya, insanely alienated autistic behavior, novelty junk food and novelty commodities like the fidget-spinner.

The US is the Soviet Japan with the workforce working 60+hrs a week to fulfill all the orders from the USSR to fulfill Trump's promise to revitalize American manufacturing. The average Soviet youth working a small part-time job after school makes more then the average red-blooded American middle-aged Trump supporter. China's economy is in complete collapse with American competition, declining US spending power, and being completely locked out of the Soviet economy. Economic crisis in China forces a transmigration of millions upon millions of Chinese to Africa, which is thriving thanks to Soviet aid, only to be met on the beaches by Soviet-built electric fences.

The latter two paragraphs, of course are just fantasies and what-ifs, but the first one was supposed to happen damn it. But history failed to turn as they say…

*chuckle at insanely alienated

In all honesty what countries in scenario 1 do you think would still leave? My money is on Poland and I'm 50/50 on East Germany. That is if the Polish aren't met by Tanks

Scenario 4) The Tiananmen Square protests are successful, Maoism makes a return to China, and there is a second Russian Civil War with a Red Army backed by the Chinese and a White Army of 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧reformers🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 with American equipment.

Wait…what? That's what the protests were about or are you just meming?

Partially, they were mainly about political freedoms but a lot of people were also angry about the turn towards capitalism. While in the long run it actually did a lot to help people it was initially unpopular due to a surge in inequality.

There were some liberals there, but crowds of students were caught on camera singing the Internationale.


Huh thought it was just a bunch of liberals. Who knew?

Afternoon fellow kids

it would most likely end up like china today

It already did, just with more Chaos and less government control. Nowadays Putins Russia is state capitalist, just like China.

ITT we are discussion if the USSR didn't fall

Free Software would finally have a home

God bless the KPRF

The USSR was doomed to collapse the moment Stalin declared state capitalism = socialism. State capitalism carries with it all the class contradictions of private capitalism but ensures that the state is bogged down by an ever-increasing level of corruption even worse than private capitalism's problem.

They're shameless tankies.

Isn't the anti-anarchist argument from MLs usually that because we refuse to seize state power we are more vulnerable to imperialism? If so, what's your problem with creating a state?

I'm critical of 20th century anarchism for different reasons but the ML critique contradicts itself:
>lmao imperialists gonna take your stateless territory, you don't realize you need a party that stands above the soviets and gulags for socialism to function

See China

Look at the scenarios. Which outcomes creates a USSR version of China

It would've practiced Social Democracy in One Country probably

What about human nature? How about that?

it's also human nature to bleed