Political Evolution

What was your political evolution?
Mine goes like this:
apolitical - conservative - far right conspiract theorist - moderate Eisenhower style conservative - centrist - Keynesian liberal - social democrat - Eugene V Debs style Democratic Socialist- Marxist - Marxist-Deleonism

ignorant Distributist -> ignorant Stalinist -> vague progressive -> vague socialist -> cult of Luxemburg

Fundie -> Generic conservative -> Nazi -> vulgar ML
Basically I got around to reading Marx and realized that Capitalism was inherently self-destructive and that the only way for humanity to progress is to abandon it.


fundie neocon (middle schooler who thought the REAL edginess was listening to your parents) -> libertarianism -> liberalism -> social democracy -> democratic socialism -> non-denominational marxism/orthodox marxism

Apolitical > Liberal > Progressive > Succdem > DemSoc > Socialist > Leftcom (but not revisionist anti lenin faggotry)

Radical centrist -> liberal -> progressive -> market socialist

George Bush conservative, Alex Jones/Ron Paul Conservative, Generic libertarian, Bernie Sanders Liberal - Socialist libertarian - most recent political test said I'm a leftcom.

I would vote for my countries ML party if they were more popular and could win a seat.

why were you a liberal twice

Conservative -> Far right illuminati conspiracy retard -> Libertarian (Capitalist) -> Democrat (with a little Libertarian streak) -> Social Democrat -> Democratic Socialist -> Socialist -> Marxist -> Marxist-Leninist -> Libertarian Communist with Communalist characteristics.
I would probably still be a Capitalist Libertarian if Bernie hadn't opened my eyes.

Apolitical -> Liberal -> Market Socialist/Titoist


Lukacsian Leninism

Hoo boy

Centrist > conservative > Nazi > Italian fascist > Catholic monarchist > socdem > gommie > ML > socialist with Cuban characteristics > leftcom > Luxemburg-chan fanboy

Liberal > Libertarian > Ancap > SocDem > Socialist

Child of petty criminal family in a shit city, so kind of fetishize black market activity -> socdem -> liberal -> socdem -> demsoc -> You levelled up! -> leftcom/council communist

Liberal (starting point) ->
Marxist (basically ML; first introduction to Marx, later select pieces of "ML canon") ->
Socdem (disillusionment with the Marxist project and it's failure to make meaningful headway in the modern day) ->
Marxist (re-examination of fundamental principles as well as expanding beyond just "ML canon") ->
Libertarian Marxist (something close to Councilism; adoption of a proper political program and rejection of ML) ->
Anarchist (application of prior theory using alternative methodology among other things)

Left liberal -> conservative -> ancap -> alt-right (quite a few flavors of it) -> primitivist -> an-com after reading Marx and Kropotkin and realizing that "industrial society" really just referred to capitalism and state socialism all along

Left liberal -> conservative -> ancap -> alt-right (quite a few flavors of it) -> primitivist -> an-com after reading Marx and Kropotkin and realizing that "industrial society" really just referred to capitalism and state socialism all along

apolitical (read: child)> liberal (because my parents were)>fascist (because my parents weren't)>ML>anarchist>leftcom

apolitical - primmie/nihilist - ancom

Conservative Republican > Libertarian (but I mainly was focused on maximizing personal freedoms and not as much on economics) > Rational Skeptic Liberal > Socdem > Ancom (For literally two weeks) > Marxist > Strange concoction of orthodox Marxism, Leninism, Cockshottism and if I'm being honest, a tankie sympathy.

Knowing jack shit about politics-> NaturalNews reading organic eco-loony-> liberal progressive succdem type that dabbled a little in alt-lite memery towards more recent years-> learning the truth about Communism thru memes-> an actual Posadist.

Lolbert > Proto-Berniecrat > Socialist > Ancom/Ansyn

apolitical -> Titoist

Read a bunch of ancap shit like the Austrian calculation argument. Didn't make me go ancap but since I had no answer for it I went centrist liberal. Only cockshott saved me from believing socialism is impossible

For those with more than a few political transitions how are any of us supposed to believe that your current interest in Leftist politics isn't another passing phase?

liberal –→ edgy anti sjw liberal → anarchist → lenninst

Nordic model advocate > Anarchist > "Rational" Democrat-voting liberal > Leninist

Libertarian -> Social Democrat -> Libertarian Marxist -> Marxist-Leninist.

Lets see: Libertarian -> Holla Forums -> liberal -> Holla Forums -> Stirner -> …

Vague left-liberal > Centrist > Right-libertarian > Fascist and sympathetic to nazism > apolitical because depressed as fuck> Discover an interest in philosophy > The more I read, the more Left I became > I'm now a full-blown marxist

Tfw reading turned me into a commie

apolitical > pro-capitalist > ayn rand drone > Holla Forums neo-nazi retard > finally read a bunch of books instead of just reading internet comments > Egoist

A lot of people here passed through Holla Forums. It's true that we hate our past selfs lol. We were immature as fuck. Good thing we grew the fuck up.

liberal - raging liberal - found myself drifting conservative after being on 4chan for long enough - became full leftist in reaction to Holla Forums - not sure what I am now, haven't found my label but I sure as fuck am some offshoot of libertarian socialist


Conservative -> Libertarian -> American Liberal -> Communist -> Anarchist -> Can we just kill porky now?

Social Democrat - Market Socialist - Communist

Apolitical → Liberal → Quasi Tankie (because I felt bad for the USSR and all the propaganda attacking it) → Democratic Socialist → Vauge leftist → Quasi Maoist (I thought the little red book was nice) → (reading starts here) some undefined/-specified Marxism → Communalism → "Left communist", or that's at lest what people call me

apolitical > edgy teenager communist/anarchist phase > even edgier conservative mixed with a bit of "libertarianism" > succdem I guess > general left > anarchist

Liberal → Fascist → Libertarian → Islamist → Neoliberal/Centrist (recovery mode after realizing how right-wing I'd become) → Marxist

I'm sorry, what?

apolitical -> Holla Forumsack -> subconscious socdem (I didn't know what to call my views back then but it was pretty much socdem) -> generic socialist -> anarcho-communist

Yes. I was extremely religious for some time and, ironically, Holla Forums pushed me towards it. I believed their nonsense about Islam taking over "western civilization", and it was very empowering to feel like I could be a part of that.

Apolitcal -> Conservatism (Blind) -> Anarcho-Capitalist (Blind) -> Liberal (Blind) -> Progressive -> Laissez-Faire -> Socialism -> Anarcho-Communist

apolitical - anarchist - anarchist - anarchist

Social Democrat-Marxist-Leninist-Anarcho-Communist-Anarcho-Syndicalist

Conservative -Nationalist -Succdem -Demsoc -ML -Ancom -Leftcom

Socdem > "Centrist" > AnCom > Market Socialist > Marxist

Completely ignorant > hates conservatives > slight left leaning populist > anarchism seems really interesting > Insu Antifa> Ancomish > Individualist > Agorist > dude capitalism is theft > Individualist

apolitical > lmao foreigners dude > lmao racism dude > lmao capitalism dude

General Skeptic and Libertarian (socially, I honestly never understood economics good enough at the time to have any real opinion)- Heavily libertarian "DemSoc" as I believed Marxism was the only "form" of communism- Leninist (kind of as I thought of Lenin as a libertarian socialist figure at the time as I did not know of Anarchism)- Anarchism

Apolitical christian → floating lib-soc dem → generic demsoc → demsoc in the streets, marxist in the sheets.

Centrist "both sides are bad" meme 14 year old ->
Edgelord Atheist -> vague anti-imperialism and anti-capitalism, thanks Bush -> wikipedia-tier libertarian socialist -> organized Syndicalist -> Communist without adjectives.

I'm still organized in an anarcho-syndicalist union though I don't consider myself an anarchist. I feel direct action is probably one of the most important principles for anyone who considers themself sympathetic to revolution and so I still have respect for anarchism though. Anyone who wants to topple porky is a comrade of mine.

are you still an atheist?
you shouldn't bash it honestly, it's a sort of anarchism, a liberation from ideology. Religion is political.

Apolitical centrist -> socdem -> Marxist-Leninist -> communist


Social libertarian - ignorant liberal - informed liberal - Rawlsian left liberal - Rawlsian left liberal isolationist/anti-imperialist/statist social democrat - liberal socialist - left libertarian - libertarian Marxist

Before I became familiar with socialism, I used to support the "liberal green party" for years. This kind of parties are very attractive if you're not very political, but you feel there's something wrong with the system.

Liberal > Libertarian >Ancap > National Syndicalist > 'Strasserist > Marxist Leninist.

Liberal -> apathetic -> ironic communist -> unironic communist

Thank you based Corbyn for the hope.

Ignorant cuckservative -> lolbert -> slightly closer to center lolbert -> center libertarian (realizing wait there's literally no theory for this) -> generic libertarian socialist -> Luxemburgist

Oh yeah also before I just became generic libertarian socialist I was a market socialist

This is when I started subbing to things like r/HailCorporate and then onto /r/LSC
MLK/MalcomX Quotes about classes, capitalism, and equality gave me ideological boners
This is where I gave communism a fair chance. Read the principles of communism and I was sold, tried reading state and rev but it fucking sucked, state just withering away? Give me a break
Read the breadbook and learning about direct action was fucking great, joined AF and started wheatpasting around my city
Eh, I'm not fully subscribed to anarchism, I don't think a communist revolution can easily happen just like that. Truthfully, idk what I support, I think that hierarchies are lame-o and can't wait for technology to be able to distribute resources efficiently though.

purely idpol liberal → pro-welfare state liberal → socdem → demsoc

problem's were not found, there wasn't a single point in my life when I would be a libertarian, fash or even slightly conservative

i.e. one mental breakdown away from becoming a tankie

apolitical -> liberal -> le enlightened centrist -> libertarian capitalist cuck -> conservative -> far-right -> NAZI -> fascist -> stopped believing in the left or right spook -> anti-democratic, anti-capitalist 3rd p

Come at me.

don't even have to

tbh I'm willing to bet within a year you'll self terminate

How the fuck did so many of you wind up being fascists

Liberal > Neocon > Civic Nationalist > Fascist > WN/Ethnic Nationalist/NotSoc/Traditionalist/Ancap (Peak Cancer) > Market Socialism > LeftCom

Americans are huge edgelords


edgy succdem -> ancom -> just anarchist with green leanings

Its been said that fascism is capitalism in decline.
If you do not understand the basis for the decline and the reasons behind the crises of capitalism, its pretty easy to drift towards increasingly authoritarian (idpol) politics.
The idea being that it´s not the system that is flawed, but that its corrupting influences are responsible for its malfunction (Mainly attributed to social deviancy, migrants, other races, etc.).

The problem stems from trying to explain social and economic decline from demographic and cultural changes (superstructure), rather than examining the nature of the system. (base)

Centrist liberal -> libertarian -> left liberal -> social democrat -> marxist-leninist -> badiouian maoist -> insurrectionist -> accelerationist -> post-deleuzian aristocratic communizateur

Because they were (and still are) lemmings. They can feel there's something wrong with the system, but fail to pinpoint it. So they go from moderate to half-baked fascist to half-baked leftist on a dime!

Apolitical→Ancap lite→SocDem→Communalist→Apolitical. Should never have cared in the first place since we're all fucked at this point.

left liberal -> liberal edgy centrist -> left liberal now with more idpol -> socdem -> demsoc -> ironic communist -> marxist niw for real -> some sort of anarchist -> communalist -> just some sort of libertarian communist idk, sort of just looting the free market place of ideas

Thanks for sharing the image, pretty damn decent.

0 -15
Irish republican
16 - 24
24 - now
Catholic communist

Thoughts on PBP?

Tea Party Conservative -> Establishment Republican -> pseudo-NazBol/Strasserism -> Distributist -> Agorist/Left-wing Market Anarchist -> Market Socialism -> Christian Leftcom

I'm genuinely surprised that I've never stepped foot in left-liberalism

Started reading Manifesto that got me intrigued and already busted some BS i heard before. Continued with studying towards a straight progression into ML while dismissing any oppositions like Anarchism, Trotskyism or Maoism when checking it out.

Why do you guys think some "leftists" fall for the right wing populist bait

Haven't lived in Ireland since 2010 but I've heard some good things about them. Always gotta be wary of trots though

Strangely close to my own journey

Luxemburgism is the red pill

Tbh Lenin was right: Luxmeburg is literally the only person that can unite us all.

childlish none at all -> libretardian (mostly because I wanted drugs to be legal) -> idpol-by-proxy and feminist leanings (self hate, and depression undiagnosed for quite a bit of time until I got around to see an actual shrink) -> ancom (because I've read Kropotkin and thought that there might be still hope in this world) -> incoherent ideology (I've re-read Kropotkin and I'm not so sure if I'm on board any more)

Socialist → Traditionalist/ Accelerationist

I browse leftypol because discussions are better than Holla Forums. Holla Forums is a torture chamber of shill slinging and sucking the dick of an orange nigga. I would not be surprised if it's a bunch of markov bots and various intelligence agencies competing against each other in order to astro turf the landscape.

that feel when the Turing test is meaningless since the time humans have mistaken simple Markov chain bots for humans, and human memelords were mistaken for bots.

Libertarian because I just wanted to be left alone.

National Socialist because I was more into the socialist part and actually helping the people of my area/country. I even posted on halfchan Holla Forums about doing stuff for the community but it was bombarded with "LUL BLACKS WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE THEY'RE OUTBREEDING US WHY DO WE WANT TO HELP THEM STUPID MEXICANS" and all that shit. It was so retarded.

Finally found what I liked in Marxism.

Holla Forums might be salvageable if they gave up being racespooked
Course with race out of the picture they would probably be leftists

As someone that was there at a point in time, those folks in question were/are probably smart enough to know capitalism is a perpetual clusterfuck that can not make for a stable society, but got shook up by the "left" idpol from liberals and SJWs. In this shock, they flocked to right-wing populism thinking that it'll put capitalism aside for the people, let alone be anti-capitalist in any sense, while maintaining opposition against idpol. Luckily, Trump's fuckups and missed promises so far should be flushing this train of thought down the toilet.

Oh yes, I'm very much still an atheist and I very much still consider religion to be an overall negative. Making that the focus of my world-view wasn't really all that productive though.

Blatantly false. Not even a matter of ideological opinion. Historically false.

I'll just leave this here:

You're not wrong.

4/pol/ a couple of years ago, with it's ebin redpill memes and lolbertarianism and thinly disguised fascism, did still offer an appealing alternative to liberal sjw idpol. That's quite appealing for someone tired of all the shit around him but not having a coherent theory for Speaking from my own experience.

Please tell when there last was a revolution with over 50% of the people participating.
Russia, China, Spain, nowadays Syria: A minority of the people do most of the agitation and fighting. The rest are mostly concerned with staying out of the fight and surviving, and will generally support whoever ended up winning.

Centrist (I guess)-Keynesian dem (I always loved FDR as a kid)- berniecrat-anarchist (not very and still not well read)-"socialist" (I call myself this for lack of a more specific term, I'm kind of always switching it up)

If I had to pick I suppose I'd lean more towards council stuff, I prize direct bodies of political action a lot

Liberal → Sort of Libertariany 'New Atheist' → Tankie → AnCom → AnSynd → MaRxIsM → CouncilCom with pancakes

holy shit

apolitical ->liberal progressive -> ancom -> marxist republican socialist paul cockshottist

apolitical > social democrat > democratic socialist > luxemburgist


apolitical - generic liberal - sam harris-style "only fight the smart wars" liberal - "radical" centrist - demsoc - marxist - ancom

Democrate -> Tankie -> Social-Democrat -> Democratic Socialist -> Cyber-Socialist (Cockshot, basically)

Fuck, Democrat*

hahahaha this is beautiful

young republican - trot - tankie - deus vult - tankie - left communist - tankie with some leftcom positions

Conservative > Liberal > SuccDem > Marxist leninist > luxemburgist

how long til the next ideology you flim flamming twat

Liberal > Libertarian > AnCap > Fascist > Conservative > Liberal again > Berniecrat > Social democrat > Dissapointed with leftism (Had no clue what it was) > Fascist > AnCap > Mutualist > Market Socialist > Read some Marx > Vague socialism > Marxist Leninist > Trotskyist > Left communist > Rosa is the best communism

Child -> Liberal -> Socdem -> Ansyn -> Ancom -> Ansyn -> Syndicalist Marxist

I was raised to hate Porky.

anyone without stringent line of development never understood any of his held believes (and they're really just that in their cases) and is just in for finding a niche group to fit in with.

that's just a fact, now cry me a river about it.

can respect as far as thats possible towards an anarchist

absolutely disgusting, pls stop pretending anytime now

"""Conservative""" -> Liberal -> Socdem -> Demsoc -> Anarchist -> Green -> Tankie

You get it. I roll my eyes at the dumb lemmings that claim to have been "libertarian/fascist/nazi" and are now "Marxist/Communist/anarchist" or vice versa, especially when their sudden change of view is influenced by moronic internet cliques.

Soc-Dem > (right-wing)Libertarian > Socialist who likes trees a lot

Fuck sake phone-posting was a mistake

Black Nationalist (cuz it ran in my family) > Apolitical > Liberal who hated socialists > Berniecrat > Libertarian Communist

Apolitical > Ron Paul fanboy > minarchist > Ancap > Libertarian fascist/Nazi/Enlightened absolutist > Mutualist > Nihilist

Liberal -> Regional separatist (but still basically liberal, the right was running my country at the time) -> Socdem -> Trot -> Leftcom

Centrist - Bernie Bro - More left leaning - Marxist-Leninist

Generic Succdem -> Liberal -> Super mega gold edition liberal -> nearly go ethno-nat for a second but my internal instincts revolt and push me to Marxist Leninism for the sake of my family origins -> Cockshott

Unite the left, even the worst leftists are better than capitalist scum

The vast majority of people in the west don't really know much about left-wing politics since neoliberal capitalism has been the norm since the 80s and anti-communist propaganda has been around even longer. When most people's idea of "the left" is either SJWs, liberals like Clinton and Blair, or modern China, its not surprising that some people might end up jumping on whatever alternative presents itself.
Many of the Ron Paul lolberts seemed generally well-meaning and mostly cared about things like non-interventionism or legal weed, they just had no understanding about the economic side of things beyond "I don't like paying taxes"

basic bitch liberal - "redpilled" alt-lite conservative - libertarian - classical liberal - radical centrist - socdem - demsoc with tankie characteristics - marxist