So lads there is seemingly going to be a debate

So lads there is seemingly going to be a debate.
Muke, FinnishBolshevik and BadMouse
Sargon, Academic Agent and some cunt with a Rhino avatar with 8 followers on twitter.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck this. I want to see Roo debate Anarchopac on anarchism, turd worldism, and idpol.

Hope muke doesn't fuck up.
This gonna be gud

muke will choke


on one hand debates never resolve anything and the sargon fans are going to claim he won no matter what.
on the other hand watching him get rekt by an illiterate twink, a furry, and tankie scum would be really funny.

I can foresee that FinnishBolshevik will carry the 'debate' while the other two act like total retards.

considering how assblasted they got over Thunderf00t bailing on the skeptic community, the salt would be legendary

This seems like the most probable outcome. I hope he btfo's the opposition on the free market and on hoe venezuela is capitalist.

This. FinnishBolshevik is the most grounded of the bunch


I thought he said
"is Pepe Francis Catholic"

I don't dislike badmouse but I think They should have went with someone more well read.

Live from the peanut gallery, it's the three stooges versuuuuus the triceratards!

The agenda seems fucktarded.

But seriously does anyone know anything about the rhino cunt?

Does anyone think that they're HOPING that there's going to be some infighting within the leftist speakers so they can claim victory? Since that's what I often see when it comes to debates

ironic considering fundie catholic twitter is always mad at francis

Muke is a god damn fucking retard. Stammering even in his more "structured" videos, the guy's a fucking joke. I hate listening to the retard - like 5% of his videos are coherent and you can derive some meaning.

I feel like the guy is just in it for the attention and to be a contrarian.

probably some stooge dredged up by sargorm of assmad

I'm personally shocked they haven't included SocOrBar. Or even DemocraticSocialist01. Hell even Bat'ko would be interesting

tbqh Muke has been upping his game verry hard, badmouse on the other hand is more illiterate than Muke.

DemSoc01 doesn't seem willing tbh

So this is what left unity looks like…
Tank + Liberal Leninism Zizekianism + Anarkiddism = true?

BadMouse is pretty good on matters of broad-stroke socialist history and some degree of ongoing socialist movements, but he's prone to choking up HARD when it comes to articulating theoretical matters (mostly because a lot of his knowledge on such matters comes second-hand).

Muke, despite not being the most well-read out of the e-celeb circles, can generally articulate theoretical concepts with a fair degree of proficiency. Biggest problems I foresee is him attempting to bluff knowledge on a particular topic and having it be called out, or his ideological floundering being exploited as a point of attack.

FinnishBolshevik is probably the best read, but there would be a pretty decent likelihood that he'd turn and attack Muke and BadMouse if they happen to say something that offends his hyper-tankie sensibilities. I also have not seen him in a live debate before, so I don't know if he performs well under pressure.

Outside of CarlOfSuccad, I don't know anything about Academic Agent or the Rhino guy. With Carl, it's likely going to be a lot of time spent trying to once again re-teach him the most basic concepts of socialism since he seems to conveniently forget them all within days of seemingly grasping some understanding.

I'm hoping we can get sargon to be as mad as he was after the general election.

They may attack FinnishBolshevik on historical points, such as Holodomor.

Academic agent is just going to namedrop without explaining anything and tank will call him out.

Even if muke loses, it could cause him to read even more.

Never going to happen

Posting a link to the Bot so we can reshare on Twitter so we can spread the word

Oh god, literally any mention of the legitimacy/efficacy of the USSR is going to cause a complete collapse of the leftist side of the proposed debate. BadMouse is going to denounce it outright and Muke will probably give the typical "Lenin was good, but everything after that was downhill;" that'll be more than enough for FinnishBolshevik to fucking lose it and start cannibalizing.

holy shit.

A tankie, a twink, and an illiterate take on a bunch of retards.

We must get them to talk about this among themselves before the debate so they are ready.

A twink?

This is gonna be a shitshow.

cute boi (xexizy)

Xexizy tries too fucking hard to be likable by everyone, he's just going to appease sargon while offering NO hard hitters for him to tackle. He'll probably concede to most of his points because he's a spineless loser.

send nudes

Here's a pro-tip: take the time to explain basic things to Sargon. You can't assume he has any knowledge of who Kultural Marks is.


Seriously this could be a huge chance to convert a lot of aut-right tards if they just fucking prepare and don't choke or fight among themselves.

That would be fucking hilarious tbh.

Okay fine but srsly can we put Muke through some kind of bootcamp montage or something?

Call me when it's Doug Lain, Tom O'Brien and C. Derick Varn doing the debating.

I wouldn't worry about him - he has a lot of debate experience. I'm more worried that they thought it was a good idea to include both FinnishBolshevik (Soviet apologist) and Badmouse (anarchist).

Someone want to tag all three in a private tweet so the three can fight it out since I got a massive feeling that one of them is going to pull a "Was the USSR socialist" bullshit so they need to come prepared

seems smart

I know everyone here hates A.W., but I feel he would tear them all new asshole single handedly if he was invited.

I sent thing to muke asking him to talk to the others before

FinnBol is probably used to debating as he probably has to defend his views the most out of all of them, Muke will prob be ok, but BadMouse has never debated before I think. He might be the weakest link.


YES we need A.W, he knows his shit even if people here like to meme that he doesnt.


So I'm guessing what this guy is saying is that he has a degree in philosophy and is a CEO. Thoughts?

I just have a bad feeling about how this debate will go. I don't trust BadMouse.

Knowing A.W., he'd give up halfway through the debate after calling them "absolute fucking imbeciles" or something.

He did debate and got btfo. I don't watch FinBol, or any youtubers debating, but I was under the impression he doesn't do live debates. Muke is probably the most experienced and adept, but he's still shit and will probably get shredded. That's assuming the debate doesn't turn into the lefties fighting over the USSR.

AW would sperg out about Hegel and screech that everyone but him was a retard.

Yeah, am I wrong?
Every time I see him argue with right-wingers, it's a massacre.

A.W. has the brains for it, but from my experience he does a grand shitty job at dumbing down his ideas to a level where it would be comprehensible to anyone else in the debate.

BadMouse I believe debated some Distributist guy a while back and choked REAL BAD in the process. Even came to the Holla Forums thread about it to whine about having fucked it up and was received with zero sympathy.

He debated against Hold On Man once. I didn't watch that debate, but I heard it went horribly for BadMouse

fucking hell

gonna need some cockshoot.

He's more of a Hegelian philosophy buff, and he knew his shit. He used to be a trip poster here up until he made a thread about science/philosophy of science and everyone turned on him. Haven't seen him since.

aw shit nigga, he got hearted for it.

That's why I'm saying we need A.W.
He's a good counter puncher for that.
All of those other guys would be out of their depth.

Which none of them have even read.

Is A.W. on YouTube?


"Points" 3 & 4 should have a capitalist counterpart question. You shouldn't be defending socialism the entire time. They should have to defend their ideas as well.

FinnishBolshevik is only one worth listening to. The rest are just a pure waste of everyone's time.

yes, actually.
His videos aren't bad, either.

No. He has a blog though:

He's getting paid to write some papers on Hegel iirc

I was mistaken


No, I mean who is that?

I know that he's not well liked around here and he's kind of become an idpol idiot lately, but they really should have replaced badmouse with anarchopac for the token anarchist in the group. He'd have a better answer to the USSR question than badmouse if addressed, and has a much, much better theoretical understanding of the underlying philosophy behind his beliefs. He BTFO molyneux, something which none of these three could ever do convincingly.

Also this is an economic debate so idpol won't be center stage anyway.

Fuuuck, now I really want to see A.W. against them.

Xexizy and BadMouse are terrible. This will not go well.

Even point 1 is retarded. It basically amounts to "socialism = central planning". Who the fuck agreed to this?

Antonio wolf

A "libertarian leninist", an illiterate former ancap, and a sovietboo.

Why no Eastern Marxist?

When did he btfo molymeme?

Guarantee the debate will devolve into idpol because that's all Sargon and co seem to care about.

That second question is awful as well, there's a million different ways you can answer it.

He's not illiterate, he just hasn't read anything.

Maybe A.W. has improved recently, but back when he posted here, he was awful.

Get them to plan this out a head together. Lets get them to forgo the traditional sectarian infighting for a second and get them go all tag team on these fuck bois.

Ohhh, he's the empyreantrail guy? That explains a lot.

He is a little lacking in the social skills department

Yeah definitely no bias towards the liberals here!

So if we had to pick an ideal tankie/anarchist/orthodox marxist team to debate who would it be instead of these three?

Get ProSocialism up there. He could probably do better then 2/3rds of the Lefty debate team anyway.

thanks fam

This is what happens when you let them set terms. I'd put my Stirner hat on for each of those "points."

To be fair, I believe he's admitted to having dyslexia and ADHD, so reading extensively is not a particularly easy task.

So we're having a literal retard participate in the debate?
He went way easier on him than he could/should have but molyneux trips over pretty simple concepts over and over again

He should get some audiobooks going or something goddamn he doesn't ever know what he's talking about

What does A.W. mean and what is he like?

Right wingers have 3

He has dyslexia is all.

After his last debates he said he switched to audiobooks

He sounds cool.

It's only fair considering the team they're up against. Sargon frequently loses debates against himself when left to talk for long stretches.

I bet newfags don't even know who rebelabsurdity is

That's fair.

Smart choice. I still think he's not deep enough into theory to be on the front lines debating.

A better choice for an anarchist would be Libertarian socialist rants, but I don't think he does debates.

I noticed that, too. That seems to be the latest meme from the aut-right. Most of them cannot even define or give a noticeable understanding of socialism.

Furthermore, I'd say not to debate Sargon at all, because he's completely dishonest in everything he does.

Which I think is smart. Not to knock the guy, but eh… it's probably for the best.

LSR has Asperger's, and as someone with Asperger's, I can safely say he probably wouldn't perform well under any pressure whatsoever.


Bring Kapitalism101 out of retirement

I am not sure what A.W. stands for.

He was very pretentious, elitist, and condescending. When he posted here he would give people who agreed with him awards for having "basic thinking skills" or some shit. If nothing else he'd trigger the three liberals off the wall.

Tbh I thought he was super annoying when he was on his board, but his ego isn't totally unwarranted.

A submissive tranny that posts pathetic depressive shit on Twitter. Also has a daddy dom bf.

debates are rhetorical games not avenues to genuinely discuss a topic with people.

Its his name I think. Antonio Wolf

Fucking Jesus.

Who can blame them? It's a successful strategy, but I wish our side was wiser to it.

Ah, I didn't know that.

Ive watched the whole thing and that guy dominated his ass constantly as he knew mutch more than the mouse guy. Mouse his lack of knowledge truelyl shined in that debate.

Not only that, look at the debate topics they chose.

If you watched Sargon's livestream "response" to LSR he and his friends spent 2 and a half hours making fun of his acne and insisting that communism means big gov't. I don't think Sargon is capable of arguing with him.

Yes, but it's an entertaining rhetorical game, so shut up and consume the spectacle.

I don't have Twitter because I'm not a fukn nerd, but one of you needs to tweet something along the lines of "@xexizy11 @BadMouse101 @FinnBolshevik y'all need to form some kind of compromise with regards to the USSR if you're going to be in a debate together" or there is a real risk they will cannibalise themselves

I don't think this is going to end up being entertaining. Unless you're a masochist.

That's… Pathetic, even for Sargon

Tankie: Finnbol is fine unles you want to swap in Unrue strictly for the memes
Anarchist: Agree with poster saying Anarchopac. Pretty awful stance on idpol but has a calm demeanor and is well suited to a debate environment. Very unlikely to lose his temper and has absurd levels of patience
Orth Marx: Is Kapitalism101 still around? Ex worker might also be good for this though I'm not sure how he'd handle a debate structure. Muke is honestly fine though. I don't think all 3 necessarily have to be hardhitters and this role is perfectly fine for just refocusing things when things swerve off the rails a bit

"Pathetic for Sargon" is an extremely high bar. Dude sets the standard for patheticness

Watched it.
Shit was sad af.
He just left at the end and said "I need to learn more on this subject".
I kind of felt bad for him. Had to have been embarrassing. I think he's learned just what the limits of his knowlege are, at least.

In that same video, LSR has a bakunin shirt on and Sargon pokes fun at him for wearing a Marx shirt while calling himself libertarian. He's just stupid in the worst possible ways.

Actually I changed my mind. The Orthodox Marxist role needs to be taken by Eastern Marxist.

I'd timestamp the relevant part, but its a 3 hour video.

I did it.
(I clipped some pictures of people saying that secertarianism would make them lose, so it counts I guess.)

Also lemmie shill mien twatter: @EdgyHoodlum

This tbh. Get some grown ass men in there.

Is he not an ML?

Was looking through Academic Agent's Twitter to get an idea of his beliefs and such and wew lad

He's very good. I'm not sure he's an OrthoMarxist though

Shit it didnt let me put in the screenshot.

And iirc, like Muke, he started parroting all the textbook positions from whatever ideology he had that week (Muke's was Leninism) but without properly grasping the theory and context behind them, so within a few minutes he succumbed to regular Social-Democrat lines that most liberals would agree with.

I don't believe so. He's heavily focused on orthodox marxist doctrine. Never seen him once quote from Lenin.

jesus fucking christ, and this guy think he is some kind of intellectual rebel

Link of said livestream? What a piece of shit Carl is. He's like 37 years old, btw, stooping this low. Age =/= reason or maturity.

Who would be considered the orthos? I think regardless of exact ideology finnbol, eastern marxist, and anarchopac really are my ideal debate trio

cheers good lad


Also WEW

Not really sure to be honest. I think of someone like Mexie as a non-Leninist who knows a lot of Marxist theory as far as YouTubers go, but I'm not super deep into lefttube so there might be people out there I'm not aware of.

I like Muke, but he's not a good debater. BadMouse is the same. Need to watch FB more.

They're going to get stomped. Sargon is shit on fire but *sounds* like he knows what he's talking about.

This debate will not have good optics.

Like the other guy says, most of the video is him making fun of LSR's acne. Then its him asking how you can be a socialist and libertarian for about an hour.

I did something productive :D
Also this debate is going to be a shit show.

Either way I don't think "orthomarxist" is as important a designation as "guy focusing the debate". Ideal debate team has two people very proficient in specific theory and 1 guy who can steer the conversation in the right direction.

Also on the Poland thing. Poland is just sucking in the EU support– piss off

I also really like DemocraticSocialist01 as a non-anarcho non-Leninist. Not technically an "ortho-Marxist" but I'd say he fits the spirit of the criteria. Not sure what his debate skills are but he doesn't talk about things he isn't confident in.

Why does everyone think that Sargon comes off well in debates? He lost to an unironic libfem, came off like an uninformed grumpy moron, and even admitted he lost afterwards with the excuse that "he was too prepared to win the debate".


Yeah I agree with you that that's the spirit of the "ortho-Marxist" stipulation. Someone who can keep the ML and ancom on the same page.
Everyone tweet this at them.

That'll keep them from autistically screeching at each other for the whole debate.

Muke really isn't terrible. He's just kind of young and inexperienced. Anarchopac would've been great. I think he really held his own against Stefan Molyneux and he's super knowledgeable.

Muke has become quite a bit better at debating, e.g. his debate with that Distributionist twat and his one with Esoteric Entity. He's gotten a lot better since his "I'd kill 6 million Jews for communism" debate. He's quite effective, or at least more effective than others, at explaining his points and what they mean without screeching autistically, e.g. during his debate with Esoteric Entity.
BadMouse is fine when he has the time and space to properly prepare what he has to say and how he has to say it, but in terms of an actual debate: hahaha, no, I doubt he'd be good under pressure.
TheFinnishBolshevik is, again, knowledgeable af but due to being an ML, this could cause a lot of friction between him and the others, most especially BadMouse. I've also never seen him debate, but from his videos I'd assume he's alright.

Why does everyone think that Sargon comes off well in debates? He lost to an unironic libfem, came off like an uninformed grumpy moron, and even admitted he lost afterwards with the excuse that "he was too prepared to win the debate". I legit think he even lost a few supporters over it it was so bad.

Hi Muke. :^)

There's no doubt that FinnishBolshevik is the best suited for this debate. The problem is that both Muke and Badmouse are likely to disagree with him. What a weird team.

Really wish eastern marxist was there. He BTFO'ed Esoteric so hard that he got blocked by him.

does EM post here?

The problem with debating Sargon is that he will edit down the debate in postproduction and proclaim to his imbecile followers that he "won" regardless of what you do.

Don't debate that fuckstick.

Y'all are pussies trying to make the debate a serious event with good debaters. Throw in Unruhe, Garrett, and Pierre and let the memes fly.

Sargon and Muke met up IRL recently and got jolly with each other so maybe he'll actually do it

Finbol already had a run in with academic agent

Because Kristi Summers is intelligent and the leftist side of this upcoming debate is pic related

Not sure

I clicked, saw the unflattering pic plastered in the background & just left immediately. I don't feel like watching some kid get bullied about his acne & now regret asking. I mean, we all troll sometimes, but come on. Carl is such a scumbag.

Does he actually do that?

*Kristi Winters

Idk he never edited down his debates against winters, destiny, or dawson. I think his main strategy is avoiding debates rather than editing them after the fact. That's more of a Molyneux thing, and I doubt Sargon has the intelligence or the patience to do it successfully

Because of his tone. Do I think he'll be able to win the debate in text format? No. But he does have charisma, and that doesn't count for nothing in a visual/audio debate.

I don't think he's a good debater, I do think that it will *look* like his side won though.

Muke, also, if you're reading this, don't wear that fucking hat. You look like a little kid cosplayer in it.

This. He edits all of his videos that way. That's the problem with him. He takes people out of context constantly & knowingly. There's no debating someone who's just out to troll & not willing to be honest in anything.

my bet is on muke and badmouse shitting on finnish bolshevik during the discussion for being a tankie and it devolving into a shitfest.

Yes, she's smarter than at least Muke and Badmouse granted. But Sargon has built his career around being specifically an anti-fem. If there's ANY position he should be well equipped to attack, it's the one Winters supports and he STILL couldn't even manage a single coherent point of attack.

Lets hope muke also uploads it

I guess you're right. I now recall the debate he had with Michael Brooks. He lost that debate also. He really just doesn't know anything. He might actually be more illiterate than Badmouse.

Still though, Sargon putting it on his channel will get all the views from rightists(that need to see the full context the most) but wouldn't.

Someone on YouTube (I forget who) posted a video with examples of it. If I can find it (or if someone can provide that source) I'll let you know. But it's definitely a thing.

Mate, we're socialists. We oscilate between being constant target of mockery when we're irrelevant, and constant target of violence when we're relevant. The kid will need a tough skin, let's not deny him that by trying to enforce rules of how polite the debate should be.

Okay, thanks.
If he does, he's a thot.

Im weirdly excited for this even tough its just some stupid e-celeb shit..

Lmao I forgot about the Brooks one. He came off like such a sputtering retard it was amazing.


FB is best suited because most of the debate will defending the USSR, which is what FB does. Looking at the debate topics anyone who isn't an ML will be disadvantaged because they will be sucked into defending USSR or get muh scotsman as a response. On top of that muke picked an illiterate to rep anarchists(anarchopac would be so much better) and muke himself is a retard. This will be a shitshow that would only be improved by the left fighting over the USSR while the retarded rationalists guffaw.

Everyone should know how to deal with muh Venezuela, and other typical shit.
At the very least.

It might have been thunderf00t that I was thinking of. now that I'm looking into it. I get all those altright "skeptics" confused with one another so that was my bad.

That's Karltural Marx to you

So, who WOULD be your ideal 3 leftist debaters anons? Would it include any of the three that will be debating here?

It's not about being polite, it's about having a serious discussion & not relying on picking low hanging & irrelevant fruit, as Carl did there.

Yeah I think it was

Three Jason Unruhes

if you want to wretch, Joe Rogan did a podcast with him

I wasn't talking about Muke or any of the debaters here, btw. But that LSR kid in a past debate.

Yep that's the video. Sorry I suck.

I like Garrett. Anarchopac is great.

Badmouse is going to get annihilated. Anally.

The guys in the TLI discord

Anarchopac, Eastern Marxist, Keep FinnBol

Eastern marxist unironically thinks that, because public property exists in capitalism, private property can exist under socialism

I wasn't talking about with debates; I'm not sure if he does with those. But his every day videos, he does this constantly. He leaves out context of articles he "reviews" as well.

Anarchopac for anarchists, He's calm and knows his shit. Idpol is a minus, but I'll take that over retardation. FinBol is good for MLs because he knows his shit. Not sure who to fill the third slot with, preferably a leftcom and certainly not a marksucc or trot.

I don't even know any leftcoms ecelebs tbh. Maybe I'll start my own channel and fill the slot. But that would maybe be too much activism idk

Ya'll are sleeping on ex worker. He's criminally underrated

Get The Roo in the debate to make it a complete shitshow.

I will check him out.

He blew someone up recently on something that should have been an easy enough topic. Socialism or Barbarism

Garrett gets way too fucking emotional and considers talking to centrist libs to be an irredeemable crime. If you have to put a generic anti-reactionary put in contra or S&J who can keep a cooler head, but a big fucking no to Garrett.

Anarchopac is fine though

When will this take place? What information do we have on the other two guys?


Muke here.

I got a skype call together to go through our differences in ideology, we won't turn on each other we promise.

ProSocialism is now an infantile armchair enthusiast

Cumrag Pee-air tru skank
Batcunt The 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧(woman))archist
Evalion (pol was cucked by nazbol gang and she's apparently Unironically NAZBOL)

Just for the memes tbh.


rooting for you fam

I saw one video. I liked it

Contra would be great actually, I think. Entertaining as well. He's grown on me. He needs to go lefter, though. Seems a bit too liberal, imo.

What the fuck?

Fo' real?

I understand what you meant bro. What I'm trying to convey is that when you're positioning yourself against the entire current order all rules and norms are thrown out of the window. The discourse based on certain procedures and guidelines is the muh privilege of those who don't challenge any power, so winning the public opinion and the angle of respectability is the only river you have to cross.

When you do challenge power structures, you should expect everything, because everything is an option. So let's not get carried away when they violate the norms of proper debate, or when they forgo debate altogether and use intimidation and violence, because we'll have to deal with that shit eventually anyway. The system won't allow itself to be reasoned out of existence. And the sooner our own realise that this is the path ahead, the more prepared we will be, imo.

So let my man get teased for being ugly now so it doesn't catch him by surprise later in a more critical moment.

Looks like we're stuck with one book muke and a couple of memers(batko, soc or barb) to represent broscialism to the internet

Now we're talking!

She definitely had a video on how he really preferred talking to fash over punching them. 100% socdem-ish liberal. He's very entertaining but could do with some radicalization


are you willing to prove it with a screencap or something?

I wounder how
🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧The roo🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Would be in that debate

No, it has badmouse's real name and skype. That's kind of a light dox.

Brocialism and illiteracy fit together like peanut butter and jelly.

I wanted to see sargoy get BTFO and cucked by NAZBOL gang

Are you more well-read than Bowtie Academic, Holla Forums?

I'd say not to debate that disingenuous prick Carl. But if you insist, turn off your video so you're not self conscious about that while debating. Small advice, but it could help a lot. Also find weak points of Carl(like how he doesn't read his stats thoroughly, maybe all submit citations beforehand so you can rip them like Kristi Winters did) & have notes ready of course.

Well, fuck

Oi, mates. Real Muke here. I don't bloody know who that other wanker is, but I'll have a wicked pisser with my good mates Badmouse and FB. It'll be a bloody good time.

That's a low bar. A bunch of mainstream works. Althusser is the outlier

Would he do sectarianism in a debate with right-wingers present?

You only need to peep at A.W.'s online persona and posting style to realise that as smart as he is, he's probably a huge embarrassment as a communicator, so that's no big loss.

Fake and gay.

Show us a pic of you picking your nose as proof!

It's just so much of a hassle. I thought about it for a while and I have a background as a public speaker/debater irl working in politics but the extra work/knowledge that goes into video editing, scripting, and maintaining a social media presence just seems like way more effort than it's worth.

I'm aware that having AW to deal with the 'degree in philosophy CEO' guy would be nice, as none of us are really philo experts, but you all need to remember, none of the points on the agenda are to do with philosophy. He has no reason to throw big words at us, and if he does we can say he's going off topic.

For good shitposts:

For an actual debate:

No one is going to understand A.W. He's also not a marxist as we've seen time and time again on this board. He's a Hegelian and he really doesn't know much about Marx at all.

Tbh, I almost initially wrote that I had a "mommy moment" lmao. Felt for the kid. But you're right. Dealing with these things sooner rather than later is always best.

What about the roo and evalion?
They're not intentionally funny, but it'd be a laughing stock.

As someone who knows everyone on that list, you're almost on point, but actually comrade yui would be a better choice than AW. He has all the philosophical knowledge of AW without being AW.

Who's "degree in philosophy CEO guy"? And yeah you really should have tagged in anarchopac or AW for that. Not because it's the given topic but because knowing the underlying philosophy is great for throwing your opponent off guard and really getting into the weeds. If the philo guy is the unknown then I guarantee he isn't a joke.

Badmouse is weak & inept and Finn is an arrogant prick with a small amount of info.

Luckily for them the opposition is dumb as fuck so they have a fighting chance. Muke should have chose better allies though.

truly this will be the greatest case for left unity

I didn't chose them, they were invited by acedemic agent.

Finbol is good with attacking Capitalism, badmouse is more articulate than both of us because he's not used to talking in bombastic theory terms.

I'll just be me, I guess.

Make Badmouse step down then.

A & W root beer is a moron at philosophical topics. He is a dumb guys idea of what an educated person is like. Let me copy and paste some text here from a source without context or me understanding it to prove my point here, like he would.


TheDiscourse, A.W. and Hyperion.

Muke twink ass seen the thread.

It's not that tough tbh. Just continuously drag him down from the clouds like Aristophanes. No idealism in a debate with Marxists, keep him to materialist roots. At the very worst case you just meme him away by Stirner-spooking.

This. Still keen as fuck though

I don't think anyone doubted he was here, lmao. He's here often.

I sincerely wish his threads were archived.

I don't know why but I just find Evalion cringy instead of funny, and Unruhe has his moments but I'm not sure if he'd have good banter with the others

Probably agree tbh, AW has his autism but when he does speak like a normal person it is really fucking worth it to have him there. I'm not sure about Yui though, because I remember him in the Kulturkampf debate and I can't remember if he was all that good or not.

Yeah I got that but when someone tries to explain a concept and messes up the fundamentals in a big way it can be a really bad gotcha. People who really know their shit or can at least play at it like Molymeme does can savage the people they debate in this way and are really good at zeroing in on that lack of knowledge. Really should have someone who's at least capable of double checking and not falling for any tricks.

Funny thing is the Roo isn't even that bad of a debater, at least by normal standards. He took on the entire /r/soc mod team single handedly while bored & eating a sandwich.

Didn't they ban thirdworldism on r/soc?

I like this idea

What was the science/philosophy of science thread about?

I suppose. That's the trouble of bringing two poorly-read-overall people into a debate (BadMouse and Xexizy) along with a guy who is very good at history but not particularly good at theory or praxis (TheFinnishBolshevik). This is not an ideal debate team in the slightest.

Nigga just pick your gimmick and have the other leftists shill your vids. If they're good enough on theory you can just do the boring ass talking head thing and be fine.

Just like Holla Forums banned Assad critics.

Muke, if you are still in this thread could I have your skype, I have opposing views to you and want to practice my debate skills.

I mean it's late and I'm ill so I should really sleep but yea why not. Kar Athri.

I think so. This might have been before that I'm a bit fuzzy on the details. But they came in making a show of being friendly and then ended up all REEEEEEing about how he's a reactionary and calling him names by the end since they didn't have an answer to the most basic questions.

I think it's a good tactic. Liberals and rightists in general are very willing to leave their assumptions unexamined. Pull the rug out from under them and they'll be on the defensive. This could be very important in a debate where the "agenda" is very clearly set with a rightist slant.


I didn't mean to debate right now, just to have your contact. Thanks either way.

This picture turned my hair into a fedora

/r/soc is the stupidest collective of mods on left reddit.

I really don't understand what they were thinking.

It's like a parody of a socialist forum.

No doubt, but it takes a semi-capable debater to fend off like 5 or 6 people so effortlessly.

Neither do they

You are now banned from r/socialism

Do you have a link to that debate? I've got semimajor beef with most of the /r/soc mods and would enjoy seeing them taken down even though I don't particularly like Unruhe.


Thanks! Something for me to drunkenly enjoy on a Wednesday night

eastern marxist is a fucking idiot though

Explain? I heard people ITT say he said that private property should exist under socialism but I didn't hear anything like that in his esoteric debate. Mostly he seems good at pulling specific marx quotes on command and that can be extremely useful on the fly.

never forget

Wew lad

I mean I agree insofar as "abolishing commodity production for exchange" isn't the whole deal.

really makes you think



No reason to do this unless you have Unruhe on your team. He has destroyed everybody who went up against him causing intense amount of buttflustering.

Comrade Unruhe can make anyone put themselves in a gulag out of shame.

This is so far beyond the scope of what Sargon and his friends are able to comprehend that I'm baffled it would even be a criticism of him when it comes to general debate.

oh for sure

If the debate falls into minutiae of defining "commodity production" that's probably a win

When will this happen?

hes not marxist anymore, he converted to Socdem/Post-Keynesian

"Left Economics" Hahaha wow


Lol, you all are a bunch of fags. Can't wait until the day of the rope where we hang niggers and people like you from every tree branch in sight.


I don't think that's true. He just seems like an ML.

To be quite honest, /ourguy/ could handle this 1v6. He already put Sargon on suicide watch.

So when is this "day of the rope" happening? Because i've seen this phrased tossed around for more than 2 years now, & nothing has happened?

The thing about Sargon is there is these times where he’s so close to becoming a socialist then he forgets everything and it starts all over again.

The capitalists will sell us the rope we hang them with. Fash can get in line too I guess


okay buddy

do you put a tankie in a debate representing leftism

I don't see the strengths of Badmouse tbh and Muke is quite weak as well but he could be OK. But their opponents are idiots anyway but don't know who the rhino is. Sargon will just talk absolute bollocks, and the Academic Agent will just try to act as if he is really smart and just recommend shitty books that nobody watching is gonna bother to read.

Oh shit!
Calling him out

Why do people do this?

Badmouse's strength is sounding like a reasonable, smart, friendly person, which, frankly, probably one of the few noteworthy strengths of any leftist in this debate. I can't be asked to listen to this, I know it's going to be a car wreck.

Proof that AW is ITT right now

Because the USSR will come up. When it does it’s better to defend it that to say it isn’t real socialism. It’s rather easy to defend if you know the facts. Thus you need a Tanky or a Nazbol. And exposing Sargon to Nazbol will just make him scream horseshoe theory.

We can shit on Jason all we want, and I wouldn't want him to represent us, but he has awesome debate skills.

Hello /r/socialism!

except in when he had that debate with that captain capitalism guy who had his volume on full blast and jasons mic was real low. I hope someone will tell them to be aware of this problem.

He is good for memes. There are plenty of this people I'd send to the gulag before Jason.

I think Jason is CIA TBQH, no one is that dishonest about the DPRK


I'm gonna be surprised if Muke and the rest lose to such retards.

He doesn't

I'm pretty sure at least one of them is going to strawman muh real socialism and muh human nature the entire debate and proclaim himself victorious at the end

My labor vouchers are on FinnishBolshevik alone. If the others stick to a supporting role, this could be great watching the the other side getting btfo.

Philosophy man is CEO of an insurance company.
So, yeah, scum of the earth

forgot pic

This is exactly what's going to happen watch the video debates between Academic Agent and DemocraticSocialist01 & TheFinnishBolshevik, all Academic Agent does is claim everything is socialism, addresses none of the points and just acts like he has won. But maybe in a live debate they can point this kind of thing out immediately, so who knows.

That rhino dude is so easy to bait.
Insurance man is probably going to lose his shit.

I doubt it. Midwesterners are usually happy go lucky cunts.

Exactly. Badmouse has no experience but he can talk pretty and has crossover appeal, and Muke is competent enough at verbal TL;DRs of leftypol threads. FinnishBolshevik may be an unapologetic tankie, but he's a damned smart one who knows what he's talking about, isn't boring, and doesn't sugarcoat his facts; I'd be confident with him debating anyone by himself even if his opponent knew what they were talking about, but as long as Muke and Badmouse stay on the same page as FinnBol and lead him to the heavy lifting, they'll be fine. The only downside is that when they need to go into specific's it'll come from a harldine tankie perspective, but that's better than being clueless.

my gott, the edge

It doesn't even look like they had any imput in what the questions were. What a bunch of spineless fucks.

He is silly

Fight between no name youtubers and Dumbgon of Hackad.

Carl will lose, then claim victory over twitter. Nothing will have changed.

This looks more like a fucking presidential debate. Do they think they're arguing with Liberal Democrats?

This, though I really would have liked to see DemocraticSocialist01 replacing one of the other two guys. Then it would have been a massacre.

This is babby's first debate with a conservative/reactionary material as any sort of leftist. If our guys don't mop the floor with them, I think we should just give up.

Well, there goal has been to kill us in our infancy for the longest time. If it doesn't work out, it will just be another learning experience.

this will be a waste of time

Demsoc was going to participate originaly togheter with the finbol and eastern marxist. (Att least that was the plan) But them Muke came and sayd the team was going to be him, bad mouse and the finbol them i realised that the debate is going to be doomed

Does anyone know if FinnBol has read Cockshott? That will really help when talking about modern central planning, though he can obviously do just fine even if he only only focuses on Stalin-era USSR?

Muke had no reason to apear and say he was going to debate for all i know he is just doing it becouse sargon is there.

Basically A.W. Was trying to claim that scientists weren't really scientists because they didn't necessarily know the philosophy of science in their respective field, and everyone called his bullshit. Since then nobody took him very seriously in many threads and soon after he left. Probably thought we were no different from the "ignorant masses" or some shit.

That would be a great team actually.
Idk, badmouse is not that good at debating and I personally don't trust Muke

Eastern marxist said he didn't want to do it since the topics were too broad

I could see how on some level he could have a point.
If you don't understand the groundwork of your field of expertise, what distinguishes you from a scientist and a lab technician in the long run? I still think that's kind of reductionist, though.

My sides
In all seriousness, has ANYBODY managed to get a hold of the 3 and do as said so that they won't cannibalize eachother? Memes and genuine doubt for the leftist side put aside, I really want them to win so that Sargon could just thoroughly get his ridiculously inflated ego fucked

Badmouse should be supporting most of the time, let Muke and FinBol handle the other 2, Hackgon is just going to be crying the whole debate anyway

For the record that's true even by a Marxist analysis. Does not historic materialism state that remedies of the old system remain in the new and did Marx not explain this in COTGP?

tbqh you can learn editing in a week

Can you see if you can get on.
As well what ideology are you ?


Badmouse is retarded, he shouldn't be the token anarchist

As I told FinBol, DemSoc, and the rest who asked me I remain that the topics at hand are much too complex to be discussed on a live forum, and should be left to videos/essays where both parties can do research and are not subject to on the spot answers.

In fact, I and some friends are currently working on a response to TrueDilTom's video on the Austrian Business Cycle and am leaving it as an open letter to any free market apologists to respond to.

As for my ideology, I have not changed views per se, but have become more sympathetic to the Keynesian view point


Books on tape has been a thing for years

Holy fuck, that was painful. I don't agree with Jason on a lot of things, but the level of debate (if you could call it that) from the Reddit side was terrible. At least address his arguments coherently for fuck's sake.

FinnishBolshevik is /ourguy/, rally my tankie brethren!

What's this then?

And video lectures. And podcasts.

I mean, I hate this excuse in general. People often say they don't have to read or whatever, but you just need to make a small selection of audio and video content, sacrifice one or two hours a day, and you're already better off than most people.

There, in three months you already know more than 80% of the people out there. Congratulations. Now there are tons of audiobooks, online lectures and other podcasts for you to continue for the rest of your life. Why is that so fucking hard?

This is truly some top-tier autism!

And perhaps that was his point, and I agree with you, but if it was he completely failed to get it across.

What the fuck is wrong with that Mouse faggot with the poorly drawn left ear? What the fuck is his problem. You're a fucking faggot, fuck you bitch. If you reading this, fuck you.


but if I have to pick sides I pick top, they're morons but less so than the bottom.

if they're not morons. they will practice. otherwise lol it will be a shitshow from both sides. everybody loses even if the sargon idiots claim they won.

He'll probably be the easiest to attack/bait from the right-wing side of the debate.

There's a literal CEO of an insurance company part of this debate? holy fuck the ideology.

Replace mouse with AW!!!


who is jordan? also yup he is spooked as fuck he lives in fairytale-land, aka the echochamber.

The meme professor that Holla Forumsacks love


You''re shilling pretty hard for yourself.

Wrong again, Xexizy. I was actually asked before you all, and many of the questions are directed towards me. (Venezuela one especially)

I couldn't do it anyway, but i still consider this another attempt(from you) to exclude me. Just so you know.

Finally, I knew you would not be far behind when i saw Sargon was going to join. No, I don't think you share his ideology but you certainly are a suck up. And you don't need to have "mental issues" to notice that.

I think i will find this debate quite interesting.

Signed- Demsoc01

Tbh I feel like I'd shitpost. And I've still got plenty of shit to read. Preferably, I think Pierre Tru-Dank would be a better solution.

Let's not have drama. I love both you guys

Everyone thinks badmouse is a stupid anarkiddie though

nah Finn is the strongest of the three

Although I hold no grudges, DemSoc got upset over my interaction with Kraut and That Guy T. He's saying I'm all of a sudden going to become a liberal etc.

I actually like badmouse though.

FinnishBolshevik, Eastern Marxist, Comrade Pierre Tru-Dank

Who is AW?

But do you think he's a good pick for a """debate"""? This is important.


Not really, I in fact love showing everyone that meme..especially after Kraut's rant about Antifa and his various pro capitalist statements.

false dichotomy wtf who got to set these terms?

I think if he's willing to reread the fundamentals, (the conquest of bread, the next revolution) and watches some chomsky lectures, and leftist debates I think his way with words could help get some moderate sargonites interested.

Again this all depends if he learned from his last debate. Which I think he has.

He should lay out his arguments on paper, make bullet points, and lay out counter arguments he can address.

I believe in him.

I thought Roo was going to debate Vivek Chibber?

The same shit is the problem with most online political tests. They're idiots that still think in left vs right ways.


why don't you guys just debate among yourselves to practice. don't be stupid and practice. duh.

wow he is a complete retard

Wow good job picking on literal clueless retards, Holla Forums. Sargon will get his ass kicked but his lemmings will still claim he won.

Here comes the weeaboo ban evader that can't stop posting the same bait every few days. I wonder how many replies he'll gather this time.

muke will get his ass kicked (again).

Watch DemSoc01's videos on the Academic Agent, the guy's fucking Carl of Mossad tier


Muke: is a pretentious weeaboo that is not well read.
Bad mouse: maaah nigga!
Finish Bolshevik: well he is a tank his videos are torturously boring and he is a tankie tanks are full of shit.


FB is a dumb tankie but he's still more well-read than Muke and Badmouse together, which is actually pretty depressing.

Nope, even low energy spergs like Muke are capable of running circles on Quadroon of Mossad.

Please please PLEASE replace muke with someone intelligent.

that doesnt answer my question

He's a smart Hegel boy

He's got a point.
Badmouse was exactly like the people he is going to debate. He knows them more than anyone else there.

Badmouse will kickass and if the dude practices it will be rape.

A board lolcow with some knowledge of Hegel and Lacan. Discordfags seem to love him for some reason, but all I've ever seen him do is throw embarrassing tantrums here and on Reddit, like the time he tried to argue he was smarter than Einstein and Einstein's theories were incorrect and inferior to his. Here's an archive of him embarrassing himself and revealing that he actually hasn't read what he claims.

This here is false, by the way. Nobody 'turned' on him, he constantly sperged out, lied to seem smarter than he was, and threw tantrums when people called him out on his shit. His blog is full of "WHY LEFTYPOL IS VERY BAD!" because he's obsessed with how he can't fit in on the board.

doesn't matters how well read he is. although Hegel and all the Young Hegelians are good literature.
If the dude is socially retarded, shy, etc he isn't good at debates. Period.

He'd certainly perform better than Muke, I'd say.

This is going to be so fucking cringey. All debates between youtubers are, but this is going to be on a completely new level.

I have some faith in FinBol but I don't know.

Yeah, I'm guessing that people invested in the debate are going to take dumb cringy things that the 'other side' said and say "HAHA WE TOTALLY BTFO THEM!" while everyone else gazes on in disgust with a solid "Why?"

Please fuck off

I trust FinBol not to fuck this up. I've seen Muke debate before and it's generally been good. Plus, he's become gradually more well read since a few months ago. The one time BadMouse tried to debate someone, he got ass raped. If the topic of the USSR comes up, it would be wise to let FinBol take the lead, as he is by far the most knowledgeable. I am worried about BadMouse because of his last performance. Is this caution warranted or am I just weird about this?

BadMouse shrinks very easily and does not hold his ground, so you're right in being a bit concerned.

Link pls?
this is his blog

Should have asked Mexie tbh, she's a normal person without autism unlike the others and has a degree in polticial economy. Also I don't like how Muke thinks he is somehow the vanguard of the internet left now, and he gets creamed everytime he doesn't go for low-hanging fruits.

What rustles my jimmies more than the debaters though are that the topics seem to be entirely chosen by the opposing side, knowing the jargon academic agent cloaks himself in, they smell like they've been exclusively handpicked by him.

Mexie is on vacation anyway, I doubt she'd wanna waste her time debating illiterate fuccbois.

this is pretty exciting

regarding mexie if i wanted her to take my virginity how should i go about trying to persuade her?

Good luck, she's got a fit boyfriend.

Honestly if you want to get a laid by a leftist cutie you are off way better if you just join your local communist organization than on the internet where pretty chicks are not only rare but also being harassed constantly by thirsty dudes.

you have to finish capital all 3 volumes

I keep saying this too. Ex Worker is the shit, man. Although I've never seen him debate, but he seems to have a supreme grasp on political economy.

is her boifriend a leftist


Probably unless she pulled a Laci Green

How do I also become a famous e-communist?

just like any e-celeb but be a communist

they aren't alt-right they're just liberals

so just be a girl?

This is going to be like the reddit vs Holla Forums Tribes match.

Make retarded reaction videos to even more retarded right-wingers where you laugh at them.

Honestly there is only two paths, you either got to appeal to the IdPol SJW crowd or the anti-IdPol crowd, in both cases you almost become a reactionary but definitely get a decent following. And also, please lift, I'm sick and tired of all these twinks representing the left

okay unroo

whos laci green dating?

They're sympathizers. Alt-lite if it please you. They're the ones who'd willingly debate with lefties, and these lefties are the ones who'd willingly debate with the alt-right.

Pretty much. They're all a bunch of idiots, but our side doesn't have the experience with these "debates" that the others do, particularly Sargon. It's mostly a battle between keeping and losing your cool.

Chris Ray Gun of all fucking people.

moarliek christ REAGAN amirite xd

Really makes you think…

Funny thing is, sarcuck and some of the """"skeptic"""" community are the only leftists who are willing to debate the alt right. And they all lost in conspicuous ways, then set about retconning the whole thing on twitter and in solo videos.

Actually there were those leftists who lost to TRS.


So, six fools getting mad simultaneously shouting on top of one another on google hangouts?


This whole debate is a trap. NEVER debate after agreeing to be on the defensive the entire time. Propose counter questions, or else bring them up anyway during the debate or you will have lost because viewers subconsciously side with the person on the attack the entire time regardless of performance.

The skeptic community aren't leftists. Fuck off Holla Forums.

Playing defence in a political debate is always a loss, because they will gloss over good arguments you have and change the topic, while dwelling on any flaw they can find.

Their raison d'etre is equality. They may not be commies, but they most certainly are leftists.

Make sure you guys get to ask questions too


that's me playing leftypol

The fuck is wrong with you people(?) shilling for A.W. here?

A.W. is utter shit at rhetoric and logic and he virtually never talks about economics. And the one time he had a "debate" about economics on here he was a staunch anti-Marxist (with nothing to replace it with) and he claimed to have found circular thinking in a claim by an opponent. That opponent had said that some things are inputs in their own production and that in a world where means of production are privately owned and businesses have to pay for their inputs with the money they get from selling their stuff again and again, this continuous reproduction requires that prices, exchange ratios, have to be within certain ranges. But for A.W. that was all based on spontaneous personal feelz.

A.W has a fanbase of /r/socialism Redditors from when he was invited to that autistic Discord. - Posting this again to drive home the point that he has little clue of what he claims to be an expert in.

They deliberately chose FB because they know he is a tankie and thus will say "HOLODOMOR DID NOT HAPPEN" at some point. Apart from that, THIS GUN BE GUD.

Sargon and all of these literal semen-drinkers are moderate left-leaning liberals. Last time Holla Forums debated the actual FASCISTS from KulturKampf you got your shit wrecked, even your champion Xeroxy, who was a much better mass-debater than the sperg d-listers lineup you've prepared this time. With that said, my money is on team Holla Forums, Sargon is dumber than anyone from here, let alone the tankie autiste who actually knows his shit.

That's liberalism you fucking retard.

Wanting equality or expressing your belief that your policies will lead to equality does not make you a leftist. Not to mention that Sargon has expressed explicitly that inequality is actually preferable when it comes to economic outcomes (the topic of this debate), so the idea that his "raison d'etre is equality" is a farce. No one gives a fuck that you're dumb enough to buy into "I'm fighting for oppressed men in our society so therefore I'm for equality)

The alt-light neocons-in-disguise make up the majority of 4/pol/ and a rising proportion of 8/pol/. There is no notable fascist constituency anywhere, only zionists and neocons that say "nigger", and embarrassed free market idealists trying to shamelessly take advantage of the newest fad on the right.

Sargon will do what he always does - come up with some soundbyte, which is difficult to disagree with; then repeat that throughout the entire shitshow. He'll then run off to twitter to tell everyone he won, and make videos completely misrepresenting the views of his opposition. This is how he, and the """skeptics"" have conducted their 'debates' with the 'alt-right'.

They were still, conspicuously, the losers, though. That probably won't happen this time because commies are so effeminate that they would get handled by five year olds.

You are such a retard.

t. reddit newfag that missed the shitstorm when it happened

He seems to be cozying up to marxist for whatever reason lately, then.
He's been quoting him lately.

You're confusing liberalism with right wing sentiment tbh. It's because you're very, very stupid. Don't worry….we can't all be bright.

Yes it does.

The main difference between traitors like you and traitors like sarcuck, is that you are more autistic: thus you actually think you can force circumstances upon people that will level out their success in life - thus rendering everyone 'equal'.


finnishbolshevik is a tankie of the people

god speed

He's making fun of the fact that "Xeroxy" is one of the people in this lineup you dipshit.

Liberalism is right wing you fucking idiot. It takes the present system as fundamentally OK but with possible improvements. Leftism rejects the current system.

If half of your argument is "hurr ur dumb" then I would probably be more cautious before speaking. Yes, the left/right dichotomy is anti/pro hierarchy. No, that doesn't mean that simply professing yourself to be pro-equality makes you a leftist, and half of my post was disputing the very fact that Sargon is even rhetorically pro-equality or critical of economic hierarchy in any way.

And no, liberalism is not left wing. You're either a burger or mentally deficient (but I repeat myself) for making such a claim.

well that's true, you don't have to be a tankie to see the truth

The image contradicts your point, lad. 'Social liberalism' is what any non-autist means by 'liberalism' today, as it is the form, which is utterly ubiquitous (before you get all autistic and pedantic, actually think about who comes to mind when the word 'liberal' is said). It is, by your own admission (by posting this wall of text) left wing.

Nice work.

(Sarcuck is a social liberal btw)

(So's your 'b-b-based' waifu: )

At long last: a woman standing up for progressive politics! Well someone had to. Very brave. Very insightful. Can't wait for the revolution to kick off tbh.

liberalism is a centrist position, which can vary from left leaning centrism (New Deal/Pre-Reagan Democrats) to right leaning centrism (Classical Liberalism)

i would also say there's a difference between hardline soc dems (like corbyn) and social liberals (like sargon)

Nobody's going to buy this bullshit. That kind of reformism functions to stabilize capitalism. Unlike leftist reformism, there is no hypothetical scenario where it leads to a system other than capitalism.

Muke is a fucking suck up indeed, guy has no convictions. He's just in it for the "memes" like every other retarded kid.

To basically everyone in the west, 'liberal' means 'social liberal', which means 'progressive' (which means leftist). You can argue against the correctitude of the majority, but you'd be missing the point.

Not at all, unless your contention is that the political spectrum today remains the same as it did under monarchic rule. It even goes into detail of precisely why, outside of the US, it's used more for right or center-right policies that derive their ideas from classical liberalism.

Sargoy is absolutely a liberal and a proponent of Hayek's economic policies. These positions are considered center-right today.

No, social policy does not dictate your position on the left-right political spectrum unless you're an SJW. Fighting for "progressive social policy" is fine insofar as governments can often enforce the social hierarchies social progressives profess to be fighting and then utilize those hierarchies to exacerbate economic divisions, but on its own you're not a leftist because you're ok with gay marriage.

Here in France we say "liberal" to talk about right wing economics.

That's because you're not a fucking retard. "Economic liberalism" = anti-regulation and free market idealism. These people basically think that Ron Paul is a left winger as long as he attends a gay wedding or two.

Here in literally anywhere but America 'liberal' means right wing economics.

That's what literally anyone outside of your echo chamber (and France, by the looks of it) would take 'liberal' to mean.

Are you honestly suggesting that the words 'liberal' and 'progressive' are not synonym to the supermajority of the population of the west (or at least the anglosphere)?
Is this what naval gazing does?


This is how dumb you are.

Why do I get the feeling that this is going to be an oh-so-polite affair where Sargon is taken sincerely? He's a Garbage person, he doesn't deserve that. Go on the offensive and fucking humiliate the right wing twat.

Economic liberalism = right libertarianism = right wing. We disagree that liberalism is left wing, not that the people you're discussing are liberal. How are you this fucking confused?


What you're all doing btw, is absolutely typical of the left: dismiss social politics in order to retain some semblance of being the underdog (when all such politics are profoundly left wing, and utterly ubiquitous in the west).

Actually Merkel is anti-gay marriage. Not that this guy probably doesn't think she's a socialist anyway because "muh EU" (one of the largest explicitly capitalist orgs in the world is now socialist of course)

Nigga you're doing the same shit you're describing right now

Lol no

Finnish Bolshevik is going to go full tankie.
Muke is going to admit to not being read enough on a subject.
BadMouse is going to get caught on idpol by Sargon.
One or both of Sargon's buddies is going to say something shockingly horrible, and Sargon is going to barely react to it and maybe even defend them when our guys get upset.

Someone will ragequit, probably Finnish Bolshevik.


Imagine my shock.

Not even sure what your point is. That the progressive politics that all leftists espouse are backwards, contrary to reality and designed to ensure you continue shilling for globalism and globalist institutions as the useful idiots you always have been? I agree.

Anyway….a question for the autistic denizens of this board: was Hitler left wing or right wing?

wouldn't this mean that hitler's anticapitalist rhetoric and state meddling in the market places him on the left?
inb4 the nazis = capitalists infopics:
yes, I know and I agree, but there are other statistics as well, that show how much government controled the economy and shit and for most people gubmint kuhntroul = left

At what point did I dismiss social politics?


Then you disagree with the prevailing opinion (which, on the matter of words - does matter - particularly political buzzwords), which is that a 'liberal' is a progressive, who will literally always self-identify as being left wing.

I just realized this retard sperging out ITT is exactly how the debate is gonna go

He’s the right-wing version of Richerd Wolff, but MUCH worse.

this is how we know you're retarded
you could just tattoo this on your forehead for all your conversations and save yourself and everyone else talking to you a lot of time

Keep on believing the FBI is leftist though

Sorry, I misread what he said.

There are no prevailing political/economic theorists who would disagree with my statement here. Your friends in uni and your drunk uncle don't matter.

thanks for saving me the time then. the rest of your post about how "govt control = anti-capitalism" doesn't bare out so there is no other side to this, as I reject the idiocy of "most people" as you say.

He's an insane person who knows that sort of trick people use at TED talks where they speak a certain way and idiots think they're profound. Vid extremely related.

when is the happenings?

The sense in which you are using it is both niche and archaic.

And yet you view all humans as equal, and believe where evidence contradicts this sentiment the state should intervene.

Yes it is.

Big business wants women in work: you cuck out and claim they're oppressed and must work.
Big business wants cheap labour: you cuck out and shill for the importation of foreigners
Big business wants pesky nations dissolved: you cuck out and shill for the importation of foreigners and the constant critique of all philosophical structures supporting the nation

The FBI is internationalist. All leftists are useful idiots for internationalists. The article you posted bolsters this point. The only opposition to internationalism (an umbrella you all fall under: along with all of the west's bureaucracies, all of big business, all of the media, all of wall street, all of academia etc) is nationalism. You live in the service of those who wish to control the planet in perpetuity.

Anyway, enjoy being traitors for as long as demography allows it, you deluded little marionettes.

The first victory is psychological, i.e. bully the shit out of rhino man

marx didn't even think this


You've literally blocked me on twitter you fucking retard. How do you expect me to have any idea what happened between you and some guy I don't follow?

I was just invited after apparntly TAA couldn't find any Socialists. How you think that makes things have anything to do with you is beyound me.

Now go back to being a liberal.

Oh shit! The girls are fighting!


Did you even look at Academic Agent's YouTube channel?

So yes, the questions were directed at me and Finn Bol, you sniveling moron.

Also, don't fuck up like you usually do, your hero Sargon will be there after all.

just remember based cockshott when they talk about central planning

Oh Esoteric

if finnishbolshevik was replaced with unroo this would be an amazing debate

Speaking of Esoteric Entity.

BadMouse just released a pretty good video:
Calculating Capitalism's Death Toll

He says whilst slobbering over Sargon's jackboots and kissing up to that guyT.


hold up.

Are you supprised?
Muke and Sargon of swindon are fuck buddies now.

The reason he wants Bad Mouse with him is because he's a e-celeb he worshiped before he became an eceleb. Its why Eastern marxist and Demsoc got kicked out.

also, try to get last question. People tend to remember mostly beginning and ending of lecture/move/debate…, so pick something which will penetrate ideology easily

yes, it is not. Try to find one western, non-english speaking country where people do not refer to liberals at worst as centrists.

yes, anglosphere is cucked.

To be fair, I never said that i would join the debate. But I do agree that "muke" is a bootlicking buffoon who is willing to attack socialists but turn blind eye to Pinochet supporters like ThatGuyT.

I would rather talk to a socialist with one hundred( or less) subs than a Pinochet supporter with a millions subs. Can we say the same about Muke?

Its because he wants to be popular. ThatGuyT and Sargon of akkad are the "incrowd". He'll sell anyone down the river aslong as he can become popular

So when is this debate going down?


Yep, all the trash decided to contact academic agent when they learned that we had attacked his pseudo intellectualism.


anyone remember the debate sargon had with a feminist where he kept speaking over her and she had to mute him to get her point across

He's one of the least sectarian youtubers wtf.

HA! You must be joking. How is he anti sectarian? By kissing up to Sargon and ThatguyT??? He is going to embarrass us all.

He already does embarrass us all. I don't think my opinion of him could drop any further

how are these related




10 or 11pm British Standard Time



Just don't stuff up like you usually do. I will be watching.

Who's hosting? Sargon, I would guess right? This is his livestream channel.

Made me think